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  • Utriainen, Elisa (2016)
    The aims of the study. Academic procrastination is a prevalent problem among students whose everyday life is often filled with deadlines. As up to 95 % of procrastinating students would like to decrease their delaying behaviour, and procrastination has many negative outcomes, it is important to study antecedents of procrastination and develop interventions. The current study employs Klingsieck’s (2013) definition of procrastination which states that procrastination is “the voluntary delay of an intended and necessary and/or personally important activity, despite expecting potential negative consequences that outweigh the positive consequences of the delay”. The purpose of the present study is to extend the current knowledge about motivational and volitional psychology perspective of procrastination, and the following research questions were answered: 1. What factors influence the study motivation of the procrastinating students? 2. What kind of interest do the procrastinating students express in their studies? 3. How do the procrastinating students perceive their self-efficacy to perform their studies? 4. What kind of volitional factors do the procrastinating students mention? Methods. The data consists of transcripted interviews of eight students identified as procrastinators in a previous study. The study is conducted as a qualitative, data-driven content analysis including the development of a category system for each research question. Additionally, these categories are used to create a student profile for each informant. Results and conclusions. The results indicate that procrastinating students had several factors which motivated them to study and they also expressed interest towards their studies. However, only two students expressed strong individual interest. Procrastinating students had doubts about their ability to succeed in their studies and found especially the beginning of their studies difficult due to insufficient skills to study at university. Finally, some of the students had self-regulative problems, and the profiles revealed that students’ motivational and volitional features differed from each other. This study supports the view that students have individual patterns for the antecedents of procrastination and for that reason also different kinds of interventions should be available to them.
  • Pasula, Susanna (2016)
    Goals. The writing performance level of Finnish schoolchildren, especially of boys, has been an area of concern over the past few years. The present study is part of a longitudinal intervention study (RoKKi), which has created an encouraging feedback model for trying to find ways to enhance writing skills. Research has shown that writing self-efficacy and writing performance are related, so this study will examine whether the encouraging feedback model will improve the self- efficacy of the students. A central element of the encouraging feedback model is peer feedback. The idea is that the pupils feel that attention is being paid to what they have written. Pupil experience has not figured significantly as an issue in writing research, so this study will tackle that subject as well. Methods. The study was carried out in three 5th-grade classes between autumn 2011 and autumn 2012. The established class had already used the encouraging feedback model before the study, while the treatment class started to use it at the beginning of the intervention. In the control class, the teacher gave feedback according to a more traditional manner. The data consists of four measures of self-efficacy and writing experience. They were analysed using one-way ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, t-tests and the equivalent nonparametric tests. Results and conclusions. The encouraging intervention didn't have a statistically significant effect on the self-efficacy beliefs of the 5th-graders. However, the self-efficacy in the established class was higher and the writing experiences were statistically significantly higher than in the other two classes. In the established class, the experiences remained positive regardless of the genre that was being exercised whereas, in the control group, not even the normally positively experienced genre of story could improve the writing experience of the boys. The intervention seemed to have a positive effect for boys in particular, but one needs to take into account that the starting level of the self-efficacy of the boys in the test class was also high, which is exceptional in the light of earlier research. In the control class, the girls had much higher levels of self-efficacy and better writing experiences than the boys whereas, in the established class, the results were quite even. The positive writing experiences and self-efficacy beliefs – and the equality of the genders – in the established class suggest that the encouraging feedback model might be of value in long-term use.
