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  • Hannula, Satu (2017)
    Parents are to an increasing extent guiding their children to take part in organized leisure time activities. The volunteers who usually steer the activity groups are the parents of the children involved. The parents generally finish their work as volunteers at the same time with their children. However, few of them continue working as volunteers in the same organization. In this thesis I examine this kind of parents by interpreting their talk around the topic. The main concepts of this study are Commitment and the Forms of capital. The commitment is essential for the continuity of the volunteer work. The reason to use the forms of capital concept is that it is a crucial prerequisite for a person to possess in order to be able to work as a volunteer. The aim of this study is to find the reasons behind the commitment of long term duration. It is important for voluntary organizations to identify the reasons since they lose valuable knowledge and experience with the individuals leaving the organization. The target group of the study consisted of 11 parents. All of them had started as volunteers at the same time with their children and continued even after their own children gave up the leisure activity. The data consisted of interviews and it was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. Two main categories were formed on the grounds of an analysis: the first one consisting of individual based and the other collective based reasons to work as a volunteer. Commitment was defined as a uniting high level category. The most significant factor to explain the commitment was the relationships among adults and children in the organization. The social capital of volunteers increased because of these relationships. Out of the individual based reasons the most significant one was considering the volunteer work as a way of life. Volunteers were able to find time and prioritize the work because they found it meaningful for themselves and were committed to it. The challenge to find the time for the work was significant and the lack of it limited the participation. This was defined as a category of its own. The other challenge was a tension between the different roles of a volunteer. The need to balance between the roles of a parent and a volunteer was decreased after the children of their own had given up the leisure time activity. The other reasons to continue as a volunteer, according to the data, were competence development, emotional reasons, social and community based reasons and willingness to contribute to the development of the organization they worked for.
  • Hannula, Satu (2017)
    Parents are to an increasing extent guiding their children to take part in organized leisure time activities. The volunteers who usually steer the activity groups are the parents of the children involved. The parents generally finish their work as volunteers at the same time with their children. However, few of them continue working as volunteers in the same organization. In this thesis I examine this kind of parents by interpreting their talk around the topic. The main concepts of this study are Commitment and the Forms of capital. The commitment is essential for the continuity of the volunteer work. The reason to use the forms of capital concept is that it is a crucial prerequisite for a person to possess in order to be able to work as a volunteer. The aim of this study is to find the reasons behind the commitment of long term duration. It is important for voluntary organizations to identify the reasons since they lose valuable knowledge and experience with the individuals leaving the organization. The target group of the study consisted of 11 parents. All of them had started as volunteers at the same time with their children and continued even after their own children gave up the leisure activity. The data consisted of interviews and it was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. Two main categories were formed on the grounds of an analysis: the first one consisting of individual based and the other collective based reasons to work as a volunteer. Commitment was defined as a uniting high level category. The most significant factor to explain the commitment was the relationships among adults and children in the organization. The social capital of volunteers increased because of these relationships. Out of the individual based reasons the most significant one was considering the volunteer work as a way of life. Volunteers were able to find time and prioritize the work because they found it meaningful for themselves and were committed to it. The challenge to find the time for the work was significant and the lack of it limited the participation. This was defined as a category of its own. The other challenge was a tension between the different roles of a volunteer. The need to balance between the roles of a parent and a volunteer was decreased after the children of their own had given up the leisure time activity. The other reasons to continue as a volunteer, according to the data, were competence development, emotional reasons, social and community based reasons and willingness to contribute to the development of the organization they worked for.
