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Browsing by Subject "kasviproteiini"

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  • Lapinkero, Vesa (2020)
    Background and aim: Colorectal cancers (CRC) are the third most common type of cancer in men and the second most common in women worldwide. The risk for CRC is influenced by lifestyle factors, especially diet. The effect of diet on CRC risk is thought to be mediated by the liquid phase of the feces called fecal water (FW); the components in food or produced from food by the microbiome must be in soluble form to have an effect on the colon epithelial cells, especially on the proliferating cells at the bottom of the colonic crypts, and consequently on CRC risk. In this study, we examined how viability of cells from human colon cancer cell line HCA-7 was affected, when the cells were exposed to FW extracted from fecal samples from study participants eating diets with emphasis on either animal or plant protein sources. Additionally we tested, whether body mass index (BMI), pH of the FW, amount of N-nitroso compounds in feces (NOC), or intake of fiber, protein, calcium or energy correlate with viability. Materials and methods: 146 healthy voluteers (age 20–69, BMI 18,5–35) were randomly assigned to three intervention diet groups for 12 weeks. Protein content of the diets (target 17 E%) came from animal and plant sources in proportion of 70/30 % (ANIMAL-group, n=46), 50/50 % (50/50-group, n=44) and 30/70 % (PLANT-group, n=44). Food consumption was assessed using 4-day food records kept by the participants before and at the end of the intervention period. Fecal samples were collected from the same time periods. Fecal samples were diluted with water in ratio of 1:1 and homogenized, homogenate was ultracentrifuged, pH of the supernatant i.e. FW was measured and finally the FW was filtered sterile using a 0,22 μm filter. HCA-7-cells were first incubated roughly 24 h on 96-well cell culture plate in growth medium so that the cells were attached to the plate. Then three parallel FW samples in three different dilution (10 vol-%, 20 vol-% and 30 vol-%) from each study participant were added on to the plate, and the plate was further incubated exactly 24 h. After that, the amount of living cells was measured colorimetrically using WST-8-reagent. Viability (%) was determined by calculating the proportion of living cells in sample containing wells compared to the living cells in the control wells. Statistical significance of the differences of viability between the diet groups was tested by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using the viability at the baseline as covariate. Correlations were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation test. Results: FW samples were obtained from134 study participants. There was a statistically significant difference in viability between the groups’ means in samples with FW content of 30 vol-% (ANCOVA p=0,005). Viability (%) was smallest in the PLANT-group (co-variate adjusted mean 30,0 ± 1,9), and in the reciprocal comparison it differed from both the ANIMAL-group (37,8 ± 1,8; p = 0,011, Bonferroni correction) and the 50/50-group (37,1 ± 1,8; p = 0,021). At the end of the study, there were statistically significant correlation (p < 0,05) between viability and BMI in all of the FW contents (10 vol-%: Pearson correlation coefficient R = 0,210; 20 vol-%: R = 0,366; 30 vol-%: R = 0,319), pH of the FW in the FW contents of 20 vol-% (R = 0,204) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,249). The intake of protein (g/d) correlated in contents of 10 vol-% (R = 0,199) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,181). Also, the intake of protein in proportion to energy intake (E%) correlated in contents of 10 vol-% (R = 0,179) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,236). The intake of fiber, calcium and the amount of NOC:s in feces did not correlate with viability. Conclusions: In this study, the FW from the PLANT group reduced the viability of HCA-7 cells in vitro compared to the FW of the 50/50 ja the ANIMAL groups. This could indicate that increasing the consumption of plant-based protein sources and decreasing that of animal proteins may decrease the risk of CRC. To strengthen the current results, the exposure experiments should be replicated also using different colon cancer cell lines and a normal-like control cell line.
