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  • Sandberg, Matias (2023)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli koota yhteen opettajien sekä oppilaiden kokemuksia koulutuksen digitalisaatiosta. Yhteiskunnan teknologinen kehitys on muokannut muiden arkielämän osa-alueiden tapaan myös koulutuksen luonnetta, tarjoten samalla uusia opettamis- ja oppimistapoja. Useat eri hallinnot ovat pyrkineet luomaan erilaisia koulutuksen digitalisaatioon liittyviä tavoitteita sekä linjauksia, joiden tarkoituksena on tehdä teknologian integroinnista tehokkaampaa. Koska opettajat ja oppilaat ovat keskeisessä roolissa koulujen toiminnassa, kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin näiden kahden ryhmän kokemuksiin ja näkökulmiin. Tutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta, ja siinä hyödynnettiin sekä suomalaista että kansainvälistä tutkimuskirjallisuutta. Löydetyt tulokset jaoteltiin niiden sopivuuden mukaan opettajien ja oppilaiden positiivisiin sekä negatiivisiin kokemuksiin. Aineiston keruussa hyödynnettiin erityisesti hakusanoja ’’digitalization of education’’, ’’information and communication technology’’ ja ’’digitalisaatio’’. Hakusanoilla löytyi niin suomenkielistä kuin kansainvälistä tutkimuskirjallisuutta. Opettajien ja oppilaiden asenteet koulutuksen digitalisaatiota kohtaan olivat pääosin positiivisia, mutta opettajien kokema pätevyyden puute nousi yhdeksi suurimmista esteistä digitalisaation etenemiselle. Opettajien kokemia merkittäviä ongelmakohtia olivat pätevyyteen vaikuttava koulutuksen puute sekä laiteresurssien riittämättömyys ja epätasainen jakautuminen. Oppilaiden negatiiviset kokemukset nousivat esille lähinnä etäopiskelun yhteydessä. Teknologian hyödyntämisestä oli kuitenkin opettajien ja oppilaiden kokemusten mukaan myös paljon hyötyä esimerkiksi opetuksen monipuolisuuden, eriyttämisen sekä tehokkuuden lisäämisen näkökulmista. Myös kommunikaation helpottuminen nähtiin digitalisoitumisen suurena hyötynä. Koulutuksesta vastaavien tahojen tulisi digitalisaation tehokkuuden varmistamiseksi huomioida opettajien esiin nostamia haasteita lisäkoulutukseen ja resursseihin liittyen, samalla tukien oppilaiden oppimisprosesseja sekä kehitystä.
  • Ijäs, Anni (2019)
    Creativity is highly valued in the world of education and developing children's creative skills is considered important. This is reflected, for an example, in the early learning plan (finnish “varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet”) and in the national core curriculum (finnish “perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet”). The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers (early education teachers and primary school teachers) perceive creative children and creative process. The research is carried out as a qualitative theory-based content analysis and the research material is based on three Finnish master's theses. One master's thesis examines the views of early childhood educators on creativity, the second on the perceptions of early childhood educators and primary school teachers, and the third is solely about the perceptions of primary school teachers. Early childhood education teachers perceptions and primary school teachers perceptions on creativity have been considered separately and as a whole. The study revealed that both early education teachers and primary school teachers think that a creative child is insightful, enthusiastic, interested, determined, distinctive, free and brave. Creative children have the courage to think outside the box and do things their own way, even against the rules. Creative children are intelligent, have a good imagination, come up with solutions to problems, know how to identify problems and give new meanings to things. Creative children have knowledge and skills of the field that they are creative in, they are gifted, artistically talented and rich in ideas. Teachers recognized the stages of the creative process and other factors related to the process. They think that creative process can be the result of a brainstorm or a new idea, and that the beginning of the creative process can be preceded by a chaotic state. The communal aspect of a creative process was particularly present in the primary school teachers comments and the early education teachers comments included clear stages of the creative process. Teachers believe that an adult plays a significant role in the generation of children's flow experiences. Teachers play a key role in the development of children's creativity and through their perceptions, one can increase understanding of how well the early education or school environment supports children's creativity. Finding out the teacher's perceptions provides a good starting point for further research to find out, for example, how well teachers' daily activities with children support the development of children's creativity.