  • Tyni, Kiia (2021)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää Pierre Bourdieun pääomateorian kautta sitä, miten huono-osaisuutta on määritelty suomalaisessa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa, ja mikä vaikutus huono-osaisuuteen liittyvillä pääomilla on lapsen koulutuspolkuun. Bourdieun pääomateoriaa on käytetty paljon luokkaerojen ja koulutuksen tutkimuksessa. Sen avulla voimme jakaa elämämme eri luokkiin, joiden kautta voidaan tutkia, erotella ja määritellä erilaisia yhteiskuntaamme liittyviä ongelmia ja toimintamalleja. Esimerkiksi Atkinson (2015) on käyttänyt Bourdieun pääomia kuvailemaan eri sosiaaliluokkia ja sosiaalista liikkuvuutta. Vaikka koulutusjärjestelmämme on yksi suurimpia eriarvoisuutta vähentäviä tekijöitä, erottelee koulutus edelleen jo koulutuspolun alkutaipaleilla hyvä- ja huono-osaiset. Jotta voitaisiin puuttua koulutuspolkujen eriytymisen ongelmaan, on ensin kartoitettava sen syitä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että pääomilla on selvä vaikutus koulutuspolkuun. Vähäisellä kulttuurisella pääomalla on yhteys lasten koulutustasoon sekä siihen, ettei koulutusta arvosteta. Sosiaalisen pääoman on todettu auttavan koulutuksen jälkeisessä menestymisessä työelämässä muun muassa verkostojen ja suhteiden kautta. Menetelmät. Tutkielmaa varten etsin kirjallisuutta, tieteellisiä artikkeleita sekä aiempia tutkimuksia aiheesta. Tiedon haussa käytin esimerkiksi Helsingin yliopiston Helka-kirjastoa ja sen verkkopalvelua sekä muita verkkokirjastoja. Etsin kirjallisuutta myös aiemmista aihetta käsittelevistä teoksista. Toteutin tutkielman teoriaohjaavana systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jossa käytin Bourdieun pääomia tutkielmani etenemistä ohjaavana teoriana. Bourdieun pääomateoria ohjasi aineiston analyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Huono-osaisuus esiintyi pääomista kertovassa kirjallisuudesta ja päinvastoin. Esimerkiksi taloudellinen niukkuus merkitsi alhaista taloudellista pääomaa. Kulttuurisen, sosiaalisen ja taloudellisen pääoman välillä oli myös selvä yhteys huono-osaisuuteen. Alhainen kulttuurinen pääoma vaikutti merkittävästi koulutuspolkuun vanhempien koulutuksen, asenteiden ja arvojen kautta, ja sosiaalinen pääoma näyttäytyi siinä, millaista tukea lapsi saa koulutuspolullaan. Taloudellisella pääomalla nähtiin olevan vaikutus muun muassa kulttuurisen pääoman hankkimiseen, jonka kautta se myös vaikuttaa koulutuspolkuun.
  • Kaasalainen, Emilia (2017)
    The aim of this qualitative thesis was to examine what kind of meanings individuals from different educational and socio-economic backgrounds are giving to their educational options and how much unequally distributed capital resources, such as social status, cultural capital and class-related reasons, affect educational choices. The research is based on Bourdieu’s theory of forms of capital, which is examined through previous studies and literature. The study was carried out as a case study, interviewing four different people whose educational paths were different. Every person was interviewed separately. The produced material was analyzed by using discourse analysis and content analysis techniques. Individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds set different meanings for their edu-cation. Three distinct, often repeated, meanings were found in education: income and appreciation, me-talk and unlimited and limited opportunities. Depending on the individual’s socio-economic background, different meanings became more or less important for options. Interviewees argumentation about the options also revealed possible class-related reasons for the options, which was obvious to someone wasn’t necessarily that to the other. Examining the talk of individuals, some of the effects of cultural capital were also found of options. For the future, for example when discussing equality between educational opportunities, it would be important to remember that our cohesive comprehensive school system may not be able to equalize all the effects of socio-economic backgrounds on learning and studying success and therefore on educational choices. Pupils are and will be in an unequal position whit their educational options as long as the social segregation and inequalities between people continue to grow.
  • Ahokas, Pinja (2022)
    Velka vaikuttaa meidän jokaisen elämään. Jokainen on vastuussa vähintään valtionvelasta. Velka läpäisee erilaiset valtasuhteet, joista tutkielmani kannalta keskeisin on hyvinvointivaltion ja sen palveluiden käyttäjien välinen velkasuhde. Yksilö on velkaa valtiolle saamistaan julkisista palveluista, kuten koulutuksesta ja sosiaaliturvasta. Nämä sosiaaliset oikeudet, jotka aiheuttavat valtiolle taloudellista velkaa, muuttuvat yksilön sosiaaliseksi velaksi, ja yksilön velvollisuus on maksaa tätä velkaa takaisin. Velka valtasuhteena liittyy ennen kaikkea talouteen ja rahaan, mutta kiinnostukseni kohdistuu tässä tutkielmassa itse valtasuhteeseen ja siihen liittyvään hallintaan. Tavoitteenani on tarkastella, kuinka velkaa voi lähestyä muiden kuin taloustieteellisten käsitteiden kautta. Tutkielmassa avataan erilaisia tapoja, kuinka velka tuottaa hallintaa ja kuinka velkaa maksetaan takaisin. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Käyttämäni tutkimuskirjallisuus rajautuu enimmäkseen filosofiseen ja sosiologiseen hallinnan tutkimukseen. Tarkastelen velkaantumista, velkaa ja sen takaisinmaksua erilaisten hallintaan liittyvien käsitteiden avulla, kuten minuus ja moraali. Bourdieun pääomat ja elämäntyyli ovat myös työni keskeisiä käsitteitä. Käsitteiden avulla kuvaan, kuinka velan logiikka ohjaa ihmisten elämää. Velka tuottaa hallintaa minuuden ja moraalin kautta. Minuus ja moraali saavat ihmisen uskomaan velkaantuneisuuteensa. Ihminen voi olla kiitollisuudenvelassa valtiolle esimerkiksi saamastaan koulutuksesta tai muista taloudellisista ja sosiaalisista etuuksista. Ihminen voi tuntea myös syyllisyyttä velastaan. Tällöin hän tunnustautuu olevansa velkaantunut. Velvollisuudentunto saa hänet maksamaan velkaansa takaisin. Velkaa maksetaan takaisin vaihtamalla, kerryttämällä ja hyödyntämällä pääomia oikein. Velan takaisinmaksu on kaikkien yhteinen asia, minkä vuoksi velan maksua edellytetään kaikilta ihmisiltä. Velkaantunut ihminen omaksuu tietynlaisen elämäntyylin, jolla hän ilmentää omaa kunnollisuuttaan paitsi valtiolle, myös muille ihmisille. Jokaisella ihmisellä on vapaus valita, kuinka hän toimii. On kuitenkin pakko toimia normien mukaisesti tullakseen hyväksytyksi valtion ja muiden ihmisten silmissä.
