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  • Mansikka, Laura (2021)
    According to the Pisa assessments, the number of students with poor reading skills has increased in Finland in recent years. Because of the poor reading skills, approximately one in ten students will struggle with their upper secondary studies and will not achieve an active social status. However, international studies have shown that reading comprehension interventions can improve students’ reading skills even in adolescence. The purpose of this study was to explore how the upper secondary school teachers experienced the teaching of reading comprehension skills for students with reading comprehension difficulties. The study focused on the teachers’ views concerning support of learning Finnish language and social studies. The study answers in three research questions: first, how theory-based reading comprehension support is organized, second, how do the reading comprehension difficulties affect Finnish language studies and social studies, and third, how the reading comprehension support could be improved. The study was carried out by using qualitative methods and following the principles of phenomenological-hermeneutical approach. The data was collected by interviewing seven upper secondary school teachers. Three of them were Finnish language teachers and four of them were special education teachers. The data was analyzed by using theory-based con-tent analysis and data-based content analysis. Based on the results, teachers use theory-based reading comprehension methods, such as reading strategies. However, there were differences between the schools’ structures of sup-port systems. Reading comprehension difficulties were connected with other multidimensional problems. The reading comprehension support can be improved by offering further training for teachers and promoting their co-operation. Besides that, positive attitude might have an important role on reading comprehension support.
  • Taipale, Nora (2020)
    This master’s thesis focuses on the support for learning and well-being in Finnish general upper secondary education. In Finland, the reform of general upper secondary education started in 2017. Under the new Act on General Upper Secondary Education (714/2018), students are entitled to receive special needs education and other support for learning, when The National Core Curriculum for General Upper Secondary Schools (Finnish National Agency for Education, 2019) will come into force in the autumn of 2021. Special education will be given by special education teachers (Finnish National Agency for Education, 2019). However, many Finnish upper secondary schools do not yet have a special education teacher, and practices in special education are still lacking (Greus et al., 2019). The main aim of this study is to structure a general view of support for learning and well-being in general upper secondary education. In addition, the purpose is to analyse factors that enable or challenge support being fulfilled in school and to examine visions of special education teachers job description in the future. The aim of this study is also to act as a tool for developing support in Finnish general upper secondary schools. This study is carried out as a qualitative case study. The data is produced in one general upper secondary school by interviewing subject teachers, the principal, the guidance counsellor, the psychologist, the school social worker and the school nurse. The support in general upper secondary school appeared multidimensional and layered. In relation to the student, three layers were found: individual support, support in group and support in the structures of the school. The best situation with support measures was in individual student welfare services, whereas in instruction individual support was rarely actualized. The main factor that challenged the support being fulfilled in instruction was the fact that subject teachers did not know the students. In student welfare services the main challenge for support was the lack of time. The job of special education teachers in the future was met with confusion and optimism.
  • Taipale, Nora (2020)
    This master’s thesis focuses on the support for learning and well-being in Finnish general upper secondary education. In Finland, the reform of general upper secondary education started in 2017. Under the new Act on General Upper Secondary Education (714/2018), students are entitled to receive special needs education and other support for learning, when The National Core Curriculum for General Upper Secondary Schools (Finnish National Agency for Education, 2019) will come into force in the autumn of 2021. Special education will be given by special education teachers (Finnish National Agency for Education, 2019). However, many Finnish upper secondary schools do not yet have a special education teacher, and practices in special education are still lacking (Greus et al., 2019). The main aim of this study is to structure a general view of support for learning and well-being in general upper secondary education. In addition, the purpose is to analyse factors that enable or challenge support being fulfilled in school and to examine visions of special education teachers job description in the future. The aim of this study is also to act as a tool for developing support in Finnish general upper secondary schools. This study is carried out as a qualitative case study. The data is produced in one general upper secondary school by interviewing subject teachers, the principal, the guidance counsellor, the psychologist, the school social worker and the school nurse. The support in general upper secondary school appeared multidimensional and layered. In relation to the student, three layers were found: individual support, support in group and support in the structures of the school. The best situation with support measures was in individual student welfare services, whereas in instruction individual support was rarely actualized. The main factor that challenged the support being fulfilled in instruction was the fact that subject teachers did not know the students. In student welfare services the main challenge for support was the lack of time. The job of special education teachers in the future was met with confusion and optimism.