  • Lapinkero, Vesa (2020)
    Background and aim: Colorectal cancers (CRC) are the third most common type of cancer in men and the second most common in women worldwide. The risk for CRC is influenced by lifestyle factors, especially diet. The effect of diet on CRC risk is thought to be mediated by the liquid phase of the feces called fecal water (FW); the components in food or produced from food by the microbiome must be in soluble form to have an effect on the colon epithelial cells, especially on the proliferating cells at the bottom of the colonic crypts, and consequently on CRC risk. In this study, we examined how viability of cells from human colon cancer cell line HCA-7 was affected, when the cells were exposed to FW extracted from fecal samples from study participants eating diets with emphasis on either animal or plant protein sources. Additionally we tested, whether body mass index (BMI), pH of the FW, amount of N-nitroso compounds in feces (NOC), or intake of fiber, protein, calcium or energy correlate with viability. Materials and methods: 146 healthy voluteers (age 20–69, BMI 18,5–35) were randomly assigned to three intervention diet groups for 12 weeks. Protein content of the diets (target 17 E%) came from animal and plant sources in proportion of 70/30 % (ANIMAL-group, n=46), 50/50 % (50/50-group, n=44) and 30/70 % (PLANT-group, n=44). Food consumption was assessed using 4-day food records kept by the participants before and at the end of the intervention period. Fecal samples were collected from the same time periods. Fecal samples were diluted with water in ratio of 1:1 and homogenized, homogenate was ultracentrifuged, pH of the supernatant i.e. FW was measured and finally the FW was filtered sterile using a 0,22 μm filter. HCA-7-cells were first incubated roughly 24 h on 96-well cell culture plate in growth medium so that the cells were attached to the plate. Then three parallel FW samples in three different dilution (10 vol-%, 20 vol-% and 30 vol-%) from each study participant were added on to the plate, and the plate was further incubated exactly 24 h. After that, the amount of living cells was measured colorimetrically using WST-8-reagent. Viability (%) was determined by calculating the proportion of living cells in sample containing wells compared to the living cells in the control wells. Statistical significance of the differences of viability between the diet groups was tested by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using the viability at the baseline as covariate. Correlations were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation test. Results: FW samples were obtained from134 study participants. There was a statistically significant difference in viability between the groups’ means in samples with FW content of 30 vol-% (ANCOVA p=0,005). Viability (%) was smallest in the PLANT-group (co-variate adjusted mean 30,0 ± 1,9), and in the reciprocal comparison it differed from both the ANIMAL-group (37,8 ± 1,8; p = 0,011, Bonferroni correction) and the 50/50-group (37,1 ± 1,8; p = 0,021). At the end of the study, there were statistically significant correlation (p < 0,05) between viability and BMI in all of the FW contents (10 vol-%: Pearson correlation coefficient R = 0,210; 20 vol-%: R = 0,366; 30 vol-%: R = 0,319), pH of the FW in the FW contents of 20 vol-% (R = 0,204) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,249). The intake of protein (g/d) correlated in contents of 10 vol-% (R = 0,199) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,181). Also, the intake of protein in proportion to energy intake (E%) correlated in contents of 10 vol-% (R = 0,179) and 30 vol-% (R = 0,236). The intake of fiber, calcium and the amount of NOC:s in feces did not correlate with viability. Conclusions: In this study, the FW from the PLANT group reduced the viability of HCA-7 cells in vitro compared to the FW of the 50/50 ja the ANIMAL groups. This could indicate that increasing the consumption of plant-based protein sources and decreasing that of animal proteins may decrease the risk of CRC. To strengthen the current results, the exposure experiments should be replicated also using different colon cancer cell lines and a normal-like control cell line.
