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  • Julku, Susanna (2017)
    Objectives: The purpose of this master´s thesis is to study the everyday life of homes, based on the articles published in Helsingin Sanomat. The articles were published in 2005-2015. The focus for the research was the ”Kodin arki” article collection (Janhunen-Abruquah [ed.] 2009. It was decided to analyse the articles in Helsingin Sanomat (HS) because it is the widest newspaper by its circulation in Finland and the articles were also available as digital material. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on everyday life, on the changes of it within society and on the research done on the subject. The research questions are the following: 1. In which style is the everyday life of homes written about? 2. Which themes of everyday life are brought up in the articles? 3. Which common factors can be found from the themes brought up from the writings of the everyday life at home? The study consisted of 33 articles from Helsingin Sanomat and were intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the image created by one media representative regarding the everyday life. By analysing an overview of the individual articles, a more reliable description of the media style becomes visible and the result may also differ from the type of image the random may form. Methodology: The methodology used in this research is of qualitative and descriptive. The method used in analysing the data is content analysis. Since the content of the articles always represents a wide range of perspectives and the different connections between various matters, it is important to remember that in this type of research these matters are described as accurately as possible and interpreted in a variety of ways. People's experiences of the data vary and consequently the causes and consequences are of diverse nature. In contrast to qualitative research which does not aim at statistical generalizations but instead aims at describing phenomena or events, in understanding a particular activity or in giving a theoretical interpretation of a phenomenon. Results and conclusions: Home and everyday life are much analysed subjects in the media, including the press. HS writings also deal with these topics from many different perspectives. Everyone has one's own experiences and opinions on the topic in question. The topics which HS and other media chooses to write on modifies the opinions of the citizens, raising certain issues and topics which are being discussed in different contexts in the society. The everyday life at homes is reflected in HS articles as a busy and effective activity or as a continuous struggle on everyday basis, such as social or interpersonal relationships. The readers are told of everyday experiences which are familiar to many working adults. Eleven articles were discovered out of the data and four of them were summed up. These were as follows: skills, the endurance, the actions and the environment. These themes appeared in all articles with a slightly different emphasis on the type of writing and could be seen as aggregating factors in the context of everyday life in HS.
  • Laine, Heidi (2011)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, miten keisariajalla syntyneet suomenkielisen rahvaan edustajat kirjoittivat lapsuudestaan. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu seitsemän julkaistun omaelämäkerran ja kahdenkymmenen julkaisemattoman omaelämäkerrallisen tekstin lapsuudenkuvauksista. Aineiston julkaistut kirjoittajat ovat niin kutsuttuja kansankirjailijoita, eli tavallisen rahvaan edustajia, jotka tuotannossaan kuvasivat suomalaista kansanelämää. Kansankirjailija-ilmiö eli kulta-aikaansa 1800-luvun lopulla vaipuakseen unohdukseen realistisen tyylisuunnan tultua muotiin kirjallisuudessa. Julkaisemattomien tekstien kirjoittajat ovat kansanihmisiä, joiden kirjoitusmotivaatiot vaihtelivat. Osa heistä lähetti tekstinsä julkaisemisen toivossa Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuralle (SKS), jossa ne arkistoitiin ja unohdettiin. Toisten kohdalla kirjoitukset päätyivät arkistoihin jälkipolvien toimesta. SKS:n kirjallisuusarkistossa 2000-luvulla käynnistetty kartoitus toi nämä tekstit päivänvaloon ja tutkijoiden mielenkiinnon kohteiksi. Tutkielmassa kysytään, millaisia teemoja ja miten nämä kirjoittajat käsittelivät kertoessaan lapsuudestaan. Taustalla oletuksena on, että omaelämäkerrallisen kirjoittamisen voidaan katsoa heijastelevan kulloisenkin ajan sallittua ja soveliasta elämää. Lisäksi pohdinnan kohteena on se, miten julkaisemattomat ja julkaistut kirjoitukset eroavat toisistaan kuvatessaan keisariajan lapsuutta ja arkea. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestytään tutkielmassa aineistolähtöisesti. Menneisyyden ihmisten kokemuksiin ja arvotuksiin on suhtauduttava herkkyydellä anakronististen tulkintojen välttämiseksi. Tutkielmassa käytetyssä tutkimusmenetelmässä keskiössä ovat aineiston mikroluenta ja huolellinen kontekstualisointi. Aineistolähtöistä Grounded Theory -menetelmää on käytetty löyhänä metodisena viitekehyksenä. Aineistosta nousseet teemat on jaettu kolmeen analyysilukuun. Ensimmäisessä käsitellään ihmissuhteita, joista tärkeimmiksi nousevat suhteet vanhempiin. Seuraavassa pääluvussa käsitellään lapsuuden olosuhteita, eli kotikasvatusta ja kuria, köyhyyttä, sairauksia ja kuolleisuutta sekä lapsuuden ilonaiheita. Kolmannessa pääluvussa tarkastellaan yhteisöllisiä rakenteita, joihin kuuluvat työ osana lapsen arkea ja kasvua, sekä koulunkäyntiä. Teemoittelu on samalla osa tutkimuksen tuloksia. Julkaistujen ja julkaisemattomien tekstien välinen vertailu osoittaa niiden olevan teemoiltaan hyvin samanlaisia. Eroja löytyy lähinnä oikeakielisyydessä ja tekstin sujuvuudessa. Aineiston suppeuden vuoksi pitkälle menevien johtopäätösten tekeminen ei ole mahdollista, mutta analyysin havaintojen pohjalta voi esittää muutamia spekulaatioita. Se, että julkaisemattomat kirjoitukset muistuttavat julkaistuja, voisi viitata siihen, että niiden kirjoittajat ovat tutustuneet kansankirjoittajien tuotantoon ja saaneet siitä vaikutteita. Heidän käsityksensä omaelämäkertagenrestä on myös saattanut olla selkeämpi, kuin tutkielman alussa on oletettu. Toisaalta voidaan myös ajatella, että vertailun tulos legitimoi kansankirjailijoiden omaelämäkerrallisten tekstien käytön historiantutkimuksen aineistona. Julkaistujen ja julkaisemattomien omaelämäkerrallisten tekstien rinnakkainen käyttö puolustaa paikkaansa, sillä julkaistujen kirjoitusten tuodessa tarkasteluun syvyyttä, antavat julkaisemattomat kuvaukset sille avaruutta.
