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  • Pham thi, Hoang Anh (2015)
    Many researchers suggested that home-school collaboration has a positive impact on immigrant children's integration into new country. In this thesis conceptions and experiences of collaboration with immigrant parents were studied from classroom teacher's perspective following the Epstein's theory of educational responsibility. Epstein's framework of six types of involvement was used to define the quality of home-school partnership and the school's role in home-school collaboration. Eight first and second grade classroom teachers were interviewed based on the hypothesis that the parents and teachers collaborate most closely at that stage of children's education. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and the results were analysed using phenomenography method. The results indicate that the teachers see home-school collaboration as a target-oriented partnership based on equality, that relies on interaction with the parents, and that is coordinated by the teacher. The teachers understood that they educate a child beside parents but emphasized different educational responsibilities of school and parents. Their main expectations towards immigrant parents was support for both the child and the teacher and openness towards Finnish culture, while the main challenges were language barrier, religion, differences in cultural values and fear of Finnish culture. The teachers engaged in diverse types of home-school collaboration, but there were very few targeted directly at the immigrant parents.
  • Rautajärvi, Noona (2017)
    Goal. In August 2016 the new national curriculum in Finland was set, where drama as a teaching method was emphasized. Therefore, I was inquisitive of what it takes from teacher to teach drama. Using drama as a teaching method can scare teachers or to become shallow, if they don’t know what they are expected. In this research the purpose is to describe different roles the drama teacher needs to handle to provide high-quality drama teaching. Method. In this research was utilized narrative literature review as a method. The material consisted three books of drama education from three great drama education researcher and developer; Hannu Heikkinen, Tapio Toivanen and Jonathan Neelands. Skills and knowledge that were found from the material was themed and codified into eight different roles which were described as general summary. Results and conclusion. The outcome is that drama teacher has to manage eight different roles, manager, educator, learning producer, organizer, community builder, specialist, artist and questioner. As a manager were emphasized the skills of group managing, as an educator teacher’s role in an education institute and as an organizer how the lesson was organized. As a learning producer teacher activated pupils and guided them to study and to learn in the world of drama. As a community builder teacher built safe and supportive learning atmosphere among group. As a specialist teacher could develop himself and justify his actions as a drama teacher. As an artist teacher was required to use his imagination and to have the courage to act in roles. As a questioner teacher improved pupils thinking by asking questions from them. When teacher knows, what drama requires, it becomes easier to start using it as a teaching method. In my opinion there is much similarities between roles of drama teaching and what is required from class teacher. When teacher knows all the dimensions of his work, he can improve his teaching also on other lessons outside drama classes.
  • Mäkinen, Minja (2022)
    The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of special needs teachers and classroom teachers in the integration of students with special needs into general education and the teachers' cooperation. The term integration is used from special needs students who studies partly in a general classroom with peers. The pre-integration form is segregation, where students are isolated from other students, and the post-integration form is inclusion, where the school adapts to the needs of the pupil. The aim of the study is to find out how integration is implemented in today's schools and how classroom teachers and special needs teachers perceive the benefits and challenges of integration in everyday school life, and thus the implementation of inclusion and related cooperation. The study was qualitative research. The interview was attended by three special classroom teacher and classroom teacher pairs who implemented integration. The data was collected as a semi-structured thematic interview and analyzed by theory-guided content analysis. According to the research teachers defined integration in more dimensions than in the previous definitions of integration. Integration was also thought as a transition from general education to special education. Teachers saw the benefits of integration as factors that can be utilized by the individual student in need of special support, while challenges were seen in organizing integration. According to the research as a benefit the teachers mentioned the increase in the pupil's social skills and as a challenge they mentioned physical learning spaces, as well as the teacher’s communication. Teachers attitudes for inclusion were mainly reserved as inclusion was seen as a means of saving. Some teachers felt that studying in general education was not suitable for everyone. Based on the results of the study, the teachers were pleased with their collaboration. The benefits of cooperation were mentioned more than the challenges. For integration or inclusion to take place, teachers should have a common understanding of teaching and a desire to develop their own activities. The school's resources also influence the organization of special needs education.