  • Repo, Beda (2023)
    Asianajotoimistojen menestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat juuriltaan vahvasti psykologisia, koska liiketoiminta perustuu ihmisten asiantuntijuuteen. Alalla työskenteleviltä odotetaan erityistä kyvykkyyttä, ja työn vaativuuden sekä itselleen asettamiensa korkeiden odotusten vuoksi juristien onkin todettu olevan erityisen alttiita paineille sekä kuormitukselle. Ammattiryhmää tutkittaessa on havaittu, että psykologiset resurssit, kuten minäpystyvyys, ovat ratkaisevia tekijöitä suoriutumisen sekä pitkän aikavälin menestyksen kannalta, ja voivat jopa suojata juristeja ammattiin liittyviltä mielenterveysongelmilta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten valmistumisen kynnyksellä olevat asianajotoimistossa työskentelevät oikeustieteen opiskelijat, eli tulevaisuuden juristit, rakentavat minäpystyvyyttään haastattelutilanteessa. Minäpystyvyydellä tarkoitetaan kognitiivisessa sosiaalipsykologiassa yksilön uskomuksia tai arvioita omasta kyvykkyydestä suoriutua tietyistä tehtävistä tai rooleista halutun päämäärän saavuttamiseksi. Tässä tutkielmassa minäpystyvyyttä lähestytään relationistis-konstruktionistisesta näkökulmasta, joka antaa painoarvoa psykologisen ilmiön kielelliselle rakentumiselle asianajoalan kulttuurisessa ja sosiaalisessa kontekstissa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalisen konstruktionismin piiriin kuuluva diskursiivinen psykologia, joka tarkastelee perinteisesti kognitiivisina lähestyttyjä ilmiöitä vuorovaikutuksessa ja puheessa rakentuvina. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla viittä liikejuridiikkaan erikoistuneessa asianajotoimistossa työskentelevää opiskelijaharjoittelijaa. Minäpystyvyys näyttäytyi haastatteluaineistossa vahvasti kontekstista riippuvaisena ilmiönä. Kaikki haastateltavat esiintyivät pääosin pystyvinä, mutta tuottivat pystyvyydelleen myös rajoitteita suhteessa tiettyihin tilanteisiin, kuten itsenäiseen asiakastyöhön. Tutkielmassa tunnistettiin kahdeksan retorista resurssia, jotka näyttäytyivät puheessa minäpystyvyyden rakennuspalikoina. Nämä jakautuivat yksilön resursseihin sekä sosiaalisiin resursseihin. Tunnistetut yksilön resurssit olivat aikaisemmat kokemukset, juridiset taidot, asiakastaidot, resilienssi sekä tavoitteet. Sosiaaliset resurssit olivat koettu tuki, saatu palaute ja vertailu muihin. Sosiaaliset resurssit painottivat yksilön omien voimavarojen sijaan muiden toiminnan merkityksellisyyttä sekä muilta saatuja validaatioita tärkeinä tekijöinä pystyvyyden rakentumisen kannalta. Tutkielman diskursiivinen näkökulma täydentää aiempaa tutkimusta tuoden esiin minäpystyvyyden moniulotteista luonnetta sekä tarvetta sellaisille tutkimustavoille, jotka luovat ymmärrystä ilmiön rakentumisesta erilaisissa konteksteissa. Minäpystyvyyttä koskevan tiedon lisääminen asianajoalan kontekstissa on tärkeää, jotta organisaatioita voidaan kehittää tulevaisuuden juristien tarpeita ja hyvinvointia tukeviksi. Jatkotutkimuksessa olisikin kiinnostavaa selvittää esimerkiksi sitä, miten asianajoalalla pidempään työskennelleet ymmärtävät ja kuvaavat minäpystyvyyttään.
  • Repo, Beda (2023)
    Asianajotoimistojen menestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat juuriltaan vahvasti psykologisia, koska liiketoiminta perustuu ihmisten asiantuntijuuteen. Alalla työskenteleviltä odotetaan erityistä kyvykkyyttä, ja työn vaativuuden sekä itselleen asettamiensa korkeiden odotusten vuoksi juristien onkin todettu olevan erityisen alttiita paineille sekä kuormitukselle. Ammattiryhmää tutkittaessa on havaittu, että psykologiset resurssit, kuten minäpystyvyys, ovat ratkaisevia tekijöitä suoriutumisen sekä pitkän aikavälin menestyksen kannalta, ja voivat jopa suojata juristeja ammattiin liittyviltä mielenterveysongelmilta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten valmistumisen kynnyksellä olevat asianajotoimistossa työskentelevät oikeustieteen opiskelijat, eli tulevaisuuden juristit, rakentavat minäpystyvyyttään haastattelutilanteessa. Minäpystyvyydellä tarkoitetaan kognitiivisessa sosiaalipsykologiassa yksilön uskomuksia tai arvioita omasta kyvykkyydestä suoriutua tietyistä tehtävistä tai rooleista halutun päämäärän saavuttamiseksi. Tässä tutkielmassa minäpystyvyyttä lähestytään relationistis-konstruktionistisesta näkökulmasta, joka antaa painoarvoa psykologisen ilmiön kielelliselle rakentumiselle asianajoalan kulttuurisessa ja sosiaalisessa kontekstissa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalisen konstruktionismin piiriin kuuluva diskursiivinen psykologia, joka tarkastelee perinteisesti kognitiivisina lähestyttyjä ilmiöitä vuorovaikutuksessa ja puheessa rakentuvina. