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Browsing by Subject "kotitalousopetus"

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  • Hietanen, Lea (2016)
    Aims. The main objective of this research was to find out what kind of factors are related to agency of young people in parental home context. This research explored assets from householdings perspective in everyday living. Continuous changes in the internal everyday householding and external operational environments challenges agency of young people. Young people also facing the chancing and growing expectations and demands. The research motive from the household teacher's perspective was to find out what kind of viewpoints can be found from everyday householding that can be use for recognizing and strengthening the relationship between the agency of young people and householding. Theoretical viewpoints for this research were attaches to dynamics of family members home been and work, the modalities of agency and positive psychology research. Research questions were: 1. Which agency building factors are resulting from home constructing activity? 2. What kind of tensions and conclusions can be found from householding activities? 3. What the young person has learned in householding classes and how this is present in householding activities? Methods. The research was carried out as a qualitative research. Research material was gathered from stories received by email. The material consisted of written stories about young people's participation in everyday living. These stories were written by parents who have or have had upper comprehensive school aged children living in their home. Ten stories were received. Results and conclusions. Relationship between object and subject of home constructing activity were seen as building factors for agency. Tensions and strenghts between young and parent were seen to be resolution from young peoples participation in home. Tensions and conclusions were themed by (1) changes in home operation model, (2) parents attitude and role, (3) youngs attitude and role and (4) things guiding individuality and object. External communities, specially youngs relationships with peers and household teaching were seen to support young agency in home. Teaching the meanings to every day living aroust from the research material. Parents described this as discussion and interaction with the young and it was seen as important factor for building agency.
  • Hämäläinen, Marjut (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to find out how the gender equality actualizes in home economics classroom and in the teaching which happens in there. The approach of the study was to consider the gender in diverse ways, not only as dichotomic to men and women. The objective of this study is to provide information and knowledge to home economics teachers on the work field and in the studies. The public debate about gender equality has been lively in Finland for the past decade. In comprehensive school it became mandatory for every school to provide their own equality-program from the beginning of the year 2017. Methods. The data was collected in one upper primary school in the capital area during the beginning of the year 2018. The method to collect the data was observation. The researcher participated physically the observed lessons, and made notes along them. No technical recording equipments were used. To focus the observations the researcher made observation tables to form different part of the lessons. The collected data was analyzed by using the narrative analyzing method. Results and conclusions. For the most part, it was observed that the participants were treated equally. The teacher’s and the pupils’ behavior was seen equal to each other. The classroom and the environment in there was perceived also equal. Although the teaching and learning in the home economics classroom was seen from the results to promote equality, it could also be observed that at times the impact of certain societal norms affected behaviour in the classroom . When the students were divided into groups or pairs, most of the time the groups formed consisted of people of the same gender.
  • Almgren, Leena (2016)
    Aims. The use of edible weeds in cooking is trendy, cheap and healthy. In the study it was investigated the relation to the use of edible weeds in teaching among students that study to be home economic teachers in Helsinki University. Answers to the following questions were sought after in the study, what concrete idea the students have that can be exploited in the home economic classes and how the students perceive the teaching about edible weeds in elementary school. Methods.The study is a case study and it is based on twelwe essay’s writen by home economic students in the autumn of 2011. The essay’s were part of a 2 academic credits course in Helsinki University, the faculty of behaviourism, ”Luonnonkasvien hyödyntäminen”. The students were nearly ready home economic teachers. In the essay the students were asked to ponder without any prejudice differents way how edible weeds could be utilisated in the teaching of home economics. They were asked also to ponder, how co-operation between different subjects/faculties could be improved with using edible weeds as the topic in teaching. Results and conclusions. The ideas of home economic teachers were strongly based on collaboration and innovative ideas. The use of edible weeds is seen as possibility to do something new and also as a positive thing in their own work. In the teaching of home economics it is possible to combine learning contents from almost every other subject from elementary school classes. Also everyday life skills can be combined into home economic teachings.
