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Browsing by Subject "aminohapot"

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  • Kaivonen, Susanna (2020)
    Clostridium botulinum on gram-positiivinen anaerobibakteeri, jonka tuottamia kestäviä itiöitä esiintyy kaikkialla maaperässä ja vesistöissä. Bakteeri on tunnettu sen tuottamasta hermomyrkystä, botuliinista, joka on voimakkain luonnollinen myrkky. Botuliinitoksiini voi aiheuttaa ihmisen tai eläimen elimistöön päästessään botulismin, jolle on tyypillistä velttohalvaus. Hoitamattomana botulismi voi johtaa hengityslihasten lamaantumisen seurauksena kuolemaan. Toksiinia voi muodostua elintarvikkeisiin epäonnistuneen valmistusprosessin tai vääränlaisen säilytyksen seurauksena. Bakteerin toksiinituotannon säätelyä ei täysin tunneta, mutta joidenkin kasvua tukevien ravintoaineiden, kuten glukoosin, tiedetään indusoivan toksiinituotantoa. Typpiaineiden vaikutuksesta C. botulinumin toksiinituotantoon on vain vähän tietoa saatavilla. Tällaisen tiedon avulla voidaan tarkentaa elintarviketuotannon riskinarviointia ja etsiä uusia innovatiivisia hallintakeinoja riskien torjuntaan. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää eri typpiaineiden vaikutuksia C.botulinumin kasvuun, toksiinituotantoon ja itiöitymiseen. Tutkimuskohteena oli C. botulinum ryhmän I kanta ATCC 19397. Tutkimushypoteesin mukaan eri aminohapoilla on erilainen vaikutus bakteerikannan kasvuun, toksiinituotantoon ja itiöiden muodostumiseen. Kokeessa kasvualustana käytettiin synteettistä ja koostumukseltaan määriteltyä minimaalista kasvualustaa, johon lisättiin yksittäistä tai kahta aminohappoa pääasialliseksi energianlähteeksi (1 g/l – 20 g/l) ennen bakteerin inokulaatiota. Tutkimuksessa bakteerien kasvua mitattiin automaattisen Bioscreen-laitteen avulla, joka mittaa näytteen optista tiheyttä. Toksiinin määrä selvitettiin immunologisen ELISA-testin avulla ja itiöiden määrää tutkittiin MPN menetelmällä vegetatiiviset bakteerit tuhoavan lämpökäsittelyn jälkeen. Aminohappojen havaittiin vaikuttavan osittain C. botulinumin kasvuun, toksiinituotantoon ja itiöitymiseen. Metioniini (1g/l) indusoi toksiinituotantoa ja korkea glutamaattipitoisuus (20 g/l) inhiboi C. botulinumin kasvua merkittävästi. Oletetuilla Stickland-reaktiopareilla havaittiin suurta vaikutusta kasvuun, toksiinintuotantoon ja itiöiden muodostukseen. Käytettävissä olevat ravintoaineet vaikuttivat oleellisesti tutkitun C. botulinumin kasvuun, toksiinituotantoon ja itiöitymiseen. Tulokset antavat suuntaa bakteerin metaboliareittien ja sen toksiinituotannon metabolisen säätelyn meknismien tutkimukseen. Toksiinituotannon metabolisen säätelyn ymmärtäminen avaa uudenlaisia strategioita bakteerin aiheuttamien elintarviketurvallisuusriskien arviointiin ja hallintaan.
