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  • Sandström, Annica (2016)
    Tiivistelmä – Abstrakt – Abstract The thesis purpose is to clarify the child's view of the teacher's participation in the outdoor play. Previous research has shown that teachers both should and should not participate in the play. Even the children's perspective is taken up. Pramling Samuelsson and Asplund Carlsson (2003) emphasizes the participation of adults in the play as positive for both children and adults. By the adult participate in the game strengthens the bond between the child and the adult. Adults can also get all the kids to join and play. The research method is a qualitative group interview that took place in three different kindergartens with three to four children in each group. The children were from age three to five. Ten children participated altogether in my study. The results showed clearly how children see the teachers' participation in outdoor play. The children think that the teachers do not participate in the outdoor play. The teachers usually talk with other educators in the yard and they intervene in the event of trouble between the children or when the children get hurt. The children want the teachers participating in the outdoor play, but so that the children get to decide. Over half of the children who were interviewed felt that it would be funny if the teachers took part in the outdoor play.
  • Tokola, Priska (2017)
    The purpose of my study was to find out how children aged 2–6 take part in cooking dinner in families. The aim was to get information about how often and in which cooking tasks children take part in cooking dinner and find the reasons why children take part in cooking or not. The aim was also to get information about the meanings parents give to their children´s participations in cooking dinner. Based on these results I examined is there any connection between participation and children’s eating problems and future skills in cooking. These considerations I process mainly in my last chapter discussion, because this study is not wide enough to give reliable information to these perspectives. Five families with children aged 2–6 years took part in my study. All the families were nuclear families and at least one of the parents was in working life. In every interview the mother was selected to be interviewed. Interviews were carried out in October or November 2016 and were recorded and transcribed. Semi-structured interview were used in interviews, and content analysis in data analysis. According to my research results children aged 2–6 take part in cooking dinner variously. Participation varied from weekly attendance to that there was not any attendance. According to parents the participation was generally speaking slight, but they still listed lots of tasks that children had done. The most common tasks were mixing food, frying on a pan, cutting vegetables, taking away their own dishes after dinner and filling up and emptying dishwasher. The reasons for children´s participation was their own interest towards making food, spending time together. And reasons why they did not participated are the daily rush and safety issues. The meanings parents gave to children´s participation varied a lot between different families. Parents thought that cooking dinner together brought joy to children, helped them to under-stand cooking steps, and added children´s interest against food and cooking skills. Every parent felt their children's participation in cooking with family was important, without exception.
  • Karja, Miia (2012)
    An interdisciplinary research project The conservation of the native breeds for the social welfare and rural entrepreneurship – the background for the economical, social and cultural activities was carried out in MTT Agrifood Research Finland during the years 2004-2006. The research was done in collaboration with MTT Agrifood Research Finland, TTS Work Efficiency Institute, persons having native breeds and experts in the field of native breeds. The research was one part of Biodiversity and Monitoring Programme MOSSE partially funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. One dimension of the research was to examine the socio-cultural meaning of native breeds in productisation. The aim was to find out the social and cultural meanings of native breeds among breeders, consumers and citizens and to define the essential meanings and their dimensions relating to native breeds. Answers for the research questions were searched for example by the theme interview done for eight breeders of Finncattle and Finnsheep. Resting on material of the theme interview I have researched in this Master´s thesis, what kind of policy measures would be the most functional ones so that breeders would keep native breeds also in the future and even have more of them. I have examined these policy measures by using farmer typology, considering challenges and opportunities arousing from keeping native breeds and the dimensions of utilizing native breeds. With the help of farmer typology were found out those policy measures, targets and need for policy measures important for each farmer type for example in the situation where a breeder wanted to start with upgrading of native breed products in his farm. Examining policy measures by using challenges and opportunities of keeping native breeds and by the dimensions of utilizing native breeds, did highlight the need not only for diversified policy measures but also for collaboration between administrative and social sectors and participation of breeders when planning policy measures for the conservation of native breeds. This arises from the diverse field of keeping native breeds: native breeds are utilized in traditional agricultural production and in a hobby oriented way when living in the countryside as well. Farmers, other entrepreneurs, private persons, school farms, prison farms and other breeders do have a key position in conservation work of native breeds. They in practice do take care of breeding of these animals and maintaining live gene banks. In addition to functional policy measures, we need management of diversity of indigenous breeds based on breeders´ views and actors committed to the work.
