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  • Pussila, Susanna (2014)
    The development of new antibiotics is very challenging work. However, it has become less attractive area of research for the pharmaceutical industry due to the rapid development of antibiotic resistance among bacteria. As a result, nowadays there are less new antimicrobial medicines appearing on the market. Increase in antibiotic resistance challenges the effective treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to know about the existence and prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes. Waste water has been found to contain substantial amounts of antibiotics or their derivatives. Furthermore the bacterial density of the waste water is high. These factors may cause the selection pressure that assists the evolution, preservation and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacterial population. Wastewater treatment plants are believed to act as a reservoir of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. In this study, from samples taken from Viikinmäki wastewater treatment plant it was determined the quantity of resistance genes making bacteria resistance to a wide range of beta-lactam antibiotics. The samples were taken at the different stages of wastewater treatment process during three sampling days in June, September and December 2010. The samples were taken from the incoming wastewater and, from the final effluent and from the dried sludge. The DNA from wastewaters and sludge was isolated and the gene copy numbers of blaCTX-M-32 and blaOXA-58 antibiotic resistance genes were measured by quantitative PCR method. Antibiotic resistance gene copy numbers were normalized with 16S ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers. The antibiotic resistance genes investigated in this work make bacteria resistant to broad-spectrum penicillins, different groups of cephalosporins, monobactams, and carbapenems. It was found that blaOXA-58 and blaCTX-M-32 gene copies do exist in both incoming wastewater and dried sludge. From the incoming wastewater we found on average 3x10-3 blaOXA-58 gene copies/16S rRNA gene and 7x10-5 blaCTX-M-32 gene copies/16S rRNA gene. From dried sludge we found on average 3x10-3- blaOXA-58 gene copies/16S rRNA gene and 2x10-2 blaCTX-M-32 gene copies/16S rRNA. Both antibiotic resistance genes were also found in the final effluents. The amounts of antibiotic resistance genes /16S rRNA genes were found to decrease during of the wastewater treatment. In the final effluent the amount of blaOXA-58 genes was found to be two orders of magnitude less than in the incoming wastewater and for, blaCTX-M-32 gene copies it was found the decrease by one order of magnitude. Although the amount of antibiotic resistance genes decreased during of the wastewater treatment, the amount left in the final effluent is still notable and when it ends up in the water or soil it might have an effect to the antibiotic resistance in the nature.
  • Pussila, Susanna (2014)
    The development of new antibiotics is very challenging work. However, it has become less attractive area of research for the pharmaceutical industry due to the rapid development of antibiotic resistance among bacteria. As a result, nowadays there are less new antimicrobial medicines appearing on the market. Increase in antibiotic resistance challenges the effective treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to know about the existence and prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes. Waste water has been found to contain substantial amounts of antibiotics or their derivatives. Furthermore the bacterial density of the waste water is high. These factors may cause the selection pressure that assists the evolution, preservation and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacterial population. Wastewater treatment plants are believed to act as a reservoir of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. In this study, from samples taken from Viikinmäki wastewater treatment plant it was determined the quantity of resistance genes making bacteria resistance to a wide range of beta-lactam antibiotics. The samples were taken at the different stages of wastewater treatment process during three sampling days in June, September and December 2010. The samples were taken from the incoming wastewater and, from the final effluent and from the dried sludge. The DNA from wastewaters and sludge was isolated and the gene copy numbers of blaCTX-M-32 and blaOXA-58 antibiotic resistance genes were measured by quantitative PCR method. Antibiotic resistance gene copy numbers were normalized with 16S ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers. The antibiotic resistance genes investigated in this work make bacteria resistant to broad-spectrum penicillins, different groups of cephalosporins, monobactams, and carbapenems. It was found that blaOXA-58 and blaCTX-M-32 gene copies do exist in both incoming wastewater and dried sludge. From the incoming wastewater we found on average 3x10-3 blaOXA-58 gene copies/16S rRNA gene and 7x10-5 blaCTX-M-32 gene copies/16S rRNA gene. From dried sludge we found on average 3x10-3- blaOXA-58 gene copies/16S rRNA gene and 2x10-2 blaCTX-M-32 gene copies/16S rRNA. Both antibiotic resistance genes were also found in the final effluents. The amounts of antibiotic resistance genes /16S rRNA genes were found to decrease during of the wastewater treatment. In the final effluent the amount of blaOXA-58 genes was found to be two orders of magnitude less than in the incoming wastewater and for, blaCTX-M-32 gene copies it was found the decrease by one order of magnitude. Although the amount of antibiotic resistance genes decreased during of the wastewater treatment, the amount left in the final effluent is still notable and when it ends up in the water or soil it might have an effect to the antibiotic resistance in the nature.
  • Oikkonen, Hanna (2022)
    The use of recycled fibers in paper production has increased during recent years. Recycled fibers are a more sustainable alternative compared to virgin fibers made from wood. However, paper mills utilizing recycled fibers have more microbiological problems compared to mills using only virgin fibers. Especially, anaerobic bacteria are harmful for papermaking processes utilizing recycled fibers. Bacteria of the class Clostridia comprise a very diverse group and have many different metabolic properties. Bacteria of class Clostridia can ferment different substrates, for example cellulose and starch, crucial in paper mills utilizing recycled fibers. Fermentation does not only decrease material efficiency, but also the acids produced during fermentation deteriorate papermaking processes. Volatile fatty acids are odorous compounds causing bad odors in the mills and in the final products. Clostridia can also produce, for example, hydrogen which is an explosive gas endangering the safety of the mill employees. Quantitative PCR is a feasible detection method for microbes. Here, a qPCR method was developed for the detection of most abundant bacteria in the class Clostridia in the recycled fiber mills. The designed primers targeted the most harmful bacteria from the genera Clostridium, Ethanoligenens, Fonticella and Ruminococcus identified in the recycled fiber mills. Three primer sets were designed for the target bacterial group. Positive controls of each target bacterial genus was included and close relatives from class Bacilli were used as negative controls. The designed primer sets were compared in efficiency, specificity and performance with process samples collected from paper mills using recycled fibers. One of the primer sets was found the most potential for the qPCR detection method for the diverse target bacterial group. All positive controls were amplified with the designed qPCR assay, whereas the designed primers discriminated well each negative control in vitro. The applicability of the designed qPCR assay was yet confirmed with process samples collected from mills utilizing recycled pulp. Even though the efficiency of the designed primer set was not optimal, the designed assay was determined feasible for the detection of the target group in the recycled fiber mills usually high in bacterial density.
