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Browsing by Subject "arbetsliv"

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  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2019)
    Aims. Previous research shows that attitudes towards mental illness are to some extent negative and that stigmatization and discrimination exist, therefore a majority of the one´s who suffer from mental illness choose not to reveal their condition. Employees suffering from mental illness have a greater risk of losing their jobs, have worse career opportunities and are in the risk zone of being bullied or even left as an outcast. The aim of this study was to identify different attitudes towards mentally ill employees in Finland and Sweden, how these attitudes affect their everyday working life and if research indicates a change of attitudes over time. Methods. I chose to demarcate this thesis on studies on attitudes towards mental illnesses among employees in Finland and Sweden, published between 2012 and 2017. The material was retrieved from various databases including Google Scholar, Helda, Helka and Julkari and the searches were made in Swedish, Finnish and English. The keywords I used were: mental illness, mental health, attitudes, working life, stigma, psykisk ohälsa, psykisk hälsa, attityder, arbetsliv, mielenterveys, asenteet and työelämä. Results and conclusions. The results of this study show that stigmatization and negative attitudes towards mental illness within the working life are prevalent both in Finland and Sweden. Yet, the general awareness of mental illness is relatively high and the supportive discussion about the subject is improving in organizations. However, the majority of mentally ill employees in rehab, executives and the general population considered that in situations where an employee is mentally ill, and the employer knows about it, there might be a risk of a lower status or maybe even a loss of an employment. The career prospects for employees with mental illness are limited, because of an unwillingness to hire or keep an employee suffering from mental illness. Employers who have previous experience of employees with mental illnesses are more willing to hire people who have or have had a mental illness. The attitudes of the employers and colleagues turned out to have a major impact on the affected person, and the support was considered extremely important. The fear of stigmatization, special treatment and the potential loss of employment leads to a concealment of the condition for the majority of the affected. Although the results show that the attitudes towards mental illness in the working life have improved over time, unfortunately negative attitudes and stigmatization still exists.
  • Baarman-Englund, Sonja (2020)
    Diskriminering inom arbetslivet är ett omfattande forskningsområde och diskriminering vid rekrytering är en viktig del av detta område. Tidigare studier har framförallt fokuserat på sociala skillnader och laglighetsaspekter i rekryteringssammanhang. Få studier har däremot undersökt diskriminering som ett socialt problem. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka diskriminering i arbetslivet med fokus på anonym rekrytering och möjliga framtida rekryteringsmetoder som förebygger diskriminering. Denna studie ämnar besvara två forskningsfrågor: vad innebär diskriminering i arbetlivet och vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med anonym rekrytering som syftar till att förbygga diskriminering. Studier har visat på att detta fenomen kan studeras uttömmande utgående ifrån tre nivåer i samhället. Forskning har visat på att diskriminering vid rekrytering p.g.a. etnicitet, kön samt ålder förekommer allmänt på arbetsmarknaden trots lag som förbjuder sådant handlande. Det finns även diskrimineringsformer som inte nämns i lagen men som har betydande inverkan på strukturell, institutionell och individnivå. Denna insikt har medfört förslag om en anonym rekryteringsprocess där bl.a. kön samt ålder döljs i rekryteringens inledande skede. Frågeställningen handlar därför om huruvida sådana metoder kan motverka olika former av diskriminering. En ytterligare fråga gäller vilka former av diskriminering metoden visat kunna påverka positivt och negativt. Kritiken som riktats mot metoden visar på insikten om att det är svårt att avidentifiera ansökningar utan att tappa sådan information vilken har med sökandes kompetens och kvalifikationer att göra. Vidare anses individualiteten lida på bekostnad av anonymiteten. De primära källorna utgörs av internationella källor. Resultaten visade hur diskriminering i arbetslivet verkar på individnivå och olika former av systematisk diskriminering på strukturell och institutionell nivå i samhället. Anonym rekrytering visade sig kunna inverka på missgynnade gruppers möjligheter att passera anställningsprocessens första steg. Sammanfattningsvis kan en förståelse för hur diskriminering vid rekrytering skapas och upprätthålls i samhället bidra till ny kunskap kring diskriminering i arbetslivet. Studien visade på att avidentifierade ansökningar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen i avsedd riktning och att den därmed inte kan betraktas som ineffektiv.