  • Mäkinen, Minja (2022)
    The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of special needs teachers and classroom teachers in the integration of students with special needs into general education and the teachers' cooperation. The term integration is used from special needs students who studies partly in a general classroom with peers. The pre-integration form is segregation, where students are isolated from other students, and the post-integration form is inclusion, where the school adapts to the needs of the pupil. The aim of the study is to find out how integration is implemented in today's schools and how classroom teachers and special needs teachers perceive the benefits and challenges of integration in everyday school life, and thus the implementation of inclusion and related cooperation. The study was qualitative research. The interview was attended by three special classroom teacher and classroom teacher pairs who implemented integration. The data was collected as a semi-structured thematic interview and analyzed by theory-guided content analysis. According to the research teachers defined integration in more dimensions than in the previous definitions of integration. Integration was also thought as a transition from general education to special education. Teachers saw the benefits of integration as factors that can be utilized by the individual student in need of special support, while challenges were seen in organizing integration. According to the research as a benefit the teachers mentioned the increase in the pupil's social skills and as a challenge they mentioned physical learning spaces, as well as the teacher’s communication. Teachers attitudes for inclusion were mainly reserved as inclusion was seen as a means of saving. Some teachers felt that studying in general education was not suitable for everyone. Based on the results of the study, the teachers were pleased with their collaboration. The benefits of cooperation were mentioned more than the challenges. For integration or inclusion to take place, teachers should have a common understanding of teaching and a desire to develop their own activities. The school's resources also influence the organization of special needs education.
  • Taipalus, Marjo (2017)
    The present study describes the experiences and understandings of classroom teachers related to the loneliness of pupils: what kind of difficulties do classroom teachers encounter in their work and how do they try to resolve them. The research aims to establish a deeper understanding of the work of a classroom teacher in relation with the loneliness of pupils. A fifth of the children suffers from loneliness. The official instructions guiding the actions of a teacher, e.g., National Core Curriculum for Basic Education, finds the welfare of pupils important, which indirectly tries to prevent loneliness. However, the loneliness of pupils is not discussed in the instructions and no methods for recognising and encountering loneliness are offered. Also, loneliness is not covered in the education of a classroom teacher per curriculum. The research was conducted using half-structured theme interviews on five classroom teachers of a primary school in southern Finland. The interview results were analysed with a content analysis method. The descriptions of classroom teachers highlighted both concretely experienced difficulties and general difficulties related to the nature of loneliness. The interviewed teachers described their solutions in two ways: solutions to the problems experienced by teachers and solutions aiding the welfare of teachers. Based on these results, a theoretical classification was formed, enlightening the dynamic phenomenon of loneliness in the context of the work of a classroom teacher. Comparing the results to earlier researches, teachers found the mental disorders of pupils hard: they are difficult to recognise, encounter and handle. Teachers used solutions similar to other studies: self-development, communality of the working environment and external support promoted the managing in teaching work. As a conclusion, teachers should evidently be educated and supported more related to the loneliness and mental welfare of pupils.
  • Taipalus, Marjo (2017)
    The present study describes the experiences and understandings of classroom teachers related to the loneliness of pupils: what kind of difficulties do classroom teachers encounter in their work and how do they try to resolve them. The research aims to establish a deeper understanding of the work of a classroom teacher in relation with the loneliness of pupils. A fifth of the children suffers from loneliness. The official instructions guiding the actions of a teacher, e.g., National Core Curriculum for Basic Education, finds the welfare of pupils important, which indirectly tries to prevent loneliness. However, the loneliness of pupils is not discussed in the instructions and no methods for recognising and encountering loneliness are offered. Also, loneliness is not covered in the education of a classroom teacher per curriculum. The research was conducted using half-structured theme interviews on five classroom teachers of a primary school in southern Finland. The interview results were analysed with a content analysis method. The descriptions of classroom teachers highlighted both concretely experienced difficulties and general difficulties related to the nature of loneliness. The interviewed teachers described their solutions in two ways: solutions to the problems experienced by teachers and solutions aiding the welfare of teachers. Based on these results, a theoretical classification was formed, enlightening the dynamic phenomenon of loneliness in the context of the work of a classroom teacher. Comparing the results to earlier researches, teachers found the mental disorders of pupils hard: they are difficult to recognise, encounter and handle. Teachers used solutions similar to other studies: self-development, communality of the working environment and external support promoted the managing in teaching work. As a conclusion, teachers should evidently be educated and supported more related to the loneliness and mental welfare of pupils.