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla viittä liikejuridiikkaan erikoistuneessa asianajotoimistossa työskentelevää opiskelijaharjoittelijaa. Minäpystyvyys näyttäytyi haastatteluaineistossa vahvasti kontekstista riippuvaisena ilmiönä. Kaikki haastateltavat esiintyivät pääosin pystyvinä, mutta tuottivat pystyvyydelleen myös rajoitteita suhteessa tiettyihin tilanteisiin, kuten itsenäiseen asiakastyöhön. Tutkielmassa tunnistettiin kahdeksan retorista resurssia, jotka näyttäytyivät puheessa minäpystyvyyden rakennuspalikoina. Nämä jakautuivat yksilön resursseihin sekä sosiaalisiin resursseihin. Tunnistetut yksilön resurssit olivat aikaisemmat kokemukset, juridiset taidot, asiakastaidot, resilienssi sekä tavoitteet. Sosiaaliset resurssit olivat koettu tuki, saatu palaute ja vertailu muihin. Sosiaaliset resurssit painottivat yksilön omien voimavarojen sijaan muiden toiminnan merkityksellisyyttä sekä muilta saatuja validaatioita tärkeinä tekijöinä pystyvyyden rakentumisen kannalta. Tutkielman diskursiivinen näkökulma täydentää aiempaa tutkimusta tuoden esiin minäpystyvyyden moniulotteista luonnetta sekä tarvetta sellaisille tutkimustavoille, jotka luovat ymmärrystä ilmiön rakentumisesta erilaisissa konteksteissa. Minäpystyvyyttä koskevan tiedon lisääminen asianajoalan kontekstissa on tärkeää, jotta organisaatioita voidaan kehittää tulevaisuuden juristien tarpeita ja hyvinvointia tukeviksi. Jatkotutkimuksessa olisikin kiinnostavaa selvittää esimerkiksi sitä, miten asianajoalalla pidempään työskennelleet ymmärtävät ja kuvaavat minäpystyvyyttään.
  • Alatulkkila, Saara (2021)
    Research on adolescents’ life satisfaction has increased only in recent years. Previous research has indicated that many variables are in association with life satisfaction. However, there has been need for more research on variables that affect adolescents’ life satisfaction and overall subjective well-being. In this thesis, it is researched how positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, self-efficacy, gender, and socioeconomic status affect life satisfaction of Finnish adolescents by way of the PISA 2018 research data. In addition, the differences between girls and boys in life satisfaction, positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, and self-efficacy are examined. The data used in this study were the answers to the PISA 2018 student questionnaire. The data represented the entire Finland, and the sample size was large (n = 5649). Analyses of the data were carried out with IBM SPSS 27 and the IEA International Database Analyzer (version 4.0.39). Analytical methods used in this study were linear regression analysis and independent samples t-test. According to the regression analysis, independent variables explained 39 % of the variance of life satisfaction, in which case the effect size was quite large. All variables, except socioeconomic status, had statistically significant effects on life satisfaction. The most predictive of all independent variables seemed to be positive emotions (β = .42, p < .001). As for the t-tests, they showed statistically significant differences between girls and boys’ mean values in both life satisfaction and sense of belonging at school. However, effect sizes were quite small. According to the results, positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, self-efficacy and gender affect adolescents’ life satisfaction. There are also differences in life satisfaction and sense of belonging at school between genders.
  • Alatulkkila, Saara (2021)
    Research on adolescents’ life satisfaction has increased only in recent years. Previous research has indicated that many variables are in association with life satisfaction. However, there has been need for more research on variables that affect adolescents’ life satisfaction and overall subjective well-being. In this thesis, it is researched how positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, self-efficacy, gender, and socioeconomic status affect life satisfaction of Finnish adolescents by way of the PISA 2018 research data. In addition, the differences between girls and boys in life satisfaction, positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, and self-efficacy are examined. The data used in this study were the answers to the PISA 2018 student questionnaire. The data represented the entire Finland, and the sample size was large (n = 5649). Analyses of the data were carried out with IBM SPSS 27 and the IEA International Database Analyzer (version 4.0.39). Analytical methods used in this study were linear regression analysis and independent samples t-test. According to the regression analysis, independent variables explained 39 % of the variance of life satisfaction, in which case the effect size was quite large. All variables, except socioeconomic status, had statistically significant effects on life satisfaction. The most predictive of all independent variables seemed to be positive emotions (β = .42, p < .001). As for the t-tests, they showed statistically significant differences between girls and boys’ mean values in both life satisfaction and sense of belonging at school. However, effect sizes were quite small. According to the results, positive emotions, sense of belonging at school, self-efficacy and gender affect adolescents’ life satisfaction. There are also differences in life satisfaction and sense of belonging at school between genders.