  • Soronen, Päivi (2019)
    Nitrogen (N) availability often limits plant growth in the boreal forest ecosystem. There has been a lack of reliable method to study soil N supply as in traditionally used potassium chloride (KCl) extraction sampling and sample preparation disturb soil structure and stimulate N mineralization, leading to the overestimation of inorganic N forms ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) and underestimation of organic N forms such as amino acids. Diffusion-based microdialysis technique for the sampling of soil diffusive N fluxes gives an opportunity to study soil N supply at a scale that is relevant for plant N uptake, as microdialysis probe has a membrane that reminds the plant fine root in its scale and also, to some extent, in its function. During sampling, the movement of water inside the microdialysis probe induces diffusive flux of solutes across the membrane surface along the concentration gradient. The aim of this study was to test the performance of microdialysis technique at different soil moisture content levels and its capability to monitor temporal changes in diffusive N fluxes in laboratory experiments (ex situ). Soil fine-scale N dynamics were further studied by comparing the diffusive N fluxes in the field (in situ) in boreal forest soil to multiple factors that are thought to affect forest soil N availability. In this study, soil diffusive NH4+, NO3- and amino acid N fluxes were sampled ex situ from sieved soils taken from three different sites – clear-cut, spruce stand (MT spruce) and pine stand (VT pine) in Lapinjärvi, Finland in November 2017. In ex situ microdialysis experiments, the diffusive N fluxes were observed at three different soil moisture content levels and after N addition. In situ microdialysis sampling was run at the logging residue experiment of the Lapinjärvi clear-cut site and at the MT spruce site in June 2018 and at the pine logging residue experiment in Kiikala, Finland in September 2018. The results from the in situ microdialysis were compared with soil moisture content, pH, C-to-N ratio and temperature as well as with the net N mineralization and net nitrification rates, microbial biomass C and N contents and the concentrations of volatile monoterpenes and condensed tannins, factors that are assumed to affect N availability in forest soil. Nitrogen fluxes sampled ex situ showed that the total amino acid flux in the soil taken from the clear-cut site was only half of that in the MT spruce soil whereas NO3- flux was two times higher at the clear-cut site than at the MT spruce site. MT spruce soil with a moisture content of 60 % water-holding capacity (WHC) had significantly higher NH4+ flux than the same soil in its field moisture content (44 % WHC). Nitrogen pulse was detected in all soil samples as increased NH4+ flux after the N addition, followed by a subsequent decrease near to the initial level. In situ microdialysis sampling showed that the total amino acid fluxes were 5–15 nmol N cm-2 h-1 and they dominated the total diffusive N fluxes in Lapinjärvi and Kiikala. On average, the smallest share of the total free amino acids (54 %) was observed at the control plots of the logging residue experiment in Lapinjärvi. No correlation between the KCl-extractable NH4+-N concentration and the diffusive NH4+ flux was found, but instead the KCl-extractable NH4+-N concentration showed a significant positive correlation with the diffusive fluxes of both total free amino acid N and nitrate. Moreover, the diffusive NH4+ flux correlated positively with the net N mineralization rate. In general, ex situ microdialysis sampling showed 2–10 times higher amino acid fluxes and 10–20 times higher ammonium fluxes than the in situ microdialysis that reflects the effect of sampling, sample storage and preparation. The effect of soil moisture on the diffusive N fluxes could be further studied in laboratory experiments and in situ. The results of this study showed that the diffusive fluxes of different N forms are decoupled from the bulk soil concentrations. Moreover, microdialysis could be possibly used to quantify the transformation processes of N compounds in soil. These results increase the evidence that microdialysis has potential to detect temporal changes in N fluxes and possibly give new information about the ongoing processes at soil microsites.
  • Uusitupa, Jenni (2021)
    Tiivistelmä  Referat  Abstract Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) may accumulate high amounts of nitrate in the hydroponic NFT-cultivation system. Accumulation is known to increase under low light conditions, and thus high nitrate content causes problems in year-round lettuce production in Finland. Nitrate is classified as a harmful food additive, and the regulation (194/97) of the European Commission requires the Member States to monitor the nitrate content of commercial lettuce. Hence, to control the nitrate content, farmers have requested an efficient method that does not shorten the shelf-life or negatively affect the quality of lettuce. In the earlier studies, root-applied glycinebetaine (GB) was shown to reduce lettuce nitrate content and increase the contents of amino acids and minerals. The present study aimed to investigate, whether glycinebetaine can serve as a precise method to control lettuce nitrate content in commercial-scale greenhouse production. Glycinebetaine 10 mM was applied into the nutrient solution twice at three days intervals, and lettuce was exposed to treatment during the last six growing days before the harvest. Plant samples were collected every second day for 14 days after the first GB application, and samples from nutrient solution were collected simultaneously. The reduction of GB from the nutrient solution was monitored. The fresh weight of the plants was weighed during the harvest, and contents of nitrate, dry matter, minerals, amino acids, and GB in the plant samples were analyzed. Root-applied GB reduced lettuce nitrate content by over 29 % in comparison to control plants. The total contents of hydrolyzed- and free amino acids were increased. The total content of essential amino acids was increased up to 14 % following the GB treatment. Also, the contents of minerals in the lettuce leaves were altered. The potassium (K+) content in lettuce was reduced by over 40 % after GB application. Lettuce accumulated the applied GB and leaf GB content was 7 mg kg-1 fresh lettuce at the highest. Root-applied GB reduced the fresh weight of the harvested lettuce, but all plants reached the commercial size (>100 g) during the typical commercial growing period of 41–43 days. The result of the present study proved that GB is a practical method to control nitrate content and the quality of lettuce on commercial-scale lettuce production. Glycinebetaine was detectable in the nutrient solution for three days after application and thus, continuously maintained lower nitrate content in plants requires continuous GB application in the commercial lettuce production. The reduction of the nitrate content was significant six days after the first GB application, which indicates that a six-day treatment period is required.
