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  • Wickman-Viitala, Tiina (2020)
    There is growing concern about the world population growth and the sufficiency of protein resources. Edible insects could be an alternative protein source for human beings. The aim of this master thesis was to examine the sensory characteristics of a new home cricket (Acheta Domesticus) product and understand the attitudes of consumers towards edible insects. The aim was to investigate the impact of consumer familiarity with edible insect food products on purchase intention and expected liking. The roles of media trust and purchase activism were expected to affect the behavior of consumers. Besides these four indicators also two more were added. These were food neophobia scale and innovativeness. The data on consumer attitudes and perception towards insect food was collected by using an electronic form that was sent to different mailing lists. Total of 167 respondents were gathered, 141 women and 63 men. 53 participants attended the sensory analysis tests on the beginning of the year 2020, ages 18 – 62. The analysis of the data was done with SPSS Statistics version 25. The findings of this study indicate that consumer familiarity contributes to purchase activism, purchase intention and expected liking. In this study the media trust did not contribute. Food neophobia scores correlated negatively to the intention to buy, expected liking and willingness to recommend the product. Innovativeness correlated positively to intention to buy and expected liking, and as expected, innovativeness correlated negatively to food neophobia scores. As people learn more about the ecological and nutritional benefits of edible insects, their attitudes towards insect food become more positive and they are more willing to try and taste insect products. The new home cricket product, PANNU Sirkka by GRiiDY, turned out to be quite suitable for Finnish consumers taste. On the just-about-right scale (1–4) the average score was 3,3 – 3,8 of all the assessed attributes. Many of the open responses mentioned the product to be ‘tasty, delicious, surprisingly good and crispy’, for instance. To overcome the preconceptions of western consumers, there should be more occasions to try and taste insect food. Marketing efforts are best targeted to consumers who are neophilic and innovative and encourage them to be the early adopters of insect food.
  • Wickman-Viitala, Tiina (2020)
    There is growing concern about the world population growth and the sufficiency of protein resources. Edible insects could be an alternative protein source for human beings. The aim of this master thesis was to examine the sensory characteristics of a new home cricket (Acheta Domesticus) product and understand the attitudes of consumers towards edible insects. The aim was to investigate the impact of consumer familiarity with edible insect food products on purchase intention and expected liking. The roles of media trust and purchase activism were expected to affect the behavior of consumers. Besides these four indicators also two more were added. These were food neophobia scale and innovativeness. The data on consumer attitudes and perception towards insect food was collected by using an electronic form that was sent to different mailing lists. Total of 167 respondents were gathered, 141 women and 63 men. 53 participants attended the sensory analysis tests on the beginning of the year 2020, ages 18 – 62. The analysis of the data was done with SPSS Statistics version 25. The findings of this study indicate that consumer familiarity contributes to purchase activism, purchase intention and expected liking. In this study the media trust did not contribute. Food neophobia scores correlated negatively to the intention to buy, expected liking and willingness to recommend the product. Innovativeness correlated positively to intention to buy and expected liking, and as expected, innovativeness correlated negatively to food neophobia scores. As people learn more about the ecological and nutritional benefits of edible insects, their attitudes towards insect food become more positive and they are more willing to try and taste insect products. The new home cricket product, PANNU Sirkka by GRiiDY, turned out to be quite suitable for Finnish consumers taste. On the just-about-right scale (1–4) the average score was 3,3 – 3,8 of all the assessed attributes. Many of the open responses mentioned the product to be ‘tasty, delicious, surprisingly good and crispy’, for instance. To overcome the preconceptions of western consumers, there should be more occasions to try and taste insect food. Marketing efforts are best targeted to consumers who are neophilic and innovative and encourage them to be the early adopters of insect food.