  • Laurila, Inka (2022)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoite oli pohtia, millainen on minäpystyvyyden ja yläkoulun ilmapiirin välinen yhteys. Minäpystyvyys on Albert Banduran sosio-kognitiiviseen teoriaan sisältyvä käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan, että ihmisen toimintaan ryhtymistä ja sinnikästä ponnistelua ohjaa tunne omasta kyvykkyydestä, jolla on edelleen vaikutusta motivaatioon, hyvinvointiin ja elämänkulkuun. Tutkielman tarkoitus oli tuoda esiin yläkouluikäisen nuoren minäpystyvyyden merkitys, sillä kyseisessä elämänvaiheessa nuori joutuu tekemään ensimmäisiä tärkeitä koulutusvalintojaan. Lisäksi sosiaalisesti tukeva kouluilmapiiri on tärkeä huomioida, kun COVID19-pandemia on lisännyt nuorten yksinäisyyttä ja mielenterveyden ongelmia. Tutkimusten mukaan nuorten kokemus kouluilmapiiristä koskee heidän havaintojaan koulun ihmissuhteista. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoksi valikoitui kolme kansainvälistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa käsiteltiin kouluilmapiirin ja minäpystyvyyden välistä yhteyttä sekä vaihtelevasti myös muita kouluun tai hyvinvointiin liittyviä muuttujia. Aineistoa analysoitiin erittelemällä sen keskeisimpiä tuloksia. Tutkimusaineisto ei ollut kovin suuri, joten sen antamia tuloksia pohdittiin suhteuttamalla niitä monipuolisesti aihepiiriin liittyvään muuhun ajankohtaiseen tutkimukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että nuorten motivaation ja hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi yläkouluissa tulisi panostaa aikuisten mahdollisuuteen solmia nuoreen sellainen läheinen ja kannustava suhde, joka luo minäpystyvyydelle ja osallisuudelle suotuisan alustan.
  • Joentausta, Johanna (2020)
    Ohjelmointiopetus ja ohjelmoinnillinen ajattelu on vuonna 2016 käyttöön otetun peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman uusia ja kantavia teemoja. Kouluissa ei ole aiemmin systemaattisesti opetettu ohjelmointia kaikille. Oppilaiden lisäksi myös koulut ja opettajat ovat uuden opettelemisen edessä. Tarvittava kyvykkyys sekä oppilailta että opettajilta jo löytyy. Osaamisen kokemuksen yksi keskeinen tekijä on minäpystyvyys, usko siihen, että pystyy suoriutumaan käsillä olevasta asiasta. Tämä ei ole yhteydessä todelliseen taitotasoon, mutta ilman minäpystyvyyden tunnetta kaikkia taitoja ei saa käyttöön. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään koululaisten minäpystyvyyttä ohjelmointiin tutustumisen yhteydessä. Tutkimukseen osallistui peruskoulun 3.-luokkalaisia (n=47), joille pidettiin oppitunnin mittainen alkeisohjelmointitunti. Tunnilla pelattiin Lightbot-peliä eri tavoin ohjeistettuna: yhdellä ryhmällä oli pelkät pelin ohjeet, toisella ryhmällä oli vaihettaisia ohjeita ja kolmannella ryhmällä oli väliotsikoituja vaiheittaisia ohjeita. Tutkimuksen perusteella lyhyt ohjelmointitunti ei kasvattanut koululaisten minäpystyvyyttä ohjelmoijana. Vaiheittaiset ohjeet eivät vaikuttaneet pelissä etenemiseen tilastollisesti merkitsevällä tavalla suhteessa pelin omiin ohjeisiin, mutta väliotsikoitujen vaiheittaisten ohjeiden avulla koululaiset pääsivät etenemään pelissä merkittävästi pidemmälle.
  • Kesseli, Emilia (2016)
    The purpose of this study was to examine subject teacher students' views on their teacher identity, teacher profession and self-efficacy and how meaningful teaching practice was in relation to these phenomena. Specific point of interest was to find out how the subjects of this study represent their growth process as teachers. The objective of this study is to understand the relevance of the teaching practice experience to that growth process. Identity was seen as narratively constructed self (Sfard & Prusak, 2005). Teacher identity was seen as dynamic process which starts with school experiences, continues through teacher education and working life. It is seen that teacher identity consists of closely entwined personal and professional identity (Heikkinen, 2001a). Self-efficacy was considered as essential part of individual's agency and it occurs situationally as self-efficacy expectations (Bandura, 1997). Research data for this qualitative case study was collected with semi-structured interview. Data triangulation was used to deepen the qualitative point of view. Reflective writings from another research by the study subjects were also used. The interviewees were subject teacher students who completed their pedagogical studies in 2013–2014. Content and narrative analysis were used to analyze the data. Various teacher types were found. Reoccurring themes such as passion for the teaching subject and challenges of becoming a teacher appeared in the data. Teacher whose self-efficacy was strong showed persistence with helping their students. Teacher identity, professionalism and teaching skills were strengthened in teaching practice. Teacher self-efficacy evolved through reflection and accomplishments. Mentoring was significant part of teaching practice experiences. Negative experiences and feelings caused by mentoring were reported. Teaching practice and mentoring can support the development of student teachers professionalism and teacher identity. Mentoring and teaching practice should be developed further by considering the various effects of self-efficacy on teachers' growth process
