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  • Niskanen, Tiina (2021)
    Previous studies indicate that a background in elite sports is seen as a positive experience in recruitment. However, concurrently many elite athletes feel that finding the first job after a sports career is both challenging and time-consuming. Studies addressing generic skills have shown that skills especially valued in work-life in today`s society are good co-operative skills, goal orientation, persistence, and commitment. Studies made in the field of elite sports show that these skills are found and highlighted precisely among employees who have an elite sports background. The purpose of this study is to examine recruiters’ viewpoints on how they find a job applicant’s experience in elite sports and what type of generic skills they associate with elite athletes. Moreover, the purpose is to clarify how recruiters feel that their own background influences their perspective as recruiters. There were eight recruitment consultants from an international company in the recruitment industry participating in the study. The study used qualitative research method and the data was collected using semi-structured theme interviews and analysed using a theory-based content analysis. The analysis was guided by the data as well as the hypothesis formed based on Mustonen (2016) whereby a sports background of a recruiter is felt to have an influence when recruiting elite athletes. Theoretical background was also conducted by previous research on present-day generic skills and elite athletes’ transition from sports into working life. Recruiters who are former athletes felt that they understand the demands and sacrifices of elite sports and value the skills gained through sports. Recruiters that did not have a sports background comprehended elite sports more often as a hobby or as an experience similar to collective activities, whereas recruiters with sports background saw elite sports as work experience. The recruiters had rather similar views on elite athletes’ generic skills, which highlighted good interpersonal skills, co-operative skills, commitment, and goal orientation, as in the earlier research. The study showed that elite sports experience is seen in varying ways depending on the recruiter, and it articulated the importance of the ability of job applicants with elite sports background to verbalize their generic skills during a recruitment process.
  • Toivonen, Vilma (2023)
    The forestry industry is in transition for several different reasons, which is why employees are also required to acquire new skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the future. The purpose is to find out the qualitative skills needs of forestry workers (forestry engineer, forest energy producer, forest machine fitter, forest machine driver, logger forest service’s producer) and timber truck drivers in the future, as well as how these can be met. The study was commissioned for the Finnish Forestry Center's western service area, which includes the provinces of Central Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta and Southwest Finland. The topic has been extensively researched in Finland in recent years, and these studies are the basis for this report. The research is based on the difficulties experienced in recruitment for both quantitative and qualitative reasons. The turnover of workers in the field is currently high, which in part causes the need to consider whether the change in the field of trained workers could be prevented by, for example, additional or supplementary training. The research was carried out as a survey for employers in the forestry sector in the western service area of the Finnish Forestry Center. From the extensive material obtained based on the survey, the sections dealing with the qualitative characteristics of the employees in the field have been limited to this study. These include the following sections: Challenges in recruitment, new skills for the future, needs for additional and continuing education, skills of recent graduates, and trainees and educational institution cooperation. The results are very similar to previous studies. Although the small and partly unevenly distributed material, the research questions were answered. The most important themes emerged were the personal characteristics of forestry interns and recent graduates, the changes brought about by digitalization, substantive expertise, and business topics, including customer service and sales skills. The knowledge and skills of the interns and recent graduates were perceived as satisfactory or good. The greatest future challenge can be seen as the increasing need for practical training. The learning in the forest and in work placements instills the students' ways of doing things, so if it is added to, the students would be more independent already after graduation. Many of the themes discussed in the study are ones that can be responded to already in basic education. Due to the changing operating environment, additional and continuing training is needed. Implementation of the results of the research has started through the Finnish Forestry Center. The results have been taken regionally to the western service area for training organizers, employers and other stakeholders as needed. Forestry Center has started, among other things, a project based on the results, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the forestry sector among young people with an eye on future jobs.
