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  • Hakala, Marjo (2016)
    The aim of this study was to determine if doing and sharing housework is causing disagreements in young couples´ homes. Futhermore my study was about the causes of disagreements and how they were shown out. I was also interested in the influence of childhood home when it comes to young couples´ expectations of the division of housework. The theory part of the study dealt with the qualitative contents of the concept of mastery of everyday life and the knowledge that guides actions. It was also especially about young couples´ skills in everyday life. With the explanations about housework sharing was provided an explanation to housework division by sex. In addition, a previous research about the reasons why couples want to live together, what causes disagreements in relationships and if they are reasons for separations was presented. The studies have proved that couples are more satisfied than expected in sharing the housework. 13 young couples with no children took part in the study. They answered the questionary which was linked on a facebook profile. Everyone answered the questions individually on their own forms. The questions were either multiple choices or they demanded open answers. The frequencies were calculated and compared to couples and to women and men. The research showed that the most disagreement causing housework is cleaning. The housework was shared partly unequally and an allocation to women´s and men´s work was very clearly seen. Women did most of the laundry and men took care of the car and the household´s small maintenance tasks. It can be seen that housework causes disagreement in young couples´ homes. The model from childhood home is significant but effects in two ways, either young couples want to obey it or do the opposite way.
  • Kontio, Milka (2017)
    According to the national core curriculum, education in Finnish schools must be gender-aware and aim to deconstruct stereotyped perceptions of gender. Despite this, students are treated differently based on their presumed gender in their daily life in school. Perceptions of gender are instinctively sustained through everyday habitual practices. To achieve gender-awareness in education, one needs to become more conscious of these practices and create opportunities for change if needed. The aim of this study was to describe some of the everyday practices in Finnish schools that subtly produce, reproduce and maintain perceptions of gender in school. This study is a literature survey. Literature from both educational science and gender studies has been applied. Everyday practices in schools were examined from the perspectives of the official, informal and physical levels of school. Gendered practices occurred on all three levels. On the official level, this study presented gendered practices concerning student performance and classroom management. Girls’ and boys’ educational achievements were perceived differently. Gendered expressions in classroom management reinforced the stereotypes of boys causing trouble and girls being quiet. On the informal level, the study focuses on friendship relations and violence, which was further intertwined with power hierarchies and the pursuit of popularity. Violence was used in different manners according to gender, and it was particularly connected to the boys’ construction of masculinities. Violence was also used to control the boundaries of the “right” kind of gender expression. On the physical level, the possibilities for using space and making noise were examined. Girls’ activities in school were more limited than boys’. In order to achieve gender-awareness in education, many everyday practices need to be examined and deconstructed, so that students can be treated according to their individual qualities.
  • Wiitasalo, Magdalena (2018)
    Aims: The aim of this thesis is to study what kind of attitudes Finnish political actors have towards school choice. The purpose is to find out how different attitudes are reasoned and justified. I’m also interested in the societal structure and how school choice affects the Finnish comprehensive school system and the future of our society. School choice has raised a lot of discussion because it has become more common amongst families. Through this literature review I try to find out different ways to approach school choice. It is necessary to study school choice because it is important to provide equal opportunities for everyone. However, we should also take individual freedom into account. Therefore, it is crucial to understand different attitudes towards school choice and what kind of effects they might have on the society. Methods: This Bachelor’s thesis is a literature review. My research material consists of litera-ture concerning school choice, including studies and articles. Before choosing my research ma-terial I defined the research question and the main concepts. This way I cut the research sub-ject into smaller pieces before starting the research process. It also helped me to find key-words. I tried to choose primary sources and be critical when choosing the research material. However, the extent of Bachelor’s Thesis restricted the amount of research material I could choose. The purpose of this literature review is to analyse school choice and find out different ways to approach this subject. Results and conclusions: According to this literature review there are mainly two kinds of ways to approach school choice. The first one is the neoliberal approach that emphasizes freedom of choice and individual rights. The second approach accentuates equality and equal possibilities. Socioeconomic status has an impact on families’ school choice. High-educated parents are typically more aware of the possible negative effects, but they still use the possibility to choose more than parents that are less educated. Parents with lower education are on average more supportive towards school choice yet in practise use the possibility to choose less. The individual right to promote one’s educational path is one way to justify school choice. Some people recommend the public school nearest home because the people there are often familiar and the way to school is shorter. The same people also emphasize equality and uniformity.
