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Browsing by Subject "laaja-alainen osaaminen"

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  • Aalto, Liina (2017)
    Goals. The aim of this thesis was to examine how Finnish curriculums of 2004 and 2014 differ from each other in relation to thinking skills, learning to learn and multidisciplinary learning sets. These three themes were selected as subjects for research, as they are an integral part of the concept of broad-based competence introduced in the new curriculum. Broad-based competence is defined as the skills that the learner is expected to need in order to cope with future challenges. The purpose of this thesis was to find out whether these themes are also present in the Finnish curriculum of 2004 and if so, how their discourse may differ from the 2014 curriculum. This type of systematic comparison has not been made between these curricula before and also not with these themes. Thinking skills and learning to learn were studied separately from the multidisciplinary learning sets, as they are areas of broad-based competence, whereas multidisciplinary learning sets are more of its method. Thinking skills and learning to learn were dealt with, in particular, Robert Sternberg's theories of intelligence and its sub-areas. Methods. The data of the thesis are therefore the Finnish curriculums of 2004 and 2014. However, only the general parts were included in this thesis, as the goal was to get a picture of the underlying ideas and perspectives of each curriculum. The study was carried out using two mutually supportive analytical methods. The analysis started with a computer-based, instrumental thematic text analysis, which aims to find references to certain themes from the texts using a dictionary built by the researcher. This method was chosen because it was a clear and simple way to visualize the differences between the references in the texts. Another analytical method was a content analysis in which theory-based and data-based methods were used. Concerning thinking skills and learning to learn, content analysis was made by using the theory-based method with Sternberg's theories as a basis. Data-based analysis was used when studying multidisciplinary learning sets. Results and conclusions. The thinking skills were referred to equally as much in the general parts of the curricula of 2004 and 2014, but the content of the curriculum for 2014 was more comprehensive and could easily be categorized using Sternberg's theories. The same was true of learning to learn, although it was apparent that in relation to the curriculum of 2004, there were more references to learning to learn than in the curriculum of 2014. In the case of multidisciplinary learning sets, the result again indicated that the curriculum of 2014 was broader both in terms of content and text. Based on these results, it can be generally interpreted that although these same themes have been dealt with in the previous curriculum, the new curriculum has really become substantively centralized and sought to find a wide range of these perspectives.
  • Torvinen, Kathrin (2017)
    For the students' future, it is important that today's teaching prepares them for their future challenges and gives them tools to solve those. There will be a need for creative thinking, courage and cooperation skills. The curriculum of Finnish schools has defined a broad range of skills which are important in the future of students. Teaching should be planned from the point of view of learning process and extending the boundaries of school subjects. In the context of integrating teaching, we talk about phenomenal learning, which is based on holistic phenomena of the real world. The basis of phenomenal learning is the principle of exploratory learning, where learning starts by exploring problems and finding answers and solutions to them. The focus of the thesis is a quasi-experimental study to explore which color shades are generated when using beetroot and peels of mandarin and red onion as a source of color, how those colors will withstand washing and light exposure and what kind of possibilities for exploratory, phenomenon based learning following the aims of transversal competences defined by the integrated curriculum the project provides. The main results of the experimental part of the study show that the use of rhubarb leaves as a mordant has darkened the color result with all the dyeing colors tried. This is explained by the fact that rhubarb causes a dark background color, which shows strong in light dyes with little redness. The colorfastness of beetroot towards light and washing is poor. The colors achieved by the use of mandarin peels are light yellow and red onion is a source for green or brown shades, depending on the mordant used. Those colors have a good fastness to light and laundering. The differences are found are a good starting point for phenomenon based exploratory learning. Performing dyeing and dyeing tests themselves touch many areas of expertise and educational goals. The use of bio waste as a source of colors, colors and woolen material offer a variety of opportunities for teaching following an integrated curriculum, exploratory learning, phenomenon based learning and improving transversal competences. The project can be expanded according to the teacher's goals, depending on the subject and topic, or following the pupils' interest. In this way learning can be expanded in various ways.