  • Salo, Katja (2023)
    Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on selvittää yleisiä oppilaan pedagogista tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että luokanopettaja on keskeisessä asemassa kaikilla kolmiportaisen tuen tasoilla (yleinen, tehostettu ja erityinen tuki) havaitsemassa oppilaan mahdollista tuen tarvetta. Kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat sekä ilmiöt, jotka tukevat luokanopettajaa tuen tarpeen havaitsemisessa, että tuen tarpeen havaitsemista mahdollisesti haittaavat tekijät. Pedagogisella tuella tarkoitan oppilaan suunnitelmallista tukemista ja ohjaamista opetustilanteissa moninaisin, oppilaan tarvitsemin keinoin. Jotta pedagoginen tuki voidaan oppilaalle suunnitella, on oppilaan mahdolliset tuen tarpeet havaittava. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Haastattelin tutkimukseeni yhtä luokanopettajaa, metodina teemahaastattelu. Haastatteluaineistoa tarkastelin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Vuotta myöhemmin keskustelin saman opettajan kanssa analysointini tuloksista aineistoa samalla täydentäen. Aineistosta nousi esiin kuusi pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen liittyvää luokkaa. 1)Opettajan ammattitaito nousi merkitykselliseksi oppilaan tuen tarvetta havainnoidessa, mutta esiin tuli myös 2)oppilaan työskentelyyn liittyvät havainnot, kuten hidas eteneminen tehtävissä ja käyttäytyminen. Oppilaiden huomiota herättävä 3)käytös sekä auttaa että estää opettajaa havaitsemaan tuen tarvetta. 4)Luokan ilmapiiri, sosiaaliset suhteet luokkayhteisössä sekä 5)opettajan ja oppilaan temperamentteihin liittyvät tekijät ovat myös osallisena tuen tarpeen havaitsemisessa. Oppilaan kehittämät selviytymisstrategiat, heikko 6)psyykkinen vointi, elämäntilanteesta johtuva psyykkinen rasitus tai epävakaat kotiolot nousivat keskustelussa haasteiksi pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemiseen. Jokaiseen analysoituun luokkaan liittyy sekä pedagogisen tuen tarpeen havaitsemista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä. Kaikkia analyysiluokkia yhdistävänä tekijänä ilmeni oppilaan tuntemus ja opettajan ammattitaito.
  • Salmi, Kaisa (2016)
    The purpose of this thesis is to find out how human rights education is present in Finnish elementary schools. What do teachers know about human rights education and how it's tied to the elementary school and teachers' professionalism? My hypothesis is that human rights education exists in elementary schools but it is not well-known. There are no previous studies done of this subject. Closest is Mia Matilainen's doctoral dissertation from 2011, where she examines human rights education in high schools. The research is done by using the interview method. I interviewed six elementary school teachers form four different schools and 3 different municipalities. Two of the schools were comprehensive schools. In addition to the teachers, I interviewed two human rights specialists from two different organizations. The interview material is analyzed by using content analysis. The this thesis includes several direct quotes to give it a more down to earth feel, and also to stay in touch with the interview method used. Human rights education was a foreign concept to the teachers I interviewed. However, they thought that with the current elementary school curriculum (in 2016), human rights education will become more familiar and its meaning will become more important. Human rights education was seen as being a part of current subject contents, such as religion, ethics and history. Handling every day issues such as conflicts and bullying were seen as part of human rights education also. Its presence was seen in class rooms, but there is room for improvement in within the school culture, especially when it comes to getting people involved. Teacher's own values were seen as a key element in human rights education. Teacher's role in Finnish schools is still very autonomous, and that it's up to individual teachers how human rights education fits in with the everyday school life. This means that human rights education and taking part in it varies within schools.
  • Kuhanen, Miia (2018)
    The purpose of the research is to find out how informal learning takes place in mu-sicing in Finnish elementary schools. Another aspect of the research is to examine how a class teacher’s role has changed from a music teacher to a music educator. The aim of the study is to enrich class teachers’ teaching methods in collective mu-sicing and to find out mediums for teachers to manage the challenging working envi-ronment. Music as a formal discipline as well as its particular characteristics, like informal learning, are part of the theoretical part of the research. The theoretical basis lean on constructivist learning concept? That is a basis for nowadays class room teach-ing. Due to the qualitative nature of the research the corpus consists of the inter-views. Six class teachers from the same municipality were interviewed for the cor-pus. According to the results the elementary school class teachers use informal learning methods in collective musicing. Three of the interviewed class teachers used rock band playing as a teaching method. All six of them took pupils part of the band and deepened their musical skills by assisting in playing. Main purpose of the teaching was to get each pupil involved in playing, find joy in music and enjoy learning. Yet most of the time pupils didn’t have a possibility to participate in lesson planning. Class teachers reasoned that by their responsibility to follow curriculum and by lim-ited amount of music lessons per week. Finally, even though teachers use informal learning methods in teaching collective musicing, pupils’ informal playing was not considered as a learning method. One of the class teachers conclusion was that fi-nal result looks rather like “a masterpiece of cacophony” than proper playing.
