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  • Perkkiö, Tiia (2016)
    Finnish schools will start using a new curriculum in the fall of 2016. The national core curriculum was published in 2014, municipalities and schools are renewing their local curricula as we speak. The curriculum is renewed in terms of its value basis, core contents and lesson-hour distribution. The curriculum reform also has an impact on teachers. They are expected to renew their teaching methods as well as their roles as teachers. This research examined how the curriculum reform affects teachers. Is teachership going to change due to the cur-riculum reform? This research was a qualitative research. I did theme interviews on four teachers and one headmaster for this research. I wanted to find out their thoughts about the curriculum reform and of their teachership as the new curriculum comes into effect in the fall. I interviewed two teachers and the headmaster singly and two teachers as a group interview. Those two teachers worked together as a teaching-pair so it was logical for them to answer the ques-tions together. After the interviews the data was analyzed by using inductive qualitative anal-ysis. All of the teachers I interviewed were familiar with the new curriculum at some level. Most of the teachers had even taken part in the curriculum reform process in their schools. Intervi-eewes 1, 2 and 3 thought that co-operation between teachers will increase, the pupils will get more responsibility, the pupil evaluation process is going to be renewed and there will be more projects with cross-subject topics. They believed that the change in teachership will happen slowly with time. Interviewees 4 and 5 already executed at lot of the themes of the new curriculum in their teaching. They didn’t presume that the new curriculum would bring any changes to their teaching. They saw that the themes presented as new innovations have already been used in schools for many years, so they didn’t expect any big change happen-ing next fall in terms of teachership. As there was such a big difference in the answers I got from different teachers, it was obvious that even though the curriculum is an important doc-ument and guide in teachers work, it also depends a lot on the teacher how the curriculum is interpreted and executed.
  • Perkkiö, Tiia (2016)
    Finnish schools will start using a new curriculum in the fall of 2016. The national core curriculum was published in 2014, municipalities and schools are renewing their local curricula as we speak. The curriculum is renewed in terms of its value basis, core contents and lesson-hour distribution. The curriculum reform also has an impact on teachers. They are expected to renew their teaching methods as well as their roles as teachers. This research examined how the curriculum reform affects teachers. Is teachership going to change due to the curriculum reform? This research was a qualitative research. I did theme interviews on four teachers and one headmaster for this research. I wanted to find out their thoughts about the curriculum reform and of their teachership as the new curriculum comes into effect in the fall. I interviewed two teachers and the headmaster singly and two teachers as a group interview. Those two teachers worked together as a teaching-pair so it was logical for them to answer the questions together. After the interviews the data was analyzed by using inductive qualitative analysis. All of the teachers I interviewed were familiar with the new curriculum at some level. Most of the teachers had even taken part in the curriculum reform process in their schools. Interviews 1, 2 and 3 thought that co-operation between teachers will increase, the pupils will get more responsibility, the pupil evaluation process is going to be renewed and there will be more projects with cross-subject topics. They believed that the change in teachership will happen slowly with time. Interviewees 4 and 5 already executed at lot of the themes of the new curriculum in their teaching. They didn't presume that the new curriculum would bring any changes to their teaching. They saw that the themes presented as new innovations have already been used in schools for many years, so they didn't expect any big change happen-ing next fall in terms of teachership. As there was such a big difference in the answers I got from different teachers, it was obvious that even though the curriculum is an important document and guide in teachers work, it also depends a lot on the teacher how the curriculum is interpreted and executed.