  • Krouvi, Jaana (2019)
    The purpose of this thesis was to describe use of the digital equipments in education. Making of the products, is understood as new curriculum (POPS 2014) is suggesting, coaching student to pervasive knowledge, multimaterial use, fenomena based and 21st century skills learning abilities. Theory of this work is based on invention pedagogy where students are making inventions from their own life. Inventionpedagogy is supporting pervasive knowledge skills as kritical thinking and selfregulated learning abilities. Student based learning is changing the way how teaching is implemented. There are no models you can use, product goals are driven in real life. That is problem based learning, fenomena based or challenge based learning. Use of technology and integrating it to learning is spreading slowly. Equipments are expensive and sofware unfamiliar. Teachers education is aming to advance technology based invention pedagogy and need of knowledge. In InnoKomps training teachers are designing project using these methods. Innokomp is nation wide research, whitch is pointed to teachers and teacher education. InnoKomp training is still going on. Material of this thesis was given 2018 and it contains starting point inquiry (N35) and ending poin inquiry (N14). Permission to use this material was given from participating universities. Teachers answers were analysed by Atlas.ti program and content analyse. Research method is qualitative. Teachers feelings and experiences toward digitality and future aims were collected from material. Results are reflected to changing of craft teaching and reform of curriculum. Research outcomes turn out that 21 teacher have previous experience on digital modeling. On the other hand 11 teacher have few or none. From these teachers, 8 got benefit of the training and they learned something new. Teachers feelings toward digitality were vast, dislike to enthustiasm. InnoKomp training was conceived good. Teachers own objectives to the training were to understand and learn new things. To complete professional skills to meet up OPS 2014 goals. To bring new equipments to craft teaching and new ways of teaching future skills.
  • Pukkila, Minna (2016)
    Aims. The purpose of the study was to examine the experiences of three primary school teachers of Viikki Teacher Training School in using and putting into practice design-oriented pedagogy. The study investigates why the teachers use design-oriented pedagogy, what is it best for and what similarities it has with the National Core Curriculum 2014. The study com-pares prior knowledge with the experiences of the teachers and the curriculum. The topic is current, since the new curricula has set a goal of arranging a multidisciplinary learning mod-ule once a year. Methods. The research approach was a qualitative case study in Viikki Teacher Training School. The results were obtained by thematically interviewing three primary school teach-ers who use design-oriented pedagogy in their own teaching. The interviews were tran-scribed and analyzed using theory-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. The teachers used design-oriented pedagogy to carry out various projects with current topics a couple times a year. In their opinion design-oriented pedagogy improves many skills of learning and use of different work methods. Especially improve oneself as a learner, working together, interaction and data acquisition stand up amongst the skills benefited. The role of the teacher was to enable learning by offering support and resources. The objective of design-oriented pedagogy is to develop the skills of the students which are needed to act in the society of the future. According to the teachers, this will manifest in deeper understanding of knowledge, use of various sources and benefiting technological platforms. The students were the focus of learning, but that learning took place based on the curriculum.
  • Sainomaa, Aapo (2020)
    Informal learning is learning that takes place outside the school system. It happens in everyday situations that were not meant to be educational in the first place. Out-of-school environments are considered to produce positive effects on pupils’ interest, motivation and attitudes. The main aim of this study was to find out how math worth and interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) education differed among 12-year-old pupils before and after visiting an Informal Math and Art Exhibition. Additionally, the aim was to find out if it is possible to utilize an out-of-school environment to teach 21st century skills. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics (STEAM) pedagogy aims to improve pupils’ skills in innovation and creativity by combining elements from science and art. STEAM combines reality and education and aims to provide understanding of how things work while simultaneously guiding pupils’ technology skills. The learning context was a Math and Art Exhibition that was part of international CREATIONS-project. In this study, there were 256 12-year-old pupils from five different schools in Jyväskylä, Finland. The research material was gathered in 2 parts: pretests one week before the exhibition visit and posttests around a week after the visit. Nine out of ten students felt that the exhibition increased their interest in STEM. Boys who succeeded well in the Raven-test were the most interest in STEM. The increase in interest was, however, unrelated to gender or prior interest in STEM. Math worth was low among pupils who achieved low grades at school and scored low points on the Raven test. Math worth did not increase because of the exhibition visit, but differences in math worth were diminished. Pupils’ autonomous experience and situational interest were key factors regarding both math worth and interest. According to this study, even short-term out-of-school learning increases interest and evens out pupils’ math worth. In the light of this study the out-of-school learning environment can be seen as a fruitful and interesting way to learn that could also work as an excellent way to teach 21st century skills.