  • Toivonen, Vilma (2023)
    The forestry industry is in transition for several different reasons, which is why employees are also required to acquire new skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the future. The purpose is to find out the qualitative skills needs of forestry workers (forestry engineer, forest energy producer, forest machine fitter, forest machine driver, logger forest service’s producer) and timber truck drivers in the future, as well as how these can be met. The study was commissioned for the Finnish Forestry Center's western service area, which includes the provinces of Central Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta and Southwest Finland. The topic has been extensively researched in Finland in recent years, and these studies are the basis for this report. The research is based on the difficulties experienced in recruitment for both quantitative and qualitative reasons. The turnover of workers in the field is currently high, which in part causes the need to consider whether the change in the field of trained workers could be prevented by, for example, additional or supplementary training. The research was carried out as a survey for employers in the forestry sector in the western service area of the Finnish Forestry Center. From the extensive material obtained based on the survey, the sections dealing with the qualitative characteristics of the employees in the field have been limited to this study. These include the following sections: Challenges in recruitment, new skills for the future, needs for additional and continuing education, skills of recent graduates, and trainees and educational institution cooperation. The results are very similar to previous studies. Although the small and partly unevenly distributed material, the research questions were answered. The most important themes emerged were the personal characteristics of forestry interns and recent graduates, the changes brought about by digitalization, substantive expertise, and business topics, including customer service and sales skills. The knowledge and skills of the interns and recent graduates were perceived as satisfactory or good. The greatest future challenge can be seen as the increasing need for practical training. The learning in the forest and in work placements instills the students' ways of doing things, so if it is added to, the students would be more independent already after graduation. Many of the themes discussed in the study are ones that can be responded to already in basic education. Due to the changing operating environment, additional and continuing training is needed. Implementation of the results of the research has started through the Finnish Forestry Center. The results have been taken regionally to the western service area for training organizers, employers and other stakeholders as needed. Forestry Center has started, among other things, a project based on the results, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the forestry sector among young people with an eye on future jobs.
  • Juutilainen, Tero (2019)
    Pro gradu – tutkielmani käsittelee kuningas Henrik II:n hallintokautta (1154–1189) Englannissa ja pyrkii vastaamaan kysymyksiin, missä palkkasotilaita käytettiin, miten palkkasotilaita hankittiin ja kuka oli vastuussa niiden hankkimisesta. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on paneuduttu lähinnä kronikoiden tarjoamiin kuvauksiin. Kronikat eivät kuitenkaan ole monessa suhteessa luotettavia, sillä useimmissa tapauksissa sotilaiden määrät saattavat olla hyvin liioiteltuja ja niiden olettamukset palkkasotilaiden alkuperästä puolueellisia tai jopa virheellisiä. Tutkielman lähdeaineistona käytän Englannin kuninkaan tilikirjoja, jotka ovat säilyneet kuningas Henrik II:n ajalta yhtenäisenä sarjana. Tilikirjat luotiin valtionkonttorin vuosittaisissa istunnoissa, joissa tarkastettiin kreivikuntien hallinnosta vastuussa olevien voutien rahankäyttöä. Mikäli voudit ovat olleet tekemisissä palkkasotilaiden rekrytoinnin tai palkanmaksun kanssa, tilikirjoissa pitäisi tästä olla maininta. Michael Mallet määrittelee palkkasotilaan sotilaana, joka saa palkkaa eli hyötyä sotimisesta ja joka on jollain tapaa ulkopuolinen tilanteelle. Henrik II:n ensimmäinen sotaretki Walesiin käynnistyi kesällä 1157, ja suurin osa hänen armeijastaan koostui feodaalivelvoitteisista joukoista. Tilikirjojen perusteella mukana oli pieni osasto palkattuja jousimiehiä. Seuraavalle sotaretkelle Walesiin vuonna 1665 Henrik II valmistautui selvästi pidemmän aikaa. Armeija koostui niin feodaaliritareista kuin palkkasotilaista. Tilikirjoissa