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Browsing by Subject "sedimentti"

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  • Huttunen, Suvi (2015)
    Työssä tarkasteltiin sedimentin alumiini- ja rautaoksidien osallistumista fosforin sitomiseen kolmella eri alueella pohjoisella Itämerellä ja sitä kuinka sedimentin metallioksideihin sitoutuneet fosforifraktiot voidaan erotella peräkkäisten uuttojen avulla. Tutkitut näytteet oli otettu estuaarityyppisistä sedimenteistä Ahvenkoskenlahdelta, Perämereltä ja Saaristomereltä. Näytteitä uutettiin peräkkäin ammoniumfluoridilla, natriumditioniitilla ja natriumhydroksidilla. Käytetyt uuttoliuokset valittiin kirjallisuuden ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella. Uutteista mitattiin fosforin, raudan, alumiinin ja mangaanin pitoisuudet ICP-OES-laitteistolla. Työn ensimmäisessä vaiheessa uuttoliuoksia lisättiin eri järjestyksissä ja tulosten perusteella uuttojärjestykseksi valittiin: 1) natriumditioniitti, 2) ammoniumfluoridi ja 3) natriumhydroksidi, koska näin pystyttiin parhaiten erottamaan alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitoma fosfori toisistaan. Työn toisessa vaiheessa uutettiin kolmen eri alueen estuaarisedimenttejä valitulla uuttojärjestyksellä. Kirjallisuudessa on usein esitetty, että alumiinioksidit eivät olisi merkittävässä roolissa merisedimenttien fosforin sitomisessa vaan että alumiinioksidien sitomaksi määritetty fosfori voisi olla rautaoksidien sitomaa, mutta menetelmän epäspesifisyyden vuoksi tutkittu alumiinioksidien sitomaksi. Työn toisen vaiheen tulokset osoittivat, että alumiinioksidit osallistuvat fosforin sitomiseen estuaareissa. Estuaareihin hautautuneista sedimenttinäytteistä erottui alumiinioksidille spesifisellä uutolla oma fosforijakeensa, joka ei tulosten mukaan voinut olla peräisin rautaoksidien sitomasta jakeesta. Ahvenkoskenlahden näytteessä oli Saaristomeren ja Perämeren näytteisiin verrattuna suhteessa eniten alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitomaa fosforia. Alumiinioksideilla havaittiin olevan enemmän merkitystä fosforin sitomisessa lähempänä rannikkoa, kun taas rautaoksideilla on enemmän merkitystä kauempana rannikosta.
  • Huttunen, Suvi (2015)
    Työssä tarkasteltiin sedimentin alumiini- ja rautaoksidien osallistumista fosforin sitomiseen kolmella eri alueella pohjoisella Itämerellä ja sitä kuinka sedimentin metallioksideihin sitoutuneet fosforifraktiot voidaan erotella peräkkäisten uuttojen avulla. Tutkitut näytteet oli otettu estuaarityyppisistä sedimenteistä Ahvenkoskenlahdelta, Perämereltä ja Saaristomereltä. Näytteitä uutettiin peräkkäin ammoniumfluoridilla, natriumditioniitilla ja natriumhydroksidilla. Käytetyt uuttoliuokset valittiin kirjallisuuden ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella. Uutteista mitattiin fosforin, raudan, alumiinin ja mangaanin pitoisuudet ICP-OES-laitteistolla. Työn ensimmäisessä vaiheessa uuttoliuoksia lisättiin eri järjestyksissä ja tulosten perusteella uuttojärjestykseksi valittiin: 1) natriumditioniitti, 2) ammoniumfluoridi ja 3) natriumhydroksidi, koska näin pystyttiin parhaiten erottamaan alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitoma fosfori toisistaan. Työn toisessa vaiheessa uutettiin kolmen eri alueen estuaarisedimenttejä valitulla uuttojärjestyksellä. Kirjallisuudessa on usein esitetty, että alumiinioksidit eivät olisi merkittävässä roolissa merisedimenttien fosforin sitomisessa vaan että alumiinioksidien sitomaksi määritetty fosfori voisi olla rautaoksidien sitomaa, mutta menetelmän epäspesifisyyden vuoksi tutkittu alumiinioksidien sitomaksi. Työn toisen vaiheen tulokset osoittivat, että alumiinioksidit osallistuvat fosforin sitomiseen estuaareissa. Estuaareihin hautautuneista sedimenttinäytteistä erottui alumiinioksidille spesifisellä uutolla oma fosforijakeensa, joka ei tulosten mukaan voinut olla peräisin rautaoksidien sitomasta jakeesta. Ahvenkoskenlahden näytteessä oli Saaristomeren ja Perämeren näytteisiin verrattuna suhteessa eniten alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitomaa fosforia. Alumiinioksideilla havaittiin olevan enemmän merkitystä fosforin sitomisessa lähempänä rannikkoa, kun taas rautaoksideilla on enemmän merkitystä kauempana rannikosta.