  • Peltonen, Annina (2017)
    The purpose of this thesis is to chart teachers' experiences concerning job burnout and the role of social support in gaining well-being at work. The theoretical base of this study is in Maslach's, Schaufeli's and Leiter's (2001) research on job burnout and in House's (1981) and Cohen's and Wills's (1985) research on social support. Burnout of teachers appears to be a special phenomenon compared to other occupations, which is due to the nature of the teachers' job. My research questions are as follows: 1. How does job burnout appear on teachers' speech and stories? 2. How does social support appear in teachers' work in relation to job burnout and what kind of forms of social support have they experienced and would like to experience? 3. How are teachers' stories and their collective memory about job burnout and social support reflected in the data? I collected the data through a narrative interview in a focus group. The group consisted of seven teachers. I analysed the data through content analysis and narrative analysis. The teachers described their experiences of job-related rush and burnout. They felt that their burnout was increased by the lack of superior support and by role conflicts. In contrast, the support from their superior and their peers helped them to gain well-being at their work. In the narrative analysis, it appeared that their experiences of burnout were collective and their stories about job burnout were based on collective memory. Social support appears to be carnivalistic according to Bakhtin (1979). In the carnival, people can free themselves from society's norms and the boundaries between the roles are blurred. As a conclusion, I can state that job burnout is a common problem among teachers and social support helps them to gain well-being at their work. For teachers, it is important that there is support at hand. It would be important to intervene at an early stage of job burnout before it becomes severe.
  • Vuorikko, Salla (2016)
    Objectives Teachers experience a lot of stress, and their work has become increasingly demanding, which may contribute to depression. It has been reported that teachers’ depressive symptoms impair the quality of teaching. The literature reviewed here considers both major and minor depression. The purpose of this paper is to review teachers’ occupational risks for depression, their prevalence of depression and how depression affects the quality of teaching. Prevention of depression and enhancement of occupational well-being are also briefly discussed. Methods The literature was mainly selected from scientific article databases. Also reports from the Finnish National Board of Education and the Finnish Institution of Occupational Health were included. Results and conclusions Work load, burnout, insecure working environment and lack of social support at work increase the risk for teacher depression. Research results suggesting that teachers have worse mental health than other professionals are not conclusive. Teacher’s depression impair classroom-learning environment, thus making learning more difficult. Depression can be prevented by reducing stress or by increasing resources. More uniform research methodology is needed to get comparable findings about teachers’ depression.
  • Seppälä, Jasmin (2020)
    The purpose of the study is to understand, describe and analyze the factors related to the experience of mean-ingfulness in context of the work of teachers, that is, both the factors positively related to experience and those that threaten the experience. In addition, the aim of the study is to find out how the experience of meaningful-ness in work is related to the interviewees' attitudes towards factors influencing well-being factors at work. Teachers' well-being at work has decreased over the last few years, the number of hours worked have increased and the stress experienced is more than in other industries on average. Nonetheless, the work is perceived to be mainly meaningful. Particularly interesting is what factors are associated with the teachers' experience of mean-ingfulness in work and whether the experience of meaningfulness is positively associated on teachers' attitudes toward resources of well-being at work. The research is based on next theories: meaningfulness in work, the resource-based well-being model and the three-component model of attitudes. The most essential of these is the experience of meaningfulness in work, which in this study consists of three dimensions: significance, purpose and meaning, including experience of coherence. The study is phenomenologically hermeneutic in nature and consists of four semi-structured interviews of el-ementary school teachers on meaningfulness in work and the meaning of experience in attitudes towards well-being at work. From the results of the research can be concluded that the experience of meaningfulness of work is strongly in-tertwined with student encounters. In addition, the results show that experience of meaningful work is im-portant for teachers' work motivation and desired work attitudes. It is important that teachers are given the conditions to experience the meaning of the work by providing sufficient resources so that they have time for the core task of meeting, educating and teaching students.
