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Browsing by Subject "Monimuotoisuus"

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  • Mustola, Marjo (2021)
    The loss of forest biodiversity is a global issue. In Finland, there are many measures aiming at preserving the forest biodiversity, for example, protection of the forest habitats defined in the Forest Act and in the Nature Conservation Act; protection of threatened species; the nature management methods in commercially utilized forests and the forest certification. Information of forest resources is collected mainly by remote sensing methods, but also field inventories are carried out, especially when preservation of the areas of high biodiversity value needs to be verified and monitored. Metsäteho Oy has developed an automated method for delineating harvested stands based on harvester location data. The method can be a beneficial tool for providing up-to-date forest resource information. The objective of this study was to research, if harvester location data can be utilized in verifying preservation of areas of high biodiversity value, and in recognizing potential areas, and how that could be implemented in practice. The harvester data used in this study was collected from geographically diverse areas in Finland, and the data contains stem-wise coordinates of harvester while cutting the tree. The delineations of operated areas were generated from harvester location data using the automated method developed by Metsäteho Oy. After the stand delineation was generated, the automated method was utilized in recognizing non-harvested areas left inside and between the harvested stands. Both harvested stands and non-harvested areas were compared to open forest data (including the data of the protected habitats according to the Forest Act and METSO Programme; other protected areas; habitats of threatened species; the Topographic database) using spatial data analysis. The aim was to investigate, if the known areas of high biodiversity value were delimited outside of the harvested stands or if they were left non-harvested within the harvested stand area. In addition, the aim was to research why the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were left without harvesting, and if the non-harvested areas could be potential areas of high biodiversity value. After the spatial data analysis was completed, also field surveys were carried out. Based on the spatial data analysis and the field surveys, the known areas of high biodiversity value were mainly delimited out-side of the harvested stands. The cases in which they were left without harvesting within the harvested stands, were possible to recognize through spatial data analysis. According to the spatial data analysis, part of the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were potential areas of high biodiversity value. Recognized non-harvested areas can be utilized also in recognizing retention tree groups with certain limitations. According to the results, the recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, based on harvester location data, can be utilized when verifying preservation of the high biodiversity value areas, and also other areas that are recorded in spatial data. Based on the observations of this study, it is possible to develop an automated recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, when spatial analysis of datasets in vector format is automated. The positioning accuracy of harvester and the automated method for delineating harvested stands are still causing some challenges when interpreting the results. Also, timeliness and accuracy of the available data of high biodiversity value areas affect on the results of the automated method. To combine different data sources effectively, a data platform is needed in order to use the automated method fluently. The recognition method for high biodiversity value areas can be utilized, for example, when reporting the quality of harvesting work. In addition, the method can be utilized in targeting and minimizing the amount of field inventories when verifying new areas of high biodiversity value. The method enables collecting information and automated monitoring of how the nature management has been integrated into forest management operations in practice. That information contributes to the utilization of forests in economically and ecologically sustainable way.