  • Valkendorff, Tiina (2020)
    This study is an article-type master's thesis, and its purpose was to describe the discussion about the school choice on a Finnish online discussion forum. The research questions were: How is school choice discussed in an online discussion forum? What kind of reasons for school choice are there on online discussion forums? In this study, school choice refers to choices away from a local school. Previous studies have shown that school choice is associated with educational differentiation. In Finland, research of the school selection has been carried out using interview and questionnaire form, statistical data and official documents. The material in this study complements Finnish school choice research, bringing a new perspective into it. The study contributes to the debate about school choice and the differentiation and specialization of primary schools, and also aims to increase understanding of school choice. The material of the study consists of a discussion of school choice, which took place on a dis-cussion forum called Vauva, produced by Sanoma media Finland. The data was collected by using keywords (school * AND selection OR school selection). The material consists of 79 threads where school choice was discussed. The discussion took place in 2005-2015. Quali-tative content analysis and thematic design were used as research methods. The study showed that the school choice debate is multidimensional. In the forum, the authors sought information and shared views and experiences. The material included talk of schools considered to be good or weak and indications of the importance of the school’s reputation. Ethnic and socio-economic criteria were linked to the choice of school, ie factors related to the students' family background, well-being and safety, as well as criteria related to teaching. The criteria for school choice were combined with a discussion of different residential areas, and the quality of schools was seen to be related to the characteristics of the residential area. In the study, school choice is also linked to housing policy issues. The article was published in 2018 in Finnish Yearbook of Sociology of Education vol. 2: Promises of and Faith in Education. Valkendorff, T. 2018. Discussion of School Choice and the “problem” of local school. In. Silvennoinen, H., Kalalahti, M. & Varjo, J. (eds.) Promises of and Faith in Education. Research in Educational Sciences 79. Jyväskylä: Finnish Educational Research Association FERA. [In Finnish]
  • Valkendorff, Tiina (2020)
    This study is an article-type master's thesis, and its purpose was to describe the discussion about the school choice on a Finnish online discussion forum. The research questions were: How is school choice discussed in an online discussion forum? What kind of reasons for school choice are there on online discussion forums? In this study, school choice refers to choices away from a local school. Previous studies have shown that school choice is associated with educational differentiation. In Finland, research of the school selection has been carried out using interview and questionnaire form, statistical data and official documents. The material in this study complements Finnish school choice research, bringing a new perspective into it. The study contributes to the debate about school choice and the differentiation and specialization of primary schools, and also aims to increase understanding of school choice. The material of the study consists of a discussion of school choice, which took place on a dis-cussion forum called Vauva, produced by Sanoma media Finland. The data was collected by using keywords (school * AND selection OR school selection). The material consists of 79 threads where school choice was discussed. The discussion took place in 2005-2015. Quali-tative content analysis and thematic design were used as research methods. The study showed that the school choice debate is multidimensional. In the forum, the authors sought information and shared views and experiences. The material included talk of schools considered to be good or weak and indications of the importance of the school’s reputation. Ethnic and socio-economic criteria were linked to the choice of school, ie factors related to the students' family background, well-being and safety, as well as criteria related to teaching. The criteria for school choice were combined with a discussion of different residential areas, and the quality of schools was seen to be related to the characteristics of the residential area. In the study, school choice is also linked to housing policy issues. The article was published in 2018 in Finnish Yearbook of Sociology of Education vol. 2: Promises of and Faith in Education. Valkendorff, T. 2018. Discussion of School Choice and the “problem” of local school. In. Silvennoinen, H., Kalalahti, M. & Varjo, J. (eds.) Promises of and Faith in Education. Research in Educational Sciences 79. Jyväskylä: Finnish Educational Research Association FERA. [In Finnish]
  • Nyholm, Neea (2023)
    Taloudellinen eriarvoisuus ja tuloerot ovat Suomessa kasvussa, joka kasvattaa samalla köyhyydessä elävien lasten määrää. Köyhyyden kokemukset varhaislapsuudessa vaikuttavat negatiivisesti lapsen kasvuun ja kehitykseen. Hyvin organisoidulla varhaiskasvatuksella on mahdollisuus tasata lasten erilaisia lähtökohtia ja kehityksen edellytyksiä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää köyhyyden vaikutuksia lapsen subjektiiviseen hyvinvointiin varhaiskasvatuksen arjessa sekä tutkia millä tavoin varhaiskasvatus tasoittaa lapsiköyhyydestä aiheutuvia epätasa-arvoisia lähtökohtia. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui viidestä tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista, joiden ajankohdat ajoittuivat vuosien 2012-2016 väliin. Tutkimuksen aineistoa analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimusaineiston analysoinnin kautta havaittiin, että lapsiköyhyys varhaiskasvatuksessa liittyy lapsen subjektiiviseen hyvinvointiin, sosiaalisten suhteiden osa-alueeseen. Köyhyyden ja taloudellisen eriarvoisuuden vaikutukset esiintyivät päiväkotiarjessa materian kautta. Lapset vertailivat omia leluja ja tavaroita keskenään sekä solmivat niiden avulla vertaissuhteita. Analysoinnin avulla selvitettiin myös, että inhimillinen pääoma on yhteydessä lapsiköyhyydestä aiheutuvien eriarvoistavien lähtökohtien tasaamiseen. Laadukas varhaiskasvatus tuottaa inhimillistä pääomaa kehittämällä lapsen kognitiivisia sekä sosioemotionaalisia taitoja. Kognitiivisten ja sosioemotionaalisten taitojen kehittymiseen puolestaan vaikuttaa varhainen ympäristö ja vuorovaikutussuhteet.