  • Halmkrona, Esa (2020)
    Preparatory courses have established themselves as a part of higher education admissions in certain fields of study in Finland. In my thesis I set out to study preparatory courses as shadow education nested within the higher education system. My interest is especially in applicants that are currently studying in a secondary study programme and applying for a place in their primary programme. The purpose of my thesis is to outline the role of preparatory courses in the higher education admissions game as a partly invisible part of the applying process. In my thesis I used both quantitative and qualitative data. As a study design I looked at the phenomenon from two different perspectives with triangulation. The aim of the quantitative analysis was to outline the background of the phenomenon. I used the qualitative data to further deepen the understanding with individual stories. As quantitative data I used survey data from The Student Barometer 2016 by Research Foundation for Studies and Education OTUS (n = 5341). The qualitative data consisted of three interviews, which I executed as narrative interviews. The informants who took part in the interviews had taken a preparatory course and studied in a secondary study programme at the time. I analyzed the qualitative data using expectation analysis and small stories as a framework. In this study the preparatory courses are outlined as an integral part of admissions game, where the interviewed applicants have a position weaker than their perceived peers regarding the forms of capital. Preparatory courses are regarded as products in line with the idea of educational consumerism. The producers of the courses are critically compared with each other as with other products in the market. The community within a preparatory course appears to be highly competitive, there appears to be no peer-support, community-building or similar functions in the courses.
  • Halmkrona, Esa (2020)
    Preparatory courses have established themselves as a part of higher education admissions in certain fields of study in Finland. In my thesis I set out to study preparatory courses as shadow education nested within the higher education system. My interest is especially in applicants that are currently studying in a secondary study programme and applying for a place in their primary programme. The purpose of my thesis is to outline the role of preparatory courses in the higher education admissions game as a partly invisible part of the applying process. In my thesis I used both quantitative and qualitative data. As a study design I looked at the phenomenon from two different perspectives with triangulation. The aim of the quantitative analysis was to outline the background of the phenomenon. I used the qualitative data to further deepen the understanding with individual stories. As quantitative data I used survey data from The Student Barometer 2016 by Research Foundation for Studies and Education OTUS (n = 5341). The qualitative data consisted of three interviews, which I executed as narrative interviews. The informants who took part in the interviews had taken a preparatory course and studied in a secondary study programme at the time. I analyzed the qualitative data using expectation analysis and small stories as a framework. In this study the preparatory courses are outlined as an integral part of admissions game, where the interviewed applicants have a position weaker than their perceived peers regarding the forms of capital. Preparatory courses are regarded as products in line with the idea of educational consumerism. The producers of the courses are critically compared with each other as with other products in the market. The community within a preparatory course appears to be highly competitive, there appears to be no peer-support, community-building or similar functions in the courses.
  • Lehtinen, Heini (2020)
    The first goal of this thesis was to study the differences in the attitudes towards schoolification of early childhood education among the parents using early childhood education services. The second goal was to study the association between the attitudes towards schoolification of early childhood education and the intention to apply for weighted-curriculum education. Based on Bourdieu’s theory, the hypothesis of this study was that parents’ choices regarding their children’s education differ according to their social status and educational background. There is no set of indicators for schoolification of early childhood education, thus, in this study, Seppänen’s et al. (2015) attitude indicator for parents of primary school aged children is applied. The principal components of this attitude indicator were instrumental value of education, paying attention to individual tendencies, inclusion and wellbeing. The study was conducted in collaboration with the city of Hyvinkää. The questionnaire was sent to customers of early childhood education services in Hyvinkää, and 60 parents responded to it. According to the hypothesis highly educated parents and parents with high socioeconomic status consider instrumental value of education and consideration of individual tendencies more important in their children’s early childhood education than other aspects. Similarly, less educated parents and parents with lower socioeconomic status were expected to value inclusion and wellbeing over other aspects. In this study, in contrast to the theoretical background, highly educated parents were found to value inclusion more than other parents did. Similarly, on contrary to the assumptions made on the basis of theory, the consideration of individual tendencies in early childhood education was valued the least by highly educated parents. Mothers were also found to appreciate the consideration of individual tendencies more than fathers. In this study it was also discovered that there was an association between instrumental value of education and emphasis on applying to the weighted-curriculum education.