  • Mustola, Marjo (2021)
    The loss of forest biodiversity is a global issue. In Finland, there are many measures aiming at preserving the forest biodiversity, for example, protection of the forest habitats defined in the Forest Act and in the Nature Conservation Act; protection of threatened species; the nature management methods in commercially utilized forests and the forest certification. Information of forest resources is collected mainly by remote sensing methods, but also field inventories are carried out, especially when preservation of the areas of high biodiversity value needs to be verified and monitored. Metsäteho Oy has developed an automated method for delineating harvested stands based on harvester location data. The method can be a beneficial tool for providing up-to-date forest resource information. The objective of this study was to research, if harvester location data can be utilized in verifying preservation of areas of high biodiversity value, and in recognizing potential areas, and how that could be implemented in practice. The harvester data used in this study was collected from geographically diverse areas in Finland, and the data contains stem-wise coordinates of harvester while cutting the tree. The delineations of operated areas were generated from harvester location data using the automated method developed by Metsäteho Oy. After the stand delineation was generated, the automated method was utilized in recognizing non-harvested areas left inside and between the harvested stands. Both harvested stands and non-harvested areas were compared to open forest data (including the data of the protected habitats according to the Forest Act and METSO Programme; other protected areas; habitats of threatened species; the Topographic database) using spatial data analysis. The aim was to investigate, if the known areas of high biodiversity value were delimited outside of the harvested stands or if they were left non-harvested within the harvested stand area. In addition, the aim was to research why the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were left without harvesting, and if the non-harvested areas could be potential areas of high biodiversity value. After the spatial data analysis was completed, also field surveys were carried out. Based on the spatial data analysis and the field surveys, the known areas of high biodiversity value were mainly delimited out-side of the harvested stands. The cases in which they were left without harvesting within the harvested stands, were possible to recognize through spatial data analysis. According to the spatial data analysis, part of the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were potential areas of high biodiversity value. Recognized non-harvested areas can be utilized also in recognizing retention tree groups with certain limitations. According to the results, the recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, based on harvester location data, can be utilized when verifying preservation of the high biodiversity value areas, and also other areas that are recorded in spatial data. Based on the observations of this study, it is possible to develop an automated recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, when spatial analysis of datasets in vector format is automated. The positioning accuracy of harvester and the automated method for delineating harvested stands are still causing some challenges when interpreting the results. Also, timeliness and accuracy of the available data of high biodiversity value areas affect on the results of the automated method. To combine different data sources effectively, a data platform is needed in order to use the automated method fluently. The recognition method for high biodiversity value areas can be utilized, for example, when reporting the quality of harvesting work. In addition, the method can be utilized in targeting and minimizing the amount of field inventories when verifying new areas of high biodiversity value. The method enables collecting information and automated monitoring of how the nature management has been integrated into forest management operations in practice. That information contributes to the utilization of forests in economically and ecologically sustainable way.
  • Viitamäki, Anna (2023)