  • Juurikkala, Katariina (2015)
    Aims. The purpose of this study is to explore, interpret and describe Ghanaian home economics education. The data for the study were collected during my university exchange in Ghana in the spring 2014. The theoretical background focuses on learning and teaching and cultural relatedness in those two phenomena. It also sets Ghana in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa with the focus on Ghanaian education. This study describes the contents and the implementations of home economics education through a cultural perspective. Methods. The data were collected using three different methods. It consists of interviews of three local home economics teachers and a learning assignment for 22 pupils which was implemented in a home economics class. Also, the data were produced by observing home economics classes in two different junior high schools for six weeks. The data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the study, home economics appeared as a subject that increases well-being. From the teachers' point of view home economics has far-reaching impacts for pupils' futures. The teachers had an urge to make pupils learn. The role of a teacher was significant in the classes and the interaction between pupils and teacher quite one-sided. The inadequate resources for teaching made it difficult to teach with diverse teaching methods. The results of the learning assignment reflected the contents and the implementations of home economics education. The answers were many-sided but less creative. Culture was strongly present in everything. The study does not qualify for broad generalizations about Ghanaian home economics education. However, culture and its impacts on teaching and learning are important to take into consideration in every educational context.
  • Lappalainen, Johanna (2024)
    Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma esittelee kotitalousopetuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena pyrkimyksen vaikuttaa nuorten arjen hallintataitoihin ja niiden kehitykseen oppimisen kautta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, mitkä peruskoulun kotitalousopetuksessa opitut asiat itsenäistyvät nuoret kokevat hyödyllisiksi omassa arjessaan. Aiempaa tutkimusta siitä, miten juuri peruskoulun kotitalousopetus näkyy arjessa, on varsin vähän. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiinkin tutkimuksia, jotka käsittelivät nuorten arkeen muutoin vaikutta-via tekijöitä, kotitalousopetuksen tavoitteita mukaillen. Edellisistä tutkimuksista voidaan havaita, että nuorten arjenhallinnan taitoja voidaan edistää kotitaloustaitoja oppimalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa aineisto hankittiin haastattelujen avulla. Tutkimuskohteena toimivat vuoden sisään lapsuuden kodistaan pois muuttaneet, pää-kaupunkiseudulla asuvat 18–20-vuotiaat itsenäistyvät nuoret aikuiset. Haastatteluja toteutettiin yhteensä 3. Jokainen haastateltavista oli käynyt peruskoulun kotitalousopetuksen pakolliset opinnot vuoden 2014 perusopetusopetussuunnitelman mukaan. Lisäksi kaksi haastateltavista oli käynyt kotitalousopetuksen valinnaisia opintoja. Haastattelujen jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin sisällön erittelyn keinoin. Syvempään tarkasteluun nostettiin kotitalousopetusta koskevat vastaukset ja nämä jaoteltiin teemoittain kotitalousopetuksen sisältöjen ja tavoitteiden pohjalta neljään osa-alueeseen sekä kolmeen eri tyyppiin (käytännössä hyödynnetty taito, teoriassa opittu taito, kielteinen oppimiskokemus). Tuloksista ilmenee, että ne peruskoulun kotitalousopetuksessa opitut asiat, jotka nuori näki hyödyllisenä ja oman arjen kannalta tarpeellisena olivat niitä, joita myös hyödynnettiin arjen käytännön tasolla. Vain teoriassa opittuja asioita he eivät osanneet yhdistää omaan arkeensa sopiviksi ja käytännön tasolle. Lisäksi nuoret tunnistivat oppimiskokemuksia, joilla oli negatiivinen vaikutus heidän arkeensa. Niihin liittyi riittävän tuen puuttuminen, sekä opettajan ehdottomuus joitakin asioita, kuten kierrätystä kohtaan.
  • Haaranen, Anniina (2022)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out how textile care appears in home economics textbooks. Textile care is considered as an essential area of focus in home economics education and an important everyday skill. The study examines what topics are associated with textile care, in what order they are presented, and what terms are associated with the different stages of the textile care. In addition, the study exam- ines how environmental aspects are merged with textile care. The environmental perspective is im- portant to consider in everyday activities so that they are sustainable and do not contribute to climate change. The research was conducted as a qualitative textbook analysis using theory-driven content analysis. The materials utilized in this study were six home economics textbooks published within the 21st cen- tury. A table of analysis was used to categorize the different themes found in the textbooks. In addition to the text contained in the books, images, additional information content, and possible attachments in the books were also included in the analysis. Clothing care, laundry, as well as pre-and post-treatment of laundry were recognized as the main themes among the researched materials. These concepts and themes are described in more detail in the theoretical section of the thesis, as well as within the research results. In all the researched textbooks textile care clearly appears as its own area of focus. The magnitude of the content has some influence on the extent to which the various stages of textile care have been covered in the textbooks. Sustainable aspects of textile care were also found in other sections of the book. The themes related to sustainable development were raised in a few books in sections related to consumer education, addressing especially the circular economy and sustainable decisions when pur- chasing clothing. The four main themes used as basis for the study were found in all the books and were mainly presented throughout the books in the same order. The most notable differences in the different stages of textile care were found in the contents related to clothing care. In more recent text- books, sustainability was clearly an integral part of the textbooks’ other content and was considered in all stages.