  • Tirroniemi, Jyri (2019)
    Microplastics are small 1–5000 μm plastic particles, which can be found all around the world. In this Master thesis I explored how microplastics are spatially distributed in bottom sediments in the northern Baltic Sea. As part of this work effects of methods on microplastics extraction from sediment were evaluated. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires European member states to monitor the state of the marine waters, which includes also micro sized litter in subtidal sediments. As for now there is no ready-made methods. In this Master thesis work I tested if Gemax- multi corer and Petite Ponar-grab had significant effect on number of microplastics in the sample and if filter’s mesh size affects results significantly. As part of this work I developed a protocol for extracting microplastics from sediment without harming them and a way to count and measure particles from samples by using semi-automated software. Microplastics were extracted from the sediment with density separation using sediment-microplastic separation unit. Extracted microplastic samples were purified from organic matter by using hydrogen peroxide, enzymes and second density separation. After extraction and purification, sample filters were fluorescent stained with Nile red dye and photographed with camera attached to stereomicroscope under fluorescent light. Pictures were processed and fluorescent particles analyzed with ImageJ- software. Results were corrected with control samples and with results from Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy, which was used to verify synthetic part of the fluorescent particles. First part of samples was sediment from seven subtidal locations along the Finnish coast from Kotka to Vaasa, which were collected during summer 2017. Second part of sediment samples were collected in 2018 from semi enclosed Pojo bay from Southwest Uusimaa. Laboratory work was conducted in Finnish Environment Institute’s (SYKE) Marine Research Laboratory in Viikki. There was no significant difference in microplastic concentration between sediment core or grab samplers, but filter’s mesh size had significant effect on the results. There were significant differences in microplastic concentrations between sampling stations on the coastline and in Pojo bay. Greatest concentrations, 22 microplastics per gram of dry sediment, was found from Porvoo, which differed significantly from Kotka and Vaasa. In this thesis I explore possible reasons for the differences between areas. Smallest and second smallest size fractions differed significantly from three largest size classes. Two smallest size classes (25-100 μm) made up 80 % of all the particles found. This finding is in line with other studies that studied microplastic concentrations in different size classes. In the thesis, I discuss how disproportionally into size classes divided microplastics affects results and monitoring. Suggestions are presented for improving microplastic extraction protocol and monitoring. This study is one of the very first microplastic studies from subtidal sediments of the northern Baltic Sea where quantities and spatial distribution of microplastics are evaluated. These results can be used in future for establishing national microplastic extraction protocol and monitoring program.
