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Browsing by Subject "jäätelö"

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  • Fagerholm, Annemari (2015)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella Suomen Nestlén Aino-jäätelöbrändin symbolista asiakasarvoa. Symbolisen asiakasarvon merkitys kilpailukeinona kasvaa jatkuvasti kuluttajien muuttuessa vaativammiksi. Jotta yritys osaisi luoda oikeanlaista symbolista asiakasarvoa, on tunnistettava, mitkä hyödyt parantavat brändin imagoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä symbolisia hyötyjä kuluttajat assosioivat Aino-brändiin, ja vaikuttavatko nämä hyödyt brändin imagoon. Lisäksi selvitettiin, eroavatko brändin käyttäjien ja ei-käyttäjien assosiaatiot toisistaan. Tutkimuksen viitekehys muodostettiin yhdistämällä asiakasarvon ja brändi-imagon muodostumista kuvaavia malleja, joilla osoitettiin symbolisen asiakasarvon yhteys brändi-imagoon. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselyllä, johon osallistui sata Aino-brändin tuntevaa naista. Osa kyselystä suoritettiin sosiaalisessa mediassa, ja osa osallistujista vastasi kyselyyn Pasilan juna-asemalla. Tuloksia analysoitiin ristiintaulukoimalla ja kuvailevan tilastotieteen keinoin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kuluttajat liittivät brändiin erityisesti suomalaisuuden symbolisen hyödyn, mutta brändiä pidettiin myös perinteisenä, luonnollisena ja aitona. Luonnollisuuden ja aitouden hyödyt vaikuttivat myös brändi-imagoon positiivisesti. Muilla tutkituilla symbolisilla hyödyillä ei todettu olevan vaikutusta imagoon. Brändin käyttäjät erosivat ei-käyttäjistä ainoastaan siten, että he liittivät aitouden symbolisen hyödyn brändiin voimakkaammin kuin ei-käyttäjät. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että kuluttajat kokisivat Aino-brändin entistä houkuttavammaksi, jos sen luonnollisuutta ja aitoutta korostettaisiin enemmän. Aitouden korostaminen saattaisi myös lisätä asiakkaiden uskollisuutta.
  • Heikkilä, Pirketta (2011)
    The focus of the literature review of the study was on ice cream, different kinds of coatings used in the food industry and coating methods. In addition, the typical combosition of chocolate, rheological properties of liquid chocolate and the interaction between the consistency and rheological properties were reviewed. The objective of the study was to find out how consistency and coating temperature affects viscosity, yield value, solidification time and the amount of the coating layer in ice cream stick. The idea was primarily to find out how the amount of the coating layer could be controlled. Variables selected in this study were the amount of fat and emulsifiers in the milk chocolate coating and the coating temperature. The amount of coating layer, solidification time of the coating and viscosities and yield values of liquid coating were measured. The xperiment was planned using a Box-Behnken design. Results were calculated with regression analysis. Response surface methodology was used to estimate how the changes in fat amount, emulsifier amount and temperature affected the amount, solidification time, viscosity and yield value of coating. Increasing the amount of fat significantly decreased the amount, solidification time, viscosity and yield value of the coating. Increasing the amount of emulsifier decreased the amount, solidification time and yield value of the coating. Increasing temperature of the coating decreased the amount and viscosity of the coating, but increased solidification time of the coating. From the results, temperature, fat content and emulsifier content of the coating were found to affect the amount of the milk chocolate coating layer on an ice cream stick. Response surface methodology foud to be suitable method for investigating the amount of chocolate coating. Methods to control the amount of coating layer were examined by means of response surface methodology.
  • Vanhala, Outi (2014)
    The literature review deals with quality management and it´s differend philosophies and quality tools. Especially reviewed quality tools which can be used to improve quality and help to find the root cause of problem. There is also described the product, ice cream, manufacturing process, Finnish regulation requirements and sensory charasteristics. The aim of experimental work was to clarify the situation of ice cream net content control on Nestlé Turenki ice cream factory and improve the process with use of quality tools. The work contains products target net weight process, how to define new product´s weight, the release of product batch, tare process. This study showed that the 1liter Chocolate brick -product has the highest standard deviation of the all products investigated. The standard deviation were even 6,5 gramms. High standard deviation leads also hig amount of overfilling and based on this study Chocolate 1liter brick weigh target should be target net weigh instead of label weight. The akkredited company verify all scales used for product release time to time. The stydy showed that the statical scales uncertainity is good and uncertainity varies beetween 0,14-0,15 g. The study showed that a few tare should be updated that overfilling can be minimized. The tare monitoring was determined to correspond the Nestlé procedures. The factory tare monitoring frequency With Eskimo strawberry -product was compared to WELMEC guidance monitoring plan. The WLMEC monitoring plan is more looser than Nestlé guidance, but the factory will follow the Nestlé rules.
