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Browsing by Subject "fasilitointi"

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  • Kiiski, Essi (2022)
    Tutkielmassa perehdytään Helsingin kaupungin OmaStadiin eli osallistuvan budjetoinnin projektiin vuonna 2021 ja siinä yhteiskehittämisvaiheen työpajoissa eli raksoissa tapahtuneeseen fasilitointiin. Työ vastaa tutkimuskysymykseen: Minkälainen rooli fasilitoinnilla oli OmaStadin alue- ja teemaraksoissa? OmaStadin lähtökohdissa mainitaan puntaroivan kansalaiskeskustelun eli deliberaation vahvistaminen, ja fasilitoinnilla on todettu olevan kiinteä yhteys deliberaation periaatteiden toteutumiseen. Aiheena fasilitointia ei ole juurikaan tutkittu tai teorisoitu, ja tämän työn tavoite on tuottaa lisätietoa OmaStadin fasilitoinnin tavoista ja siihen liittyvistä haasteista. OmaStadissa järjestettiin kaksi työpajakierrosta. Ensimmäisten eli alueraksojen tavoite oli saada avattua mahdollisimman monta kriteerit täyttävää ehdotusta OmaStadin nettisivuille. Toisten työpajojen eli teemaraksojen tavoitteena oli muokata ehdotuksista sellaisia, että niille voitiin laskea kustannusarviot. Näissä raksoissa kaupungin asiantuntijat tarjosivat osaamistaan liittyen ehdotusten käytännöntoteutukseen ja kustannuspuoleen. Työn aineisto koostuu työpajojen havainnoinnista sekä täydentävistä puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista. Aineiston analyysi perustuu määrälliseen sisällönerittelyyn sekä laadulliseen sisällönanalyysiin. Fasilitoinnissa voidaan havaita selkeä kehityskaari ja aktiivisuuden tason nousu työpajojen edetessä. Analyysi osoittaa, että kaupunkilaisten kokemukset raksoissa vaihtelivat kuitenkin suuresti fasilitoinnin osalta niin määrällisesti kuin laadullisesti. Ehdotusten suuri määrä oli fasilitoinnin kannalta haasteellista, sillä resurssit eivät mahdollistaneet fasilitoijan kokoaikaista osallistumista kaikkiin ryhmiin, ja tästä johtuva pirstaloituneisuus tuotti osallistujien välistä eriarvoisuutta. Raksat toimivat kaupunkilaisten omaehtoisen toiminnan areenoina, ja fasilitoijien tehtävä näyttäytyi tämän mahdollistajana sen sijaan, että olisi vaikutettu siihen millä tavoin kehittämistä tehtiin tai keskustelua käytiin. Fasilitoinnin roolissa korostui keskustelun johtamisen sijaan siihen mukautuminen. Työpajat mobilisoivat kansalaisia ajamaan omaan asiantuntijuuteensa tai kiinnostukseensa pohjautuvaa ehdotusta eteenpäin kohti äänestystä sen sijaan, että kyseessä olisi ollut deliberatiivista demokratiaa vahvistanut tilaisuus.
  • Rikanniemi, Kanerva (2018)
    Aims. Restorative conflict mediation at workplace is a method developed for conflict and dispute management at workplace context which emphasizes the agency of the disputants and their ownership of the conflict. Previous literature indicates the mediation method to enable and support individual learning processes and empowerment. The knowledge-creation approach comprises learning not only as an outcome of acquisition nor participation but also as collaborative development of shared conceptual and mediating artefacts and practices. The aim of this research is to broaden the conceptions of restorative conflict mediation at workplace context by examining the emergence of collaborative knowledge creation during the process and how it is supported by the facilitative mediation. Methods. The research was conducted as a descriptive literature review. The description of the restorative conflict mediation method, derived from previous studies, served as an anchoring platform for the collaborative knowledge creation and its fundamental background theories. The aim of the analysis was to create a synthesis between two different research traditions (i.e. Conflict mediation and collaborative knowledge creation). Results and conclusions. Through the analysis based on collaborative knowledge creation both communal and organizational level learning and developmental processes emerged at the method of restorative conflict mediation at workplace context. In these processes implementing facilitation played a key role. Method was found to endeavour transformation and to have several expansive dimensions. The widened understanding considering influences of the restorative conflict mediation at workplace context constitutes the results solidly to the research traditions of educational sciences and work and organization psychology.
  • Sultsi, Miia (2022)
    The purpose of this research was to study early childhood education meetings from the perspective of leadership and group processes. The research also clarified what factors leaders combined together with good meeting. The subject of this research is valid and current because there is no previous research from this specific area. Groupwork forms an essential part of working in early childhood education. It is important to see how leaders can make use of the information about group processes. Organizational research have shown that for example using facilitation can accomplish good outcomes. The aim of this research is to give an information to early childhood leaders on how they can plan even better meetings and use the time best way possible. The research was carried out as a case study. The research sample was six early childhood education leaders from the same city in the Helsinki metropolitan area. They were chosen in random. The leaders were interviewed by using a half structured interview. Interviews took place in the summer 2021. The interview material was then transcripted. The research methodology used was theory-driven content analysis. According to this research the most important meaning of the meetings is pedagogical development. Meetings offer employees a chance to impact their work and share professional knowledge. Good meeting is a combination of inner and outer factors. Inner factors were communication, participation and autonomy. Atmosphere and structure were the outer factors which made communication and participation possible. Leaders planned topics of the meetings but not how those contents should be processed. Group work was guided by using some methods like small group discussions or by leading the conversation into specific direction. Leaders also utilized different roles and leading styles. Some of the results can be identified as facilitation. For example giving responsibility to the employees and encouraging them to come up with the answers by themselves. By utilizing group processes and ways to lead the group, leaders can make a solid ground for learning and self-oriented community in early childhood education. This could partially be the answer to the challenge that most of the leaders in this research mentioned; there is not enough time for the meetings and professional dialog in early childhood education.
  • Sultsi, Miia (2022)
    The purpose of this research was to study early childhood education meetings from the perspective of leadership and group processes. The research also clarified what factors leaders combined together with good meeting. The subject of this research is valid and current because there is no previous research from this specific area. Groupwork forms an essential part of working in early childhood education. It is important to see how leaders can make use of the information about group processes. Organizational research have shown that for example using facilitation can accomplish good outcomes. The aim of this research is to give an information to early childhood leaders on how they can plan even better meetings and use the time best way possible. The research was carried out as a case study. The research sample was six early childhood education leaders from the same city in the Helsinki metropolitan area. They were chosen in random. The leaders were interviewed by using a half structured interview. Interviews took place in the summer 2021. The interview material was then transcripted. The research methodology used was theory-driven content analysis. According to this research the most important meaning of the meetings is pedagogical development. Meetings offer employees a chance to impact their work and share professional knowledge. Good meeting is a combination of inner and outer factors. Inner factors were communication, participation and autonomy. Atmosphere and structure were the outer factors which made communication and participation possible. Leaders planned topics of the meetings but not how those contents should be processed. Group work was guided by using some methods like small group discussions or by leading the conversation into specific direction. Leaders also utilized different roles and leading styles. Some of the results can be identified as facilitation. For example giving responsibility to the employees and encouraging them to come up with the answers by themselves. By utilizing group processes and ways to lead the group, leaders can make a solid ground for learning and self-oriented community in early childhood education. This could partially be the answer to the challenge that most of the leaders in this research mentioned; there is not enough time for the meetings and professional dialog in early childhood education.