  • Kesseli, Emilia (2016)
    The purpose of this study was to examine subject teacher students’ views on their teacher identity, teacher profession and self-efficacy and how meaningful teaching practice was in relation to these phenomena. Specific point of interest was to find out how the subjects of this study represent their growth process as teachers. The objective of this study is to understand the relevance of the teaching practice experience to that growth process. Identity was seen as narratively constructed self (Sfard & Prusak, 2005). Teacher identity was seen as dynamic process which starts with school experiences, continues through teacher education and working life. It is seen that teacher identity consists of closely entwined personal and professional identity (Heikkinen, 2001a). Self-efficacy was considered as essential part of individual’s agency and it occurs situationally as self-efficacy expectations (Bandura, 1997). Research data for this qualitative case study was collected with semi-structured interview. Data triangulation was used to deepen the qualitative point of view. Reflective writings from another research by the study subjects were also used. The interviewees were subject teacher students who completed their pedagogical studies in 2013–2014. Content and narrative analysis were used to analyze the data. Various teacher types were found. Reoccurring themes such as passion for the teaching subject and challenges of becoming a teacher appeared in the data. Teacher whose self-efficacy was strong showed persistence with helping their students. Teacher identity, professionalism and teaching skills were strengthened in teaching practice. Teacher self-efficacy evolved through reflection and accomplishments. Mentoring was significant part of teaching practice experiences. Negative experiences and feelings caused by mentoring were reported. Teaching practice and mentoring can support the development of student teachers professionalism and teacher identity. Mentoring and teaching practice should be developed further by considering the various effects of self-efficacy on teachers’ growth process
  • Terehova, Rosa (2021)
    Inkluusioon pyrkiminen peruskoulussa on vahvasti kansallisten asiakirjojen ohjaamaa, jotka määrittelevät koulun kaikille yhteiseksi. Inkluusion toteuttamisessa on kuitenkin opettajien puolelta negatiivista asennoitumista etenkin SEN-oppilaiden vastaanottamisessa luokilleen. Opettajien negatiivisten asenteiden takana nähdään olevan heikkoa minäpystyvyyttä sekä osaamista toteuttaa inklusiivista opetusta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää opettajien valmiuden kokemuksia inklusiivista opetusta kohtaan, miten toteuttaa inklusiivista opetusta sekä miten kohdata ja tukea SEN-oppilaita yleisopetuksessa. Tutkielmassa kartoitettiin opettajien valmiuksia asenteiden, minäpystyvyyden sekä kokemuksien kautta. Opettajankoulutuksen koetaan olevan merkittävässä roolissa vaikuttamassa opettajien vahvempiin kokemuksiin omista valmiuksistaan. Tarkastelin siis myös, millaisia valmiuksia koulutuksen koetaan antavan tuleville opettajille. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, johon valittiin yhdeksän vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia sekä yksi väitöskirja. Tutkielman aineiston kohderyhmänä olivat opettajat. Tutkielman analyysi toteutettiin teorialähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkielman tuloksista selviää, että opettajien kokemat valmiudet olivat yleisesti heikkoja. Etenkin tietojen ja taitojen koettiin olevan riittämättömiä. Opettajat kokivat, että ainoastaan erityisopettajilla oli riittävä osaaminen kohdata, tukea ja opettaa SEN-oppilaita. Minäpystyvyydellä koettiin olevan vaikuttava merkitys opettajien valmiuden kokemuksiin, sillä vahvemmalla minäpystyvyydellä opettajat uskoivat omaan osaamiseensa. Opettajankoulutuksen perusteltiin olevan merkittävänä vaikuttajana opettajien valmiuden kokemuksiin. Opettajat kokivat, että heillä oli hyvin vähäinen tai olematon erityispedagoginen osaaminen, jota he työssään olisivat tarvinneet. Opettajankoulutuksen kehittäminen sekä erityispedagogisen osaamisen lisääminen sai tutkimuksissa vastaajilta kannatusta.