  • Jantunen, Hanna (2014)
    The experienced everyday life, importance of feeling comfortable in one's own neighbourhood and attachment to place have been popular research topics in recent years. One important reason for this is that feeling of belonging is important for everyday wellbeing. Taking care of the neighbourhood is also beneficial for the society. Active moving especially in the metropolitan area rises questions are residential areas filling the demands of a good neighbourhood. The aim of the study is to find out which factors make residential area a good place to live from resident's point of view and how residents experience their everyday life in the area. The aim is also to consider the importance of experiential knowledge can be exploited in regional planning. The research area in this study is Matinkylä neighbourhood in the city of Espoo. This is a qualitative study and the research material consists of five interviews made in Matinkylä including observation in the research area. All the interviewees live in the area. The interviews were made using the Go along-method that means walking with the participant in the research area while interviewing. Walking route consists of places that are important in the everyday life. The research material was categorized and analysed by using discourse analysis. One of the main results in this study is finding three criteria that are needed to feel comfortable in one's own neighborhood. The found criteria are the importance of the social relations in the area, functioning public transport and good accessibility to local services and the closeness of green spaces in the area. The places of everyday life contains in addition to home, local services and recreational areas. Analysis also tells that residents divide the neighbourhood in smaller areas on the basis of the areas appearance and how the resident experiences the area. Dividing the areas leads in a situation where some of the areas start to feel distant or even unsafe for the residents and it effects the ways of using the whole neighbourhood. According to interviews Matinkylä is a good place to live, but when observing the ranges of attachment the attachment is strongest in the area close to home. Including for example home street, and other places situated near home. This study verifies the importance of neighbourhood attachment to the residents. The importance of neighborhood areas motivate planners to develop high quality residential areas to improve the quality of life. Experiential knowledge collected from the residents brings added value to residential planning by giving planners information they could not have from anywhere else. Exploiting this kind of information is important especially in the beginning of the planning project. Exploring the neighborhood especially by walking creates a possibility to use the area more diverse and diminish the possible feelings of insecurity in the area. The results suggest that feeling comfortable in the area and attachment to place have strong influence for using the area. Without attachment to place the area may lose its users and its importance.
  • Hietaniemi, Marjut (2018)
    This research investigates “Supporting the everyday life of families with children” activity provided by the Martha organization. The activity consists of home visits arranged by household experts, which aim to facilitate the wellbeing and everyday life of families with children. The aim of the research is to explore how home visits facilitate the fluency of everyday life and how they support the development of household skills. In addition, the re-search aims to deepen understanding of the everyday life of families with children by investigating what type of burdening factors families face and what type of supporting factors appear in the everyday life of families. The research was qualitative by nature, and its material was obtained by conducting semi-structured theme interviews. That is, six parents and four household experts were interviewed for the research. The research material was analyzed using the theory-guided con-tent analysis method. Based on the research results, parents experience everyday life as busy and full of work. Especially the schedules set by work burden everyday life. Household experts experienced that difficult life situations and the lack of household skills and everyday life patterns burden families. The research shows that families need concrete help and support. Some of the interviewed parents felt that their need for support had been left unrecognized. Based on the material, anticipation and daily routines proved to be important supporting factors for everyday life. Parents felt that the home visits contributed to the fluency of everyday life in many aspects and that doing things together was the concrete and significant way of contribution. Household experts viewed that the purpose of home visits was to discover the families’ own way of handling everyday life and that the visits were the right way of strengthening household skills. According to the research, household advice and visits provided by household experts in addition to other support forms provided by different organizations and the society are worth the support for the everyday life of families with children. The understanding of the needs for everyday life and its support for families with children enables the development of family-oriented support forms.