  • Torniainen, Meri (2009)
    The purpose of the thesis is to portray the attitude of a Finnish consumer towards ethical consumption. Ethical consumption is studied by dividing it into three different sectors. Ethical consumption is studied through consumers' attitudes, action and the information available from ethical products and companies. Data for the empirical part of the thesis was collected with an internet survey. A link for the survey was on the Finnish Consumers' Associations front webpage. Link was also posted on two different discussion forums in internet. The survey was also sent to my acquaintances. Target for this survey was hence hard to forecast in advance. As a result I got 247 respondents. The concept of ethical consumption is hard to define. Everyone's moral defines what is ethical and what is not. Ethical action aims for the well being of an individual and humankind. A consumer who acts ethically takes care of others wellbeing and does not concentrate on himself only. In this study ethical consumption takes into account the environmental problems and the social problems. Social problems are ethical problems which consider the wellbeing and rights of animals, human and nature. Ethical problems are for example animal testing, poor working and employment conditions, child labour and the environmental pollution. According to my findings people think really positively about ethical consumption. They are interested on ethical aspects but on the other hand they do not want to make any extra effort, for example finding information. Consumers are easily ready to abandon ethical aspects in their action. According to the research consumers think that their choices do matter in companies' action. Consumers are ready to boycott companies but they are also ready to buy ethically acting companies' products, even with a premium price. Consumers suffer from a lack of information and they do not trust on the information that companies deliver. On the other hand there is quite a lot of information available which might confuse some consumers. To consume ethically is complicated but it also gives pleasure for many consumers.
  • Dara, Dahat (2021)
    COVID-19-pandemian myötä vuotta 2020 on varjostanut epävarmuus ja pelko, mikä on havaittavissa sekä perinteisessä että sosiaalisessa mediassa käytävässä keskustelussa. Sosiaalisen median käytössä korostuu eri kanavien rooli sekä tiedon lähteenä että käyttäjien omien näkemysten ilmaisemisen välineenä. Lisäksi sosiaalisessa mediassa korostuu käyttäjien välinen vuorovaikutus. Sosiaalisen median käyttäminen terveyteen liittyvän tiedon lähteenä voi kuitenkin olla ongelmallista, erityisesti jos tieto erkaantuu tieteellisesti todistetusta faktasta. Sosiaalisessa mediassa esiintyvän diskurssin tarkasteleminen voi kuitenkin laajentaa ymmärrystämme käyttäjien suhtautumisesta ja asenteista uhkaavien infektiosairauksien vaaroihin sekä leviämisen estämiseen liittyviin toimenpiteisiin. Tämän tutkimuksen osalta COVID-19-pandemiaa lähestytään kasvomaskien käyttöön liittyvän diskurssin tarkastelulla suhtautumisen näkökulmasta. Analyysissa sovelletaan Martinin ja Whiten suhtautumisen teoriaa (Appraisal theory), jonka avulla voidaan havainnoida puhujien asennoitumista kasvomaskien käyttöön tarkastelemalla kielessä ilmenevää evaluaatiota. Teorian viitekehys koostuu kolmesta järjestelmästä: asennoituminen (attitude), sitoutuminen (engagement) ja asteittaisuus (graduation). Tämä tutkimus on rajattu asennoitumisen järjestelmään, joka jakautuu edelleen kolmeen alajärjestelmään: tunteiden ilmaisuun (affect), toiminnan arvosteluun (judgement) sekä esineiden ja asioiden arvottamiseen (appreciation). Suhtautumisen teoriassa kieli mielletään systeemis-funktionaalisesta kieliteoriasta lainaten merkitysten viestittämisen järjestelmänä, jossa evaluaatio toteutuu puhujan valitessa lukuisien mahdollisten merkitysten välillä. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytetään yhdysvaltalaisessa Washington Post -lehdessä julkaistua kasvomaskien oikeaoppiseen käyttöön ohjeistavan uutisartikkelin kommenttiosiota. Kommenttiosio koostuu yhteensä 137 kommentista, joista 114 sisältää kasvomaskien käyttöön liittyvää asennoitumista. Näissä 114 kommentissa ilmenee asennoitumista yhteensä 147 kertaa. Kommenttien analysoinnissa sovelletaan kvalitatiivista analyysia, jonka avulla kommenteista ensin täsmennetään asennoitumisen esiintymät. Tämän jälkeen analyysissa määritellään tarkemmin mitä kasvomaskeihin liittyvää aspektia arvioidaan, mikä on asennoitumisen polariteetti ja mihin arviointi sijoittuu asennoitumisen alajärjestelmissä. Tulokset osoittavat, että kasvomaskeihin liittyvässä diskurssissa korostuu ihmistoiminnan arvostelu, mikä ilmenee kasvomaskien käyttämättä jättämisen kielteisenä arvosteluna. Myös kasvomaskien sääntöihin sekä sääntöjen toteutumiseen ja valvontaan liittyvät epäjohdonmukaisuudet saavat osakseen kielteistä arvottamista. Tuloksissa ilmenee myös negatiivista asennoitumista poliittisia johtajia ja instituutioita kohtaan sekä näkyvää poliittista vastakkainasettelua, jossa kasvomaskien käyttämättömyys mielletään oikeistolaisen ideologian seuraukseksi. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että kasvomaskeihin suhtaudutaan myönteisesti ja niiden tärkeys sairauden leviämisen estämiseksi tiedostetaan.
