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  • Hoikkala, Veera-Emilia (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Ehlers-Danlos oireyhtymät (EDS:t), ovat joukko monimuotoisia ja harvinaisia sidekudossairauksia, joissa kollageenin tuotanto on häiriintynyt. Sairauden ydinoireita ovat nivelten epävakaus ja sijoiltaanmeno, ihon elastisuus sekä kudoshauraus. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa EDS-potilailla on raportoitu olevan normaaliväestöön verrattuna enemmän äänihäiriöitä ja hengitykseen liittyviä ongelmia, mutta niiden taustasyitä on kuvattu niukasti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, millaisia rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia poikkeavuuksia EDS-potilailla esiintyy ja millaisia vaikutuksia niillä on äänentuottoon ja hengitykseen. Työssä halutaan myös selvittää vaikuttaako puheterapeuttinen kuntoutus oireisiin. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Hakulausekkeena oli ((Ehlers-danlos syndrome*) AND (larynx OR laryng*)). Tiedonhaku tehtiin Scopus ja Ovid Medline -tietokannoissa tammikuussa 2023. Tutkimukseen valikoitui tar-kastelun jälkeen seitsemän artikkelia ja lisäksi yksi artikkeli otettiin mukaan käsinpoimintana. Artikkelit oli julkaistu vuosina 2008–2022. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Ehlers-Danlos oireyhtymässä esiintyi moninaisia ja yksilöllisiä kurkunpään rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia poikkeavuuksia. Poikkeavuuksia esiintyi eniten äänihuulitasolla esimerkiksi arpien ja kyhmyjen muodostumisena sekä rustotasolla. Osalla kurkun-pään alueen rustojen yliliikkuvuus johti niiden sijoiltaanmenoon. Suurimmalla osalla poikkeavuudet olivat aiheuttaneet äänihäiriön. Äänihäiriön vakavuus vaihteli vakavista äänikadoista lievempiin oireisiin, kuten lievään äänen käheyteen. Myös hengitysvaikeudet olivat yleisiä ja ne vaihtelivat vakavuusasteeltaan lievistä ongelmista jopa henkeä uhkaaviin hengityskatkoksiin. Puheterapia oli yleisin kuntoutusmuoto oireiden hoitoon, ja sen vaikutukset vaihtelivat vähäisestä oireiden lievittymisestä merkittävään apuun. Tulosten perusteella Ehlers-Danlos oireyhtymä voi altistaa kudosherkkyyden sekä nivelten epävakauden ja yliliikkuvuuden vuoksi potilaat äänihäiriöille sekä hengitysvaikeuksille. Tulokset puoltavat puheterapeuttisen kuntoutuksen olevan tärkeässä ja hyödyllisessä asemassa niiden hoidossa. Näyttöä aiheesta on kuitenkin vielä vähän, minkä vuoksi tuloksia voidaan pitää vain suuntaa antavina. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta empiirisen tiedon laajentamiseksi, kuntoutusmenetelmien kehittämiseksi ja kliinisten sovellusten luomiseksi.
  • Acosta Leinonen, Johanna Natalia (2019)
    Sleep is one of the most vital functions of newborns and infants, and it is essential for neuronal network development. Therefore, long-term sleep disturbances have been associated with growth delays and behavioral disorders. Commonly reported infant sleep disturbances, such as night awakenings and difficulties falling asleep, cause distress to parents. Yet, the development of infant sleep in the home environment has not been fully elucidated due to lack of objective measurement parameters. In the current study, we assessed the feasibility of a motion sensor, attached to wearable pants, and ECG textile electrodes to monitor sleep-related respiration and heart rate of newborns and infants. First, we compared signals recorded by the motion sensor’s measurement channels to the standard respiratory piezo effort belt’s signal during daytime EEG recordings. According to our results, the motion sensor’s gyroscope proved to measure respiratory rate most accurately, while the ECG signal transmitted by the sensor was reliable in interpretable sections. We then provided wearable garments and smartphones to families with infants to assess overnight home-use. Our results indicate that different sleep states could likely be identified based on respiration fluctuation visible in the gyroscope’s signals. Moreover, the wearable system was considered practical and easy to use by the parents. Future studies should focus on validating the sensor with clinically approved measures, in order to train the algorithms to automatically identify different sleep-wake states. By doing so, the wearable sensor could provide information on natural infant sleep structure development over long time periods. Additionally, clinical validation of the sensor may result in the development of a companion diagnostic tool for infant cardiorespiratory and movement disorders.