  • Toivola, Johanna Maria (2015)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure of ice cream, especially the effects of temperature, sugar composition and stabilizer-emulsifier concentration on the melt down, hardness and moulding properties of ice cream. The aim was to produce a soft and easily mouldable ice cream that suits the intended purpose. A sensory evaluation was conducted to the ice creams with desired structural properties. The literature review deals with ice cream ingredients, manufacturing process and factors affecting ice cream structure. For the experimental study, 16 ice creams with different compositions were made. The ice creams contained 12 or 6 % fat, different types of sugar compositions (A, B, C, D, E, F) and different concentrations of two types of stabilizer and emulsifier blends (A, B). Ice creams were stored at different temperatures. The hardness of ice cream was measured with a Texture Analyser, the melting rate was determined and the moulding properties were analysed with a moulding test. The two ice creams with desired structure were compared to a commercial ice cream in a sensory evaluation. The results of the hardness measurements revealed, that temperature and sugar composition affected hardness the most. Stabilizer and emulsifier concentration and type did not have an effect. The softest ice creams were those stored at higher temperatures and those made with sugar composition C, D, E and F. The slowest melting ice creams were the ones containing greater amounts of stabilizers and emulsifiers. The ice cream made with sugar composition D melted the fastest. For the moulding test, the softer ice creams were the easiest to mould. The ice cream made with sugar composition D was found to be too soft, almost runny, and the ones made with sugar composition A and B were found to be too hard. The ice creams made with sugar composition C, E and F were found pleasing. The batches containing a greater amount of stabilizer and emulsifier were found to be a bit gummy. In the sensory evaluation there were only one difference in sweetness found between the study ice creams and the commercial one. There were no differences found in creaminess and over all liking. From this can be concluded that the study ice creams are accepted by the consumers as well.
  • Tauriainen, Rosa (2017)
    Ice cream is made of sweetened fat protein emulsion which is frozen and aerated. Same processing steps are used for producing fruit ice and sorbet that do not contain any dairy ingredients. The base mixture of fruit ice is made from water, sugar and additives. Client’s assignment for this study included a development of a new type ice cream family called Jääherkku, which was classified as a vegetable fruit ice. Vegetable ingredients differ greatly from the traditional ice cream dairy ingredients often in a form of liquid or powder. Vegetable matrix consists of soluble and insoluble fibres which sets challenges for dairy processing equipments. The objective of the study was to develop the main ingredients (vegetable purees) and produce vegetable fruit ice products with desirable composition and sensory attributes. Vegetable puree processing involved heating, grinding and cooling steps. Referring to literature the aim was to increase vegetable fruit ice sample’s total dry matter content with additional starch powders, fruit puree and whey powder. Processing steps included mixing, pasteurization, maturing, whipping and freezing. Total dry matter and pH were measured from the ice mixtures. Each sample batch was verbally analysed with sensory evaluation methods. Based on this study three different product propositions for vegetable fruit ice was achieved. The composition and structure of vegetable purees and vegetable fruit ice base mix were made to match the demands of dairy processing equipment. Vegetable fruit ice samples’ sensory quality suffered from added sugars removal. The addition of additional fruit puree and whey powder alleviated the structural problems. Starch powders were also added in order to increase total dry matter content but this did not work alone on the structural problems. Based on literature the soft and pleasant sensory quality of ice cream depends on the total amount of sugars in ice cream. Sugars in ice cream lower the freezing point of matrix and decrease temperature dependent ice content. Melting test results showed that the melting behaviour of samples were more durable compared to the reference sample which contained added sugars.