  • Liusvaara, Marita (2020)
    Vanhemman päihteidenkäyttö aiheuttaa riskin lapsen turvallisen ja tasapainoisen arjen toteutumiselle, ja se onkin yksi yleisimmistä lapsen huostaanottoon johtavista syistä. Lapsen sijoittaminen kodin ulkopuolelle on koko perhettä koskeva kriisi, joka muuttaa koko lapsen ja hänen vanhempansa arkea, sekä ja vanhemman ja lapsen välistä suhdetta. Lapsen edun mukaista on, että suhde vanhempiin voi säilyä mahdollisimman hyvänä sijaishuoltoon sijoittamisesta huolimatta. Lastensuojelun tehtävänä on tukea lapsen ja hänen vanhempansa suhteen säilymistä ja tukea myös vanhemman kuntoutumista. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen päihderiippu-vuuden kanssa kamppailleiden äitien kokemuksia lapsen sijoituksen aikana. Tutkimuksessani tarkastelen millaisia kokemuksia päihteitä käyttäneillä äideillä on tuentarpeestaan sijaishuollon aikana, ja miten äidit ovat kokeneet sijaishuollon aikaisen tuen. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on tuottaa kuvailevaa laadullista tietoa asiakasäitien kokemuksista ja tuentarpeista. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kuuden kohderyhmään kuuluvan äidin syvähaastattelusta. Aineiston hankinta on toteutettu kuusi kuntaa kattavan Keski-Uudenmaan Sote-kuntayhtymän alueelta. Haastatteluihin osallistuneet äidit tavoitettiin kuntayhtymän sijaishuollon sosiaalityöntekijöiden kautta. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimustuloksissa tarkastellaan äitien kokemuksia kahdesta toisiinsa linkittyvästä näkökulmasta: saadun tuen näkökulmasta ja tuentarpeiden näkökulmasta. Eri toimijoilla on merkittäviä rooleja äitien kokemuksissa saadun tuen kannalta. Näiden perusteella tuloksissa rakentuu viisi tuentarjoajan kategoriaa, jotka ovat: lastensuojelun työntekijät, sijaishuoltopaikat, päihdepalvelut, vertais-tuki ja perhe ja läheiset. Tulosten mukaan äideillä on tarve tulla kuulluksi ja kohdatuksi työskentelyn aikana, tarve toimiviin päihde- ja mielenterveyspalveluihin, tarve lastensuojelun suunnitelmalliselle työskentelylle, sekä sujuvalle yhteistyölle sosiaalityöntekijän ja sijaishuoltopaikan kanssa. Halu olla mukana lapsen elämässä ja toimia vanhempana, toimii myös motivaationa kuntoutumiseen. Äitien kokemukset sijaishuol-lon aikaisesta tuesta ovat sitä parempia, mitä paremmin yhteistyö lastensuojelun sosiaalityöntekijän ja sijaishuoltopaikan kanssa toimii. Myös läheisverkoston tuella on merkittävä rooli kokonaistilanteen ja saadun tuen kokemuksen kannalta. Lastensuojelun työntekijöiltä äidit toivovat ymmärrystä, kuulluksi tulemista ja suunnitelmallista työskentelyä asioiden edistämiseksi. Sijaishuoltopai-kalta äidit toivovat kumppanuutta, avoimuutta ja lasten asioiden jakamista. Parhaimmillaan äiti voi kokea sijoituksen tukevan van-hemmuutta ja äidin oman kuntoutumisen mahdollisuuksia. Tulosten mukaan äidit kuitenkin kokevat yhteistyön sosiaalityöntekijöi-den ja sijaishuoltopaikkojen kanssa toisinaan myös haasteellisena. Lapsen huostaanoton kokeneiden, päihteitä käyttäneiden naisten elämässä on usein kasautuneita ongelmia ja monenlaisia tuen-tarpeita. Äidit tarvitsevat tukea vanhemmuuteen, mutta myös omaan kuntoutumiseensa. Läheisverkoston tuki näyttäytyi merkittä-vänä tukena äitien kokemuksissa. Sosiaalityöntekijän rooli yhtäältä lapsen asioista vastaavana työntekijänä ja toisaalta vanhem-man tukijana ei ole yksinkertainen tehtävä, koska työntekijän punnitessa etusijaisesti lapsen etua voi äidin tuentarve jäädä toissi-jaiseksi. Lisäksi äidin voi olla vaikea kertoa avoimesti tuentarpeistaan ja ottaa tukea vastaan työntekijältä, jolla on samalla valta päättää lapsen ja vanhemman tapaamisista ja huostaanoton kestosta. Sijaishuoltopaikka, kuten sijaishuoltolaitos tai sijaisperhe on usein linkki lapsen ja äidin välillä. Saadun tuen kannalta on merkityksellistä, miten äidin ja lapsen arjesta vastaavan tahon yhteistyö sujuu. Äidin kokemukset saadusta tuesta koostuvat siis useasta toisiinsa linkittyvästä tekijästä, joilla jokaisella on merkitystä sen kannalta, miten äidit saavat tukea lapsen huostaanoton aikana.
