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Browsing by Subject "Pyykinpesu"

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  • Haaranen, Anniina (2022)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out how textile care appears in home economics textbooks. Textile care is considered as an essential area of focus in home economics education and an important everyday skill. The study examines what topics are associated with textile care, in what order they are presented, and what terms are associated with the different stages of the textile care. In addition, the study exam- ines how environmental aspects are merged with textile care. The environmental perspective is im- portant to consider in everyday activities so that they are sustainable and do not contribute to climate change. The research was conducted as a qualitative textbook analysis using theory-driven content analysis. The materials utilized in this study were six home economics textbooks published within the 21st cen- tury. A table of analysis was used to categorize the different themes found in the textbooks. In addition to the text contained in the books, images, additional information content, and possible attachments in the books were also included in the analysis. Clothing care, laundry, as well as pre-and post-treatment of laundry were recognized as the main themes among the researched materials. These concepts and themes are described in more detail in the theoretical section of the thesis, as well as within the research results. In all the researched textbooks textile care clearly appears as its own area of focus. The magnitude of the content has some influence on the extent to which the various stages of textile care have been covered in the textbooks. Sustainable aspects of textile care were also found in other sections of the book. The themes related to sustainable development were raised in a few books in sections related to consumer education, addressing especially the circular economy and sustainable decisions when pur- chasing clothing. The four main themes used as basis for the study were found in all the books and were mainly presented throughout the books in the same order. The most notable differences in the different stages of textile care were found in the contents related to clothing care. In more recent text- books, sustainability was clearly an integral part of the textbooks’ other content and was considered in all stages.
  • Haaranen, Anniina (2022)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out how textile care appears in home economics textbooks. Textile care is considered as an essential area of focus in home economics education and an important everyday skill. The study examines what topics are associated with textile care, in what order they are presented, and what terms are associated with the different stages of the textile care. In addition, the study exam- ines how environmental aspects are merged with textile care. The environmental perspective is im- portant to consider in everyday activities so that they are sustainable and do not contribute to climate change. The research was conducted as a qualitative textbook analysis using theory-driven content analysis. The materials utilized in this study were six home economics textbooks published within the 21st cen- tury. A table of analysis was used to categorize the different themes found in the textbooks. In addition to the text contained in the books, images, additional information content, and possible attachments in the books were also included in the analysis. Clothing care, laundry, as well as pre-and post-treatment of laundry were recognized as the main themes among the researched materials. These concepts and themes are described in more detail in the theoretical section of the thesis, as well as within the research results. In all the researched textbooks textile care clearly appears as its own area of focus. The magnitude of the content has some influence on the extent to which the various stages of textile care have been covered in the textbooks. Sustainable aspects of textile care were also found in other sections of the book. The themes related to sustainable development were raised in a few books in sections related to consumer education, addressing especially the circular economy and sustainable decisions when pur- chasing clothing. The four main themes used as basis for the study were found in all the books and were mainly presented throughout the books in the same order. The most notable differences in the different stages of textile care were found in the contents related to clothing care. In more recent text- books, sustainability was clearly an integral part of the textbooks’ other content and was considered in all stages.
  • Haaranen, Anniina (2021)
    Tavoitteet ja keskeiset käsitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten tekstiilienhoito näyttäytyy kotitalouden oppikirjoissa 1950-luvulta 2010-luvulle. Pyykinpesu ja tekstiilienhoito ovat olennainen sisältöalue kotitalousopetuksessa ja lisäksi tärkeitä arjen taitoja. Tarkastelussa on, millaisia käsitteitä kirjoissa tekstiilienhoitoon ja pyykinpesuun liitetään ja missä järjestyksessä aiheita käsitellään, sekä mitä samankaltaisuuksia kirjoista löytyy. Keskeiset käsitteet ovat tekstiilienhoito, pyykinpesu, kotitalousopetus ja oppikirja. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen oppikirja-analyysi ja toteutustapana on teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimii seitsemän kotitalouden oppikirjaa yksi kultakin vuosikymmeneltä. Sisällönanalyysin tukena on käytetty analysointitaulukkoa, johon on teemoitettu kotitalouden oppikirjojen sisällöt tekstiilienhoidon osalta. Oppikirjoista nousi tutkittaviksi teemoiksi vaatehuolto, pyykinpesu sekä pyykin esikäsittely ja jälkikäsittely. Käsitteitä ja teemoja avataan tarkemmin teoriaosassa, sekä tutkimustuloksissa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tekstiilienhoito näyttäytyy oppikirjoissa selvästi omana sisältöalueenaan. Sisältöalueen suuruus vaikuttaa joiltain osin siihen, miten laajasti tekstiilienhoidon eri teemoja on oppikirjoissa käyty läpi. Sivujen määrä ei kuitenkaan ole suorassa yhteydessä sisällön monipuolisuuden kanssa. Tämän tutkimuksen rajauksena käytetyt neljä teemaa löytyvät kaikista kirjoista. Eniten eroavaisuuksia löytyy vaatehuollon sisällöstä. Pyykinpesu, pyykin esi- ja jälkikäsittely näyttäytyvät melko samanlaisina kaikissa oppikirjoissa. Pyykinpesukoneiden yleistyminen muokkaa kirjojen sisältöä pyykinpesun osalta, mutta esi- ja jälkikäsittelyn työvaiheet eivät juuri muutu vuosikymmenten edetessä. Jotkut käsitteet jäävät pois ja uusia tulee tilalle, mutta pääosin sisältöalueet pysyvät samana.
  • Söderström, Ina (2016)
    The aim of this study is to determine the basis on which the family's mother chooses the laundry detergent and what products the mother feels she needs in her daily laundry at home Theory deals with domestic laundry laundry detergents, as well as the factors influencing consumer behavior. In addition, it deals with earlier research based on factors affecting the choice of detergent. The study included eight mothers of different families Semi-structured interviews were carried out in K-citymarket Ruoholahti (Helsinki) detergent department in September-October 2016. The interviewees were given a task to choose all necessary products for their laundry from the supermarket's range. All choices had to be justified during the interview and some specific questions were asked. Interviews were recorded and transcripted. Interviewees chose total 41 products of which 21 were laundry detergents. According to this study mothers choose detergents by its liquid state, scent and sensitivity. Also product's domesticality and being free from zeolites were factors that influence the choice of detergent. Based on this study mothers needed at least two different detergents and one stain removal product in their laundry Half of the examinees needed fabric softener to use with some textiles.