  • Sainomaa, Aapo (2020)
    Informal learning is learning that takes place outside the school system. It happens in everyday situations that were not meant to be educational in the first place. Out-of-school environments are considered to produce positive effects on pupils’ interest, motivation and attitudes. The main aim of this study was to find out how math worth and interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) education differed among 12-year-old pupils before and after visiting an Informal Math and Art Exhibition. Additionally, the aim was to find out if it is possible to utilize an out-of-school environment to teach 21st century skills. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics (STEAM) pedagogy aims to improve pupils’ skills in innovation and creativity by combining elements from science and art. STEAM combines reality and education and aims to provide understanding of how things work while simultaneously guiding pupils’ technology skills. The learning context was a Math and Art Exhibition that was part of international CREATIONS-project. In this study, there were 256 12-year-old pupils from five different schools in Jyväskylä, Finland. The research material was gathered in 2 parts: pretests one week before the exhibition visit and posttests around a week after the visit. Nine out of ten students felt that the exhibition increased their interest in STEM. Boys who succeeded well in the Raven-test were the most interest in STEM. The increase in interest was, however, unrelated to gender or prior interest in STEM. Math worth was low among pupils who achieved low grades at school and scored low points on the Raven test. Math worth did not increase because of the exhibition visit, but differences in math worth were diminished. Pupils’ autonomous experience and situational interest were key factors regarding both math worth and interest. According to this study, even short-term out-of-school learning increases interest and evens out pupils’ math worth. In the light of this study the out-of-school learning environment can be seen as a fruitful and interesting way to learn that could also work as an excellent way to teach 21st century skills.
  • Saastamoinen, Roosa (2018)
    This study views how consumer education is seen in the latest National core curriculum (2014). Consumer’s operational environment has changed due to the need for sustainable consumption and due to diversification of media and digitalization of technology, and this increases the pressure to enhance consumer education. I define my study to cover grades 7–9 and I will specially focus on transversal competences’ goals. The study questions are: 1. How does the latest National core curriculum (2014) boost sustainable consumer education? a. Which subjects include consumer education in upper comprehensive school? b. How is sustainable consumer education seen in the aims of transversal competence? c. How is ecological sustainability seen in home economics’ consumer education? This study is a qualitative document analysis that analyses the latest National core curriculum (2014). I divided my literature in two different themes and for the themes I selected keywords. Based on the keywords I analysed the curriculum and tabulated all sentences that include the keywords. I divided the accumulated literature even more specifically by subjects and the aims of transversal competence. The study suggests that even though there is no own subject for consumer education, the educational and learning aims related to sustainable consumption are very extensively present in the National core curriculum (2014). Even in the curriculum’s foundation of values it is advised to consider the conflicts between consumerism and sustainable lifestyle. The skills of transversal competence are obligatory for all subjects and in those skills consumer and economical education is viewed.
  • Malkamäki, Taija (2023)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata, analysoida ja tulkita, miten valtakunnallisessa Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteissa (2018) määritellyt laaja-alaisen oppimisen taidot näkyvät kahden 3–5-vuotiaiden ryhmän varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmassa. Kiinnostus ryhmä-vasujen tarkastelulle on syntynyt työelämän kokemuksista. Laaja-alaisen osaamisen käsite on melko tuore, ja se on liitetty varhaiskasvatus- ja koulujärjestelmää ohjaaviin asiakirjoihin vasta 2010-luvulla. Tutkimus toteutettiin pedagogisten asiakirjojen analyysillä. Tutkimusaineistoksi valittiin Var-haiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet (2018) sekä kaksi 3–5-vuotiaiden päiväkotiryhmän varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmat. Asiakirjoja tarkasteltiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä, mutta tutkimuksen vertailussa on havaittavissa myös teorialähtöisiä piirteitä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että ryhmän varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmassa laaja-alaisen osaa-misen taidot ovat taustalla, mutta eivät välttämättä suoraan nähtävissä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että laaja-alainen osaaminen on määritelty varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perus-teissa näkyvien varhaiskasvatuksen tehtävien kautta. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta myös, että laaja-alaisen osaamisen eri osa-alueet näkyvät eri määrin ryhmän varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman tavoitteissa.