  • Haaranen, Anniina (2022)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out how textile care appears in home economics textbooks. Textile care is considered as an essential area of focus in home economics education and an important everyday skill. The study examines what topics are associated with textile care, in what order they are presented, and what terms are associated with the different stages of the textile care. In addition, the study exam- ines how environmental aspects are merged with textile care. The environmental perspective is im- portant to consider in everyday activities so that they are sustainable and do not contribute to climate change. The research was conducted as a qualitative textbook analysis using theory-driven content analysis. The materials utilized in this study were six home economics textbooks published within the 21st cen- tury. A table of analysis was used to categorize the different themes found in the textbooks. In addition to the text contained in the books, images, additional information content, and possible attachments in the books were also included in the analysis. Clothing care, laundry, as well as pre-and post-treatment of laundry were recognized as the main themes among the researched materials. These concepts and themes are described in more detail in the theoretical section of the thesis, as well as within the research results. In all the researched textbooks textile care clearly appears as its own area of focus. The magnitude of the content has some influence on the extent to which the various stages of textile care have been covered in the textbooks. Sustainable aspects of textile care were also found in other sections of the book. The themes related to sustainable development were raised in a few books in sections related to consumer education, addressing especially the circular economy and sustainable decisions when pur- chasing clothing. The four main themes used as basis for the study were found in all the books and were mainly presented throughout the books in the same order. The most notable differences in the different stages of textile care were found in the contents related to clothing care. In more recent text- books, sustainability was clearly an integral part of the textbooks’ other content and was considered in all stages.
  • Moilanen, Carita (2023)
    Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet arkielämän taitojen harjaantuvan kotitalousopetuksessa. Oppiaineen ydinsisältöä ovatkin arjen hallinnan taidot, kuten asumisen taidot. Nämä taidot ovat alati muutoksessa yhteiskunnan muuttuessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan asumisen taitojen, erityisesti keittiötyöskentelyn, kodin puhtaanapidon ja vaatehuollon taitojen muutosta kotitalouden oppikirjojen näkökulmasta vuodesta 2000 nykypäivään. Tutkimuskysymyksenä oli “Miten asumisen taitojen sisällöt ovat muuttuneet perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmien perusteiden vuosien 1994, 2004 ja 2014 mukaisten kotitalouden oppikirjojen välillä?” Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella analysoimalla peruskoulun kotitalousopetuksen oppikirjoja, jotka perustuivat vuosien 1994, 2004 ja 2014 peruskoulun opetussuunnitelmien perusteisiin. Oppikirjoja oli yhteensä neljä, joista kaksi olivat vuosiluokille 7–9 tarkoitettua oppikirjaa ja kaksi puolestaan muodostivat yhdessä kirjasarjan kattaen vuosiluokat 7–9. Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Analyysi todensi, että kotitalouden oppikirjoissa on koko tarkasteluun valittuna ajanjaksona ollut pyrkimyksenä arjen hallinnan taitojen kehittäminen. 2000-luvun alun oppikirjan sisällössä näkyi yksittäisten toimintojen ja taitojen korostuneisuus, kun taas uudemmissa oppikirjoissa näkyi tavoite kokonaisuuksien hallintaan ja ymmärrykseen. Kun opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin 1994 perustuva oppikirja keskittyy yksityiskohtaiseen menetelmien opettamiseen, antavat myöhempiin opetussuunnitelmien perusteisiin (2004; 2014) perustuvat oppikirjat tilaa omalle oivaltamiselle ja tiedon soveltamiselle enemmän. Asumisen taitojen opettaminen antaa valmiuksia nuoren itsenäiseen elämään ja arjen hallintaa, jonka vuoksi on tärkeää ymmärtää, miten näitä taitoja opetetaan. Oppikirjojen ja –materiaalien ajankohtaisuus on tässä tärkeässä roolissa. Jatkossa olisi mielenkiintoista tutkia kuinka paljon aikaa ja millaisia menetelmiä perusopetuksen kotitaloustunneilla käytetään asumisen taitojen opettamiseen.
