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  • Leppänen, Meri (2020)
    The goal of this study is to analyze the characteristics of leadership in collaborative design learning and interactions emerging from the leadership actions, and the meaning of leadership for the team performance. The Co4Lab project organized by Helsinki University aims to develop multi-material and craft-based collaborative design teaching with schools and teachers. This thesis is a part of the project. The focus of the study is the multidisciplinary co-design study based on the model of co-invention (Riikonen, Sormunen, Kangas, Seitamaa-Hakkarainen ja Hakkarainen, 2018). In design learning, students solve authentic complex open-ended problems, which differ remarkably from the problems in natural sciences and mathematics. Collaborative learning and leadership in children has not been study in these kinds of complex problem-based learning challenges. The research data is recorded on video in a natural classroom setting, and covers two teaching sessions of three groups of 11-year-olds. Total length of the material is approximately 6 hours. The data was analyzed in a theory-based manner with a three-level videoanalysis model introduced by Ash (2007). 226 interaction episodes, which were started by a leadership move defined by Sun, Anderson, Perry and Lin (2017). The research analyzed the initiators, meaning and the success of leadership moves, as well as the length and quality of interaction. Based on the results, the development of joint leadership in groups was preceded by a shared idea. The ideation of groups was supported by leadership moves, which included problem-solving suggestions and the rationale for these. This was the case especially when the leadership moves were followed by forward development of initial ideas. Shared leadership of the group was associated with versatile ideation and improved interaction. Based on the results, in design learning it is important for the teachers to facilitate the constructive and mindful interaction between students.
  • Leppänen, Meri (2020)
    The goal of this study is to analyze the characteristics of leadership in collaborative design learning and interactions emerging from the leadership actions, and the meaning of leadership for the team performance. The Co4Lab project organized by Helsinki University aims to develop multi-material and craft-based collaborative design teaching with schools and teachers. This thesis is a part of the project. The focus of the study is the multidisciplinary co-design study based on the model of co-invention (Riikonen, Sormunen, Kangas, Seitamaa-Hakkarainen ja Hakkarainen, 2018). In design learning, students solve authentic complex open-ended problems, which differ remarkably from the problems in natural sciences and mathematics. Collaborative learning and leadership in children has not been study in these kinds of complex problem-based learning challenges. The research data is recorded on video in a natural classroom setting, and covers two teaching sessions of three groups of 11-year-olds. Total length of the material is approximately 6 hours. The data was analyzed in a theory-based manner with a three-level videoanalysis model introduced by Ash (2007). 226 interaction episodes, which were started by a leadership move defined by Sun, Anderson, Perry and Lin (2017). The research analyzed the initiators, meaning and the success of leadership moves, as well as the length and quality of interaction. Based on the results, the development of joint leadership in groups was preceded by a shared idea. The ideation of groups was supported by leadership moves, which included problem-solving suggestions and the rationale for these. This was the case especially when the leadership moves were followed by forward development of initial ideas. Shared leadership of the group was associated with versatile ideation and improved interaction. Based on the results, in design learning it is important for the teachers to facilitate the constructive and mindful interaction between students.
  • Kohonen, Laura (2013)
    Sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemisen on todettu olevan haasteellista tietokonevälitteisessä vuorovaikutuksessa varsinkin silloin, kun näköyhteys keskustelukumppaniin puuttuu. Sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemus on yhteydessä muun muassa sanattomien vihjeiden välittämiseen, mikä ei aina luonnistu tietokonevälitteisesti kasvotusten tapahtuvaa viestintää vastaavalla tavalla. Tässä Pro gradu – tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemista virtuaalisessa ryhmätyöskentelyssä. Tutkimustavoitteena on selvittää, voiko biopalaute, eli visuaalinen informaatio fysiologisesta tilasta vahvistaa sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemusta tietokonevälitteisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Kehon aktivaatio voi kertoa esimerkiksi tarkkaavaisuudesta ja emootioista, joiden voidaan nähdä yhdistyvän myös sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemukseen. Myös sanattomien vihjeiden välittämiseen virtuaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa suositellaan uusien, kasvotusten tapahtuvasta viestinnästä riippumattomien tapojen kehittämistä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaankin, voisiko biopalaute toimia uutena keinona välittää sanattomia vihjeitä. Sosiaalisen läsnäolon välittymistä tarkasteltiin kokeellisen asetelman kautta. Koeympäristönä toimi Second Life – virtuaalimaailma, jossa koeryhmän jäsenet olivat vuorovaikutuksessa. Ryhmän jäseniltä mitattiin kokeen aikana sydämen sykettä ja ihon sähkönjohtavuutta. Osallistujilta mitattu ja visuaaliseksi informaatioksi muunnettu fysiologinen aktivaatio toimi biopalautteena, jota he pystyivät seuraamaan vuorovaikutuksen aikana tietokoneruudulle sijoitetusta paneelista. Ensimmäisenä hypoteesina oli, että kun biopalautetta, eli visuaalista informaatiota ryhmän jäsenten fysiologisesta tilasta on saatavilla, sosiaalinen läsnäolo koetaan voimakkaampana