  • Sipilä, Miina (2019)
    In this research I examined in what way the transversal competence areas included in the core curriculum are compatible with the education arranged by the activity areas. While the core curriculum is being renewed to suit the changing world, the role of the education arranged by the activity areas has remained the same for decades. There are, however, similarities between the transversal learning and the education arranged by the activity areas. They both aim at supporting comprehensive growth and development and neither of them functions inside the limits of separate subjects. The aim of transversal competence learning is the pupils´ growth as personalities and citizens in such a way that they recognize their own strengths while education arranged by the activity areas helps them to act independently in their lives. My material consisted of 22 interviews of teachers who taught by the activity areas. The interviews were collected during the spring of 2018 in four cities in different parts of Finland. I analysed the material utilizing analysis based on thematic networks. I executed my study as a qualitative research. The results showed that it is possible to make use of the ideas of transversal competence learning in a versatile way in education arranged by the activity areas. Multiliteracy, ICT competence, working life competence and entrepreneurship were emphasized in the material because in these areas of learning there seemed to be an obvious contradiction as to their suitability to education by the activity areas. In the light of the definition of the core curriculum and the results of research, these three areas of learning can be made use of in education arranged by the activity areas. Documenting the suitable methods in the core curriculum would be important as well as teachers´ further education. I noticed that teachers experienced the contents of transversal competence learning and learning by activity areas being alike. In teachers´ opinion taking care of oneself, managing daily life, interaction and expressing oneself are the most important areas of transversal learning. Teachers also presented integration and inclusion solutions they used in transversal education. In addition to this they talked about participation and its realization in the framework of transversal. competence. They also expressed doubts as to the possibilities of transversal competences and their appropriability.
  • Sipilä, Miina (2019)
    In this research I examined in what way the transversal competence areas included in the core curriculum are compatible with the education arranged by the activity areas. While the core curriculum is being renewed to suit the changing world, the role of the education arranged by the activity areas has remained the same for decades. There are, however, similarities between the transversal learning and the education arranged by the activity areas. They both aim at supporting comprehensive growth and development and neither of them functions inside the limits of separate subjects. The aim of transversal competence learning is the pupils´ growth as personalities and citizens in such a way that they recognize their own strengths while education arranged by the activity areas helps them to act independently in their lives. My material consisted of 22 interviews of teachers who taught by the activity areas. The interviews were collected during the spring of 2018 in four cities in different parts of Finland. I analysed the material utilizing analysis based on thematic networks. I executed my study as a qualitative research. The results showed that it is possible to make use of the ideas of transversal competence learning in a versatile way in education arranged by the activity areas. Multiliteracy, ICT competence, working life competence and entrepreneurship were emphasized in the material because in these areas of learning there seemed to be an obvious contradiction as to their suitability to education by the activity areas. In the light of the definition of the core curriculum and the results of research, these three areas of learning can be made use of in education arranged by the activity areas. Documenting the suitable methods in the core curriculum would be important as well as teachers´ further education. I noticed that teachers experienced the contents of transversal competence learning and learning by activity areas being alike. In teachers´ opinion taking care of oneself, managing daily life, interaction and expressing oneself are the most important areas of transversal learning. Teachers also presented integration and inclusion solutions they used in transversal education. In addition to this they talked about participation and its realization in the framework of transversal. competence. They also expressed doubts as to the possibilities of transversal competences and their appropriability.
  • Kuitunen, Eemi (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this study is to examine how the promotion of learning to learn skills has been described in the POPS 2014 in classes 1-6. Research question consists in the fact that I see learning to learn as an important part of student's own learning and lifelong learning. The topic is also interesting on my own future teacher's point of view. I see that my research topic can develop my own professional skills as a teacher and I also focus at the same time on the new basic education curriculum (POPS 2014). My research has not previously been carried out in this research material, so I could create new information about the topic. However, learning to learn has been studied quite extensively and I take advantage of the received results that the Helsinki University's Educational Evaluation Study Centre have collected. Methods. The study method was qualitative text content analysis. Data of the research consists of the text of the curriculum and the principles of qualitative research. Results and conclusions. The results showed that learning to learn is a major part of modern education in the lower grades. Learning to learn can be developed in many ways and it depends on many different circumstances, such as student motivation and learning environment. Ideas for further research could be, for example, how teachers and pupils see learning to learn in their schoolday. Also does learning to learn have any problems in practise or there could be a study about the wide-ranging know-how skills (laaja-alainen osaaminen) in school teaching.