  • Juutilainen, Iida (2022)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastelen, kuinka kulttuurien ja katsomusten tasa-arvo rakentuu peruskoulujen tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelmissa. Yhteiskunnan moninaistuminen on näkynyt koulutuspoliittisissa ratkaisuissa. Yksi esimerkki tästä on vuonna 2015 voimaan tullut laki, joka edellyttää kaikilta peruskouluilta toiminnallista tasa-arvo suunnitelmaa. Tämän lisäksi kaikilla oppilaitoksilla on oltava suunnitelma yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseksi. Yhteiskunnan moninaistumisesta huolimatta koulujen ympäristöt sekä oppilaiden taustat ovat todellisuudessa hyvin vaihtelevia. Tämän olen ryhmitellyt suunnitelmia alueellisesti perehtyen siihen, onko kulttuurillisen ja katsomusten tasa-arvon rakentumisessa havaittavissa merkittäviä alueellisia eroja. Tutkielmani pohjaa sosiaalisen konstruktionismin näkemykseen, että todellisuus kohdataan aina jostakin näkökulmasta merkityksellistettynä. Kielen merkitys todellisuuden luomisessa ja muokkaamisessa on siis oleellinen. Tämän vuoksi analysoin aineistoa diskurssianalyysin avulla. Tutkielma on laadullinen ja analyysi perustuu aineistosta nousseisiin näkökulmiin, teemoihin sekä tekstien retorisuuteen. Aikaisempi tutkimus on käsitellyt koulutukseen liittyvää tasa-arvoa laajasti keskittyen etenkin sukupuolten tasa-arvoon, katsomusaineiden opetukseen ja kielellistenratkaisujen merkitykseen. Tutkielmani liittyy keskusteluun samojen käsitteiden ja lähtökohtien kautta, mutta keskittyy tapoihin, joilla kulttuurinen ja katsomusten tasa-arvo rakentuu vielä varsin uusissa suunnitelma teksteissä. Aineistosta esiin nousevat syrjinnän, katsomusten ja etnisyyden, sekä katsomusaineiden ja käytäntöjen diskurssit, joiden kautta kulttuurien ja katsomusten tasa-arvoa rakennetaan. Näkökulma on usein yksilössä ja yhteisöllisyyden rakentamisessa. Alueelliset erot eivät muodostu aineistossa merkittäviksi. Alueellisten erojen tarkastelemiseksi tutkimusta olisi merkittävää tehdä laajalla aineistolla ja yhdistää tutkimukseen tarkkaa tietoa koulujen konteksteista.
  • Juutilainen, Iida (2022)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastelen, kuinka kulttuurien ja katsomusten tasa-arvo rakentuu peruskoulujen tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelmissa. Yhteiskunnan moninaistuminen on näkynyt koulutuspoliittisissa ratkaisuissa. Yksi esimerkki tästä on vuonna 2015 voimaan tullut laki, joka edellyttää kaikilta peruskouluilta toiminnallista tasa-arvo suunnitelmaa. Tämän lisäksi kaikilla oppilaitoksilla on oltava suunnitelma yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseksi. Yhteiskunnan moninaistumisesta huolimatta koulujen ympäristöt sekä oppilaiden taustat ovat todellisuudessa hyvin vaihtelevia. Tämän olen ryhmitellyt suunnitelmia alueellisesti perehtyen siihen, onko kulttuurillisen ja katsomusten tasa-arvon rakentumisessa havaittavissa merkittäviä alueellisia eroja. Tutkielmani pohjaa sosiaalisen konstruktionismin näkemykseen, että todellisuus kohdataan aina jostakin näkökulmasta merkityksellistettynä. Kielen merkitys todellisuuden luomisessa ja muokkaamisessa on siis oleellinen. Tämän vuoksi analysoin aineistoa diskurssianalyysin avulla. Tutkielma on laadullinen ja analyysi perustuu aineistosta nousseisiin näkökulmiin, teemoihin sekä tekstien retorisuuteen. Aikaisempi tutkimus on käsitellyt koulutukseen liittyvää tasa-arvoa laajasti keskittyen etenkin sukupuolten tasa-arvoon, katsomusaineiden opetukseen ja kielellistenratkaisujen merkitykseen. Tutkielmani liittyy keskusteluun samojen käsitteiden ja lähtökohtien kautta, mutta keskittyy tapoihin, joilla kulttuurinen ja katsomusten tasa-arvo rakentuu vielä varsin uusissa suunnitelma teksteissä. Aineistosta esiin nousevat syrjinnän, katsomusten ja etnisyyden, sekä katsomusaineiden ja käytäntöjen diskurssit, joiden kautta kulttuurien ja katsomusten tasa-arvoa rakennetaan. Näkökulma on usein yksilössä ja yhteisöllisyyden rakentamisessa. Alueelliset erot eivät muodostu aineistossa merkittäviksi. Alueellisten erojen tarkastelemiseksi tutkimusta olisi merkittävää tehdä laajalla aineistolla ja yhdistää tutkimukseen tarkkaa tietoa koulujen konteksteista.
