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  • Falck, Mariina (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet tunteiden merkityksen oppimiseen. Tunteet ovat läsnä korkeakoulukontekstissa ja ne vaikuttavat muun muaassa oppilaiden suoriutumisee. Näitä opiskeluun liitettyjä tunteita kutsutaan akateemisiksi tunteiksi (academic emotions). Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon pohjalta, miten akateemisia tunteita on tutkittu ja miten tunteista puhutaan nykykirjallisuudessa. Aihe rajattiin koskemaan korkeakoulukontekstia, eli korkeakoulun opiskelijoita sekä opettajia. Tutkielman tavoitteena on muodostaa kokonaiskuvaa siitä, miten akateemisia tunteita on tutkittu ja millä tavoin akateemisten tunteet näyttäytyvät 2010-luvulla tehdyn tutkimuksen valossa. Menetelmät. Tutkielma oli laadullinen ja toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka mahdollisti monipuolisen ja laajan sekä tutkimuskysymysten kannalta relevantin tutkimustiedon kokoamisen. Aineiston haku toteutettiin keväällä 2020, ja rajattiin koskemaan 2010-lukua. Tiedonhaussa käytettiin sähköisiä tietokantoja ja aineisto rajattiin koskemaan englanninkielisiä korkeimman sekä johtavan tason vertaisarvioituja julkaisuja. Analyysiin valikoitui kymmenen tutkimusartikkelia, jotka läpäisivät tarkasti määritetyn seulan. Aineistosta tutkittiin akateemisten tunteiden tutkimusmenetelmiä ja kuvauksia ja tuloksia peilattiin aiempiin akateemisia tunteita käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimukset lajiteltiin analyysissä kahteen teeman alle: tutkimukset akateemisiin tunteisiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja tutkimukset, jotka käsittelivät akateemisten tunteiden vaikutuksia muihin ilmiöihin. Tulokset osoittivat akateemisten tunteiden vastavuoroista suhdetta. Yksilölliset, yhteisölliset sekä tilannesidonnaiset tekijät olivat yhteydessä akateemisen tunteen syntyyn ja akateemisella tunteella oli vaikutus muiden ilmiöiden, kuten suoriutumisen tasoon opinnoissa. Tulokset osoittivat monipuolisten tutkimusmenetelmien hyödyn akateemisten tunteiden tutkimuksessa. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus kokosi tiedon tunteista osana oppimista ja opettamista korkeakoulukontekstissa. Tämä tutkielma antaa ehdotuksia tutkimuksen tekoon akateemisten tunteiden kentällä.
  • Vähämäki, Reeta (2021)
    Goals: Due to the Covid-19 situation, Finnish schools moved to distant education in spring of 2020. Interaction is a particularly important element in learning. Studies had shown that it affects the whole experience of learning for students and teachers. The quality of interaction also determines results and attitudes towards future learning. Distant learning has mainly been studied with adults and higher education. These studies showed that good interaction is an especially important element in distant learning. This could be formed through safe on-line environment and well-planned lessons. The purpose of this study is to find out how have students in Finnish schools experienced distant learning in the spring of 2020. Method. There were eight different interviews made for this thesis. There were nine different interviewees altogether in ages between 13-18 during the spring of 2020. Interviews were conducted in the winter of 2021, almost a year after the quarantine. The interviewees were given choises to take the interviews individually, in pairs or groups. They had also an opportunity to choose the interview face to face or with distant connection. About half of the interviews were made via distant connection and all but one individually. The analysis was made using content analysis. Results. The overall impression of the distant learning in quarantine time of 2020 was mainly negative. The results show that experiences of presence and interaction had diminished during distant learning. The interviewees experienced participation and asking during lessons mentally harder than in normal lesson. The learning environments on-line were found to feel unsafe and that was one of the main reason participation was diminished. Many had problems because of the lack of peers in class, and they missed normal school environments and habits, like recess. Positive results were that distant learning tended to be calmer, and it contained less hustle. There is a possibility to create more interaction and participation in distant education classes by thorough and versatile planning and making possibilities to do group work.There should be more ways to cultivate the feeling of safety in distant learning.