  • Nyman, Jasmin (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Identiteetti on ilmiönä monialainen, ja sekä yleisesti identiteetin, että ammatillisen identiteetin määritelmiä on useita, ja identiteettitutkimuksen kentällä esiintyy toisistaan poikkeavia määritelmiä. Opettajan ammatillisen identiteetin tutkimuksissa ei vastaavasti ole ollut selkeää koherenssia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda katsaus tutkimuskenttään, miten luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillista identiteettiä on tutkittu, ja millaisia määritelmiä tutkijat ovat antaneet ammatilliselle identiteetille. Toinen tavoite tutkimuksessa on selvittää, millaisista elementeistä luokanopettajaopiskelijan ammatillinen identiteetti muodostuu. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on tehty systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, ja tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat seitsemän tieteellistä vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden kehittyvää ammatillista identiteettiä on määritelty melko koherentisti, ja aineiston perusteella tutkijoilla vaikuttaa olevan suhteellisen yhtenevä postmoderniin yhteiskuntaan istuva näkemys identiteetistä. Tosin käsitteiden kirjo nousi aineistosta esiin. Identiteetin elementtejä on esitelty moninaisesti, ja luokanopettajaopiskelijan kehittyvä identiteetti tutkimuksen perusteella on laaja-alainen entiteetti, jossa keskeiseksi nousi juuri jatkuva uudelleenmäärittely ja kehittyminen. Opettajuuden merkittävästä yhteiskunnallisesta ulottuvuudesta huolimatta ei koulun ulkopuolinen konteksti tai opettajan julkisen vallan käyttö ole tullut ilmi aineistossa.
  • Seppälä, Mia (2017)
    Aims. Changes in society and educational development of the school have brought new challenges to the teacher's work. Studies in the past have shown that special education teachers experience stress more than other teachers. The aim of this study was to gain information on special class teacher's experiences of the succeeding and the challenges they encounter in their job in the special class and how they cope with the challenges. This study also examines the kind of views that special class teachers have towards the changes of their work. Methods. Themed interviews were used as a method of this qualitative research. The research material comprised of five interviews with special class teachers who had at least ten years' experience in teaching pupils at the special education class. The data were collected and transcribed in January 2017 and analyzed by using theory-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results showed that the special class teacher's work involves a wide range of challenges, but also the experiences of success. The experiences of succeeding were related mostly to the interaction between the special class teacher and the student. The main advantage of special class teaching was seen as a better chance of taking individuality into account and the challenges associated with socialization problems. The challenges of the special class teacher's work was seen ia pupils' heterogeneity and problem behaviour, increased non-teaching tasks and too demanding parents. Special class teachers felt that pupils have changed more challenging in recent years and the valuation of their work has weakened. With inclusion special class teachers' work was seen lying ahead of co-teaching in the future. Coping at work was seen to vary depending on a range of one's own life or the work strains. Special class teachers showed up a wide variety of ways to cope with the challenges and to improve their coping at work.
  • Seppälä, Mia (2017)
    Aims. Changes in society and educational development of the school have brought new challenges to the teacher's work. Studies in the past have shown that special education teachers experience stress more than other teachers. The aim of this study was to gain information on special class teacher’s experiences of the succeeding and the challenges they encounter in their job in the special class and how they cope with the challenges. This study also examines the kind of views that special class teachers have towards the changes of their work. Methods. Themed interviews were used as a method of this qualitative research. The research material comprised of five interviews with special class teachers who had at least ten years’ experience in teaching pupils at the special education class. The data were collected and transcribed in January 2017 and analyzed by using theory-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results showed that the special class teacher's work involves a wide range of challenges, but also the experiences of success. The experiences of succeeding were related mostly to the interaction between the special class teacher and the student. The main advantage of special class teaching was seen as a better chance of taking individuality into account and the challenges associated with socialization problems. The challenges of the special class teacher’s work was seen ia pupils' heterogeneity and problem behaviour, increased non-teaching tasks and too demanding parents. Special class teachers felt that pupils have changed more challenging in recent years and the valuation of their work has weakened. With inclusion special class teachers’ work was seen lying ahead of co-teaching in the future. Coping at work was seen to vary depending on a range of one's own life or the work strains. Special class teachers showed up a wide variety of ways to cope with the challenges and to improve their coping at work.