  • Mustonen, Anna-Riina (2020)
    In this Master’s thesis, I investigated the number of microplastics (< 5 mm) in three different groups of benthic invertebrates found in the Baltic Sea: the clam Limecola balthica, the polychaete Marenzelleria spp. and the bloodworm Chironomus spp. larvae. I also investigated the number of microplastics in the soft sediments that are the natural habitats of these animals. I collected the samples along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, between Hanko, Helsinki, and Kotka. To extract the microplastics from the samples I used density separation, hydrogen peroxide and enzymes. I analyzed the samples by focal plane array µFTIR and the spectra were automatically compared to a reference library by MPHunter software. According to this study, the benthic invertebrates are exposed to high quantities of microplastics in their natural habitat, and the animals end up ingesting microplastics. The number of microplastics in the sediment samples were high (between 0–10 145 kg-1 and 1 847–93 973 kg-1 DW sediment), and 90% of them were <300 µm sized particles that the animals used in this study normally ingest, and 54 % were <100 µm sized particles that the animals prefer the most. On average, all the animals had ingested the smaller microplastics that were available in sediments. Despite the high concentration of microplastics in the sediments, the animals had ingested only low numbers of microplastics per individual on average (L. balthica 0,11 ± 0,05 pcs., Marenzelleria spp. 0,46 ± 0,63 pcs., and Chironomus spp. 0,27 ± 0,19 pcs.). No relationship was found between the three different animal groups and the presence of ingested plastic particles, so the animal groups seem to be equally exposed to microplastics. No relationship was either found between the animal groups and the sizes of ingested microplastics. The plastic materials found in the animals and sediments (PA, PP, PE, PET, PMMA and PVC) are commonly used plastic materials. Most of these materials are used in disposable packaging and fishing gear that are the most common sources of microplastics found in marine environments. Although the number of ingested microplastics in benthic invertebrates in the Gulf of Finland seems to be low, the exposure to the microplastics can still be high during their lifetime. The results of this study depict the presence of microplastics in animals during a certain time. The low number of ingested microplastics may present the fact that microplastics do not accumulate in the animals, but rather pass through the digestive system in a short time (2–4 h). The ingested microplastics pose a risk to benthic invertebrates causing them physical and chemical harm. Oxidizing and bioturbating the sediments and as nutrition to other animals the benthic invertebrates have an important role in the Baltic Sea ecosystem, and therefore the consequences of the microplastic in benthic invertebrate community might be far-reaching. It is important to investigate the long term impact of microplastics on benthic invertebrates in order to estimate the real consequences to the marine ecosystems.
  • Salmi, Rebekka (2023)
    Global warming and anthropogenic activity will change the environmental conditions in the northern regions. For example, precipitation and river flow are expected to increase, the amount of organic matter ending up in the sea from land will increase, and its quality will change. The impact of changes in organic matter on northern coastal ecosystems and the carbon cycle is poorly known and these impacts need to be studied. In this study, the amount, quality and variations of organic matter accumulated in the surface sediments of the Bothnian Bay coastal areas in the northern part of the Baltic Sea and in the Liminka Bay over the past 100 years are studied by analyzing the concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen (TOC and TN), C/N ratio, and the stable isotope ratios δ13C and δ15N, thus assessing environmental change in the coastal area of the Bothnian Sea. The accumulation of organic matter along the coast of Bothnian Bay is affected by both the proximity of the rivers and the land cover and land use of the river basin. More organic matter accumulates on the coasts (average 3.5 wt%) than further into the open sea (average 1.9 wt%). Contrary to presuppositions, there is no clear variation in the quality of organic matter between the coast and the open sea, but the observed change is north-south: in the northern areas, organic matter is more terrestrial and autochthonous, and in the southern areas it is more aquatic and allochthonous. The northern regions are characterized by large rivers with large amounts of forests and peatlands in the catchment areas. Further south, the rivers are smaller and carry less organic matter in quantity. Further north in the coastal ecosystem, the amount of primary production is lower and nitrogen does not limit primary production, as opposed to more southern areas. Primary production of ice may also have affected the organic matter deposited in the Bothnian Sea sediments. The amount of organic matter deposited in Liminka Bay has been on the rise over the past century, probably due to global warming, increased river flow and the impact of human activity. Based on the C/N ratio, the material has been more terrestrial in the 1930s to 1970s, after which the material has become more aquatic. In addition, aquatic primary production has increased in the Liminka Bay and nitrogen has begun to restrict primary production more. The study shows that climate and environmental change and human activities affect the amount and quality of organic matter in northern coastal areas, but further research is needed to determine more accurate ecosystem impacts.
