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Browsing by Subject "verkostoituminen"

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  • Rantala, Emilia (2019)
    The research focuses on the views and experiences of professional youtubers and about where they have acquired their knowledge and skills. Also, how they develop their expertise is at the heart of the review, as there is no actual training in the profession of a youtuber. The aim of the study is to outline the different dimensions of knowledge and the areas that a person needs in his / her work. The context of the research is competence, competence development and new work. The labor market of the future requires updating skills, and through this research it is possible to look at the demands of the skills of such a new work represented by the youtubers in this study. The material consists of four interviews in which the most successful tubers in Finland tell about their own work and describe the related skills and areas of expertise. The analysis proceeds according to content analysis, where I summarize the categories of different competencies emerging from the interviewees' stories. On the basis of the analysis, four top classes describing the skills of professional youtubers were gathered: Technical skills, self-management skills, professional skills and networking skills. Under these four upper classes, there are even more sub-categories that define the skills required in the work of youtubers. The categories of competence are not intended to cover the skills and requirements of the entire profession, but to gain access to the individual's own expertise and development. Through the results, it is also possible to get more information on about the youtubers work, that represents new manifestations of worklife. The results show how new ways of working have come to stay and there is no return to the old bureaucratic organization style of work in these young people's expectations. Expertise and its development were seen as a self-contained factor. The future as a professional youtuber was seen as unstable, but still unlimited and bright. New forms of work and the changing attitudes of young people towards work require more research at a single level. New larger phenomena are often formed through micro-phenomena and when these micro-phenomena can be accessed early enough, greater changes could be better anticipated.
  • Rantala, Emilia (2019)
    The research focuses on the views and experiences of professional youtubers and about where they have acquired their knowledge and skills. Also, how they develop their expertise is at the heart of the review, as there is no actual training in the profession of a youtuber. The aim of the study is to outline the different dimensions of knowledge and the areas that a person needs in his / her work. The context of the research is competence, competence development and new work. The labor market of the future requires updating skills, and through this research it is possible to look at the demands of the skills of such a new work represented by the youtubers in this study. The material consists of four interviews in which the most successful tubers in Finland tell about their own work and describe the related skills and areas of expertise. The analysis proceeds according to content analysis, where I summarize the categories of different competencies emerging from the interviewees' stories. On the basis of the analysis, four top classes describing the skills of professional youtubers were gathered: Technical skills, self-management skills, professional skills and networking skills. Under these four upper classes, there are even more sub-categories that define the skills required in the work of youtubers. The categories of competence are not intended to cover the skills and requirements of the entire profession, but to gain access to the individual's own expertise and development. Through the results, it is also possible to get more information on about the youtubers work, that represents new manifestations of worklife. The results show how new ways of working have come to stay and there is no return to the old bureaucratic organization style of work in these young people's expectations. Expertise and its development were seen as a self-contained factor. The future as a professional youtuber was seen as unstable, but still unlimited and bright. New forms of work and the changing attitudes of young people towards work require more research at a single level. New larger phenomena are often formed through micro-phenomena and when these micro-phenomena can be accessed early enough, greater changes could be better anticipated.