  • Eerolainen, Eemeli (2017)
    Goals. Strength-based mindset can be seen in schools today. This is shown, for instance, in the newest curriculum of comprehensive school (POPS 2014). There is a plenty of positive findings in school context about character strengths, which are an essential part of strength-based mindset. Also, there is a plenty of research about self-efficacy among students. Still, not much research can be found about the relation between character strengths and self-efficacy among students. The aim of this study was to examine, how the identification and using of students’ own character strengths affect their self-efficacy. Another aim was to find, how a single character strength is related to students’ self-efficacy. This study is based on the classification of character strengths by Peterson and Seligman (2004) and the theory of self-efficacy by Bandura (1997). Method. The material of this research consisted of seven international research papers, which studied the relation between the character strengths and self-efficacy among students. The material was acquired from electronic databases. This study is a systematic literature review, which is an efficient method to study a specific topic. Material-based content analysis was used in the analysis of the material. The results and discussion. The results of this study showed that character strengths and self-efficacy are in a positive relation among students. The identification and utilizing of one’s character strengths predicted improved self-efficacy. The strongest predictor of self-efficacy was the character strength of hope and the weakest predictor was the character strength of modesty. These results highlight the importance of strength-based teaching in schools in order to support the development of students’ self-efficacy. Both the identification and utilizing of one’s character strengths and good self-efficacy has been found to improve the well-being and performance of students. Thus it is necessary to find new ways to support the development of these traits in schools.
  • Toivonen, Saara (2018)
    Objectives. Previous research has shown the effect of self-efficacy in academic learning results through motivation, perseverance and use of effective learning strategies. Self-efficacy is also proven to be one of the strongest items in predicting success in musical performance. Despite the fact that success in school music is said to predict higher beliefs in doing well in other school subjects, there is little research done about students’ musical self-efficacy in Finnish elementary school context. In this literature review elementary school students’ self-efficacy and its development were examined, especially in music context. The aim of this study was to survey methods that elementary school teachers could use to raise students’ self-efficacy in school music. Methods. The literature review was carried out as a descriptive literature review. The research material consisted of six research articles dealing with musical self-efficacy and four research articles dealing with self-efficacy in academic and school contexts. The articles were published in 2003–2016. Results and conclusions. High self-efficacy predicted great achievements in both academic school subjects and musical performance. The four sources of perceived self-efficacy were proven to be effective also in examining musical self-efficacy. Teacher’s self-efficacy correlated with students’ self-efficacy. Elementary school students’ self-efficacy is not stabilized yet. To build a stable and positive self-efficacy, children need support from their close adults, like parents and teachers.
  • Suomalainen, Noora (2024)
    Relationship with music develops significantly during primary school. Different experiences with music are seen as important because they determine the pupil’s perception of their own skills and abilities in music. Pupil’s positive musical self-efficacy is an essential part of their musical development and a necessary component of musical involvement. Music education in primary schools is often the responsibility of the class teacher. Through a varied and supportive music education, the class teacher can provide pupils with a solid foundation for a musically active life. In this thesis, I delved into the perceptions of class teachers implementing music education about the meaning of students’ musical self-efficacy and ways to support students’ musical self-efficacy. The thesis was conducted as a qualitative study. The research data was collected through semi- structured thematic interviews and analyzed using a theoretical content analysis. Three class teachers who have taught music to their classes were interviewed for the study. The results of the study indicated that the class teachers perceived musical self-efficacy as important for pupils’ well-being, musical relationships, musical development, and the experience of the community. Class teachers felt that it was meaningful for students to feel successful and capable in music. The experience of competence gives the pupil the confidence to engage in music, both individually and collectively, while maintaining the joy of music. The results also showed that the class teachers support student’s musical self-efficacy in a variety of ways. In particular, class teachers aim to influence the pupil’s personal experiences in music, for example, through the amount of practice and the content of the tasks, and by ensuring that each pupil is able to participate. The class teachers viewed even small successes by students as significant and sought to help students see their own progress as well. Class teachers perceived that in music education it was important to maintain an optimistic atmosphere with opportunities for positive emotions. Positive feedback, support, and the experience of the development of musical skills were important as well.
  • Tuominen, Marika (2016)
    Goal. The goal of this thesis was to examine what factors affect the musical self-concept of elementary school pupils and what kind of teaching supports the growth of a positive musical self-concept. The hypothesis was that several factors affect a pupil’s musical self-concept, such as social environment, subjective experiences and received feedback. The theoretical framework and most research on this subject were done in Finland during the early 1990’s in a study conducted by Kirsti Tulamo. International sources usually referred to the work of Albert Bandura, who had developed the theory of self-efficacy and conducted extensive research about the subject. The purpose of this thesis was to gather all scientific study of the subject in recent years. Methods. The method used in this thesis was a systematic literary review. After utilizing strict search criteria six studies from 2011 to 2015 were found regarding the subject in both Finnish and English. Common themes were analyzed from these studies, from which larger conclusions were made to answer the questions brought up in this thesis. Results and Conclusions. The results were mostly in line with the hypothesis. According to studies the musical self-concept of young pupils is influenced and affected by social environment, experience, the pupil’s own hobby interests and perceptions of talent. The effect of gender has a contradictory result according to research. From a teaching perspective the development of a musical self-concept is affected the schools and class’s cultural activities, the teachers own attributes and the teachers way of evaluating the pupils. The results of this thesis can help teachers reflect the purpose and practice of teaching music and to also instill thoughts of the importance of motivation and evaluation.