  • Syrjänen, Aino (2023)
    Human-induced nutrient enrichment has led to eutrophication, which is globally a severe environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication has a variety of deteriorating effects on marine ecosystems in the form of e.g., cyanobacterial blooms, bottom water hypoxia and anoxia, as well as increased fish and benthos mortality. The Baltic Sea is especially prone to eutrophication due to the combined effects of restricted water exchange and extensive nutrient loads. Nutrient enrichment reinforces primary production which further enhances organic matter remineralisation in the sediment – water interface, leading to oxygen depletion in the bottom waters. Decreased oxygen concentrations on the seafloor can lead to the release of phosphorus bound to reducible iron oxides. The so-called ‘vicious circle’ of internal loading is formed through the further enhanced nutrient release from the sediments into the water column due to the reduced bottom water conditions resulting from increased supply of organic matter into the system. However, the processes controlling phosphorus transport from land to sea through the ‘coastal filter’ remain poorly understood. In this study, sediments from Paimionlahti estuary were examined for phosphorus content and bulk elemental composition. Sedimentary phosphorus contents were determined through chemical extractions. The extracted fractions of phosphorus (P) include Fe oxide bound P (Fe-P), authigenic apatite P (Ca-P I), detrital apatite P (Ca-P II), and organic P (org-P). The fraction of Fe-P dominated in the upper sediment layers in most sites, whereas more unreactive fractions associated with P burial remained constant through sediment depth. The generally unreactive forms of P illustrated increasing trends towards open sea areas, partly explained by changes in the overall sediment composition as well as by potential differences in environmental conditions among sampling sites. The highest amounts of Fe-P were recorded in sites with the highest sediment accumulation. The results demonstrate that P from rivers is transformed and processed in the coastal zone, delaying its transport to the open sea.
  • Syrjänen, Aino (2023)
    Human-induced nutrient enrichment has led to eutrophication, which is globally a severe environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication has a variety of deteriorating effects on marine ecosystems in the form of e.g., cyanobacterial blooms, bottom water hypoxia and anoxia, as well as increased fish and benthos mortality. The Baltic Sea is especially prone to eutrophication due to the combined effects of restricted water exchange and extensive nutrient loads. Nutrient enrichment reinforces primary production which further enhances organic matter remineralisation in the sediment – water interface, leading to oxygen depletion in the bottom waters. Decreased oxygen concentrations on the seafloor can lead to the release of phosphorus bound to reducible iron oxides. The so-called ‘vicious circle’ of internal loading is formed through the further enhanced nutrient release from the sediments into the water column due to the reduced bottom water conditions resulting from increased supply of organic matter into the system. However, the processes controlling phosphorus transport from land to sea through the ‘coastal filter’ remain poorly understood. In this study, sediments from Paimionlahti estuary were examined for phosphorus content and bulk elemental composition. Sedimentary phosphorus contents were determined through chemical extractions. The extracted fractions of phosphorus (P) include Fe oxide bound P (Fe-P), authigenic apatite P (Ca-P I), detrital apatite P (Ca-P II), and organic P (org-P). The fraction of Fe-P dominated in the upper sediment layers in most sites, whereas more unreactive fractions associated with P burial remained constant through sediment depth. The generally unreactive forms of P illustrated increasing trends towards open sea areas, partly explained by changes in the overall sediment composition as well as by potential differences in environmental conditions among sampling sites. The highest amounts of Fe-P were recorded in sites with the highest sediment accumulation. The results demonstrate that P from rivers is transformed and processed in the coastal zone, delaying its transport to the open sea.