  • Hirviniemi, Liisi (2021)
    Ilmastonmuutos on ihmiskuntaa uhkaava globaali kriisi, johon yhteiskunta pyrkii vastaamaan kasva-tuksen alalla. Keskeistä tässä on oppilaiden arvomaailman ja identiteetin kehittyminen ympäristö- ja il-mastovastuulliseksi. Ilmastokasvatuksen integroimisen jo varhaisessa vaiheessa eri oppiaineiden si-sältöihin ja tavoitteisiin on todettu olevan merkittävää kokonaisvaltaisen ymmärryksen ja ilmastomyön-teisen käyttäytymisen syntymiseksi. Ilmastokasvatuksen oppikokonaisuus on uusi asia kasvatuksen alalla, jolloin haastavuudessa korostetaan opettajien koulutuksen ja valmiuden puutosta toteuttaa laa-dukasta kasvatusta. Tutkimuksessa tavoitteena oli luoda käsitys luokanopettajien tehtävästä ilmasto-kasvattajina erilaisten mallien avulla määritellen. Keskityin erityisesti selvittämään, millaisia haasteita kasvatuksessa ilmenee ja millaisia valmiuksia luokanopettajilla tulisi olla. Näitä kohtia selvitin esittele-mällä kokonaisvaltaista ilmastokasvatuksen polkupyörämallia, Unescon Agenda2030:n tavoitteita sekä empiiriseen tutkimukseen perustuvia kotimaisia malleja kestävän kehityksen kasvatuksesta ja ilmasto-kasvatuksesta. Toteutin tutkimukseni integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen menetelmin. Integroivassa kirjallisuuskatsauk-sessa tutkija etsii, esittelee, pohtii ja tiivistää aiempien tutkimustulosten pohjalta tutkimuksensa tutki-muskysymyksiin tietoa ja vastauksia. Tutkimukseni aineistona toimi kymmenen vertaisarvioitua tieteel-listä artikkelia, jotka löytyivät Helsingin yliopiston ProQuest-tietokannasta, Helka-kirjastojen tietokan-noista tai Finna-tietokannasta. Johdannossa ilmastokasvatusta tarkastellaan erilaisen kirjallisuuden ja tutkimusaineiston avulla. Kaikki artikkelini käsittelivät ilmastokasvatusta, ilmastonmuutos kasvatusta tai kestävän kehityksen kasvatusta opettajan, opettajaopiskelijan tai oppilaan näkökulmasta. Artikkelit korostivat luokanopettajien arvoja ja identiteettiä ilmastokasvatuksen toteuttamisessa. Erityi-sen haastavaksi koettiin sisältöjen ja toimintatapojen vaativuus sekä ilmastokasvatuksen oppilaiden ar-voihin kytkeytyvä luonne. Opetusmateriaalien ja ilmastokasvatuksen sisältöjen yhtenäisyyden puute vaikeuttaa opetuksen yhdistämistä eri oppiaineisiin, mitä useat eri artikkelit korostivat tärkeänä osana ilmastokasvatusta. Laajan tiedollisen ja taidollisen opetuksen lisäksi, artikkelien mukaan opettajien tulisi huomioida oppilaiden kokemia tunteita, mikä koettiin hankalaksi ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvien pelkojen ja ilmastoahdistuksen yleisyyden vuoksi. Luokanopettajien koulutusta ei kuvailtu riittäväksi laadukkaan opetuksen takaamiseksi, jolloin lisätutkimuksella tulisi luoda opetusta helpottavia malleja ja oppaita sekä korostaa lisäkoulutuksen tarpeellisuutta jo valmistuneille luokanopettajille.