  • Vehmas, Maiju (2021)
    Objectives. Self-efficacy, which means one’s beliefs about their own capabilities, has a key role in motivation and performance. Therefore, it also plays an important role in language learning. There is very little research about the Finnish self-efficacy of Finnish as a second language (FSL) learners. The aim of this study was to find out if sex, age, length of residence and reading fluency of FSL learners predict their Finnish self-efficacy. In addition, the aim was to find out how the Finnish self-efficacy differ when it comes to abstract and concrete questions. Moreover, the aim was to find out if Finnish self-efficacy measured on one hand on abstract level and on the other hand on concrete level predict reading fluency of FSL learners. Methods. The data was collected with an electrical questionnaire as a part of Kielellisten taitojen ja lukemisen tukeminen -research project realised by Niilo Mäki Instituutti during spring 2016. The participants (N = 67) of this research were 9-12-year-old FSL learners from grades 3 to 5. The participants were from different parts of Finland. Regression analysis was used to find out if age, sex, length of residence and reading fluency of FSL learners predict their Finnish self-efficacy. Paired sample t-test was used to examine the mean differences between Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract and on concrete level. Lastly, regression analysis was used to find out if Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract and on concrete level predict reading fluency of FSL learners. Results and conclusions. The length of residence predicted self-efficacy in reading comprehension and in writing. FSL learners estimated their Finnish self-efficacy higher on abstract level than on concrete level. The means of abstract self-efficacy and concrete self-efficacy differed from each other statistically significantly. Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract level didn’t predict reading fluency, whereas Finnish self-efficacy measured on concrete level did predict reading fluency. The results of this research show that the time spent in a country and its culture plays an important role in Finnish self-efficacy. In addition, the results show that when measuring language self-efficacy, it is important to consider the specificity level on which it will be measured.
  • Vehmas, Maiju (2021)
    Objectives. Self-efficacy, which means one’s beliefs about their own capabilities, has a key role in motivation and performance. Therefore, it also plays an important role in language learning. There is very little research about the Finnish self-efficacy of Finnish as a second language (FSL) learners. The aim of this study was to find out if sex, age, length of residence and reading fluency of FSL learners predict their Finnish self-efficacy. In addition, the aim was to find out how the Finnish self-efficacy differ when it comes to abstract and concrete questions. Moreover, the aim was to find out if Finnish self-efficacy measured on one hand on abstract level and on the other hand on concrete level predict reading fluency of FSL learners. Methods. The data was collected with an electrical questionnaire as a part of Kielellisten taitojen ja lukemisen tukeminen -research project realised by Niilo Mäki Instituutti during spring 2016. The participants (N = 67) of this research were 9-12-year-old FSL learners from grades 3 to 5. The participants were from different parts of Finland. Regression analysis was used to find out if age, sex, length of residence and reading fluency of FSL learners predict their Finnish self-efficacy. Paired sample t-test was used to examine the mean differences between Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract and on concrete level. Lastly, regression analysis was used to find out if Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract and on concrete level predict reading fluency of FSL learners. Results and conclusions. The length of residence predicted self-efficacy in reading comprehension and in writing. FSL learners estimated their Finnish self-efficacy higher on abstract level than on concrete level. The means of abstract self-efficacy and concrete self-efficacy differed from each other statistically significantly. Finnish self-efficacy measured on abstract level didn’t predict reading fluency, whereas Finnish self-efficacy measured on concrete level did predict reading fluency. The results of this research show that the time spent in a country and its culture plays an important role in Finnish self-efficacy. In addition, the results show that when measuring language self-efficacy, it is important to consider the specificity level on which it will be measured.
  • Kuronen, Aino (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a digital learning environment on the self-efficacy of early childhood educators. Earlier research shows that early childhood educators face challenges as science educators. In addition, earlier research shows that early-stage educators are cautious about digital learning environments. The aim of this thesis is to find out what kind of circumstances weaken and strengthen the self-efficacy experiences of early childhood educators when using the Supralaakso learning environment. Finding out the experiences of self-efficacy of early educators will provide information on how we can support early educators’ self-efficacy as science educators in the world, reflected in digitalism and technological development. Methods. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study involving three early educators. Interviewees' experiences of getting to know the Supralaakso learning environment and how to use it in the 3-6-year-old group were discussed using a semi-structured theme interview method. Interviews were conducted as individual interviews. The interview transcripts were analyzed by means of narrative analysis, building on the experiences of early educators. Plot summaries and role characters of the self-efficacy story were formed. In the analysis of experiences, Bandura's graph describing the emergence of self-efficacy experiences was used. By comparing, categorizing and typing the themes of the plot summaries and self-efficacy characters, it was possible to construct an image of what reinforced and weakened self-efficacy experiences. Results and conclusions. The two interviewees felt that the use of the learning environment was mainly a positive thing, but one did not decide to use the application with their group. My research suggests that seeing children’s active role in inquiry, making science education approachable, and carefully considering pedagogical choices can empower self-efficacy experiences. Particularly providing the support for conceptual learning of children and their freedom of choice regarding the experiments in the application could be identified as factors that weaken self-efficacy. The stories, the pre-designed study package and the first impression of the features of the application also appeared to be reinforcing factors, but in one educator these partially also weakened self-efficacy. As a conclusion of the study, it can be concluded that the experiences of self-efficacy can be supported by a digital learning environment, when the application enables inquiry-based activities and play by children, and if it can create a simple and approachable image of science education.