  • Oikkonen, Hanna (2022)
    The use of recycled fibers in paper production has increased during recent years. Recycled fibers are a more sustainable alternative compared to virgin fibers made from wood. However, paper mills utilizing recycled fibers have more microbiological problems compared to mills using only virgin fibers. Especially, anaerobic bacteria are harmful for papermaking processes utilizing recycled fibers. Bacteria of the class Clostridia comprise a very diverse group and have many different metabolic properties. Bacteria of class Clostridia can ferment different substrates, for example cellulose and starch, crucial in paper mills utilizing recycled fibers. Fermentation does not only decrease material efficiency, but also the acids produced during fermentation deteriorate papermaking processes. Volatile fatty acids are odorous compounds causing bad odors in the mills and in the final products. Clostridia can also produce, for example, hydrogen which is an explosive gas endangering the safety of the mill employees. Quantitative PCR is a feasible detection method for microbes. Here, a qPCR method was developed for the detection of most abundant bacteria in the class Clostridia in the recycled fiber mills. The designed primers targeted the most harmful bacteria from the genera Clostridium, Ethanoligenens, Fonticella and Ruminococcus identified in the recycled fiber mills. Three primer sets were designed for the target bacterial group. Positive controls of each target bacterial genus was included and close relatives from class Bacilli were used as negative controls. The designed primer sets were compared in efficiency, specificity and performance with process samples collected from paper mills using recycled fibers. One of the primer sets was found the most potential for the qPCR detection method for the diverse target bacterial group. All positive controls were amplified with the designed qPCR assay, whereas the designed primers discriminated well each negative control in vitro. The applicability of the designed qPCR assay was yet confirmed with process samples collected from mills utilizing recycled pulp. Even though the efficiency of the designed primer set was not optimal, the designed assay was determined feasible for the detection of the target group in the recycled fiber mills usually high in bacterial density.
  • Jokinen, Maija (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Parvovirukset ovat eräitä pienimpiä tunnettuja viruksia. Parvovirusten genomi on yksijuosteinen DNA, jonka koko on noin viisituhatta emäsparia. Parvovirus virionilla on pieni (20-30 nm), vaipaton ikosahedraalinen kapsidi. Parvovirukset voivat aiheuttaa monenlaisia infektioita. Kenties tunnetuin ihmiselle patogeeninen parvovirus on parvovirus B19 (B19V), joka aiheuttaa parvorokkoa, anemioita ja sikiökuolemia. Toinen paljon tutkittu parvovirus on ihmisen bocavirus 1 (HBoV), joka aiheuttaa pienten lasten hengitystieinfektioita. Bufavirus (BuV), tusavirus (TuV) ja cutavirus (CuV) ovat uusia parvoviruksia, jotka löydettiin vuosina 2012–2016 syväsekvensointimenetelmillä. BuV löydettiin alun perin ulostenäytteestä Burkina Fasosta ja virusta on sen jälkeen löydetty polymeraasiketjureaktioon (PCR) perustuvien menetelmien avulla ulostenäytteistä Euroopasta, Afrikasta ja Aasiasta. BuV:n seroprevalenssi vaihtelee alueittain. TuV löydettiin yhdestä ainoasta ulostenäytteestä Tunisiasta, eikä TuV DNA:ta ole löydetty sen jälkeen muista näytteistä. CuV löydettiin vuonna 2016 ja se on yhdistetty kutaaniseen T-solulymfoomaan, mutta ei tiedetä aiheuttaako virus syövän vai hakeutuuko se vain nopeasti jakautuviin syöpäsoluihin. BuV, TuV ja CuV kuuluvat Protoparvovirus sukuun, mutta ei tiedetä onko TuV ihmisen virus. Kaikkien kolmen uuden parvoviruksen tutkimus on vielä alussa. On paljon, mitä ei tiedetä näiden kolmen viruksen epidemiologiasta ja niiden aiheuttamista oireista. Tämän pro gradu – työn kahtena päätavoitteena oli: pystyttää µ-kaappaus-IgM-entsyymivälitteinen immunosorbenttimääritys (EIA) -testi ihmisen protoparvoviruksille käyttäen BuV1:ta esimerkkinä sekä analysoida kolme ulostenäytekohorttia valmiilla BuV, TuV ja CuV kvantitatiivisella multiplex PCR (qPCR)-menetelmällä. IgM EIA:n pystytyksen perustana käytettiin aiemmin HBoV:lle ja parvovirus B19V:lle pystytettyjä µ-kaappaus-IgM-EIA-testejä. Menetelmää jouduttiin optimoimaan paljon ja lopulta monia testauksia jouduttiin tekemään, sillä menetelmä ei toiminut kuten oli oletettu. Vian etsinnän tuloksena saatiin selville, että epäselvät tulokset saattoi aiheuttaa hajonneet VLP:t tai, että herkkä µ-kaappaus-testi vaatii erityisen puhtaita VLP:tä. Lopullista toimivaa µ-kaappaus-IgM-EIA-menetelmää protoparvoviruksille ei tässä työssä pystytty pystyttämään, mutta tämä työ luo hyvän pohjan jatkokehitykselle. BuV, TuV ja CuV DNA:ta löydettiin ulostenäytteistä multiplex qPCR-menetelmällä. QPCR- ja sekvensointitulosten perusteella tässä työssä löydettiin yksi BuV DNA-positiivinen ja yksi TuV DNA positiivinen näyte. Lisäksi löydettiin 12 CuV DNA positiivista näytettä. TuV DNA:ta havaittiin ensi kertaa sen ensilöydön jälkeen. Sen lisäksi, CuV DNA:ta löydettiin ensilöydön jälkeen jälleen ulostenäytteestä. Useissa aiemmissa tutkimuksissa CuV DNA:ta on löydetty ihosta otetuista biopsioista. Fylogeneettisten analyysien perusteella TuV:n sekvenssi on lähempänä jyrsijöiden parvoviruksia kuin BuV:n ja CuV:n sekvenssit. Tutkimusta ja erilaisia näytteitä (eläin- ja ihmisperäisiä) tarvitaan, jotta voidaan selvittää onko TuV ihmisen virus.