  • Vaittinen, Henriikka (2019)
    The labour market in Finland is segregated by gender, and it is rare to work in a place, where the number of men and women is even. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to look at the effects of these segregated labour markets by studying the experiences of tokens. The main theory of this research is the token theory by Rosabeth Moss Kanter (1977). This theory depicts the roles and statuses that are repercussions of the token situation. In this research I will also analyze, how the token category of gender is present in the speech of the tokens. The research was based on four qualitative theme interviews of male kindergarten teachers. The length of the interviews was from 46 to 70 minutes. The research material of this is a discretionary sample. Studying male kindergarten teachers enabled examining token experiences, because teacher’s profession is strongly segregated by gender. The interviews were first transcribed, and the analyzed using a phenomenographic method with four stages of analysis. The token status is shown in the high visibility of the male kindergarten teachers. They are also often presumed to pose qualities and skills, which are typical to the category of their gender. The interviewees talked about surprised reactions, stereotypes that they face, gratitude and the benefits of being one of the few in their field. This treatment received as a token resulted in feelings of anxiety, irritation and indifference. The tokens described their work community in many ways, from empowering to feeling like an outsider. The interviewees had not often worked with other male kindergarten teachers. In contrast to the theoretical framework of the study, there were no signs of competition between the tokens in this research material. The attitude towards other tokens was positive. Segregation in the kindergarten teacher’s profession was described as a fact that the tokens are already aware of and do not need to be reminded of. In the material this was shown as a general assumption that all teachers in kindergarten are female, and also as the fact that the profession is very homogenous in terms of gender. The interviewed tokens had similar backgrounds, and they indicated many reasons for there being so few men working as kindergarten teachers. Gender roles in upbringing were addressed as different ways of acting between men and women, breaking of gender norms and gender-sensitive education.
  • Nevala, Piia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis was to examine the assumptions of an inclusion that personnel in early childhood education have. The theoretical context of this study is the ecosystem model of inclusive early childhood education. Model is developed based on Urie Bronfenbrenner´s ecological systems theory. In the ecosystem model is described macro-, meso-, ecso- and microsystem factors that has to be considered when early chilhood ecucation is developed as more inclusive. Concepts are also explained. Methods. The material of this thesis was collected in research that clarified the state of special support in early childhood education. In this thesis was analysed one question´s answers of that research. Answers was given 572. From these answers was chosen five personnel groups whose answers was received more than 15. From these groups (early childhood special education teacher, early chilhood education teacher, childminder, nursery nurse and day care center manager) was chosen 15 answers each, based on discretionary sample. The answers that were chosen told about inclusion from works point of view. The answers were analysed and categorized in themes. Fenomenografi and dialogical theme-making was used as methods. Results and conclusions. Seven themes were made from the answers: the pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion, inclusion as a value, associates who support inclusive early childhood education, inclusion as a child´s right, inclusion as a child’s place, the challenges that inclusion has and enough education and know-how for inclusion. Themes were divided in between personnel groups. Inclusion as a value and inclusion as a child´s right were mentioned in every groups answers. The pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion was mentioned mostly by early childhood education teachers and early childhood special education teachers. Inclusion as a child´s place was mostly mentioned by early childhood special education teacher and day care center managers. Inclusion´s challenges were mentioned mostly by nursery nurses and day care center managers. Enough education and know-how for inclusion was mentioned by day care center managers, early childhood education teachers and nursery nurses. Associates who support inclusive early childhood education was written by early childhood special education teachers and early childhood education teachers.