  • Lahtinen, Noora (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kanditutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella peruskouluopettajien työuupumista ja työstressiä mediadiskurssina Opettaja-lehdissä vuosina 2016-2019. Laadullisella tutkimuksella pyritään selvittämään, mitä syitä opettajien työuupumiseen ja -stressiin liitetään Opetusalan ammattijärjestön (OAJ) jäsenlehden artikkeleissa. Tutkimus perustuu Karasekin (1992) työstressimalliin ja Maslachin, Schaufelin ja Leiterin (2001) työuupumisen kolmen ulottuvuuden teoriaan. Tutkimuksessa otetaan huomioon median merkitys viestinnän välineenä ja sosiaalisen todellisuuden tuottajana. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodostaa Suomessa 2010-luvulla toteutetut peruskoulun opettajien työoloihin liittyvät tutkimukset. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli 88 Opettaja-lehteä vuosilta 2016-2019. Aineiston rajaus tapahtui etsien aineistosta opettajien työuupumiseen ja -stressiin liittyviä artikkeleita tietyillä hakuyksiköillä. Artikkelin tuli sisältää vastaus tutkimuskysymykseen ”Mitä syitä opetta-jien työuupumukseen ja työstressiin liitetään Opettaja-lehden artikkeleissa vuosina 2016-2019?” Lopulliseen tarkasteluun päätyi 18 artikkelia, jotka analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla. Analyysissa käytettiin Milesin ja Hubermanin (1994) teemoittelun menetelmää, joiden mukaan tulokset kategorisoitiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksista muodostettiin neljä kategoriaa, joita olivat henkilökohtainen hyvinvointi, työn määrä, oppilaat sekä vuorovaikutuksen haasteet. Henkilökohtaiseen hyvinvointiin sisältyi opettajan mielenterveydelliset haasteet, masennus, unettomuus sekä sisäilmaongelmista aiheutuneet terveyshaitat. Työn määrän koettiin lisääntyneen kouluun kohdistuvien muutoksien ja resurssien puutteen myötä. Oppilaiden omat haasteet, kasvavat ryhmäkoot ja erityisoppilaat yleisopetuksessa kuormittivat opettajia. Työyhteisön, esimiehen ja vanhempien kanssa esiintyvät vuorovaikutuksen haasteet aiheuttivat uupumusta. Syitä opettajien työuupumiselle ja -stressille löytyi useita, mikä saattaa vahvistaa aiempaa tutkimustietoa yksilöllisistä uupumisen ja stressin kokemuksista. Tutkimus kokoaa ajankohtaista tietoa opettajia kuormittavista tekijöistä sekä mahdollistaa siten vaikuttamisen opettajien työoloihin ja -hyvinvointiin.
  • Peräkylä, Henna (2020)
    The aim of this study was to investigate from what a warm student-teacher relationship consists of and how this relationship is meaningful to a pupil’s life path. Earlier studies have shown that pedagogical relationship is much more than just a way to get an education for a child. It is a life experience which an individual carries with them possibly for the rest of their life. Therefore, it is important that the relationship is seen as positive. This study aims to describe, analyze and interpret these warm pedagogical relationships through narrative research on participants’ memories of their teachers. The study asks what kind of warm memories the participants have of their teachers and how these memories have influenced participants life paths. Research data consisted of semi-structured interviews of five university students. The participated students were approximately 20 to 30 years old and all represented different field of study. Semi-structured interview was constructed based on earlier research and it consisted of three themes: dialogue, pedagogical love and pedagogical authority. This study was qualitative, and the data was analyzed by using content analysis, coding and thematizing. The results show clearly, how meaningful the teacher’s role is in a pupil’s life and how the teacher can affect a child’s life even after the school years. Teachers that stayed in university students’ memories, were seen very similar compared to each other. The studied themes appeared in their pedagogical interactions through eight different subthemes. Participants also experienced that these teachers gave them a lot of skills to use even after the school years. University students noted that they had received tools for working life from their teachers, and teachers had also affected their carrier choices and broadened their worldviews. There results can be utilized by raising the educators’ awareness about this subject and also as a guide on how to create warm interaction in classrooms.