  • Koskinen, Hilma (2021)
    Tutkimuksen aiheena oli lampaanmaidon koostumuksen kausittainen vaihtelu Suomessa ja vaihtelun vaikutus jatkojalostukseen. Lampaanmaidon tuottajat Suomessa ovat havainneet maidon koostumuksen muuttuvan maidonerityskauden aikana. Lampaanmaidosta ei ole tehty tutkimusta Suomessa, joten alan kasvun kannalta tutkimusta voidaan pitää hyvin tärkeänä. Tavoitteena tutkimuksella oli selvittää lampaanmaidon koostumuksen muuttumista Pekkolan tilalla tuotetun lampaanmaidon osalta ja selvittää kuluttajien mieltymystä lampaanmaidosta valmistetun jäätelön suhteen. Lampaanmaidon koostumus voi vaihdella Suomessa olosuhteiden ja ainutlaatuisen lypsylammaskannan vuoksi paljonkin maailmalla havaittuun lampaanmaidon koostumukseen. Lampaanmaitonäytteet kerättiin maidonerityskauden aikana eli touko-elokuu välisenä aikana ja maitonäytteiden koostumusta analysoitiin Hämeenlinnan ammattikorkeakoulun (HAMK) tiloissa Hämeenlinnassa MilkoScan™ Mars -laitteistolla. Aistinvaraisessa kuluttajatutkimuksessa tutkittiin lampaanmaitojäätelö Bäätelön ja vuohenmaitojäätelön Voihan Vuohi! makua, rakennetta ja tuotteiden kokonaismiellyttävyyttä. Tutkimus toteutettiin Hakolan Marjatilalla Janakkalassa. Lampaanmaidon koostumus vaihteli lypsykauden aikana ja esimerkiksi maidon kuiva-ainepitoisuus kasvoi koko maidonerityskauden ajan. Lampaanmaidossa myös rasvapitoisuus kasvoi tasaisesti maidonerityskauden edetessä. Jäätelön valmistuksen kannalta rasva- ja kokonaiskuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvaminen ovat toivottavia asioita. Aistinvaraisessa arvioinnissa tuotteiden miellyttävyyden välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkittävää eroa. Lampaanmaitojäätelön rakenne arvioitiin miellyttävämmäksi kuin vuohenmaitojäätelön ja Bäätelö minttu oli tutkimukseen osallistuneiden kuluttajien suosikki. Lampaanmaidosta valmistettavaan jäätelöön tulisi lisätä maidonerityskauden alussa sekä rasvaa että kokonaiskuiva-aineen määrää, jotta saataisiin aikaan tasalaatuista tuotetta. Konsentroitu lampaanmaito voisi olla ratkaisu. Tutkimusta lampaanmaidon koostumuksen saralla tarvitaan vielä, jotta muitakin lampaanmaitotuotteita voidaan kehittää ja soveltaa esimerkiksi jäätelön valmistukseen. Maitojauhe ja lampaanmaidosta valmistettu kerma ovat seuraavana listalla.
  • Koskinen, Hilma (2021)
    Tutkimuksen aiheena oli lampaanmaidon koostumuksen kausittainen vaihtelu Suomessa ja vaihtelun vaikutus jatkojalostukseen. Lampaanmaidon tuottajat Suomessa ovat havainneet maidon koostumuksen muuttuvan maidonerityskauden aikana. Lampaanmaidosta ei ole tehty tutkimusta Suomessa, joten alan kasvun kannalta tutkimusta voidaan pitää hyvin tärkeänä. Tavoitteena tutkimuksella oli selvittää lampaanmaidon koostumuksen muuttumista Pekkolan tilalla tuotetun lampaanmaidon osalta ja selvittää kuluttajien mieltymystä lampaanmaidosta valmistetun jäätelön suhteen. Lampaanmaidon koostumus voi vaihdella Suomessa olosuhteiden ja ainutlaatuisen lypsylammaskannan vuoksi paljonkin maailmalla havaittuun lampaanmaidon koostumukseen. Lampaanmaitonäytteet kerättiin maidonerityskauden aikana eli touko-elokuu välisenä aikana ja maitonäytteiden koostumusta analysoitiin Hämeenlinnan ammattikorkeakoulun (HAMK) tiloissa Hämeenlinnassa MilkoScan™ Mars -laitteistolla. Aistinvaraisessa kuluttajatutkimuksessa tutkittiin lampaanmaitojäätelö Bäätelön ja vuohenmaitojäätelön Voihan Vuohi! makua, rakennetta ja tuotteiden kokonaismiellyttävyyttä. Tutkimus toteutettiin Hakolan Marjatilalla Janakkalassa. Lampaanmaidon koostumus vaihteli lypsykauden aikana ja esimerkiksi maidon kuiva-ainepitoisuus kasvoi koko maidonerityskauden ajan. Lampaanmaidossa myös rasvapitoisuus kasvoi tasaisesti maidonerityskauden edetessä. Jäätelön valmistuksen kannalta rasva- ja kokonaiskuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvaminen ovat toivottavia asioita. Aistinvaraisessa arvioinnissa tuotteiden miellyttävyyden välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkittävää eroa. Lampaanmaitojäätelön rakenne arvioitiin miellyttävämmäksi kuin vuohenmaitojäätelön ja Bäätelö minttu oli tutkimukseen osallistuneiden kuluttajien suosikki. Lampaanmaidosta valmistettavaan jäätelöön tulisi lisätä maidonerityskauden alussa sekä rasvaa että kokonaiskuiva-aineen määrää, jotta saataisiin aikaan tasalaatuista tuotetta. Konsentroitu lampaanmaito voisi olla ratkaisu. Tutkimusta lampaanmaidon koostumuksen saralla tarvitaan vielä, jotta muitakin lampaanmaitotuotteita voidaan kehittää ja soveltaa esimerkiksi jäätelön valmistukseen. Maitojauhe ja lampaanmaidosta valmistettu kerma ovat seuraavana listalla.