  • Jokinen, Maija (2019)
    Parvoviruses are among the smallest known viruses. The parvovirus genome is a single stranded DNA, approximately 5 kb in size. The virion has a small (20 to 30 nm), rugged, non-enveloped icosahedral capsid. Parvoviruses can cause a number of diseases. Possibly the most recognized human parvovirus is parvovirus B19 (B19V), which can cause the so-called fifth disease, anemias and fetal death. Another relatively well characterised parvovirus is human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), which causes respiratory tract infections in young children. Bufavirus (BuV) tusavirus (TuV) and cutavirus (CuV) are emerging parvoviruses, discovered during the years 2012-2016 using next generation sequencing methods. All three viruses were originally discovered in feces of patients suffering from diarrhea. BuV was originally found in Burkina Faso and has since been detected in fecal samples with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods from Europe, Asia and Africa. The seroprevalence of BuV differs between countries. TuV was found in a single stool sample from Tunisia, but no further reports of it have since emerged. CuV was found in 2016 and it has been linked to cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, but it is not known if the virus is the cause of the cancer or if the virus simply prefers quickly dividing cancer cells for its replication. BuV, TuV and CuV belong to the Protoparvovirus genus, but it is still unclear whether TuV is a human pathogen. More research is needed to study the epidemiology of these viruses and their role in illnesses. There were two main aims in this thesis: to set up an IgM µ-capture enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for human protoparvoviruses using BuV1 as an example and to screen three stool sample cohorts for BuV, TuV and CuV using an in-house multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR). The IgM EIAs developed for B19V and HBoV1 was used as the base for developing human protoparvovirus IgM EIA, using Virus-like particles (VLP) as antigens. Setting up the EIA required a great amount of optimization and finally troubleshooting, since the assay did not work as expected. The troubleshooting revealed that the ambiguous results in the IgM µ-capture EIA were possibly due to degraded VLPs or that the sensitive µ-capture format requires extremely carefully purified VLPs. More optimizing is needed for this assay, however, the work done in this thesis offers a good base for further development of protoparvovirus IgM EIA. All three viruses were found in the stool samples during multiplex qPCR screening. Based on the qPCR and sequencing results one sample was positive for BuV DNA, one sample for TuV DNA and a total of 12 samples for CuV DNA. This is the first time TuV DNA has been found since its discovery. In addition to that, CuV DNA was identified in fecal samples for the first time since the discovery, previously CuV DNA had been found mostly in skin biopsies. As for TuV, based on the parvovirus phylogenetic analyses, its sequence is more closely related to rodent parvoviruses than CuV or BuV. More research is needed, possibly with animal and human samples, to establish the role of TuV as a human virus.
  • Gawriyski, Lisa (2018)
    Life historyresearch seeks to explain how natural selection and ecological challenges shape organisms to optimize their fitness. A strong immune defense is energetically demanding to upkeep and there may be trade-offs among other life history traits. Investing a lot of energy to upkeep a strong immune defense in conditions where there are less pathogens and parasites might have negative fitness effects. Heliconius eratois a neotropical species of butterfly found widely in South America. The immune defense, ecologicalfactors affecting its immune defense, and possible life history trade-offs of the butterfly are currently not well known. Environmental moisture conditions have been shown to affect the diversity, quality and amount of microorganisms and parasites. The aim of this thesis was to use real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) to quantify immune gene expression of individuals of the butterfly species Heliconius eratocollected from different environmental moisture conditions. Additionally, individual variation in encapsulation rates, a physiological measure of immunity, was compared across the moisture gradient. Results indicate reduced expression of the gene encoding the antimicrobial peptide attacin in dry conditions, but no difference in encapsulation rates across the moisture gradient. Additionally, differential expression of the prophenoloxidase encoding gene was found between male and female butterflies. These results indicate a possibility of differential immune threats in different environmental moisture conditions in H. erato, but requires further study.