  • Roiniala, Tia (2018)
    Maisterintutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin härkäpavun ominaisuuksiin ja proteiinijauheiden valmistusmenetelmiin. Kokeellisen osion tavoitteena oli eristää härkäpapuproteiinia ja vertailla konsentrointimenetelmän vaikutusta sumutuskuivatun härkäpapuproteiini-isolaatin ominaisuuksiin ja proteiinin saantoon. Proteiini eristettiin härkäpapujauhosta veteen uuttamalla. Uuttoliuokset konsentroitiin kahdessa erässä, ultrasuodattamalla ja saostamalla, jonka jälkeen konsentroidut liuokset sumutuskuivattiin. Kuivatuista härkäpapuproteiinijauheista tutkittiin vesi- ja proteiinipitoisuudet, partikkelikoko, väri ja funktionaalisista ominaisuuksista proteiinien liukoisuus ja vaahdonmuodostuskyky. Lisäksi laskettiin proteiinisaanto prosessin eri vaiheissa. Ultrasuodatetun härkäpapuproteiinijauheen proteiinipitoisuudeksi saatiin 82 % (märkäpaino), kun taas saostetun proteiinijauheen proteiinipitoisuus oli 94 %. Vesipitoisuudet samassa järjestyksessä 5 % ja 7 %. Ultrasuodattamalla konsentroitu jauhe oli väriltään vaaleampaa ja keltaisempaa kuin saostamalla konsentroitu. Partikkelikooissa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Proteiinit liukenivat heikosti isoelektrisen pisteen alueella (pH 4–5). Saostettu härkäpapuproteiini-isolaatti liukeni ultrasuodatettua isolaattia paremmin happamassa pH:ssa. Emäksisessä pH:ssa liukoisuus erot tasoittuivat. Ultrasuodatettu härkäpapuproteiini-isolaatti muodosti tehokkaammin ja pysyvämpiä vaahtoja kuin saostettu isolaatti tai härkäpapujauho. Koko prosessin proteiinisaanto jäi matalaksi. Ultrasuodatetulla erällä alkuperäisestä proteiinista saatiin talteen 19,8 %, kun saostetulla saanto jäi 6,7 %:iin. Tulosten perusteella proteiinin eristys onnistui hyvin ja saatiin aikaan härkäpapuproteiini-isolaatteja, proteiinipitoisuuksien noustessa yli 80 %:iin. Konsentroinnilla voidaan vaikuttaa isolaatin proteiini- ja vesipitoisuuteen, väriin ja funktionaalisiin ominaisuuksiin. Menetelmän valintaan vaikuttaa proteiini-isolaatin käyttökohde ja sen vaatimat ominaisuudet. Konsentrointi- ja kuivausmenetelmät vaativat kuitenkin edelleen optimointia, jotta proteiinin saantoa saataisiin nostettua.
  • Pietiäinen, Solja (2018)
    Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin erityisesti palkokasveista löydettyihin homeenkasvua estäviin proteiineihin. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin myös härkäpapua palkokasvina, leivän homehtumista sekä perinteisiä ja vaihtoehtoisia menetelmiä leivän säilyvyyden parantamiseksi. Härkäpavun jauholla, uutteella ja proteiineilla on havaittu homeenkasvua estävä vaikutus leivässä, mutta sen vesiuutteen proteiinifraktioiden homeenestokykyä ei ole raportoitu aiemmin. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli tunnistaa homeenkasvua estäviä fraktioita härkäpavun vesiuutteesta ja siitä eristetystä proteiinista. Homeenestokykyä tutkittiin käyttäen yleisiä leipien pilaajahomeita, jotta leivässä homeenkasvua estävät härkäpavun vesiliukoiset proteiinifraktiot voitaisiin tunnistaa. Tutkimuksessa kahdelle härkäpapulajikkeelle (Kontu, Suomi ja Alex, Espanja) tehtiin vesiuutto ja vesiuutteen proteiinit saostettiin ammoniumsulfaatilla (75 %). Vesiuutteet ja vesiuutteista saostettu proteiini fraktioitiin geelisuodatuskromatografialla (Sephadex G100). Näytteiden proteiinipitoisuus määritettiin spektrofotometrisesti ja proteiinikoostumus elektroforeettisesti SDS-PAGE:lla. Homeenestokyky määritettiin maljakokeissa käyttäen neljää yleistä leipähometta (P. paneum, P. roqueforti, P. albocoremium ja A. niger). Tämän työn perusteella härkäpavun vesiuutteesta oli mahdollista erottaa geelisuodatuksella homeenkasvua estäviä proteiinifraktioita ja härkäpavun proteiinifraktioiden havaittiin estävän P. paneumin ja P. roquefortin kasvua in vitro. Pieniä proteiineja tai paljon globuliinia sisältävillä fraktioilla ei havaittu homeenestokykyä. Vaikka saostaminen ei vaikuttanut fraktioiden homeenestokykyyn, ammoniumsulfaattisaostuksessa menetettiin globuliinien vesiliukoisuus ja vesiuutteen A. nigerin estokyky. Näytteiden homeenestokyvyn havaittiin riippuvan proteiinikonsentraatiosta ja homelajista, mutta Kontu ja Alex eivät eronneet toisistaan proteiinikoostumukseltaan ja homeenestokyvyltään. Työn perusteella härkäpavun proteiinifraktioilla on merkitystä härkäpavun homeenestokyvyssä ja niiden toiminnallisuutta homeenkasvun estäjinä tulisi tutkia myös elintarvikkeissa kuten leivässä.