  • Nieminen, Iina (2015)
    The Baltic Sea is one of the most extensive oxygen-depleted (hypoxic) areas. The hypoxic areas in the Baltic Sea are becoming more common due to climate change and anthropogenic eutrophication. The influence of hypoxia on sediment communities is in general well known, but the impact of different degrees of hypoxic stress on the functions of benthic microbial communities is less studied. Although the impact of microbes on benthic ecosystem functioning can be significant, the changes caused by hypoxia disturbed microbial communities are not well known. These changes can affect other organisms and environment globally because microbes influence nutrient and element cycles. Also some microbial species produce toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in anaerobic conditions. This study investigated sandy sediments taken from the Baltic Sea whose organism communities were artificially disturbed by covering sediment plots with oxygen impermeable plastic sheets. Covering induced artificially hypoxia (< 2 ml O2 l-1) of different durations for 0, 3, 7 and 48 days. This thesis concentrated studying the bacterial communities of the disturbed sediments. Change in bacterial community was observed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP). The aim was find out how bacterial community composition and diversity changed in sediments influenced by increasing hypoxic disturbance. The conducted observations indicated how changes within the bacterial community can influence other organisms and environment. Results obtained by permutational ANOVA testing indicated that bacterial community composition, especially bacterial biodiversity, was influenced by artificially induced hypoxia lasting 48 days. A slight decrease in bacterial diversity was seen already after 7 days hypoxia. Overall bacterial community was more resistant to disturbance than animal fauna, which has been studied in parallel research (Villnäs ym. 2012). H2S-producing deltaproteobacteria (e.g. Desulfatiferula, Desulfovibrio and Desulfofustis) were observed in sediments which were disturbed the longest, which explains the H2S production detected in chemical data of the parallel study. This may have caused a decrease in macrofauna. Amounts of sulfate-reducing bacteria correlated with increases in ammonium and silicate, which may increase both eutrophication and anoxia in an aquatic system. Results indicated that bacterial community was disturbed due to increasing hypoxia, and changes in the bacterial community correlated with changes in chemical parameters. Observations suggest that changes in the composition of a bacterial community may influence an entire ecosystem. The composition of microbial communities should be taken into account when studying the impact of environmental disturbances on various ecosystems.
  • Nieminen, Iina (2015)
    The Baltic Sea is one of the most extensive oxygen-depleted (hypoxic) areas. The hypoxic areas in the Baltic Sea are becoming more common due to climate change and anthropogenic eutrophication. The influence of hypoxia on sediment communities is in general well known, but the impact of different degrees of hypoxic stress on the functions of benthic microbial communities is less studied. Although the impact of microbes on benthic ecosystem functioning can be significant, the changes caused by hypoxia disturbed microbial communities are not well known. These changes can affect other organisms and environment globally because microbes influence nutrient and element cycles. Also some microbial species produce toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in anaerobic conditions. This study investigated sandy sediments taken from the Baltic Sea whose organism communities were artificially disturbed by covering sediment plots with oxygen impermeable plastic sheets. Covering induced artificially hypoxia (< 2 ml O2 l-1) of different durations for 0, 3, 7 and 48 days. This thesis concentrated studying the bacterial communities of the disturbed sediments. Change in bacterial community was observed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP). The aim was find out how bacterial community composition and diversity changed in sediments influenced by increasing hypoxic disturbance. The conducted observations indicated how changes within the bacterial community can influence other organisms and environment. Results obtained by permutational ANOVA testing indicated that bacterial community composition, especially bacterial biodiversity, was influenced by artificially induced hypoxia lasting 48 days. A slight decrease in bacterial diversity was seen already after 7 days hypoxia. Overall bacterial community was more resistant to disturbance than animal fauna, which has been studied in parallel research (Villnäs ym. 2012). H2S-producing deltaproteobacteria (e.g. Desulfatiferula, Desulfovibrio and Desulfofustis) were observed in sediments which were disturbed the longest, which explains the H2S production detected in chemical data of the parallel study. This may have caused a decrease in macrofauna. Amounts of sulfate-reducing bacteria correlated with increases in ammonium and silicate, which may increase both eutrophication and anoxia in an aquatic system. Results indicated that bacterial community was disturbed due to increasing hypoxia, and changes in the bacterial community correlated with changes in chemical parameters. Observations suggest that changes in the composition of a bacterial community may influence an entire ecosystem. The composition of microbial communities should be taken into account when studying the impact of environmental disturbances on various ecosystems.