  • Heikkinen, Tanja (2018)
    Aims. In home economic lessons there can be vegetarian diet students because of many different reasons, like religious or ethical reasons. They should also offer equal opportunities to learn home economics as well as others. The purpose of this study is to find out how home economic teachers fulfill vegetarian students working at the lessons and also how teachers feel about vegetarian diet and vegetarian students working in home economic lessons. The study is also finding out how vegetarian diet and those implementation influences home economic teachers lessons planning and fulfilling. Methods. I collected the material by interviewing four home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted by theme interviews, where the theme was predetermined. I analyzed the material by disassembling the interviews into the text format and by theme thematizing them according to research questions. Results and conclusions. The study found that vegetarians did not change the structure of the lessons. Time planning and practical work it affected because of the material ordering. In most cases, all the students were familiar with the same recipe that was changed as needed. In lessons, the composition of the groups varied, and sometimes vegetarian student worked in the group, sometimes alone. Social situation, a vegetarian was not affected, because other students were approving and relate them positively. Teachers did not experience vegetarian diets and related work difficult, and it did not require special attention.
  • Leino, Kaisa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how Home Economics as a school subject is arranged in grades 1-6 in mainland Finland and how distribution of lesson hours and curriculum varied between schools. Also, teachers qualification requirements and teaching facilities at schools were examined. The aim of the study was collect all the national information in one place, analyze the data and present the current state of Home Economics in grades 1-6. This was a descriptive and a quantitative study where quantative and qualitative methods were used. The research data was collected with a survey cooperated with Finnish national agency for education. The scope of this study was all schools in mainland Finland where grades 1-6 were taught (N=2004). Statistical analysis with SPSS-program, content analysis and quantification were used to analyze the collected data. The results show, that the schools that responded to the survey offered Home Economics in grades 1-6 only marginally. Only 8,6 % of schools that taught grades 1-6 and 10,9% of schools that taught grades 1-9 had Home Economics studies for grades 1-6. The biggest obstacles for not offering Home Economics were the lack of teaching facilities, resources and the fact that the local education authorities didn’t hold mandatory to have Home Economics for local curriculum. In addition, the results show that the lack of a teacher eligibility in the subject was an obstacle even if the qualification requirements criteria were met. Home Economics in schools with grades 1-6 were mostly taught by class teachers and schools where grades were between 1-9 by subject teachers. If the classroom for Home Economics was unavailable, Home Economics teaching was organized in more diverse learning environments in the respondent schools with grades 1-6 than schools with grades 1-9. The results show that Home Economics for grades 1-6 has not yet gained a strong foothold in mainland Finland. This study is important for the society because it serves Degree Programme in Home Economics Teacher Education, teachers continuing education and evaluation and development of curriculum for basic education.
  • Leino, Kaisa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how Home Economics as a school subject is arranged in grades 1-6 in mainland Finland and how distribution of lesson hours and curriculum varied between schools. Also, teachers qualification requirements and teaching facilities at schools were examined. The aim of the study was collect all the national information in one place, analyze the data and present the current state of Home Economics in grades 1-6. This was a descriptive and a quantitative study where quantative and qualitative methods were used. The research data was collected with a survey cooperated with Finnish national agency for education. The scope of this study was all schools in mainland Finland where grades 1-6 were taught (N=2004). Statistical analysis with SPSS-program, content analysis and quantification were used to analyze the collected data. The results show, that the schools that responded to the survey offered Home Economics in grades 1-6 only marginally. Only 8,6 % of schools that taught grades 1-6 and 10,9% of schools that taught grades 1-9 had Home Economics studies for grades 1-6. The biggest obstacles for not offering Home Economics were the lack of teaching facilities, resources and the fact that the local education authorities didn't hold mandatory to have Home Economics for local curriculum. In addition, the results show that the lack of a teacher eligibility in the subject was an obstacle even if the qualification requirements criteria were met. Home Economics in schools with grades 1-6 were mostly taught by class teachers and schools where grades were between 1-9 by subject teachers. If the classroom for Home Economics was unavailable, Home Economics teaching was organized in more diverse learning environments in the respondent schools with grades 1-6 than schools with grades 1-9. The results show that Home Economics for grades 1-6 has not yet gained a strong foothold in mainland Finland. This study is important for the society because it serves Degree Programme in Home Economics Teacher Education, teachers continuing education and evaluation and development of curriculum for basic education.