  • Holopainen, Elina (2018)
    The aim of the study was to explore, how the supervising teacher affects the development of reflection of third year teacher students during the Supervised Basic Practice at University of Eastern Finland. Reflection plays an important role in the growth towards teachership. The study also aimed to find out how the students define reflection, did they experience reflection as a crucial factor in growing to teachership and what obstacles to reflection were experienced during the practice. The data was collected using an electronic survey. The survey was answered by ten third year class teacher students. The survey data was analyzed through thematising and quantitative tabling. According to the results, class teacher students felt reflection affected their teachership. Reflection allows for exploring and developing one's teachership and it also helps working as a teacher. Reflection was defined as evaluating of one's actions and thinking as well as a method for self development and a way for seeing the development. The students felt that during the training their reflection skills had developed especially in attention to the big picture, accepting mistakes and evaluating own performance. All the respondents who assessed their reflection skills to have improved also thought that the supervising teacher had supported their development i.e. with right questions and encouragement. Obstacles for the development of reflection were tight schedule of the practice, lack of feedback and weak guidance relationship. Reflection was considered to be an important step in growing to teachership and working as a teacher. Reflection can be supported by the actions of the supervising teacher. The discovered flaws in supervision should be addressed in order to improve the professional development of class teacher students.
  • Mommo, Hanna (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to gain information on adult education teachers' perceptions of the everyday life of the adult students. The goal was to find out what kind of information the teachers get of the students' everyday life and how it affects their work. The earlier studies have proved the students' every day life often to be busy. Combining work, studies and family life is demanding. Studying is a major part of adult student's everyday life. This study is based on home-economics science and it's everyday life theory. It also examines adult's studies through previous studies and life-span developmental psychology. The teacher's role is viewed from philosophical viewpoint and the theory of teacher's areas of responsibility. The interaction between teacher and student is examined through the theory of the atmosphere of caring. This study will show how the teachers take the everyday life of the students' into consideration in the teaching and the possible needs to develop the practices. Methods. The data of this study is a part of the Tekes-funded Kumous-project's material. It consists of interviews of people working for Itä-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä, which offers adult education in the area. Interviews of 12 teachers were chosen for the study and the emphasis was on the fourth theme of the interview, where the everyday life of the student was discussed. Data was analyzed qualitatively using theory sensitive content analysis. Narrative analysis was used with the small stories that the interviewees spontaneously told about the everyday life of the students. Results and conclusions. The teachers gain information about the everyday life of the student abundantly most of the time. The information is gained in official and free interaction with the students. The teachers consider the information to be important for their work, especially for supporting the student in their studies. The everyday life information is gained in the existential area of the teachers' responsibilities and comes up in the atmosphere of caring. That's when the teachers also help the student to solve problems of the everyday life. A teacher focusing to a specialist role is not taking part in students' everyday life. Based on the results it can be emphasized that taking the everyday life of the student into consideration is an essential part of successful studies. Teacher's ability to receive information of the students' everyday life is an essential part of his/her expertise when problems of everyday life form an obstacle for student's ability to study.
  • Suhonen, Anni (2022)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli luoda katsaus opettajilta löytyviin erilaisiin tavoiteorientaatioihin sekä sellaisiin tekijöihin, joihin kyseiset tavoiteorientaatiot vaikuttavat. Tutkimustarpeet nousivat esille mediassa säännöllisesti esiintyvästä aiheesta – opettajan työn haasteista ja vaatimuksista sekä aiheeseen liittyvän suomenkielisen tutkimuksen puutteesta. Tämä katsaus kokoaa yhteen opettajien tavoiteorientaatioista tehtyä kansainvälistä tutkimusta, jonka avulla pyritään kartoittamaan erilaisten tavoiteorientaatioiden vaikutuksia opettajan arkeen ja työhön. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen teon vaiheet mukailivat systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen seitsenportaista mallia. Aineiston keruussa noudatettiin tarkkoja hakukriteereitä, joiden avulla tutkimusaineistoksi seuloutui 15 vertaisarvioitua opettajien tavoiteorientaatioita koskevaa kansainvälistä tutkimusta neljästä Helsingin yliopiston tietokannasta. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin, ja aineistosta esiin nousseet tulokset koottiin synteesiksi. Katsaus osoitti, että opettajien tavoiteorientaatioita on tutkittu kansainvälisellä kentällä laajasti. Opettajilta löytyi tulosten mukaan viisi tai kuusi erilaista tavoiteorientaatiota, riippuen siitä jaettiinko suoritusorientaatio lähestymis- ja välttämissuuntauksiin. Ne tekijät, joihin erilaiset tavoiteorientaatiot vaikuttavat, jakautuivat seuraaviin teemoihin: työhyvinvointi, tavoiterakenteet, opettajan toiminta ja pyrkimykset ammatilliseen kehittymiseen. Aineistosta kävi ilmi, että oppimisorientaatiolla on vahvimmat positiiviset vaikutukset kaikkiin edellä mainittuihin teemoihin. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan todeta, että olisi hyödyllistä ja tavoitteellista pyrkiä tukemaan, vahvistamaan ja kehittämään opettajien henkilökohtaista oppimisorientaatiota sekä oppimisorientoitunutta koulu- ja työilmapiiriä.