  • Seppälä, Päivi (2020)
    In reductive dehalogenation, halogenated compounds act as electron acceptors in respiration or cometabolic reactions. The halogen atom is removed and usually replaced with hydrogen. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are persistent and toxic compounds, which have been extensively used as flame retardants. Even after bans and use restrictions, they are released to the environment from products manufactured earlier. PBDEs have been found ubiquitously in the environment. In anaerobic conditions like in sediments, they can be degraded through reductive dehalogenation. While remediating contaminated sediments, knowledge is needed about factors affecting the degradation of PBDEs. In the present work, anaerobic debromination of two PBDEs, BDE-47 and BDE-209 in sediment was investigated in microcosms. Sediment samples were taken from the estuary of the Kymijoki River from the Baltic, and from two sites in Lake Kernaalanjärvi, one representing clean and the other contaminated sediment. In addition to sampling site, the effect of incubation temperature on the degradation rate and products was investigated with different treatments, and possible abiotic degradation was examined with autoclaved controls. The samples were analyzed with gas chromatograph with electron capture detector (GC-µECD). The amounts of Dehalococcoides and total bacteria as 16S rRNA gene copies were determined with qPCR. Hypotheses were that debromination is faster in contaminated sediments, in warmer temperature, and in the microcosms with more bacteria of the genus Dehalococcoides. The half-time of BDE-47 varied from 173 to 7701 weeks, and that of BDE-209 from 28 to 173 weeks. The debromination rate could not be explained with sampling sites or incubation temperature, but the degradation of BDE-47 was significantly slower in autoclaved microcosms. In the microcosms where BDE-47 was removed most, the main debromination product was BDE-8. In the microcosms with sediment from the clean site of Lake Kernaalanjärvi, the amount of BDE-47 did not decrease. Obviously, bacteria capable of degrading it are not abundant in sites with little or no previous contamination with organohalogens. The removal of BDE-209 in autoclaved microcosms is probably explained with abiotic degradation or adsorption so that the compound is not extractable. At the end of incubation, there were more total bacteria in the microcosms with BDE-47 than those with BDE-209. The proportion of Dehalococcoides was greater in the microcosms with BDE-209, those incubated in room temperature, and those not autoclaved. Debromination was faster in the microcosms with more total bacteria in the beginning or Dehalococcoides at the end. BDE-47 proved to be more persistent than in the literature reviewed. The hypotheses about the effect of the incubation temperature and the contamination of the sediment did not reach statistical significance, but the importance of Dehalococcoides for debromination was established according to the hypothesis.
  • Seppälä, Päivi (2020)
    In reductive dehalogenation, halogenated compounds act as electron acceptors in respiration or cometabolic reactions. The halogen atom is removed and usually replaced with hydrogen. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are persistent and toxic compounds, which have been extensively used as flame retardants. Even after bans and use restrictions, they are released to the environment from products manufactured earlier. PBDEs have been found ubiquitously in the environment. In anaerobic conditions like in sediments, they can be degraded through reductive dehalogenation. While remediating contaminated sediments, knowledge is needed about factors affecting the degradation of PBDEs. In the present work, anaerobic debromination of two PBDEs, BDE-47 and BDE-209 in sediment was investigated in microcosms. Sediment samples were taken from the estuary of the Kymijoki River from the Baltic, and from two sites in Lake Kernaalanjärvi, one representing clean and the other contaminated sediment. In addition to sampling site, the effect of incubation temperature on the degradation rate and products was investigated with different treatments, and possible abiotic degradation was examined with autoclaved controls. The samples were analyzed with gas chromatograph with electron capture detector (GC-µECD). The amounts of Dehalococcoides and total bacteria as 16S rRNA gene copies were determined with qPCR. Hypotheses were that debromination is faster in contaminated sediments, in warmer temperature, and in the microcosms with more bacteria of the genus Dehalococcoides. The half-time of BDE-47 varied from 173 to 7701 weeks, and that of BDE-209 from 28 to 173 weeks. The debromination rate could not be explained with sampling sites or incubation temperature, but the degradation of BDE-47 was significantly slower in autoclaved microcosms. In the microcosms where BDE-47 was removed most, the main debromination product was BDE-8. In the microcosms with sediment from the clean site of Lake Kernaalanjärvi, the amount of BDE-47 did not decrease. Obviously, bacteria capable of degrading it are not abundant in sites with little or no previous contamination with organohalogens. The removal of BDE-209 in autoclaved microcosms is probably explained with abiotic degradation or adsorption so that the compound is not extractable. At the end of incubation, there were more total bacteria in the microcosms with BDE-47 than those with BDE-209. The proportion of Dehalococcoides was greater in the microcosms with BDE-209, those incubated in room temperature, and those not autoclaved. Debromination was faster in the microcosms with more total bacteria in the beginning or Dehalococcoides at the end. BDE-47 proved to be more persistent than in the literature reviewed. The hypotheses about the effect of the incubation temperature and the contamination of the sediment did not reach statistical significance, but the importance of Dehalococcoides for debromination was established according to the hypothesis.