  • Hietaniemi, Marjut (2018)
    This research investigates “Supporting the everyday life of families with children” activity provided by the Martha organization. The activity consists of home visits arranged by household experts, which aim to facilitate the wellbeing and everyday life of families with children. The aim of the research is to explore how home visits facilitate the fluency of everyday life and how they support the development of household skills. In addition, the re-search aims to deepen understanding of the everyday life of families with children by investigating what type of burdening factors families face and what type of supporting factors appear in the everyday life of families. The research was qualitative by nature, and its material was obtained by conducting semi-structured theme interviews. That is, six parents and four household experts were interviewed for the research. The research material was analyzed using the theory-guided con-tent analysis method. Based on the research results, parents experience everyday life as busy and full of work. Especially the schedules set by work burden everyday life. Household experts experienced that difficult life situations and the lack of household skills and everyday life patterns burden families. The research shows that families need concrete help and support. Some of the interviewed parents felt that their need for support had been left unrecognized. Based on the material, anticipation and daily routines proved to be important supporting factors for everyday life. Parents felt that the home visits contributed to the fluency of everyday life in many aspects and that doing things together was the concrete and significant way of contribution. Household experts viewed that the purpose of home visits was to discover the families’ own way of handling everyday life and that the visits were the right way of strengthening household skills. According to the research, household advice and visits provided by household experts in addition to other support forms provided by different organizations and the society are worth the support for the everyday life of families with children. The understanding of the needs for everyday life and its support for families with children enables the development of family-oriented support forms.
  • Jäntti, Aura (2017)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to clarify experience or knowledge of the teachers of home economics on how, in practice, learning environment for the person with celiac disease should be organized during the lessons and what kind of challenges and possibilities in regards with the gluten-free diet will be faced. The objective is to clarify how the realization of gluten-free diet is being seen in the home economics teacher's work; what kind of planning and special attention it will require. The theoretical framework consists of discussing both the coeliac disease and the realization of gluten-free diet in everyday life of an adolescent person, in home economics teaching and in the entire school environment. Methods. This study was carried out as a qualitative study. Data were collected by interviewing seven home economics teachers. Semistructured theme interview method was used when carrying out the interviews. The data gathered in the interviews was thematically analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Ten themes emerged as answers to the research questions. Results and conclusions: In this study, many situations were found in which the celiac disease is apparent in home economics classrooms. Practical assignments of a coeliac pupil were mainly smooth, s/he was normally working in a group, but also sometimes on his/her own. There was a separate storage for non-gluten raw materials, to prevent cross contamination and a regular cleaning was used. Coeliac disease was seen mostly in social events: coeliac pupil was not invited into a group. S/he did not always want to emphasize the condition. The importance of group work and the ability to co-operate is being highlighted and there is a need for a coeliac pupil to have equal opportunity to work in groups. The importance of applying recipes was highlighted in the answers, it was specifically noted that a person with celiac disease should get tips for his/her own everyday life. The realization of gluten-free diet was seen in the teachers work especially while planning the classes and while ordering of the raw materials, but not, nearly at all, in the school's budget. Common understanding was that it is easy to find information on coeliac disease, but some of the teachers have twisted or distorted information which would lead to a situation where the importance of the special diet is not completely understood. The co-operation and school's support are very important for the coealic pupil.
  • Jäntti, Aura (2017)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to clarify experience or knowledge of the teachers of home economics on how, in practice, learning environment for the person with celiac dise-ase should be organized during the lessons and what kind of challenges and possibilities in regards with the gluten-free diet will be faced. The objective is to clarify how the realization of gluten-free diet is being seen in the home economics teacher’s work; what kind of plan-ning and special attention it will require. The theoretical framework consists of discussing both the coeliac disease and the realization of gluten-free diet in everyday life of an adoles-cent person, in home economics teaching and in the entire school environment. Methods. This study was carried out as a qualitative study. Data were collected by inter-viewing seven home economics teachers. Semi-structured theme interview method was used when carrying out the interviews. The data gathered in the interviews was thematically analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Ten themes emerged as answers to the re-search questions. Results and conclusions: In this study, many situations were found in which the celiac di-sease is apparent in home economics classrooms. Practical assignments of a coeliac pupil were mainly smoothh, s/he was normally working in a group, but also sometimes on his/her own. There was a separate storage for non-gluten raw materials, to prevent cross con-tamination and a regular cleaning was used. Coeliac disease was seen mostly in social events: coeliac pupil was not invited into a group. S/he did not always want to emphasize the condition. The importance of group work and the ability to co-operate is being highligh-ted and there is a need for a coeliac pupil to have equal opportunity to work in groups. The importance of applying recipies was highlighted in the answers, it was specifically noted that a person with celiac disease should get tips for his/her own everyday life. The realiza-tion of gluten-free diet was seen in the teachers work especially while planning the classes and while ordering of the raw materials, but not, nearly at all, in the school’s budget. Com-mon understanding was that it is easy to find information on coeliac disease, but some of the teachers have twisted or distorted information which would lead to a situation where the importance of the special diet is not completely understood. The co-operation and school’s support are very important for the coealic pupil.
