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  • Lindgren, Sofia (2015)
    Goals. Bullying is a fairly common phenomenon and is known to cause major psychological distress on its victims. The negative effects of bullying are often long lasting, which is why early interventions are important. Understanding the factors behind bullying can help us learn more about it and thus find better ways of intervening. One factor that is known to affect bullying is personality. The goal of this study is to examine the link between Big Five personality traits and becoming the victim of bullying. On basis of previous research, it was assumed that lower conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion and higher neuroticism would lead to a higher risk of being bullied. The role of openness was ambiguous. Also the effect of parental supervision, school performance and time spent with friends were examined. Methods. This study employs the data from the nationwide survey on youth crime and victimization conducted by the national research institute of legal policy in 2012. The sample frame of the survey was Finnish-speaking primary and secondary schools. A total of 8914 sixth and ninth grade students completed a self-report survey questionnaire in school. 14.9 % of the students reported being bullied at least once during the previous year. Multinomial regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between personality traits, parental supervision, time spent with friends, school performance and bullying. Interaction analyses between personality traits and the moderators were also conducted. Results and conclusions. The result of this study suggest that students who score lower on extroversion, conscientiousness, parental supervision and school performance and higher on openness and neuroticism are more likely than other students to be bullied. There was no statistically significant relation between bullying and openness or time spent with friends. The risk between bullying and extroversion was especially high when combined with lower parental supervision, school performance and a higher level of time spent with friends. The risk between bullying and neuroticism was higher when combined with lower school performance and a higher level of time spent with friends. Openness was a risk factor especially when combined with lower levels of parental supervision and school performance. The results show that personality traits as well as other, more social factors such as parental supervision, can have a significant impact on bullying. Parental supervision is something that, unlike personality traits, can be more easily altered, which is why giving parents more information about the effects of parental supervision on bullying is important. Although this study focused on the victim's traits, it is important to stress that the idea is not to blame the victim. The goal of this study was to get a better understanding of the factors that increase a child's risk for victimization and use this knowledge to design better interventions for bullying and perhaps peer victimization in general.
  • Väyrynen, Johanna (2015)
    Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on luoda itsensä uhriksi kokevalle ihmiselle keinoja, joiden avulla hän voi löytää käsityksen itsestänsä toimijana. Tutkimustehtävän asettamisen taustalla on ha-vainnot siitä, että uhri tyypillisesti käsitetään pelkäksi vallankäytön kohteeksi, ja että uhrius on voimattomuuden ja avuttomuuden kokemista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteina on näyttää, kuinka uhri voidaan käsittää pelkän kohteen sijasta toimijaksi, ja tuoda voimaannuttavia näkökulmia itsensä uhriksi kokevien ihmisten elämään. Tutkimuksen metodi on käsiteanalyysi. Käsiteanalyysin avulla voidaan tehdä näkyviksi käsit-teiden merkityksiä ja käsitteiden välisiä suhteita. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tehdä näkyväksi käsitteen uhri merkitys ja suhteet käsitteisiin toimijuus ja toiminta. Uhrin toimijuu-den ja toiminnan näkyväksi tekeminen on edellytys sille, että itsensä uhriksi kokeva ihminen voi nähdä ja löytää oman toimijuutensa. Tutkimuksen johdantoa seuraavassa luvussa määritellään käsite uhri ja luodaan katsaus uh-riudesta käytyyn tieteelliseen keskusteluun. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi rajataan käsite uhri siinä merkityksessä, että uhri on ihminen, joka on vahingoittunut tai vaarassa vahingoittua. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa luvussa luodaan käsitteelliset edellytykset sille, että uhrin toimi-juutta ja toimintaa voidaan analysoida. Kolmas luku perustuu Jaana Hallamaan vielä julkai-semattomaan teokseen Yhteistoiminnan etiikka, joka on tutkimuksen tärkein apuneuvo. Yh-teistoiminnan etiikassa Hallamaa tarjoaa kattavan käsitevälinepaketin kaikenlaisen inhimilli-sen toiminnan analysoimiseen. Lisäksi Hallamaan oivallus siitä, että vallankäyttö perustuu siihen, että kohdekin on toimija, tekee myös uhrin toimijuuden ja toiminnan analysoimisesta mielekästä. Tutkimuksen neljännessä luvussa analysoidaan, millaista on uhrin toimijuus ja toiminta. Ana-lysoinnin lähtökohdaksi otetaan se, että uhri toimii suhteessa uhkaan. Uhrin toimintavaihtoeh-dot puolestaan riippuvat siitä, millainen uhka on. Uhat jaetaan yhdeksään luokkaan uhan to-teutumisen vaiheen (ei vielä, juuri nyt, ei enää toteutuvat uhat), uhan aiheuttajan (tapahtuma, toinen agentti) ja uhan luonteen (sanktio-, resurssiuhat) perusteella. Uhkien luokittelun jälkeen määritellään, millaisia toimintavaihtoehtoja uhrilla on kussakin uhan luokassa. Tutkimuksen viidennessä luvussa vastataan tutkimustehtävään eli luodaan itsensä uhriksi kokevalle ihmiselle keinoja, joiden avulla hän voi löytää käsityksen itsestänsä toimijana. Kei-not ovat näkökulmia ja kysymyksiä, joiden avulla uhri voi 1. nähdä uhriutensa rajautuvan vain tilanteeseen, joka vahingoitti häntä, 2. nähdä oman toimintansa merkityksen ja mielekkyyden ja hyväksyä toimijuutensa ja 3. tarkastella toimintaansa nykyhetkessä ja kysyä, miksi itsensä uhriksi käsittämisestä on niin vaikea luopua.
  • Suutari, Riikka-Liisa (2014)
    The association between victimization and aggressive behavior has been extensively studied but its relation to other risk factors is less known. The purpose of this study is to illuminate the link between victimization and aggressive behavior by including other risk factors associated with aggressive behavior to the model. Along with victimization we studied the effect of Big Five personality dimensions, impulsivity and parental control on aggression and their potential mediating or moderating effects on the victimization-aggression link. Based on the previous studies we expected the link between victimization and aggression to be strong but possibly mediated or moderated by agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, impulsivity and parental control. We used the data from the Finnish Self-Report Delinquency study 2012 which consists of 8,914 survey answers from 6th or 9th grade students (11–16 years) in a nationally representative sample of 106 schools. Aggressive behavior and victimization variables were sorted into three classes: 1) no reported incidences 2) 1 or 2 incidences or 3) 3 or more incidences in the previous year. We analyzed the data by using multinomial regression analysis. Gender and age (6th vs. 9th grade) were controlled. Results showed that victimization was associated with aggressive behavior and the probability was highest among those who had experienced victimization more than three times during the previous year. Higher parental control, agreeableness and conscientiousness predicted less aggressive behavior, whereas higher impulsivity and extroversion predicted higher aggressive behavior. Neuroticism was not directly associated with aggressive behavior. Only the link between conscientiousness and aggressive behavior was mediated by the other factors while victimization, agreeableness, extroversion, impulsivity and parental control remained as independent factors predicting aggressive behavior.
  • Suutari, Riikka-Liisa (2014)
    The association between victimization and aggressive behavior has been extensively studied but its relation to other risk factors is less known. The purpose of this study is to illuminate the link between victimization and aggressive behavior by including other risk factors associated with aggressive behavior to the model. Along with victimization we studied the effect of Big Five personality dimensions, impulsivity and parental control on aggression and their potential mediating or moderating effects on the victimization-aggression link. Based on the previous studies we expected the link between victimization and aggression to be strong but possibly mediated or moderated by agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, impulsivity and parental control. We used the data from the Finnish Self-Report Delinquency study 2012 which consists of 8,914 survey answers from 6th or 9th grade students (11–16 years) in a nationally representative sample of 106 schools. Aggressive behavior and victimization variables were sorted into three classes: 1) no reported incidences 2) 1 or 2 incidences or 3) 3 or more incidences in the previous year. We analyzed the data by using multinomial regression analysis. Gender and age (6th vs. 9th grade) were controlled. Results showed that victimization was associated with aggressive behavior and the probability was highest among those who had experienced victimization more than three times during the previous year. Higher parental control, agreeableness and conscientiousness predicted less aggressive behavior, whereas higher impulsivity and extroversion predicted higher aggressive behavior. Neuroticism was not directly associated with aggressive behavior. Only the link between conscientiousness and aggressive behavior was mediated by the other factors while victimization, agreeableness, extroversion, impulsivity and parental control remained as independent factors predicting aggressive behavior.