  • Ferica, Imy (2012)
    This study aims to examine the political, economic, social and cultural characteristics of TED as alternative media. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a non-profit global conference media organizer that curates formatted brief speech called TED Talk and presents it in its offline conferences as well as publishes in online platform. TED has a global network that has spread rapidly through TEDx, a replication of TED-like conference by local communities worldwide. This social phenomenon makes TED as the contemporary illustration of the latest development of alternative media. Earlier literature studies on alternative media from Atton (2002) and Downing et al. (2001) focus on alternative media’s role as civil society that radically opposes the dominant power of the state, market and mainstream media. This civic role is important in providing alternative voices in democracy. Castells (2008) argues that the advancement of communication technology in globalization process has extended alternative media’s civic engagement to global level and empowered the community to higher access and participation in alternative media. Bailey et al. (2008) surmise these developments into four approaches that see alternative media: first, in serving the community; second, as an alternative to mainstream media; third, as part of civil society; and fourth, as a rhizome-like hybrid media. This study utilizes these literature references along with the four frameworks above to present holistic view in understanding TED as alternative media. By studying TED, I seek to expand these theoretical discussions by looking at how alternative media build sustainable civil society movement through dynamically incorporating dominant values in achieving its alternative media goals. This hybrid approach also affects alternative media’s ways in serving the community, promoting democracy and prompting social changes. The methodology of this study is ethnography. Since TED has two social settings of offline conference and online media platform, the ethnographic approach of this study is conducted in both setting. I gathered field data through participation and observation on TEDx Jakarta event and interview with the founders as well as online observation on, TED Talk videos, TED’s forums and third party documents on TED. I analyzed the data with the help of coding tools and discussed the findings within the framework of literature references. The key findings of this study show that TED’s political, economic, social and cultural characteristics are contingent, rhizome-like and transhegemonic. These characteristics project TED as alternative media that adopts dominant practices such as commercialism and controlled editorial system and maintaining elitism to reach paradoxically its civic goals of democratizing knowledge sharing and making social changes. TED also builds flexible partnership with the market and mainstream media and is not entirely counter-hegemonic. Although TED maintains a centralized authority in policy making, its relationship with its communities is based on rhizome-like network which strives towards semi-hierarchical access and participation, multiple replications by community and heterogeneity of its community across geographical and cultural borders. However this hybrid strategy of alternative media brings up threats of over-commercialization, elitism within the community, and ideological bias.
  • Gröhn, Iiris (2024)
    Vaikka useat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet aikuisen tuen lisäävän lasten sitoutumista leikkeihin ja rikastavan niiden sisältöjä, on lasten vapaisiin leikkeihin osallistuminen varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön osalta yleisesti harvinaista. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen mukaan lasten osallisuus ymmärretään vapaan leikin tilanteissa usein kapeasti esimerkiksi vapautena valita mieluinen leikki tai leikkikaveri, mutta lasten mahdollisuuksiin vaikuttaa aktiivisesti leikin sisällä ei välttämättä tarjota riittävästi tukea. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää sekä kuvata varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilla esiintyviä rooleja ja niiden ominaispiirteitä vapaan leikin tilanteissa. Lisäksi tutkielmassa pyrittiin tuomaan esiin erilaisia keinoja, joilla lasten osallisuutta voitaisiin vapaan leikin tilanteissa tukea. Tavoitteena oli tiivistää aiempaa tutkimustietoa liittyen varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien rooleihin vapaan leikin tilanteissa, sekä tuottaa ajankohtaista tietoa lasten osallisuutta tukevista käytännöistä lapsille erityisen merkityksellisessä maailmassa: leikissä. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineisto muodostui kahdestatoista, eri maissa vuosina 2014–2023 julkaistusta, vertaisarvioidusta tutkimusartikkelista, jotka käsittelivät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien rooleja vapaan leikin tilanteissa ja lasten osallisuutta sekä leikissä että hieman laajemmin varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimusaineistosta analyysin avulla nousseet havainnot johtivat luokittelemaan tulokset kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen vastaten. