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  • Lindstedt, Hanna (2022)
    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a relatively rare hepatic condition that can be classified as predictable and unpredictable. However, DILI is a primary reason for drug withdrawals, post-marketing warnings, and restrictions of use. DILI is a problem for the drug users but also for the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies. From the perspective of patients' and clinicians', DILI is the major cause of acute liver injury. At present, a major problem predicting DILI in drug discovery is a poor understanding of its mechanisms as well as the complexity of DILI pathogenicity. The main mechanism behind DILI are alterations in bile acid homeostasis, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. More than 50 % of drugs causing DILI are causing mitochondrial impairment. If the normal function of mitochondria is disturbed, the energy production of the cell decreases, and cell function decline leading eventually to the cell death. In this study prediction of mitochondrial toxicity was studied using cryopreserved primary hepatocytes of humans and rats. The aim of the study was to clarify if there are interspecies differences in the prediction of toxicity but also investigate possible differences in the mechanisms behind hepatotoxicity by using three well-known compounds toxic to mitochondria. To determine these differences, total cellular ATP was measured after 2- and 24- hour exposure time to gain information on overall viability and possible adaptive responses. Mitochondrial energy pathways were studied as a real-time monitoring acute exposure of test compounds. Morphology, location, and possible adaptive response of mitochondria were studied using a fluorescent probe and antibody staining combined with high content imaging (HCI). Overall, primary rat hepatocytes were more sensitive to the test compounds than human hepatocytes. Also, there were differences between human hepatocyte batches that may reflect the metabolic differences between hepatocyte donors. Immunolabeling did not bring any additional values compared to the fluorescent probe staining in the study of morphology of mitochondria. Additionally, it was noticed that treatment with paraformaldehyde significantly changed the hepatocyte mitochondria morphology. Overall, more effort is needed to develop image analysis of mitochondria morphology. Finally, studying mitochondrial morphology has proven to be difficult, and this study did not unfortunately reveal any information about the adaptive responses of mitochondria for drug-induced liver injury.
  • Lindstedt, Hanna (2022)
    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a relatively rare hepatic condition that can be classified as predictable and unpredictable. However, DILI is a primary reason for drug withdrawals, post-marketing warnings, and restrictions of use. DILI is a problem for the drug users but also for the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies. From the perspective of patients' and clinicians', DILI is the major cause of acute liver injury. At present, a major problem predicting DILI in drug discovery is a poor understanding of its mechanisms as well as the complexity of DILI pathogenicity. The main mechanism behind DILI are alterations in bile acid homeostasis, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. More than 50 % of drugs causing DILI are causing mitochondrial impairment. If the normal function of mitochondria is disturbed, the energy production of the cell decreases, and cell function decline leading eventually to the cell death. In this study prediction of mitochondrial toxicity was studied using cryopreserved primary hepatocytes of humans and rats. The aim of the study was to clarify if there are interspecies differences in the prediction of toxicity but also investigate possible differences in the mechanisms behind hepatotoxicity by using three well-known compounds toxic to mitochondria. To determine these differences, total cellular ATP was measured after 2- and 24- hour exposure time to gain information on overall viability and possible adaptive responses. Mitochondrial energy pathways were studied as a real-time monitoring acute exposure of test compounds. Morphology, location, and possible adaptive response of mitochondria were studied using a fluorescent probe and antibody staining combined with high content imaging (HCI). Overall, primary rat hepatocytes were more sensitive to the test compounds than human hepatocytes. Also, there were differences between human hepatocyte batches that may reflect the metabolic differences between hepatocyte donors. Immunolabeling did not bring any additional values compared to the fluorescent probe staining in the study of morphology of mitochondria. Additionally, it was noticed that treatment with paraformaldehyde significantly changed the hepatocyte mitochondria morphology. Overall, more effort is needed to develop image analysis of mitochondria morphology. Finally, studying mitochondrial morphology has proven to be difficult, and this study did not unfortunately reveal any information about the adaptive responses of mitochondria for drug-induced liver injury.
  • Tuomola, Karoliina (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2012)
    Trichinella-suvun loiset ovat maailmanlaajuisesti levinneitä sukkulamatoja, jotka ovat infektiivisiä useille eläinlajeille ja tarttuvat myös ihmiseen. Loiset aiheuttavat ongelmia muun muassa lihateollisuudessa, haittaavat tuotantoeläinten terveyttä ja ovat elintarviketurvallisuusriski. Eri Trichinella-lajien infektiivisyys eri isäntäeläinlajeissa vaihtelee. Esimerkiksi Trichinella spiralis aiheuttaa rotassa voimakkaamman infektion kuin Trichinella nativa, mutta syytä loislajien erilaiseen infektiviteettiin samassa isäntäeläinlajissa ei tiedetä. Trichinella-loisten elämänkiertoon kuuluu sekä enteraali- eli suolistovaihe että parenteraalivaihe eli suoliston ulkopuolella tapahtuva vaihe. Vielä on epävarmaa, missä vaiheessa elämänkiertoa loislajien selviytyminen rotassa eroaa toisistaan. Tutkielmani kokeellisen osuuden tarkoituksena oli selvittää rotan ulosteita tutkimalla, kiinnittyykö toinen tutkituista Trichinella-lajeista (T. spiralis tai T. nativa) paremmin suolen seinämään ja tuleeko toinen nopeammin ulos suolesta. Mikäli rotan heikosti infektoivat T. nativa -loiset tulevat T. spiralis -loisia nopeammin ulosteen mukana ulos suolistosta, voidaan olettaa suolistovaiheen immuunipuolustuksen olevan ainakin osatekijä rotan kyvyssä puolustautua T. nativa –infektioita vastaan. Työ suoritettiin infektoimalla kuusi rottaa T. spiralis -loisella ja kuusi rottaa T. nativa -loisella. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme kontrollirottaa, joita ei infektoitu. Rottien ulosteet kerättiin seitsemän viikon ajalta, ja näytteet tutkittiin FLOTAC-menetelmällä. Ulosteista etsittiin Trichinella-loisten aikuis- ja toukkamuotoja. Ulostenäytteistä ei löytynyt yhtään loista. Kokeen jälkeen rotat lopetettiin ja niiden suolet tutkittiin, mutta suolistakaan ei löytynyt loisia. Lopetettujen eläinten lihasnäytteitä tutkimalla eläinten todettiin infektoituneen kyseessä olleelle loislajille tyypillisellä voimakkuudella. Kontrollirotista ei löydetty loisia. Koska rottien ulosteista tai suolista ei löytynyt loisia huolimatta onnistuneista infektoinneista, voidaan todeta käytetyn menetelmän olleen kokeeseen sopimaton. Mikäli loisia olisi löytynyt ulosteista, olisi ollut tarpeellista verrata eri lajeilla infektoitujen ryhmien tuloksia. Tieto siitä, tapahtuuko rotan suolistossa jotain, mikä heikentää toisen Trichinella-lajin infektiivisyyttä, olisi ollut merkittävä. Saadut tulokset olisivat olleet hyödyksi pohdittaessa parempia keinoja Trichinella-tartuntojen ennaltaehkäisyyn ja infektioiden hoitoon.