    Tiivistelmä Monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäminen ja luontokadon pysäyttäminen kaikilla ekosysteemitasoilla ovat kasvavissa määrin keskeisiä kysymyksiä niin globaalissa kuin kansallisessakin mittakaavassa. Suomen tapauksessa metsien rooli tässä kysymyksessä on erityisen suuri, sillä erilaiset metsäelinympäristöt kattavat noin 86 prosenttia maapinta-alasta. Viimeisimmän lajien uhanalaisuuskartoituksen mukaan noin 30 prosenttia kaikista uhanalaisista lajeista käyttää ensisijaisena elinympäristönään metsiä, ja lisäksi kaksi kolmasosaa metsäluontotyypeistä on luokiteltu uhanalaisiksi. Metsäsuunnittelun näkökulmasta keskeisiä teemoja ovat suojelutoimenpiteiden kohdistaminen arvokkaimmille kohteille, ja toisaalta monimuotoisuutta tukeva toimenpidesuunnittelu talousmetsissä. Molempiin tavoitteiden edistämiseksi metsiköiden monimuotoisuus ja luontoarvot nykytilassa on tunnistettava mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Toimenpidesuunnittelun ja erilaisten toimenpidevaihtoehtojen laskennallisen vertailun tarpeisiin on lisäksi pystyttävä ennustamaan monimuotoisuuskehitystä eri vaihtoehdot huomioiden, sekä asettamaan eri tavoitteille, tässä tapauksessa myös monimuotoisuudelle ja luontoarvoille, numeerinen arvo. Erään ratkaisuvaihtoehdon edellä esitettyihin tavoitteisiin tarjoaa ForestKIT-metsäsuunnittelujärjestelmän tarpeisiin kehitetty luontoarvoindeksimalli. Asiantuntijatyönä kehitetty indeksimalli perustuu kuuteen osaindeksiin, jotka yhteenlaskettuna kuvaavat puuston rakenteellista monimuotoisuutta, ja ennustavat tätä kautta metsikkökuvioiden luontoarvoja. Tämän työn tavoitteeksi asetettiin mallin nykytoteutuksen arviointi ja kehittäminen, sekä kehitetyn mallin uudelleenarviointi. Tutkielman toteutus jaettiin kolmeen vaiheeseen, joista ensimmäisessä tarkasteltiin mallin nykytoteutuksen loogisuutta, sekä mallinnuksessa käytettävien kuviotietojen datalähteen vaikutusta tuloksiin hyödyntäen kahta samalta alueelta maastomittauksiin ja kaukokartoitustulkintaan perustuen tuotettua aineistoa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa havaittiin, että kaukokartoitusaineistojen perusteella ennustetuissa puustotunnuksissa rakenteellisen vaihtelun kuvaus on heikkoa, ja näin ollen myöskään luontoarvojen ennustaminen niiden perusteella ei ole erityisen luotettavaa. Mallin toiminnasta yleisesti tunnistettiin joitain puutteita, erityisesti liittyen alueellisen ja kasvupaikkakohtaisen vaihtelun huomioimiseen. Myös lahopuu-muuttujan puuttuminen mallista havaittiin keskeiseksi puutteeksi. Tutkielman toisessa vaiheessa mallin nykytoteutusta pyrittiin kehittämään osaindeksi kerrallaan hyödyntäen ensimmäisen vaiheen havaintoja, sekä arvioimaan mahdollisten uusien osaindeksien lisäämistä. Keskeiset raamit kehitystyölle asetti tämän työn rajoitukseksi määritetty mahdollisten muuttujien rajaaminen metsätietostandardin mukaisiin metsävarakuviotunnuksiin, mutta osaindeksikohtaisessa tarkastelussa löydettiin kuitenkin konkreettisia kehitysehdotuksia, joilla pystyttiin vastaamaan tunnistettuihin puutteisiin. Keskeisenä lisäyksenä kehitettiin ratkaisu lahopuuinventointitiedon sisällyttämisestä malliin. Kolmannessa vaiheessa esitettyjen kehitysehdotusten yhteisvaikutuksia testattiin erityisesti tähän tarkoitukseen kehitetyllä menetelmällä, jossa ensimmäisessä vaiheessa esitellystä vertailuaineistosta valituille otantakuvioille laskettiin indeksiarvot mallin nykytoteutuksella sekä eri kehitysvaihtoehtojen yhdistelmillä, jonka jälkeen näiden erotusta vertailtiin nykytoteutuksen perusteella lasketulle arvolle asetettuun statukseen (yliarvio/aliarvio). Kolmannessa, muutosvaihtoehtojen testaamisen saatiin suuntaa antavia tuloksia muutosyhdistelmävaihtoehtojen hyvyydestä, mutta kyseisten tulosten tarkastelussa on huomioitava menetelmän kokeellinen luonne. Kolmannen vaiheen tulosten perusteella toisessa vaiheessa esitettyjen kehitysehdotusten avulla pystyttiin kuitenkin parantamaan mallin toimintaa tunnistettujen puutteiden osalta. Mallin nykytoteutukseen ehdotetut kehitysehdotukset huomioiden malli toimii siis kohtuullisen hyvin metsikkökuvioiden rakenteellisen monimuotoisuuden kuvaamisessa. Tulosten tarkastelussa on kuitenkin huomioitava mallin kehittämistyön aikana tunnistetut haasteet eri käsitteiden ja muuttujien määrittelyssä, käytössä olevan mallinnusdatan ja -menetelmien asettamissa rajoitteissa, sekä mallin tulosten riippuvuus muuttujien (kuviotietojen) mittaustarkkuudesta. Lisäksi keskeisiksi tämän työn rajauksen ohittaviksi kehityskohdiksi tunnistettiin spatiaalisuuden huomioiminen kuvioiden indeksiarvojen laskennassa sekä lahopuumäärän kehityksen ennustaminen.