  • Vähämäki, Reeta (2021)
    Goals: Due to the Covid-19 situation, Finnish schools moved to distant education in spring of 2020. Interaction is a particularly important element in learning. Studies had shown that it affects the whole experience of learning for students and teachers. The quality of interaction also determines results and attitudes towards future learning. Distant learning has mainly been studied with adults and higher education. These studies showed that good interaction is an especially important element in distant learning. This could be formed through safe on-line environment and well-planned lessons. The purpose of this study is to find out how have students in Finnish schools experienced distant learning in the spring of 2020. Method. There were eight different interviews made for this thesis. There were nine different interviewees altogether in ages between 13-18 during the spring of 2020. Interviews were conducted in the winter of 2021, almost a year after the quarantine. The interviewees were given choises to take the interviews individually, in pairs or groups. They had also an opportunity to choose the interview face to face or with distant connection. About half of the interviews were made via distant connection and all but one individually. The analysis was made using content analysis. Results. The overall impression of the distant learning in quarantine time of 2020 was mainly negative. The results show that experiences of presence and interaction had diminished during distant learning. The interviewees experienced participation and asking during lessons mentally harder than in normal lesson. The learning environments on-line were found to feel unsafe and that was one of the main reason participation was diminished. Many had problems because of the lack of peers in class, and they missed normal school environments and habits, like recess. Positive results were that distant learning tended to be calmer, and it contained less hustle. There is a possibility to create more interaction and participation in distant education classes by thorough and versatile planning and making possibilities to do group work.There should be more ways to cultivate the feeling of safety in distant learning.
  • Hintsala, Sonja (2020)
    Objectives. About a third of the population is highly sensitive in temperament. One of the most important research topics in educational psychology is learning, one aspect of which is learning strategies. Learning strategies and high sensitivity have been studied separately in the past, but there is very little research linking the two. The purpose of this study was to provide information on the relationship between high sensitivity to the use of learning strategies. The research task is to describe what kind of learning strategies are used by highly sensitive and non-highly sensitive students and to investigate how high sensitivity explains the use of learning strategies. Methods. The material was collected using an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a sensitivity test, a section measuring learning strategies, an open-ended question, and background information. The data were analyzed by linear regression analysis using the deletion method. The entire data set (n = 202) consisted of adult people who, according to the research questions, were limited to either highly sensitive students (n = 117), non-highly sensitive students (n = 12) or students (n = 129). Results and conclusions. Elaboration and organization (M = 3.85) were the highest of the means (M), when describing the use of learning strategies by highly sensitive students (n = 117). These two learning strategies, as well as the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, aim to build connections between things and connect new knowledge with the previous one. This similarity may explain the popularity of using these two strategies with highly sensitive persons. According to the regression analysis, the high sensitivity test positively explained 2% the use of organization statistically significantly (p < .05) and 7.4% the use of critical thinking statistically significantly (p < .001). The strategy of the organization is in line with the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, as both seek to make connections between things. The strategy of critical thinking is consistent with an inhibition, which is a typical behavior for a highly sensitive person. The main principle in both of these strategies is to use previous information in new situations. These similarities may serve as an explanation for the fact that the high sensitivity test explains the use of organizational and critical thinking learning strategies in a statistically significant way.
  • Hintsala, Sonja (2020)
    Objectives. About a third of the population is highly sensitive in temperament. One of the most important research topics in educational psychology is learning, one aspect of which is learning strategies. Learning strategies and high sensitivity have been studied separately in the past, but there is very little research linking the two. The purpose of this study was to provide information on the relationship between high sensitivity to the use of learning strategies. The research task is to describe what kind of learning strategies are used by highly sensitive and non-highly sensitive students and to investigate how high sensitivity explains the use of learning strategies. Methods. The material was collected using an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a sensitivity test, a section measuring learning strategies, an open-ended question, and background information. The data were analyzed by linear regression analysis using the deletion method. The entire data set (n = 202) consisted of adult people who, according to the research questions, were limited to either highly sensitive students (n = 117), non-highly sensitive students (n = 12) or students (n = 129). Results and conclusions. Elaboration and organization (M = 3.85) were the highest of the means (M), when describing the use of learning strategies by highly sensitive students (n = 117). These two learning strategies, as well as the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, aim to build connections between things and connect new knowledge with the previous one. This similarity may explain the popularity of using these two strategies with highly sensitive persons. According to the regression analysis, the high sensitivity test positively explained 2% the use of organization statistically significantly (p < .05) and 7.4% the use of critical thinking statistically significantly (p < .001). The strategy of the organization is in line with the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, as both seek to make connections between things. The strategy of critical thinking is consistent with an inhibition, which is a typical behavior for a highly sensitive person. The main principle in both of these strategies is to use previous information in new situations. These similarities may serve as an explanation for the fact that the high sensitivity test explains the use of organizational and critical thinking learning strategies in a statistically significant way.
