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  • Repo, Amanda (2022)
    The use of different methods of extended reality (xR) as a support in teaching has been under research for a long time. Although the use of various xR-technologies in other fields of healthcare, such as medical and nursing education, is already common, their use in pharmacy education is not yet well established. There is evidence that xR-technology has a positive impact for example on students’ motivation and learning outcomes. On the other hand, there are limiting factors that inhibit the technology becoming widespread, such as costs as well as a lack of knowledge about the technology usability. The aim of the study was to investigate usability and advantages of the augmented reality (AR) in a laboratory course as an educational supportive tool by using AR-glasses. The aim was also to investigate the learning outcomes of the students who participated in the study in three different phases: before carrying out the laboratory work (pre), immediately after the laboratory work (post) and in the course exam (delayed). Furthermore, the motivation of the students to use new technology in their studies was studied. The research was done in a collaboration with the Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) and with Sciar Company Oy. The researchers of HYPE were responsible for the pedagogical point of view, whilst the experts from the Faculty of Pharmacy were responsible for the study measurements of laboratory work related content knowledge. The research was implemented in two laboratory courses in Bachelor of Science level pharmacy studies: Medicinal product II and Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis in the fall of 2020. The students (n=18) prepared eye drops by using AR-glasses in the Medicinal product II -course and reference group (n=14) without AR-glasses. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, students (n=7) used AR-glasses to study the microbiological purity of the eye drops by utilizing membrane filtration method in cleanroom and reference group (n=9) without AR-glasses. ln addition, a serial dilution method was performed on a 96-well plate using an AR mobile application. The effect on learning outcomes was evaluated by using six open-ended questions measuring the understanding of content knowledge underlying the laboratory work, that were answered by the students at three different stages of the study (pre, post, delayed). To measure the usability of the AR equipment, a five-point Likert scale questionnaire studied the experimental groups students’ opinions on whether the AR mobile application could provide sufficient guidance and feedback while performing the laboratory work. In an open question, the students had the possibility to comment on the overall user experience of the AR mobile application. There were no statistically significant differences in learning outcomes between the AR-group and the reference group in both laboratory courses. The results showed indicative differences in short-term and long-term learning, with the AR-group achieving better learning outcomes in the short-term and the reference group in the long-term. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, the learning outcomes were the opposite. Students’ were found to be receptivity to the new technology that together with motivation supports positively the learning process. The use of AR-hardware increased certainty and reduced nervousness about the use of AR technology. As a conclusion, the study could not demonstrate the benefit of AR-technology in student learning outcomes. The study was limited by the small sample size. However, further studies are encouraged due to students’ positive attitudes and motivation towards AR technology. Regarding further studies, it is important to take into consideration the different backgrounds and learning methods of students. Thereby, the effects of xR-technologies on learning outcomes can be assessed as objectively as possible.
  • Repo, Amanda (2022)
    The use of different methods of extended reality (xR) as a support in teaching has been under research for a long time. Although the use of various xR-technologies in other fields of healthcare, such as medical and nursing education, is already common, their use in pharmacy education is not yet well established. There is evidence that xR-technology has a positive impact for example on students’ motivation and learning outcomes. On the other hand, there are limiting factors that inhibit the technology becoming widespread, such as costs as well as a lack of knowledge about the technology usability. The aim of the study was to investigate usability and advantages of the augmented reality (AR) in a laboratory course as an educational supportive tool by using AR-glasses. The aim was also to investigate the learning outcomes of the students who participated in the study in three different phases: before carrying out the laboratory work (pre), immediately after the laboratory work (post) and in the course exam (delayed). Furthermore, the motivation of the students to use new technology in their studies was studied. The research was done in a collaboration with the Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) and with Sciar Company Oy. The researchers of HYPE were responsible for the pedagogical point of view, whilst the experts from the Faculty of Pharmacy were responsible for the study measurements of laboratory work related content knowledge. The research was implemented in two laboratory courses in Bachelor of Science level pharmacy studies: Medicinal product II and Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis in the fall of 2020. The students (n=18) prepared eye drops by using AR-glasses in the Medicinal product II -course and reference group (n=14) without AR-glasses. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, students (n=7) used AR-glasses to study the microbiological purity of the eye drops by utilizing membrane filtration method in cleanroom and reference group (n=9) without AR-glasses. ln addition, a serial dilution method was performed on a 96-well plate using an AR mobile application. The effect on learning outcomes was evaluated by using six open-ended questions measuring the understanding of content knowledge underlying the laboratory work, that were answered by the students at three different stages of the study (pre, post, delayed). To measure the usability of the AR equipment, a five-point Likert scale questionnaire studied the experimental groups students’ opinions on whether the AR mobile application could provide sufficient guidance and feedback while performing the laboratory work. In an open question, the students had the possibility to comment on the overall user experience of the AR mobile application. There were no statistically significant differences in learning outcomes between the AR-group and the reference group in both laboratory courses. The results showed indicative differences in short-term and long-term learning, with the AR-group achieving better learning outcomes in the short-term and the reference group in the long-term. In the course of Pharmaceutical biology and asepsis, the learning outcomes were the opposite. Students’ were found to be receptivity to the new technology that together with motivation supports positively the learning process. The use of AR-hardware increased certainty and reduced nervousness about the use of AR technology. As a conclusion, the study could not demonstrate the benefit of AR-technology in student learning outcomes. The study was limited by the small sample size. However, further studies are encouraged due to students’ positive attitudes and motivation towards AR technology. Regarding further studies, it is important to take into consideration the different backgrounds and learning methods of students. Thereby, the effects of xR-technologies on learning outcomes can be assessed as objectively as possible.