  • Nevala, Piia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis was to examine the assumptions of an inclusion that personnel in early childhood education have. The theoretical context of this study is the ecosystem model of inclusive early childhood education. Model is developed based on Urie Bronfenbrenner´s ecological systems theory. In the ecosystem model is described macro-, meso-, ecso- and microsystem factors that has to be considered when early chilhood ecucation is developed as more inclusive. Concepts are also explained. Methods. The material of this thesis was collected in research that clarified the state of special support in early childhood education. In this thesis was analysed one question´s answers of that research. Answers was given 572. From these answers was chosen five personnel groups whose answers was received more than 15. From these groups (early childhood special education teacher, early chilhood education teacher, childminder, nursery nurse and day care center manager) was chosen 15 answers each, based on discretionary sample. The answers that were chosen told about inclusion from works point of view. The answers were analysed and categorized in themes. Fenomenografi and dialogical theme-making was used as methods. Results and conclusions. Seven themes were made from the answers: the pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion, inclusion as a value, associates who support inclusive early childhood education, inclusion as a child´s right, inclusion as a child’s place, the challenges that inclusion has and enough education and know-how for inclusion. Themes were divided in between personnel groups. Inclusion as a value and inclusion as a child´s right were mentioned in every groups answers. The pedagogical solutions and tools that support inclusion was mentioned mostly by early childhood education teachers and early childhood special education teachers. Inclusion as a child´s place was mostly mentioned by early childhood special education teacher and day care center managers. Inclusion´s challenges were mentioned mostly by nursery nurses and day care center managers. Enough education and know-how for inclusion was mentioned by day care center managers, early childhood education teachers and nursery nurses. Associates who support inclusive early childhood education was written by early childhood special education teachers and early childhood education teachers.
  • Shemeikka, Kati-Rosita (2017)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Gender sensitive education takes into account the role of gender in all aspects of institutional upbringing and it aspires to see individuals as one-of-a-kind. A gender sensitive kindergarten teacher is able to recognize patterns and schemas in their own way of thinking which reproduce gender roles and from there end up reproducing them in the kindergarten. Therefore the ability to reflect one’s work is crucial. Previous research shows that the field of early childhood education is full of binary norms and regulations in regards of gender. In the context of institutional early childhood education the offered gender roles (for example during play) are quite often terribly stereotypical and dualistic. This study aims to report and describe how kindergarten teachers regard gender sensitive education in the context of early childhood education, what kind of personal experiences they have of gender sensitivity in their line of work, their general thoughts and feelings about the whole spectrum of gender as well as equality and the challenges they have faced in respect of the whole issue. The nature is the study was qualitative and the matter was collected by semi-structured theme interviews. The three interviewed kindergarten teachers work for the city of Helsinki. The collected matter was analyzed by content analysis. All of the interviewed kindergarten teachers aimed to be equal and gender sensitive in their work. They thought that children should be able to express their gender in a diverse way and to be able to experiment with different kinds of gender roles through play. The interviewed kindergarten teachers saw equality as a base and a foundation for education and upbringing. As a challenge for the actualization of gender sensitive education they mentioned the lack of resources such as time, the hectic schedule of a kindergarten and general lack of understanding of the issue.
  • Uuksulainen, Anniina (2016)
    Stereotypical perceptions of girls and boys, can still be seen from teacher`s action. This is because teachers have different expectations to children, depending their gender. The environment and teachers are playing a key role, in how the child is thinking about their own gender. People should still be working forward gender equality, because the professions and compensation levels are still divided between women and men. This research surveys the perceptions of kindergartenteachers about gender-sensitivity in early childhood education. My aim was to research how the kindergartenteachers understand gernder-sensitive education, how they value it, and do they try to operate their pedagogy with gender sensitivy. This research is in pedagogy and feminist field. The material for this examination was gathered by themeinterwieving three preschool teachers in metropolitan area. The material was analysed with contentanalysis. The interview included two women- and one man kindergartenteacher. Two of them were been working as a kindergartenteacher for a long time, and one just under a year. The aim in this was to gather a versatile material. The material of this reseach showed that the kindergartenteachers don`t see that gender-sensitiv education is familiar to them. Beside thet all of them knew partially how to define it. They all also felt it to be significant in some way, but there were differencies in their answers. The teachers perceptions diverged in their own pedagogy, because only two of them admitted to be a gender-sensitive teachers. Despite this, all of them descriped to be gender-sensitive in some way. Because all of them felt that gender-sensitive education is not familiar to them, there should be more studies and advisory about the subject.