  • Mattila, Olga-Maaria (2021)
    The aim of this study is to learn how the work experience effects to the development of expertise and work identity as well as to find ways to integrate supporting the growth of expertise into a smoother part of home economics teacher studies. The target group of this study consisted student teachers in home economics who are working in home economics sector among the studies. In the household sector, this meant working as a home economics teacher in general education, free educational work, or in companies and organizations. There has been little research on the subject from the perspective of home economics. This study was conducted as qualitative research with features of the Delphi method. The study consists of two parts each with own research questions, data and analysis. The data was collected from 38 home economics teacher students. The data of part one was collected using Google Forms which is an electronic survey tool. Data of the second part was collected with remote group discussion involving five home economics teacher students. Both data samples were analyzed with data driven content analysis. The analysis of part one raised nine main themes; self-efficacy, accumulation of work experience, strengthening of the employment opportunities, household competence, pedagogical competence, working life skills, reflection, motivation, teaching and combining studies and working life. The material in the second part consisted of three proposals for integrating the support of home economics students' expertise into a more streamlined part of their studies. The examination of the results was combined with the model of integrative pedagogy modified by Tynjälä, Virtanen and Helin (2020). The materials complement each other and together they form a modified model of integrative pedagogy to support expertise in studies.
  • Mattila, Olga-Maaria (2021)
    The aim of this study is to learn how the work experience effects to the development of expertise and work identity as well as to find ways to integrate supporting the growth of expertise into a smoother part of home economics teacher studies. The target group of this study consisted student teachers in home economics who are working in home economics sector among the studies. In the household sector, this meant working as a home economics teacher in general education, free educational work, or in companies and organizations. There has been little research on the subject from the perspective of home economics. This study was conducted as qualitative research with features of the Delphi method. The study consists of two parts each with own research questions, data and analysis. The data was collected from 38 home economics teacher students. The data of part one was collected using Google Forms which is an electronic survey tool. Data of the second part was collected with remote group discussion involving five home economics teacher students. Both data samples were analyzed with data driven content analysis. The analysis of part one raised nine main themes; self-efficacy, accumulation of work experience, strengthening of the employment opportunities, household competence, pedagogical competence, working life skills, reflection, motivation, teaching and combining studies and working life. The material in the second part consisted of three proposals for integrating the support of home economics students' expertise into a more streamlined part of their studies. The examination of the results was combined with the model of integrative pedagogy modified by Tynjälä, Virtanen and Helin (2020). The materials complement each other and together they form a modified model of integrative pedagogy to support expertise in studies.