  • Jyakhwa, Sarkal (2022)
    Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is an economically important plant RNA virus causing huge damage to wide range of arable and vegetable crops. A study was conducted in Nicotiana benthamiana to know if a TuMV mutant carrying a mutation in a thoroughly conserved WD-domain interacting motif and WG motif in HCPro protein can be mechanically transmitted to a healthy plant or not. HCPRoWD is a mutation in “AELPR” motif where glutamic acid and arginine are replaced by alanine. This mutated virus is here referred as TuMVWD. Similarly, in TuMVAG the tryptophan residue in the WG pair is changed to alanine and this mutated HCPro is called as TuMVAG. Four treatments, TuMVWT (positive control), Mock (negative control), TuMVWD and TuMVAG were made. Three plants per treatment were agroinfiltrated and five plants per treatment were used for mechanical inoculation experiment. Green fluorescent protein (GFP), a quantitative reporter of gene expression, was measured followed by qPCR for quantification of vRNA (viral RNA) accumulation. In agroinfiltrated plants, newly emerged leaves showed strong fluorescence in TuMVWT and TuMVAG by 14 dpi (days post inoculation), but TuMVWD showed poor GFP as compared to TuMVWT. During mechanical inoculation experiment, none of the treatments developed GFP in systemic leaves by six dpi but by 14 dpi GFP accumulation in the upper leaves of TuMVWT and TuMVAG was increased. TuMVWD was not used for 2nd mechanical experiment as it did not cause systemic infection during 1st mechanical inoculation experiment even by 14 dpi. Results from vRNA accumulation showed that mechanical transmission of virus was reduced with TuMVAG and not possible with TuMVWD. However, mutations had negative effect on vRNA accumulation.
  • Jyakhwa, Sarkal (2022)
    Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is an economically important plant RNA virus causing huge damage to wide range of arable and vegetable crops. A study was conducted in Nicotiana benthamiana to know if a TuMV mutant carrying a mutation in a thoroughly conserved WD-domain interacting motif and WG motif in HCPro protein can be mechanically transmitted to a healthy plant or not. HCPRoWD is a mutation in “AELPR” motif where glutamic acid and arginine are replaced by alanine. This mutated virus is here referred as TuMVWD. Similarly, in TuMVAG the tryptophan residue in the WG pair is changed to alanine and this mutated HCPro is called as TuMVAG. Four treatments, TuMVWT (positive control), Mock (negative control), TuMVWD and TuMVAG were made. Three plants per treatment were agroinfiltrated and five plants per treatment were used for mechanical inoculation experiment. Green fluorescent protein (GFP), a quantitative reporter of gene expression, was measured followed by qPCR for quantification of vRNA (viral RNA) accumulation. In agroinfiltrated plants, newly emerged leaves showed strong fluorescence in TuMVWT and TuMVAG by 14 dpi (days post inoculation), but TuMVWD showed poor GFP as compared to TuMVWT. During mechanical inoculation experiment, none of the treatments developed GFP in systemic leaves by six dpi but by 14 dpi GFP accumulation in the upper leaves of TuMVWT and TuMVAG was increased. TuMVWD was not used for 2nd mechanical experiment as it did not cause systemic infection during 1st mechanical inoculation experiment even by 14 dpi. Results from vRNA accumulation showed that mechanical transmission of virus was reduced with TuMVAG and not possible with TuMVWD. However, mutations had negative effect on vRNA accumulation.
  • Hyytiäinen, Tiina (2011)
    The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) contains a complex microbiota which starts to develop after birth. Various factors such as age, health, diet and medication affect the composition of the GIT microbiota. The number and types of bacteria are different in each part of the GIT, but most of the bacteria are anaerobic. In faeces the number of bacterial cells is as high as 1011-1012 cfu/ml. The normal intestinal microbiota is essential for intestinal development, protein and carbohydrate metabolisms, and protection against pathogens. Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are typically anaerobic bacteria which use sulphate as a terminal electron acceptor to produce sulphide in their metabolism. Sulphate-reducing bacteria are widespread in all ecosystems including fresh water and marine sediments but are also present in the GIT. Most of SRB species are Gram-negative and they can use more than hundred compounds as electron donors. Dissimilatory sulphite reduction (dsrAB) gene is essential in sulphate reduction. dsrAB-gene encodes the enzyme called dissimilatory sulphite reductase, which is a key enzyme in the reduction of sulphite to sulphide. Recent findings suggest that SRB may have a role in human diseases, e.g. in periodontitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Connection between these disorders and SRB may be due to the highly toxic hydrogen sulphide. The aim of this study was to develop PCR-DGGE and qPCR methods for monitoring of sulphate-reducing bacteria from human faecal microbiota. In this study we used dsrAB-gene specific primers, which were used successfully in previous environmental microbiology studies. Previously published dsrAB-specific primers were used for PCR-DGGE. However, besides positive controls, two negative controls also amplified regardless of the modifications on temperature, amplification times, primers and MgCl2 concentration. In qPCR, specific and sensitive amplification was attained by using dsrA-gene specific primers. When the samples from paediatric patients with IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and healthy children were amplified, no differences were found between different disease groups. However there was a statistically significant difference (P <0.05) between the paediatric patients with Crohn’s disease who were on remission and those patients who’s disease was active (number of SRB; active<remission).