  • Lindgren, Ingrid (2023)
    Ruokaturvan katsotaan toteutuvan silloin, kun ihmisellä on niin fyysiset, sosiaaliset kuin taloudelliset edellytykset saada riittävästi, riittävän turvallista sekä ravitsevaa ruokaa, joka vastaa myös tämän tarpeita sekä mieltymyksiä ja mahdollistaa näin terveellisen ja aktiivisen elämän. Kun tämän määritelmät ehdot eivät täyty, puhutaan ruokaturvattomuudesta. Kehittyneissä maissa ruokaturvattomuuteen on liitetty erityisesti taloudellisten vaikeuksien kokeminen. Opiskelijoiden ruokaturvan tutkiminen Suomessa on vasta alkutekijöissään, vaikka ilmiö onkin paljon tutkittu esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa. Opiskelijoilla ruokaturvattomuus ja toimeentulon haasteet on yhdistetty hankittavissa olevan ruoan määrän ja laadun alenemisen lisäksi myös opintotahdin hidastumiseen, opintomenestyksen ja terveydentilan heikkenemiseen sekä epäterveellisiin ruoka- ja ruokailutottumuksiin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin Helsingin yliopiston suomenkielisten perustutkinto-opiskelijoiden kokemaa ruokaturvan tilannetta sekä siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella toukokuussa 2022 (vastausprosentti 4,7 %, N=348). Aineistosta 18,7 % opiskelijaa koki ruokaturvattomuutta. Ruokaturvattomuus oli yhteydessä heikompaan toimeentulon kokemiseen, taloudellisten tukien saamiseen, ei-kokoaikaiseen työskentelyyn ja työttömyyteen, asumisen muotoon, opintojen keskiarvoon, koettuun opintomenestykseen, heikompaan terveydentilan kokemiseen, tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden käyttämiseen sekä heikompiin ruokailutottumuksiin, näkyen ruokailujen väliin jättämisenä sekä vähäisempänä hedelmien, kasvisten ja marjojen kulutuksena. Myös Covid 19 -pandemian seurauksena opiskelijoiden kokemat muutokset työ- ja taloudellisessa tilanteessaan olivat yhteydessä ruokaturvattomuuteen.
  • Lindgren, Ingrid (2023)
    Ruokaturvan katsotaan toteutuvan silloin, kun ihmisellä on niin fyysiset, sosiaaliset kuin taloudelliset edellytykset saada riittävästi, riittävän turvallista sekä ravitsevaa ruokaa, joka vastaa myös tämän tarpeita sekä mieltymyksiä ja mahdollistaa näin terveellisen ja aktiivisen elämän. Kun tämän määritelmät ehdot eivät täyty, puhutaan ruokaturvattomuudesta. Kehittyneissä maissa ruokaturvattomuuteen on liitetty erityisesti taloudellisten vaikeuksien kokeminen. Opiskelijoiden ruokaturvan tutkiminen Suomessa on vasta alkutekijöissään, vaikka ilmiö onkin paljon tutkittu esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa. Opiskelijoilla ruokaturvattomuus ja toimeentulon haasteet on yhdistetty hankittavissa olevan ruoan määrän ja laadun alenemisen lisäksi myös opintotahdin hidastumiseen, opintomenestyksen ja terveydentilan heikkenemiseen sekä epäterveellisiin ruoka- ja ruokailutottumuksiin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin Helsingin yliopiston suomenkielisten perustutkinto-opiskelijoiden kokemaa ruokaturvan tilannetta sekä siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella toukokuussa 2022 (vastausprosentti 4,7 %, N=348). Aineistosta 18,7 % opiskelijaa koki ruokaturvattomuutta. Ruokaturvattomuus oli yhteydessä heikompaan toimeentulon kokemiseen, taloudellisten tukien saamiseen, ei-kokoaikaiseen työskentelyyn ja työttömyyteen, asumisen muotoon, opintojen keskiarvoon, koettuun opintomenestykseen, heikompaan terveydentilan kokemiseen, tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden käyttämiseen sekä heikompiin ruokailutottumuksiin, näkyen ruokailujen väliin jättämisenä sekä vähäisempänä hedelmien, kasvisten ja marjojen kulutuksena. Myös Covid 19 -pandemian seurauksena opiskelijoiden kokemat muutokset työ- ja taloudellisessa tilanteessaan olivat yhteydessä ruokaturvattomuuteen.
  • Hurri, Mari (2017)
    Goals. This Bachelor’s Thesis’ goal was to examine conceptions of ideal home according to students living in Helsinki. My Thesis is related to a survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. The Thesis examines wishes regarding an ideal home’s size, number of rooms and need for extra space. This subject is topical because people in Helsinki are living in more cramped apartments compared to rest of Finland and living space has further decreased in recent years. At the same time even smaller apartments are being built in Helsinki. Previous studies show that wishes for living conditions are built on multiple factors. For example surrounding environment has even greater meaning in apartment choices, but the need for space in Finnish apartments is still obvious. Methods. My Thesis was conducted as quantitative research. Source material was the survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. There were 13 381 respondents by the set period of time. 4147 of the respondents were from Helsinki, and 623 of them were students. The survey was open to everyone visiting on Helsingin Sanomat web site, therefore the take does not represent the entire Finnish population and cannot be considered a statistically significant sample. The material was analyzed with SPSS and Excel utilizing descriptive statistical analysis methods, such as percentages, averages and frequencies. Results and conclusions. The ideal home for students living in Helsinki who participated in the survey was three rooms and a kitchen, with an average size of 78.3 square meters. Students’ wishes compared to their current apartment’s number of rooms and size were quite moderate, because according to the analyzed material their current apartment had on average two rooms and a kitchen and 52.6 square meters. Almost all of the respondents wished for extra space for their current apartment. The most extra space was wished for storage or wardrobe. The results could possibly be used to help plan apartments for students and young adults. From the perspective of home economics finding out the wishes for apartments helps to understand the changes needed in housing, and at the same time improves people’s everyday life and wellbeing.