ei mainita palkkasotilaita suoraan, mutta heille on teetetty ja lähetetty varusteita. Henrik II:n sotaretki Irlantiin muodostaa oman kokonaisuutensa, sillä se suuntautui meren yli. Kronikoiden perusteella armeijassa oli palkkasotilaita, mutta tilikirjoista ei löydy näistä mainintaa. Sen sijaan paljon erilaisia varusteita ja ruokaa on lähetetty melkein jokaisen kreivikunnan alueelta Irlantiin. Henrik II:n poikien kapinan aikana mantereelta on tullut Englantiin palkkasotilaita, mutta tarkat määrät jäävät pimentoon. Tilikirjojen perusteella palkatut joukot ovat enimmäkseen toimineet linnoissa, jolloin heidän palkkansa on maksanut paikallinen vouti. Muutamissa merkinnöissä mainitaan kuninkaan omiksi ritareiksi tunnistettavia henkilöitä, jotka ovat toimineet palkkasotilasjoukkojen saattajina. Lähdeaineiston perusteella ei kuitenkaan saa varmuutta, että kyseiset henkilöt olisivat olleet varsinaisia rekrytoijia. Henrik II:n nuorimman pojan, Juhanan, matkassa Irlantiin on kulkenut paljon hallintoon erikoistuneita henkilöitä. Lisäksi tilikirjoista löytyy mainintoja flaamilaisista palkkasotilaista, jotka ovat lähteneet Englannista. Useat tilikirjojen merkinnät jättävät tulkinnan varaa siihen, olivatko kaikki palkkioita saaneet sotilaat todellisia palkkasotilaita, vai esimerkiksi vain feodaaliritareita, joille maksettiin ylimääräistä korvausta pitkittyneestä sotilasvelvoitteesta. Ilman lisälähteitä tarkempia määritelmiä on kuitenkin hankala tehdä. Lähdeaineiston osalta pimentoon näyttää jäävän mahdolliset rekrytointiverkostot, joiden kautta palkkasotilaat ovat päätyneet kosketuksiin kuninkaan edustajien kanssa. Näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että vaikka tilikirjojen perusteella voudit ovat maksaneet joillekin palkkasotilailla, suurin osa on mennyt todennäköisesti kuninkaan oman kassan kautta.
  • Kantell, Aada (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella työnhakijoiden hakijakokemusta ja ymmärtää sen muodostumista rekrytointiprosessissa. Tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään, mistä elementeistä hakijakokemus nuorten suomalaisten IT-ammattilaisten näkemysten mukaan muodostuu, ja mitkä tekijät rekrytointiprosessissa vaikuttavat siihen, että hakijakokemus on hyvä tai huono. Tutkielman tavoitteena on näkemyksiä hyvästä ja huonosta hakijakokemuksesta vertailemalla luoda käsitys hyvän hakijakokemuksen edellytyksistä IT-alalla, jotta rekrytointiprosesseja voidaan kehittää entistä hakijalähtöisemmiksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin eläytymismenetelmää. Eläytymismenetelmällä kerättiin sähköisesti 38 vastausta suomalaisilta informaatioteknologia- eli IT-alan nuorilta ammattilaisilta, joilla tässä tarkoitetaan alan opiskelijoita tai alalla työskenteleviä, korkeintaan viisi vuotta sitten valmistuneita. Tutkimuksen vastaajat eläytyivät kuvitteelliseen IT-alan rekrytointiprosessiin ja kuvailivat hyvään tai huonoon hakijakokemukseen johtaneita tapahtumia ja asioita kertomuksen muodossa. Aineisto analysoitiin luokittelemalla ja teemoittelemalla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että hakijakokemuksen voidaan ymmärtää muodostuvan asiakaskokemuksen tapaan seitsemästä elementistä: fyysisistä, teknologisista, viestinnällisistä, prosessi-, työnhakijan ja yrityksen edustajan väliseen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvistä, työnhakijoiden väliseen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvistä sekä työtehtävään ja organisaatioon liittyvistä elementeistä. Nämä elementit voivat vaikuttaa nuorten IT-ammattilaisten kokemukseen työnhausta joko positiivisesti tai negatiivisesti. Ainoastaan työnhakijoiden väliseen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvillä elementeillä ei tässä tunnistettu negatiivista vaikutusta hakijakokemukseen. Hakijakokemuksen muodostumisessa korostuvat viestintään, työnhakijan ja yrityksen edustajan vuorovaikutukseen, prosessiin sekä fyysisiin elementteihin liittyvät tekijät. Kriittisintä hakijakokemuksen onnistumisessa on avoin ja selkeä viestintä sekä prosessinkulusta että työnkuvasta ja yrityksen erottautumistekijöistä, hakijoiden ajan ja osaamisen arvostaminen rekrytointiprosessin aikana sekä rekrytoivan tiimin osallistuminen prosessiin. Lisäksi oleellista on viestintä rekrytoinnin lopputuloksesta myös valitsematta jääneille sekä palautteenanto prosessin läpikäyneille. Tutkielma antaa yleiskuvan hakijakokemuksesta ilmiönä ja tarjoaa merkittävää uutta tietoa sen muodostumisesta IT-alalla nuorten ammattilaisten näkökulmasta. Tutkielma tarjoaa myös käytännön suosituksia IT-alan rekrytoijille hyvän hakijakokemuksen mahdollistamiseksi.
