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Browsing by Subject "vuosiluokat 1-6"

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  • Leino, Kaisa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how Home Economics as a school subject is arranged in grades 1-6 in mainland Finland and how distribution of lesson hours and curriculum varied between schools. Also, teachers qualification requirements and teaching facilities at schools were examined. The aim of the study was collect all the national information in one place, analyze the data and present the current state of Home Economics in grades 1-6. This was a descriptive and a quantitative study where quantative and qualitative methods were used. The research data was collected with a survey cooperated with Finnish national agency for education. The scope of this study was all schools in mainland Finland where grades 1-6 were taught (N=2004). Statistical analysis with SPSS-program, content analysis and quantification were used to analyze the collected data. The results show, that the schools that responded to the survey offered Home Economics in grades 1-6 only marginally. Only 8,6 % of schools that taught grades 1-6 and 10,9% of schools that taught grades 1-9 had Home Economics studies for grades 1-6. The biggest obstacles for not offering Home Economics were the lack of teaching facilities, resources and the fact that the local education authorities didn't hold mandatory to have Home Economics for local curriculum. In addition, the results show that the lack of a teacher eligibility in the subject was an obstacle even if the qualification requirements criteria were met. Home Economics in schools with grades 1-6 were mostly taught by class teachers and schools where grades were between 1-9 by subject teachers. If the classroom for Home Economics was unavailable, Home Economics teaching was organized in more diverse learning environments in the respondent schools with grades 1-6 than schools with grades 1-9. The results show that Home Economics for grades 1-6 has not yet gained a strong foothold in mainland Finland. This study is important for the society because it serves Degree Programme in Home Economics Teacher Education, teachers continuing education and evaluation and development of curriculum for basic education.
  • Leino, Kaisa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how Home Economics as a school subject is arranged in grades 1-6 in mainland Finland and how distribution of lesson hours and curriculum varied between schools. Also, teachers qualification requirements and teaching facilities at schools were examined. The aim of the study was collect all the national information in one place, analyze the data and present the current state of Home Economics in grades 1-6. This was a descriptive and a quantitative study where quantative and qualitative methods were used. The research data was collected with a survey cooperated with Finnish national agency for education. The scope of this study was all schools in mainland Finland where grades 1-6 were taught (N=2004). Statistical analysis with SPSS-program, content analysis and quantification were used to analyze the collected data. The results show, that the schools that responded to the survey offered Home Economics in grades 1-6 only marginally. Only 8,6 % of schools that taught grades 1-6 and 10,9% of schools that taught grades 1-9 had Home Economics studies for grades 1-6. The biggest obstacles for not offering Home Economics were the lack of teaching facilities, resources and the fact that the local education authorities didn’t hold mandatory to have Home Economics for local curriculum. In addition, the results show that the lack of a teacher eligibility in the subject was an obstacle even if the qualification requirements criteria were met. Home Economics in schools with grades 1-6 were mostly taught by class teachers and schools where grades were between 1-9 by subject teachers. If the classroom for Home Economics was unavailable, Home Economics teaching was organized in more diverse learning environments in the respondent schools with grades 1-6 than schools with grades 1-9. The results show that Home Economics for grades 1-6 has not yet gained a strong foothold in mainland Finland. This study is important for the society because it serves Degree Programme in Home Economics Teacher Education, teachers continuing education and evaluation and development of curriculum for basic education.
  • Sinivirta, Maria (2019)
    Due to the new curriculum for basic education home economics as a school subject is expanded to lower grades and can now be taught in grades 1-6. Therefore, the home economics is now in one with the other artistic and practical subjects a school subject that can be studied through the basic education. The curriculum does not define the objectives and content of the home economics separately for lower grades. Yet the age and the level of development of the pupils has to be taken account of. The aim of this study was to examine the contents of instruction in home economics in grades 1-6. In addition, this research aims to review the contuum of home economics through basic education. The study has been based around two themes: the contents of instruction and future plans of the subject. The questions that the thesis seeks to address are 1. What kind of contents of instruction is implemented in grades 1-6? 2. What is the future outlook for home economics in grades 1-6? This was a qualitative study. The research data was ready-made. The research material in this study was a part of an internet-based questionnaire. The scope of the questionnaire was all schools in mainland Finland where grades 1-6 were taught. Material consisted of the open answers in the questionnaire. The data of this study was analyzed with content analysis. The results show, that the contents of instruction in home economics in grades 1-6 is well in line with the curriculum and the subject objectives. The results imply that interdisciplinary learning modules, the interrelationship between the practice and theory and the out-of-school learning environments are peculiar to home economics in grades 1–6. According to this study the majority of schools do not intend to increase nor develop lower grades home economics education during the next few years. However, the home economics instruction seems to remain the same and it will be taught in these schools in the grades 1-6 still in the future. The biggest obstacles for not increase or develop home economics in the lower grades were the lack of resources.
  • Keskinen, Netta (2020)
    Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä tunnetaidot ovat, mitä hyötyä niiden opettamisesta vuosiluokilla 1-6 on, ja millä tekijöillä niiden kehitystä voidaan tukea. Käsittelin tunnetaitoja monipuolisesti eri näkökulmista. Tunnetaitojen opetuksen hyötyjä tutkiessani perehdyin etenkin koulukontekstissa esiintyviin hyötyihin. Käsitellessäni tunnetaitojen opettamista tukevia tekijöitä, otin huomioon oppiaineiden rajat ylittäviä oppimista edistäviä sosiaalisia ja toiminnallisia keinoja. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat tunnetaitojen olevan monipuolinen kokonaisuus, joiden opettamisesta seuraa monenlaisia hyötyjä esimerkiksi oppimiseen, ihmissuhteisiin ja elämänhallintaan liittyen. Tunnetaitojen oppimista voidaan tukea erilaisin tavoin. Toteutin tutkielmani integroivana kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Perehdyin siis aiempiin tutkimustuloksiin etsien luotettavia ja tutkimuskysymysteni kannalta oleellisia tuloksia. Kansainvälinen tunnetaitojen tutkimus keskittyi selkeästi opetuksesta seuraaviin hyötyihin. Aiheesta löytyi myös jonkin verran suomalaista tutkimuskirjallisuutta, joka käsitteli aihetta monipuolisesti, mutta kenties hieman pintapuolisesti antaen aiheesta yleiskatsauksen. Tutkielmassa käytin yhteensä 40 lähdettä. Keräämäni aineisto ja sen analyysi ilmentävät tunnetaitojen olevan joukko sosiaalisia ja emotionaalisia taitoja, joiden avulla on mahdollista toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti erilaisissa tilan-teissa. Tunnetaidoilla on moninaisia psyykkisiä sekä sosiaalisia hyvinvointivaikutuksia, joiden merkitystä ei sovi unohtaa koulukontekstissa. Koulussa oppilaat ovat osa sosiaalista yhteisöä, jossa pärjääminen vaatii tunnetaitoja. Tunnetaitojen oppimisen systemaattisen tukemisen tärkeys tulisi ymmärtää koulunkäynnin ja oppimisen mielekkyyden sekä tuloksellisuuden, vuorovaikutustaitojen sekä oppilaiden kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Tunnetaitojen systemaattisen tukemisen avuksi löytyy monia keinoja, joita opettajien tulisi toiminnassaan ottaa huomioon. Olennaista on tuen ja opetuksen jatkuvuus, sekä koulun eri toimijoiden välinen yhteistyö.