  • Vihavainen, Aija (2016)
    Aims. The new National Core Curriculum for primary education 2014 will highlight gender equality even more than the previous curriculum. Gender equality is taken into consideration through the concept of gender sensitivity. It means, for example, that the teacher recognizes her/his own ideas concerning gender and gender diversity and s/he is able to solve practises that lead to gendering. The goal in this thesis is to describe class teachers' ideas concerning gender and how they further promote gender equality in their teaching. In addition, I am interested in the differences teachers see between boys and girls in their classrooms. Methods. This is a qualitative study, which is based on four interviews of class teachers. The interviews were half structured, which meant that every interview was revolving around the same subject matter but in an order that fitted for each separate interview. One of the participants did not have a teacher qualification but this person had still worked as a class teacher for over 10 years. Two of the teachers were in the beginning of their careers and the third teacher had a longer career. The data was analyzed using content analysis, in which the data was first divided into smaller units and then grouped into different topics. Results and conclusions. The participants defined gender basically from a perspective that emphasized duality: men and women. Two of the teachers mentioned gender minorities. The realization of gender equality in schools divided opinions. Teachers had not thought or thought only a little of their own teaching from the gendered perspective. According to the teachers, gender equality is generally being applied through mixed-groups, equality and by handing out the same exercises to pupils. Three teachers felt that boys do not behave as good as girls at school. According to the results, it seems that teachers need more information concerning gender diversity and practices to promote gender equality. Without this information, it is very hard for a teacher to teach according to the new National Core Curriculum for primary education, which puts emphasis on gender sensitivity.
  • Kinos, Vili (2017)
    This bachelor's thesis focuses on the experiences of five male-home economics teacher student’s experiences on their choice of career and on their perceptions of the importance of men in the home economics field. Research questions formulated as follows: 1. What kind of experiences do male home economics teacher students have on their choice of career? 2. How do male home economics teacher students themselves see their importance in the home economics field? There has been little research on male home economics teachers. Male teachers in other fields have been studied both in Finland and abroad. Five male home economics teacher students were interviewed. The interviewees were at different phases on their studies. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews. The average duration of the interviews was approximately 30 minutes. The material produced by the interviews was analyzed by means of content analysis. The study revealed that a male home economics teacher raises interest in people. People were interested in the selection of career of the interviewed students, most of the reactions from people were positive. The most positive experiences come from the interviewed students families and closest friends. Negative reactions were mostly from unknown people. The interviewees felt that male home economics teachers were important male pupils. The interviewees brought up, how a male home economics teacher can affect equality improvement, widening of gender roles, the home keeping skills of boys in particular and to the image of home economics field. The interviewed men feel that they are suitable career for them. The comments they face seem to strengthen their feeling of being on the right field. Comments that find the interviewed students different, that came from some outsiders, do not shake their perception. Although all the interviewees had heard a lot of comments about their choice, they approach them objectively. They feel that a male home economics teacher can develop home economics as a subject and benefit social equality.
  • Keski-Hakuni, Laura (2015)