verrattuna tilanteeseen, jossa biopalautetta ei ole saatavilla. Toisena hypoteesina oli, että ryhmien suorittamien luovien tehtävätyyppien aikana koetaan voimakkaampaa sosiaalista läsnäoloa kuin rutiinitehtävien aikana. Hypoteesien lisäksi mielenkiinnon kohteina olivat myös sukupuolen ja ryhmän sukupuolijakauman vaikutukset sosiaalisen läsnäoloon sekä biopalautteen ja tehtävätyypin yhteys tutkittavien sydämen sykkeeseen kokeen aikana. Oletus biopalautteen yhteydestä sosiaaliseen läsnäoloon ei saanut vahvistusta. Sen sijaan oletus luovien tehtävien aikana koetusta voimakkaammasta sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemuksesta rutiinitehtäviin verrattuna sai vahvistusta. Sukupuolen ja sukupuolijakauman vaikutukset sosiaaliseen läsnäoloon eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä, mutta ryhmän sukupuolijakauman ja tehtävätyypin interaktio oli. Myös tehtävätyypin yhteys sydämen sykkeeseen oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Luovissa tehtävissä tutkittavien syke oli korkeampi rutiinitehtäviin verrattuna. Vaikka biopalautteen ja korkean sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemuksen yhteyttä ei tämän tutkimusasetelman puitteissa pystyttykään havaitsemaan, voidaan koehenkilöiden antaman palautteen sekä aikaisemman tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta todeta, että biopalaute voi tuoda mielenkiintoisen lisän virtuaaliseen sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Jatkotutkimuksen tarve on kuitenkin vielä suuri. Myös se, millaisia tehtäviä ryhmä tekee, tai millaista vuorovaikutus ryhmässä on, osaltaan vaikuttaa sosiaalisen läsnäolon kokemukseen. Sosiaalinen läsnäolo on monitahoinen käsite, joka täytyy tutkimusta tehtäessä määritellä huolellisesti. Kokonaiskuva kyseisestä ilmiöstä saavutetaan vain yhdistämällä ja vertailemalla useita alan tutkimuksia.
  • Lindholm, Tarja (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this Bachelor´s Thesis was to define group skills in school context and find efficient ways to teach group skills to pupils. As the national curriculum in Finland (POPS 2014) emphasizes co-operation and communication skills, these questions are important and relevant. In this thesis, I try to clarify the process of learning and teaching group skills in school as well as the factors effecting it. Methods. The research method was a literature review. The material was gathered by reading educational and psychological literature and research. Essential research objects were co-operative learning theory and group dynamics. The results found in these materials were compared to POPS 2014, the national curriculum of Finland. Results and conclusions. Group skills are a part of social competence, which is based on socio-cognitive, social and emotional skills and temperament. There are four levels of co-operative group skills, which are forming, functioning, formulating and fermenting. According to the material used in this thesis, the following features and actions were typically related to group skills: listening, asking, taking turns, justification, sharing ideas, forming common views, managing conflicts and working for common goals. Group skills are not learned only by working in a group. Group skills should be systematically taught to pupils. Several studies indicate that group skills can be improved by following the basic elements of co-operative learning. Teaching co-operative group skills has also shown to have a positive influence on the relationships and atmosphere in the classroom as well as on the learning results.
  • Lehtinen, Suvi (2017)
    The aim of the study was to find out what kinds of perceptions students of Education have concerning co-operative learning. In addition, the subject of the review were differences in students' perceptions and opinions about learning in a group, own activity in a group, a good learning group and the challenges that arise in the group learning. In the background of co-operative learning are learning theories created by Piaget and Vygotsky, whose main idea is the importance of so-cial interaction in human learning. Vygotsky's theory of zone of proximal development emphasize learning occurs in conjunction with the skilled individuals so the learners can perform challenging tasks than independently. Current understanding of co-operative learning empha-sizes interaction, activity, positive social dependency and shared responsibility of the work. A common way to implement co-operative learning is the use of group work. Also, the university has begun to emphasize the importance of co-operative skills, for example, from the perspective of the needs of working life. The teaching has begun to develop new methods applying co-operative learning. The research data was collected by a questionnaire which was directed the students of Education. The questionnaire contained 20 attitude statements and two open questions. The survey was answered by 51 students. The results were analysed using quantitative methods. The analysis included the review of the frequencies, percentages and standard deviations, and the examination determining connections and differences between the variables. Open questions were analysed qualitatively, so the grouping the answers according to research problems was under examination. Data related to open questions were used to deepen results of standardized questions. The results showed that the students reacted to co-operative learning mainly in a positive way. Studying in a group was considered as an effective way to study and interaction with others was considered important for learning. Results also reveal challenges and critical thoughts concerning group work. On some statements background variables appeared to have statistically significant associations. The conclusion of the results is that the students of Education are aware of the positive effects of group work in learning. However, it seems that because a time pressure and stress caused by group work at least some students favour independent learning methods.