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilla esiintyviä rooleja havaittiin olevan vapaan leikin tilanteissa kolmen tyyppisiä: Aktiiviset leikin sisällä vaikuttavat, aktiiviset leikin ulkopuolelta vaikuttavat sekä passiivisesti leikkiin vaikuttavat roolit. Aktiivisesti leikin sisällä vaikuttaviin rooleihin katsottiin tässä tutkielmassa kuuluvan leikkikaverin, ohjaajan, sekä leikinjohtajan roolit, aktiivisesti leikin ulkopuolelta vaikuttaviksi rooleiksi määriteltiin uudelleenohjaajan, lavastajan sekä sivustaseuraajan roolit ja passiivisesti leikkiin vaikuttavina rooleina nähtiin osallistumattoman sekä valvojan roolit. Lasten osallisuutta vapaan leikin aikana edistäväksi tekijäksi tunnistettiin ymmärrys osallisuudesta käsitteenä sekä käytäntönä ja konkreettisempina osallisuutta tukevina keinoina nähtiin leikin edellytyksistä huolehtiminen, havainnointi sekä leikkiin osallistuminen. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilla esiintyy useita rooleja vapaan leikin tilanteissa, mutta leikkeihin vaikutetaan pääsääntöisesti niiden ulkopuolelta. Jotta lasten osallisuutta vapaissa leikeissä voidaan tukea, vaaditaan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilta syvällisempää ymmärrystä osallisuudesta käsitteenä sekä osana yhteistä toimintakulttuuria. Osallisuutta vahvistavina käytäntöinä voidaan nähdä leikkiin liittyvistä edellytyksistä (leikkiaika, tilat ja materiaalit) huolehtiminen, leikkien systemaattinen havainnointi sekä osallistuminen leikkeihin lasten tarpeiden mukaisesti. Lapsille tulisi kuitenkin tarjota riittävästi mahdollisuuksia aktiiviseen toimijuuteen leikeissä. Opettajalta vaaditaankin vahvaa pedagogista ymmärrystä sekä arviointikykyä havaita, millainen osallistuminen tai tuki tilanteessa on kunkin lapsen tai lapsiryhmän kohdalla tarpeen. Kyetäkseen aktiiviseen vaikuttamiseen leikeissä, vaaditaan lapsilta riittävää ymmärrystä lasten keskinäisestä vertaiskulttuurista ja siihen liittyvistä säännöistä. Saavuttaakseen tällaisen ymmärryksen lapset puolestaan tarvitsevat riittävästi mahdollisuuksia sosioemotionaalisten taitojen harjoittelemiseen turvallisessa ympäristössä.
  • Iivonen, Marjut (2002)
    The study examines one case of students' experiences from the activity in a collaborative learning process in a networked learning environment, and explores whether or not the experiences explain the participation or lack of participation in the activities. As a research task the students' experiences in the database of the networked learning environment, participating in its construction, and the ways of working needed to build the database, were examined. To contrast the students' experiences, their actual participation in the building of the database was clarified. Based on actual participation, groups more active and more passive than average were separated, and their experiences were compared to each other. The research material was collected from the course Cognitive and Creative Processes, which was offered to studentsof the Department of Textile Teacher Education in University of Helsinki, and students of the Departments of Teacher Education Units giving textile education in Turku, Rauma and Savonlinna in the beginning of 2001. In this course, creativity was examined from a psychological and sosiocultural context with the aim of realizing a collaborative progressive inquiry process. The course was held in a network-based Future Learning Environment (Fle 2) except for the starting lecture and training the use of the learning environment. This study analyzed the learning diaries that the students had sent to the tutor once a week for four weeks, and the final thoughts written into the database of the learning environment. Content analysis was applied as the research method. The case was enriched from another point of view by examining the messages the students had written into the learning environment with the social network analysis. The theoretical base of the study looks at the research of computer-supported collaborative learning, the conceptions of learning as a process of participation and knowledge building, and the possibilities and limitations of network-based learning environments. The research results show, that both using the network-based learning environment and collaborative ways of studying were new to the students. The students were positively surprised by the feedback and support provided by the community. On the other hand, they also experienced problems with facelessness and managing the information in the learning environment. The active students seemed to be more ready for a progressive inquiry process. It can be seen from their attitudes and actions that they have strived to participate actively and invested into the process both from their own and the community's point of view. The more passive students reported their actions to get credits and they had a harder time of perceiving the thoughts presented in the net as common progression. When arranging similar courses in the future, attention should be paid to how to get the students to act in ways necessary for knowledge building, and different from more traditional ways of studying. The difficulties of students used to traditional studying methods to adapt to collaborative knowledge building were evident on the course Cognitive and Creative Processes.