  • Dara, Dahat (2021)
    COVID-19-pandemian myötä vuotta 2020 on varjostanut epävarmuus ja pelko, mikä on havaittavissa sekä perinteisessä että sosiaalisessa mediassa käytävässä keskustelussa. Sosiaalisen median käytössä korostuu eri kanavien rooli sekä tiedon lähteenä että käyttäjien omien näkemysten ilmaisemisen välineenä. Lisäksi sosiaalisessa mediassa korostuu käyttäjien välinen vuorovaikutus. Sosiaalisen median käyttäminen terveyteen liittyvän tiedon lähteenä voi kuitenkin olla ongelmallista, erityisesti jos tieto erkaantuu tieteellisesti todistetusta faktasta. Sosiaalisessa mediassa esiintyvän diskurssin tarkasteleminen voi kuitenkin laajentaa ymmärrystämme käyttäjien suhtautumisesta ja asenteista uhkaavien infektiosairauksien vaaroihin sekä leviämisen estämiseen liittyviin toimenpiteisiin. Tämän tutkimuksen osalta COVID-19-pandemiaa lähestytään kasvomaskien käyttöön liittyvän diskurssin tarkastelulla suhtautumisen näkökulmasta. Analyysissa sovelletaan Martinin ja Whiten suhtautumisen teoriaa (Appraisal theory), jonka avulla voidaan havainnoida puhujien asennoitumista kasvomaskien käyttöön tarkastelemalla kielessä ilmenevää evaluaatiota. Teorian viitekehys koostuu kolmesta järjestelmästä: asennoituminen (attitude), sitoutuminen (engagement) ja asteittaisuus (graduation). Tämä tutkimus on rajattu asennoitumisen järjestelmään, joka jakautuu edelleen kolmeen alajärjestelmään: tunteiden ilmaisuun (affect), toiminnan arvosteluun (judgement) sekä esineiden ja asioiden arvottamiseen (appreciation). Suhtautumisen teoriassa kieli mielletään systeemis-funktionaalisesta kieliteoriasta lainaten merkitysten viestittämisen järjestelmänä, jossa evaluaatio toteutuu puhujan valitessa lukuisien mahdollisten merkitysten välillä. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytetään yhdysvaltalaisessa Washington Post -lehdessä julkaistua kasvomaskien oikeaoppiseen käyttöön ohjeistavan uutisartikkelin kommenttiosiota. Kommenttiosio koostuu yhteensä 137 kommentista, joista 114 sisältää kasvomaskien käyttöön liittyvää asennoitumista. Näissä 114 kommentissa ilmenee asennoitumista yhteensä 147 kertaa. Kommenttien analysoinnissa sovelletaan kvalitatiivista analyysia, jonka avulla kommenteista ensin täsmennetään asennoitumisen esiintymät. Tämän jälkeen analyysissa määritellään tarkemmin mitä kasvomaskeihin liittyvää aspektia arvioidaan, mikä on asennoitumisen polariteetti ja mihin arviointi sijoittuu asennoitumisen alajärjestelmissä. Tulokset osoittavat, että kasvomaskeihin liittyvässä diskurssissa korostuu ihmistoiminnan arvostelu, mikä ilmenee kasvomaskien käyttämättä jättämisen kielteisenä arvosteluna. Myös kasvomaskien sääntöihin sekä sääntöjen toteutumiseen ja valvontaan liittyvät epäjohdonmukaisuudet saavat osakseen kielteistä arvottamista. Tuloksissa ilmenee myös negatiivista asennoitumista poliittisia johtajia ja instituutioita kohtaan sekä näkyvää poliittista vastakkainasettelua, jossa kasvomaskien käyttämättömyys mielletään oikeistolaisen ideologian seuraukseksi. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että kasvomaskeihin suhtaudutaan myönteisesti ja niiden tärkeys sairauden leviämisen estämiseksi tiedostetaan.