  • Uutela, Vilhelmiina (2024)
    Previous research has indicated that children and young people are less and less likely to meet the recommendations for physical activity. Less than half of children of primary education age engage in physical activity in accordance with the recommendations. The proportion of children and young people fulfilling the recommendations for physical activity is declining when moving from the younger to the older age groups. Moreover, nearly half of the daily sedentary behaviour of pupils in primary education occurs during the school day. However, the physical education lessons in school do not suffice on their own to enable pupils to engage in adequate daily physical activity. As a result, incorporating other physical activities in school days is necessary. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the means that allow classroom teachers to increase physical activity during lessons. A further aim was to investigate the benefits and challenges experienced by classroom teachers in relation to increasing physical activity during lessons in primary education. This study was implemented using the qualitative research method. The research data were collected in February 2024 using a questionnaire form mostly containing open questions. The research data consists of the responses of a total of 38 teachers working in primary schools in the Kymenlaakso region in Finland. The data were analysed using data-driven content analysis. The study found that classroom teachers can increase physical activity occurring during lessons in multiple ways. Teachers can organise exercises during breaks in the lessons, make use of action-based learning and versatile body positions during learning as well as lesson planning that involves digital materials, technology and the involvement of pupils. Joint classroom practices, the use of the body in learning, effective use of the classroom space and versatile utilisation of the school environment also provide means that enable increasing physical activity during lessons. The teachers felt that there was a variety of benefits in increasing physical activity during lessons. According to the teachers, increasing physical activity during lessons has a positive impact on both health and well-being as well as learning and school performance. It also supports the development of a peaceful and positive atmosphere in the classroom and contributes to creating a clearer and more versatile structure for school days. The teachers felt that there were also many different challenges to increasing physical activity during lessons. According to the teachers, the challenges in increasing physical activity during lessons emerged in connection with transitions between different activities, motivating pupils, restlessness of pupils, restrictions imposed by the classroom space and large group sizes as well as teachers’ own well-being and schedules. The significance of increasing physical activity during lessons and a positive attitude toward increasing physical activity was strongly emphasised in the teachers’ responses.
  • Uutela, Vilhelmiina (2024)
    Previous research has indicated that children and young people are less and less likely to meet the recommendations for physical activity. Less than half of children of primary education age engage in physical activity in accordance with the recommendations. The proportion of children and young people fulfilling the recommendations for physical activity is declining when moving from the younger to the older age groups. Moreover, nearly half of the daily sedentary behaviour of pupils in primary education occurs during the school day. However, the physical education lessons in school do not suffice on their own to enable pupils to engage in adequate daily physical activity. As a result, incorporating other physical activities in school days is necessary. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the means that allow classroom teachers to increase physical activity during lessons. A further aim was to investigate the benefits and challenges experienced by classroom teachers in relation to increasing physical activity during lessons in primary education. This study was implemented using the qualitative research method. The research data were collected in February 2024 using a questionnaire form mostly containing open questions. The research data consists of the responses of a total of 38 teachers working in primary schools in the Kymenlaakso region in Finland. The data were analysed using data-driven content analysis. The study found that classroom teachers can increase physical activity occurring during lessons in multiple ways. Teachers can organise exercises during breaks in the lessons, make use of action-based learning and versatile body positions during learning as well as lesson planning that involves digital materials, technology and the involvement of pupils. Joint classroom practices, the use of the body in learning, effective use of the classroom space and versatile utilisation of the school environment also provide means that enable increasing physical activity during lessons. The teachers felt that there was a variety of benefits in increasing physical activity during lessons. According to the teachers, increasing physical activity during lessons has a positive impact on both health and well-being as well as learning and school performance. It also supports the development of a peaceful and positive atmosphere in the classroom and contributes to creating a clearer and more versatile structure for school days. The teachers felt that there were also many different challenges to increasing physical activity during lessons. According to the teachers, the challenges in increasing physical activity during lessons emerged in connection with transitions between different activities, motivating pupils, restlessness of pupils, restrictions imposed by the classroom space and large group sizes as well as teachers’ own well-being and schedules. The significance of increasing physical activity during lessons and a positive attitude toward increasing physical activity was strongly emphasised in the teachers’ responses.
  • Laurila, Reeta (2016)
    Goals. The function of this Thesis was to find out class teachers' experiences and opinions about children's vocal education in elementary school: how do class teachers teach singing to children in elementary school, what kind of effects in children have they noticed teaching singing causes, what do they think about themselves as children's vocal educators and how do they define an ideal children's vocal educator in elementary school. My Bachelor's Thesis, Children's vocal education and its effects on children's wellbeing, in which I interviewed a professor of singing, is also a part of the results of this Thesis. There are Finnish and international researches which have shown that music has positive effects on individual's brain activity. It was important to research this subject because music education in schools and departments of teacher education has decreased, despite of the researches mentioned above. It is not unusual that a class teacher either wants to teach music or doesn't want to teach music at all. Methods. The data for this Thesis was collected by interviewing four class teachers who all teach music in the same elementary school. The interviews were analyzed, thematised and reflected with prior researches. Results. This Thesis shows that class teachers teach singing to children in elementary school in a very holistic way: both in different vocal exercises and songs they choose. According to class teachers the effects vocal education causes in children in elementary school are mainly positive. Class teachers see themselves as professionals when it comes to teaching singing to children in elementary school but they have learned their musical abilities in somewhere else than in department of teacher education. According to class teachers the ideal children's vocal educator in elementary school inspires and encourages children to sing. She or he also teaches in a holistic way, encourages the children to use their voice in a healthy way and teaches learning to learn. It would be important in teacher education to guarantee better skills for the future class teachers as music educators so that even few of these ideals would come true.