  • Karhunen, Laura (2020)
    The aim of this dissertation was to create an understanding of unpaid domestic work and household services and the value of it. The idea was to bring a philosophical-economic per-spective to help perceive the phenomenon, and to use the definition of economic value to help in the search for philosophical values. There was also a desire to bring in the centrality of the welfare aspect. The dissertation approaches unpaid domestic work through the con-cepts of everyday management and everyday well-being. The monetary value of the house-hold in the national economy and the problem of ignoring it are presented. The aim is to pro-duce a summary that makes it natural to continue researching the topic in a master's thesis. The dissertation was carried out as a descriptive literature review, within the framework of the narrative literature review methodology. The main research material used was Statistics Finland's online material and other material related to the topic that was found using relating keywords and references from the texts of other authors. Due to the variations related to everyday and household vocabulary, the most important material in the construction of the dissertation body was the material in Finnish. A dissertation of this scale somewhat succeeded in presenting the concept of household value from an economic point of view as well as presenting the philosophical aspect of the concept. The research process ignited a desire to explore the topic further, and in more depth, and to plan the direction of further research. It will surely help in coming up with possible research questions in the future.
  • Pathirane, Henrik (2017)
    Tämä estetiikan pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee, minkälaisia kohteita ja merkityksiä arkisilla kaupunkikävelyillä kohdataan sekä miten nämä kohteet ja niiden merkitykset koetaan. Tutkielmassa kysytään, mitä on merkityksen kokeminen. Tutkielma on ensisijaisesti vuoropuhelussa arjen estetiikan ja filosofisen hermeneutiikan kanssa. Kaupunki saa artikulaationsa moniulotteisena dynaamisena urbaanina kontekstina, joka ei pelkisty kaupunkilaisiin, rakennuksiin eikä historiaan. Arjen arkisuus puolestaan näyttäytyy hajamielisenä havainnointina, ajatusten ja huomionkohteiden satunnaisuutena sekä tuttuuden ja vierauden välisenä heilahteluna. Kaupungin merkitysten kokeminen arkisilla kävelyillä saa muotoilunsa kaupungin runollisuudessa: kävelyn rytmittämässä kaupungin elementtien ja merkitysulottuvuuksien vapaassa yhdistelyssä. Hans-Georg Gadamerin filosofinen hermeneutiikka tarjoaa systemaattisen esityksen merkitysten kokemisesta. Se myös on filosofian 1900-luvun historian yksi merkittävistä avauksista ja suuntauksista, jota ei vielä ole saatettu arjen estetiikan yhteyteen. Käsillä oleva tutkielma soveltaa Gadamerin filosofista hermeneutiikkaa ja taideteoksen ontologiaa arkisten kaupunkikävelyiden merkitysten kokemisen kontekstiin: muotoillaan kaupungin arkista poetiikkaa filosofista hermeneutiikkaa soveltamalla. Filosofisen hermeneutiikan viitekehyksessä merkitysten kokeminen eli ymmärtäminen suuntautuu aina tekstiin. Tutkielmassa muotoillaan ehdotus, että kaupunki virittää kokijan siten, että kaupungissa mikä tahansa voidaan kohdata tekstinä. Ymmärtäminen tarkoittaa avoimuutta traditiolle ja ennakkokäsitysten pidättelemistä eli dialogiin ryhtymistä tradition tekstien kanssa. Avoimuus vieraudelle on kaiken kokemuksen edellytys. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, kuinka tämä toteutuu arjessa. Yhtenä vastauksena ehdotetaan kaupungin moniaistisen esteettisen kokemisen ja hermeneuttisen merkityksen kokemisen yhteensovittamista. Gadamerin taideteoksen ontologiaa koskevan teorian avulla tutkielma tarkentaa kävelemisen vaikutukseen merkitysten kokemiselle. Gadamerin leikin, symbolin ja juhlan metaforien kautta esitellään hermeneuttisen identiteetin, osallistumisen ja tunnistamisen käsitteet sekä ajatus teoksen ajallisuudesta. Kävelijä osallistuu kaupunkiin eli luovuttaa osan toimijuudestaan kaupungille. Taideteoksen kokeminen edellyttää yleisen tunnistamista partikulaarisesta. Se vaatii viipyilyä teoksen äärellä, mikä ei yksittäisillä kävelyillä toteudu yksittäisen tekstin kohdalla. Arjen toisteisuuden merkityksellisyys kaupungin runollisuuden kokemiselle nousee tutkielman yhdeksi avainhuomioksi ja suhteutuu Gadamerin ajatukseen taideteoksen ajallisuudesta. Kaupunki kokonaisuudessaan hahmottuu kaupunkikävelyn hermeneuttisen kokemisen kohteeksi. Lopulta tutkielmassa tarjotaan kaupunkikävelyitä arkisina vastineina taideteoksen kokemisen merkitykselle elämän pidemmällä mittakaavalla: molemmat pitävät meidät avoinna vieraudelle ja mahdollistavat elinikäisen oppimisen.