  • Erica, Luna (2023)
    This thesis tackles the topic of the Russo-Ukrainian War to unveil the representation of Ukraine in British newspapers following the Russian invasion in 2022. In addition to analysing the representation of Ukraine, this study also makes preliminary observations on the representation of a few other social actors in the war, such as Russia and the UK. It does so by synthesising corpus methods, APPRAISAL theory (Martin & White, 2005), and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in search of patterns in the data. The data was sampled from the News on the Web (NOW) corpus (Davies, 2016-) and includes newspaper articles that: a) include the lemma UKRAINE; b) originate from the UK; and c) date from one of three selected weeks following the invasion in 2022. The three subcorpora – one for each selected week – were assessed with corpus methods as well as employed for a random selection of 15 texts which were subsequently used in the APPRAISAL analysis element of the study. The thesis’s findings suggest that the presence of and discussion around Ukraine in the UK press changes over the course of the year after the invasion. Furthermore, the APPRAISAL analysis revealed a clear distinction between appraisals of Ukraine, Russia, and the UK, the dynamic between which also changed over time. The overall majority of evaluations of Ukraine in the texts (54.6%) was negative, as was the far larger majority (84.9%) of evaluations of Russia. A more in-depth analysis elucidated a distinction between these negative appraisals. Ukraine’s negative evaluations pertained largely to the APPRAISAL categories of SECURITY, IMPACT and QUALITY, denoting an emphasis on the negative situation Ukraine finds itself in. The country is described as, among other things, war-torn and blown to bits. Negative evaluations of Russia, on the other hand, stemmed predominantly from the VALUATION, PROPRIETY and IMPACT categories, emphasising the unethical behaviour of (representatives of) Russia, its negative role in the conflict, and its negative impact on other social actors. Overall, the findings suggest that throughout the British news, Ukraine is represented as a victim and object of others’ actions and Russia as an unethical aggressor.
  • Erica, Luna (2023)
    This thesis tackles the topic of the Russo-Ukrainian War to unveil the representation of Ukraine in British newspapers following the Russian invasion in 2022. In addition to analysing the representation of Ukraine, this study also makes preliminary observations on the representation of a few other social actors in the war, such as Russia and the UK. It does so by synthesising corpus methods, APPRAISAL theory (Martin & White, 2005), and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in search of patterns in the data. The data was sampled from the News on the Web (NOW) corpus (Davies, 2016-) and includes newspaper articles that: a) include the lemma UKRAINE; b) originate from the UK; and c) date from one of three selected weeks following the invasion in 2022. The three subcorpora – one for each selected week – were assessed with corpus methods as well as employed for a random selection of 15 texts which were subsequently used in the APPRAISAL analysis element of the study. The thesis’s findings suggest that the presence of and discussion around Ukraine in the UK press changes over the course of the year after the invasion. Furthermore, the APPRAISAL analysis revealed a clear distinction between appraisals of Ukraine, Russia, and the UK, the dynamic between which also changed over time. The overall majority of evaluations of Ukraine in the texts (54.6%) was negative, as was the far larger majority (84.9%) of evaluations of Russia. A more in-depth analysis elucidated a distinction between these negative appraisals. Ukraine’s negative evaluations pertained largely to the APPRAISAL categories of SECURITY, IMPACT and QUALITY, denoting an emphasis on the negative situation Ukraine finds itself in. The country is described as, among other things, war-torn and blown to bits. Negative evaluations of Russia, on the other hand, stemmed predominantly from the VALUATION, PROPRIETY and IMPACT categories, emphasising the unethical behaviour of (representatives of) Russia, its negative role in the conflict, and its negative impact on other social actors. Overall, the findings suggest that throughout the British news, Ukraine is represented as a victim and object of others’ actions and Russia as an unethical aggressor.