  • Virtasalo, Iiris (2022)
    Finnish principals experience high levels of stress in their work, which has raised a strong interest to identify factors that could support principal well-being. This study explores, first, the connection between principals’ perceived self-efficacy and physiological stress, and second, the changes in the stress and self-efficacy levels from 2019 to 2020. As earlier research has mostly focused on the self-reported stress and self-efficacy, this study raises further implications on the link between perceived self-efficacy and the physiological stress on school principals. The theoretical framework of the study is the social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura. Bandura suggests that the stress-protective role of self-efficacy should result in diminished physiological stress responses. Present study tests two hypothesis. According to the first hypothesis, principals with high self-efficacy are less stressed than principals with lower self-efficacy. According to the second hypothesis, the self-efficacy of the principals’ stays relatively stable from 2019 to 2020. Data of the study consists of questionnaire data and physiological measurements. The self efficacy levels of the participants were measured by using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-II. The physiological measurements were collected with mobile heart rate monitoring device Firstbeat BodyGuard 2. Altogether 30 principals participated the study in 2019 and 14 principals in 2020. In the study, statistical analysis was conducted with the SPSS Statistics programme. The data was analysed using the Pearson correlation, linear regression analysis and paired sample t-test. The study showed that the self-efficacy levels and physiological stress levels are statistically significantly connected. Consistent with the first hypothesis, principals with high self-efficacy are less stressed during office hours than principals with lower self-efficacy on both years. In addition, the connection between age and the stress levels and self-efficacy levels were studied. The analysis shows that principals with higher age had more physiological stress than their younger colleagues in 2019. However, in 2020, age was not connected to higher stress levels. The results indicate that the self-efficacy levels and age of the participants are not connected in both years. No evidence was found that the stress and self-efficacy levels of the Finnish principals would have changed from 2019 to 2020. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of self-efficacy and stress of Finnish principals, and these findings could support principals’ wellbeing and their commitment to work.
  • Virtasalo, Iiris (2022)
    Finnish principals experience high levels of stress in their work, which has raised a strong interest to identify factors that could support principal well-being. This study explores, first, the connection between principals’ perceived self-efficacy and physiological stress, and second, the changes in the stress and self-efficacy levels from 2019 to 2020. As earlier research has mostly focused on the self-reported stress and self-efficacy, this study raises further implications on the link between perceived self-efficacy and the physiological stress on school principals. The theoretical framework of the study is the social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura. Bandura suggests that the stress-protective role of self-efficacy should result in diminished physiological stress responses. Present study tests two hypothesis. According to the first hypothesis, principals with high self-efficacy are less stressed than principals with lower self-efficacy. According to the second hypothesis, the self-efficacy of the principals’ stays relatively stable from 2019 to 2020. Data of the study consists of questionnaire data and physiological measurements. The self efficacy levels of the participants were measured by using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-II. The physiological measurements were collected with mobile heart rate monitoring device Firstbeat BodyGuard 2. Altogether 30 principals participated the study in 2019 and 14 principals in 2020. In the study, statistical analysis was conducted with the SPSS Statistics programme. The data was analysed using the Pearson correlation, linear regression analysis and paired sample t-test. The study showed that the self-efficacy levels and physiological stress levels are statistically significantly connected. Consistent with the first hypothesis, principals with high self-efficacy are less stressed during office hours than principals with lower self-efficacy on both years. In addition, the connection between age and the stress levels and self-efficacy levels were studied. The analysis shows that principals with higher age had more physiological stress than their younger colleagues in 2019. However, in 2020, age was not connected to higher stress levels. The results indicate that the self-efficacy levels and age of the participants are not connected in both years. No evidence was found that the stress and self-efficacy levels of the Finnish principals would have changed from 2019 to 2020. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of self-efficacy and stress of Finnish principals, and these findings could support principals’ wellbeing and their commitment to work.