  • Lakka, Hanna-Kaisa (2013)
    Lepidurus arcticus (Pallas, 1793) is a keystone species in High Arctic ponds, which are exposed to a wide range of environmental stressors. This thesis provides information on the ecology of this little studied species by paying particular focus on the sensitivity of L. arcticus to acidification and climate change. Respiration, reproduction, olfaction, morphology, salinity and pH tolerance of the species were studied in the laboratory and several environmental parameters were measured in its natural habitats in Arctic ponds. Current global circulation models predict 2–2.4 °C increase in summer temperatures on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. The L. arcticus respiration activity was tested at different temperatures (3.5, 10, 16.5, 20, 25 and 30 °C). The results show that L. arcticus is clearly adapted to live in cold water and have a temperature optimum at +10 °C. This species should be considered as stenothermal, because it seems to be able to live only within a narrow temperature range. L. arcticus populations seem to have the capacity to respond to the ongoing climate change on Spitsbergen. Changes can be seen in the species' reproductive capacity and in the individuals' body size when comparing results with previous studies on Spitsbergen and in other Arctic areas. Effective reproduction capacity was a unique feature of the L. arcticus populations on Spitsbergen. L. arcticus females reached sexual maturity at a smaller body size and sexual dimorphism appeared in smaller animals on Spitsbergen than anywhere else in the subarctic or Arctic regions. L. arcticus females were able to carry more eggs (up to 12 eggs per female) than has been observed in previous studies. Another interesting feature of L. arcticus on Spitsbergen was their potential to grow large, up to 39.4 mm in total length. Also cannibalistic behaviour seemed to be common on Spitsbergen L. arcticus populations. The existence of different colour morphs and the population-level differences in morphology of L. arcticus were unknown, but fascinating characteristic of this species. Spitsbergen populations consisted of two major (i.e. monochrome and marbled) and several combined colour morphs. Third interesting finding was a new disease for science which activated when the water temperature rose. I named this disease to Red Carapace Disease (RCD). This High Arctic crustacean lives in ponds between the Arctic Ocean and glaciers, where the marine environment has a strong impact on the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. The tolerance of L. arcticius to increased water salinity was determined by a LC50 -test. No mortality occurred during the 23 day exposure at low 1–2 ‰ water salinity. A slight increase in water salinity (to 1 ‰) speeded up the L. arcticus shell replacement. The observations from natural populations supported the hypothesis that the size of the animals increases considerably in low 1.5 ‰ salt concentrations. Thus, a small increase in water salinity seems to have a positive impact on the growth of this short-lived species. Acidification has been a big problem for many crustaceans, invertebrates and fishes for several decades. L. arcricus does not make an exception. Strong acid stress in pH 4 caused a high mortality of mature L. arcticus females. The critical lower limit of pH was 6.1 for the survival of this acid sensitive species. Thus, L. arcticus populations are probably in danger of extinction due to acidification of three ponds on Spitsbergen. A slight drop (0.1–1.0) in pH values can wipe out these L. arcticus populations. The survival of L. arcticus was strongly related to: (1) the water pH, (2) total organic carbon (TOC) and pH interaction, (3) the water temperature and (4) the water salinity. Water pH and TOC values should be monitored in these ponds and the input of acidifying substances in ponds should be prevented.