  • Pihamaa, Juuso (2014)
    During the last decades the wooden multi-story building construction in Europe has been taking steps forward. In 1990s Finland was still even with Sweden in wooden multi-story building construction but in 2010s Sweden’s wooden multi-story buildings have overtaken much bigger market share out of the whole market of multi-story building construction, where Finland have not succeeded. The wooden multi-story building construction has had some political pressure lately in Finland and even some of binding laws have been modified in its favor. In earlier studies have been found that municipal planners have a role in a process of constructing a wooden multi-story building. It has also been found that municipal planners have personal power to affect building in general. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors that create boundaries to wooden multi-story building construction markets and study municipal planners’ networks between these factors. It was also an aim of this study to survey the municipal planners’ attitudes towards wooden multi-story building construction and study the consistencies between the attitudes and networks. All the above mentioned were supposed to be viewed from a geographical angle as well. This paper is supposed to be an explorative and descriptive study because of the lack of earlier studies in the specific field of multi-story building construction. The theoretical framework used in this study was based on an egocentric network analysis to be used in exploring the connections of municipal planners to the other factors that create market boundaries. The attitudes and the background factors were surveyed with a questionnaire sent by email. The interpretation of the sample in this qualitative study was done by using a statistical approach. According to the results the municipal planners have connections to the other factors that create boundaries to the market of wooden multi-story building construction and both sides of a connection do keep the connection up. The amount of connections that the municipal planners have vary so, that the planners that work outside of the metropolitan area in Finland have more connections than the planners working inside the metropolitan area. The attitudes towards wooden multi-story building construction vary geographically so that planners working in the metropolitan area have more positive attitudes than the planners who work in other parts of Finland. Over all the attitudes were very positive. The results also state that between the attitudes and the amount of connections to the other factors that create boundaries to the market of wooden multi-story building construction does not have any consistent connecting causes. The amount of connections seem to rise hand in hand by age and years of work experience among the municipal planners.
  • Marttinen, Mikko (2010)
    Purpose and aim of loyalty programs are to commit and bind customers and increase shopping amounts and times and create loyalty. Loyalty programs aim to achieve this by producing benefits to its members. Using multiple measures such as advertisement, producing benefits and offering discounts and introducing systems to encourage commitment achieve influencing attitudes and commitment towards loyalty programs. Aim of this thesis was to find out from consumers perspective what do customers think of loyalty programs. What types of attitudes do consumer programs show and does loyalty programs work in consumer’s minds. Does loyalty programs affect to consumers commitment and do they drive to concentrating in to specific companies. Consumers belong to multiple loyalty programs and from many of the programs there has been studies made on how they work from the companies’ perspective. Purpose of this thesis was to find out the consumers view on being a loyal customer and from loyalty programs. The research method of this thesis was quantitative. During summer 2008 through internet survey over 800 responses were collected. Survey was published on the consumer agency web pages and a link to the survey was published also in the Helsingin sanomat newspaper during August. Most of the respondents were from south Finland and from Uudenmaan district. Majority of respondents were women and most common age among respondent were between 26 to 35. Respondents belonged to multiple loyalty programs and in general the respondents liked loyalty programs. Centralising and commitment was slightly seen but in general also commonly lower price level companies were preferred. According to respondents the companies behind loyalty programs benefit more from the programs then the consumers. Never the less majority of the respondent felt that loyalty programs gave positive experiences and vast majority felt that they received benefits on monthly bases from the loyalty programs. Respondents felt in many cases that there are already too many loyalty programs offered toward consumers and those are not commonly compared with other loyalty programs. Based on this most often consumers are part of the most common programs existing but there is no apparent reason behind this other then their commonness. Joining to loyalty programs was met with carefulness and majority of respondents does not actively recommend loyalty programs to others.