  • Vähä-Heikkilä, Veera (2021)
    The aim of the study is to provide an overall picture of how students use interior textiles to decorate their homes and what these textiles look like. What kinds of decorators and users of interior textiles are students? Where are interior textiles acquired, received, or do students fabricate those themselves? What kinds of meanings do students attach to interior textiles? The study has both a qualitative and a quantitative perspective. The research material was collected as an open online survey from self-selected students. 388 students answered the survey. Most of them lived alone in a block of flats. Answers were analysed by the means of theory-driven content analysis and by decomposing the content with the help of Word, Excel and ATLAS.ti 9. The research showed that students own a comprehensive range of interior textiles, women slightly more than men. Students’ favourite textiles include snooze blankets, curtains and rugs. Most of the interior textiles are selected by students themselves or received as gifts. Textiles are acquired both new and used, by oneself and as a gift. When choosing an interior textile, the research found that usability and colour has the greatest impact on students’ decision. In addition, the study discovered that there are many different emotions and memories associated with interior textiles. They can remind you of your family roots, people close to you and a day that is important to you. The most loved and meaningful textiles were found to be handcrafted, thus also considered unique. In the field of craft science, this research provides an updated information package of interior textiles for 2020s students. The content can be utilized in the study modules for interior design students. The results can have a positive effect on the planning of student housing, student services and events, and it might also increase the debate on student well-being.
  • Vähä-Heikkilä, Veera (2021)
    The aim of the study is to provide an overall picture of how students use interior textiles to decorate their homes and what these textiles look like. What kinds of decorators and users of interior textiles are students? Where are interior textiles acquired, received, or do students fabricate those themselves? What kinds of meanings do students attach to interior textiles? The study has both a qualitative and a quantitative perspective. The research material was collected as an open online survey from self-selected students. 388 students answered the survey. Most of them lived alone in a block of flats. Answers were analysed by the means of theory-driven content analysis and by decomposing the content with the help of Word, Excel and ATLAS.ti 9. The research showed that students own a comprehensive range of interior textiles, women slightly more than men. Students’ favourite textiles include snooze blankets, curtains and rugs. Most of the interior textiles are selected by students themselves or received as gifts. Textiles are acquired both new and used, by oneself and as a gift. When choosing an interior textile, the research found that usability and colour has the greatest impact on students’ decision. In addition, the study discovered that there are many different emotions and memories associated with interior textiles. They can remind you of your family roots, people close to you and a day that is important to you. The most loved and meaningful textiles were found to be handcrafted, thus also considered unique. In the field of craft science, this research provides an updated information package of interior textiles for 2020s students. The content can be utilized in the study modules for interior design students. The results can have a positive effect on the planning of student housing, student services and events, and it might also increase the debate on student well-being.
  • Parman, Marlene (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to examine the experiences and views of university students on the working life competence. The purpose is to clarify what kind of working life competence can students get in their study programme. Furthermore, it is intended to survey what kind of working life competence the students experience that they are needing and what kind of development proposals they have. The students´ views are compared with earlier studies and definitions of the general working life competence. Finally new development lines are thought about to the contents and realisation of the training programme so that studies could offer the necessary lunches to the working life. The study was carried out as a qualitative study. Theme interviews of three university students were used of the material of the study. All the interviewees are students of the Master of Arts stage from the same training programme. All the interviewees had different experiences of the studying through practical training as well as exchange studying. The collected material was analysed on a content analysis. On the basis of the research results the students experienced that they had got a swarm of different working life competence of their studies. They believed that they will need and make use of these skills in the working life in different assignments. On the other hand, the students also experienced that they don´t get all usefull working life competence of the content of their study programme. The students would have wanted more teaching about performance skills and the IT skills in their studies. Furthermore, the students would want more work orientation and practice vicinity to their studies. On the basis of the research results working life cooperation should be added to academic education. Also teaching should be developed in a direction which would prepare students to the future working life.