  • Neffling, Jonna (2009)
    The literature review of this thesis deals with light, conventional light sources and the effects of light on the quality of foods. Impacts of light on the quality of frozen foods were also discussed. Effects of fluorescent light on frozen food have been previously reported in the literature, but effects of LED light have not. The literature review also deals with the quality changes of foods caused by freezing and frozen storage. The significance of package during frozen storage was reviewed. The aim of the experimental study was to investigate whether there are differences between the effects on frozen food when exposed to fluorescent or LED light. Frozen strawberries, shrimps, lamb loins and ice cream were exposed to fluorescent and LED light for 4 weeks. The samples were packed in transparent LDPE pouches except the lamb loins, which were vacuum-packed in transparent PA/PE film. References were packed in aluminium foil. Temperature of the samples was monitored by the sensors attached to the surfaces of the packages. The colour of the samples was measured every week using a spectrophotometer. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of the shrimps and lamb loins were analysed after 0, 2 and 4 weeks of exposure. The odour of shrimps was evaluated with sensory evaluation using a multiple comparison test. Sensory evaluations of ice cream was conducted by trained panelists using a multiple comparison test. All the sensory evaluations were conducted after 2 and 4 weeks of exposure. In addition, ice cream was exposed to light under a yellow plastic film to find out the effects of riboflavin, which is known to operate as a sensitiser. After 4 weeks of exposure to the fluorescent light the total colour difference of the samples was higher than that of the products exposed to the LED light. Differences were pronounced especially in ice cream exposed to light under transparent film. The smell and taste of ice cream were affected when exposed to light under transparent or yellow plastic films. There were no statistically significant differences in the taste of ice cream when exposed to fluorescent or LED light for 4 weeks, but the smell of ice cream appeared to be more divergent from the reference when exposed to LED light under transparent film for 4 weeks than the smell of ice cream exposed to fluorescent light for 4 weeks. On the basis of this study, fluorescent light affected the colour of the frozen food more than LED light. Light sources did not differ from each other, when the results of the sensory evaluation of shrimps were considered. Because TBA values of lamb loins and shrimps also increased in reference samples, the effects of light could not be separated. Sensory properties of ice cream were affected by light exposures, but on the basis of sensory evaluation it is not possible to state which light source was more detrimental to the quality of ice cream.
  • Ylitalo, Anna (2019)
    People are eating a lot of ice cream all over the world and new products must be developed to create new options for consumers. Unilever, for whom this thesis has been made, is interested in developing new ice cream structures. The objective of the thesis was to explore different possibilities of ice cream structures and create two new interesting structures to the ice cream market; one with long, stretchy and chewy texture and one with high overrun (HOR) and light mouthfeel. The idea was to change the amounts, types and mixes of emulsifiers and stabilizers from the recipe. Additionally, process parameters, homogenisation and overrun, were changed from the current values. Hence, the purpose was to influence the size and amount of air bubbles and fat globules. The study was conducted at Unilever Sipoo, Ingman ice cream factory at their pilot plant. In the experimental part of the study, various versions of new ice cream structures were tested and compared to the reference product. After sensory analysis, it was decided to proceed with three versions of the HOR structure and two versions of the stretchy structure. At the end there were five versions of two new structures produced and analyzed with various tests. The analytical methods suitable and available for this study were viscosity measurement, shelf-life test, chemical test and melting test. Furthermore, there were small sensory analysis done during the study and comprehensive, final sensory analysis was done at the end of the study, for the final products. In conclusion, both of the new structures succeeded well. The “HOR E NAS 4” proved to be the best version of the structures. The melting profile of “HOR E NAS 4” ice cream corresponded the reference product. The results of the shelf-life test were positive: all the new structures survived better than the reference product. Sensory evaluation showed that the structures differed statistically significantly from each other and especially from the traditional ice cream, which was the aim of the study. The “HOR E NAS 4 “ was evaluated to be more firm and not so creamy as the reference product, which have to take in consideration in further investigations. “HOR E NAS 4” will be published on the ice cream market next year, as a new product.