  • Mustakallio, Meri (2022)
    Background: Replacing animal protein with plant-based protein has health and environmental benefits, but new plant protein-based products have shown a high salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) content. Objectives: 1) To investigate the effects of replacing animal protein sources with plant-based protein sources on sodium (Na) intake in a 12-week ScenoProt intervention. 2) To gather information on NaCl contents of plant-based protein and meat alternative products available in Finland and to compare them with equivalent meat products. Methods: 1) 136 participants were randomized into different protein diets (G1: animal 70%/plant 30%; G2: animal 50%/plant 50%; G3: animal 30%/plant 70%). Na intake was measured with 4-day food records and 24h urine excretion using analysis of (co)variance. 2) An audit for plant protein and meat products was done. NaCl content in product categories was compared using t-tests and non-parametric tests. Results: 1) Na intake was highest in G1 (3.7±0.9 g/d), while the intakes in G2 and G3 were 3.1±0.9 and 3.1±0.6 g/d (p<0.001). Urinary Na was highest in G1 vs. G2 and G3 (p≤0.018; adjusted for baseline). Plant-based foods accounted for 28,5 % of sodium intake in G3. 2) Of 347 plant-based products, 89 % were salted/seasoned and mean NaCl content was 1.29±0.63 g/100 g. Plant-based mince and chicken strips were higher in salt than their meat equivalents (1.22±0.49 vs. 0.24±0.35 and 1.61±0.33 vs.1.16 ±0.63 g/100 g, p≤0.017), whereas meat sausages and meat salamis had higher salt content than the plant alternatives (1.94±0.23 vs. 1.64±0.33 and 4.04±0.39 vs. 2.12±0.60 g/100 g, p<0.001). Conclusion: Na intake and urinary excretion were lower when 50-70% of dietary proteins were from plant-based sources compared to a diet containing 70% animal-based proteins. However, plant-based dishes were a significant source of sodium in the plant-based diets and some plant-based products have high NaCl contents, which may question their healthiness, especially if consumed frequently.
  • Mustakallio, Meri (2022)
    Background: Replacing animal protein with plant-based protein has health and environmental benefits, but new plant protein-based products have shown a high salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) content. Objectives: 1) To investigate the effects of replacing animal protein sources with plant-based protein sources on sodium (Na) intake in a 12-week ScenoProt intervention. 2) To gather information on NaCl contents of plant-based protein and meat alternative products available in Finland and to compare them with equivalent meat products. Methods: 1) 136 participants were randomized into different protein diets (G1: animal 70%/plant 30%; G2: animal 50%/plant 50%; G3: animal 30%/plant 70%). Na intake was measured with 4-day food records and 24h urine excretion using analysis of (co)variance. 2) An audit for plant protein and meat products was done. NaCl content in product categories was compared using t-tests and non-parametric tests. Results: 1) Na intake was highest in G1 (3.7±0.9 g/d), while the intakes in G2 and G3 were 3.1±0.9 and 3.1±0.6 g/d (p<0.001). Urinary Na was highest in G1 vs. G2 and G3 (p≤0.018; adjusted for baseline). Plant-based foods accounted for 28,5 % of sodium intake in G3. 2) Of 347 plant-based products, 89 % were salted/seasoned and mean NaCl content was 1.29±0.63 g/100 g. Plant-based mince and chicken strips were higher in salt than their meat equivalents (1.22±0.49 vs. 0.24±0.35 and 1.61±0.33 vs.1.16 ±0.63 g/100 g, p≤0.017), whereas meat sausages and meat salamis had higher salt content than the plant alternatives (1.94±0.23 vs. 1.64±0.33 and 4.04±0.39 vs. 2.12±0.60 g/100 g, p<0.001). Conclusion: Na intake and urinary excretion were lower when 50-70% of dietary proteins were from plant-based sources compared to a diet containing 70% animal-based proteins. However, plant-based dishes were a significant source of sodium in the plant-based diets and some plant-based products have high NaCl contents, which may question their healthiness, especially if consumed frequently.
