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Browsing by Subject "object"

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  • Wilen, Nina (2024)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Ingång till forskningsuppgiften är två citat av Strandberg (2014), som forskat i kunskapsutveckling utifrån Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori, där basen för lärandet är barnens sociala aktiviteter: Det är i leken barnen övar och prövar sin fantasi och sin kunskap. Pedagogen kan berika barnens lek med fakta, skapandet av scenarion, stoff och rekvisita. Syftet med denna småskaliga kvalitativa litteraturstudie är att kartlägga förskoleverksamhet som avser att främja både barns fantasi och digitala kompetenser i aktiviteter där (lek)objekt ingår. Utifrån syftet utformades två forskningsfrågor. Den fösta forskningsfrågan undersökte ändamålsenligheten i att samtidigt främja barnens fantasi och digitala kompetenser i förskoleverksamheten. Den andra forskningsfrågan undersökte vilka fördelar lekobjekt kunde ha när de används i didaktiska syften i förskolan för verksamhet som avser att främja både fantasi och digitala kompetenser. Denna studie genomfördes som en integrerande litteraturöversikt. Forskningsunderlaget kartlades genom sökningar i referensgranskade forskningsartiklar mellan åren 2018 – 2023 i fyra olika databaser. Efter genomförandet av systematiska urvals- och uteslutningskriterier utgjordes forskningsmaterialet av fem forskningsartiklar. De hade utförts i Schweiz, Storbritannien och Australien. Resultaten i denna studie analyserades som en innehållsanalys. Ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv visade tidigare forskning på att förutsättningarna för främjandet av både fantasi och digitala kompetenser är i många avseenden liknande. Främjandet av det ena området kan främja det andra samt att främjandet av de båda områdena kan mångsidigt utveckla barnen både för stunden och har möjligheter att också göra det för framtiden. De tre forskningar, vars verksamheter utfördes i barngrupper, visade på att lekobjekten samlade gruppens barn och vuxna kring ett gemensamt innehåll, fokus. Barnen visade på kommunikation, samspel och aktörskap i verksamheterna. Barnen verkade både ge och få kamratstöd. Pedagogerna kunde stötta och berika verksamheterna, utan att avbryta barnens lek. Verksamheterna med abstrakta begrepp som fantasi och digitala kompetenser hade ofta gjorts glädjefyllda och motiverande. Barnen hade tid och rum att uttrycka sig på sina individuella sätt. Samtidigt verkade aktiviteterna minska på pedagogernas prestationskrav, utan att ta ner på kvaliteten, då de tillsammans med barnen gjorde lärandet till en lek och lek till lärande. Således indikerade verksamheterna i ovannämnda forskningar samspela med de målsättningar Utbildningsstyrelsen utstakat gällande förskoleundervisningens uppdrag och utvecklandet av verksamhetskulturen i de gällande grunderna för förskoleundervisningens läroplan.
  • Puzanauskaite, Migle (2023)
    The thesis explores object case-marking under long-distance negation. Opposed to local negation (where the negated verb governs the object directly), long-distance (or non-local) refers to negation where the main negated verb governs a clause, which includes an object. The aim of the thesis is to investigate how social (such as age, region of origin, education, bilingualism, second languages) and linguistic factors (structural verb types) might affect case choice between genitive and accusative in negated infinitival clauses in Lithuanian. The data was collected through a questionnaire, distributed to speakers of Lithuanian through Facebook. In total, 116 responses were received. The results were analyzed using statistical methods (Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for statistical significance, Cramer's V for strength of relationship). The findings show that age, region of origin and bilingualism show the strongest relationship with case choice. The choice of accusative is least frequent among the youngest, and most frequent among the oldest respondents. Accusative is also most common among residents of Mažoji Lietuva, followed by Vilnius, while speakers of Kaunas prefer the genitive. Russian-Lithuanian bilinguals favor accusative significantly more often that native speakers of Lithuanian, while Polish-Lithuanian bilinguals favor the genitive. Education and second languages (specifically, Russian and Polish) have weaker, but statistically significant relationships with case choice. The higher the degree of education the less frequent use of accusative, and more frequent the genitive. Second languages reflect the trends of bilingualism, but to a smaller degree: speakers of Russian as a second language use accusative more often, while speakers of Polish as a second language prefer the genitive. Case-marking variation under long-distance negation is still very much viable in Modern Lithuanian and the frequencies of each case used in object marking reflect those of earlier research. Structural verb types play a role in case choice, with some less and others more prone to take an accusative object: same-subject verbs are least likely to take an accusative object, the possibility increases with different-subject verbs and verb+noun complexes and reaches its height with dative experiencer verbs.