  • Seppänen, Jenni (2016)
    In this study aims to clarify student teacher efficacy beliefs for teaching visual arts in elementary school. This study provides information about what kind efficacy experiences student teachers have in teaching visual arts, what kind of background factors student teachers believe to be context on their efficacy beliefs, what kind of emphasis studies about the visual arts didactics receive in background factors of these self-efficacy experiences. Previous studies show that the self-efficacy experiences regard to the visual arts are quit divergent among teachers and students. Student teachers self-efficacy experiences in visual arts, had studied earlier for, example Ann Welch (1995) and Lummis, Morris & Paolini (2014). Also Albert Bandura (1997) has divided, on his theory of self-efficacy, the efficacy determinants into four categories of information. The study was conducted at the University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education in the spring of 2016. The data was collected by interviewing five student teachers, who had completed the course of the visual arts didactics and in addition to the two of them is also studied optional visual arts course. The study was conducted qualitative study and phenomenographic research method. The data was analyzed by categorizing. The results show that students have a little bit uncertain experience about their efficacy and competency regarding the teaching of the visual arts in elementary school context. These efficacy experiences can be divided into both positive and slightly negative beliefs. However, all five felt that in the future they will be able to teach the visual arts as part of their future work. Although at the same time they felt that it is not their strongest subject that they will teach in the future. The biggest uncertainty ranges were up artistic skills as well as management of a practical teaching arrangements. However, at the same time for all responses reflected the idea that the teacher does not have to be ready when he/she completed his/hers studies. Student teachers believes that in the background of their efficacy beliefs are many different factors. These background factors of the sources of efficacy believes, can be divided into both positive and slightly negative. Both of the above-mentioned category includes the individual's which is has been a great role in individual's life. The positive experiences to support student teachers own teaching been obtained from past experience: own school experiences and teaching experiences. Also the courses of visual art didactics were considered to provide the capacity for teaching visual arts. The negative affect to the efficacy believes were experiences the beginning of the comparison and evaluation, which has led to the increasing self-criticism.
  • Taipalus, Hanna (2017)
    The new standards governing early childhood education provide regulations for the kindergarten teacher’s knowledge and work content. The eligibility terms for the work of a kindergarten teacher allow for both the kindergarten teachers and the social pedagogues to work in the kindergarten teacher's job. The goal of this research was to find out how students from kindergarten teacher education and social pedagogue education see the work of the kindergarten teacher and themselves in it. Previously obtained research evidence shows that the level of education is one of the key quality indicators in the work of the kindergarten teacher. Education also creates the basis for professional identity and competence. Estimates from the knowledge of kindergarten teachers and social pedagogues show that their skills are very different and that kindergarten teachers from different education backgrounds define their roles as a kindergarten teacher in different ways. In the gathering of the material, kindergarten teacher and social pedagogue students at the end of their studies were interviewed. The interview was conducted as a pair interview, including one interview with two kindergarten teacher students and one with two social pedagogue students. The interviews were transcribed and then analyzed by themes to find answers to the research questions. The results showed that the descriptions of students were conceptually similar but differences were found depending on the skills produced by their education background. As a whole, the answers of the kindergarten teacher students were more profoundly described and more coherent than those of the social pedagogue students. The differences in the descriptions by the students related to daycare as an institution and the role of the kindergarten teacher as a social support for the parents. The results can be used to deepen understanding of the impact of different educational backgrounds on the work of kindergarten teachers.
  • Juurikko, Pauli (2022)
    Goals. The poor self-efficacy experienced by classroom teachers in the teaching profession - teacher self-efficacy - is a key reason why many classroom teachers are considering a career change. Teacher persistence in previous studies decreases as teacher students enter working life and increases after several years of teaching experience. The self-efficacy experienced by a teacher is affected not only by the amount of teaching experience but also by the teacher's competence. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the teacher efficacy of classroom teacher students, novice teachers, and experienced teachers in different areas of teacher competence. The research focused in particular on low teacher efficacy, which includes the concerns experienced by students and teachers. The research task is to clarify which kind of concerns teacher students, novice teachers and experienced teacher experience. In addition, differences and similarities are sought in the concerns. Methods. The research material was obtained by interviewing two classroom teacher students, two novice teachers, and two experienced teachers. A semi-structured thematic interview was used as the type of research interview. The material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. The study was a qualitative study using phenomenography as its research direction. Results and conclusions. Respondent groups had a wide range of concerns in different areas of teacher competence. Most of the concerns were about the teacher efficacy experienced by the student or teacher. Concerns about teacher efficacy were most experienced in information processing, problem solving, the use of creativity, and metacognitive skills. Among the respondent groups, novice teachers had the most concerns about teacher ability, followed by classroom teacher students and least experienced teachers. The research results support previous studies that show that teacher ability is at its weakest as a novice teacher. It is possible to utilize the research results, for example, in teacher education, so that newly graduated classroom teachers are “more prepared” when entering working life.