  • Toijonen-Kunnari, Sari Katriina (2020)
    Yritysten keskeisimpiä menestystekijöitä ovat johdon kyvykkyys rakentaa ja johtaa erityyppisiä liiketoimintaverkostoja. Verkostojen johtamisella luodaan ja toteutetaan strategia, tuotetaan yhteinen näkemys tavoitteista ja sitoutetaan ihmiset toimintaan. Yhteistyön kehittyminen on jatkuva prosessi. Tavoitteena oli selvittää horisontaalisen yritysverkoston johtamisen nykytila ja kehittämiskohteet. Tutkimusongelma, miten horisontaalista yritysverkostoa johdettiin, jakaantui tutkimuskysymyksiin: millaisia tavoitteita verkostolla oli, millä tavoin verkoston johtaminen ja päätöksenteko oli organisoitu, millaisia toimintatapoja verkostoyhteistyössä käytettiin sekä millä tavoin johtamiskeinot tukivat yrittäjien sitoutumista verkostoon ja keskinäisen luottamuksen rakentumista. Yritysverkoston tarkastelussa hyödynnettiin Håkansonin ja Johanssonin (1992) kehittämää ARA -mallia. Pienyritysten yhteistyön ja verkostoituminen analysointi pohjautui Varamäen (1997) kehittämän Kuutiomallin ja Vesalainen ym. (2004) laatimien liiketoiminnallisten ja organisaationaalisten sidosten ulottuvuuksiin. Horisontaalisen yritysverkoston tavoitteellista johtamista lähestyttiin Hyötyläisen ja Simonsin (1999) Yritysverkoston johtamiskolmion -mallilla. Verkoston johtamiskeinoja tarkasteltiin Rajalan ja Westerlundin (2009) määrittämillä vaikuttamisen, integroinnin, koordinoinnin ja ohjauksen ulottuvuuksilla. Toimeksiantajana oli Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy, jonka toteuttamiin matkailun kehittämishankkeisiin verkoston yritykset ovat osallistuneet. Empiirisessä osassa tutkittiin Saimaa Gastronomy -verkostoa, mihin kuuluvat Tertin Kartano Mikkelistä, TeaHouse of Wehmais Juvalta, Sahanlahti Resort Puumalasta ja Hotelli Punkaharju Punkaharjulta. Verkoston tarkoituksena oli kehittää Järvi-Suomen elinvoimaisuutta, Saimaan alueen ruokakulttuuria ja -matkailua sekä yritysten liiketoimintaa. Laadullisen tutkimusotteen aineistonhankintamenetelminä käytettiin dokumenttiaineistoja ja neljän yrittäjän teemahaastatteluja. Dokumenttiaineistoille tehtiin sisällönanalyysi ja haastatteluaineistot luokiteltiin teemoittain. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin deduktiivista tutkimusotetta. Yrittäjät olivat sitoutuneita verkoston tarkoitukseen, mutta tavoitteista ei ollut yhteistä näkemystä. Käynnistysvaiheessa olleen yhteistyörenkaan johtaminen pohjautui epävirallisiin henkilösuhteisiin ja keskinäiseen luottamukseen. Yrittäjät muodostivat johtoryhmän, jonka demokraattiseen päätöksentekoon oli menettelytapoja. Verkostoyhteistyö perustui eri kohteiden voimavarojen integrointiin. Toimintatapoja pidettiin avoimina, oikeudenmukaisina ja reiluina. Kehittämiskohteiksi esitetään verkoston vision, strategian, tavoitteiden ja mittareiden suunnittelua sekä niitä tukevien organisaatiorakenteiden ja toimijoiden roolien määritystä yhteistoiminnallisesti.
  • Laitinen, Kiti (2015)
    The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the notions and experiences ageing employees have about the development of expertise as well as collaboration with fellow experts. The research questions were firstly, how does expertise develop, secondly, for what purposes are shared expertise and networking used at work, and thirdly, how do ageing and experience manifest themselves at expert work? This topic is relevant, because the changes in information work and the more complicated work environments require development from employees in their own as well as in cooperative work. According to previous studies a shared, aim-specific course of action develops collective acquisition of information, which in turn results in growing collective expertise. However, ageing has not been sufficiently recognised or profited from in the previous studies about the development of expertise. This provides a motive for this study. The theoretical framework of the study focuses on examining the development of shared expertise from the viewpoint of building information by combining cognitive, unshared expertise and the kind of expertise that arises from sociocultural theory. The data were gathered through thematic interviews with ten employees between 50 and 64 years of age. With the help of content analysis the answers were devided into three categories: the development of expertise, cooperation and networking, and age and experience at expert work. In addition to these, the theme of changes in expertise arose from the data. In accordance with theoretical framework, the results highlighted the fact that expertise was not seen merely as an unshared characteristic, but instead its development required interaction with others. Usually this development coincided with a change that caused a push forward. Aim-specific actorship, networking, and the sharing of skill and information helped the experts to reach better results. Expertise was seen as something developing through age and experience, but varying ages proved to be an advantage when different strengths and experiences could be profited from as a part of shared expertise. As a conclusion it is advisable to support, share, and make use of the skills and knowledge of people of varying ages more than before in order to develop shared expertise.