  • Lindroos, Hille (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Kotitaloutta voidaan opettaa valinnaisena aineena alakoulussa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että kotitaloutta opetetaan vain vähän alakouluissa, vaikka aine kuuluukin monen oppilaan suosikkeihin ja kotitaloudessa opetettavista taidoista on alakoululaisille hyötyä. Yhtenä haasteena opetuksen järjestämisessä on koettu alakouluun suunnatun opetussuunnitelman puute. Alakoululaisten taitotasoa on tärkeää tutkia, jotta valinnaista kotitalousopetusta voitaisiin kehittää oppilaiden tarpeet ja kyvyt mahdollisimman hyvin huomioivaan suuntaan. Tiedostamalla oppilaiden taitotason opetuksessa voidaan keskittyä ikäryhmälle sopivaan opetukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimustehtävänä on analysoida alakoululaisten käytännön toimintataitoja valinnaisessa kotitalousopetuksessa keskittyen ruoanvalmistuksen, sekä hygieenisesti ja turvallisesti toimimisen valmiuksiin. Tutkimuksessa pyrin myös selvittämään, onko taidoissa eroja eri luokka-asteilla analysoimalla lasten omia näkemyksiä. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseen osallistui 10 tutkittavaa vuosiluokilta 4–6 yhdestä valinnaisen kotitalousopetuksen ryhmästä. He vastasivat nimettömästi kyselylomakkeeseen, jossa oli seitsemän avointa kysymystä. Kysymykset olivat muodostettu opetussuunnitelman perusteissa 2014 esiteltyjen yläkoululaisten kotitalouden taitotavoitteiden pohjalta. Tutkimuksen analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin teemoittelua. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että lasten käytännön toimintataitojen valmiudet keittiössä olivat vaihtelevia. Esimerkiksi käsien motoriikkaa vaativat työvaiheet keittiössä osoittautuivat monelle vastaajalle haastaviksi. Aikaisemmat kokemukset keittiössä toimimisesta kotona vaikuttivat myönteisesti lasten osaamiskokemuksiin. Vastaajien luokka-aste vaikutti tuloksiin. Vanhemmat oppilaat kokivat keittiössä toimimisen pääosin tutummaksi ja helpommaksi, kuin nuoremmat vastaajat. Kyselylomakkeiden vastausten perusteella alakoululaisten osaaminen valinnaisessa kotitalousopetuksessa ei yllä perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa 2014 esitettyihin, yläkoululaisten käytännön toimintataitoja koskeviin tavoitteisiin. Kotitalouden opetussuunnitelman laatimisesta myös alakouluun olisi hyötyä oppimisen tukemiseksi.
  • Tillander, Tessy (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse learning assessment of practical action skills goals in grades 7-9 in home economics education done by teachers. The study is based on theoretical home economics education goals and learning assessments of it. Home economics education is defined in national core curriculum, which includes specific goals based on the subject and general goals. Goals of practical action skills is one of the key categories in home economics education. Practical actions are, for example, skills to work with hands and skills to work safely. Assessment of learning as a term includes assessment of a pupil, which concerns the pupil, the teacher, and the school. Assessment of home economics education has been studied earlier by qualitative methods and it has been mostly based on formative assessments. This study focuses on analysing assessment of practical action skills goals by teachers. This study was done using qualitative methods. The data for the study was gathered during the spring of 2022. The data consists of eight interviews of home economics teachers. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. The transcribed data was analysed by theory-guided qualitative content methods. Results of this study indicate that the assessment of practical action skills goals of home economics is done by both teachers and pupils. Assessment happens constantly in every lesson. The aim of the assessment is skills, which are defined in the national core curriculum. The most used assessment methods include observing, which is supplemented with self and peer assessments, assessment discussions and practical tests. How the assessment data was documented was the most varied. Some of the teachers studied write down short memos, but the assessment is done mostly based on memory. Difficulties in assessment, for example, a lack of time and interpretation of curriculum makes the assessment harder. The conclusion of this study is that there should be more research on assessment of home economics education. There could be follow-up studies of how teachers could be supported and educated more so that the assessment would be more systematical and fluent. Home economics education has an important societal impact which creates the basis for education and development of education of teachers.