  • Uusitupa, Jenni (2021)
    Tiivistelmä  Referat  Abstract Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) may accumulate high amounts of nitrate in the hydroponic NFT-cultivation system. Accumulation is known to increase under low light conditions, and thus high nitrate content causes problems in year-round lettuce production in Finland. Nitrate is classified as a harmful food additive, and the regulation (194/97) of the European Commission requires the Member States to monitor the nitrate content of commercial lettuce. Hence, to control the nitrate content, farmers have requested an efficient method that does not shorten the shelf-life or negatively affect the quality of lettuce. In the earlier studies, root-applied glycinebetaine (GB) was shown to reduce lettuce nitrate content and increase the contents of amino acids and minerals. The present study aimed to investigate, whether glycinebetaine can serve as a precise method to control lettuce nitrate content in commercial-scale greenhouse production. Glycinebetaine 10 mM was applied into the nutrient solution twice at three days intervals, and lettuce was exposed to treatment during the last six growing days before the harvest. Plant samples were collected every second day for 14 days after the first GB application, and samples from nutrient solution were collected simultaneously. The reduction of GB from the nutrient solution was monitored. The fresh weight of the plants was weighed during the harvest, and contents of nitrate, dry matter, minerals, amino acids, and GB in the plant samples were analyzed. Root-applied GB reduced lettuce nitrate content by over 29 % in comparison to control plants. The total contents of hydrolyzed- and free amino acids were increased. The total content of essential amino acids was increased up to 14 % following the GB treatment. Also, the contents of minerals in the lettuce leaves were altered. The potassium (K+) content in lettuce was reduced by over 40 % after GB application. Lettuce accumulated the applied GB and leaf GB content was 7 mg kg-1 fresh lettuce at the highest. Root-applied GB reduced the fresh weight of the harvested lettuce, but all plants reached the commercial size (>100 g) during the typical commercial growing period of 41–43 days. The result of the present study proved that GB is a practical method to control nitrate content and the quality of lettuce on commercial-scale lettuce production. Glycinebetaine was detectable in the nutrient solution for three days after application and thus, continuously maintained lower nitrate content in plants requires continuous GB application in the commercial lettuce production. The reduction of the nitrate content was significant six days after the first GB application, which indicates that a six-day treatment period is required.
  • Kivelä, Jemina (2017)
    The association of serum branched chain amino acids with insulin resistance, risk of type 2 diabetes and intake of macronutrients Both type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance have been associated with elevated concentrations of blood branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). However, it is not yet known why blood BCAA levels are elevated in people in an insulin-resistant state or how lifestyle and nutrition may affect blood BCAA concentrations. The aim of this study was to determine whether a high serum BCAA concentration is associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in men and women with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). The association between macronutrient intake and serum BCAA concentration was also explored in this study. Serum BCAA concentration was analysed at baseline and after 1 year in 128 men and 279 women participating in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS). At baseline, all participants were middle-aged, had been diagnosed with IGT and were classified as overweight. All participants were monitored for T2D onset by oral glucose tolerance testing annually, over an average period of 9 years. Anthropometric measurements, blood samples and 3-day food diaries were collected at baseline and at year 1. Gender-specific quartiles of baseline BCAA were used to categorize the participants (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4); Cox regression was used to analyse diabetes risk among the BCAA categories. Linear regression analysis was used to test for an association between BCAA concentration and a homeostatic model of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and macronutrient intake. In addition, linear regression analysis was used to test for an association between changes in BCAA concentration from baseline to year 1 and changes of HOMA-IR and macronutrient intake. The models were adjusted for age, education, gender and body mass index. In addition, the intakes of macronutrients were adjusted for energy intake. Serum BCAA concentration at baseline was associated with the development of T2D (Q4 vs. Q1 HR=1.72 [1.07–2.75]; Q3 vs. Q1 HR=1.69 [1.05–2.70]; Q2 vs. Q1 HR=1.06 [0.63–1.77]). BCAA concentration correlated with HOMA-IR (β=0.20; p<0.001) but changes in BCAA concentration was not associated with changes in HOMA-IR. In men, there was an inverse correlation between baseline BCAA and baseline energy intake (β=−0.23; p=0.01), while protein intake relative to energy intake was directly correlated with BCAA concentration (β=0.19; p=0.03), although the correlation was attenuated after adjusting (p=0.05). In women, baseline fat intake was correlated with BCAA (β=0.26; p=0.04), although the correlation was attenuated after adjusting (p=0.08). In women, a change in the intake of saturated fat correlated with a change in BCAA (β=0.17; p=0.04). The results of this study support earlier findings that, in people with IGT, elevated blood BCAA concentration is associated with insulin resistance and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This study also showed that the intake of macronutrients is differentially associated with blood BCAA concentration in men and women. Additionally, this study suggests that macronutrient intake may be associated with blood BCAA concentration. Futher studies are required to determine whether macronutrient intake modifies the association between blood BCAA concentration and risk of developing type 2 diabetes.