  • Tahvanainen, Margareta (2015)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisten naisen fitnessblogien postauksia eli teksti- ja kuvajulkaisuja yhden vuoden ajalta (1.3.2014- 28.2.2015). Tutkimuksessa kysytään, millä tavalla fitnessblogeissa heijastuu ja rakentuu jatkuvaa työstöä vaativa ruumis ja millaisia arvoja ja ihanteita ruumiin muokkaamisessa ja sen esityksissä rakennetaan. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu ruumiin, rituaalin ja pyhän käsitteiden varaan, jotka ohjaavat voimakkaasti yhdessä teemoitteluun ohjaavan sisällönanalyysin kanssa aineiston analyysia. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen, joskin sitä on rikastutettu pienimuotoisella sisällönmäärittelyllä. Analyysissa on sovellettu monitieteistä teoriataustaa, kuten uskontotiedettä, sukupuolentutkimusta, media-antropologiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen rituaalinäkökulmassa ankkuroidutaan pitkälti Emilé Durkheimia soveltavaan ja haastavaan postdurkeimilaisen rituaalitukimuksen haaraan. Rituaalia lähestytään ennen kaikkea Catherine Bellin ritualisaation käsitteen kautta. Ritualisaatiosssa on kyse hierarkkisten erontekojen tuottamisesta, jossa se toiminta, johon halutaan liittyä, asetetaan erilaiseksi, erityiseksi ja hierarkkisesti paremmaksi kuin se toiminta, josta halutaan erota. Tutkimuksessa ritualisaation eronteot määritellään pyhän rajaamisina eli pyhittämisen prosesseina. Ritualisaation erontekoja tarkastellaan sekä ruumiin että median rituaalisuuteen liittyen siten, miten näitä molempia rituaalisuuden tasoja esitetään blogeissa. Tutkimuksessa huomioidaan myös ritualisaatiossa rakentuvat valtasuhteet sekä rituaalisen sokeuden ja tajun tematiikat. Ruumiiseen ja mediaan liittyvissä erontekojen rajauksissa keskeisiksi teorioiksi ritualisaation rinnalle nousee ymmärrys ruumiin symbolisesta luonteesta sekä mediarituaalinen analyysi median merkityksestä postmodernissa yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että ruumis merkitään fitnessblogeissa merkittäväksi itsen muokkauksen keinoksi ja ilmaisijaksi. Toisaalta sellaiseksi rakentuu myös oman ruumiin muokkaamisen reflektoiminen mediassa, mikä osaltaan vahvistaa median asemaa keskeisten kulttuuristen arvojen määrittäjänä. Blogien ihmisihanne piirtyy samaan aikaan kurinalaiseksi ja hedonistiseksi individualistiksi, jonka hyvinvointi tiivistyy pitkälti ruumiin ulkonäköön. Fitnessblogeissa voidaan lukea sekä normatiivisten sukupuoli-ihanteiden vahvistamista että niiden hienovaraista vastustamista. Keskeisimmäksi pyhäksi arvoksi rajataan itsen muutos, jota rakennetaan ja ilmennetään sekä ruumiin että median kautta. Itse asetetaan ikuiseen muutoksen tilaan ritualisaation eronteoissa, mikä käy ilmi muun muassa nykyisen minän asettamisessa ritualisaation oppositioissa sekä negatiivisen että positiivisen alueille. Keskeistä tässä prosessissa on sen virtuaalinen, mediaan rajattu luonne. Fitnessblogien ilmentämä elämäntapa niin ruumiinmuokkauksen kuin mediarituaalisuuden osalta voidaan nähdä yhtenä postmodernin itsen kehittämisen menetelmänä. Tutkimus osoittaa uskontotieteellisten käsitteiden, rituaalin ja pyhän, merkityksen sekä käsitteiden välisen kiinteän yhteyden toisiinsa sekulaarilla tutkimuskentällä. Tutkimus myös osallistuu keskusteluun tieteenalan merkityksestä nykypäivänä.