  • Palmujoki, Ingela (2013)
    The literature review focused on the history, present and future challenges of the Finnish school meal. According to earlier studies most of the students eat the school lunch, however only one third of them eat all components that are part of the meal. The aim of this work was to investigate background- and contextual factors affecting acceptance of school meals. A total of 147 students from two schools in Helsinki participated in the study. They were third graders (n=43; 20 girls, 23 boys), sixth graders (n=54, 28 girls, 26 boys), and eight or nine graders (n=31; 17 girls, 14 boys). The participants evaluated 13 school meals and 26 main dishes (13 basic dishes and 13 vegetarian dishes). The main dishes differed due to different dish types and main ingredients. The participants evaluated the meals and the dining situation on questionnaires, in a class room, after the lunch break. A photo of the meal of the day was projected on a screen to remind them of the experience. The respondents checked the immediate emotion when seeing the meal, liking of the meal and its components, the appropriateness of saltiness, spiciness and temperature of the main dish and the dining situation. Demographic data, attitude to school meals in general, food neophobia score, and ratings as response to food names of 30 school meals were collected separately. Liking of the meals and meal components were affected by the age and food neophobia score of the participant. The third graders scored higher for most main dishes and meal components than the sixth graders. Participants with a lower food neophobia score liked the meals better than participants with high scores. 35 % of the overall acceptance of school meals was explained by attitude towards school meals in general, the temperature of the main dish, the participants hunger state before lunch, the saltiness of the main dish, food neophobia and the temperature of the drink in a stepwise regression model. Hunger state was the most explanative factor for the third graders, while the sixth graders acceptance to school meals was mainly explained by the attitude towards school meals in general. The results of this study indicate that the attitude towards school meals get more negative with age. Hence, identifying the factors underlying this attitude change is important in order for the school meal to be accepted and eaten also by older students.
  • Turtiainen, Tiia (2010)
    The study was performed to clarify if women consumers´ objective and subjective knowledge and general attitudes to their attitude have effect, and if the attitude to the information desire about the genemodified crops (=GM-crops) has effect. The results could be utilised in the informing about the GM-crops. The about 13 000 members of Marttaliitto ry was chosen as a sample which represents Finnish women consumers. The material was collected as email survey and the female interviewees' answers that were used for analysis came altogether 2 241 pieces. In a multinomial logistic regression analysis the attitude towards the GM-crops (=the GM-attitude) as explanatory variables was obtained, subjective and objective information, general attitudes towards nature, plant breeding and organic food, and confidence to information about the GM-crops given by the journalists, researchers, the European Union and environment organisations. From demographic variables the age and the place of residence explained the GM-attitude. The information desire was explained by the GMattitude. The woman consumer's subjective and objective knowledge and the general attitudes towards nature, plant breeding and organic food affect an attitude towards the GM-crops and the attitude affects an information desire about the GM-crops. In the K-means cluster analysis it was formed based on the GM-attitude, four different women consumer segments: green opponents, green fighters, non-green supporters and acceptors. The green opponents and acceptors wanted to have information about the matter areas concerning GM-crops more than the non-green supporters and the green fighters from the segments. The results can be used as help for the communication when the women consumers informing of the matters which are related to the GM-crops. More information is wanted so there should be it easily available. To maximise the effectiveness of the communication, communication should be focused according to different consumer segments. In the future it would be interesting to know how women consumers will be reacted to the information about the GM-crops if there is information from the desired sources available. Would the women consumers use information and would they be interested in the information for real?
