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Browsing by Subject "waste management"

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  • Vekka, Anna (2020)
    Wheat bread is one of the most discarded food at the global level. To fulfill the goals of waste reduction and increase the circular economy activities, the re-utilization of bread still fit for food in the food chain is a priority. However, the utilization of wheat bread waste in the food chain is challenging. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation has been recently studied as a potential processing method for bread waste slurry and applied as a dough ingredient in bread production. In LAB fermentation, functional and bioactive compounds can be produced. Some LAB strains can produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in animals’ central nervous system with multiple physiological functions. GABA has received much attention due to its numerous beneficial bioactivities. Currently, information on GABA biosynthesis by LAB fermentation in bread substrate is not available. In this thesis, the effects of LAB strain selection and fermentation substrates in waste bread fermentation were studied. Four different fermentation trials using wheat bread as substrate were performed to select the best LAB strain, optimize bread matrix composition, and fermentation parameters for GABA production. Microbial growth, pH, total titratable acidity, organic acids (High Performance Liquid Chromatography ), sugar composition (High-Performance AnionExchange Chromatography and Pulsed Amperiometric Detection), and GABA content were assessed. Among the conditions tested, the addition of wheat bran as a nutrient source improved the GABA production most significantly. Thus, this condition was upscaled for bakery uptake and used in a baking trial to produce value-added bread containing GABA. LAB fermentation of waste bread to produce functional bioactive compounds was proven to be a potential processing method applicable to bakery products. The combination of two food sidestreams, waste wheat bread and wheat bran, can be implemented as a strategy to re-utilize food by-products in the food chain.
  • Vekka, Anna (2020)
    Wheat bread is one of the most discarded food at the global level. To fulfill the goals of waste reduction and increase the circular economy activities, the re-utilization of bread still fit for food in the food chain is a priority. However, the utilization of wheat bread waste in the food chain is challenging. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation has been recently studied as a potential processing method for bread waste slurry and applied as a dough ingredient in bread production. In LAB fermentation, functional and bioactive compounds can be produced. Some LAB strains can produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in animals’ central nervous system with multiple physiological functions. GABA has received much attention due to its numerous beneficial bioactivities. Currently, information on GABA biosynthesis by LAB fermentation in bread substrate is not available. In this thesis, the effects of LAB strain selection and fermentation substrates in waste bread fermentation were studied. Four different fermentation trials using wheat bread as substrate were performed to select the best LAB strain, optimize bread matrix composition, and fermentation parameters for GABA production. Microbial growth, pH, total titratable acidity, organic acids (High Performance Liquid Chromatography ), sugar composition (High-Performance AnionExchange Chromatography and Pulsed Amperiometric Detection), and GABA content were assessed. Among the conditions tested, the addition of wheat bran as a nutrient source improved the GABA production most significantly. Thus, this condition was upscaled for bakery uptake and used in a baking trial to produce value-added bread containing GABA. LAB fermentation of waste bread to produce functional bioactive compounds was proven to be a potential processing method applicable to bakery products. The combination of two food sidestreams, waste wheat bread and wheat bran, can be implemented as a strategy to re-utilize food by-products in the food chain.
  • Silén, Veera (2020)
    The aim of this thesis is to find out how household waste management is arranged by some Finnish cities and what kind of material the cities produce for households regarding waste management. Waste management is referred to as it is described in each city’s waste management regulations. This study was made by using qualitative content analysis. The data was gathered from five different city´s websites and waste management company´s websites. Waste management instructions are widely found on the Internet. The instructions within the five different cities have similarities regarding for example sorting different waste types or presenting the instructions in a search engine -mode. Some differences were found in the instructions of packing the waste but due to legislation the instructions were nearly the same in each city. Differences were mostly due to geographical reasons such as acreage or the density of population.