  • Kuula, Matti (2020)
    Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen Itämereen upotettiin useita tonneja kemiallisia aseita ja niiden mukana myös ammusten sisältämät räjähdysaineet. Kemialliset räjähdysaineet, jotka ovat yleisimpiä räjähteitä, ovat joko yhdisteitä tai niiden seoksia. Pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoitus oli kartoittaa, voisiko taisteluaineanalytiikkaa varten tehtyjä menetelmiä hyödyntää myös räjähdeaineiden tutkimiseksi. Käytetyin analyysimenetelmä taisteluaineanalytiikassa on kaasukromatografi-massaspektrometri ja siksi tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään siihen, vaikka joillekin räjähdeaineille nestekromatografia voisi olla parempi analyysitekniikka. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osiossa analysoitiin merenpohjassa olevia räjähdysaineita kaasukromatografi-kolmoiskvadrupolimassaspektrometrilla. Nopealla kaasukromatografimenetelmällä voitiin nopeuttaa analyysejä sekä vähentää yhdisteiden hajoamista kromatografisen erottumisen aikana. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin nopeaa kaasukromatografiaa käyttäen kolmoiskvadrupolimassaspektrometriaa ja usean reaktion seurantaa. Näytteensyötössä käytettiin lämpötilaohjelmoitua injektointia. Tutkituista räjähdysaineista kaikki muut paitsi 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetratsoktaani (HMX) saatiin näkymään. Lisäksi kaasukromatografi-kolmoiskvadrupolimassaspektrometrilla suoritettavia lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan vielä seuraavien räjähteiden, nitroglyseriini (NG), pentaerytritoli tetranitraatti (PETN) ja metyyli-2,4,6-trinitrofenyylinitramiini (Tetryl), luotettavaksi määrittämiseksi.
  • Anttila, Pirita (2019)
    Environmental stress caused by heavy metal contamination of the sediment can threaten ecosystem functioning. Sediment macrofauna are often used to study the effects of environmental stress factors over time, as they are relatively sedentary and thus reflect the ambient conditions in an area. This study investigates whether heavy metal pollution influences the macrofaunal community adjacent to a former steel works factory in Koverhar, in the western Gulf of Finland. Various indices based on macrofaunal community composition and diversity are used in the Baltic Sea to evaluate the environmental status. This thesis evaluates the performance of three of these indices, Shannon-Wiener’s Index (H’), Benthic Quality Index (BQI) and Brackish water Benthic Index (BBI), in detecting the influence of heavy metal pollution on the marine environment. Two macrofaunal sampling methods, GEMAX corer and van Veen grab, are also compared to each other to investigate if there are differences in the structure of the macrofaunal communities that they capture. The study found that while there were indications of environmental stress, such as a lack of sensitive species and an abundance of tolerant species at the more heavily polluted stations, the heavy metal pollution could not be definitively proven to be the cause. H’ and BBI failed to find the differences potentially associated with heavy metal pollution between the stations, while BQI detected some of the differences found by the macrofaunal community analysis. The two sampling methods were found to not be significantly different from each other in terms of macrofaunal communities, but yielded significantly different macrofaunal index values, with the GEMAX results displaying a larger variance between replicates while the van Veen results were more consistent.