  • Tikkanen, Anna (2022)
    Tutkielma tarkastelee kestävää kehitystä kotitalousopettajaopiskelijoiden pedagogisessa ajattelussa. Nuorisobarometrin mukaan nuoret surevat luonnon monimuotoisuuden heikkenemistä, mutta samalla suurin osa nuorista saa hyvää oloa kestävien kulutusvalintojen tekemisestä. Kotitalousopetuksella voidaan vastata moneen tulevaisuuden haasteeseen, koska kotitalousopetuksen tehtävä on kehittää kestävän ja hyvinvointia edistävän elämäntavan edellyttämää osaamista. Aikaisemmissa kotitaloustieteen tutkimuksissa on korostunut kestävän kehityksen näkemysten ja pedagogisten käytänteiden välinen tutkimus. Kestävää kehitystä pedagogisessa ajattelussa ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muotoutui: ”Miten kestävä kehitys näkyy kotitalousopettajaopiskelijan pedagogisessa ajattelussa?” Teoreettinen tausta muodostuu Suomessa tehdyistä kotitaloustieteen tutkimuksista sekä kestävän kehityksen ja pedagogisen ajattelun määrittelystä. Kestävässä kehityksessä huomioidaan samanaikaisesti ekologisen, taloudellisen ja sosiaalisen osa-alueen toteutuminen. Opettajan pedagoginen ajattelu viittaa kaikkeen ajatteluun opetusprosessin ympärillä. Opetustapahtuman perustekijät, opettaja, oppilas ja sisältö, sekä tekijöiden väliset suhteet, havainnollistetaan didaktisen kolmion kautta. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen. Aineistona on viiden kotitalousopettajaopiskelijan teemahaastattelut. Aineiston sisällönanalyysi toteutettiin teoriohjaavasti eli aineistolähtöiseen päättelyprosessiin tuotiin valmis teoria ohjaamaan lopputulosta. Sisällönanalyysin tuloksena tunnistettiin yhdeksän yläluokkaa, jotka kuvaavat opettajaopiskelijoiden ajattelua kestävästä kehityksestä: 1) kestävän kehityksen opetuksen sisällöt, 2) arjen hallinnan opetus, 3) taloustaitojen opettaminen, 4) miten kestävää kehitystä tulisi opettaa, 5) hyvinvointia tukeva kotitalousopetus, 6) miten kotitalousopetusta tulisi kehittää, 7) kestävät arjen valinnat, 8) kestävän kehityksen määrittely ja 9) kestävyyden määrittely. Yläluokista muodostui kolme pääluokkaa: opetussisältö, didaktinen suhde ja opettajaopiskelijan oma suhde sisältöön. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että kestävän kehityksen periaatteet ovat kiinteä osa kotitalousopettajaopiskelijoiden pedagogista ajattelua, mikä näkyy didaktisen kolmion mukaan hahmotettuna opetuksen sisällössä, didaktisen suhteessa ja opettajaopiskelijan suhteessa sisältöön. Kestävän kehityksen opetuksen sisällöiksi käsitettiin erityisesti arjen hallinta, taloustaidot ja kuluttajaosaaminen. Didaktisessa suhteessa painottuvat opetustavan muutos pois ruokakeskeisyydestä ja hyvinvointia tukeva opettajan ohjaus. Opettajaopiskelijan suhdetta sisältöön kuvaavat kestävät teot arjessa ja kestävän kehityksen käsittäminen laaja-alaisesti ja kokonaisvaltaisesti. Tutkimustulokset olivat yhteneväisiä aikaisemman kotitaloustieteen tutkimuksen kanssa.