  • Saikkonen, Riitta (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this qualitative research was to examine the meaningfulness of own time for single parents and the meaning it carries in their everyday life. The target was also to gather experience based knowledge about the life of single parents. Previous research on the single parents' life is not abundant and often time the perspective has been simply coping with the challenges of lone parenthood. Based on previous research a single parents' life is often barely survival from one day to the other. In this research the target was to expand the point of view beyond mere survival, bringing light to new aspects of living as a single parent. Methods. The material of the research consisted of thematic interviews. The interviews involved 10 single parents. The sources were all women, although gender was not a relevant criteria when selecting interviewees. The transcribed material of the thematic interviews was analysed applying qualitative theory directive content analysis. The unique characteristic of experience based knowledge presented itself strongly. Results and conclusions. The own time of single parents seemed to be after the children's bedtime or during the free weekends (without kids). During their own time the parents relaxed in their way of preference. Own time was considered important with respect to overall wellbeing. The material indicated that even though single parent's own time was held important and they most often wanted to have more of it, there was little effort made towards getting more own time.
  • Virkki, Minna (2010)
    Aims. Sustainable development has become the most important theme in the development co-operation in the 21st century. Sustainable development is pursued by environmental education among other things. This research rose from the discussion about the meaning of environmental education in developing countries and especially the effect it might have in the environment and society. Nepal and one of its rural private schools was selected as a research object. The themes and questions of the research are: 1. Conceptions of the immediate environment of students and teachers: What does immediate environment mean according to the students and teachers? 2. Students' most important acts in the environment: What kind of effect do the students think they can have on the environment in their everyday life? 3. Teachers' opinions, experiences and methods in environmental education: What do teachers think should be taught to the students in environmental education? What are the teachers actually teaching? What kind of methods are the teachers using while teaching environmental education? Researching the conceptions of immediate environment and acts in the environment gives information about the students' and teachers' relation with the nature in their everyday life and the baseline from which environmental education will be implemented from. Teachers' opinions, experiences and methods in environmental education provide information on the current implementation of the environmental education. Methods. Ethnography was selected as a research method. Before collecting the actual data, a pre-study was conducted. The aim of the pre-study was to specify the research themes and practice the cross-cultural interview as a research method. The actual data was collected in the last week of January 2010 in Dhangadhi, Nepal. The data included twenty-two drawings and captions from the students and one group interview with the teachers. The data was analyzed with brief quantitative analysis and full analysis was done with a qualitative method called content analysis. Results and conclusions. Teachers' and student's conceptions of immediate environment differ from each other. Students saw the immediate environment from the scientific approach while the teachers thought it was more social conception. The interface was found in their own personal environment. This interface is a good baseline for environmental education. The most important acts in the environment for the students were protection towards the environment. The students saw their possibilities to have an influence in the environment through the school. A connection between the school and acting in the environment was evident. In the teachers' opinions and experiences of environmental education, environmental problems and the importance of teaching attitudes and values were found. No logic thematic entities were discovered but the teachers did use different kinds of methods in their teaching. Achieving the international aims for environmental education was very challenging in the research school because of the teachers' lack of information and skills to teach the subject. The context where the school works was also challenging.
  • Kontkanen, Emma (2024)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate households’ ability and motivations to reduce their electricity consumption amid an energy crisis in the years 2022-2023. The rapid increase in energy prices and uncertainty in energy availability have reflected in various ways on people’s daily lives, and due to the current nature of the issue, research data from the perspective of household economics is not yet available. Through abductive reasoning, the study aims to elucidate people’s adaption to everyday challenges amid the energy crisis, focusing particularly on reducing electricity consumption and sustainability aspects. The study was conducted using a qualitative research approach. Data were collected in the form of media texts written in Finnish from digital newspapers and online news outlets between June and September 2023. The data were published between January 25,2022, and February 20, 2023. The dataset consists of (N=21) media texts produced by Helsingin Sanomat, Yle, Kaleva, Iltalehti, Lapin Kansa, Kouvolan Sanomat, Savon Sanomat and Turun Sanomat. The data were analyzed using abductive reasoning. The results are not generalizable the entire population but provide insights into individual households’ ability to cope with the energy crisis. The results indicate that households generally can respond to sudden increases in energy prices. People were particularly willing to restrict their electricity usage, actively seeking alternative ways to use energy. Strategies for reducing electricity consumption included limiting heating for domestic hot water and room temperature, improving home energy efficiency, altering cooking practices, and optimizing energy usage through smart technology. Investing in new energy-producing systems was identified as an important means of reducing electricity consumption. However, some people were unwilling, unable, or did not deem it necessary to change their electricity usage habits due to the crisis. The most common motivations for reducing electricity usage were economic. The energy crisis and energy-saving campaigns also motivated people to save electricity out of a sense of duty, enthusiasm, ecological reasons, and