  • Kontturi, Janne (1999)
    The aim of this study was to find out the meaning family has for a pupil who studies in a special class, or how important family is for the pupil's emotional life, the development of his self-confidence, freetime activities, attitudes on school, plans for further studies and his general social development. The theoretical base of this study was formed by social scientists' theories on postmodern family, which is due to urbanization and urban life style, and theories on family pluralism, the powerful effects that changes in family life have on pupils in special education, the weak self-confidence and low sosioeconomic background among those pupils and the effects of family's sosioeconomic status on pupil's willingness to get education or the theory on the accumulation of education. Study problems were set in the direction determined by these theories and in order to study the accurateness of the theories. The method used in the study was theme interview, which is sometimes also called half-structured interview. The material for the study was collected in October 1998 in a special school in Helsinki. The material contains answers given by pupils in theme interviews and background information about pupils' families, which where collected from the pupils' parents by mail. Content analysis was used to analyze the material. The study showed that it is very important to pupils' attitudes on school and their self-confidence that their families are entire and that the families give them support. The children, whose parents are interested in school education and discuss a lot about things, seem to have positive attitudes on school and good self-confidence, too. The parental support also has an effect on how the pupils spend their free time and on their hobbies, too. Obviously the families have quite an important meaning for pupils in special class, but if the families don't support them, the consequence is problems particularly for the development of self-confidence. The theory on the low sosioeconomic background among students in special education gets support from this study, but nothing can be said about it's effect on further studies. On account of the results it can be suggested that special schools must arrange occasions where the pupils' parents are clearly informed about the important meaning of their support for the pupils' studies and the development of the pupils' self-confidence. The most important sources for the theoretical background were the books written by Jallinoja, Kivinenand Rinne, Moberg, Scanzoni and P. Takala. The most important sources for the method were the books written by Hirsjärvi and Hurme and Pietilä.
  • Jyrinsalo, Anni (2017)
    This study presents the comparative insight on: what are teachers' perceptions of mathematical difficulty and how do they recognize it and support their students. This thesis is a comparative study on one of the developed countries, Finland, versus one of the under-developed countries, Nepal, in the world. As different culture may have different ways to handle mathematical difficulty, the purpose of this study is to determine different methods to recognize mathematical difficulty and to support students other than Finnish teachers' methods. This study is a qualitative in nature and based on one to one interviews. Four Finnish class teachers and four Nepalese class teachers were interviewed. Seven of the teachers are currently teaching in the first six grades of the comprehensive school and one of the interviewed teachers teaches 8th grade. All of the finnish teachers have graduated as a master of behavioural science and have completed the teacher education. Three of the Nepalese teachers were licensed teachers. However, one of the teachers does not hold any degree on teacher education. The interviews were conducted in the beginning of 2017. As a data analysis, content analysis was conducted and the results were themed into main themes and upper- and lower themes. The findings suggest that Finnish teachers had more methods to identify students' mathematical difficulty than those of Nepalese teachers. Finnish teachers observe their students and their calculating methods; meanwhile nepalese teachers use test results as their main method to identify students' difficulty. As supporting methods Finnish teachers use for example, remedial instruction, concrete tools and placing students in to table groups in a way that every group has also weak and strong students. Nepalese teachers also use above-mentioned students placing into table groups. In addition, nepalese teachers tried to link the mathematical exercises into real life scenarios. Most of the interviewed teachers don't think that the teacher education they have got helped them either to recognize mathematical difficulty or to support the students who experience difficulty. Teachers say that working experience and talking with colleagues have helped them the most.
