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  • Islam, Md. Safiqul (2016)
    Mulching, as a cultivation technique, has been adopted since the early twentieth century in agriculture for improving various aspects of crop production. However, the use of mulching was boosted by the introduction of plastic mulch, which has been reported as a harmful substance to the farm environment. Therefore, the need for an environmentally benign mulch material is obvious. The present study investigated the effects of paper and biodegradable plastic mulches on the cucumber yield, soil temperature and moisture content (at 10 cm depth), and the control of weed growth in an agricultural field located at the University of Helsinki in Southern Finland. The degradability of mulches was also investigated. The null hypothesis was that all the mulches would have a similar effect on the abovementioned aspects. Four paper mulches, i.e., BP, KB, CK, and OB, accompanied by biodegradable mulch (BIO) and a bare soil (BG) treatment were under investigation. Each of these treatments had 4 replicates, and a randomized complete block design (RCBD) was adopted. Sensors were installed at 10 cm depth in each study plot to measure the soil temperature and moisture content. In addition, the experimental plots were watered by drip irrigation. All the attained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The results of the study revealed noteworthy positive effects (P<0.05) of mulch application on cucumber yields together with soil temperature, early fruiting, and weed growth regulation compared to the un-mulched bare ground, exclusive of soil moisture content. The daytime soil temperature (DST) was higher than at night (NST), indicating a positive association of the mulch effect with plant growth and crop earliness. However, no suggestive improvement in soil moisture was found through mulch application during the study period. Edge degradation was only found for paper mulches during the study period, suggesting their environment friendliness. The CK and KB papers were the most effective and most environmentally positive mulch materials, and could be a suitable choice for Finnish vegetable growers. The findings of this study could assist paper manufacturers in improving the qualities of mulch papers regarding vegetable production. Future research aims at assessing the effects of mulches on the physiology of plants studied under mulched techniques together with the development of cheaper and more environmentally benign mulch materials.
  • Islam, Md. Safiqul (2016)
    Mulching, as a cultivation technique, has been adopted since the early twentieth century in agriculture for improving various aspects of crop production. However, the use of mulching was boosted by the introduction of plastic mulch, which has been reported as a harmful substance to the farm environment. Therefore, the need for an environmentally benign mulch material is obvious. The present study investigated the effects of paper and biodegradable plastic mulches on the cucumber yield, soil temperature and moisture content (at 10 cm depth), and the control of weed growth in an agricultural field located at the University of Helsinki in Southern Finland. The degradability of mulches was also investigated. The null hypothesis was that all the mulches would have a similar effect on the abovementioned aspects. Four paper mulches, i.e., BP, KB, CK, and OB, accompanied by biodegradable mulch (BIO) and a bare soil (BG) treatment were under investigation. Each of these treatments had 4 replicates, and a randomized complete block design (RCBD) was adopted. Sensors were installed at 10 cm depth in each study plot to measure the soil temperature and moisture content. In addition, the experimental plots were watered by drip irrigation. All the attained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The results of the study revealed noteworthy positive effects (P<0.05) of mulch application on cucumber yields together with soil temperature, early fruiting, and weed growth regulation compared to the un-mulched bare ground, exclusive of soil moisture content. The daytime soil temperature (DST) was higher than at night (NST), indicating a positive association of the mulch effect with plant growth and crop earliness. However, no suggestive improvement in soil moisture was found through mulch application during the study period. Edge degradation was only found for paper mulches during the study period, suggesting their environment friendliness. The CK and KB papers were the most effective and most environmentally positive mulch materials, and could be a suitable choice for Finnish vegetable growers. The findings of this study could assist paper manufacturers in improving the qualities of mulch papers regarding vegetable production. Future research aims at assessing the effects of mulches on the physiology of plants studied under mulched techniques together with the development of cheaper and more environmentally benign mulch materials.
  • Seppälä, Jenna (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2014)
    Nivelrikko on koirilla yleinen sairaus, joka johtuu nivelruston rappeutumisesta. Edetessään nivelrikko vaikeuttaa koiran liikkumista ja aiheuttaa kipua. Nivelrikon hoidossa joudutaan usein turvautumaan pitkäaikaiseen tulehduskipulääkkeiden käyttöön, jolla voi olla tunnettuja haittavaikutuksia mm. ruoansulatuskanavaan, maksaan ja munuaisiin. Siksi erilaisten ravintolisien, kuten glukosamiinin, kondroitiinin, omega-3-rasvahappojen ja antioksidanttien käyttö nivelrikon hoidossa on nostattanut kiinnostusta, sillä näillä aineilla on todettu haittavaikutuksia vain hyvin harvoin ja lievinä. Ravintolisien käyttöä koiran nivelrikon hoitoon on jonkin verran tutkittu, mutta tutkimustietoa kahden tai useamman ravintolisän yhtäaikaisesta käytöstä löytyy vähemmän. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kirjallisuudesta tietämystä tiettyjen ravintolisien vaikutusmekanismeista sekä selvittää, voisiko ravintolisien käytöstä olla apua nivelrikon ja sen aiheuttaman kivun hoidossa koirilla. Hypoteesina oli, että ravintolisän käyttö saattaisi lievittää nivelrikkokipua pilottikoejärjestelyssä. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osuudessa selvitettiin sokkouttamattoman ja kontrolloimattoman, tapaussarja-tyyppisen pilottitutkimuksen avulla Nutrolin Nivel-yhdistelmäravintolisän vaikutusta koiran nivelrikkokipuun keräämällä tietoa tutkimukseen osallistuneiden koirien omistajilta kyselykaavakkeiden avulla. 12 koiraa osallistui tähän tutkimukseen. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet koirat söivät 13 viikon ajan Nutrolin Nivel-ravintolisävalmistetta ruoan mukana pakkauksen annosohjeen mukaisesti. Koirien omistajat täyttivät tutkimuksen aikana viisi kertaa mm. koiran nivelrikko-oireita, yleisvointia, elämänlaatua ja kipulääkkeiden käyttöä kartoittaneen kyselykaavakkeen, josta ennaltavalittujen kysymysten perusteella laskettiin koirille validoitu Helsinki Chronic Pain Index-arvo (HCPI) sekä liikkumista ja elämänlaatua ilmentävät jana-arvot (visual analogue scale, VAS). Verrattuna ravintolisätutkimuksen loppuhetkeä tutkimuksen alkuhetkeen, havaittiin koirien kroonista kipua mittaavan HCPI-arvon alentuneen tilastollisesti merkitsevästi (P=0,048). Myös liikkumisen ja elämänlaadun VAS-arvoissa oli tapahtunut pieneneminen kokeen lopussa, mutta nämä muutokset eivät saavuttaneet tilastollista merkitsevyyttä. Tutkimustuloksemme ja muiden samoja aineita tutkineiden tutkimusten tulosten perusteella on perusteltua olettaa tämän tyyppisellä ravintolisällä olevan jonkinlainen kipua lieventävä vaikutus nivelrikon hoidossa. Jatkossa kuitenkin ehdottomasti tarvitaan hyvin suunniteltu, kontrolloitu, sokkoutettu ja suuremmalla otoskoolla toteutettu kliininen tutkimus näiden suuntaa-antavien tulostemme vahvistamiseksi.