  • Härmälä, Kennet (2013)
    Visstidsanställningar har sedan 80-talet blivit allt vanligare på den finländska arbetsmarknaden. Denna avhandling har som syfte att undersöka sambandet mellan tidsbundna arbetsavtal och arbetstagares hälsa. Forskningen om visstidsanställningar har under 90- och 2000-talet ofta utgått från att tidsbundna arbetsavtal är skadliga för arbetstagares hälsa. Men resultaten av dessa studier har varit motstridiga och inget entydigt samband har påvisats. Wayne Lewchuks m.fl. (2008) koncept anställningspress är ett försök att belysa och klargöra de mekanismer genom vilka visstidsanställningar påverkar arbetstagares hälsa. Enligt anställningspressmodellen är det arbetstagare med hög anställningspress som utsätts för den största hälsorisken vid visstidsanställningar. Dessa arbetstagare upplever stor osäkerhet gällande sin framtida arbetssituation (anställningsförhållandets osäkerhet) och anstränger sig samtidigt hårt för sin fortsatta anställning (anspänning för anställningsförhållandet). I denna avhandling replikeras en enkätundersökning av Wayne Lewchuk m.fl. (2008), som ligger som grund för anställningspressmodellen. Den stöd arbetstagare får från sin omgivning (stöd för anställningsförhållandet) dämpar enligt modellen anställningspressens negativa hälsoeffekter. I Lewchuks m.fl. undersökning skapades anställningspressmodellen på basis av en explorativ faktoranalys. För denna avhandling gjordes en enkätundersökning bland lärare med ett sampel på 233 respondenter. Avhandlingens första hypotes (1) är att de faktorer som ligger till grund för anställningspressmodellen kan återfinnas i den finländska undersökningen. Denna hypotes fick endast delvis stöd. Den andra hypotesen (2) i avhandlingen är att anställningspress har ett negativt samband med arbetstagares hälsa och detta är beroende av både anställningsförhållandets osäkerhet och anspänning för anställningsförhållandet. Hypotesen prövades med lineär regressionsanalys och stöddes av resultaten. Avhandlingens tredje hypotes (3) är att stöd för anställningsförhållandet har ett positivt samband med arbetstagares hälsa, med undantag för arbetstagare med hög anställningspress. Denna hypotes testades genom regressionsanalys och stöddes delvis. Den fjärde (4) hypotesen i avhandlingen är att stöd för anställningsförhållandet modererar sambandet mellan anställningspress och arbetstagares hälsa. Denna hypotes prövades genom regressionsanalys med en interaktionsterm och förkastades. Resultaten visar att hälsan hos de arbetstagare som anstränger sig hårdast för forstatt anställning påverkas mest negativt av otrygga anställningsförhållanden.