  • Heikkinen, Johanna (2019)
    Recent studies show that motivation, emotion, and interest are engaged in learning. Engagement to learning is a complex entity in which the dynamic interaction between the student and the learning environment is central. In addition, students` ability to influence their own learning, mutual cooperation, and meaningful experience in learning strengthens engagement in learning. Recent curriculum on behalf of transversal competence underlines central meaning of these factors in teaching. This is also topical, as the learning outcomes and motivation of children and young people have fallen in recent years. The purpose of this thesis is to study the factors involved engagement in comprehensive school setting during science learning project on 5.–6. grades. The data (n = 74) was collected in spring 2018 from a local school in a metropolitan area during the phenom-enal science learning process in classes 5–6, which was carried out according to inquiry-based learning. The Experience Sampling Form was developed for this thesis in order to study the students' internal experiences during the learning process. Students responded to the questionnaire six times during the five-week working pe-riod, and field notes were also used during analysis of the thesis. Experience Sampling data was used to gener-ate sum variables (motivation, academic emotions, and interest factors), the interconnection was examined by the Spearmans` rank correlation coefficient. On the second phase, the link between the variables and the stages of work (inquiry based learning) was examined by the Kruskall Wallis test and the paired Mann-Whitney U test. The connection between variables and working methods (researching team, whole class) were examined with Cross-Tabulation Analysis, also observations from field notes were produced and compared with the work stages (teacher guidance, information retrieval, evaluation). The formed variables´ correlation is statistically significant to a large extent with each other, so it is justified to investigate these synergies. On the other hand there were no statistically significant differences between work phases and variables, exception was apathy variable, which had statistically significant difference be-tween question making and evaluation. In terms of working habits, students' experiences (somewhat, much) were evenly distributed with activity, insertion and ability variables. Apathy was less experienced and student experienced both ways of working mainly rewarding. Experience of import was less experienced during the en-tire class work and student had less autonomy experience during both working methods. According to findings, interaction and concentration were the most abundant during the work of the research team. The results of this thesis confirm that learning is not about individual factors, but about the complex process of the student and the learning environment. In addition, the students' ability to actively influence their own work and the students’ mutual work reinforce engagement in learning. In summary, it can also be said that phe-nomenal learning according to inquiry-based learning strengthens students' autonomy, interaction and engage-ment to learning. This is significant, because the current curriculum in particular challenges the implementation of teaching to be more cooperative. However, more information about learning is still needed. The purpose of this thesis could be applied more widely in the field of education research so that the engagement in learning could be explored longer term and in among several classes.
  • Hartikainen, Tytti (2023)
    Sosioemotionaalisten taitojen merkitys korostuu yhteiskunnassamme niin yksilön identiteetin, toimintakyvyn kuin hyvinvoinnin osalta. Yleisen käsityksen mukaan sosioemotionaaliset taidot ovat eri taitoalueista koostuva kokonaisuus, jossa emotionaaliset ja sosiaaliset taidot punoutuvat vahvasti yhteen. Tunnetaitoja pidetään edellytyksenä sosiaalisille taidoille. Vaikka lapsen kasvuympäristö ja sisäiset tekijät nähdään vaikuttavina tekijöinä sosiaalisessa ja emotionaalisessa kehityksessä, tutkimus on osoittanut, että sosioemotionaalisia taitoja on mahdollista oppia ja kehittää. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaa (2014) analysoiden, miten ja minkälaisia sosioemotionaalisia taitoja suomalaisessa koulujärjestelmässä painotetaan. Tutkimuskysymyksiin hain vastauksia tekemällä Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden (2014) laaja-alaisen osaamisen alueisiin sanahakuja, jonka jälkeen vertailin saamiani tuloksia toisiinsa. Sanahakuun valikoituivat sanat valitsin OECD:n (2019) sosioemotionaalisten taitojen Big Five-viitekehyksestä, jonka yläkäsitteitä ovat: tehtävien suorittaminen, tunteiden säätely, toiminta ja vuorovaikutus muiden kanssa, avoimuus ja yhteistoiminta. Lisäksi tarkastelin lähiluvun keinoin sosioemotionaalisten taitojen ilmenemistä opetussuunnitelmatekstistä löytyvistä esimerkeistä. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että opetussuunnitelman laaja-alaisen osaamisen alueissa painottuivat kaksi sosioemotionaalisten taitojen osa-aluetta, jotka ovat yhteistoiminta ja toiminta ja vuorovaikutus muiden kanssa. Erityisesti kolmannelta luokalta eteenpäin näiden osa-alueiden alakäsitteet, sosiaalisuus ja vuorovaikutus muiden kanssa, korostuivat muita taitoja enemmän. Tutkimus osoitti, että tunteiden säätelyn taitoja painotettiin vähemmän. Kuitenkin yleisen käsityksen mukaan tunnetaitoja pidetään edellytyksenä vuorovaikutustaidoille. Tuloksista voi päätellä, että yhteistoimintaa käytetään menetelmänä oppia uutta, mutta näyttää myös siltä, että sosiaalisuutta ja yhteistyötaitoja pidetään itsessään merkittävänä muihin taitoalueen taitoihin verrattuna. Sosioemotionaaliset taidot ovat laaja kokonaisuus, joiden vaikuttavuus on merkittävä. Siksi poliittisten sidosryhmien sekä opetus- ja kasvatushenkilöstön on syytä ylläpitää ja kehittää keinoja sosioemotionaalisten taitojen laajan spektrin opettamiseen ja oppimiseen.