  • Kostamovaara, Anu (2020)
    Tutkielma on luokkahuonevuorovaikutukseen perustuva tapaustutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan kahta pääkaupunkiseudulla kotoutumiskoulutuksessa suomea toisena kielenä opiskelevaa maahanmuuttajaryhmää. Työssä paneudutaan siihen, miten oppijat ja opettajat toimivat kohdatessaan ymmärtämisongelmia ja millä tavoin kielellisiä ilmauksia rakennetaan vuorovaikutuksessa tuen ja tukeutumisen avulla. Pääpaino on merkitysneuvotteluissa ja niihin sisältyvissä muokatuissa toistoissa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena kehyksenä on sosiokulttuurinen kielentutkimus, johon yhdistetään dialogisen ja interaktionaalisen toisen kielen tutkimuksen näkökulmia. Työn esikuvana on Minna Sunin väitöskirja Toista kieltä vuorovaikutuksessa. Kielellisten resurssien jakaminen toisen kielen omaksumisen alkuvaiheessa (2008), josta on omaksuttu dialoginen menetelmä merkitysneuvottelujen tutkimiseen. Aineisto on kerätty yhden päivän aikana, ja se koostuu kahdesta 75 min pituisesta, videoidusta opetusjaksosta. Analyysi jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä tarkastellaan merkitysneuvotteluja, joiden aiheuttaja on oppijan vuorossa oleva ongelma. Toisessa osassa käsitellään merkitysneuvotteluja, joiden aiheuttaja on opettajan vuoron ongelma. Merkitysneuvotteluissa esiintyvien toistojen analyysin tuloksena näytetään, miten toistoilla annetaan ja saadaan tukea. Niillä osoitetaan ongelmakohta, täsmennetään merkitystä ja varmistetaan neuvottelussa saavutettu riittävä ymmärrys. Muokatuilla toistoilla opettaja selventää omaa vuoroaan ja antaa palautetta oppijoiden vuoroista. Usein opettaja reagoi oppijan vuorossa olevaan ongelmaan toisto-osoittimella, joka sisältää jonkin tulkintaehdotuksen. Opettaja redusoi oppijan ilmauksesta esiin ymmärtämisongelman aiheuttajan. Hän ottaa vastuun elaboroinnista muokkaamalla oppijan vuoroa fonologisesti, leksikaalisesti, morfologisesti, syntaktisesti tai kaikkia yhdistäen. Kielenoppijoilla toisto toimii keinona osoittaa osallisuus ja osallistuminen vuorovaikutuksessa. Oppijat kierrättävät tarjolla olevaa kielenainesta ja segmentoivat puheesta kohtia toistettaviksi. He poimivat opettajan tai muiden oppijoiden uudelleenmuokkauksia tuotoksiinsa etenkin leksikaalisella tasolla mutta myös fonologian ja syntaksin alueilla. Vähiten esiintyy muokatun morfologisen aineksen sisällyttämistä, koska oppijoiden kielisysteemi ei ole vielä välttämättä valmis ottamaan tarjottua morfologista muokkausta vastaan. Dialoginen tarkastelu osoittaa, että keskusteluvuorovaikutuksessa on jaettavissa jokaisen osallistujan kielellinen pääoma. Vuorovaikutuksen kumulatiivisen luonteen ansiosta tuloksena on enemmän kuin mihin yksilö yltää monologisesti. Oppija pääsee luokkahuonekeskusteluissa osalliseksi opettajan resursseista. Vuorovaikutus rakentuu yhteistyössä tuen, tukemisen ja tukeutumisen avulla. Tuki voi toteutua sekä tarkoituksellisena ja tavoitteellisena oppijan auttamisena, että keskustelussa jaettavana kielenaineksena. Lähikehityksen vyöhykkeen ajatus näkyy merkitysneuvotteluissa oppijan vahvistuvana mahdollisuutena kielelliseen ilmaisuun resurssien jakamisen, muokkausten ja palautteen turvin.
