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  • Gallego Salvador, Francisco (2013)
    The present Thesis explores the possibility of applying a virtue ethics framework, based upon the Aristotelian tradition, into business ethics. The purpose of the Thesis is twofold: to give an overview of virtue ethics through Richard Taylor’s portrait and to offer a specific account of virtue ethics focused on the business realm. The examination of this virtue ethics proposal is largely founded on Robert C. Solomon’s works, which constitute the cornerstone of this Thesis. However, the critical nature of this examination requires serious criticism of both Taylor’s account of virtue ethics as well as of Solomon’s main articles and books on the topic under scrutiny. Remaining critical includes pointing out the existing flaws in their proposals. Ultimately, the aim is to show how a reinterpretation of Aristotle and virtue ethics can result in a pluralistic account of business ethics. Such interpretation, which revolves around the notion of ‘ethical styles’, is derived from Nietzsche’s understanding of the uniqueness of virtues. Attention to circumstances and flexibility characterize an ethical approach that, this Thesis will contend, is better suited than the traditional utilitarian and Kantian traditions for answering contemporary ethical business dilemmas. Eventually, reinterpreting the virtue ethics tradition will make new space for ethical solutions and discourses to emerge. An example of such a theory is offered in this Thesis. A tripartite approach, based on J. Thomas Whetstone’s account, will stress that there is no reductive conception that can reflect the complexity of our moral existence. Rather, a combination of the different existing traditions will result in the figure of the servant leader as the ideal towards which board members and executives should strive. An analysis of the function of those expressions used to define business will also play a major role in this Thesis. The ever-growing presence of influential corporations in contemporary markets and social scenarios should alert the reader that it is in society’s hands to change the course of humanity and to lead the present towards a more humane and ethical future.
  • Erikivi, Anne (2017)
    The aim of my research was to find out the experiences of the teachers involved in an intervention carried out in Espoo schools during the years 2015-2016 based on their descriptions. The research is part of the University of Helsinki's project aimed to find out whether the character strength teaching is appropriate for basic education. Character strengths are a current topic, and paying attention to strengths in teaching has already been mentioned in the new curriculum. Research on character strengths is part of the research of positive psychology and pedagogy. The strengths are originally based on ancient sources, among others the aretology of Aristotle. Researchers C. Peterson and M. Seligman have developed their own VIA philosophy, virtue and strength rating. This classification is also underlying in the character strength teaching. The material of my research was transcribed interviews. Seven teachers from three different schools were interviewed. The intervention included about six months’ worth of material for teaching character strengths. As a research method I used discourse analysis. Teachers' speech emphasized the desire to know their students better, pausing and listening to a student. Their speech was very student centered. The teachers had adopted the message of positive pedagogy and character strength teaching. I found several discourses that I named as follows: the discourse of praise, the need for additional education, well-being, good interaction, the need to meet, and the discourses of doubt and challenges. According to my research the teachers felt that the intervention was a success and character strengths are an important area of basic education. As a conclusion I can say that teachers have the need for further training in order to have character strengths permanently as a part of their work. They need new ways of operating and thinking in order to survive in their profession.
  • Erikivi, Anne (2017)
    The aim of my research was to find out the experiences of the teachers involved in an intervention carried out in Espoo schools during the years 2015-2016 based on their descriptions. The research is part of the University of Helsinki's project aimed to find out whether the character strength teaching is appropriate for basic education. Character strengths are a current topic, and paying attention to strengths in teaching has already been mentioned in the new curriculum. Research on character strengths is part of the research of positive psychology and pedagogy. The strengths are originally based on ancient sources, among others the are tology of Aristotle. Researchers C. Peterson and M. Seligman have developed their own VIA philosophy, virtue and strength rating. This classification is also underlying in the character strength teaching. The material of my research was transcribed interviews. Seven teachers from three different schools were interviewed. The intervention included about six months' worth of material for teaching character strengths. As a research method I used discourse analysis. Teachers' speech emphasized the desire to know their students better, pausing and listening to a student. Their speech was very student centered. The teachers had adopted the message of positive pedagogy and character strength teaching. I found several discourses that I named as follows: the discourse of praise, the need for additional education, well-being, good interaction, the need to meet, and the discourses of doubt and challenges. According to my research the teachers felt that the intervention was a success and character strengths are an important area of basic education. As a conclusion I can say that teachers have the need for further training in order to have character strengths permanently as a part of their work. They need new ways of operating and thinking in order to survive in their profession.