    Suomen valtio sitoutui vuonna 1995 YK:n Pekingin julistuksen ja toimenpideohjelman allekirjoittaessaan ottamaan sukupuolinäkökulman huomioon kaikessa toiminnassaan. Pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee, miten sukupuolivaikutuksia arvioidaan sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön ja valtiovarainministeriön hallinnonalakohtaisten talousarvioesitysten valmistelussa ja miten sukupuolinäkökulma ilmenee valtion talousarvioesityksessä. Tutkimuksen kontekstina ovat 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla tapahtuneet politiikan muutokset, jotka asettavat yhä tiukemmat reunaehdot tasa-arvopolitiikan suunnittelulle ja toimeenpanolle. Tutkielma soveltaa sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamista käsittelevää kansainvälistä ja kansallista tutkimusta. Tämän lisäksi se pohjaa uusinstitutionalistiseen ja uusliberaalia hallintoideologiaa käsittelevään tutkimukseen. Tutkielman kirjalliseen aineistoon kuuluvat Suomen valtion talousarvioesitys vuodelle 2014, sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toiminnallinen tasa-arvosuunnitelma vuosille 2012–2015 sekä ministeriön toiminnallisen tasa-arvotyöryhmän työsuunnitelma vuodelle 2014. Tutkielman empiirinen haastatteluaineisto koostuu seitsemän henkilön asiantuntijahaastattelusta. Haastateltavat toimivat kahdessa tarkasteltavassa ministeriössä talousarviovalmisteluun tai tasa-arvovastuisiin liittyvissä tehtävissä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella sukupuolivaikutusten arvioinnit eivät ole vakiintuneet osaksi tarkasteltavien ministeriöiden valmistelu-työtä. Vastuu sukupuolivaikutusten arviointien tekemisestä on haastateltaville epäselvä, ja ministeriöiden sisäisten tasa-arvo-työryhmien asema talousarvioesityksen valmistelussa on epäselvä tai heikko. Ministeriöiden hallinnonalakohtaisissa yhteenvedoissa esityksen sukupuolivaikutuksista ilmenee eroja erityisesti siinä, ketkä osallistuvat yhteenvedon laatimiseen ja tehdäänkö arvio vuosittain. Sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamista ei ole tällä hallituskaudella juurikaan kehitetty osana talousarvioprosessia. Haastateltavat tunnistavat talousarvioesityksen sisällössä vähintään välillisiä sukupuolivaikutuksia. Samalla he katsovat, ettei tehdyillä sukupuolivaikutusten arvioinneilla ole välitöntä vaikutusta talousarvioesityksen sisältöön. Tasa-arvoon liitetyt tavoitteet tai sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistaminen eivät esiinny talousarvioesityksen alun yhteenveto-osiossa, jossa esitellään hallituksen finanssipoliittinen linja ja esityksen määrärahojen pääpiirteet. Sukupuolivaikutusten arviointia ei mainita myöskään valtiovarainministeriön hallinnonalakohtaisen talousarvioesityksen kohdissa, jotka käsittelevät hallinto- ja talouspolitiikan valmistelua. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön hallinnonalakohtaisessa esityksessä mainitaan sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamisen kehittäminen talousarvion laatimisessa hallituksen tasa-arvo-ohjelman pohjalta, muttei mitään yksityiskohtaisempaa toimenpidettä tavoitteen edistämiseksi. Sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamisella on institutionaalisesti vahvempi asema sosiaali- ja terveysministeriössä kuin valtiovarainministeriössä. Tämä on nähtävissä sekä haastatteluaineistossa sekä talousarvioesityksessä, jossa valtavirtaistaminen mainitaan valtiovarainministeriön hallinnonalakohtaisessa yhteenvedossa, mutta se ei ole toimintatapana vakiintunut talousarvioesityksen valmistelussa. Sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamiseen kuuluvien velvoitteiden institutionaalinen asema on heikko siksi, että niiden toimeenpanoa ei valvota eikä laiminlyöntiä ole sanktioitu. Valtavirtaistamisen epäselvä säädöspohja ja poliittinen tavoitteenasettelu näkyvät siinä, että vastuu toimeenpanosta nojaa lähinnä hallinnollisiin järjestelyihin, esimerkiksi verkostojen ja työryhmien toimintaan, joiden asema talousarvioesityksen valmistelussa on epäselvä tai heikko. Kehysbudjetoinnista ja Euroopan unionin finanssipoliittisesta sääntelystä aiheutuvien esteiden lisäksi talousarvioesityksen rakenteessa ja sen laatimiseen kuuluvassa prosessissa on institutionaalisia piirteitä, jotka vaikeuttavat sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamisen toimeenpanoa. Myös budjetoinnin panosorientoituneisuus asettuu sukupuolivaikutusten arviointeihin liittyvää tulosorientoitunutta budjetointia vastaan. Sukupuolinäkökulman valtavirtaistamisen säädöspohja tai poliittinen tavoitteenasettelu ei heijastele uusliberaalia hallintoideologiaa, mutta sen piirteitä ilmenee valtavirtaistamisen toimintatavoissa, esimerkiksi toiminnan horisontaalisuudessa sekä sukupuolineutraalissa kielessä ja toimintavoissa. Pohdittaessa, miten sukupuolivaikutusten arviointi voisi toteutua valtion talousarvioesityksen valmistelussa vaikuttavammin, keskeistä on, katsotaanko arvioinneilla olevan selkeä tarkoitus. Sukupuolivaikutusten arviointien tulisi liittyä ja vaikuttaa sekä talousarvioesitykseen sisältyvään hallinnonalojen toiminnan suunnitteluun että toimintaan osoitettaviin määrärahoihin, ja sitoa niiden valmistelua yhteen.