  • Ojaranta, Taru (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Aikuisen on tärkeä osata tunnistaa milloin lapsi tarvitsee aikuisen tukea tai jopa ammattiapua. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella, mikä aikuisen rooli on lapsille suunnatuissa kuvakirjoissa. Tutkin kirjoja, joissa käsitellään lapsen kohtaamia kriisitilanteita tai aiheita, joiden voi nähdä olevan lapselle vaikeita kohdata tai käsitellä. Vaikeita aiheita valitsemissani kuvakirjoissa ovat sisaruksen kuolema sairauden uuvuttamana, sisaruksen itsemurha, vanhempien ero sekä vanhemman poislähtö. Otin aineistooni myös kirjan, missä kuvataan selektiivistä mutismia, minkä voi luokitella reagointitavaksi vaikeaan asiaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimustehtäväni on tarkastella ja analysoida viittä suomalaista kuvakirjaa, jotka käsittelevät jotain lapselle vaikeaa aihetta tai vaikean aiheen käsittelytapaa. Tutkin ensin, ketkä ovat vaikean asian äärellä lapsen tukena. Varsinainen kiinnostuksen kohteeni on se, mikä aikuisen rooli on vaikeiden asioiden käsittelyssä. Analyysi on toteutettu aineistolähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä. Muodostin analyysissani ylä-, ala-, sekä pääluokkia, joiden avulla sain vastaukset tutkimuskysymyksiini. Otin kuvat huomioon sisällönanalyysissani. Halusin tutkia, tuleeko kuvissa esille jotain sellaista, mitä ei tekstissä mainia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lapsi sai tukea jokaisessa viidessä kuvakirjassa joltain aikuiselta. Aikuisia olivat vanhemmat, vanhemman uusi puoliso, isovanhemmat, kasvattajat, hoitohenkilökunta. Lapsi sai kahdessa kuvakirjassa tukea myös mielikuvitukselliselta hahmolta. Tuloksissa korostui aikuisen rooli tukijana sekä poissaolevana. Varsinkin kuvakirjoissa, joissa käsiteltiin sisaruksen kuolemaa, vanhemman rooli poissaolevana nousi esiin. Kirjojen kuvituksessa korostui fyysisen tuen antaminen lapselle. Tuloksissa yllätti se, että lasten tunteista ei puhuttu juuri ollenkaan lapsen ja aikuisen välillä.
  • Saarinen, Amanda (2020)
    Aims and objectives. The field of speech and language therapy nowadays emphasizes the participation of client’s environments, such as the family. The importance of close environments is highlighted by e.g. the ecological systems theory, the ICF classification and the concept of zone of proximal development. To learn to communicate using a communication aid, a child needs modeling from a more competent interaction partner. Parents are usually essential interaction partners for their children, yet they need guidance and support to be able to model the use of the communication aid for their child. Previous research on parents’ experiences of guidance and support received for aided communication has been scarce. However, it has been noticed that inadequate support for parents can lead to abandonment of the communication aid. The objective of this study was to explore parents’ experiences of guidance and support on using their child’s communication aid. In addition, parents’ experiences of the challenges in the communication aid service delivery were studied, as well as experiences of their own role in the process. The study also examined parents’ views on how the support and guidance practices could be developed. Methods. The data of this study were gathered through semi-structured interviews. From seven different families, nine parents of children who were using a communication aid with an extensive vocabulary participated in the interviews. Data were analyzed using data driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of this study indicated that parents receive guidance and support on using their child’s communication aid from several actors. The guidance and support were mainly considered insufficient in quantity but their content was mostly perceived adequate. Parents had positive experiences of e.g. guidance and support received from their child’s speech therapist, communication instruction, peer support, and technical support provided by the manufacturers and importers of communication aids. One of the main challenges parents had experienced in the process was that the communication aid was not always actively used in the daycare or school settings. Most of the parents had had an active, self-imposed role in the service delivery process, for example in finding services and information. Parents would develop the services provided to families e.g. by offering more guidance and support at the beginning of the process, by training professionals more comprehensively on augmentative and alternative communication, and by informing families more effectively of the services and support that are available. Based on the results of this study, the guidance and support on using a communication aid do not seem to be completely equally available for families, and parent’s own activeness appears to affect the access to services. Practices on providing guidance and support, informing parents of services and training professionals on aided communication may need to be improved and clarified. Parents’ experiences of the guidance and support vary individually, but the results of this study can help professionals develop their practices to support families.
