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  • Nyman, Maria (2016)
    Due to Finland’s economic situation, the youth of today have to grow up in a society that requires them to get an education as soon as possible, in order to quickly find work and be able to provide for themselves. Consequently, this means that e.g. high school graduates are forced to quickly decide where they would like to continue their studies. Hence, this thesis is specifically focused on high school graduates and their experiences. In order to create a greater understanding for what feelings the graduates go through during this time in their lives, the aim of this thesis is to investigate how the high school graduates experience this specific turning point; what factors lie behind the emotions they feel, and how they believe their high school has supported them in their thoughts and decisions regarding their future and education. The theoretical framework mainly consists of Ryan & Deci’s Self Determination Theory (SDT) and the theory of Locus of Control. This study is qualitative in nature; the data was collected through individual interviews with three high school students who graduated spring of 2016. The results of this study show that this particular phase in the high school graduates’ lives generates a lot of different thoughts and feelings among them. In order for them to experience this time in their lives as positively as possible, the results suggest that the graduates require a nurturing and supporting social environment. In addition, a healthy mental wellness based on intrinsic motivation and an inner locus of control is also required. Moreover, this study provides evidence for the fact that these particular elements, along with the support from the high school guidance counselling and the counsellors, support the graduates in handling this turning point in their lives. Together these elements help the graduates decide between the different choices they have to make regarding their future.
  • Wirén, Greta (2024)
    The future weighs heavily on many youths when it comes to choosing education and career paths. It’s becoming increasingly common for youths to take a gap year to contemplate their future educational opportunities. Parents wield significant influence over their children’s choice of education. Youths whose parents hold highly educated professions tend to gravitate towards academic pursuits. However, parental professions aren’t the sole influencers; their involvement and encouragement also play pivotal roles. The aim of this thesis is to explore the significance of parents’ occupations and leisure interests in youths’ thoughts and plans for the future. The research questions addressed in this thesis are: 1. How do parents’ professions and values manifest in youths’ thoughts regarding education and career choices? 2. What significance do hobbies and leisure interests hold in youths’ considerations of education and career paths? 3. What kind of changes regarding research questions 1 and 2 can be observed between grades 7 and 8? This thesis employs a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews as the method of data collection. Five youths participated in the interviews, which were subjected to content analysis. The results suggest that youths contemplate their future extensively already in grades 7 and 8, with the majority having a career plan in mind. It’s evident that youths tend to consider professions aligned with their parents’ educational backgrounds. For most youths, the idea of turning their hobbies into careers isn’t particularly common, except for two respondents. Economic considerations are a significant part of youths’ thoughts, with varying opinions on the importance of money. They focus on highpaying professions, the cost of quality education, and opportunities to earn money in the short term. Despite having post-middle school plans, they exhibit varying attitudes towards school.
  • Storrank, Malena (2020)
    Denna avhandling har syftet att ge en bredare förståelse för socialarbetares upplevelser och erfarenheter kopplade till yrket. Forskningsfrågorna tar upp socialarbetares syn på sitt yrkesval, vilka upplevelser som har format yrkesvalet samt vilken roll som krävs i arbetet och om denna roll sammanstämmer med den professionella identiteten. Sammanlagt intervjuades tre socialarbetare i semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av narrativ analys i två delar, först i en råkategorisering av transkriberingen och senare i en djupare analys och tolkning. Fenomenologi har varit det överhängande perspektivet genom hela forskningsprocessen och begreppet ”livsvärld” är relevant för forskningen. Eftersom ett stort fokus finns på professionen blev professionsforskning den praktiska teorin som användes. Resultatet visar att socialarbetare långt motiverar sitt yrkesval baserat på sin egen personlighet. Yrkesvalet ses som högst personligt och ett resultat av uppväxt, familj, erfarenheter och inställning till samhällsfrågor. Upplevelserna (narrativen) som presenterades i intervjuerna visar på högt empatiskt kännande redan i barndomen och en vilja att hjälpa utsatta genom praktiska handlingar. Upplevelserna visar även på att respondenterna var uppmärksamma på samhällets orättvisor och en ovilja att acceptera dessa orättvisor. Studiens resultat visar att rollen som krävs i arbetet ofta sammanstämmer med socialarbetarnas professionella identitet, men konflikter kan förekomma när respondenterna tvingas vara allvetare eller när en situation kräver att man innehar en disciplinär roll samtidigt som man ska vara opartisk. Det kom även upp att socialarbetarna upplever att deras professionella och privata roll går in i varandra och att egna värderingar och politiska åsikter långt sammanstämmer med det sociala arbetets traditionella värderingar. Studien liksom resultatet är kvalitativt och medför ökad kunskap om socialarbetare i Finland. Resultatet är användbart för socialarbetare för att väcka självreflektion, för utomstående för att få en inblick i professionen samt för arbetsplatser för att få ökad kunskap av yrkesgruppen och vad som kan göras för att förbättra arbetsförhållanden.
  • Ekqvist, Cecilia (2015)
    When adolescents graduate from upper secondary school they face a turning-point when they shall make an occupational choice. The occupational choice can be problematic and an alternative is then to study at a folk high-school. The education programmes at the Finnish folk high-schools usually last one year and offer optional, educative and vocational education. The aim of this qualitative Master's Thesis is to investigate folk high-school students' occupational choice behaviour and their experiences of the process of the occupational choice. The aim of this is to clarify the importance of the folk high-school for adolescents' process of occupational choice. The scientific approach of this study is phenomenological, which means that the study aims to describe the informants' subjective experiences and descriptions regarding the research topic. Eleven students from Västra Nylands folkhögskola were interviewed in this study, and the collected data were analysed using theoretical interpretation. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews. The results of this study demonstrate that the reasons behind applying for the folk high-school were a need of a year off, career goals, will to become independent, pragmatically rational thinking and emotions, socialisation, and the education as a second-hand choice. Several of the informants experienced stress facing the occupational choice, but the year at the folk high-school helped them with the process as well as developed them knowledge-wise, personally and socially.
  • Fabricius, Emma (2015)
    Many young people in today’s western society have considerable problems making sustainable decisions about their studies and career, which is clearly shown in statistics about interrupted studies, change of studies, double degrees and parallel education. There are many options and it seems difficult to form a conception of what different jobs withhold and the educational background needed for them. At the same time pressure to shorten the length of studies rises in order to get students faster into working life. The aim of this study is to survey factors which affect the secondary school graduate’s decision about what to do after the upper secondary school. I want to find out if the graduates have a clear goal, and if they have a strategy to reach that goal. I also want to map out things that influence the goals and the graduate’s confidence in their own decisions. At the same time this study aims to investigate if the graduates have the resources to reach their goals, and to examine how to possibly support the students with their decisions and help them find the right study orientation or career path after the upper secondary school. The data for the quantitative study was collected via an electronic questionnaire, which was sent by e-mail to the graduates in a total of nine upper secondary schools in the capital region of Finland. The data was then analysed with the statistics programme SPSS. The survey was executed in May 2014 and had a total of 81 respondents. The results of this study show that the decision is made much directed by interest in the field of studies. The majority of the respondents will apply for a place to study directly after upper secondary school, and most of them considered it unlikely that they drop the intention to study if they do not get a place at their first try. The result also shows that the more explicit the goal of the students is, the higher is their ambition and confidence in the decision, and the less effect did new information have. Internet, student counsellors and friends seemed to provide a great share of the amount of information about education options. Yet it is clear that there is a huge need for more information about studies and work. Most of the respondents were aware of the qualifications needed to succeed with their plans, and considered themselves to have the knowledge prerequisites required.