  • Juurikko, Pauli (2022)
    Goals. The poor self-efficacy experienced by classroom teachers in the teaching profession - teacher self-efficacy - is a key reason why many classroom teachers are considering a career change. Teacher persistence in previous studies decreases as teacher students enter working life and increases after several years of teaching experience. The self-efficacy experienced by a teacher is affected not only by the amount of teaching experience but also by the teacher's competence. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the teacher efficacy of classroom teacher students, novice teachers, and experienced teachers in different areas of teacher competence. The research focused in particular on low teacher efficacy, which includes the concerns experienced by students and teachers. The research task is to clarify which kind of concerns teacher students, novice teachers and experienced teacher experience. In addition, differences and similarities are sought in the concerns. Methods. The research material was obtained by interviewing two classroom teacher students, two novice teachers, and two experienced teachers. A semi-structured thematic interview was used as the type of research interview. The material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. The study was a qualitative study using phenomenography as its research direction. Results and conclusions. Respondent groups had a wide range of concerns in different areas of teacher competence. Most of the concerns were about the teacher efficacy experienced by the student or teacher. Concerns about teacher efficacy were most experienced in information processing, problem solving, the use of creativity, and metacognitive skills. Among the respondent groups, novice teachers had the most concerns about teacher ability, followed by classroom teacher students and least experienced teachers. The research results support previous studies that show that teacher ability is at its weakest as a novice teacher. It is possible to utilize the research results, for example, in teacher education, so that newly graduated classroom teachers are “more prepared” when entering working life.
  • Saukko, Saskia (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Maahanmuuttajataustaisten ihmisten määrä Suomessa on viime vuosina kasvanut ja kasvun odotetaan myös jatkuvan. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan maahanmuuttajataustaiset nuoret kokevat yhteiskunnassa ennakkoluuloja, rasismia, syrjintää ja toiseuttamista. Erityisesti viimeiseksi mainittu eli ihmisen tai ihmisryhmän pitäminen erilaisena ja vähempiarvoisena koskettaa maahanmuuttajataustaisia ihmisiä, koska valtaväestö kokee usein maahanmuuttajataustaiset ihmiset uhaksi itselleen. Yhteiskunnan ja koululaitoksen ollessa tiiviissä vuorovaikutuksessa, myös koulujen arkea on tärkeää tarkastella ja muuttaa, sillä toiseuttaminen haastaa oppilaiden ja opiskelijoiden yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumisen. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitetäänkin, miten maahanmuuttajataustaisia oppilaita ja opiskelijoita toiseutetaan koulussa sekä sitä, millaisia vaikutuksia toiseuttamisella on sen kohteeksi joutuville oppilaille ja opiskelijoille. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto koostui kymmenestä vuosina 2005-2022 julkaistusta tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista ja analysoitiin tutkimuskysymyskohtaisesti joko teoriaohjaavan tai aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Analyysiin kuului aineiston lukeminen, ilmausten pelkistäminen ja yhdisteleminen sekä ala- ja yläkategorioiden luominen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Maahanmuuttajataustaisia oppilaita ja opiskelijoita toiseutettiin koulussa verbaalisin, toiminnallisin ja spatiaalisin tavoin. Toiseuttaminen vaikutti oppilaiden ja opiskelijoiden koulunkäyntiin, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja henkiseen hyvinvointiin. Vaikutukset olivat pääosin kielteisiä. Toiseuttaminen oli niin tahallista kuin tahatontakin. Tahattomassa toiseuttamisessa oli kyse toiminnasta, jonka tarkoitus oli myönteinen, mutta lopputulos toiseuttava. Yhteistä tahalliselle ja tahattomalle toiseuttamiselle oli niitä ohjaava ajatus toiseuttamisen kohteen oleellisesta erilaisuudesta verrattuna itseen sekä kielteiset vaikutukset toiseuttamisen kohteelle. Tutkielman tuoma ymmärrys siitä, millä tavoin maahanmuuttajataustaisia oppilaita ja opiskelijoita koulussa toiseutetaan, on tärkeää erityisesti opettajille, koska kuten tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, myös opettajat osallistuvat koulussa maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden ja opiskelijoiden toiseuttamiseen, ja toisaalta heidän tehtävänsä on myös kyetä puuttumaan oppilaiden ja opiskelijoiden maahanmuuttajataustaisiin koulutovereihinsa kohdistamaan toiseuttamiseen. Tulevaisuudessa olisi erityisen tärkeää kehittää tapoja kitkeä ja ennaltaehkäistä toiseuttamista niin koululaitoksen kuin yhteiskunnankin tasolla.