  • Saarinen, Amanda (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Puheterapiakuntoutuksessa pidetään nykyään tärkeänä kuntoutujan lähiympäristöjen, kuten perheen, osallistumista kuntoutukseen. Lähiympäristöjen merkitystä korostavat muun muassa ekologisten järjestelmien teoria, kuntoutustyötä ohjaava ICF-luokitus sekä lähikehityksen vyöhykkeen käsite. Kommunikoinnin apuvälinettä käyttävä lapsi tarvitsee mallia taitavammilta vuorovaikutuskumppaneilta oppiakseen itse kommunikoimaan apuvälinettä käyttäen. Vanhemmat ovat yleensä lapselle keskeisiä vuorovaikutuskumppaneita, mutta he tarvitsevat ohjausta ja tukea kyetäkseen itse mallittamaan kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöä lapselleen. Vanhempien kokemuksia kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöön saadusta ohjauksesta ja tuesta on toistaiseksi tutkittu vähän. On kuitenkin havaittu, että mikäli vanhemmat eivät saa apuvälineen käyttöön riittävästi tukea, sen käytöstä saatetaan luopua. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella vanhempien kokemuksia lapsensa laajan kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöön saadusta ohjauksesta ja tuesta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin vanhempien kokemuksia apuvälinepalveluprosessissa koetuista haasteista sekä siitä, millaiseksi vanhemmat ovat kokeneet oman roolinsa prosessissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, miten vanhemmat kehittäisivät kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöön tarjottavaa ohjausta ja tukea. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin seitsemästä perheestä yhdeksää vanhempaa, joiden lapsilla oli käytössään laaja kommunikoinnin apuväline. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että vanhemmat saavat lapsensa kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöön ohjausta ja tukea useilta toimijoilta. Ohjaus ja tuki koettiin pääsääntöisesti määrältään riittämättömäksi, mutta sisällöltään tarkoituksenmukaiseksi. Positiivisia kokemuksia vanhemmilla oli muun muassa lapsen kuntouttavalta puheterapeutilta saadusta ohjauksesta ja tuesta, kommunikaatio-opetuksesta, vertaistuesta sekä kommunikoinnin apuvälineiden valmistajien ja maahantuojien tarjoamasta teknisestä tuesta. Apuvälinepalveluprosessissa koetuista haasteista esille nousi erityisesti se, että kommunikoinnin apuvälinettä ei aina käytetty aktiivisesti lapsen päiväkodissa tai koulussa. Saadakseen palveluita, löytääkseen tietoa ja mahdollistaakseen apuvälineen käytön lapsen arjen ympäristöissä vanhempien oli tyypillisesti täytynyt ottaa apuvälinepalveluprosessissa aktiivinen, oma-aloitteinen rooli. Vanhemmat kehittäisivät ohjausta ja tukea muun muassa panostamalla vahvemmin prosessin alkuvaiheessa tarjottavaan tukeen, ammattilaisten koulutukseen ja tukimahdollisuuksista tiedottamiseen. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käyttöön saatu ohjaus ja tuki eivät näytä jakautuvan täysin tasavertaisesti perheiden kesken, ja vanhemman oma aktiivisuus saattaa vaikuttaa palveluiden saamiseen. Palveluiden saatavuuden ja niistä tiedottamisen käytäntöjä sekä ammattilaisten koulutusta puhetta tukevasta ja korvaavasta kommunikoinnista saattaisi olla tarpeen selkeyttää ja kehittää. Vanhempien kokemukset ohjauksesta, tuesta ja apuvälinepalveluprosessista vaihtelevat yksilöllisesti, mutta tämän tutkimuksen tulokset voivat auttaa ammattilaisia kehittämään työskentelykäytäntöjään.
