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  • Mäkikokko, Mira (2019)
    Aims. Listening to adults reading aloud has in many researches been found to have several benefits to child’s linguistic development. There are many ways to perform reading aloud such as interactive reading, dialogic reading and text-talk method which are all developed by researchers. The aim of this study is to discover new information about primary school teachers reading aloud: for what purposes teachers perform reading aloud, what are the main features of reading aloud by teachers and what attitudes teachers associate toward reading aloud. Methods. This study is based on the Lukuklaani research project data. The research project conducted an online survey to map out the literacy education of the Finnish primary schools. The survey was answered during November and December in 2017. The survey had total of 58 questions including closed and open questions. Some closed questions had the possibility to be answered with open specification. Total number of answers from teachers were 885 from which 722 answered teachers worked for the signed up research project schools and 163 for random sample schools. From the complete research project data the answers to the open questions regarding reading aloud were reviewed and then themed and furthermore categorized by answer type in line with my study. The research method in this study was data based qualitative content analysis with elements of theory driven analysis. Results and conclusions. This study showed that for some teachers reading aloud was a regular routine. Some teachers used it for calming, motivating to read or to support learning of their students. Reading aloud also had a role in other learning methods of literacy education such as book circles. Reading aloud by teachers showed aspects from many different methods such as performance reading and several researcher developed methods. Almost 90 percent of teachers participating in the Lukuklaani research project read aloud to their students. At the same time the answers showed concern about reading being in lesser role as a hobby and homes showing less support for reading. This study revealed more information of reading aloud habits of teachers. According to this study those habits play a major role in teaching yet they haven’t been studied widely in Finland.
  • Malvila, Emma (2023)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää päiväkotien lepohetkillä ääneen lukemista ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä. Tavoitteena on saada käsitys lukemisen merkityksestä ja roolista lepohetkien aikana ja tarkastella luettavaksi valittujen kirjojen valintoihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi selvitetään lukemisen mahdollistumiseen ja estymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Aiempia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei juuri löytynyt. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat ääneen lukemiselle monia lapsen kehitystä ja oppimista edistäviä tekijöitä. Ääneen lukemisella on havaittu olevan vaikutusta etenkin lapsen kielellisten taitojen kehittymisessä ja lukutaidossa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin verkkokyselylomakkeen avulla ja lopullisessa tutkimuksessa oli mukana 158 vastaajan vastaukset. Kaikki vastaajat työskentelivät päiväkodissa, suurin osa vastanneista toimi varhaiskasvatuksen opettajana. Vastaajia oli kaikenikäisistä lapsiryhmistä. Kattava aineisto laadulliseen tutkimukseen saatiin vain muutaman tunnin aikana. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä ja siinä hyödynnettiin teemoittelua ja luokittelua. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lepohetkillä lukeminen oli tutkimuksen mukaan yleisintä esikouluikäisten lasten ryhmissä ja vähäisintä pienten lasten ryhmissä. Lukemiseen käytetty aika vaihteli melko suuresti eri vastaajien välillä. Kirjojen valintaan vaikuttivat saatavilla olevat kirjat ja lasten kielenkehityksen tai mielikuvituksen tukemiseen liittyvät asiat. Lukijat valitsivat mieluusti itselleen tuttuja kirjoja tai kirjassarjoja. Enimmäkseen lepohetkillä luetaan jatkotarinoita. Lukemisen mahdollistavia tekijöitä olivat erilaiset aikuisten väliset sopimukset, saatavilla olevat kirjat ja riittävä henkilökunta. Estävinä tekijöinä liian vähäinen suunnittelu, kirjojen tai henkilökunnan puuttuminen sekä henkilökunnasta johtuvat syyt, kuten lukuhaluttomuus tai äänen väsyminen.
  • Mäkikokko, Mira (2017)
    In my bachelor’s thesis I use descriptive literature review to study reading aloud in early childhood and its connection to both child’s developing vocabulary and readiness to read when entering school. I examine reading to children via kindergarten, preschool and home environment. Material in my study consist of 15 foreign research articles / scientific articles and one Finnish study which I analyzed and classified in line with my research questions. When choosing the materials I favored peer reviewed Finnish or English sources with time frames between 1990 and 2017. From the results of the articles two methods of reading aloud arose in which have clear positive effect to vocabulary growth and readiness to read. First of these, dialogic reading, is a form of shared reading in which one completes reading via shared conversations, questions and both specifying and expanding of children’s responses. Another effective way to read is interactive reading. It reminds dialogic reading but adds expanding activities such as drawing to it. In addition to above I briefly introduce few other method of reading. Many studies found that regular reading aloud had positive effect on child’s vo-cabulary, especially with expressive language. By expanding vocabulary reading aloud also supports readiness to read. Dialogic and interactive reading had bigger effect than just reading to those parts of language. Some of the studies reported lesser effects. Home literacy environment (HLE) has great impact on child’s lan-guage development. Improving HLE has been found to have a connection to the development of child’s vocabulary and readiness to read.