  • Leppänen, Linnea (2021)
    Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoitus oli tarkastella työuupumuksen ennaltaehkäisykeinoja opettajilla. Etsin siis erilaisia keinoja ennaltaehkäistä opettajien työuupumusta aikaisempien tutkimustulosten pohjalta. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että opettajilla on suuri riski uupua työssään. Opettajien työ on tutkimusten mukaan intensiivistynyt viime aikoina, joka on suoraan yhteydessä opettajien työuupumisen riskin kasvamiseen. Näin ollen koin tärkeäksi lisätä tietoisuutta opettajien työuupumuksen ennaltaehkäisykeinoista. Tutkimustehtävänä oli siis selvittää opettajien työuupumisen ennaltaehkäisykeinoja kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus valikoitui tutkielman menetelmäksi. Aineisto koostuu seitsemästä tieteellisestä artikkelista, joiden tutkimuskohteena on ollut suomalaiset opettajat. Opettajat ovat tässä tutkielmassa yläkäsite luokanopettajille, aineenopettajille ja erityisopettajille. Tieteelliset artikkelit ovat ajankohtaisia, sillä ne ovat toteutettu aikavälillä 2009–2021. Analyysissa pyrin antamaan johdonmukaisen yleiskatsauksen opettajien työuupumuksen ennaltaehkäisykeinoista, aikaisempia tutkimustentuloksia tiivistämällä ja yhdistämällä. Tutkielman tuloksissa tuli esille opettajan yksilötason, sekä työyhteisö- ja organisaatiotason keinoja ennaltaehkäistä työuupumista. Opettajan omia keinoja ennaltaehkäistä työuupumista olivat muuan muassa hyvät stressinhallintakeinot, omaksuttu ammatti-identiteetti, hyvä itsetunto ja itsesäätelytaito, sekä palautumisesta huolehtiminen vapaa-ajalla. Työyhteisöllä ja organisaatiolla oli myös erilaisia keinoja työuupumisen ennaltaehkäisyyn. Opettajien työmäärää tulisi vähentää ja uusien menetelmien, tietojen ja taitojen opettelemiseen tulisi varata opettajille riittävästi aikaa. Työyhteisön hyvä ja turvallinen ilmapiiri ennaltaehkäisi myös työuupumusta. Lopuksi tein tuloksista yhteenvedon, jossa jaoin opettajien työuupumisen ennaltaehkäisykeinot neljään osa-alueeseen. Nämä ovat: organisaatio, opettaja työelämässä, muut ihmiset työelämässä ja opettaja yksityiselämässä. Työuupumus tulisi nähdä työyhteisön sosiaalisena ja kollektiivisena ongelmana, eikä vaan opettajan henkilökohtaisena ilmiönä. Näin työuupumisen käsitteleminen olisi helpompaa, ja ennaltaehkäisemiseen tehtäisiin työtä organisaatio- ja työyhteisötasolla. Lopulta kuitenkin opettajat ovat itse vastuussa itsestään. He voivat tarkastella omaa toimintaansa ja ajatusmalleja, ja siten tunnistaa mahdollisia riskitekijöitä työuupumiselle. Omaa toimintaa ja ajattelumalleja tulisi muuttaa, jos on tunnistanut riskitekijöitä. Näin opettaja voi itse ennaltaehkäistä työuupumusta.
  • Hämäläinen, Meeri (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ammatillisen tuen vaikutuksia ammatilliseen kehitykseen. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että itsereflektiolla sekä työ-yhteisössä tapahtuvalla vuorovaikutuksella on merkitystä ammatillista kasvua ajatellen. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat, joilla on kasvatustieteen kandidaatin koulutus, sillä tutkimuksen teoriaosuus käsittelee opettajuutta ja asiantuntijuutta, johon kas-vaminen alkaa opettajankoulutuksessa. Menetelmät. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella, jossa oli kolme avointa kysymystä. Vaatimuksena vastaajille oli työskenteleminen varhaiskasvatuksen opettajana sekä kasvatustieteen kandidaatin koulutus. Lomakkeeseen saatiin 16 vastausta ja niistä koostuva aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin perustein. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Vastaajat, jotka kokivat saamansa ammatillisen tuen riittäväksi, kokivat sen myös hyödyttävän heidän ammatillista kehitystään. Vastaajat, jotka kokivat ammatillisen tuen riippuvaiseksi omasta aktiivisuudestaan hakea tukea, eivät kokeneet tätä saatua tukea hyödylliseksi ammatilliselle kehitykselleen. Esimiehen aloitteesta ja työyhteisön toimintatavoista lähtevä ammatillinen tuki koetaan hyödylliseksi omalle ammatilliselle kehitykselle.