  • Mäenpää, Emma (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Digitalisaatio näkyy yhteiskunnassa kaikkialla. Koulumaailma ei toimi tyhjiössä ja myös kouluissa pyritään vastaamaan tietojen ja taitojen tarpeeseen, jonka digitaalinen maailma lapsille ja nuorille luo. Parhaimmillaan digitaaliset toimintatavat helpottavat opettajien arkea ja samalla tutustuttavat koululaisia teknologian käyttöön ja mahdollisuuksiin. Millaista on osaaminen jota, opettajat tarvitsevat 2020-luvun koulumaailmassa, kun opetukseen on mahdollista lisätä digitaalinen ulottuvuus? Opettajien digipedagogisen osaamisen kuvausten kartoittamiseksi tämä tutkielma kokoaa tietoa 2020-luvulla julkaistuista opetuksen digitaalisuutta ja opettajien digipedagogista osaamista käsittelevistä tutkimuksista. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineiston muodosti yksitoista vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia, joissa kaikissa kartoitettiin opettajien osaamista suhteessa digitaalisuuteen ja teknologian käyttöön opetuksessa. Aineisto kerättiin kahdesta eri tietokannasta (Web of Science ja Scopus). Aineistoa haettiin hakulausekkeella teachers AND digit* AND pedagogic* AND (competence OR skills) AND ((basic OR preliminary OR elementary OR comprehensive) AND school). Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin luokittelemalla aiemmassa tutkimuksessa luodun TPACK-mallin (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) mukaisiin osa-alueisiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Peruskoulun opettajien digitaalinen osaaminen oli tutkielman aineistossa vaihtelevaa, mutta merkittäviä aukkoja itse digi- ja teknologiaosaamisessa ei voitu havaita. Opettajien oman arvion mukaan digi- ja teknoogiaosaaminen on keskivertoa, mutta riittävää. Suurimmat haasteet opettajien digipedagogisessa osaamisessa liittyivät teknologian käyttöön pedagogisesti mielekkäällä tavalla. Opettajien teknologian käyttö oli paikoittain yksipuolista ja ohjasi oppijoita passiiviseen oppimiseen. Opettajien digipedagogiseen osaamiseen liittyvä täydennyskoulutus ja osaamisen kehittämien koettiin tarpeelliseksi.
  • Jormanainen, Emmi (2017)
    Aims. The City of Helsinki is developing the education of newly arrived immigrants towards inclusion of pupils in basic education in spite of separate reception classrooms. The aim of this study was to find out, how teachers define the concept of inclusion in relation to the instruction preparing for basic education. Moreover, the study was interested in teachers’ experiences and expectations of this inclusive model. The aim was to find out about the kind of support teachers need when teaching newly arrived migrant pupils. Based on this study it is possible to develop preparatory education as well as further professional training to provide the appropriate support for teachers. Methods. The research was conducted through two group-interviews with six teachers altogether. The teachers worked as class teachers or subject teachers in two different schools. The inclusive model was put into practice in one of the two schools. In addition, the aims of the preparatory education in the City of Helsinki were established from an interview with a specialist from the Educational Department. The data of this study was analysed by means of qualitative content analysis and actantial analysis. Results and conclusions. The interviewees considered inclusion as responding to the aims of education and the changing social fabric in Finland. They believed the inclusive model to be an ethical way to teach newly arrived migrant pupils, as the model enables participation in the classroom and school community better than the separate reception classroom does. However, poor knowledge of Finnish was regarded as the most challenging factor affecting the activity of these pupils. Further practical guidance as well as clearer goals for education of newly arrived immigrants and teacher’s role in it were required. Teachers also wished for sufficient resources and new kind of school structures to enable more efficient collaboration with colleagues and teaching assistants. Based on the results of this study it is possible to develop guidance and support for teachers to teach newly arrived migrant children in basic education. Moreover, the resources can be targeted to promoting teachers’ know-how and positive attitude to support the participation and learning of newly arrived immigrants.
  • Westman, Anna (2022)
    The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to describe and understand the memories and perceptions of warm interaction of teacher students studying early childhood education. Previous educational philosophy studies have shown that the relationships between the one-caring and cared-for and caring itself have an impact on the development of warm interaction. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on Simo Skinnari’s perception of pedagogical love, Nel Nodding’s theory of ethics of care and Martin Buber’s theory of the conditions of dialogue supplemented by Veli-Matti Värri. The aim of this study is to foster deeper deliberation considering one’s own educational ideals and ways of acting in working life. The data was collected in quite free-structured one-on-one interviews that also make use of oral history research. Five students from the University of Helsinki participated in the study in September 2021. The research was qualitative, and both hermeneutic and thematic methodology were applied in the analysis. The results of this study show that developing the conditions of dialogue in I-Thou relationship between one-caring and cared-for is supported by understanding the other with sensitivity, recognizing and responding to the needs of the other, and a desire to see the uniqueness of the other. In addition, considering one’s own perceptions of education and work practices helps to improve professional skills. In summary, dialogue in interaction supports the emergence of warm interactions. The results of this study can be used in further research related to interaction.