  • Pöyhönen, Roosa (2019)
    Tiedekunta/Osasto – Fakultet/Sektion – Faculty Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta Laitos – Institution – Department Politiikan ja talouden tutkimuksen laitos Tutkielmassani tarkastelen, miten Me Naisien ja Annan politiikkaa ja yhteiskunnallisia asioita käsittelevissä kirjoituksissa politisoitiin naisten poliittista ja sosiaalista asemaa ja sukupuolten suhteita. Tarkastelen, mitä naisten asemaan liittyviä keskusteluja naistenlehdet nostivat esiin kolmena naisten poliittisen edustuksen kannalta erityisenä vaalivuotena. Käsittelen vaalivuosia 1983, 1991 ja 2007, jolloin naiset saivat prosentuaalisesti uuden ennätysmäärän paikkoja eduskunnassa. Tarkoitukseni on selvittää, millaisia poliittisia ja yhteiskunnallisia aiheita on jutuissa painotettu, millainen sävy niissä on, näkyvätkö eduskuntavaalit kirjoituksissa. Oletukseni myös on, että juuri näinä eduskuntavaalivuosina naistenlehdissä on ilmestynyt tavallista enemmän politiikasta ja yhteiskunnasta kertovia kirjoituksia, sekä puhuttelua niemenomaan lukijoille äänestäjinä. Valitsemani vaalivuodet sijoittuvat eri vuosikymmenille, joten työssäni pystyn tekemään eräänlaisen läpileikkauksen, niin naistenlehtien kehityksessä, kuin suomalaisen yhteiskunnan muutoksessakin. Edellä mainitulla tutkimus- ja apukysymyksillä pyrin vahvistamaan jo tutkija Raili Malmbergin esittämää ajatusta siitä, että suomalaisilla naistenlehdillä on ollut oma tehtävänsä kasvattaa lukijoitaan naiskansalaisuuteen . Vuonna 1983 keskiössä oli keskustelu tasa-arvopoliittisista uudistuksista, joilla parannettiin naisten ja perheiden asemaa yhteiskunnassa. Tasa-arvopolitiikan etenemisestä huolimatta naispoliitikot olivat naistenlehdissä vielä uutinen, haastatteluissa olivat lähinnä korkeassa poliittisessa asemassa olleet naispoliitikot, lähinnä ministerit. Eduskuntavaalien suhteen lehdet ottivat aktiivisesti kantaa naisten suuremman edustuksen puolesta. Vuonna 1991 laman vaikutukset hallitsivat lehtien palstoilla: naistenlehdet kommentoivat voimakkaasti laman sukupuolivaikutuksia. Samalla Euroopan integraatio ja kansainvälistyminen nousivat esiin. Eduskuntavaaleissa naisia vedottiin äänestämään inhimillisemmän politiikan puolesta laman olosuhteissa. 2000-luvulla lehdissä näkyi ns. post-politiikan aikakausi, sillä suorat poliittiset kannanotot tai vaatimukset lakiuudistuksista väistyivät. Sukupuolten suhteita arvioitiin työn ja perheen, ei tasa-arvopolitiikan kautta. Molemmissa naistenlehdissä käsiteltiin 1980-luvun alusta 2000-luvun puoliväliin monipuolisesti tasa-arvopolitiikkaa ja sukupuolten välisiä suhteita. Naistenlehdet ovat omalla panoksellaan osallistuneet yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun ja tuoneet esille niitä naisten kannalta esiin nousevia epäkohtia. Sekä Anna ja Me Naiset kokivat muutoksen vuosikymmenien saatossa: aktiivinen kollektiivisen tasa-arvopolitiikan ajaminen on saanut väistyä yksilökeskeisemmän politiikan tieltä ja politiikka on jäänyt lehtien sivuilla osittain paitsioon. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords tasa-arvo, mediatutkimus, aikakauslehdet, eduskuntavaalit
  • Pöyry, Vilma (2021)
    The aim of this master’s thesis was to describe, analyze and interpret the perceptions of women who have progressed to the management level about their own success and the factors that have positively or negatively influenced their career path. In addition, the purpose of the study was to understand at a more general level their perceptions of the relatively small number of female leaders compared to men and their ideas of ways to increase that number. This dissertation is made at a time when equality matters have been on the table for a long time. My qualitative research consisted of seven semi-structured thematic interviews and they were analyzed by data-driven content analysis. The interviewees were currently or formerly in leadership positions, all women over 40 and under 70 years of age. All interviewees worked or had worked in medium-sized or large listed companies. Results of the study show that women leaders described their own success and the positive and negative factors that influenced their career, as well as the relative scarcity of women leaders and ways to increase the number with societal and organizational, social, and personal factors. Both their own success and the relative scarcity of female leaders were justified in particular by the importance of their own attitude and personality. Other important criteria for one’s own success were given, such as networks and contacts. The relative scarcity of female leaders was seen to be resulted from for example gender inequality in parental leave, segregated gender networks, and the different upbringing styles of boys and girls. Equalizing parental leave, having gender-neutral networks, raising children in the same way, and examining one’s own attitude were some of the solutions given by the interviewees. Overall, the results revealed that many explanations were given for one’s own success and for the lack of female leaders in general, and the interviewees did not name just a few decisive factors that determine a person’s success, but it is a sum of many different factors.