  • Kosonen, Kaisu (2021)
    For decades, the Finnish education sector has suffered from a lack of qualified early child-hood education (ECE) teachers. If qualified applicants are not available, it is possible to deviate from the eligibility requirements and recruit an unqualified applicant. One of the reasons behind the shortage of labour is the stature and appeal of the profession. Although the im-portance of ECE is widely recognized, frequent changes to its requirements and core func-tions have affected the stature and education of the staff. In fields with shortage for qualified labour, the competition between employers naturally intensifies. This increases the importance of employer branding and well-functioning recruitment process, and some employers attract more applicants than others. This Master's thesis examines how employer branding can be seen in recruitment announcements and what expectations the announcements set for the applicant. The thesis also identifies some of the key challenges faced in the recruitment by the day-care managers and different approaches to facing them. For the thesis, 31 recruitment announcements for ECE teacher’s position were analysed. The announcements were collected from the website of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and from the recruitment service for the Helsinki metropolitan area. From the analysed announcements, four recruiting day-care managers were selected for interviews for deeper insight into the process. The announcements showed a lot of variation both in terms of content and length. Some announcements did not include any information about the job or requirements for the applicant. In the interviews, managers' responses highlighted challenges with labour shortages and different approaches to overcome those. A diverse perspective to recruitment as well as the manager's own actions in the process can affect the number of applicants. Careful preparation of the recruitment notice, together with creating a smooth recruitment process from the applicant’s viewpoint are critical in a sector suffering from labour shortage.
  • Kosonen, Kaisu (2021)
    For decades, the Finnish education sector has suffered from a lack of qualified early child-hood education (ECE) teachers. If qualified applicants are not available, it is possible to deviate from the eligibility requirements and recruit an unqualified applicant. One of the reasons behind the shortage of labour is the stature and appeal of the profession. Although the im-portance of ECE is widely recognized, frequent changes to its requirements and core func-tions have affected the stature and education of the staff. In fields with shortage for qualified labour, the competition between employers naturally intensifies. This increases the importance of employer branding and well-functioning recruitment process, and some employers attract more applicants than others. This Master's thesis examines how employer branding can be seen in recruitment announcements and what expectations the announcements set for the applicant. The thesis also identifies some of the key challenges faced in the recruitment by the day-care managers and different approaches to facing them. For the thesis, 31 recruitment announcements for ECE teacher’s position were analysed. The announcements were collected from the website of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and from the recruitment service for the Helsinki metropolitan area. From the analysed announcements, four recruiting day-care managers were selected for interviews for deeper insight into the process. The announcements showed a lot of variation both in terms of content and length. Some announcements did not include any information about the job or requirements for the applicant. In the interviews, managers' responses highlighted challenges with labour shortages and different approaches to overcome those. A diverse perspective to recruitment as well as the manager's own actions in the process can affect the number of applicants. Careful preparation of the recruitment notice, together with creating a smooth recruitment process from the applicant’s viewpoint are critical in a sector suffering from labour shortage.