  • Fu, YU (2017)
    Parvoviruses are among the smallest known viruses with a genome of ~ 5 kilobases. To date, six parvoviruses have been identified in human samples, with parvovirus B19 and human bocavirus being the only two known human pathogens in this family. Bufavirus, tusavirus and cutavirus are the most recently discovered parvoviruses, all belonging to the Protoparvovirus genus. Bufavirus was predominately discovered in fecal samples of children with diarrhea in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Cutavirus was detected in fecal samples of children with diarrhea in South America and Africa but has also been found in skin biopsies of patients with cutaneous T cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Tusavirus was discovered in a stool specimen of one child with diarrhea in Tunisia. At the moment, there are too little data to determine the identity of tusavirus as a human virus. More data and evidence are required to assess the association of the three parvoviruses with human diseases. In this study, a multiplex real-time PCR method was established to facilitate the detection and quantification of the three human-associated protoparvoviruses for further epidemiology and pathobiology study. Differentiation of different viruses was achieved by using three uniquely labeled probes. The multiplex assay was able to detect ≤ 10 copies/μL of bufavirus, tusavirus, and cutavirus plasmid templates simultaneously, with an average efficiency from 100.54% to 103.76%. The assay was applied to assess the prevalence of the three viruses in skin tissues of 93 non-immunosuppressed individuals with contact dermatitis and 137 immunosuppressed transplant recipients. Bufavirus and tusavirus DNA was detected in neither of the cohorts, which might indicate the rarity of the two viruses in skin tissues. Cutavirus DNA was detected in four (2.92%) transplant recipients, but all samples from the non-immunosuppressed group were negative. Among the four cutavirus positive patients, one was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. These findings further support previous discoveries of cutavirus DNA in skin tissues and serve as evidence for the identity of cutavirus as a human virus. However, its association with cancer remains to be further investigated.
  • Fu, Yu (2017)
    Parvoviruses are among the smallest known viruses with a genome of ~ 5 kilobases. To date, six parvoviruses have been identified in human samples, with parvovirus B19 and human bocavirus being the only two known human pathogens in this family. Bufavirus, tusavirus and cutavirus are the most recently discovered parvoviruses, all belonging to the Protoparvovirus genus. Bufavirus was predominately discovered in fecal samples of children with diarrhea in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Cutavirus was detected in fecal samples of children with diarrhea in South America and Africa but has also been found in skin biopsies of patients with cutaneous T cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Tusavirus was discovered in a stool specimen of one child with diarrhea in Tunisia. At the moment, there are too little data to determine the identity of tusavirus as a human virus. More data and evidence are required to assess the association of the three parvoviruses with human diseases. In this study, a multiplex real-time PCR method was established to facilitate the detection and quantification of the three human-associated protoparvoviruses for further epidemiology and pathobiology study. Differentiation of different viruses was achieved by using three uniquely labeled probes. The multiplex assay was able to detect ≤ 10 copies/μL of bufavirus, tusavirus, and cutavirus plasmid templates simultaneously, with an average efficiency from 100.54% to 103.76%. The assay was applied to assess the prevalence of the three viruses in skin tissues of 93 non-immunosuppressed individuals with contact dermatitis and 137 immunosuppressed transplant recipients. Bufavirus and tusavirus DNA was detected in neither of the cohorts, which might indicate the rarity of the two viruses in skin tissues. Cutavirus DNA was detected in four (2.92%) transplant recipients, but all samples from the non-immunosuppressed group were negative. Among the four cutavirus positive patients, one was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. These findings further support previous discoveries of cutavirus DNA in skin tissues and serve as evidence for the identity of cutavirus as a human virus. However, its association with cancer remains to be further investigated.
  • Kivivirta, Kimmo (2016)
    Elintarvikeväärennösten havaitsemiseen käytetään DNA-pohjaisia tunnistusmenetelmiä. DNA-viivakoodaus on tunnistusmenetelmä, jolla pystytään toteamaan laji tuntemattomasta näytteestä lyhyen DNA-jakson eli viivakoodin perusteella. Tämänhetkiset viivakoodit kasveilla sisältävät nukleotiditasolla vähän lajien välisiä eroja, mikä heikentää näytteiden erottelukykyä ja näytteen oikeaa tunnistamista. Viivakoodien erottelukykyä arvioitiin eri puolukoiden (Vaccinium) suvun lajien kesken. Arviointi tehtiin viivakoodeista matK, ycf1, rpoC1 ja ITS. Puolukoiden suvulle ei löydetty viivakoodia, joka kykenisi tunnistamaan täydellisesti näytteitä lajitasolla. Kloroplastiset viivakoodit matK ja rpoC1 onnistuivat parhaiten PCR:ssa, monistamisessa ja sekvensoinnissa. Genomisen viivakoodin, ITS:n monistamisessa ilmeni häiriötä näytteissä, joissa oli vähän DNA:ta. Avoin lukukehys ycf1 puuttuu puolukoiden (Vaccinium) suvulta, mikä esti viivakoodin käyttämistä. DNA-viivakoodeista matK kykeni tunnistamaan BLAST-tietokantavertailussa seitsemän 14:sta näytteestä ja BOLD-tietokantavertailussa yhdeksän näytettä 14:sta näytteestä. ITS kykeni tunnistamaan BLAST-tietokantavertailussa kahdeksan näytettä 14:sta näytteestä. ITS:lle ei ollut riittävästi vastaavuuksia BOLD-tietokannassa ja rpoC1:lle ei kummassakaan tietokannassa. Sekvenssilinjauksessa matK ja rpoC1 olivat lajien välillä hyvin samankaltaisia. ITS sisälsi lajien välillä enemmän variaatiota, mutta tietokannoista puuttui vastaavia sekvenssejä, mistä syystä positiivisia tunnistuksia saatiin heikosti. DNA-viivakoodauksessa kasveilla kahden viivakoodin käyttö on edelleen suositeltavaa lajitason tunnistuksen tarkentamiseksi. Reaaliaikaisella PCR:lla (qPCR) pystytään spesifisesti toteamaan lajin läsnäolo näytteessä havaitsemalla DNA-jaksoja, jotka ovat ainutlaatuisia kohdelajin perimässä. Spesifinen tunnistusmenetelmä pyrittiin luomaan mustikalle (Vaccinium myrtillus) sijoittamalla alukkeet ja koetin lokuksille dfr ja MADS-box. Mustikan spesifisen menetelmän kehittelyssä ei saavutettu täydellistä spesifisyyttä. Mustikan lisäksi myös lajit V. praestans, V. smallii ja V. ovalifolium tuottivat positiivisen signaalin dfr-geenille suunnitelluilla alukkeilla ja koettimella. Positiivista ekspressiota tuottaneet lajit sisälsivät oletettavasti samankaltaisen dfr-geenin, jolle mustikalle spesifiset alukkeet ja koetin sitoutuivat. Spesifinen menetelmä kykeni kuitenkin sulkemaan pois muiden kasvisukujen näytteet sekä suurimman osan puolukoiden suvun näytteistä. Menetelmää voidaan hienosäätää kun dfr-geenin sekvenssi saadaan selville positiivisen signaalin antaneista lajeista tai kun muita suuremman muuntelun alueita paljastuu sekvensoinnin tuloksena.