  • Alexandersson, Fanny (2023)
    Inom arbetslivet har mångfalden ökat samtidigt som användningen av olika grupper ökat. Mångfaldens inverkan på gruppdynamiken är ett komplext fenomen som fått mycket uppmärksamhet tvärvetenskapligt. Tidigare studier har främst fokuserat på att beskriva följderna utgående från perspektivet av social kategorisering och information-beslutsfattningsperspektivet. Syftet med denna avhandling är att redogöra för vad mångfald på arbetsplatser är och vilka konsekvenser det har på gruppdynamiken i arbetsgruppen ur socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Resultaten indikerar att mångfald påverkar grupper både positivt och negativt men påverkas av flertal faktorer. Det mest centrala för positiva konsekvenser är gruppers förmåga att bearbeta den unika information som finns inom mångfaldiga grupper. Medan negativa konsekvenser ofta kan härledas till social kategorisering som bidrar till fördomar och stereotypier. För att grupper ska gynnas av mångfald krävs såväl individers som organisationens insatser. Med hjälp av ökad förståelse för komplexiteten av mångfaldens inverkan på gruppdynamiken kan bättre interventioner skapas för att främja positiva konsekvenser och förebygga negativa konsekvenser för att främja gruppers prestation och samarbete.
  • Weiss, Annica (2023)
    Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att på basis av tidigare forskning undersöka 1) orsaker, 2) konsekvenser och 3) förebyggande av arbetsplatsmobbning. Trots att det forskats mycket om arbetsplatsmobbning under de senaste årtioendena är mobbning på arbetsplatser fortfarande att stort problem som leder till en rad allvarliga konsekvenser. Arbetsplatsmobbning innebär mellanmänskliga konflikter och trakasserier på arbetsplatsen. Arbetsplatsmobbning innefattar inte enskilda trakasserier eftersom mobbning består av återkommande beteende. Arbetsplatsmobbning kan leda till långvariga och allvarliga psykiska och fysiska konsekvenser för individer och organisationen. De primära källorna för avhandlingen är nordisk forskning och teorier publicerade i socialpsykologiska-, organisationspsykologiska-, aggressions,- och personalledningsjournaler. Flertal studier är gjorda i Finland vilket gör avhandlingen tillämpbar på finska arbetsplatser. Resultatet tyder på att arbetsplatsmobbning är ett komplext fenomen som orsakas av flera faktorer i samverkan. Orsaker till och konsekvenser av arbetsplatsmobbning indelas på individ- och organisationsnivå. Individnivån syftar till de egenskaper samt enskilda konsekvenser som individen riskeras att utsättas för som offer eller mobbare. Organisationsnivån utgör de förhållanden som präglar mobbning som exempelvis organisationskultur. På grund av de allvarliga konsekvenserna arbetsplatsmobbning kan medföra både för individen och organisationen är det av intresse att förebygga fenomenet. Sammanfattningsvis rekommenderas organisationer ha skriftlig antimobbningspolicy samt sofistikerad personalpraxis för att förebygga mobbning.
  • Blomfelt, Emilia (2017)
    Millenniegenerationens kvinnor ses som högpresterande på universiteten och i arbetslivet samtidigt som de i allt större utsträckning är utbrända samt lider av prestationsångest. Mitt syfte med avhandlingen är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv granska millenniegenerationens kvinnor med fokus på prestationskrav och arbetsliv. Millenniegenerationens kvinnor diskuteras i relation till såväl möjligheter som utmaningar i arbetslivet med hjälp av bland annat generationstillhörighet, normativ femininitet och sociala maktstrukturer. Motstridigheter i hur millenniegenerationens kvinnor uppfattas i arbetslivet påverkar kvinnors upplevelser av sina prestationer och av att räcka till, vilket synliggörs i det så kallade duktig flicka fenomenet. Genom att koppla ihop medias förhållningssätt med den rådande samhällsdiskussionen och den vetenskapliga debatten framställs en komplex bild av millenniegenerationens kvinnor i arbetslivet. De beskrivs som vinnare, offer, framgångsrika karriärkvinnor och utbrända prestationsprinsessor.