  • Koivunen, Katri (2022)
    Kasviproteiinien käyttöä on perusteltua lisätä ja toisaalta lihan käyttöä vähentää aiempien tutkimusten mukaan, mikäli ilmastoystävälliseen ruokavalioon halutaan siirtyä. Kasviproteiineilla on terveydelle hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia ja pienempi ympäristöjalanjälki kuin lihalla. Ravitsemussuositukset ohjaavat runsaaseen kasvisten käyttöön ja vähäisempään lihan käyttöön kuin niiden kulutus on. Kasviproteiinien käyttöön siirtyminen on tullut ajankohtaiseksi monelle toimijalle, kun tavoitteena on tarjota ilmastoystävällistä ja ravitsemussuosituksiin perustuvaa ruokaa. Selvitän tutkielmassani, millaista lihan ja kasviproteiinien kulutus on sekä millaisia voimavaroja ja esteitä lisätä kasviproteiinien käyttöä proteiininlähteenä pääruoassa. Selvitän, millaisia rooleja kuluttajalla ja yhteiskunnallisilla toimijoilla on kasviproteiinien käytön lisäämisessä. Toteutin tutkielman kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Katsauksen tehtävänä oli selvittää aineistohaun perusteella löytyneiden ajankohtaisten artikkeleiden ja kirjallisuuden avulla, millaisia mahdollisuuksia kuluttajalla ja yhteiskunnallisilla toimijoilla on kasviproteiineja sisältävän ruokavalion toteuttamiseen siirtymisessä. Analyysissa tiivistin artikkeleiden tuloksia. Erittelin kuluttajan ja yhteiskunnan toimijoiden näkökulmista voimavaroja ja esteitä siirryttäessä kohti laajempaa kasviproteiinien käyttöä. Tulosten perusteella kuluttajat ovat kiinnostuneita kasviproteiininlähteistä, mutta esteenä niiden valinnalle saattoi olla niiden vieraus, käytettävyys sekä aistittavat ominaisuudet. Kasviproteiininlähteisiin tottuminen, niiden uudet positiivissävytteiset merkitykset sekä tasa-arvoiseen kategoriaan sijoittuminen lihan rinnalla voivat tehdä kasviproteiineista houkuttelevampia. Toimijoiden voimavarana on, että ne pystyvät ohjaamaan kasviproteiineihin siirtymistä ja jakamaan tietoa sekä rakentamaan niille uusia merkityksiä.
  • Kivikko, Jenni (2023)
    Oats and peas have good nutritional composition and they could make up a favourable raw material combination for extruded food products. However, there are only few studies on their suitability for dry extrusion, especially for textured vegetable protein products (TVP). Based on protein content, dry extrudates can be divided into TVP products having fibrous structure (> 30% protein) and snack products having puffed structure (< 30 % protein). Differences in the structures of extrudates are formed as a result of the raw materials and extrusion parameters. The structure is formed in the extruder chamber, where different unit operations (for example mixing, ripening and shaping) cause many physicochemical changes in the raw materials, such as gelation of starch, denaturation and rearrangement of proteins in flow direction. The aim of the study was to find out how different extrusion parameters, oat raw materials and them concentration affect the properties of TVP products. Oat-based TVP products were targeted to have fibrous structure and resistance for soaking. In the first step, four oat raw materials in three different concentrations (25 %, 30 % and 35 %) were extruded with pea protein isolate. Moisture content, expansion, bulk density, water binding capacity, hardness and chewiness were determined from the products and a soup test simulating cooking was performed. The nutritional contents were calculated based on information received from raw material manufacturers. Based on the analysis results, the best of the oat raw materials (oat protein flour) was chosen for the second stage of the experiments. In the second stage, oat protein flour concentrations of 40%, 50% and 60% of the dry matter were tested. The extrudates were subjected to the same analyses as before. The oat raw material and its concentration were found to have statistically significant effects on many product properties, such as expansion and hardness. The best oat raw material was oat protein flour, from which the extruded products formed a fibrous and soaking-resistant structure. Increasing the oat content of the pulp in the case of oat protein flour resulted in a harder product and the expansion and water binding capacity decreased. Increasing the screw rotation speed was found to increase as well as expansion and water binding capacity. Based on the analyses and sensory observations, it was not possible to decide on the best extrudate, because the evaluation was most influenced by the evaluator's preference questions about for example meat structure. Based on this research, by combining oats and peas it is possible to obtain well-structured TVP products with a concentration of up to 60 % oat protein flour. It may be possible to increase the oat content of the extrudates by combining many oats raw materials, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the other properties of the extrudates are preserved.