  • Silvennoinen, Emmi (2019)
    The aim of this study was to find out home economics teachers views on sustainable development in general and in their own teaching. Sustainable development is a current topic as in general also in home economics education. Previous research on sustainable development usually focuses on school-wide education, consumer education or responsibility. From the perspective of home economics teaching, sustainable development has been studied while the previous curriculum was in use, so there is a reason for the upgrade. The research data were gathered by email questionnaire of six home economics teachers around Finland. The questionnaire data were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis, both theory bound and data-driven analysis. In theory bound analysis I used dimensions of sustainable development as a theory. In this study teachers gave priority to the ecological dimension of sustainable development, both in their views of sustainable development and in the content of their own teaching. Phrases related to the ecological dimension were often mentioned first in the answers and also found the most. Teachers used a variety of teaching methods to teach sustainable development, but most of the methods were teacher-led, practical teaching in the classroom.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Hyvönen, Emilia (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to find out different kind of possibilities and challenges that the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom could bring to home economics teaching. The purpose of this study was also to examine whether the using of these learning environments could support informal learning. Previous studies show that the demands considering learning environments have changed with the curriculum changes during different eras. This chance can also be seen in the new curriculum that has been taken in action in fall 2016. The new curriculum highlights that learning environments should open to and be combined with the society on a larger scale than before. This study aims to find out, what kind of learning environments outside of home economics classroom the teachers of home economics have used and how they justify their choices. The research questions are: 1) What kind of learning environments outside of home economics classroom the teachers of home economics have used? 2) How the teachers of home economics justify their choices? 3) How the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom could support informal learning? The data consists of six theme interviews. Home economics’ teachers were interviewed from six towns: Helsinki, Vantaa, Sipoo, Riihimäki and Järvenpää. The interviews were executed during the time between December 2016 and March 2017. The data was analysed by using thematizing. The most significant themes that arised from the data were field trips to nature, school yard and its’ vicinity and other field trips. The teachers of home economics justified their choices by pointing out the demands on the curriculum and the versatility of teaching methods. The learning environments outside of home economics classroom were used approximately 1 – 3 times a year. Arguments for the minor usage of these learning environments were challenges with low resources, school’s location, scheduling and controlling of student groups. Home economics’ teachers saw the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom to be a means to support informal learning.
  • Korpimäki, Henna-Riikka (2018)
    Home economics is a school subject where interaction is emphasized. The subject also emphasizes interaction between students. According to previous studies, the interaction between teacher and student has significant effects on learning, motivation and school engagement. This study investigated home economics teachers’ conceptions of the interaction between the teacher and their pupils. In addition, the study identified interactive situations and the contributing factors. The study also focused on the importance of the physical classroom, and how it affects the teacher-student interaction. This study was carried out as a phenomenographic study. Data were collected by interviewing six home economics teachers. All teachers were women and they were 26 to 55 years old. They had worked as home economics teachers for two to thirty years. Semi-structured theme interviewing method was used when carrying out the interviews. Data analysis is based on phenomenographic approach. The interaction between the teacher and the student was understood as a two-way encounter between two individuals. Teachers felt that both the teacher and the student have an important role in interaction. The teachers had also a role of an adult in the classroom. According to teachers' views, the role of students in interaction was emphasized in making initiatives and how teachers’ attention was received. Interaction situations occurred both during teaching and elsewhere in school. The classroom was seen to affect the interaction between the teacher and the student. According to the teachers, it was important to keep an eye contact with each student. When teachers chose their favorite place in the classroom, it was a spot where they were close to their students. In those moments, the teachers felt that they could create interactive relationships. The interaction between the teacher and the student makes teachers’ work meaningful. It is also the reason, why teachers like to work in schools. Teacher education ought to develop teacher students’ abilities to face different students. In addition, decisions both at school district and national level, such as the size of teaching group, have implications for the teacher's resources to create meaningful interaction.
  • Aula, Olga (2017)
    Objectives. This study was inspired by the lack of environmentally sustainable food habits in Home Economics Teacher education even though sustainable development and growing to responsibility are an important part of home economics teaching in schools. Also results of previous studies support this notice. The objective of this study was to provide research results for Home Economics Teacher education about improvement needs in curricula development. This study investigates how home economics teacher students perceive environmentally responsible food habits as part of their daily life, home economics teaching of schools and Home Economics Teacher education. Methods. This was a quantitative study and the research data was gathered with a web questionnaire. Home economics teacher students formed the universe of this study and the sample was formed by home economics teacher students from Helsinki University and University of Eastern Finland (n = 79). The sample represented the universe quite well according to sex, starting year of studies and major subject, but not very well according to university due to underrepresentation of students from University of Eastern Finland in the sample. Statistical analysis and content analysis were used to analyse the data. Results and conclusions. The results show that home economics teacher students practiced some environmentally responsible food habits more than others. Teaching environmentally responsible food habits were considered rather important however environmental responsibility was not as strongly present in choices of food materials in home economics teaching preferences. In daily life practiced food habits of home economics teacher students were rather parallel to the food habits considered important in home economics teaching. The results also show that according to home economics teacher students environmentally responsible food habits should be taught more in Home Economics Teacher education. The results reflect that environmentally responsible food habits should be taught more and from wider perspective in Home Economics Teacher education and in extension studies. The results are mainly consistent with the results of previous studies.