  • Lenkola, Salla (2024)
    Despite many attempts to promote gender equality, the working life is still gendered. Although much research has been done on gender equality, the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality needs to be further explored in the Finnish context. Previous research on the impact of recruiters on gender equality shows that recruiters' work and assessment of job applicants is influenced by many unconscious assumptions. Recruitment can be seen as a process that maintains inequality with the recruiter acting as a gatekeeper to the working life. The concept of the ideal worker has also been widely studied as a phenomenon where the ideal worker is something that no job seeker can achieve. This thesis examines equality as part of recruiters’ work and the recruiter as the producer of the concept of ideal worker. The research data was collected from interviews with professionals of recruitment conducted during the summer and autumn of 2023. A total of three recruiters from three different outsourced recruitment companies participated in the interviews. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured qualitative interviews. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyze the interview data. The critical discursive approach allows for the examination of potential structures of power emerging from the data. Three different discourses emerged from the interviews with recruiters: the discourse of responsibility, the discourse of gender neutrality and the discourse of the ideal worker. Recruiters' discourses conveyed a mixed picture of who is responsible for promoting gender equality in recruitment. In the interviews, the importance of gender in the recruitment process was downplayed. However, the ideal worker was created through strong contrasts between different genders and job positions. In the light of this thesis, the recruiter is seen as a gatekeeper of gender equality as is also stated in previous research. This thesis creates an image of recruiters as strong actors in gender equality who have the power to influence people's work situation but at the same time do not acknowledge the importance of gender in the recruitment process. Further research is needed on the competence of recruiters' regarding equality and on the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality in recruitment
  • Lenkola, Salla (2024)
    Despite many attempts to promote gender equality, the working life is still gendered. Although much research has been done on gender equality, the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality needs to be further explored in the Finnish context. Previous research on the impact of recruiters on gender equality shows that recruiters' work and assessment of job applicants is influenced by many unconscious assumptions. Recruitment can be seen as a process that maintains inequality with the recruiter acting as a gatekeeper to the working life. The concept of the ideal worker has also been widely studied as a phenomenon where the ideal worker is something that no job seeker can achieve. This thesis examines equality as part of recruiters’ work and the recruiter as the producer of the concept of ideal worker. The research data was collected from interviews with professionals of recruitment conducted during the summer and autumn of 2023. A total of three recruiters from three different outsourced recruitment companies participated in the interviews. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured qualitative interviews. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyze the interview data. The critical discursive approach allows for the examination of potential structures of power emerging from the data. Three different discourses emerged from the interviews with recruiters: the discourse of responsibility, the discourse of gender neutrality and the discourse of the ideal worker. Recruiters' discourses conveyed a mixed picture of who is responsible for promoting gender equality in recruitment. In the interviews, the importance of gender in the recruitment process was downplayed. However, the ideal worker was created through strong contrasts between different genders and job positions. In the light of this thesis, the recruiter is seen as a gatekeeper of gender equality as is also stated in previous research. This thesis creates an image of recruiters as strong actors in gender equality who have the power to influence people's work situation but at the same time do not acknowledge the importance of gender in the recruitment process. Further research is needed on the competence of recruiters' regarding equality and on the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality in recruitment
  • Ikäheimonen, Ada (2018)
    In today's performance-driven society time pressure is strongly present, and it has been increasing in work life during the last decades. One of the key factors affecting the well-being at work for Finns is time pressure and high workload, which has been confirmed by various studies. According to previous studies, time-pressure has negative impact on employee well- being. The purpose of my research was to examine the experiences and views of time pressure and well-being at work in a recruiting company. In addition, the aim was to find out whether the time of recruiting work experience affects the interviewees' responses. I studied a recruitment company qualitatively by interviewing three employees working in the recruitment team. As a theoretical framework, I used the Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) -model to analyze the results of my data. The JD-R -model takes into account job demands and job resources. In this study, time pressure was used as a job demand, and the possibility to affect of work and the independence of work were used as job resources. In my study I found that each of the interviewees experienced time pressure in their work every week. Each interviewees stated that they had tight schedule at work and high workload has negative effect on the quality of work. The workload varied among each interviewees and they had different opinions whether time-pressure was on weekly basis or not. In addition, the study showed that interviewees ability to affect on work description and work hours were seen as job resources. Time pressure is often spoken very negatively. Although each interviewee experienced time pressure at a weekly level and this has been shown to affect well-being at work, this did not appear in my data. The interviewees are really satisfied with their job and the company. Interviewees well-being at work is significantly influenced by the experience of work relevance, good working atmosphere and colleagues.