  • Kivikko, Jenni (2023)
    Oats and peas have good nutritional composition and they could make up a favourable raw material combination for extruded food products. However, there are only few studies on their suitability for dry extrusion, especially for textured vegetable protein products (TVP). Based on protein content, dry extrudates can be divided into TVP products having fibrous structure (> 30% protein) and snack products having puffed structure (< 30 % protein). Differences in the structures of extrudates are formed as a result of the raw materials and extrusion parameters. The structure is formed in the extruder chamber, where different unit operations (for example mixing, ripening and shaping) cause many physicochemical changes in the raw materials, such as gelation of starch, denaturation and rearrangement of proteins in flow direction. The aim of the study was to find out how different extrusion parameters, oat raw materials and them concentration affect the properties of TVP products. Oat-based TVP products were targeted to have fibrous structure and resistance for soaking. In the first step, four oat raw materials in three different concentrations (25 %, 30 % and 35 %) were extruded with pea protein isolate. Moisture content, expansion, bulk density, water binding capacity, hardness and chewiness were determined from the products and a soup test simulating cooking was performed. The nutritional contents were calculated based on information received from raw material manufacturers. Based on the analysis results, the best of the oat raw materials (oat protein flour) was chosen for the second stage of the experiments. In the second stage, oat protein flour concentrations of 40%, 50% and 60% of the dry matter were tested. The extrudates were subjected to the same analyses as before. The oat raw material and its concentration were found to have statistically significant effects on many product properties, such as expansion and hardness. The best oat raw material was oat protein flour, from which the extruded products formed a fibrous and soaking-resistant structure. Increasing the oat content of the pulp in the case of oat protein flour resulted in a harder product and the expansion and water binding capacity decreased. Increasing the screw rotation speed was found to increase as well as expansion and water binding capacity. Based on the analyses and sensory observations, it was not possible to decide on the best extrudate, because the evaluation was most influenced by the evaluator's preference questions about for example meat structure. Based on this research, by combining oats and peas it is possible to obtain well-structured TVP products with a concentration of up to 60 % oat protein flour. It may be possible to increase the oat content of the extrudates by combining many oats raw materials, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the other properties of the extrudates are preserved.
  • Nurmi, Emilia (2018)
    The literature review examined structures and functionalities of two major canola proteins, cruciferin and napin. In addition, fundamental functional properties of proteins and the impact of high intensity ultrasound on functionality of other proteins were reviewed. Ultrasound treatment has been successfully used to improve several functional properties of other proteins such as soy, pea and egg white proteins. However, research on high intensity ultrasound treatment for improving canola protein functionality is limited. The aim of the experimental part was to improve solubility, rheological and emulsification properties of canola proteins using high intensity (20 kHz) ultrasound. The effects of ultrasound treatment on protein structures were also examined. Canola samples were first preheated (95 °C, 5 min) and then treated with ultrasound at different power intensity levels (200 and 400 W) and durations (10 and 30 min). Albumin fractions were obtained by water extraction (pH 7.3) and NaCl extraction (1 M, pH 6.3) was used to obtain globulin fractions. The soluble protein concentration was determined using DC Protein Assay (Bio-Rad, USA), free sulfhydryl content was measured according to Ellman’s procedure and electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed for the determination of protein composition. Emulsifying ability, creaming index, average particle size, viscosity, storage modulus (G’) and loss modulus (G’’) were determined from the heat-induced emulsion gels. Solubility and emulsion stability of ultrasound treated canola samples were improved compared to control samples. In addition, ultrasound treatment reduced the average particle size. However, the electrophoretic profiles of the control and ultrasound treated canola protein samples did not differ significantly. Based on the rheological measurements, all the emulsion gels were shear thinning and indicated elastic properties (G’>G’’). These results suggest that high intensity ultrasound treatment modified the structures of canola proteins enabling increased molecular interaction and enhancing particularly emulsion gel stability.