  • Laitinen, Kiti (2015)
    The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the notions and experiences ageing employees have about the development of expertise as well as collaboration with fellow experts. The research questions were firstly, how does expertise develop, secondly, for what purposes are shared expertise and networking used at work, and thirdly, how do ageing and experience manifest themselves at expert work? This topic is relevant, because the changes in information work and the more complicated work environments require development from employees in their own as well as in cooperative work. According to previous studies a shared, aim-specific course of action develops collective acquisition of information, which in turn results in growing collective expertise. However, ageing has not been sufficiently recognised or profited from in the previous studies about the development of expertise. This provides a motive for this study. The theoretical framework of the study focuses on examining the development of shared expertise from the viewpoint of building information by combining cognitive, unshared expertise and the kind of expertise that arises from sociocultural theory. The data were gathered through thematic interviews with ten employees between 50 and 64 years of age. With the help of content analysis the answers were divided into three categories: the development of expertise, cooperation and networking, and age and experience at expert work. In addition to these, the theme of changes in expertise arose from the data. In accordance with theoretical framework, the results highlighted the fact that expertise was not seen merely as an unshared characteristic, but instead its development required interaction with others. Usually this development coincided with a change that caused a push forward. Aim-specific actorship, networking, and the sharing of skill and information helped the experts to reach better results. Expertise was seen as something developing through age and experience, but varying ages proved to be an advantage when different strengths and experiences could be profited from as a part of shared expertise. As a conclusion it is advisable to support, share, and make use of the skills and knowledge of people of varying ages more than before in order to develop shared expertise.
  • Virolainen, Jenni (2012)
    Patient safety is a part of quality and safety of care. Patient safety is defined as freedom for a patient from unnecessary harm or potential harm associated with healthcare. Patient safety covers safety of care, medication safety and safety of devices. Different authorities have promoted patient safety in Finland. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health set up the Steering Group for the Promotion of Patient Safety for a term extending from 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2009 to coordinate the work for promoting patient safety and to evaluate related development needs at the national level. It has published a national Patient Safety Strategy for the years 2009-2013. Patient safety is also included in the Health Care Act. The National Institute for Welfare and Health (THL) has a Finnish national programme on patient safety: Patient Safety with Skills. Other authorities promoting patient safety in Finland are Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) and National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). Many studies are related to Patient Safety. In the Seminar of Patient Safety Research 2011 studies were separated to following categories: Patient Safety Culture as a Challenge for Organisations, Medication Safety, Safeguard of Care, Preparation for Patient Safety, Learning of Patient Safety, Control of Patient Documents and Financing of Patient Safety. The aim of this study is to explore Finnish patient safety studies. This study was conducted by using an electronic survey. The survey was sent to members of Finnish Patient Safety Society and a mailing list of Patient Safety Network. The survey was also sent to attendees of the Seminar of Patient Safety Research 2011. Altogether 81 responses were obtained. A patient safety research had been done in 60 per cent of organizations. A patient safety research will be done in 62 per cent of organizations. 10 per cent of the researches were meant for the internal use of the organization but were also published in Finland and abroad. 21 per cent of the researches were published in Finland and abroad. 18 per cent of the researches were published only in Finland and 12 per cent only abroad. 25 per cent of the researches were meant only for the internal use of organization. 14 per cent of the respondents left this question unanswered. A personal grant from a foundation was the most common way of financing for patient safety research. Many different kinds of sponsors were also mentioned. There was co-operation between organizations in 58 per cent of researches. 86 per cent of respondents were interested in a network of patient safety researchers. Using of Reporting System for Safety Incidents in Health Care Organizations (HaiPro) was asked as a detail of this study. HaiPro was used in 65 per cent of organizations. 89 per cent of respondents said that their organization takes advantage of HaiPro but the level of use varied between respondents.