  • Virtanen, Satu (2017)
    Hyvällä työnantajamielikuvalla on todettu olevan selvä yhteys yritysten kykyyn houkutella parhaita osaajia palvelukseensa, ja siksi sen kehittämiseen on viime vuosina alettu panostaa yhä enemmän. Rekrytointiprosessi on yksi osa työnantajamielikuvan luomista, minkä vuoksi hakijakokemuksen parantaminen on tärkeää. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät yritysten rekrytointiprosessissa vaikuttavat hakijakokemukseen ja miten tätä kokemusta parantamalla voidaan tukea positiivista työnantajamielikuvaa. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin positiivisessa ja negatiivisessa hakijakokemuksessa korostuvia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta ja aineistonkeruu toteutettiin eläytymismenetelmällä, jossa vastaajien tulee kehyskertomuksen avulla eläytyä rekrytointiprosessiin ja kuvata tähän tilanteeseen johtaneet tapahtumat. Aineistoksi kerättiin 36 tarinaa 3. vuoden kone- ja sähkötekniikan opiskelijoilta kahdesta suomalaisesta teknillisestä yliopistosta keväällä 2017. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin teemoittelua. Tutkimuksen tulokseksi saatiin, että hakijakokemukseen vaikuttivat erityisesti rekrytoinnin tuloksesta viestiminen ja sen oikea ajoitus. Lisäksi merkitystä oli työpaikkailmoituksella, hakemisen vaivattomuudella, miellyttävällä haastattelutilanteella sekä ympäristön kannustuksella työpaikan hakemiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan päätellä, että hakijakokemuksessa keskeistä on riittävän tiedon oikea-aikainen tarjoaminen hakijan epävarmuuden vähentämiseksi. Kun tällainen perustaso on saavutettu, hakijan huomio kiinnittyy muihin tekijöihin, joita parantamalla voidaan vahvistaa työnantajamielikuvaa.
  • Lipponen, Emmi Johanna (2018)
    The recruitment processes and the selection procedures related to them are getting more and more time-consuming and include more and more phases than before. These processes are often designed from the organization’s perspective: how could they select the most suitable candidate for a given position? Yet, the applicants also select where they desire to work based on their experiences of organizations. The applicant experiences of the selection procedures influence the image and reputation of the hiring organization. Hence, it is crucial to consider applicant perspectives when designing the selection procedures. This thesis studies the applicant experiences of personnel assessment in consulting company Psycon Corp. In a personnel assessment a professional outside the hiring organization assesses the job applicants by using various types of selection methods. This thesis examines the personnel assessment from the perspective of organizational justice. According to Gilliland (1993) the fairness of a selection system consists of procedural justice, interactional justice and informational justice. The aim of this study is to see how the applicants experience these dimensions of fairness in personnel assessment and how these dimensions predict experiences of the personnel assessment’s process fairness. It is also studied whether the fairness is related to recommendation intention and whether the selection decision has an effect on how fair the applicant regards the assessment to be. The quantitative data (N=316) was collected from the job applicants who had participated Psycon’s personnel assessment. The statistical analyses were ran by using SPSS-software. The main statistical methods used were exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis and one-way analysis of variance. According to the results, the social factors of the study (treatment, openness, two-way communication) and the structural factors (job relatedness, opportunity to perform) predict the process fairness experience. Information about the assessment prior to the assessment did not predict the perceptions of the process. In general, Psycon’s personnel assessment was seen fair by the applicants, although the accepted candidates regarded it fairer than the rejected ones. When the assessment is seen fair, the applicants are more willing to recommend the company's services to others. This thesis supports the idea that the applicant experiences need be taken into account when managing a selection process. Both the interaction and the methods used are important in shaping the applicants' images about the process and the organization. The applicants should be treated with warmth and respect, but they should also be informed about the predictive validity of the methods. The applicants should feel that they can show their skills and abilities diversely and that they have a chance to ask questions. Since the rejected candidates see the assessment unfairer, it is important to explain how the decision was reached. In follow-up studies it is worth examining for example whether the applicant experiences of the personnel assessment can impact how they see the hiring organization.