  • Hasanen, Tiiu (2023)
    Objectives. My goal in this research was to take a look at early childhood education teaching and to consider how it appears itself through the teachers own thinking and self-reflection. Teaching in general and especially early childhood educations teaching has been studied very little in recent years. Early childhood education and especially its shortage of teachers has been talked about significantly in the media and in general discussion in the 2020s. I believe that in order to properly comprehend, among other things, like the problem of attraction and retention of qualified teachers, we need to understand more deeply what early childhood education is all about. A majority part of an early childhood education teacher’s working time is filled with interacting with children, teaching and guiding them. Preschool education is a significant vital link between early childhood education and school, and it is strongly characterized by goal orientation and its learning components for which the early childhood education teacher is responsible for. In this study I ended up examining early childhood education teaching in those moments when the teacher guides a group of children as part of preschool education. Methods. This research is qualitative, focusing on describing and understanding in-depth the teaching of early childhood education. I carried out the research as an autoethnographic study, where I put myself and my own thoughts and experiences from my teaching at the centre of the research. The research consisted of my own diary-like notes, in which I reflected on the preschool activities I implemented. The analysis model that was used was mainly data-oriented, but as the analysis progressed, I also used theory driven analysis to my advantage. Results and conclusion. In the preschool situation, the work of the early childhood education teacher appeared to be interactive and dynamic. As teacher, I used my observations, theoretical knowledge and experience to my advantage when guiding a group of children and when reflecting on my own activities. I constantly observed the group of children and its activities and modified the activities and my own thinking according to these observations and my own pedagogical views. As an early childhood education teacher my thought processes when guiding the preschool group multi-level. According to the results of this study, the work of an early childhood education teacher appears as demanding and multidimensional when the teacher guides a group of children. The work requires constant vigilance and observation as well as pedagogical readiness and competence.
  • Hasanen, Tiiu (2023)
    Objectives. My goal in this research was to take a look at early childhood education teaching and to consider how it appears itself through the teachers own thinking and self-reflection. Teaching in general and especially early childhood educations teaching has been studied very little in recent years. Early childhood education and especially its shortage of teachers has been talked about significantly in the media and in general discussion in the 2020s. I believe that in order to properly comprehend, among other things, like the problem of attraction and retention of qualified teachers, we need to understand more deeply what early childhood education is all about. A majority part of an early childhood education teacher’s working time is filled with interacting with children, teaching and guiding them. Preschool education is a significant vital link between early childhood education and school, and it is strongly characterized by goal orientation and its learning components for which the early childhood education teacher is responsible for. In this study I ended up examining early childhood education teaching in those moments when the teacher guides a group of children as part of preschool education. Methods. This research is qualitative, focusing on describing and understanding in-depth the teaching of early childhood education. I carried out the research as an autoethnographic study, where I put myself and my own thoughts and experiences from my teaching at the centre of the research. The research consisted of my own diary-like notes, in which I reflected on the preschool activities I implemented. The analysis model that was used was mainly data-oriented, but as the analysis progressed, I also used theory driven analysis to my advantage. Results and conclusion. In the preschool situation, the work of the early childhood education teacher appeared to be interactive and dynamic. As teacher, I used my observations, theoretical knowledge and experience to my advantage when guiding a group of children and when reflecting on my own activities. I constantly observed the group of children and its activities and modified the activities and my own thinking according to these observations and my own pedagogical views. As an early childhood education teacher my thought processes when guiding the preschool group multi-level. According to the results of this study, the work of an early childhood education teacher appears as demanding and multidimensional when the teacher guides a group of children. The work requires constant vigilance and observation as well as pedagogical readiness and competence.