  • Saloranta, Satu Susanna (2010)
    Schools’ sustainable development work is described as ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability-based environmental education. Sustainable development tools such as environmental mapping and environmental programs focus on environmental design, curriculum implementation and maintenance functions, such as waste management in Helsinki’s primary and secondary schools. The Helsinki city Education Department assesses schools’ environmental performance on a scale 1 to 3, where grade 3 describes the environmentally most advanced school. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in waste costs and waste quantities (cost per person per year and kilo per person per year) among schools belonging to different environmental performance levels and then explore the possible factors affecting these differences. This Master’s thesis was commissioned by the 4V project, which among other things aims at studying the impact of sustainable development education work in schools. The data used in the study was collected and elaborated as a part of this master’s thesis. The data includes Helsinki primary school 2009 waste costs and quantities collected by the 2010 waste monitoring survey. Schools’ waste costs and quantities are combined and the schools are grouped by their 2009 environmental performance level. The initial sample included 64 schools. The analysis of waste costs and quantities was conducted on smaller sample of 29 school buildings in which only school activities took place. The analysis focused on the cost and quantities of mixed municipal waste and biowaste. It was found that schools with different environmental performance level differ in the waste costs and quantities. Most environmentally advanced schools had the smallest mixed municipal waste cost and quantities, and moreover schools with grade 2 had the highest biowaste costs and quantities. The total amount of waste was not diminished but waste sorting had become more effective. Waste costs and quantities appear to be influenced by the factors such as the number of waste containers, their sizes, and the frequency with which they are emptied. In particular, there appears to be scope for improvement in the efficient and optimization degrees of containers’ filling. In conclusion the study recommends that schools should focus their sustainable development work on waste prevention and reduction. This study’s findings provide information to the Education Department and other agencies, such as HSY and Palmia, and to the Helsinki Real Estate department, which holds the school buildings development of waste management.
  • Potinkara, Maija; Potinkara, Maija (2021)
    While waste is becoming an increasingly contested issue on a global level due to sustainability concerns, informal waste management, or waste picking, has been a major livelihood around the world for decades. In urban areas of the Global South, the informal sector accounts for 50 to 100 percent of all waste collection. In Kenya, virtually all recycling is done by the informal sector. Despite the significance of the work the informal sector is doing, they are usually stigmatized by the public and disregarded by policymakers. Due to this contradiction, this thesis concentrates on analyzing the construction of the problem of informality in Kenyan waste management policies. The thesis utilizes the ‘What’s the Problem Represented to Be?’ -approach by Carol Bacchi in its analysis. The WPR-approach is a poststructuralist approach to critical policy analysis. Within the context of the approach, the word ‘problem’ does not carry the negative connotations it usually does, as it is merely used to refer to what is intended to be changed through policymaking. The approach consists of six questions that are applied to uncover how we are governed through the way issues are problematized through policy discourse. The WPR-approach views power as productive, and concentrates on how practices and relations produce subjects, objects and places. These practices become explicit through policy analysis. Additional data was retrieved from Kenyan media outlets, as media is another position of power in the context of the WPR-approach. Another additional data source was an individual interview done with a key informant. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on critical geography, and particularly on the concept of primitive accumulation, originally coined by Karl Marx, and its latter conceptualizations. Through this critical framework, the thesis interrogates how primitive accumulation is sometimes reproduced by the state, through governing (e.g. policymaking), and how the global ideal of development may sometimes be utilized to accommodate market interests. Within this framework, waste is conceptualized as a form of urban commons under contestation. The results of this research indicate that privatization is seen as a solution to inefficiency and sustainability issues in waste management, while informal waste management is not a priority within the political agenda, though the policies include some notions of integrating waste pickers into formal waste management services. The position of waste pickers in the policies is constructed through the problem representations of poor livelihoods, adverse health effects and inefficiency, despite the fact that most recycling in the country is done by the informal sector. Simultaneously, the policies present waste as an underutilized resource in the generation of employment and wealth, especially through incentivizing private sector involvement. The research found some contestations of the position of waste pickers as marginalization in the media in narratives that emphasized the livelihood as a viable option, but the sector is rarely covered by the media. Within the critical framework of this thesis, these results are discussed as a form of primitive accumulation, or accumulation by dispossession, reproduced by the state through policymaking. The underpinnings of this discussion also include the notion of how the global ideal of development is sometimes utilized, in spite of local conditions, to reproduce primitive accumulation, e.g. through appropriating waste as a form of urban commons and creating extremely low-cost idle labor power, while noncapitalist systems and skills are disregarded. Jätehuollosta ja uusiomateriaalista on tulossa enenevässä määrin kiistanalainen aihe globaalilla tasolla kestävyyshaasteiden takia. Samanaikaisesti epävirallinen kierrätys on ollut pitkään merkittävä elinkeino ympäri maailmaa. Globaalin etelän kaupunkialueilla 50-100 prosenttia jätehuollosta toteutetaan epävirallisen sektorin toimesta. Keniassa käytännössä kaikki kierrätys tapahtuu epävirallisen sektorin toimesta. Työn merkittävyydestä huolimatta epäviralliseen jätteiden keräämisen elinkeinoon liitetään usein vahva stigma sekä yhteiskunnan että päättäjien toimesta. Tämän ristiriidan vuoksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan epävirallisen kierrätyksen elinkeinon ongelmallisuuden diskurssia Kenian jätehuoltopolitiikassa kriittisen analyysin avulla. Tutkielman metodologinen viitekehys perustuu Carol Bacchin kehittämään poststrukturalistiseen diskurssianalyyttiseen lähestymistapaan. Lähestymistapa koostuu kuudesta kysymyksestä, joiden avulla tarkastellaan sitä, miten politiikan kautta rakennetaan ’ongelmia’ ja näiden ongelmien rakentumiseen käytettyjä diskursseja. Lähestymistavan yhteydessä sanaan ’ongelma’ ei liitetä sen tavanomaista kielteistä merkitystä, vaan sillä viitataan asioihin, joita politiikan kautta yritetään muuttaa. Bacchin lähestymistapa näkee vallan toimintana, jonka tarkoituksena on politiikan kautta rakentaa hallitsevaa tietoa, merkityksiä ja subjekteja. Lähestymistavan tarkoituksena on kyseenalaistaa ja purkaa näitä rakennelmia. Politiikkadokumenttien lisäksi tutkielmassa käytettiin lähteinä kenialaisia medialähteitä sekä yhtä avaininformanttihaastattelua. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu kriittiseen maantieteeseen. Viitekehyksen kautta elinkeinon rakentumista politiikkadokumenteissa tarkastellaan erityisesti Karl Marxin alun perin kehittämään primitiivisen akkumulaation käsitteeseen liittyvien nykyteorioiden kautta. Viitekehyksen kautta tarkastellaan myös käsityksiä siitä, miten valtio ja valta tuottavat primitiivistä akkumulaatiota esimerkiksi politiikan kautta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sitä, miten käsitystä globaalin kehityksen ihanteesta käytetään joskus markkinoiden hyödyksi. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella on selvää, että politiikan pyrkimyksenä on modernisoida Kenian jätehuolto erityisesti yksityistämisen kautta. Tällä hetkellä lähes kaikki kierrätys Keniassa tapahtuu epävirallisen tahon toimesta, mutta tahon huomioiminen politiikassa on vähäistä, vaikkakin politiikkadokumenteissa on myös viitteitä aikomuksista integroida epävirallinen sektori osaksi virallista jätehuoltojärjestelmää. Vaikka kierrätys Keniassa perustuu epävirallisen sektorin toiminnalle, elinkeino näyttäytyy politiikassa marginalisoitujen ihmisten pienimuotoisena toimintana. Ongelman rakentumista perustellaan politiikassa kehnon elinkeinon, haitallisten terveysvaikutusten ja tehottomuuden diskurssien kautta. Samanaikaisesti jätehuolto ja kierrätys näyttäytyvät politiikkadokumenteissa mahdollisuutena vaurastumiseen ja työllisyyden parantamiseen, ennen kaikkea yksityisen sektorin sitouttamisen kautta. Kenialaisessa mediassa epävirallisen kierrätyksen elinkeinosta puhutaan hyvin vähän, vaikkakin mediassa korostui myös elinkeinon mahdollisuudet toimeentulon kannalta. Tuloksia pohditaan tutkielman kriittisen viitekehyksen kautta primitiivisen akkumulaation muotona, jota valtio tuottaa politiikanteon kautta. Pohdintaa tukee myös käsitys kehityksen globaalista ihanteesta, jota voidaan hyödyntää primitiivisen akkumulaation edistämisessä esimerkiksi yhteiskäytössä olevien resurssien taltiointiin. Samalla prosessi sivuuttaa ei-kapitalistisia taitoja ja järjestelmiä, ja luo reservissä olevaa halpaa työvoimaa.