  • Lipponen, Emmi Johanna (2018)
    The recruitment processes and the selection procedures related to them are getting more and more time-consuming and include more and more phases than before. These processes are often designed from the organization’s perspective: how could they select the most suitable candidate for a given position? Yet, the applicants also select where they desire to work based on their experiences of organizations. The applicant experiences of the selection procedures influence the image and reputation of the hiring organization. Hence, it is crucial to consider applicant perspectives when designing the selection procedures. This thesis studies the applicant experiences of personnel assessment in consulting company Psycon Corp. In a personnel assessment a professional outside the hiring organization assesses the job applicants by using various types of selection methods. This thesis examines the personnel assessment from the perspective of organizational justice. According to Gilliland (1993) the fairness of a selection system consists of procedural justice, interactional justice and informational justice. The aim of this study is to see how the applicants experience these dimensions of fairness in personnel assessment and how these dimensions predict experiences of the personnel assessment’s process fairness. It is also studied whether the fairness is related to recommendation intention and whether the selection decision has an effect on how fair the applicant regards the assessment to be. The quantitative data (N=316) was collected from the job applicants who had participated Psycon’s personnel assessment. The statistical analyses were ran by using SPSS-software. The main statistical methods used were exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis and one-way analysis of variance. According to the results, the social factors of the study (treatment, openness, two-way communication) and the structural factors (job relatedness, opportunity to perform) predict the process fairness experience. Information about the assessment prior to the assessment did not predict the perceptions of the process. In general, Psycon’s personnel assessment was seen fair by the applicants, although the accepted candidates regarded it fairer than the rejected ones. When the assessment is seen fair, the applicants are more willing to recommend the company's services to others. This thesis supports the idea that the applicant experiences need be taken into account when managing a selection process. Both the interaction and the methods used are important in shaping the applicants' images about the process and the organization. The applicants should be treated with warmth and respect, but they should also be informed about the predictive validity of the methods. The applicants should feel that they can show their skills and abilities diversely and that they have a chance to ask questions. Since the rejected candidates see the assessment unfairer, it is important to explain how the decision was reached. In follow-up studies it is worth examining for example whether the applicant experiences of the personnel assessment can impact how they see the hiring organization.
  • Kontinen, Hanna (2015)
    The changes in working life have set new kind of challenges for applicant attraction and recruiting. Therefore, organizations have started to invest more and more on the assessment and development of their attractiveness. The employment image can be considered as a key factor of this process. Previous studies have shown that the measures made especially in the early stages of the recruitment process have significant impact on employment image, corporate image, organizational attractiveness and the applicants' intentions to apply for the positions. The aim of this study was to assess the external employer branding of the target company, Finrail Oy, in regarding the recruitment process. In addition, the applicants' experiences of the recruitment process and the recruitment image were studied. Previous studies have indicated that this recruitment image has impact on both corporate and employment image. The need for a closer assessment of the external employer branding was recognized because of the unfamiliarity of the newly established organization. The qualitative research was implemented as part of the firm's annual recruitment process in February 2015 and the data were collected by using questionnaire. The participants (n=627) were the candidates taking part in recruitment process in 2015. The questionnaire included open questions and eventually 174 candidates answered the question. The results were analyzed by using the coding analyzing method. The results showed that the awareness of the company had grown since the year of establishment. However, the interests of the candidates had divided to other industry segments as well. All in all, both the employment and company images can be seen very consistent. The both images were quite similar and they were based on images as modernity, trust, certainty and stability. The results also showed that candidates had received enough information during the recruitment process. Based on the results and theoretical background some conclusions and recommendations can be presented, concerning familiarity, distinctiveness and employer brand communication. Also, the importance of recruitment image should be considered as an important factor in the recruitment.