  • Korhonen, Maikki (2015)
    Objectives. This study examined the associations between temperament traits as defined by Cloninger’s psychobiological theory of personality (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence and persistence) and class teachers’ depression. Depression in varying severity grade is a huge public health problem and causes sick leaves, disability pensions, and changing one’s careers. Teachers’ depressive symptoms have been shown to have an influence also on the pupils’ ability to learn and even their future. Teachers’ profession has proven to be among the hardest and stress prone. The work demands a lot of emotional procession and interactions. This is often combined with too heavy workload and too short time to recover. One way to be able to intervene and prevent depression is to search factors that increase the risk of or protect individuals from depression. The research has found individual differences in temperament traits to be this kind of factors. There has still been very little research on temperament traits and depression in teacher populations. Methods. The data used were from a pilot study, the collection of which started during the spring 2013. Schools from the metropolitan area of Finland were randomized. First grade class teachers (classes 1.-6.) in these schools received questionnaires. 54 teachers took part in this research, 49 of them were women and 5 men. They were 44 years old on average and they had 18 years of education on average. Temperament was measured using Cloninger’s TCI-questionnaire ((Temperament and Character Inventory). The amount and intensity of depressive symptoms were measured using BDI-II inventory (Beck Depression Inventory II). Results and conclusions. The results showed that high harm avoidance predicted more depressive symptoms among class teachers, which gave support to previous research. The results showed also that persistence predicted more depressive symptoms, which brought new information to research field. Besides the working conditions it would be important to take in to consideration also teachers’ individual characters when driving to prevent depression and promote the well-being of teachers.
  • Tammi, Pauliina (2019)
    In this Bachelor's thesis, I examine workplace bullying, its causes and consequences and how it appears in the well-being of Finnish teachers. According to the Finnish educational trade union OAJ (2018) the well-being of teachers has in recent years dropped significantly and one of the crucial factors is the prevalence of the experiences of inappropriate treatment and bullying. The phenomenon of bullying at workplaces has been studied in the Nordic countries for a few decades, but the problem still affects many Finnish workplace. Workplace bullying reduces the well-being of the employees and work efficiency, thus causing costs for the individual and the organization. According to the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (2016) about 35% of employees are experiencing or witnessing workplace bullying in Finland. The phenomenon can occur at any workplace regardless of occupation, age, gender or status. The bully can also be any member of the work community; a colleague, supervisor, subordinate. According to most definitions bullying at work appears in the long run as an systematic, inappropriate and negative behaviour by one or more members of the work community against to the victim who becomes defenseless in the situation. However the definition of workplace bullying is not unambiguous as experiences are very subjective and context-related. Based on the material I used in this literature review, the workplace bullying among teachers appears in similar way with workers in other fields. The causes of workplace bullying can be caused by both individual and structural factors. The most common reasons of workplace bullying is the difference between the victim and the bully, the jealousy of the bully, work-related haste and stress, lack of resources, poor leadership, and the culture of the workplace. Workplace bullying is most often manifested as social isolation and discrimination, slander and disparagement of one’s professional skills. Workplace bullying almost invariably causes physical and psychological symptoms to the victims. The most symptoms are depression, self-esteem problems, suspicion of one's own skill, persistent sick leave, and dissatisfaction with work. Although the subject has been studied for a relatively long time and solutions have been developed from legislation to training, still nothing permanent has yet been done to eliminate the phenomenon.