  • Toivonen, Vilma (2023)
    The forestry industry is in transition for several different reasons, which is why employees are also required to acquire new skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the future. The purpose is to find out the qualitative skills needs of forestry workers (forestry engineer, forest energy producer, forest machine fitter, forest machine driver, logger forest service’s producer) and timber truck drivers in the future, as well as how these can be met. The study was commissioned for the Finnish Forestry Center's western service area, which includes the provinces of Central Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta and Southwest Finland. The topic has been extensively researched in Finland in recent years, and these studies are the basis for this report. The research is based on the difficulties experienced in recruitment for both quantitative and qualitative reasons. The turnover of workers in the field is currently high, which in part causes the need to consider whether the change in the field of trained workers could be prevented by, for example, additional or supplementary training. The research was carried out as a survey for employers in the forestry sector in the western service area of the Finnish Forestry Center. From the extensive material obtained based on the survey, the sections dealing with the qualitative characteristics of the employees in the field have been limited to this study. These include the following sections: Challenges in recruitment, new skills for the future, needs for additional and continuing education, skills of recent graduates, and trainees and educational institution cooperation. The results are very similar to previous studies. Although the small and partly unevenly distributed material, the research questions were answered. The most important themes emerged were the personal characteristics of forestry interns and recent graduates, the changes brought about by digitalization, substantive expertise, and business topics, including customer service and sales skills. The knowledge and skills of the interns and recent graduates were perceived as satisfactory or good. The greatest future challenge can be seen as the increasing need for practical training. The learning in the forest and in work placements instills the students' ways of doing things, so if it is added to, the students would be more independent already after graduation. Many of the themes discussed in the study are ones that can be responded to already in basic education. Due to the changing operating environment, additional and continuing training is needed. Implementation of the results of the research has started through the Finnish Forestry Center. The results have been taken regionally to the western service area for training organizers, employers and other stakeholders as needed. Forestry Center has started, among other things, a project based on the results, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the forestry sector among young people with an eye on future jobs.
  • Toivonen, Vilma (2023)
    The forestry industry is in transition for several different reasons, which is why employees are also required to acquire new skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the future. The purpose is to find out the qualitative skills needs of forestry workers (forestry engineer, forest energy producer, forest machine fitter, forest machine driver, logger forest service’s producer) and timber truck drivers in the future, as well as how these can be met. The study was commissioned for the Finnish Forestry Center's western service area, which includes the provinces of Central Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta and Southwest Finland. The topic has been extensively researched in Finland in recent years, and these studies are the basis for this report. The research is based on the difficulties experienced in recruitment for both quantitative and qualitative reasons. The turnover of workers in the field is currently high, which in part causes the need to consider whether the change in the field of trained workers could be prevented by, for example, additional or supplementary training. The research was carried out as a survey for employers in the forestry sector in the western service area of the Finnish Forestry Center. From the extensive material obtained based on the survey, the sections dealing with the qualitative characteristics of the employees in the field have been limited to this study. These include the following sections: Challenges in recruitment, new skills for the future, needs for additional and continuing education, skills of recent graduates, and trainees and educational institution cooperation. The results are very similar to previous studies. Although the small and partly unevenly distributed material, the research questions were answered. The most important themes emerged were the personal characteristics of forestry interns and recent graduates, the changes brought about by digitalization, substantive expertise, and business topics, including customer service and sales skills. The knowledge and skills of the interns and recent graduates were perceived as satisfactory or good. The greatest future challenge can be seen as the increasing need for practical training. The learning in the forest and in work placements instills the students' ways of doing things, so if it is added to, the students would be more independent already after graduation. Many of the themes discussed in the study are ones that can be responded to already in basic education. Due to the changing operating environment, additional and continuing training is needed. Implementation of the results of the research has started through the Finnish Forestry Center. The results have been taken regionally to the western service area for training organizers, employers and other stakeholders as needed. Forestry Center has started, among other things, a project based on the results, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the forestry sector among young people with an eye on future jobs.