  • Vainikka, Juuli (2023)
    Tavoitteet: Lasten ja nuorten vapaa-ajan lukuharrastuksen harvinaistuminen ja laskeva lukutaito ovat olleet viime vuosina vahvasti esillä niin koulutusalalla kuin julkisessakin keskustelussa. Lasten ja nuorten lukutaito on heikentynyt ja vapaa-ajan omaehtoinen lukeminen on yhä harvinaisempaa. Siksi on tärkeää selvittää tapoja lasten ja nuorten lukemaan innostamiseen. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa perehdytään lukuinnostuksesta tehtyyn tutkimukseen ja sitä kautta muodostetaan käsitys lasten lukuinnostuksesta. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka lukuinnostus syntyy ja miten sitä voidaan ylläpitää, sekä kehittää. Aihetta tarkasteltiin seuraavien tutkimuskysymysten kautta: miten lukuinnostus muodostuu ja syntyy sekä miten luokanopettaja voi ylläpitää ja kehittää oppilaiden lukuinnostusta. Menetelmät: Vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiin haettiin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla, mikä mahdollisti laajan yleiskuvan muodostamisen aiheesta ja väljät tutkimuskysymykset. Artikkelit haettiin sekä HELKA-hausta, Google Scholar-sivustolta, että ERIC-tietokannasta. Aineisto rajattiin vuodesta 2010 eteenpäin julkaistuihin vertaisarvioituihin suomen- ja englanninkielisiin artikkeleihin uusiempien tutkimusten löytämiseksi. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Sisäisen innostuksen löytäminen oli merkityksellistä pitkäkestoisen lukuharrastuksen syntymiselle ja tässä olennaista oli lukemisen mielekkyys, mitä edesauttoi itseä kiinnostavan luettavan löytäminen. Luokanopettajan merkitys lukemaan innostamisessa korostui erityisesti lukemisen mallina ja oppaana itseään kiinnostavan kirjallisuuden löytämiseen. E-kirjat ja äänikirjat voivat olla lapsille ja nuorille helpommin lähestyttäviä ja näin ne voivat tuoda uusia mahdollisuuksia. Kirjallisuudenopetus oli kouluissa vahvasti opettajalähtöistä ja -johtoista sekä itsenäistä työskentelyä. Luettua kirjallisuutta harvemmin käsitellään yhdessä. Kirjallisuudenopetus hyötyisi oppilaslähtöisemmästä opetustavasta, mikä voi herättää oppilaan omaa innostusta. Lukeminen yhdessä, luetusta puhuminen ja sen käsitteleminen muiden kanssa nousivat oleellisiksi keinoiksi vahvistaa lukuinnostusta. Monipuolisen kirjallisuuden saavutettavuuden kannalta toimivat kirjastopalvelut olivat merkityksellisiä. Lukuinnostusta olisi kiinnostavaa jatkossa tutkia lasten näkökulmasta ja pidempiaikaisesti sen kehitystä seuraten.
  • Järvenpää, Jori (2016)
    The requirements of junior sport coaching have changed during the last two decades. Coach is expected not only to teach the sport but to educate and have influence on junior athletes' qualities comprehensively. The expectations of social education in junior coaching are more important especially in team sports. Primary school teacher has pedagogical, educational and group organizing skills because of his training and work experience. The purpose of this study is to examine how junior athletes evaluate the educational coaching skills of their coach who has the primary school teacher's degree. The definition of the educational coaching is based on the master's thesis of Harjunen & Pihlainen (2008). The research was done during the spring 2016 as a quantitative survey to those 14-21-year-old floorball junior players (n = 122) whose coaches have primary school teacher's degrees. The questionnaire used in this study was developed by Harjunen & Pihlainen in the above-mentioned master's thesis. The differences between means and the independent variables affecting them were analyzed by using the SPSS program. From the junior players' point of view coaches that had primary school teachers' degrees were generally very good at educational coaching. Especially they evaluated highly coaches' skills at 1) developing individuals, 2) planning the training, 3) supporting players to train independently and 4) having one-on-one discussions with the players. The youngest players in this study were more negative in their views than the older players who, on the other hand, underlined coaches skills to develop individuals. Views about coach's skills were more positive if player had been playing for a number of years, but the longer player had been under one coach's influence more negative the views changed. Junior player's parents' possible teacher background or junior player's own interest in teacher's profession didn't have significant influence on their views in this study.