  • Puzanauskaite, Migle (2023)
    The thesis explores object case-marking under long-distance negation. Opposed to local negation (where the negated verb governs the object directly), long-distance (or non-local) refers to negation where the main negated verb governs a clause, which includes an object. The aim of the thesis is to investigate how social (such as age, region of origin, education, bilingualism, second languages) and linguistic factors (structural verb types) might affect case choice between genitive and accusative in negated infinitival clauses in Lithuanian. The data was collected through a questionnaire, distributed to speakers of Lithuanian through Facebook. In total, 116 responses were received. The results were analyzed using statistical methods (Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for statistical significance, Cramer's V for strength of relationship). The findings show that age, region of origin and bilingualism show the strongest relationship with case choice. The choice of accusative is least frequent among the youngest, and most frequent among the oldest respondents. Accusative is also most common among residents of Mažoji Lietuva, followed by Vilnius, while speakers of Kaunas prefer the genitive. Russian-Lithuanian bilinguals favor accusative significantly more often that native speakers of Lithuanian, while Polish-Lithuanian bilinguals favor the genitive. Education and second languages (specifically, Russian and Polish) have weaker, but statistically significant relationships with case choice. The higher the degree of education the less frequent use of accusative, and more frequent the genitive. Second languages reflect the trends of bilingualism, but to a smaller degree: speakers of Russian as a second language use accusative more often, while speakers of Polish as a second language prefer the genitive. Case-marking variation under long-distance negation is still very much viable in Modern Lithuanian and the frequencies of each case used in object marking reflect those of earlier research. Structural verb types play a role in case choice, with some less and others more prone to take an accusative object: same-subject verbs are least likely to take an accusative object, the possibility increases with different-subject verbs and verb+noun complexes and reaches its height with dative experiencer verbs.
  • Yu, Zhifeng (2015)
    Objectives. Cleantech, as an emerging new industry, its development involves the influences from various aspects. As a small to medium-sized cleantech company, the activity in China can be very challenge to study holistically. This research is aimed to provide a holistic view of the challenges and possibilities of a small to medium-size cleantech company's activity in China from the expansive learning perspectives. The purpose of this research is threefold. Firstly, it analyzes the object and network to uncover the three historical phases of GreenStream's long trajectory leaning process. Secondly, it analyzes learning actions and contradictions to uncover the driving forces of development and the expansiveness of the activity. Thirdly, based on the historical analysis an analysis of expansive learning cycles is made, with the purpose to sketch the zone of proximal development across the learning cycles and address the future possibilities and challenges. Methods. The research case Company is GreenStream, a small to medium-sized Finnish cleantech company in China. 8 Interviewees were chose from the different parties involved in its China activity. 4 of the interviewees from the case company GreenStream, 1 interviewee from its Chinese partner, and 3 interviewees from the third parties. The data is firstly analyzed by the historical analysis, namely analysis of object of activity system and analysis of network, following the analysis of expansive learning cycles, namely analysis of learning steps and analysis of learning actions and analysis of developmental contradictions. The zone of proximal development is sketched based on the historical analysis and analysis of expansive learning cycles. Results and conclusions. Interesting findings emerge through the systematic analysis. Three historical analyses reveals the object and network transformed in 3 phases. The object has transformed in 3 historical phases with the unchanged main motivation, the evolving economic imperative, and other emerging forces from different element of the activity. The partnership activity emerged and consolidated with the network development. Object formation and network development thus form the criteria to divide the 3 historical phases from "Small Spark in China", to " Great Success in China" and then to "Standing on Two Feet in China". Analysis of expansive learning cycles reveals that the 3 historical phases contours 3 expansive learning cycles. The first learning cycle was disrupted, the second learning cycle completed and expanded, and the third learning cycle is under development. Each learning cycle has its own character, and within each learning cycle, different levels of contradictions emerged as the driving forces of the development of GreenStream. Through tracing different levels of contradictions through the 3 expansive learning cycles, the expansiveness of GreenStream's activity could be detected with regard to the expansion of the object and expansion over interruption. Object formation, partnership and policy over clean-tech industry become important three elements for the zone of proximal development of GreenStream's activity in China. Through the understanding of these dynamics and momentum of the China activity in the past and present by means of expansive learning aspects, the subject can better master and build the development of the activity system in the future.