questioning attitudes, habits, and routines related to energy usage. The study’s findings provide valuable information for understanding what knowledge and skills people need to cope with changing energy markets. Additionally, they reinforce the perspective of home economics science that housing and home technology are integral parts of the field, especially as artificial intelligence and home technology evolve rapidly, enabling reductions in home electricity consumption. Examining people's motivations for reducing consumption can also provide tools for targeted household counselling and education towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Kontkanen, Emma (2024)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate households’ ability and motivations to reduce their electricity consumption amid an energy crisis in the years 2022-2023. The rapid increase in energy prices and uncertainty in energy availability have reflected in various ways on people’s daily lives, and due to the current nature of the issue, research data from the perspective of household economics is not yet available. Through abductive reasoning, the study aims to elucidate people’s adaption to everyday challenges amid the energy crisis, focusing particularly on reducing electricity consumption and sustainability aspects. The study was conducted using a qualitative research approach. Data were collected in the form of media texts written in Finnish from digital newspapers and online news outlets between June and September 2023. The data were published between January 25,2022, and February 20, 2023. The dataset consists of (N=21) media texts produced by Helsingin Sanomat, Yle, Kaleva, Iltalehti, Lapin Kansa, Kouvolan Sanomat, Savon Sanomat and Turun Sanomat. The data were analyzed using abductive reasoning. The results are not generalizable the entire population but provide insights into individual households’ ability to cope with the energy crisis. The results indicate that households generally can respond to sudden increases in energy prices. People were particularly willing to restrict their electricity usage, actively seeking alternative ways to use energy. Strategies for reducing electricity consumption included limiting heating for domestic hot water and room temperature, improving home energy efficiency, altering cooking practices, and optimizing energy usage through smart technology. Investing in new energy-producing systems was identified as an important means of reducing electricity consumption. However, some people were unwilling, unable, or did not deem it necessary to change their electricity usage habits due to the crisis. The most common motivations for reducing electricity usage were economic. The energy crisis and energy-saving campaigns also motivated people to save electricity out of a sense of duty, enthusiasm, ecological reasons, and questioning attitudes, habits, and routines related to energy usage. The study’s findings provide valuable information for understanding what knowledge and skills people need to cope with changing energy markets. Additionally, they reinforce the perspective of home economics science that housing and home technology are integral parts of the field, especially as artificial intelligence and home technology evolve rapidly, enabling reductions in home electricity consumption. Examining people's motivations for reducing consumption can also provide tools for targeted household counselling and education towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Ahde, Sirpa (2013)
    Early studies have shown that parents in modern society are living their everyday life in the middle of the cultural expectations. Studies also show that children enjoy being in day care, if they have friends there, as well as the opportunity to play and to do something meaningful. Purpose of this study was to bring children's voices heard and to describe the child's everyday experiences. The study was to find out pre-school children's everyday life experiences at home, in family and in day care center. Children live their everyday life at home and in day care centers. This study describes the child's well-being and everyday in the basis of Bronfenbrenner eco-logical theory of education. The data were collected by questionnaire in Hämeenlinna day care centre personnel and its customers in the spring of 2011. For the individual interviews participated 478 children. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and content analysis methods. The study was a qualitative and approach by phenomenographic. The results showed that children want to play both at home and in day care centers. 39 % of the children wanted to spend time with their parents at home and in day care center only 13 % of children wanted to be with adults. Importance of friends in day-care center was emphasized, because 37% of the children mentioned in their responses friends. The study also asked if children are listened by the adults and 63% of the children felt that adults listen them carefully.
  • Mäntylä, Helena (2023)
    Lastensuojelun tehtävänä on edistää lapsen suotuisaa kehitystä ja hyvinvointia. Ruoka ja ravitsemus voidaan nähdä merkittävänä osana hyvinvointia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada tietoa siitä, miten työntekijät ajattelevat lastenkodin ruokakasvatuksesta ja siellä näkyvistä haasteista. Haasteet tulevat näkyväksi, kun vaikeista taustoista tulevat nuoret tulevat uuteen ympäristöön. Vaikka lastensuojelulaitosten arkea on tutkittu hyvin vähän, aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut lastenkodissa tapahtuvien ruokailutilanteiden olevan merkittävä osa siellä kasvavien nuorten arkea. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kolmea yksityisessä lastensuojelulaitoksessa työskentelevää sosionomia, jotka olivat tehneet lastenkotityötä 3–5 vuotta. Haastattelussa käsiteltiin kysymyksiä liittyen lastenkodin ruokailutilanteisiin, nuorten syömiseen liittyviin haasteisiin sekä työntekijöiden rooliin ruokakasvattajina. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin, jonka jälkeen tutkimustulokset analysoitiin. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisellä menetelmällä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että ruokakasvatuksella voidaan hoitaa, kasvattaa ja luoda osallisuutta. Haastatteluissa nousi esiin ruokakasvatukseen liittyviä haasteita, jotka liittyvät nuoren kokemaan ahdistukseen, työntekijöiden puutteelliseen koulutukseen, työntekijöiden epäjohdonmukaisuuteen sekä erilaisiin haastaviin toimintatapoihin. Tämän tutkielman tuottama tieto oli ruokakasvatuksen kentällä uudenlaista, ja siitä tehdyt havainnot osoittavat, että sosionomit hyötyisivät ruokakasvatuksen teemoihin liittyvästä koulutuksesta. Lastenkodin ruokakasvatuksen kannalta voisi olla hyödyllistä luoda lastenkotiin yhteinen ruokakasvatussuunnitelma, sillä se voisi tuoda yhtenäisyyttä työntekijöiden erilaisiin näkemyksiin, yhtenäistää toimintatapoja ja sillä tavoin tukea myös nuoren ruokasuhdetta ja hyvinvointia.