  • Jyrinsalo, Anni (2016)
    The purpose of this thesis is to present how a class teacher recognises the mathematical difficulties of students and advances the possibilities to support students with those difficulties. Since the previous research have not acknowledged one standard definition for mathematical difficulty, there seems to be several ways to define it. Therefore, the tests used to measure mathematical difficulties cannot be compared with each other. As a literature review, this study explores books, articles, and theses that address the issues on mathematical disabilities. Databases like EBSCOhost, Ebrary and Nelli-portal were used to collect relevant literature. Therefore, this study is based on extensive literature review. The findings suggest that, identification of mathematical difficulties can be done by using a technical tool through which mathematical difficulties can be defined and by observing students. As technical tools teachers can use standardised tests, formative assessment during every class and summative assessment, for example, with final test. Furthermore, the mathematical difficulties can also appear through students’ behaviour, and their approach towards mathematics. Student can experience strong emotional feelings towards mathematics and be unwilling to participate in math classes. Students’ emotional feelings and unwillingness can be results of their perception of math being only about patterns and memorizing. One way teachers can support students with mathematical difficulties is by shaping student’s attitude to be more positive, for instance, with math related games. Concreate examples that can bond students’ own life with mathematics assist them to understand numbers and help to create visual visions to support mathematical thinking. By differentiating study material teacher can support each student’s individual learning and keep him or her motivated. It was also found that class teacher’s cooperation with parents and other school staff gives a wide supportive network for students both in school and at home.
  • Karell, Laura (2016)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how a class teacher can impact on classroom climate. Specifically, I examined this theme from a view of a class teacher’s actions in elementary school because I wanted to obtain practical benefit for a teacher’s job. Classroom climate and communality sustain development and secure growth of a child and create a basis for learning (Salovaara & Honkonen, 2011, s. 42–43). This is the reason why classroom climate is a significant factor in operation of a class and a class teacher. Methodology. This study was implemented as a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of eleven english peer-reviewed articles. The studies were implemented in the U.S., Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands. These articles were published in 2010–2016. I analyzed the data with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The results were classified by the themes I developed. The main results of the theme interaction and practice of a teacher were that sosio-emotional skills of a teacher, the relationships between a teacher and pupils, atmosphere that a teacher had created and the support of pupils autonomy enhanced a good classroom climate. The results of the theme discipline were that nonverbal reminder for disruptive behavior improved and exclusionary discipline strategies impaired the classroom climate. The notable results of the theme support for a practice of social skills were the positive impact of practicing the sosio-emotional skills on the climate. The main result of the fourth theme organizing the classroom was that the teacher-determined classroom seating arrangement influenced on likeability of peers. Teacher’s actions, interaction, discipline and organizing the classroom were significant considering the forming of a classroom climate.
  • Pulkkinen, Ulla (2016)
    Objectives. The aim of the current study was to explore whether there are temperament traits characteristic to those applying and those selected to study in classroom teacher education. Temperament refers to the biological, relatively stable core of personality, which emerges early in life and manifests as differences in styles of functioning and reacting to emotional stimuli. Temperament has been found to be associated with physical as well as psychological well-being and to affect educational and occupational career. Temperament has also been found to be associated with adjustment in school as well as academic achievement in all educational levels. Although associations between teachers' core traits and various outcomes have been found, so far, the study on temperament traits characteristic to teachers has been scarce. Methods. The study was conducted by assessing the EAS -temperament traits of individuals applying to classroom teacher education program at the University of Helsinki (N = 1035) and considering the traits as predictors of applying and being selected to the program. Roughly representative Finnish population estimates were used as a reference. The effects of age, gender, parental SES and previous academic achievement were controlled for, as these have been found to have associations with educational career. Results and conclusions. Applicants to teacher education scored higher on sociability and lower on emotionality than the reference group. Also teacher candidates were higher on sociability and lower on emotionality than the reference group. These differences remained relatively unchanged after controlling for potential confounders, after which teacher applicants also scored lower on activity than the reference group. No differences in temperament were observed between teacher candidates and those applicants not selected to teacher education. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested, that as a group applicants to teacher education and teacher candidates have distinctive temperament profile. This might have concrete, positive as well as negative outcomes, that should be taken into account in teacher education and when discussing teacher well-being. The differences were caused by characteristics of individuals choosing to apply to classroom teacher education in the first place. More research is needed to clarify the role of temperament in well-being and achievement in teacher education as well as in teachers' occupation.