  • Virta, Henna (2017)
    Majority of Finnish youth use social media several hours every day. Because social media usage is common among students, teachers should be aware of the positive and negative effects it may have. The purpose of this study is to address these effects from the aspect of mental health by considering positive effects that using social media has on mental health. Additionally, this study aims to clarify the role teachers have as a part of mental health promotion conducted at schools in Finland. The aspect of mental health is valuable in school context, as about 15 to 25 percent of Finnish youth aged 12 to 22 show symptoms of mental disorders. Promoting the well being of all students is also an important part of Finnish education system. This study was conducted as a descriptive literature review in a time period from January to March 2017. Databases concerning behavioral sciences, health sciences and medical sciences were used to conduct the study. The literacy which was chosen to be part of this study was grouped in themes according to the protective factors of mental health. Teachers’ role in mental health promotion formed its own theme group. In addition, important part of this literature re-view is defining social media and mental health precisely. These definitions were used while screening the literature. As a result of this literature review it can be said that social media has various positive effects on mental health. Using social media effected positively on how accepted individuals felt themselves, how well they were able to build, maintain and terminate relationships, how much opportunities of self-expression they had and how their self-esteem was developing. The positive effects of using social media also included social support, experiencing equality and experiencing possibilities to be heard and to have an influence on their own surroundings. On teachers’ role in mental health promotion it was stated that teachers’ most important function is to enable learning for all students. Also their role in noticing and interfering in alarming situations, teaching socio-emotional skills and acting as a part of multi-professional workgroup is significant in the aspect of mental health promotion in schools.
  • Manninen, Ursula (2018)
    Teacher’s wellbeing at work has been studied a lot and research has shown that teachers’ occupational wellbeing is better than employees’ in other professions. However, teachers have been found to experience more stress than those who work in other professions. Many occupational wellbeing studies have found five factors that affect wellbeing at work. These factors are organization, management, work community, work, and the individual and his or her characteristics and interpretation of his or her own workplace. The purpose of this thesis is to find out what kind of factors increase and burden teachers' occupational wellbeing. The aim is also to examine if I could find the five factors that Manka has mentioned in her studies in this material or are there some other factors that affect wellbeing at work but are not in this model of occupational wellbeing. Research questions were: ”What kind of factors have been found to affect teachers’ wellbeing at work?” and ”How well does the Manka's well-being model reflect the factors affecting the wellbeing of teachers in this thesis?”. Research method was a systematic literature review and the material used in this thesis was gathered from Helsinki University Library’s search engine called Finna using various search terms. The thesis was limited to the recent studies about Finnish teachers in kindergartens, schools and adult education institutions. In this thesis, the most recent studies were limited to the years 2015−2018. The search engine showed 159 searches but only the most relevant articles were considered. In the end there were 18 relevant studies. The most prominent factors that increase teachers’ occupational wellbeing were communality and the sense of belonging. These were found to help people understand and trust each other, and to promote the teacher's sense of self-efficacy. The interaction between students and teachers could have a negative effect on teachers' well-being at work if teachers had distant relationships with their students. Distant relationships were more likely related to teacher’s burnout experiences. Workplace bullying was found to be more common in Finland than in other European countries. Bullying caused harm to the harassed person and to the workplace, for example through mental disorders, increased absenteeism, and rising sickness costs. The material used in this thesis matched only partially up to the general occupational well-being model. The impact of the work community was most clearly seen as a factor affecting well-being at work. Management, organization and the employee itself were found to have factors that influenced on well-being at work but the impact of the work did not appear in this material at all.
  • Kurittu, Helka (2018)
    Previous research has shown that teachers’ bullying experiences have affected their well-being at work. These experiences have also been connected to physical and emotional violence. I am studying teachers’ experiences of students’ negative behaviour and the relation between teacher’s authority and experiences of being bullied. Based on previous literature, my assumption was that these experiences would have a negative effect on teachers’ well-being at work. I also assumed that if the teacher’s authority weakens, it will reflect on one’s experiences of being bullied. Material was collected by an e-form, which had one open question. Through this open question, teachers had the opportunity to describe their experiences and bring forth aspects that had caused negative emotions at their workplace. Four complete answers were gathered and utilized within a material-based content analysis. Aspects that were related to the research questions or the chosen concepts were picked out and used in the analysis. The results indicate that almost all teachers experienced the bullying directed towards them as negative. Almost every teacher described emotional violence that had appeared in a verbal form. Physical violence was not mentioned. Teacher’s authority was also left unmentioned so conclusions of its implications to bullying cannot be made. Teachers did not experience the events having a negative influence on their wellbeing at work, but instead mentioned considering a break from work. These results could be used in future research or to educate teachers about the challenges of teacher’s job.