  • Lindell, Annika (2021)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden sekä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia opintojen kuormittavuudesta sekä tästä koetusta kuormittuneisuudesta selviämistä. Kuormittuneisuus on iso osa opiskelijan arkea ja mahdollinen syy siihen, että opiskelija ei valmistu korkeakoulusta lainkaan. Joka kymmenes opiskelija kokee opiskelu-uupumusta opintojensa aikana ja kuormittuneisuutta voidaan pitää uupumuksen esiasteena. Kasvatustieteellisillä opiskelualoilla opiskelu-uupumus on yleisempää kuin esimerkiksi lääketieteellisillä opiskelualoilla. Opiskelijan elämää saattaa kuormittaa myös monet muut asiat elämässä, ei ainoastaan opinnot. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, mikä opettajaopiskelijoita kuormittaa ja miten tämä koettu kuormittuneisuus ilmenee sekä opettajaopiskelijoiden omia keinoja selvitä opintojensa kuormittavuudesta. Lisäksi tutkittavana on, eroaako kuormittuneisuudesta selviäminen luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden välillä. Tutkimukseen osallistui Tampereen yliopiston luokanopettajaopiskelijat ja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijat vastaamalla E-lomake-palvelussa täytettävään kyselyyn. Vastaaminen oli vapaaehtoista ja vastausaikaa oli kaksi viikkoa. Vastauksia tuli yhteensä 18, jotka kaikki otettiin mukaan tutkimukseen. Aineistoa analysointiin sisällönanalyysillä ja sisällöllisten luokittelujen avulla. Tutkielmassa tulee ilmi, että opettajaopiskelijat pääsääntöisesti selviävät kokemastaan kuormittuneisuudesta eikä ulkopuoliselle ammattiavulle ole ollut juurikaan tarvetta tässä tapauksessa. Opettajaopiskelijat saavat voimavaroja muun muassa liikunnasta sekä muusta vapaa-ajan toiminnasta sekä perheeltään ja ystäviltään. Sosiaaliset suhteet saattavat kuitenkin olla myös osasyy kuormittuneisuuteen. Lisäksi kuormittavana pidettiin eniten opetusharjoitteluja sekä pro gradua tai kandidaatin tutkielmaa. Kuormittuneisuus aiheuttaa opettajaopiskelijoille väsymystä, stressiä sekä ahdistuneisuutta. Voimavarakeinot eivät eronneet lainkaan luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden välillä. Tutkielma antaa tietoa siitä, mikä opettajaopiskelijoita kuormittaa ja millä keinoin he siitä selviävät.
  • Salmén, Tia (2021)
    Tämä tutkielma kertoo kuinka suomenkieliset opiskelijat, jotka opiskelevat ruotsiksi korkeakouluissa, käyttävät ruotsin kieltä vapaa-aikanaan. Tutkimus on saanut inspiraatiota Grinin mallista Capacity – Opportunity - Desire (2003), jossa Desire kertoo, kuinka halukas on käyttämään opittua vierasta kieltä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on saada selville, käyttävätkö nämä opiskelijat ruotsia vapaa-aikanaan ja jos käyttävät, niin miten ja millaisissa tilanteissa. Tämä tutkimus myös selvittää onko ruotsinkielinen linja tai koulu vaikuttanut tähän ruotsin kielen käyttöön ja miten opiskelijat suhtautuvat ruotsin kieleen. Tutkimus sai inspiraationsa Marketta Sundmanin artikkelista Tvåspråkiga skolor - En analys av fördelar och risker med införandet av skolor med svenska och finska som undervisningsspråk (Magma 2013), joka kertoo millaisia vaikutuksia kaksikielisillä suomi - ruotsi kouluilla olisi Suomessa. Muita tutkimuksia, joita tässä tutkielmassa esiteltiin, ovat Monica Lönnkvistin (2020) Tvåspråkigt utbildningsprogram vid en yrkeshögskola: den administrativa språkstrategin och studerandenas vardagliga praxis, joka kertoo kaksikielisestä opiskelulinjasta Suomessa, Marjo Nikkasen (2017) Till Sverige med gymnasiesvenskan: En enkätstudie av finska studenters upplevelse av språklig anpassning i Sverige, joka kertoo kuinka suomalaiset käyttävät ruotsia Ruotsissa ja Maria Dimitriadisin (2020) Maailmalla pärjää englannilla ja suomenruotsalaiset puhuu suomea: Elevernas attityder till B-svenska på årskurserna 8 och 9, joka antaa tietoa yläkoululaisten asenteista ruotsin kieltä kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta eri metodia; haastattelu, johon osallistui viisi opiskelijaa ja kyselylomake, johon vastasi 93 opiskelijaa. Molemmissa oli samat kysymykset ja niihin on vastannut opiskelijoita sekä yliopistoista että ammattikorkeakouluista. Tutkimuksen lopputulema on se, että suomenkieliset opiskelijat käyttävät ruotsin kieltä arjessa eri tilanteissa. Eniten he kirjoittavat ruotsiksi ja kuuntelevat ruotsia viihdetarkoituksessa. Kaikki opiskelijat aikovat käyttää ruotsin kieltä myös opiskeluajan jälkeen, sillä siitä on hyötyä mm. työn haussa. Enemmistö opiskelijoista suhtautuu positiivisesti ruotsin kieleen ja suurimmalla osalla koulunkäynti on vaikuttanut heidän ruotsin kielen käyttämiseen. Ne joilla, koulu ei ollut vaikuttanut, käyttivät jo ruotsin kieltä ennen ruotsinkielisen linjan aloittamista.