  • Muukkonen, Satu (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2007)
    In Cambodia, water has a special purpose as a source of life and livelihoods. Along with agriculture, fishing and forest use, industry, hydropower, navigation and tourism compete for the water resources. When rights and responsibilities related to essential and movable water are unclear, conflicts emerge easily. Therefore, water management is needed in order to plan and control the use of water resources. The international context is characterized by the Mekong River that flows through six countries. All of the countries by the river have very different roles and interests already depending on their geographical location. At the same time, water is also a tool for cooperation and peace. Locally, the water resources and related livelihoods create base for well-being, for economical and human resources in particular. They in turn are essential for the local people to participate and defend their rights to water use. They also help to construct the resource base of the state administration. Cambodia is highly dependent on the Mekong River. However, Cambodia has a volatile history whose effects can be seen for example in population structure, once suspended public institutions and weakened trust in the society. Relatively stable conditions came to the country as late as in the 1990s, therefore Cambodia for example has a weak status within the Mekong countries. This Master s thesis forms international, national and local interest groups of water use and analyzes their power relations and resources to affect water management. The state is seen as the salient actor as it has the formal responsibility of the water resources and of the coordination between the actions of different levels. In terms of water use this study focuses on production, in management on planning and in power relations on the resources. Water resources of Cambodia are seen consisting of the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake and the time span of the study is between the years 1991 and 2006. The material consists of semi-structured interviews collected during summer 2006 in Finland and in Cambodia as well as of literature and earlier studies. The results of the study show that the central state has difficulties to coordinate the actions of different actors because of its resource deficit and internal conflicts. The lessons of history and the vested interests of the actors of the state make it difficult to plan and to strengthen legislation. It seems that the most needed resources at the central state level are intangible as at the village level instead, the tangible resources (fulfilling the basic needs) are primarily important. The local decision-making bodies, NGOs and private sector mainly require legislation and legitimacy to support their role. However, the civil society and the international supporters are active and there are possibilities for new cooperation networks.
  • Ruokanen, Santra (2024)
    This master’s thesis aims to examine the structural barriers that hinder women's participation in peacebuilding processes in Mozambique. The research falls under an umbrella theme of Women, Peace, and Security. The main research question of the study is: “What are the main structural barriers for women’s participation in peacebuilding processes in Mozambique?” The research is based on qualitative methodology, the research data includes an analysis of the expert interviews and the National Action Plan of Mozambique for Women, Peace, and Security. The study uses semi-structured theme-oriented expert interviews to gather data from various entities, including international organization representatives, policy officers, and civil society organizations. The theoretical framework is based on theories of critical feminist peace research and structural intersectionality. The particular purpose is to recognize the societal structures that function as barriers by generating inequalities and power relations between genders and thereby hindering women’s participation in peacebuilding processes. Furthermore, the purpose is to recognize the interconnections of these societal structures and how they affect women’s participation. The focus is on socio-cultural, educational, political, economic, and implementational factors. The study reveals that patriarchal structures, gender-based violence, and dominant gender roles limit women's agency and contribute to their limited participation. Lack of education negatively impacts women's confidence to participate in public initiatives and decision-making and their access to information and rights. Economic barriers, such as limited access to resources and loss of livelihoods, further marginalize women in peacebuilding efforts through the effects of survival priorities and double burden. Political dimensions highlight persistent obstacles women face in decision-making processes, highlighting the need for inclusive governance institutions and addressing recognition of women’s agency. Women are emphasized as agents of change, working in the informal sector of society and focusing on community-level peacebuilding. However, these actions are not transferred to formal activities, in which women remain excluded. The National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security (NAP-WPS) is a vital framework, but its’ implementation faces challenges such as lack of political will, transparency, resource allocation, and inclusivity. In Mozambique, women are often overlooked or undervalued in peacebuilding processes. Gender-sensitive methods are crucial to addressing structural barriers to women's participation. Intersecting dimensions of socio-cultural norms, educational and economic inequalities, political obstacles, and implementing issues must be addressed to create an environment that allows women to fully participate, contribute, and take the lead in establishing a peaceful and inclusive society. The research has important implications for Mozambique and globally, emphasizing the importance of grassroots initiatives and rethinking established systems. The topic is important for better understanding the links between peacebuilding and women's participation and related social problems and to allow for a broader discussion on the complex roots of issues such as poverty, patriarchal norms, and power relations.