  • Kivivirta, Kimmo (2016)
    Elintarvikeväärennösten havaitsemiseen käytetään DNA-pohjaisia tunnistusmenetelmiä. DNA-viivakoodaus on tunnistusmenetelmä, jolla pystytään toteamaan laji tuntemattomasta näytteestä lyhyen DNA-jakson eli viivakoodin perusteella. Tämänhetkiset viivakoodit kasveilla sisältävät nukleotiditasolla vähän lajien välisiä eroja, mikä heikentää näytteiden erottelukykyä ja näytteen oikeaa tunnistamista. Viivakoodien erottelukykyä arvioitiin eri puolukoiden (Vaccinium) suvun lajien kesken. Arviointi tehtiin viivakoodeista matK, ycf1, rpoC1 ja ITS. Puolukoiden suvulle ei löydetty viivakoodia, joka kykenisi tunnistamaan täydellisesti näytteitä lajitasolla. Kloroplastiset viivakoodit matK ja rpoC1 onnistuivat parhaiten PCR:ssa, monistamisessa ja sekvensoinnissa. Genomisen viivakoodin, ITS:n monistamisessa ilmeni häiriötä näytteissä, joissa oli vähän DNA:ta. Avoin lukukehys ycf1 puuttuu puolukoiden (Vaccinium) suvulta, mikä esti viivakoodin käyttämistä. DNA-viivakoodeista matK kykeni tunnistamaan BLAST-tietokantavertailussa seitsemän 14:sta näytteestä ja BOLD-tietokantavertailussa yhdeksän näytettä 14:sta näytteestä. ITS kykeni tunnistamaan BLAST-tietokantavertailussa kahdeksan näytettä 14:sta näytteestä. ITS:lle ei ollut riittävästi vastaavuuksia BOLD-tietokannassa ja rpoC1:lle ei kummassakaan tietokannassa. Sekvenssilinjauksessa matK ja rpoC1 olivat lajien välillä hyvin samankaltaisia. ITS sisälsi lajien välillä enemmän variaatiota, mutta tietokannoista puuttui vastaavia sekvenssejä, mistä syystä positiivisia tunnistuksia saatiin heikosti. DNA-viivakoodauksessa kasveilla kahden viivakoodin käyttö on edelleen suositeltavaa lajitason tunnistuksen tarkentamiseksi. Reaaliaikaisella PCR:lla (qPCR) pystytään spesifisesti toteamaan lajin läsnäolo näytteessä havaitsemalla DNA-jaksoja, jotka ovat ainutlaatuisia kohdelajin perimässä. Spesifinen tunnistusmenetelmä pyrittiin luomaan mustikalle (Vaccinium myrtillus) sijoittamalla alukkeet ja koetin lokuksille dfr ja MADS-box. Mustikan spesifisen menetelmän kehittelyssä ei saavutettu täydellistä spesifisyyttä. Mustikan lisäksi myös lajit V. praestans, V. smallii ja V. ovalifolium tuottivat positiivisen signaalin dfr-geenille suunnitelluilla alukkeilla ja koettimella. Positiivista ekspressiota tuottaneet lajit sisälsivät oletettavasti samankaltaisen dfr-geenin, jolle mustikalle spesifiset alukkeet ja koetin sitoutuivat. Spesifinen menetelmä kykeni kuitenkin sulkemaan pois muiden kasvisukujen näytteet sekä suurimman osan puolukoiden suvun näytteistä. Menetelmää voidaan hienosäätää kun dfr-geenin sekvenssi saadaan selville positiivisen signaalin antaneista lajeista tai kun muita suuremman muuntelun alueita paljastuu sekvensoinnin tuloksena.
