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Browsing by Subject "ryhmänhallinta"

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  • Roitto, Aleksi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien menetelmiä ja haasteita lapsiryhmän ryhmänhallinnassa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: mitkä menetelmät ovat osoittautuneet toimiviksi varhaiskasvatuksen ryhmänhallinnassa ja mitkä tekijät vaikeuttavat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ryhmänhallintaa? Aiemmin varhaiskasvatuksen ryhmänhallintaa on sivuttu lähinnä tutkimuksissa, joissa on tutkittu oppimisen haasteita. Koulumaailmassa tutkimusta on tehty enemmän, mutta koululuokat ovat hyvin erilaisia kasvun ja oppimisen paikkoja verrattuna varhaiskasvatusympäristöön. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja analyysimenetelmänä toimii aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Vastaukset on kerätty verkkolomakkeella varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten Facebook-ryhmistä huhtikuussa 2021. Yhteensä vastaajia oli 232, joista tutkimukseen rajattiin mukaan kaikki varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja – nimikkeellä työskentelevät henkilöt. Rajauksen jälkeen vastaajia oli 135. Lomakkeessa oli 13 kysymystä, joista lopullisessa tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta avointa kysymystä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokevat ryhmänhallinnan olennaiseksi osaksi varhaiskasvatusta. Opettajat painottivat pienryhmien, ennakoinnin ja yhteisten sääntöjen tärkeyttä. Positiivinen palaute, vuorovaikutus ja lapsiryhmän tuntemus olivat myös vastaajien mukaan olennaisia. Opettajilla oli käytössään erilaisia ryhmänhallintaa helpottavia työkaluja, joiden avulla he saivat lapsiryhmän kiinnittymään toimintaan. Suuret lapsiryhmät ja henkilökunnan vähyys, sekä poissaolot vaikeuttivat ryhmänhallintaa. Lisäksi eriävät kasvatusnäkemykset kollegoiden kanssa sekä tukea tarvitsevat lapset olivat opettajien mukaan tekijöitä, jotka aiheuttivat haasteita.
  • Väätäinen, Ella (2022)
    Both touch and classroom management in school are topics that have been discussed in public debate in recent years. This thesis participates these discussions by examining teacher’s touch when disruptive behavior occurs in the classroom. The study focused on hand-on-shoulder touches where a teacher uses the touch to request pedagogically relevant behavior from a pupil. The aim of the study was to examine how the teacher’s hand-on-shoulder touch sequences were constructed and how the teacher used these touches in classroom management. By examining these topics, the aim was to gain a better understanding of the phenomena of touch and classroom management in school. The study examined video recordings from lessons in the preparatory class of a primary school. The video recordings were from the larger longitudinal material of the Long Second -project. The data for this study consisted of a total of five lessons and was analyzed multimodally through conversational analysis. The study was conducted as a part of Touch in school -project. The study showed that the data’s hand-on-shoulder touch sequences are prototypically constructed from three steps: 1. the pupil behaves disruptively 2. the teacher responds to the disruptive behavior with a hand-on-shoulder touch, and 3. the pupil responds to the teacher's request for pedagogically relevant behavior by orientating oneself towards a given task. This disposition is called the basic sequence in the study. Examining the multidimensional examples in the data, the basic sequence was supplemented so that in step 2, the teacher could also attach a verbal request to the hand-on-shoulder request, and in step 3, the pupil did not always respond to the request, prolonging the disruption sequence. From a teacher’s perspective, the hand-on-shoulder touch proved to be a common, and particularly effective, practice during the verbal teaching sequences, as it allowed deactivation of the disruption without interrupting the speech. Instead, touch between the two verbal teaching sequences and touch interrupting the speech were less common in the data. Overall, the hand-on-shoulder touch worked well as a request for pedagogically relevant behavior, as the teacher was able to use it to restore pedagogically relevant focus in most of the examples.
  • Väätäinen, Ella (2022)
    Both touch and classroom management in school are topics that have been discussed in public debate in recent years. This thesis participates these discussions by examining teacher’s touch when disruptive behavior occurs in the classroom. The study focused on hand-on-shoulder touches where a teacher uses the touch to request pedagogically relevant behavior from a pupil. The aim of the study was to examine how the teacher’s hand-on-shoulder touch sequences were constructed and how the teacher used these touches in classroom management. By examining these topics, the aim was to gain a better understanding of the phenomena of touch and classroom management in school. The study examined video recordings from lessons in the preparatory class of a primary school. The video recordings were from the larger longitudinal material of the Long Second -project. The data for this study consisted of a total of five lessons and was analyzed multimodally through conversational analysis. The study was conducted as a part of Touch in school -project. The study showed that the data’s hand-on-shoulder touch sequences are prototypically constructed from three steps: 1. the pupil behaves disruptively 2. the teacher responds to the disruptive behavior with a hand-on-shoulder touch, and 3. the pupil responds to the teacher's request for pedagogically relevant behavior by orientating oneself towards a given task. This disposition is called the basic sequence in the study. Examining the multidimensional examples in the data, the basic sequence was supplemented so that in step 2, the teacher could also attach a verbal request to the hand-on-shoulder request, and in step 3, the pupil did not always respond to the request, prolonging the disruption sequence. From a teacher’s perspective, the hand-on-shoulder touch proved to be a common, and particularly effective, practice during the verbal teaching sequences, as it allowed deactivation of the disruption without interrupting the speech. Instead, touch between the two verbal teaching sequences and touch interrupting the speech were less common in the data. Overall, the hand-on-shoulder touch worked well as a request for pedagogically relevant behavior, as the teacher was able to use it to restore pedagogically relevant focus in most of the examples.