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Browsing by Subject "pyöröpaalaus"

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  • Murto, Kalle (2020)
    Round baling is a common way to harvest feed and bedding materials from fields. Round balers have improved in the 21th century to be more efficient. There are two main chamber types for round baling, fixed chamber and variable chamber. Differences between chamber types were researched in 80s and 90s. There were no research studies made with modern high capacity combi balers. The aim of this study was to find out if there are significant differences between fixed chamber and variable chamber balers. Differences were examined by weighing bales that were made in different moisture conditions and measuring the fuel consumption from tractors CAN-bus. The tests were carried out by operating two different types of combination balers in succession under the same conditions as far as possible. Bales were made in three different humidity conditions in succession, changing the machine behind the same tractor. The bales were marked and weighed. Feed samples taken from the bales were used to verify the prevailing conditions and to be able to compare the dry matter content of the bale. In addition, the effect of increasing the bale size with a variable chamber baler on the bale volume weight and the fuel consumption of the work was measured by the same methods. The effects of using chopping knives on the volume weight of the bale were also measured with a fixed chamber baler. The result of the study was that the chamber type had no significant effect on the volume weight of the bale under any of the humidity conditions tested. The difference in fuel consumption between the machines was also quite small. Depending on the humidity conditions, the fuel consumption of the variable chamber baler was 1 to 10 % lower than that of the fixed chamber baler. With a fixed chamber baler, the use of 25 shredder blades increased the weight of the bale by about 8 % when compared to non-chopped bales. The bale chamber type had an effect on baling efficiency and cost, but it did not have a significant effect on the bale volume weight. When choosing a baler, it is more important that the machine can be used to make bales that are suitable size for the purpose and logistics.
  • Murto, Kalle (2020)
    Pyöröpaalaimet ovat kehittyneet tehokkaammiksi 2000-luvulla ja pyöröpaalien käyttö on yleistä karjan ruokinnassa ja kuivikkeiden keräämisessä. Pyöröpaalaimia on kahta päätyyppiä: muuttuvakammioinen ja kiinteäkammioinen paalain. Kammiotyyppien vaikutuksesta paalin tiheyteen ja paalainten tehontarpeen sekä energian kulutuksesta on tutkimuksia 1980 ja 1990-luvuilta, mutta moderneilla yhdistelmäpaalaimilla vastaavaa tutkimusta ei ollut tehty. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää merkittävämmät erot muuttuvakammioisen ja kiinteäkammioisen koneen välillä, punnitsemalla erilaisissa olosuhteissa tehtyjen paalien painoja ja ominaisuuksia, sekä mittaamalla paalaustyön polttoaineen kulutusta traktorin CAN-väylän kautta. Koe tehtiin ajamalla samalla traktorilla peräkkäin mahdollisimman samassa olosuhteessa kahta eri toimintaperiaatteella toimivaa yhdistelmäpaalainta. Paaleja tehtiin kolmessa eri kosteusolosuhteessa peräkkäin konetta vaihtaen saman traktorin perään. Paalit merkittiin ja punnittiin. Paaleista otettujen rehunäytteiden avulla todennettiin vallinneita olosuhteita ja pystyttiin vertaamaan paalin sisältämiä kuiva-ainemääriä. Lisäksi mitattiin samoilla menetelmillä muuttuvakammioisella paalaimella paalikoon kasvattamisen vaikutusta paalin tilavuuspainoon ja työn polttoaineenkulutukseen. Kiinteäkammioisella paalaimella mitattiin myös silppuriterien käytön vaikutuksia paalin tilavuuspainoon. Tutkimuksen tuloksena oli, ettei paalaimen kammiotyypillä ollut merkittävää vaikutusta paalin tilavuuspainoon missään testatuissa kosteusolosuhteissa. Myös polttoaineen kulutuksen ero oli koneiden välillä melko pieni. Olosuhteista riippuen muuttuvakammioisen paalaimen polttoaineenkulutus oli 1 – 10 % pienempi kuin kiinteäkammioisen. Kiinteäkammioisella paalaimella 25 silppuriterän käyttö lisäsi paalin painoa noin 8 %. Paalaimen kammiotyypillä on vaikutus paalauksen tehokkuuteen ja kustannuksiin, mutta paalin tilavuuspainoon sillä ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Paalaimen valitsemisessa tärkeämpää on, että koneella saadaan tehtyä käyttötarkoitukseen ja logistiikkaan sopivankokoisia paaleja.