  • Lilja, Pipsa (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä oppimisen tavoitteita formaalin opetuksen ryhmä pyrkii saavuttamaan taidemuseovierailulla ja millä keinoilla. Lisäksi tarkastelen, millä tavoin nämä oppimisen tavoitteet rinnastuvat laaja-alaisen osaamisen tavoitteeseen kulttuurinen osaaminen, vuorovaikutus ja ilmaisu. Kulttuurinen osaaminen, vuorovaikutus ja ilmaisu ovat osa perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa määriteltyä laaja-alaista osaamista, mikä pohjaa OECD:n määrittelemiin 2000-luvun kompetensseihin. Taidemuseossa oppimista tarkastellaan suhteessa edellä mainittuun laaja-alaisen osaamisen tavoitteeseen, vaikka kokonaisuutena tutkimusartikkeleissa tarkastellaan taidemuseovierailijoina eri-ikäisiä oppijoita peruskoululaisista yliopisto-opiskelijoihin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten taidemuseovierailuin voidaan mahdollisesti kehittää kulttuurisen osaamisen, vuorovaikutuksen ja ilmaisun osaamista. Ennakko-oletuksenani on ollut, että laaja-alainen oppiminen taidemuseossa on mahdollista. Menetelmät. Tutkielma on toteutettu systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Katsaukseen valitut kahdeksan artikkelia ovat kansainvälisiä, vertaisarvioituja sekä julkaistu 2020-luvusta eteenpäin. Artikkelit käsittelevät, mitä oppilas- tai opiskelijaryhmän toivotaan oppivan taidemuseossa ja millaisia tuloksia oppimisesta saatiin. Keinoja tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi esitellään aineistoissa vaihtelevasti, mutta teen niistä silti yhteenvetoja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineiston mukaan kulttuurisen osaamisen, vuorovaikutuksen ja ilmaisun tavoitteiden oppiminen taidemuseossa on mahdollista. Oppimiseen taidemuseossa pyritään keskusteluun pohjautuvilla menetelmillä, sekä multimodaalisuutta ja digitaalisuutta hyödyntävillä tavoilla. Kulttuurisen osaamisen kehittymistä taidemuseo tukee mahdollistamalla tilan eri näkökulmien havaitsemiselle ja asettumiselle toisen asemaan taiteen kautta. Vuorovaikutuksen ja ilmaisun tavoitteiden täyttymistä taidemuseossa tuetaan dialogisuuteen ja tuottamiseen pohjautuvien menetelmien avulla, kun oppijat pääsevät argumentoimaan näkemyksiään ja tuottamaan omia tulkintoja. Yllättävänä tuloksena katsauksen myötä selvisi, että taidemuseovierailua kulttuurisen osaamisen, vuorovaikutuksen ja ilmaisun kehittämiseen hyödynnetään erityisesti lääketieteen opiskelijoiden kohdalla, mutta peruskoulun oppilaiden näkökulmasta tuloksia on hatarasti. Tämä jättää tilaa jatkotutkimuskysymyksille peruskoulun oppilaiden näkökulmasta.