  • Koski, Maria (2012)
    This study examined how work orientation is carried out at the workplace for workers with immigrant background, how immigrants have integrated to the chosen workplaces and how they see their future work related development. Immigration to Finland has expanded during the last decades and many immigrants are of working age, which makes the multicultural issues relevant in working life. Research in Finland has focused on how well immigrants get into the labour market. Studies have also been carried out in multicultural work environments, including nursing, expert and customer service occupations. Studies exploring cultural differences between working cultures have been popular on an international level and in business life, but they have not answered the question how differences of working cultures are visible and influence in the multicultural work environment. Research with a more critical view has been carried out at multicultural workplaces. In this study challenges and good practices, which have developed in work orientation and integration of immigrant workers, are being explored. Fifteen workers with immigrant background and five immediate superiors in two organizations in the metropolitan area were interviewed for the study. Two immediate superiors have immigrant backgrounds. Organizations that employ workers for duties which do not require former education and that already for a longer period of time have employed immigrant workers were chosen for the study. The interviews proceeded according to the semi structured interview guide. Many of the challenges for both work orientation and integration that the organizations, work communities and workers with immigrant backgrounds face turned out be connected to language skills. Moreover in relation to differences in working culture the significance of personality was often stressed. Certain phenomena related to different background and working culture emerged and require accommodation to the Finnish workplaces. To overcome the challenges of language skills and working culture different methods were used for job familiarization and work orientation. Four informants had though moved to Finland as children and did neither face language nor cultural challenges. The study helps to understand how it is to take part in the Finnish working life as an immigrant and how multifaceted the concept immigrant is at the workplace. It also shows that rather than placing the focus on finding cultural differences it would be more beneficial to study what their actual significance is in the multicultural work environment and how the immigrants' language skills develop in the Finnish working life.
  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine what consequences the informants experience adult ADHD has had in their working life and how the informants themselves wish that the workplace would take ADHD into account. Previous research shows that ADHD in adults causes difficulties in many areas of the person's life and leads, among other things, to underperformance in working life. Adults with ADHD have, on average, lower education, more unemployment, short-term employment and an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. According to previous research, adults with ADHD can still be successful in working life, but the workplace must take the diagnosis into account. The study involved seven adults diagnosed with ADHD. In the study, qualitative research methods were used and as data collection method, semi-structured life world interviews were used. The study was based on a phenomenological perspective. The empirical material was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Previous research in the subject was used as a background. The results showed that ADHD in adulthood have had consequences for the informants in working life. According to the informants, ADHD had influenced several career choices in that they did not dare to pursue their dream profession or could not achieve it due to the difficulties associated with ADHD. The informants also experienced that ADHD affected job searching and the opportunity to be employed. ADHD had led to challenges at work, such as concentration and communication difficulties. In addition, the informants experienced that ADHD has led to an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. Despite challenges in working life, the informants also thought that ADHD has contributed to various strengths in working life, such as creativity, productivity and quick responsiveness. The informants wanted the working community to have an understanding for the individual's difficulties and strengths. They also wished an open and supportive working community. In line with previous research, this study shows that ADHD in adulthood can lead to many difficulties in working life, but the results of this study also show that ADHD can lead to strengths in working life. This study also shows, in line with previous research, that it is important that the workplace takes the diagnosis into account.
  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine what consequences the informants experience adult ADHD has had in their working life and how the informants themselves wish that the workplace would take ADHD into account. Previous research shows that ADHD in adults causes difficulties in many areas of the person's life and leads, among other things, to underperformance in working life. Adults with ADHD have, on average, lower education, more unemployment, short-term employment and an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. According to previous research, adults with ADHD can still be successful in working life, but the workplace must take the diagnosis into account. The study involved seven adults diagnosed with ADHD. In the study, qualitative research methods were used and as data collection method, semi-structured life world interviews were used. The study was based on a phenomenological perspective. The empirical material was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Previous research in the subject was used as a background. The results showed that ADHD in adulthood have had consequences for the informants in working life. According to the informants, ADHD had influenced several career choices in that they did not dare to pursue their dream profession or could not achieve it due to the difficulties associated with ADHD. The informants also experienced that ADHD affected job searching and the opportunity to be employed. ADHD had led to challenges at work, such as concentration and communication difficulties. In addition, the informants experienced that ADHD has led to an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. Despite challenges in working life, the informants also thought that ADHD has contributed to various strengths in working life, such as creativity, productivity and quick responsiveness. The informants wanted the working community to have an understanding for the individual's difficulties and strengths. They also wished an open and supportive working community. In line with previous research, this study shows that ADHD in adulthood can lead to many difficulties in working life, but the results of this study also show that ADHD can lead to strengths in working life. This study also shows, in line with previous research, that it is important that the workplace takes the diagnosis into account.