  • Laine, Tea (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää kirjallisuuden avulla, minkälaisia ajankohtaisia haasteita luokanopettajan työuran induktio- eli alkuvaiheessa ilmenee. Lisäksi tutkielmassa selvitetään, millä tavoin uuden opettajan ammatillista kehittymistä voidaan tukea. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että luokanopettajan ammatti on kompleksinen yhdistelmä tietoja, taitoja, arvoja ja asenteita. Ammatin keskiössä on yhtäaikaisesti sekä opettajan vapaus että velvollisuus työskennellä autonomisesti. Ammatillinen kehittyminen nähdään aiemmissa tutkimuksissa jatkumona, joka alkaa opettajankoulutuksessa, jatkuu uuden opettajan induktiovaiheessa ja kestää koko opettajan uran ajan. Jatkumon mahdollistaminen edellyttää, että siirtymävaihe opinnoista työelämään koetaan onnistuneeksi. Ammatillinen kehittyminen vie tutkimusten perusteella aikaa, joten on tärkeää, että uusi opettaja löytää paikkansa työyhteisössä ja kykenee yhteisön tuen avulla sitoutumaan työhönsä pitkäaikaisesti. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston valinnassa korostuu tutkimuksen ymmärtämiseen tähtäävä luonne. Aineistoksi valikoitui 10 vertaisarvioitua kasvatustieteellistä artikkelia, jotka käsittelevät luokanopettajan työtä Suomessa. Aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoja. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella voidaan todeta, että luokanopettajan ammatillisen kehittymisen tukeminen on tärkeää paitsi opettajankoulutuksen aikana myös työelämässä. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella luokanopettajien induktio- ja siirtymävaiheen käytännöt ovat Suomessa puutteellisia, ja niihin tulisikin kiinnittää enemmän huomiota tulevaisuudessa. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella luokanopettajan työuran alussa on havaittavissa erityisiä haasteita ja tuen tarpeita. Tulokset osoittavat, että kollegiaalinen yhteistyö ja tuki sekä koettu autonomia ja työhyvinvointi vahvistavat induktiovaiheessa olevan luokanopettajan ammatillista kehittymistä. Aineisto koostuu satojen koulussa työskentelevien henkilöiden, kuten rehtoreiden, aineenopettajien, erityisopettajien sekä opetusavustajien haastatteluista ja antaa täten kattavan kuvan siitä, millaisia ajankohtaisia haasteita luokanopettajan työuran alussa piilee. Tutkielma antaa arvokasta tietoa siitä, millä tavoin luokanopettajien induktio- ja siirtymävaiheiden käytänteitä tulisi kehittää jatkossa.
  • Savolainen, Katri (2021)
    The purpose of this master’s thesis is to find out which factors do classroom teachers, who have graduated from the University of Helsinki, perceive as significant factors causing work stress. In addition, it is investigated which background variables (e.g., factors related to teacher, teaching and work environment) are related to work stress. The aim is also to find out which methods class teachers have to support their coping at work. This thesis was carried out as a mixed methods research. The quantitative data was obtained through a questionnaire, which was responded by 59 class teachers who have graduated from the University of Helsinki. The data was statistically analysed using IBM SPSS. The analytical methods used were factor analysis, correlation analysis, t-tests and cross-tabulation. The quantitative results guided the development of the frame for the interview, and based on them, 4 respondents were selected for interview. The qualitative data was obtained through thematic interviews. The data was analysed by means of content analysis. The most significant factors causing work stress in a class teacher’s work are students interfering with classroom interaction, supporting special education students, responsibility for student learning, heavy workload, externally determined factors related to the development of teaching as well as some factors related to the work environment and general nature of the work. Low satisfaction with teacher training, low support from teacher colleagues, working in Greater Helsinki and teaching planning as an ability gained from studies are background variables which are related class teachers’ work stress. Problem-focused coping methods used by class teachers were managing working time, taking one’s own coping into account in planning teaching, precise practices and building good relationships with guardians and filtering media. Emotion-focused coping methods used by class teachers were leisure and healthy lifestyles, strengthening the working atmosphere, occupational well-being factors, distancing oneself and regulating emotions. In addition to this, coping methods focused on both problem and emotion, were the support of colleagues, the support of school administration, foremanship and self-awareness.