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  • Ihalainen, Ina (2024)
    Compulsory education was historically expanded in Finland in 2021. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the views of student counselors on issues that affect transitions between elementary school and secondary school, the discourses that can be located from the speech of student counselors and the subject positions formed for students in them, and the meanings given by counselors to the expansion of compulsory education. Previous research has shown that school practices produce acts of discrimination that reproduce inequality, which are manifested through the subject positions produced in the discourses. Leaning on Michel Foucault's view of power and theories about language and discourses, I aim to examine these mechanisms and shed light on hidden power structures that materialize in everyday school practices. My desire is to examine the extent to which a reform such as the expansion of compulsory education has the potential to influence issues of inequality. The research task is to find out (1) which factors influence the students' placement in the second grade according to the counselors' views, (2) what kind of subject positions are built for the students in the counselors' speech, and (3) what kind of meanings do the counselors give to the reform of compulsory education? I study the topic through themed interviews I conducted with five primary school or secondary school student counselors. As a research method I use discourse. The research results followed the results that has emerged in previous studies. Various factors based on student characteristics determined the choice of secondary education according to the instructors' views. At the same time, a clear dichotomous division was formed between upper secondary school and vocational school, which became evident in the ratings of families and students and in the placement of students. Poor academic performance, practicality and manual skills promoted the choice of a vocational school, while good academic performance favored the choice of upper secondary school. Two discourses, the discourse of reaching the school's goals and the discourse of the ideal citizen, could be highlighted in the interviews. In discourse were nuilt discourses, four different subject positions, which influenced how students were talked about and how their opportunities to attend school were valued.
  • Ihalainen, Ina (2024)
    Compulsory education was historically expanded in Finland in 2021. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the views of student counselors on issues that affect transitions between elementary school and secondary school, the discourses that can be located from the speech of student counselors and the subject positions formed for students in them, and the meanings given by counselors to the expansion of compulsory education. Previous research has shown that school practices produce acts of discrimination that reproduce inequality, which are manifested through the subject positions produced in the discourses. Leaning on Michel Foucault's view of power and theories about language and discourses, I aim to examine these mechanisms and shed light on hidden power structures that materialize in everyday school practices. My desire is to examine the extent to which a reform such as the expansion of compulsory education has the potential to influence issues of inequality. The research task is to find out (1) which factors influence the students' placement in the second grade according to the counselors' views, (2) what kind of subject positions are built for the students in the counselors' speech, and (3) what kind of meanings do the counselors give to the reform of compulsory education? I study the topic through themed interviews I conducted with five primary school or secondary school student counselors. As a research method I use discourse. The research results followed the results that has emerged in previous studies. Various factors based on student characteristics determined the choice of secondary education according to the instructors' views. At the same time, a clear dichotomous division was formed between upper secondary school and vocational school, which became evident in the ratings of families and students and in the placement of students. Poor academic performance, practicality and manual skills promoted the choice of a vocational school, while good academic performance favored the choice of upper secondary school. Two discourses, the discourse of reaching the school's goals and the discourse of the ideal citizen, could be highlighted in the interviews. In discourse were nuilt discourses, four different subject positions, which influenced how students were talked about and how their opportunities to attend school were valued.
  • Hytti, Tytti Sarika (2013)
    Samfundsarbete har sina rötter i Jane Addams settlementarbete. Det är ett begrepp som integrerar olika synvinklar och omfattar olika socialpolitiska diskurser. Samfundsarbete är inte ett vanligt eller självklart arbetssätt i det kommunala socialarbetet. Syftet med den här pro gradu- avhandlingen är att analysera hur socialarbetare och socialhandledare diskuterar om samfundsarbete och konstruerar det i gruppdiskussioner samt hur samfundsarbetet framställs i en kontext av vuxensocialarbete. Materialet har samlats genom att banda arbetarnas gruppdiskussioner under områdesanalysprocessen från april 2011 till mars 2012. Analysen fokuserades på diskurser i talet. Diskurser ses som talbruk, vilka formar sina objekt. Utgångspunkten för att identifiera diskurser är att aktörerna är en del av diskurserna genom olika positioner. Likheter och olikheter söktes i talets innehåll och struktur, för att identifiera hur diskurserna varierade i språkbruk. Under gruppdiskussioner framträdde olika diskurserna om samfundsarbetet. Först konstruerade man samfundsarbetet som andra aktörers ansvar. Då betonades frivilligas ansvar. Samfundsarbetet definierades också som ett sätt att gå ut från socialbyrån och träffa klienterna i invånarhusen. Under diskussionernas lopp reflekterade man 'utgående' arbetet och man började se samfundsarbetet mera som ett förebyggande och områdesbaserat arbetssätt. Då betonades nätverkarbetet och partnerskap med de andra aktörerna i bostadsområdet. De öppna invånarhusen upplevdes som en möjlighet att möta invånare. Samfundsarbetet definierades också som stödande av deltagandet antingen genom aktivering eller empowerment. I det första konstruerar man klienter som passiva och tänker att man kan förbättra välmående genom att integrera klienterna i sina bostadsområden. Med empowerment kan man stöda klienternas deltagande och medlemskap i samfunden utgående från deras egna utgångspunkter. Samfundsarbetet framställdes också som ett sätt att påverka strukturer och främja utvecklingen, men man tänkte att det är en långvarig process och att det kräver stabilitet i organisationen. Samfundsarbete definierades dock inte som mobilisering av människor och främjandet av delaktighet definierades inte som ett syfte i samfundsarbetet. De här olika diskurserna beskriver det mångsidiga samfundsbegreppet. I början av diskussionerna var synvinklarna smala, men mot slutet av diskussionerna blev de bredare och mångsidigare. I praktiken kan man förena olika synvinklar från de här diskurserna. Det är ändå viktigt, att man fortsätter reflektera kritiskt över hurdana diskurser det är som styr praxis. I vuxensocialarbetet borde man förstärka ett sådant samfundsarbete, som fokuserar på att lyssna på marginaliserade människornas erfarenheter och främja deras delaktighet. Den nytt lärande diskursen om samfundsarbetet möjliggör vidareutveckling: den ser samfundsarbetet som en gammal tradition och bygger på redan existerande kunskap om samfundsarbetet.