  • Ruokanen, Santra (2024)
    This master’s thesis aims to examine the structural barriers that hinder women's participation in peacebuilding processes in Mozambique. The research falls under an umbrella theme of Women, Peace, and Security. The main research question of the study is: “What are the main structural barriers for women’s participation in peacebuilding processes in Mozambique?” The research is based on qualitative methodology, the research data includes an analysis of the expert interviews and the National Action Plan of Mozambique for Women, Peace, and Security. The study uses semi-structured theme-oriented expert interviews to gather data from various entities, including international organization representatives, policy officers, and civil society organizations. The theoretical framework is based on theories of critical feminist peace research and structural intersectionality. The particular purpose is to recognize the societal structures that function as barriers by generating inequalities and power relations between genders and thereby hindering women’s participation in peacebuilding processes. Furthermore, the purpose is to recognize the interconnections of these societal structures and how they affect women’s participation. The focus is on socio-cultural, educational, political, economic, and implementational factors. The study reveals that patriarchal structures, gender-based violence, and dominant gender roles limit women's agency and contribute to their limited participation. Lack of education negatively impacts women's confidence to participate in public initiatives and decision-making and their access to information and rights. Economic barriers, such as limited access to resources and loss of livelihoods, further marginalize women in peacebuilding efforts through the effects of survival priorities and double burden. Political dimensions highlight persistent obstacles women face in decision-making processes, highlighting the need for inclusive governance institutions and addressing recognition of women’s agency. Women are emphasized as agents of change, working in the informal sector of society and focusing on community-level peacebuilding. However, these actions are not transferred to formal activities, in which women remain excluded. The National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security (NAP-WPS) is a vital framework, but its’ implementation faces challenges such as lack of political will, transparency, resource allocation, and inclusivity. In Mozambique, women are often overlooked or undervalued in peacebuilding processes. Gender-sensitive methods are crucial to addressing structural barriers to women's participation. Intersecting dimensions of socio-cultural norms, educational and economic inequalities, political obstacles, and implementing issues must be addressed to create an environment that allows women to fully participate, contribute, and take the lead in establishing a peaceful and inclusive society. The research has important implications for Mozambique and globally, emphasizing the importance of grassroots initiatives and rethinking established systems. The topic is important for better understanding the links between peacebuilding and women's participation and related social problems and to allow for a broader discussion on the complex roots of issues such as poverty, patriarchal norms, and power relations.
  • Vauhkonen, Aleksi (2018)
    The thesis at hand regards the form of performance called “professional wrestling”. A professional wrestling match is where two (or more) performers or wrestlers perform a bout with a predetermined outcome in and in the close proximity of a wrestling ring in front of a live audience. Thus, the performance is a part of a fictional combat sport in that the combatants work together in order to tell a story. This thesis concentrates on the fictionality of professional wrestling but also on the role of the live audience which is active and participatory. Lastly, professional wrestling is examined in the light of theories regarding participatory art. The primary research question of this thesis is the following: can professional wrestling realize the potentials of participatory art? Even though the primary goal of this thesis is not to offer an absolute explanation of the phenomenon of professional wrestling, it is a rather alien subject in aesthetics. Thus, the goals of chapters 1 and 2 are to explain the history of professional wrestling in the United States and to attempt to categorize it in the field of the arts. In chapter 3 professional wrestling is examined in the light of Kendall Walton’s theories on fiction formatted in his Mimesis as Make-believe (1992). The chapter states that professional wrestling presents a uniform fictional world. Chapter 3 concludes in the idea that professional wrestling has in fact historically and organically engulfed its audience as a fundamental element of the fictional world it presents. Chapter 4 is a summary of the main theories regarding participatory art, the main sources on this subject being Claire Bishop’s Artificial Hells (2012) and Jacques Rancière’s The Emancipated Spectator (2011). According to Bishop’s definition, participatory art is such where people constitute the central artistic medium and material, in the manner of theater and performance. Bishop argues that the main motive of participatory art is a critique of spectacle and capitalism. According to Rancière, the ideal of participatory art is a “new theater”, where the audience’s role is to be an active and radical community audience, and even further, where the piece of art is a part of