  • Koskela, Johanna (2020)
    Akuutti munuaisvaurio johtaa äkilliseen munuaisten toimintakyvyn heikkenemiseen, jolloin voidaan havaita häiriöitä mm. verenpaineen, happoemästasapainon, nestetasapainon ja elektrolyyttitasapainon säätelyssä. Kuolleisuus akuutissa munuaisvauriossa koirilla on n. 50% ja selvinneilläkin munuaisten toiminta on usein pysyvästi heikentynyt. Perinteisesti diagnoosi perustuu kreatiniinin seerumipitoisuuden nousuun ja muutoksiin virtsantuotannon määrässä. Munuaisten vajaatoiminnassa seerumin kreatiniinipitoisuus alkaa kuitenkin tyypillisesti nousta vasta, kun munuaisten toimintakapasiteetista on menetetty jo 75% ja aina kreatiniinipitoisuus ei munuaisvaurion yhteydessä nouse. Tarvitaankin uusia, herkempiä merkkiaineita akuutin munuaisvaurion tunnistamiseksi jo varhaisemmassa vaiheessa. Virtsan sedimentistä voidaan löytää munuaisvauriosta kertovia merkkejä, kuten lieriöitä ja epiteelisoluja, mutta silti virtsan sedimenttitutkimuksia akuutin munuaisvaurion alkuvaiheessa on tehty humaanipuolellakin vähän, koirilla ei tiettävästi lainkaan. Yliopistollisessa eläinsairaalassa toteutettiin vuonna 2018 tutkimus, jossa tutkittiin virtsanäytteitä koirilla, joilla oli riski kehittyä akuutti munuaisvaurio tulehduskipulääke- tai kyynmyrkkymyrkytyksen seurauksena. Hypoteesina oli, että virtsan sedimenttiin ilmaantuisi seurannan aikana munuaisvauriosta kertovia merkkejä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 12 kyynpuremakoirasta ja kolmesta tulehduskipulääkemyrkytyskoirasta sekä vertailuryhmästä, jossa oli mukana 11 perustervettä koiraa. Koirilta otettiin virtsanäyte sairaalaantulopäivänä, sitä seuraavana päivänä sekä 4 ja 12 viikkoa ensimmäisestä näytteestä. Virtsanäytteistä tutkittiin virtsan sedimenttitutkimus, liuskatesti, ominaispaino ja virtsan proteiini/kreatiniini -suhde, ja erityisenä mielenkiinnon kohteena olivat mahdollisesti ilmaantuvat sedimenttilöydökset. Sedimenttitutkimuksessa käytettiin eläinten virtsan sedimenttitutkimuksiin kehitettyä IDEXX SediVue Dx ® -laitetta, joka ottaa virtsan sedimentistä korkearesoluutioisia kuvia ja tulkitsee ne automaattisesti. Yhtäkään koirista ei lopetettu eikä yksikään koirista menehtynyt tutkimusaikana. Tutkimuksessa virtsan proteiini/kreatiniini -suhde oli myrkytyspotilailla ensimmäisissä virtsanäytteissä selvästi korkeampi kuin terveillä verrokeilla, mutta laski normaaliksi seurannan aikana. Myös virtsan ominaispaino oli myrkytyspotilailla matalampi ja pH korkeampi ensimmäisinä päivinä kuin terveillä verrokeilla. Kahdella myrkytyspotilaalla löydettiin normaalia enemmän epiteelisoluja. Usealla koiralla esiintyi virtsassa myös bilirubiinia ja punasoluja. Yksittäisissä näytteissä oli lisäksi bakteereita ja valkosoluja. Virtsanäytteissä ei havaittu lieriöitä. Koirista yhdelläkään ei voitu virtsanäytteen perusteella osoittaa syntyneen akuuttia munuaisvauriota. Tutkimuksen jälkeen vuonna 2019 julkaistuissa tutkimuksissa SediVue Dx ® -laitteen herkkyys tunnistaa epiteelisoluja ja lieriöitä on todettu heikoksi. On mahdollista, että lieriöitä tai epiteelisoluja on jäänyt tässä tutkimuksessa siten löytämättä. On myös mahdollista, ettei kyyn myrkky ole niin munuaistoksista, kuin on epäilty, ja etteivät kyynpurema- ja tulehduskipulääkemyrkytyksestä kärsineet koirat ehkä palvelleet tutkimuksen tarkoitusta löytää virtsan sedimentistä munuaisvaurioon viittaavia löydöksiä. Tarvitaankin vielä jatkotutkimuksia virtsan sedimenttitutkimuksen hyödystä akuutin munuaisvaurion diagnostiikan tukena.