  • Mursula, Anuriitta (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to gain more insight into how play becomes a part of life in families with children. The aim is to find out different meanings of play for families in their daily lives and to view at the production of play activities especially from the perspective of children’s agency. Children’s involvement in the production of everyday life has not been studied comprehensively in the field of Home Economics Science. However today’s understanding of children both as active actors in their families and as producers of valid information made the topic relevant and important. The aim of this study was to build a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Play was considered as a meaningful function for families with children and as the most natural way for children to act. This qualitative study gathered data from four families with children. All the families lived in Helsinki metropolitan area and had each at least one child aged between five to seven years old. The data consisted of stimulated recall interviews with the families and was deepened by the families’ self collected material of their play memories. The families were allowed to actively determine their participation in the study and to choose their own ways of collecting the data. The data were mainly produced in the form of photographs and diary entries. The interviews were conducted in a child-centered way to ensure reaching their perspectives. Participant observation was also used while conducting the interviews. The data were analysed using both qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis methods. Also features of narrative analysis were applied in the analysis process. This study found play to be a central part of everyday life of families with children. Children bring play also in the families’ non-playful activities. Play routines are important for the daily life of families for the flow they bring as well as for the families’ enjoyment and well being. Play and everyday life form a positive circle where they nourish each other. The experiences of community and participation through play proved to be the most important factors in the everyday life of families. Play and players themselves produce family as they play. Play can bring family members together and create family the valuable experience of us. Play can also be seen supporting the child’s agency in family life by providing children tools for participating and making an influence in joint activities.
  • Mursula, Anuriitta (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to gain more insight into how play becomes a part of life in families with children. The aim is to find out different meanings of play for families in their daily lives and to view at the production of play activities especially from the perspective of children’s agency. Children’s involvement in the production of everyday life has not been studied comprehensively in the field of Home Economics Science. However today’s understanding of children both as active actors in their families and as producers of valid information made the topic relevant and important. The aim of this study was to build a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Play was considered as a meaningful function for families with children and as the most natural way for children to act. This qualitative study gathered data from four families with children. All the families lived in Helsinki metropolitan area and had each at least one child aged between five to seven years old. The data consisted of stimulated recall interviews with the families and was deepened by the families’ self collected material of their play memories. The families were allowed to actively determine their participation in the study and to choose their own ways of collecting the data. The data were mainly produced in the form of photographs and diary entries. The interviews were conducted in a child-centered way to ensure reaching their perspectives. Participant observation was also used while conducting the interviews. The data were analysed using both qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis methods. Also features of narrative analysis were applied in the analysis process. This study found play to be a central part of everyday life of families with children. Children bring play also in the families’ non-playful activities. Play routines are important for the daily life of families for the flow they bring as well as for the families’ enjoyment and well being. Play and everyday life form a positive circle where they nourish each other. The experiences of community and participation through play proved to be the most important factors in the everyday life of families. Play and players themselves produce family as they play. Play can bring family members together and create family the valuable experience of us. Play can also be seen supporting the child’s agency in family life by providing children tools for participating and making an influence in joint activities.
  • Herttuainen, Mari (2016)
    This research investigates how everyday life appears in elderly person's widowhood. The objective of this research was to clarify with the help of research questions everyday life of widows and household work that occurs in that. Research questions explained what kind of roles the widow/widower has had in household work before the widowhood and how household work have changed after widowhood. Research questions also explained how the widow/widower has adapted in everyday life and how he/she experience their ability to function. The last research questions investigated what kind of help the widow/widower has had in household work and how he/she sees the required help in the future. The theoretical framework of the research builds from examination of aging population, widowhood and multidimensionality of elderly person's everyday life. The research is a qualitative research with characteristics from historical research. The research data was collected by theme interviewing nine 66–87 years old widows/widowers. Two of the interviewees were men and seven were women. The research data was analyzed with the help of thematic analysis and typing. The coding method was content analysis. There were many kind of changes in widows/widowers household work. They were in different stages in their adaptation for widowhood. Type analysis investigated that there are three different widowhood types. These types were independent and strengthened, unadaptable for alone living and widows/widowers who get along. The results also told that their ability to function was mainly in good level, which can be seen as substantial asset. The results also described that widows/widowers had large support networks and they got help whenever needed. The future was treated with suspicion. The results made clear that adaptation courses in widowhood are needed.