said community. The main thesis of chapter 4 is that the artworld fails to realize the ultimate goals of participatory art, for the artworld presupposes a certain power dynamic between the artist and the audience, and this dynamic leaves no room for a rancièrian “unpredictable subject”. Chapter 5 examines the role of the professional wrestling audience in the performance it is presented with. The chapter includes a thorough explanation on the participatory elements in professional wrestling and the significance of the audience regarding televised professional wrestling. The chapter especially concentrates on recent phenomena in the participation of the professional wrestling audience through case studies. The examples echo the notion that the professional wrestling audience has power that is the product of the fact that the professional wrestling audience is an element of a fictional world. Finally, chapter 5 examines professional wrestling through the ideals of participatory art formatted by Bishop and Rancière. The thesis concludes in the notion that even though professional wrestling fails to realize several ideals of participatory art, it has the potential to become an example of a rancièrian new theater. This is because unlike in participatory art where the dynamic between the artist and the audience is dictated by auxiliary contracts, in professional wrestling the audience has power which is a natural part of the fictional world presented to it. At times the professional wrestling audience can become an active and radical community audience, which is the ideal of participatory art according to Rancière. Thus, participatory art may have things to learn from professional wrestling.
  • Vauhkonen, Aleksi (2018)
    The thesis at hand regards the form of performance called “professional wrestling”. A professional wrestling match is where two (or more) performers or wrestlers perform a bout with a predetermined outcome in and in the close proximity of a wrestling ring in front of a live audience. Thus, the performance is a part of a fictional combat sport in that the combatants work together in order to tell a story. This thesis concentrates on the fictionality of professional wrestling but also on the role of the live audience which is active and participatory. Lastly, professional wrestling is examined in the light of theories regarding participatory art. The primary research question of this thesis is the following: can professional wrestling realize the potentials of participatory art? Even though the primary goal of this thesis is not to offer an absolute explanation of the phenomenon of professional wrestling, it is a rather alien subject in aesthetics. Thus, the goals of chapters 1 and 2 are to explain the history of professional wrestling in the United States and to attempt to categorize it in the field of the arts. In chapter 3 professional wrestling is examined in the light of Kendall Walton’s theories on fiction formatted in his Mimesis as Make-believe (1992). The chapter states that professional wrestling presents a uniform fictional world. Chapter 3 concludes in the idea that professional wrestling has in fact historically and organically engulfed its audience as a fundamental element of the fictional world it presents. Chapter 4 is a summary of the main theories regarding participatory art, the main sources on this subject being Claire Bishop’s Artificial Hells (2012) and Jacques Rancière’s The Emancipated Spectator (2011). According to Bishop’s definition, participatory art is such where people constitute the central artistic medium and material, in the manner of theater and performance. Bishop argues that the main motive of participatory art is a critique of spectacle and capitalism. According to Rancière, the ideal of participatory art is a “new theater”, where the audience’s role is to be an active and radical community audience, and even further, where the piece of art is a part of said community. The main thesis of chapter 4 is that the artworld fails to realize the ultimate goals of participatory art, for the artworld presupposes a certain power dynamic between the artist and the audience, and this dynamic leaves no room for a rancièrian “unpredictable subject”. Chapter 5 examines the role of the professional wrestling audience in the performance it is presented with. The chapter includes a thorough explanation on the participatory elements in professional wrestling and the significance of the audience regarding televised professional wrestling. The chapter especially concentrates on recent phenomena in the participation of the professional wrestling audience through case studies. The examples echo the notion that the professional wrestling audience has power that is the product of the fact that the professional wrestling audience is an element of a fictional world. Finally, chapter 5 examines professional wrestling through the ideals of participatory art formatted by Bishop and Rancière. The thesis concludes in the notion that even though professional wrestling fails to realize several ideals of participatory art, it has the potential to become an example of a rancièrian new theater. This is because unlike in participatory art where the dynamic between the artist and the audience is dictated by auxiliary contracts, in professional wrestling the audience has power which is a natural part of the fictional world presented to it. At times the professional wrestling audience can become an active and radical community audience, which is the ideal of participatory art according to Rancière. Thus, participatory art may have things to learn from professional wrestling.