  • Järvelä, Riina (2014)
    The diversity of nature has declined significantly over the past decades. The agricultural diversity has the same trend and the agricultural environments includes of high-value habitats and their associated biodiversity. In the EU and in the Finnish environmental schemes, therefore, efforts have been made to protect and increase biodiversity. Since 2009, voluntary nature management fields have been part of the Finnish’s agri-environmental measures in the agri-environment scheme. These nature management fields include perennial grass fields, game fields, landscape fields and meadow fields. Nature management fields are used specifically to maintain the diversity of the agricultural environment. This study examined two types of nature management fields in summer of 2013. The variety of vascular plants, butterflies and bumblebees was observed in Uusimaa, Finland. The study consists of 40 field blocks, divided into perennial grassland fields (3-4 years) and meadow fields (over 8 years). Nature management field types differed from each other by vegetation, establishment and temporal change. The aim of this study was to provide information which can help in the design and management of nature management fields. The intention is to provide insight on what kind of vegetation could be used to encourage increase in the number and diversity of pollinators, as well as, what kind of the nature management fields promote environmental diversity in farmland. This study was conducted as part of Marjaana Toivonen's dissertation project, “Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services through environmental Fallows”. Vegetation was clearly influenced by the time and what was sown in the field. The old perennial grassland fields can preserve and safeguard the permanence of species. Young meadow fields are sown usually with flower seed mixtures. Thus, the abundance of flowering plants is high and the plants provide pollen and nectar for the insects. It was also found that the vegetation was divided according to the type of nature management fields. With pollinators, this trend was not observed as clearly. However, bumblebees were most common in meadow fields. Clear division between the types of fields was not seen in butterflies but they appeared to prefer grassland fields. This study shows that both grassland and meadow fields are needed for protecting biodiversity. Nature management fields have an important role as the multi-species vegetation patches which allow organisms to survive, get food and travel in otherwise monocultural farming environments.
  • Korhonen, Leena (2018)
    This research focuses on educators’ perceptions and views about diversity. I am interested in how educators perceive diversity when working in day care centers. That is to say how they act in reality. In addition I want to examine what kind of perceptions educators form together in discussions about diversity. Previous studies have shown that the diversity of the Finnish society doesn’t affect the learning environment in early childhood education. Studies have also shown that educators need more education and training to improve their intercultural competence so that they are able to work with diverse children and families. This research is qualitative. The data was collected by using two methods. The data was mainly collected by observing. Observation was made in nine day care centers in different child groups during three months’ time. The observation was partly made by participant ob-servation. The data was transcribed and it was all together 60 pages. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The other method was focus group discussion. There were three group discussions with two educators in each. The data was transcribed literally (16 pages). The data was analyzed by dialogical analysis of multivoicedness. The main three perceptions about diversity that emerged from observing were: organizing the education and activities, implementing activities in practice and educators’ perceptions about their daily work. About half of the educators saw that children have different needs. They worked in small groups and had lot of interaction with children. The other half saw that same pedagogy suits all children. Some of the educators had difficulties to see multilingualism of children and their families as natural. The results of the group discussions showed that the educators’ perceptions about diversity were very sensitive. They also payed attention to meet children’s needs. The results show that educators’ perceptions in practice differ a lot. In theory all educators’ were sensitive and understanding to diversity. The results also show that there is urgent need for training in order to gain more proficiency in intercultural competence.
  • Airola, Kristiina (2018)
    The aim of this study was to get acquainted with diversity in working life. The meaning of the study was especially to focus on gender as a form of diversity, and to examine what kind of benefits and obstacles one can have as part of a gender group in working life. At the same time the aim of the study was to take part in the discussion on the unequal status of genders and problems caused by this inequality while also keeping in mind that studies on the subject can even reinforce gender differences and maintain familiar structures. Diversity is increasing in society and at the same time the pressure to make organizations more diverse is growing. In terms of equality, a diverse work community can cause challenges. Diversity has been seen as beneficial with regard to profitableness and productivity, when it is managed correctly. The method of this study is literature review. The study aimed to cover a wide range of source literature. Studies, scientific articles and books were used as source material. The aim was also to create a synthesis of different perspectives on diversity and to combine with it writer’s own thoughts and views based on the source material. The challenge of this study was the wide range of the research field and the abundance of the possible source materials. The source materials used in this study have been selected according to the topic and the author´s review of the relevance of the materials. From a gender perspective, equality has not yet been reached. Previous studies support the view that gender differences and the inequality caused by them still exist. Gender roles are renewed in working life and changing the gender-based structures is challenging. Gender has been seen to have an impact on wage, starting level of the position and promotions in organizations. Studies show that the higher the organization level, the inequality problems faced by women are more severe. The respect of the pick-collar sector is still low and conflicts between women are still causing problems.