  • King, Yvonne (2021)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen responsibilistisen hyvetietoteorian kontekstissa motivaation käsitettä. Analyysin lähteinä ovat Linda Zagzebskin Virtues of the Mind (1996), Jason Baehrin The Inquiring Mind (2011) sekä Zagzebskin ja Baehrin välillä käyty keskustelu Are Intellectually Virtuous Motives Essential to Knowledge? (2014) Tutkimuskysymys on mitä kirjoittajat tarkoittavat motivaatiolla ja miten käsite liittyy hyveisiin ja tietoon. Tutkielma muodostuu johdannon ja johtopäätösten lisäksi taustoittavasta luvusta, analyysiluvusta ja luvusta, jossa esitellään aiheen uskonnonfilosofisia sovelluksia. Taustaluvussa käydään läpi analyyttisen epistemologian piirissä 1900-luvulla ilmenneitä keskusteluja, modernin hyve-epistemologian synty reaktiona näihin keskusteluihin ja hyve-epistemologian erilaisia suuntauksia. Analyysiluvun tarkoitus on vastata tutkimuskysymykseen lähdetekstien perusteella. Sovellusluvussa esitän hyvemotivoituneen tietokäsityksen mahdollisuuksia vastata uskonnolliseen tietoon liittyviin kysymyksiin. Motivaatio on oleellinen osa molempien kirjoittajien hyvetietoteoreettista mallia. Zagzebski ja Baehr käyttävät eri käsitteitä motivaation kuvaamiseen, mutta molemmat kirjoittajat käyttävät motivaatiota hyveen määritelmän osana. Kirjoittajien erimielisyydet liittyvät selkeimmin tiedon määrittelyyn ja hyvemotivaatioiden rooliin tiedon instansseissa. Tämä kertoo kirjoittajien lähtökohtaisesta erimielisyydestä hyveiden mahdollisuudesta vastata perinteisiin uskonnonfilosofisiin kysymyksiin.
  • Huttunen, Anette (2019)
    This study examines positive pedagogy, the underlying ideas, and the position in today's school. The aim of the study was to describe positive pedagogy as a phenomenon and the related strength-based teaching and to find out what methods it involves. Positive pedagogy is a growing trend and its background theory is positive psychology. Positive pedagogy strives to promote well-being in the school context and considers the promotion of well-being as a school task alongside the teaching of traditional cognitive skills. The purpose of teaching is to find the strengths of each student and to develop and utilize them, and to focus on positive emotions and the challenges students may face. The research seeks to find answers to how positive pedagogy appears in the school and what its strenght-based teaching means. The research was conducted as a qualitative descriptive literature review. The source material was collected from different databases and the scientific articles and textbooks related to positive psychology and pedagogy were selected as the source material. The source material of the literature review was analyzed in accordance with content analysis and assembled into descriptive synthesis. In the teaching of positive pedagogy, it is important that the child participates and expresses himself. It is also essential in the teaching that the child is supported to observe and document his or her own life and that he has the opportunity to share and process his observations in interaction with others. Strength-based teaching utilizes virtues based on the division of Peterson and Seligman (2004). Research has shown that the use of positive pedagogy and strength-based teaching at school has been found to be of great benefit. Positive effects on well-being have been noticed as an improvement in self-esteem and self-worth and a more positive anticipation of the future. Effects have also been noticed in motivation, performance, achievement of goals, stress reduction and social relationships. Positive pedagogy is a current topic in Finland and many of its goals correspond to the objectives of the Basic Education Curriculum that came into force in 2016.