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Browsing by Subject "kaivosteollisuus"

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  • Hekkala, Toni (2019)
    Arsenic (As) is a metalloid naturally present in the environment. Arsenic species vary in toxicity. Metal mining has contributed to the anthropogenic input of arsenic to groundwaters and surface waters. In this study, water samples were collected from 20 sample points in three mining-impacted study areas in Finland: the former Ylöjärvi Cu–W–As and Haveri Au–Cu mines, and the active Pyhäsalmi Zn–Cu mine. Six groundwater well samples, eleven surface water samples and three tailings seepage collection ditch samples were analyzed for dissolved arsenic speciation by HPLC-ICP-MS and for geochemical composition by ICP-MS, titration, and ion chromatography. Dissolved arsenic concentrations ranged from 14.2 to 6649 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Ylöjärvi study area, from 0.5 to 6.2 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Haveri study area, and from 0.2 to 9.4 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Pyhäsalmi study area. In all study areas, measured dissolved arsenic concentrations showed a general decrease from the tailings to the surroundings. Speciation analysis showed that two of the samples collected at the Ylöjärvi study area had arsenite [As(III)] as the dominant form of dissolved inorganic arsenic (iAs), three had arsenate [As(V)] as the dominant form of dissolved iAs, and four had a mixture of both. In the water samples collected at the Haveri and Pyhäsalmi study areas, all concentrations of dissolved arsenic species were below method detection limits. Also, none of the 22 water samples analyzed for arsenic speciation had dissolved MMA or DMA concentrations above method detection limits. Identification of dissolved arsenic species in the sampled waters in Haveri and Pyhäsalmi, and of MMA and DMA in all sampled waters requires more detailed study. A significant 2-tailed Pearson correlation between dissolved arsenic and dissolved molybdenum (Mo) (r=0.80**, n=20), and dissolved arsenic and dissolved potassium (K) (0.68**, n=19) suggests that in these three study areas the distributions of dissolved arsenic and Mo, as well as dissolved arsenic and K may be controlled by the same environmental variables. Anomalously high maximum concentrations of dissolved Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and SO4 were measured in surface water samples collected at the Ylöjärvi and Haveri study areas, and in a seepage collection ditch sample collected at the Pyhäsalmi study area.
  • Haikonen, Saara (2023)
    To comprehensively study economic inequality and its development, Distributional National Accounts (DINA) base its inequality measures on the national income as a whole. Focusing on the national accounts part of the project, I follow DINA’s recommendations on modifying the concept of national income to cover some of the aspects it currently excludes. The three proposed modifications account for natural resource depletion, income from tax havens, and reinvested earnings on foreign portfolio investment. In this thesis, I apply all three modifications to the Finnish national income 1975–2022. To estimate the first, novel modification on the depreciation of natural capital, I combine a variety of data sources and methodologies on depletion of timber and minerals. The two modifications to foreign income flows have already been estimated by DINA, and my contribution lies in analyzing the results in the Finnish context. Although depletion of natural resources has gained wide attention, my thesis thus provides the first example where depletion of natural resources has been studied aside the two other modifications. I find that the modifications change national income by between 0.8 and - 5.8 % each year, the effect being largest at the beginning of the 21st century. Moreover, the modifications change the rate of growth in national income by approximately two percentage points each year 1998–2003. The results imply that the way natural resources and foreign income flows are recorded can significantly affect the level of national income and that the effect is not unequivocally negative.
  • Haikonen, Saara (2023)
    To comprehensively study economic inequality and its development, Distributional National Accounts (DINA) base its inequality measures on the national income as a whole. Focusing on the national accounts part of the project, I follow DINA’s recommendations on modifying the concept of national income to cover some of the aspects it currently excludes. The three proposed modifications account for natural resource depletion, income from tax havens, and reinvested earnings on foreign portfolio investment. In this thesis, I apply all three modifications to the Finnish national income 1975–2022. To estimate the first, novel modification on the depreciation of natural capital, I combine a variety of data sources and methodologies on depletion of timber and minerals. The two modifications to foreign income flows have already been estimated by DINA, and my contribution lies in analyzing the results in the Finnish context. Although depletion of natural resources has gained wide attention, my thesis thus provides the first example where depletion of natural resources has been studied aside the two other modifications. I find that the modifications change national income by between 0.8 and - 5.8 % each year, the effect being largest at the beginning of the 21st century. Moreover, the modifications change the rate of growth in national income by approximately two percentage points each year 1998–2003. The results imply that the way natural resources and foreign income flows are recorded can significantly affect the level of national income and that the effect is not unequivocally negative.
  • Bruun, Otto (2020)
    Tutkimus käsittelee Outokummun kaivoksen (1910 1989) ja sen rikastamon jätevesien synnyttämää paikallista jätevesikiistaa arkistoaineistoihin sekä kerättyyn muistitietoon nojautuen. Pohjois Karjalan Sysmäjärvi ja lähivesistöt sekä Outokummun kuparikaivoksen läheiset pohjavedet pilaantuivat 1930 luvulta alkaen kaivoksen ja sen rikastamon happamien ja raskasmetallipitoisten jätevesien seurauksena. Paikalliset maanviljelijät ja kalastajat järjestäytyivät vesiliikkeeksi vaatiakseen jätevesihaittojen selvittämistä, vesistöpäästöjen lopettamista ja parempia korvauksia aiheutuneista haitoista. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan, miten haitankärsijät korostivat järjestäytymisessä omien elinkeinojensa ja niiden tulevaisuuden edellytysten puolustamista. Liikkeen toiminta synnytti uudenlaisia jännitteitä kaivosyhteisön sisällä sekä kaivosyhtiön ja maaseutuväestön välille että maaseutuväestön keskuuteen. Vesiliikkeen toimijat vaikuttivat myös kansallisen vesilain muotoutumiseen. Liikkeen toimijat hyödynsivät ensimmäisten joukossa uuden vuoden 1961 vesilain tarjoamia juridisia välineitä. Kiistassa erityisesti luonnonvesistä riippuvainen karjatalous ja kalastus sekä kaivosteollisuuden päästöt asettuivat vastakkain, ja aineiston valossa tätä jännitettä voi pitää perustavana ajan suomalaiselle vesilainsäädännön kiristämiselle. Tapaus tuo näkyville paikallisen luonnonvarojen käyttöä puolustavan yhteiskunnallisen toiminnan muodon, jota voi pitää luontopolitiikan muotona ja joka osoittaa ympäristöhistoriallisia ja sosiaalihistoriallisia jatkuvuuksia luonnonvaroista käydyissä kiistoissa eri aikoina. Outokummun jätevesitapauksen vaiheita jäljittämällä osoitetaan, että teollisuuden haittavaikutukset olivat paikallisesti ja kansallisesti kiisteltyjä 1940 luvulta eteenpäin, siis jo paljon ennen tutkimuskirjallisuudessa kuvattujen ympäristöliikkeiden, politiikan tai hallinnon syntyä 1970 luvulta eteenpäin. Vaikka vesistöhaitta muistetaan paikallisesti hyvin, sen luonne kiistana ja liikkeen vaatimukset muistetaan heikosti. Outokummussa vesien pilaantuminen nähdään muisteluaineistossa sekä välttämättömänä kaivosteollisuuden seurauksena että surun ja paikan menetyksen kokemusta korostaen.