  • Kalliomäki, Juho (2020)
    On cattle farms, the sufficiency of silage over the winter is important. Sometimes silage yields are poor, and one may have to resort to purchase more feed. It would be easier to know how sufficient your silage is, if the exact amount of silage is known in the autumn. Accurate yield determination helps farmer to assess the sufficiency of silage. The aim of this study was to investigate the real-time yield measurement of round baling. Real-time crop measurement allows accurate data collection from the field during harvest. The measured yield amount helps farmer to plan feeding for the coming winter. In addition, yield data can be used to plan future site-specific cultivation activities to improve yield level. In this study, measuring devices were installed to the round baler to measure bale formation during baling. Strain gauges, which measured the deflection of the balers shaft, were used to weigh the bales. In addition, the torque and rotation speed of the PTO (power take-off) shaft between the tractor and the baler during bale formation were determined. The GPS receiver made it possible to track the movements of the tractor in the field. The measurements were performed in the fields of Viikki research farm in the summer of 2015 with measuring devices installed in the farm’s own baler. Measurements were carried out on several baling times. The first measurement results of the summer turned out to be incorrect and the operation of the equipment was improved as the summer progressed. Valid and comparable measurement data were collected from the baled grass field in the autumn. To ensure the reliability of the results, 97 bales baled from one grass field were weighed on a separate scale and the results were compared with the results measured with a measuring device. According to the results, the measuring device was able to determine the weight of the bales relatively accurately. On average, from this sample of 97 bales, the bales weighed with measuring devices were on average 20 kilos lighter than those weighed with the scale. 63 % of the bales measured with measuring devices were within ±90 kilos of the weighed bales. Measurement results were utilized to prepare a yield map to describe the variation of yield levels on the field. The measuring devices built in the study proved to be a good method for weighing round bales during harvest after fine-tuning. The measurement system presented in the study requires additional work to make it consumer-friendly and easy for the machine operator to control.
  • Kalliomäki, Juho (2020)
    On cattle farms, the sufficiency of silage over the winter is important. Sometimes silage yields are poor, and one may have to resort to purchase more feed. It would be easier to know how sufficient your silage is, if the exact amount of silage is known in the autumn. Accurate yield determination helps farmer to assess the sufficiency of silage. The aim of this study was to investigate the real-time yield measurement of round baling. Real-time crop measurement allows accurate data collection from the field during harvest. The measured yield amount helps farmer to plan feeding for the coming winter. In addition, yield data can be used to plan future site-specific cultivation activities to improve yield level. In this study, measuring devices were installed to the round baler to measure bale formation during baling. Strain gauges, which measured the deflection of the balers shaft, were used to weigh the bales. In addition, the torque and rotation speed of the PTO (power take-off) shaft between the tractor and the baler during bale formation were determined. The GPS receiver made it possible to track the movements of the tractor in the field. The measurements were performed in the fields of Viikki research farm in the summer of 2015 with measuring devices installed in the farm’s own baler. Measurements were carried out on several baling times. The first measurement results of the summer turned out to be incorrect and the operation of the equipment was improved as the summer progressed. Valid and comparable measurement data were collected from the baled grass field in the autumn. To ensure the reliability of the results, 97 bales baled from one grass field were weighed on a separate scale and the results were compared with the results measured with a measuring device. According to the results, the measuring device was able to determine the weight of the bales relatively accurately. On average, from this sample of 97 bales, the bales weighed with measuring devices were on average 20 kilos lighter than those weighed with the scale. 63 % of the bales measured with measuring devices were within ±90 kilos of the weighed bales. Measurement results were utilized to prepare a yield map to describe the variation of yield levels on the field. The measuring devices built in the study proved to be a good method for weighing round bales during harvest after fine-tuning. The measurement system presented in the study requires additional work to make it consumer-friendly and easy for the machine operator to control.