  • Kaartokallio, Satu (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Children grow among digital media and its importance needs to be notified also in early education (Chaudron 2015). When young children engage with digital media, adult support and mediation in crucial to adequately balance positive and negative effects of media use (Kardefelt-Winther 2017).The motivation of this study is to research views of parents and early education professionals on children’s digital media use, its mediation and support and co-operation between home and early education environments. The three research questions were: (1) What are the views of parents and early education professionals on (1) children’s digital media use? (2) on mediation and support of children’s digital media use? (3) on collaboration between home and early year education setting? The study was conducted as an online survey in three out of ten early education districts in Helsinki, Finland in November 2019. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected in separate surveys for parents and early education professionals. Surveys were distributed through daycare unit managers to professionals and parents. The research data consists of 189 parents’ and 40 early education professionals’ answers. The quantitative analysis was conducted mainly non-parametric statistical tests. Qualitative analysis proceeded using data-oriented content analysis. The results show parents have diverse views on and attitudes towards children digital media use and that children’s media use is variable. Most children use digital media in moderation, some in considerable amount and a fraction not at all. Early education professionals see digital media use as natural part of children’s world and that parents balance well the media use of their children. Both see potential effects of digital media use on children’s self-regulation and emotional skills. Parent attitude towards digital media use by their children significantly differed by child gender, and parents of the boys had more concerns. Digital media use by adults and concern on adequate personal interaction were discerned from the results. Amount of time used on digital media and transitions from digital media use to other activities were identified as primary causes of conflict at home. Parents would like to receive more information on child-appropriate content, suitable time limits and research-based knowledge on positive and negative effects of digital media use. Early education professionals would need research-based recommendations and information on effects of media use on child development. Furthermore, they wish for clear guidelines and agreed practices for digital media use in daycare and preschool setting, as well as for digital media use -related collaboration with families. Parents had a positive view on collaboration, although experience on it was limited. Early education and preschool professionals, together with parents, would have a unique position to build moderate and many-voiced discourse on children digital media use during early years - a possibility not yet materialized to a full extent.
  • Kaartokallio, Satu (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Children grow among digital media and its importance needs to be notified also in early education (Chaudron 2015). When young children engage with digital media, adult support and mediation in crucial to adequately balance positive and negative effects of media use (Kardefelt-Winther 2017).The motivation of this study is to research views of parents and early education professionals on children’s digital media use, its mediation and support and co-operation between home and early education environments. The three research questions were: (1) What are the views of parents and early education professionals on (1) children’s digital media use? (2) on mediation and support of children’s digital media use? (3) on collaboration between home and early year education setting? The study was conducted as an online survey in three out of ten early education districts in Helsinki, Finland in November 2019. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected in separate surveys for parents and early education professionals. Surveys were distributed through daycare unit managers to professionals and parents. The research data consists of 189 parents’ and 40 early education professionals’ answers. The quantitative analysis was conducted mainly non-parametric statistical tests. Qualitative analysis proceeded using data-oriented content analysis. The results show parents have diverse views on and attitudes towards children digital media use and that children’s media use is variable. Most children use digital media in moderation, some in considerable amount and a fraction not at all. Early education professionals see digital media use as natural part of children’s world and that parents balance well the media use of their children. Both see potential effects of digital media use on children’s self-regulation and emotional skills. Parent attitude towards digital media use by their children significantly differed by child gender, and parents of the boys had more concerns. Digital media use by adults and concern on adequate personal interaction were discerned from the results. Amount of time used on digital media and transitions from digital media use to other activities were identified as primary causes of conflict at home. Parents would like to receive more information on child-appropriate content, suitable time limits and research-based knowledge on positive and negative effects of digital media use. Early education professionals would need research-based recommendations and information on effects of media use on child development. Furthermore, they wish for clear guidelines and agreed practices for digital media use in daycare and preschool setting, as well as for digital media use -related collaboration with families. Parents had a positive view on collaboration, although experience on it was limited. Early education and preschool professionals, together with parents, would have a unique position to build moderate and many-voiced discourse on children digital media use during early years - a possibility not yet materialized to a full extent.