  • Palovaara, Ria (2017)
    Some research on the attitudes among comprehensive school pupils have been made in the context of different school subjects. In this study, I wanted to examine the attitudes among comprehensive school pupils toward mother tongue and literature. Consideration of subject name definition and teaching content in the research were also considered due to versatility of the subject. I was also interested in what methods were used in the studies and what were their effects on the results. This study was conducted as a literature review, which first summarized the findings of the research and presented their main points. Moreover, a separate discussion of study results and description for name and content parts were presented. The materials used in this study were searched from Helka Finna service databases and from Google Scholar search en-gine. In addition, two articles were searched from Google search engine. Studies showed that the attitudes among comprehensive school pupils are either neutral or slightly negative towards mother tongue and literature. However, some studies also showed slightly positive attitudes towards the subject. Many studies had taken gender differences into account. Attitudes were measured either qualitatively or quantitatively, nonetheless the results were rather similar regardless of the used methods. However, a more versatile picture of attitudes was obtained by qualitative research. In studies that considered teaching content, grammar was generally considered to be the most unpopular part of the subject. However, the importance or usefulness of both the grammar and the whole subject was recognized. Pupils believe that the content of mother tongue and literature is needed, for example, in working life. Teaching contents were considered in half of the research. The subject was referred to as either mother tongue or mother tongue and literature. The used name was not related to the time when the subject content changed to include both mother tongue and literature.
  • Kontinen, Marjut (2018)
    This thesis focuses on the usage of prestudy materials in EFL teaching in Finnish basic education and the relation between this usage and the learners’ attitudes towards learning English. The research questions are the following: 1) what kinds of attitudes Finnish pupils have towards learning English, 2) what do the pupils and the teacher think about the usage of prestudy materials, and 3) does the usage of prestudy materials relate to the pupils’ attitudes towards learning English and if so, how? The study was conducted as an intervention study. The participants were in the fifth and eighth grade of Finnish basic education. There were 14 participants from each grade. The pupils’ attitudes towards learning English were measured with a questionnaire both before and after the intervention. During the intervention, both grades used prestudy materials as follows: before taking up a new unit in their textbooks in class, the teacher gave the pupils prestudy materials prepared by the researcher to be done as homework. The prestudy materials familiarised the pupils with the theme and vocabulary of the upcoming unit. In addition to measuring the pupils’ attitudes, the post-intervention questionnaire also included a section inquiring about the pupils’ experiences of the prestudy. The teacher was interviewed both before and after the intervention. The results of the study show that the pupils mainly have positive attitudes towards learning English. No clear relation between the usage of prestudy materials and the pupils’ attitudes towards learning English was found. However, the results show that the fifth graders think that the prestudy materials were beneficial. They reported being more active in class and stated that it was easier for them to understand the texts after having done the prestudy exercises. Based on the results it seems that the usage of prestudy materials is more beneficial if the subject is difficult for the learners. In contrast to the fifth graders, the eighth graders’ textbooks already included prestudy exercises, which they did in class. Based on the results, the eighth graders think that these exercises are sufficient and they do not think they need prestudy materials that are done as homework.
  • Güler, Ece (2015)
    Based on previous research conducted in North America and Europe, young people have a negative attitude towards the police and law enforcement by showing scepticism and expression of doubt towards its legitimacy (Brown & Benedict, 2002; Brunson, 2007). This study looks into young people’s (between the ages of 14 to 17 years) attitude towards the police in Finland and the role of migration background. The literature analysis was done by using theories from a social psychological and criminological approach. The data collection was conducted in Finland using quantitative methods by using the International Self-report Delinquency Study (ISRD-3) (Kivivuori, Salmi, Aaltonen & Jouhki, 2014). The results of the regression analysis show that there is no significant association between migrant status and attitudes towards the police. However, there seems to be strong associations between police contact, self-control and delinquency.
  • Güler, Ece (2015)
    Based on previous research conducted in North America and Europe, young people have a negative attitude towards the police and law enforcement by showing scepticism and expression of doubt towards its legitimacy (Brown & Benedict, 2002; Brunson, 2007). This study looks into young people’s (between the ages of 14 to 17 years) attitude towards the police in Finland and the role of migration background. The literature analysis was done by using theories from a social psychological and criminological approach. The data collection was conducted in Finland using quantitative methods by using the International Self-report Delinquency Study (ISRD-3) (Kivivuori, Salmi, Aaltonen & Jouhki, 2014). The results of the regression analysis show that there is no significant association between migrant status and attitudes towards the police. However, there seems to be strong associations between police contact, self-control and delinquency.