  • Mäkilouko, Miia (2019)
    Antibioottien ylenmääräinen käyttö ja uusien antibioottien puute ovat johtaneet antibiooteille vastustuskykyisten bakteerien aiheuttamien sairauksien yleistymiseen. Lisääntynyt antibioottiresistenssi on maailmanlaajuinen ongelma, joka uhkaa globaalia terveyttä ja ruoan turvallisuutta. Staphylococcus aureus ja Pseudomonas aeruginosa ovat sairaaloissa yleisiä infektioita aiheuttavia mikrobeja. Metisilliiniresistentti S. aureus eli MRSA pystyy aiheuttamaan infektioita lähes missä tahansa kudoksessa. P. aeruginosa on akvaattisissa ympäristöissä yleinen mikrobi, joka on usein luonnollisesti vastustuskykyinen useille antibiooteille. Lisäksi molemmat bakteerit kykenevät biofilmin muodostamiseen, joka heikentää entisestään antibioottien tehoa. Jätevesien puhdistamoilla on yleisesti havaittu esiintyvän S. aureus- ja P. aeruginosa -bakteereita, mutta suurin osa tutkimuksista on keskittynyt tulevan ja käsitellyn jäteveden mikrobimääriiin ja/tai aktiivilietteeseen. Jätevesillä on ehdotettu olevan merkittävä rooli antibioottiresistenssin kehittymisessä ja leviämisesessä. Jätevesien puhdistamot keräävät yhteen kotitalouksien, teollisuuden ja sairaaloiden jätevesiä ja luovat niiden mukana tulleille mikrobeille tilaisuuden sekoittua ja vaihtaa geneettistä materiaalia, kuten antibioottiresistenssigeenejä. Toisaalta ne ovat myös paikkoja, joissa antibioottiresistenssejä bakteereita vastaan voi kehittyä uusia antimikrobiaalisia aineita tuottavia mikrobeja. Pro Gradu tutkielmani on osa TWIN-A konsortion hanketta ”uusia antibiootteja jätteistä”, jonka päämääränä on uusien antimikrobiaalisten aineiden löytäminen jätevesistä ja teollisista komposteista. Pro Gradu tutkielmassani kartoitan S. aureus ja P. aeruginosa bakteerien esiintymistä jätevedenpuhdistamoiden eri prosesseissa reaaliaika-PCR:n perusteella. Tutkimukseni tuloksia voidaan käyttää hankkeen jatkotutkimuksissa sekä jätevedenpuhdistamoiden riskinarvioinnissa. S. aureus -bakteeria kartoitettiin metisilliiniresistenttiä koodaavan mecA-geenin avulla ja S. aureus -bakteerille spesifistä nukleaasia koodaavan nucA-geenien avulla. P. aeruginosa -bakteeria kartoitettiin gyrB- ja ecfX-geenien avulla. Lisäksi näiden geenien kartoituksessa oli apuna koettimet.GyrB- ja ecfX-geeneissä olevilla muutoksilla on havaittu olevan vaikutusta bakteerin virulenssikykyyn. Kartoitettuja geenejä havaittiin esiintyvän yleisesti jätevedenpuhdistamojen prosesseissa, mutta pitoisuudet olivat alle määritysrajan. MecA-geenin esiintymisfrekvenssi oli nucA-geeniä suurempi, joka voi johtua siitä, että mecA-geeniä esiintyy myös muilla stafylokokki-lajeilla, kun nucA-geeni on spesifinen S. aureus-lajille. Myös gyrB-geenin esiintymisfrekvenssi oli korkeampi kuin ecfX-geenin, joka selittynee gyrB-geenin heikommalla lajispesifisyydellä. Kaikkien kartoitettujen geenien esiintyminen oli painottunut välppeeseen, aktiivilietteisiin, raakalietteeseen, palautuslietteeseen ja tiivistämölietteisiin. Välppeen läheinen kontakti ihmisen kanssa ja suuri orgaanisen aineen määrä selittävät korkeita esiintymisfrekvenssejä tässä prosessissa. Mikrobeille otolliset olot ja mikrobien sorptio aktiivilietteeseen selittävät kartoitettujen bakteerien yleisyyden aktiivilietteissä ja sen jälkeisissä prosesseissa mädättämölle asti. Mädättämöllä anaerobinen mädätys johtaa kartoitettujen geenien vähenemiseen. Mädättämöliete käsitellään Suomessa pääosin kompostoimalla, jossa lämpötilan nousu tappaa suurimman osan patogeeneistä. Kartoitettujen geenien poistuminen jätevedenpuhdistusprosesseista aktiivilietteen mukana, selittää myös geenien matalamman esiintymisfrekvenssin käsitellyssä jätevedessä verrattuna tulevaan jäteveteen. Tulosten perusteella kartoitetut bakteerit ja niiden antibioottiresistenssigeenit eivät aiheuta riskiä ympäristölle. Vaikka havaitut pitoisuudet olivat alle määritysrajan on kuitenkin hyvä pitää mielessä, että ympäristötekijöistä riippuen antibioottiresistenssigeenit ja bakteerit voivat kertyä ympäristöön ja sopivissa olosuhteissa lisääntyä ekspotentiaalisesti. Multiresistenssien bakteerien on myös havaittu selviävän paremmin jätevedenpuhdistusprosesseista, jonka vuoksi tilannetta olisi hyvä seurata tulevaisuudessa.
  • Vuorenkoski, Juha (2015)
    Tutkielma perustuu hammaslääketieteen laitoksella tehtyyn menetelmän kehitystutkimukseen. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin kvantitatiivisen polymeraasiketjureaktioon perustuva menetelmä tunnistaa Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitansin kuusi serotyyppiä (a-f). A. actinomycetemcomitans on oletettu patogeeni aggressiivisessa parodontiitissa ja sen roolia on tutkittu myös suuontelon ulkopuolisissa tulehduksissa. Tutkimus koostui seuraavista vaiheista: kullekin serotyypille spesifisen alukeparin suunnittelu, tehokkaan reaktio-olosuhteiden kehittäminen kokeiden kautta, alukkeiden spesifisyyden testaaminen puhdasviljellyillä bakteerikannoilla ja kliinisten näytteiden serotyyppaus suomalaisesta Parogene-aineistosta. Kehitellyllä menetelmällä identifioitiin 44:stä sylkinäytteestä A. actinomycetemcomitansin serotyyppi (näytteitä yhteensä 252).