  • Kasurinen, Inka (2017)
    The literature review focused on the texturized plant proteins and their raw materials, processing conditions and water related properties. Especially the water binding properties, such as the water-holding capacity, the freezable water content, water activity and water sorption properties of texturized plant proteins, were discussed. In addition, the factors affecting the water binding properties of texturized plant proteins were investigated. The objective of the experimental study was to find the suitable analyzing methods for the characterization of water binding properties of texturized plant protein product. In addition, the effect of protein content, water content and texturization degree of raw material mixture on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were investigated. The analyzing methods selected to characterize the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were the freezable water content, the water holding capacity, water activity and the proportion of evaporated water from the original water content during drying for 5–60 min at 50 °C. Water content of raw material mixture had the biggest effect on the ability of the product to bind water. Decrease in water content of raw material mixture increased the water-holding capacity and reduced water activity of the product. The effect of water content of raw material mixture on the freezable water content of the product was almost linear. When the texturization degree was 50% and the protein content of raw material mixture was 53.3% the product had the best ability to bind water. The product had better ability to bind water when the protein content of raw material mixture was higher. In further studies the greater differences in the protein contents of raw material mixtures could be used to investigate the effect of protein content on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein products. In addition, the use of different water-binding compounds or decrease in storage temperature could be tested.
  • Reime, Kaisa (2017)
    The role of public catering services in nutrition policy and health promotion is of great significance. Local procurement and meal choices that meet dietary recommendations can improve food security. The origin of food in public procurement or the relationship of dietary recommendations and the meals being served have not been examined on a national level. The purpose of this study was to find out how much local food (national produce) is being offered in public catering services. In addition, we wanted to examine how the food being served met dietary recommendations. Factors related to serving local food and to meeting dietary recommendations were examined as well. The cross-sectional study was carried out as an online survey (n=295). In all, 118 representatives of public catering services responded to the survey. The online form was comprised of three parts: Back ground factors, local food procurement rate and dietary recommendations. Numerical results were saved and basic parameters were determined with Excel 2016 and SPSS 23 programs. The dependence of variables was examined with cross tabs and Chi-square test. Open questions and their answers were themed. The amount of local procurement among milk and meat products and eggs was high (> 90 %) in most (75−89 %) of the public catering services. Grains excluding rice were mostly (82 % of respondents) procured locally. The origin of procurement of fresh fish, berries and vegetables varied. High quality, safety, availability, good logistics and procurement contracts enhanced local procurement. Price was not mentioned as the main limiting factor to local procurement. Regarding red meat, 31 % of respondents reported having decreased its use as meal ingredient. The supply of red meat had decreased most in towns (p≤0,05). The average amount of red meat of all procured meat was 46 % (SD 22 %). Supplying red meat was more frequent in countryside public catering units than in towns (p=0,004). In all 66 % of respondents reported having increased serving vegetables at meals. The use of plant-based protein was still rare. Sharing information, product availability and easy-to-use recipes were reported as factors enhancing the use of plant-based protein. Taste preferences, attitudes and low supply of easy-to-use food products were regarded as limiting factors to plant-based protein use. Public catering services value highly local procurement but due to low availability, low supply of easy-to-use products or inefficient procurement contracts achieving high local procurement rate is sometimes challenging. The use of plant-based protein as ingredient in meals can be promoted by effective communicative and instructive measures and improving both product availability and supply of easy-to-use food products.