  • Pakarinen, Jarkko (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, analysoida ja tulkita sitä, millaista miesparien parisuhde ja arki on. Tutkimuksessa minua kiinnosti kuulla myös miesparien ajatuksia heidän elämänsä turvaverkostoista ja sitä, mitkä tekijät tuovat heidän arkielämäänsä positiivista sisältöä sekä onnellisuutta. Halusin saada selville myös, mitä haaveita miesparien elämässä on. Tutkin heidän elämäänsä nimenomaan positiivisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa korostuu miesnäkökulma. Teoriassa aihetta lähestyttiin seuraavien pääteemojen kaut-ta: homoseksuaalisuus, parisuhde, arki ja intersektionaalisuus. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmäksi määrittyi viisi suomalaista miesparia, joiden ikäjakauma oli 25–56 vuotta. Haastateltujen miesparien perustiedoista tehtiin taulukko. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena teemahaastatteluna kesällä 2018. Haastattelut tehtiin sekä Skype-yhteyden kautta että omassa kodissani. Kaikki haastattelut tallennettiin nauhurilla. Haastattelumateriaali litteroitiin heti kunkin haastattelun jälkeen. Litteroitu materiaali analysoitiin. Tutki-muskysymyksistä muodostettiin 20 teemaa. Haastattelujen vastaukset olivat alateemoja, joita tuli 319. Tätä kautta muodostuivat neljä uutta yläluokkaa. Nämä olivat nykyhetki, tukiverkosto, onni ja ilo sekä haaveilevat pariskunnat. Tutkimustulokset kirjoitettiin auki näiden osa-alueiden kautta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten mukaan ansiotyö oli yksi tärkeimmistä ja vaikuttavimmista asioista kaikille miespareille heidän elämässään. Kaikki miesparit toivat vastauk-sissa esille sen, että työ toi arkeen perusrytmin, toimeentulon, ja sillä oli suuri merkitys heidän elämässään sisällöntuojana. Arkirutiinit koettiin erittäin tärkeinä elämässä. Kaikki miesparit pitivät merkityksellisinä suhteitaan omaan perheeseen, vanhempiin, sisaruksiin, sukulaisiin, ystäviin ja kavereihin. Kaikki miesparit pitivät edellä mainittuja ihmisiä kumppaneidensa ohella elämänsä ja arkensa tukiverkkona. Tutkimuksen miesparit kokivat, että itse parisuhde puolison kanssa tuo positiivisuutta ja onnea omaan elämään. Kaikki miesparit halusivat löytää kokonaisvaltaisen tyydytyksen elämäänsä pitkällä aikavälillä. Keskinäiset arjen pienet asiat ja yllätykset nähtiin ja koettiin merkityksellisiksi kiireisessä arkielämässä. Kaikki miesparit olivat selvästi miettineet yhteistä tulevaisuuttaan ja sen tuomia asioita parisuhteessa.
  • Pakarinen, Jarkko (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, analysoida ja tulkita sitä, millaista miesparien parisuhde ja arki on. Tutkimuksessa minua kiinnosti kuulla myös miesparien ajatuksia heidän elämänsä turvaverkostoista ja sitä, mitkä tekijät tuovat heidän arkielämäänsä positiivista sisältöä sekä onnellisuutta. Halusin saada selville myös, mitä haaveita miesparien elämässä on. Tutkin heidän elämäänsä nimenomaan positiivisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa korostuu miesnäkökulma. Teoriassa aihetta lähestyttiin seuraavien pääteemojen kaut-ta: homoseksuaalisuus, parisuhde, arki ja intersektionaalisuus. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmäksi määrittyi viisi suomalaista miesparia, joiden ikäjakauma oli 25–56 vuotta. Haastateltujen miesparien perustiedoista tehtiin taulukko. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena teemahaastatteluna kesällä 2018. Haastattelut tehtiin sekä Skype-yhteyden kautta että omassa kodissani. Kaikki haastattelut tallennettiin nauhurilla. Haastattelumateriaali litteroitiin heti kunkin haastattelun jälkeen. Litteroitu materiaali analysoitiin. Tutki-muskysymyksistä muodostettiin 20 teemaa. Haastattelujen vastaukset olivat alateemoja, joita tuli 319. Tätä kautta muodostuivat neljä uutta yläluokkaa. Nämä olivat nykyhetki, tukiverkosto, onni ja ilo sekä haaveilevat pariskunnat. Tutkimustulokset kirjoitettiin auki näiden osa-alueiden kautta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten mukaan ansiotyö oli yksi tärkeimmistä ja vaikuttavimmista asioista kaikille miespareille heidän elämässään. Kaikki miesparit toivat vastauk-sissa esille sen, että työ toi arkeen perusrytmin, toimeentulon, ja sillä oli suuri merkitys heidän elämässään sisällöntuojana. Arkirutiinit koettiin erittäin tärkeinä elämässä. Kaikki miesparit pitivät merkityksellisinä suhteitaan omaan perheeseen, vanhempiin, sisaruksiin, sukulaisiin, ystäviin ja kavereihin. Kaikki miesparit pitivät edellä mainittuja ihmisiä kumppaneidensa ohella elämänsä ja arkensa tukiverkkona. Tutkimuksen miesparit kokivat, että itse parisuhde puolison kanssa tuo positiivisuutta ja onnea omaan elämään. Kaikki miesparit halusivat löytää kokonaisvaltaisen tyydytyksen elämäänsä pitkällä aikavälillä. Keskinäiset arjen pienet asiat ja yllätykset nähtiin ja koettiin merkityksellisiksi kiireisessä arkielämässä. Kaikki miesparit olivat selvästi miettineet yhteistä tulevaisuuttaan ja sen tuomia asioita parisuhteessa.