  • Vuorenkoski, Juha (2015)
    Tutkielma perustuu hammaslääketieteen laitoksella tehtyyn menetelmän kehitystutkimukseen. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin kvantitatiivisen polymeraasiketjureaktioon perustuva menetelmä tunnistaa Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitansin kuusi serotyyppiä (a-f). A. actinomycetemcomitans on oletettu patogeeni aggressiivisessa parodontiitissa ja sen roolia on tutkittu myös suuontelon ulkopuolisissa tulehduksissa. Tutkimus koostui seuraavista vaiheista: kullekin serotyypille spesifisen alukeparin suunnittelu, tehokkaan reaktio-olosuhteiden kehittäminen kokeiden kautta, alukkeiden spesifisyyden testaaminen puhdasviljellyillä bakteerikannoilla ja kliinisten näytteiden serotyyppaus suomalaisesta Parogene-aineistosta. Kehitellyllä menetelmällä identifioitiin 44:stä sylkinäytteestä A. actinomycetemcomitansin serotyyppi (näytteitä yhteensä 252).
  • Xie, Long (2014)
    Glomus intraradices and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens are two commercially used plant growth promoting micro-organisms. They associate with plant roots to facilitate host plants to absorb nutrients, induce resistance against pathogens and pests, and regulate growth through phytohormones. Growth conditions for plants on green roofs are often unfavorable. In order to test whether growth and development of green roof plants could be enhanced via improving the microbial interface, G. intraradices and B. amyloliquefaciens were inoculated on experimental plots on a green roof in the summer of 2012. The experimental plots were marked as R (inoculated with B. amyloliquefaciens from Rhizocell), M (inoculated with G. intraradices from MYC4000), and C (control). The green roof was made of sedum-herb-grass mats. The plants included e.g. stonecrops, bluegrasses, yellow rockets, white clover, mullein, pennycress, and moss. The survival and development of G. intraradices and B. amyloliquefaciens were studied respectively from Poa alpina roots and soils in the summers of 2012 and 2013. G. intraradices was not detected in P alpina roots according to root staining and microscopy. Probable reasons for the lacking of G. intraradices include high phosphorus content in the soils, high soil temperature, and low soil moisture. PCR and qPCR were used to detect Bacillus content in green roof soils. The abundance of B. amyloliquefaciens was related to soil water content and soil temperature. During the last two measurements in 2012, 4 weeks of high moisture content in the soil resulted in large increase of B. amyloliquefaciens content in both M and R groups, but then decreased substantially due to drought and heat in 2013. In 2013, Only R group increased from the third to the last measurement, indicating probable resistance of the B. amyloliquefaciens strain from Rhizocell additive. The synergistic effect of B. amyloliquefaciens and G. intraradices might be responsible for the thousand-fold increase of Bacillus content in M group in 2012.
  • Voutilainen, Miko (2022)
    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is DNA variation of a single nucleotide. SNPs are the most common mutations and millions of single nucleotide differences distinguish humans genetically from each other. Different gene variants of a single nucleotide affect nutritional and pharmacological metabolism and gene test results can therefore guide the diet and medication. SNPs are tested either by sequencing, gene arrays or quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In this thesis the SNPs were tested by using 132 different TaqMan probes and the SmartChip qPCR platform. 20 participants donated two buccal swab samples and one dried blood spot (DBS) card. Buccal swabs were extracted using two different methods. DNA was also sent to a reference laboratory to be analysed by gene arrays and two participants also sent their DNA samples to two direct-to-consumer (DTC) commercial gene test companies. Low concentration buccal swab samples (<3 ng/µl) produced mismatches whereas DBS samples had high genotyping accuracy even at low DNA concentration. For buccal swabs there was a correlation between the DNA concentration and qPCR call rate (p<0.0001) but not for DBS samples (p>0.05). The allele separation of one TaqMan assay was not sufficient between minor homozygote and heterozygote clusters. For other 131 TaqMan assays excluding the low DNA concentration swab samples, the reproducibility rate was 99.97 %. The reproducibility rate with the DTC companies was 98.36 %. The lower reproducibility rate emphasizes the importance of the manual review of the genotyping raw data, which is not possible with huge sequencing or microarray SNP datasets. SNPs are found on various genetic structures which leads to inconsistent genotyping data that is difficult to analyse with a single algorithm. The SmartChip system combined with the TaqMan assays is a highly reproducible SNP genotyping method when the DNA concentration of the samples is high and the results are manually reviewed.
  • Voutilainen, Miko (2022)
    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is DNA variation of a single nucleotide. SNPs are the most common mutations and millions of single nucleotide differences distinguish humans genetically from each other. Different gene variants of a single nucleotide affect nutritional and pharmacological metabolism and gene test results can therefore guide the diet and medication. SNPs are tested either by sequencing, gene arrays or quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In this thesis the SNPs were tested by using 132 different TaqMan probes and the SmartChip qPCR platform. 20 participants donated two buccal swab samples and one dried blood spot (DBS) card. Buccal swabs were extracted using two different methods. DNA was also sent to a reference laboratory to be analysed by gene arrays and two participants also sent their DNA samples to two direct-to-consumer (DTC) commercial gene test companies. Low concentration buccal swab samples (<3 ng/µl) produced mismatches whereas DBS samples had high genotyping accuracy even at low DNA concentration. For buccal swabs there was a correlation between the DNA concentration and qPCR call rate (p<0.0001) but not for DBS samples (p>0.05). The allele separation of one TaqMan assay was not sufficient between minor homozygote and heterozygote clusters. For other 131 TaqMan assays excluding the low DNA concentration swab samples, the reproducibility rate was 99.97 %. The reproducibility rate with the DTC companies was 98.36 %. The lower reproducibility rate emphasizes the importance of the manual review of the genotyping raw data, which is not possible with huge sequencing or microarray SNP datasets. SNPs are found on various genetic structures which leads to inconsistent genotyping data that is difficult to analyse with a single algorithm. The SmartChip system combined with the TaqMan assays is a highly reproducible SNP genotyping method when the DNA concentration of the samples is high and the results are manually reviewed.