  • Nikula, Venla (2020)
    A prerequisite for high-quality early childhood eduction is high-quality early chidhood leadership. There is no formal qualification training for becoming a leader of an early childhood education unit, which is why the researchers have been worried about the unbalance between the level of education and the demands of the job. Starting a new job is burdensome, but how to tackle the challenges that a new leader of the early childhood education unit could come across without any training for the job. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of starting as a novice leader of an early childhood education unit, and also to examine the received and required forms of support in the induction phase (of the career). In the field of early childhood education, the induction phase has been researched mainly by teachers’ point of vies; the studies concerning the leaders of the early childhood education units are few. Therefore, this study tries to describe and identify the subject as well as to awaken the interest for further investigation of the subject. This study is a qualitative case study that examined the induction phase and perceived support of the careers of early childhood unit leaders using a narrative research approach. The research material was collected as individual case reports and semi-structured thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted as telephone interviews. The research material consisted of five telephone interviews with the leader of early childhood education unit, which were conducted in the spring of 2020. The material was analyzed using narrative content analysis and theory-driven content analysis. According to the research results, the leaders of the early childhood education units explained that they had generally done well in the induction phase of their careers. Self-initiative and activity in applying for support were seen as a prerequisite for success at work. Leaders said they had generally received support, but had to be active in advancing it. The issues that leaders said they received support included training, various forms of mentoring, other actors in the work community and experience. In particular, training seems to be strongly linked to working as a unit leader. Leaders who had applied for leadership-related studies on their own initiative found the studies as a strong form of support, while leaders who had not attended leadership-related studies longed for them. Based on this results, it would be necessary to consider the training or coaching of unit leaders. The positivity of the results is contradictory with the discussion on the media which is why it is important to look critically at the image constructed by the media.
  • Nikula, Venla (2020)
    A prerequisite for high-quality early childhood eduction is high-quality early chidhood leadership. There is no formal qualification training for becoming a leader of an early childhood education unit, which is why the researchers have been worried about the unbalance between the level of education and the demands of the job. Starting a new job is burdensome, but how to tackle the challenges that a new leader of the early childhood education unit could come across without any training for the job. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of starting as a novice leader of an early childhood education unit, and also to examine the received and required forms of support in the induction phase (of the career). In the field of early childhood education, the induction phase has been researched mainly by teachers’ point of vies; the studies concerning the leaders of the early childhood education units are few. Therefore, this study tries to describe and identify the subject as well as to awaken the interest for further investigation of the subject. This study is a qualitative case study that examined the induction phase and perceived support of the careers of early childhood unit leaders using a narrative research approach. The research material was collected as individual case reports and semi-structured thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted as telephone interviews. The research material consisted of five telephone interviews with the leader of early childhood education unit, which were conducted in the spring of 2020. The material was analyzed using narrative content analysis and theory-driven content analysis. According to the research results, the leaders of the early childhood education units explained that they had generally done well in the induction phase of their careers. Self-initiative and activity in applying for support were seen as a prerequisite for success at work. Leaders said they had generally received support, but had to be active in advancing it. The issues that leaders said they received support included training, various forms of mentoring, other actors in the work community and experience. In particular, training seems to be strongly linked to working as a unit leader. Leaders who had applied for leadership-related studies on their own initiative found the studies as a strong form of support, while leaders who had not attended leadership-related studies longed for them. Based on this results, it would be necessary to consider the training or coaching of unit leaders. The positivity of the results is contradictory with the discussion on the media which is why it is important to look critically at the image constructed by the media.
  • romanovski, tea (2022)
    In the transition to remote learning, the importance of natural language skills may have increased, when supporting verbal communication with non-verbal means was partially blocked. It may have resulted linguistic equality challenges for primary education pupils. The purpose of this study is to examine mathematics task performance in two home language groups. Availability of a teacher and support from different parties is expected to be positively related with task performance reported by student, excluding support from a special education teacher. Task performance of pupils whose home language is different from the language of instruction is not expected to be in an equally strong positive relation with availability of teacher with pupils who speak Finnish or Swedish as their home language. The research was carried out by utilizing a survey of the cooperation project of university of Helsinki and university of Tampere, Schooling, teaching and well-being in the school community during the corona epidemic. The material had been collected in the spring of 2020, after the schools had switched back to classroom teaching. The answers of 29163 middle school students were selected for the analysis. Answers were examined using cross tables and Spearman`s rank correlation. The language groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U-test in terms of the teacher`s availability and perceived task performance. The home language groups differed from each other in a statistically significant way in terms of task performance. Teacher`s availability was, as expected, in a positive relation with the pupil`s task performance. The support received from different parties, on the other hand, was negatively related to the number of pupils task performance. The exceptions were parental support, which had positive relation and peer support, which did not appear to be relevant. The task performance of pupils facing linguistic challenges was weaker than others, but the concern about the lower benefit of remote education for pupils with foreign home languages was not confirmed by the results of the study.