  • Vihantomaa, Krista (2020)
    Objectives. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Innovative School model, which takes a holistic view of school development factors. The purpose of the study was to find out what kind of experiences the school staff have with working in an innovative school and to what extent the school studied represented the dimensions of the innovative school. The study looked at the school staff's experiences and perceptions of the role of the innovative school, orchestration of school activities and cooperation networks. The aim of the study is to increase understanding of the policies that have been developed in the school to support school development and the learning of 21st century skills, and to form a coherent picture of the school culture. Methods. The study is a qualitative case study, which research material consisted of nine semi-structured thematic interviews. The research context was a school, which has been a learning center and development community for many years. The research participants worked in different positions at the school. The research material was analyzed with theory-guided approach using the ATLAS.ti software as a technical aid. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the main task of the school was to teach students 21st century skills. Team teaching and different learning environments supported this goal. Another task of the school was to build partnership with the parents. School development was identified as important for the school's operations. A significant part of the development took place in the school’s daily operational processes. The results show that the school's practices were based on a collaborative, team-based, way of working. School leadership was based on distributed leadership and the results highlighted the positive experiences associated with it, such as participation in decision-making. The results show that parents and other stakeholders were key part of the collaborative networks. However, the results indicated that not all opportunities for out-of-school stakeholders had yet been identified. This was a topic that requires development. Relying on community resources advances the development of the school. Individuals have different knowledge, ideas and expertise that can evolve by working together.
  • Vihantomaa, Krista (2020)
    Objectives. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Innovative School model, which takes a holistic view of school development factors. The purpose of the study was to find out what kind of experiences the school staff have with working in an innovative school and to what extent the school studied represented the dimensions of the innovative school. The study looked at the school staff's experiences and perceptions of the role of the innovative school, orchestration of school activities and cooperation networks. The aim of the study is to increase understanding of the policies that have been developed in the school to support school development and the learning of 21st century skills, and to form a coherent picture of the school culture. Methods. The study is a qualitative case study, which research material consisted of nine semi-structured thematic interviews. The research context was a school, which has been a learning center and development community for many years. The research participants worked in different positions at the school. The research material was analyzed with theory-guided approach using the ATLAS.ti software as a technical aid. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the main task of the school was to teach students 21st century skills. Team teaching and different learning environments supported this goal. Another task of the school was to build partnership with the parents. School development was identified as important for the school's operations. A significant part of the development took place in the school’s daily operational processes. The results show that the school's practices were based on a collaborative, team-based, way of working. School leadership was based on distributed leadership and the results highlighted the positive experiences associated with it, such as participation in decision-making. The results show that parents and other stakeholders were key part of the collaborative networks. However, the results indicated that not all opportunities for out-of-school stakeholders had yet been identified. This was a topic that requires development. Relying on community resources advances the development of the school. Individuals have different knowledge, ideas and expertise that can evolve by working together.
  • Alanen, Kristiina (2016)
    Goals: The goals of the newly reformed national core curriculum of pre-primary education 2014 are broad based competence refers to the total of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, capacity and will. The main point of pre-primary education is to have fun while learning and for the child to participate. One of the main goals of broad-based competence is to improve children's knowledge- and communication skills. Digital learning games are used as one way of practicing broad- based competence. In this study, it was examined, what kind of digital math learning games are used during pre-primary education and that do they correspond the pre-primary education curriculum of mathematical contents. To addition to this, it was also figures out what kind of experiences the teachers have of using digital education games in pre-primary education and how does the use of these digital games benefit the basic of pre-primary education curriculum and the goals of broad-based competence. Methods: The data of the research consist of digital math learning games, as well as of four interview given by pre-primary teacher. The data of the study was collected by theme interviews and the content of these interview were analysed by using theory guiding content analysis. For the research of learning games, I chose eight different mathematic digital games, which teachers had used in preschool groups in the spring of 2015. I analysed the digital learning games by using theory based content analysis. The results and conclusions: The use of digital learning games as teaching material supports the improvement of mathematical skills along with many other skills. According to teachers, digital games brought happiness and functionality to pre-primary education as well as good practice to children's developing social skills. Learning games supported children's self-esteem, when they got positive feedback of their learning experience. The digital learning games were seen as motivating and as a way to bring more chances to ability grouping and interaction. According to teachers, the challenges in using learning games were to chosen the proper game for the situation and to guarantee the quality of the game. By using the digital learning games, you can support the goals and curriculum of pre-primary education and board-based competence, in many ways.