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Browsing by Subject "opetussuunnitelma"

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  • Ilvonen, Anniina (2018)
    In the most recent decades, the concept of differentiation has received a lot of attention in the field of education. Differentiation means recognising the individuality of pupils or students, and taking this individuality into account in the classroom as well as in planning the lessons. It is no longer believed that “one size fits all” when it comes to education – different teaching and learning methods work differently on different individuals. The growing demand for differentiation is partly due to the trends of inclusion and integration that have been prominent in the recent history. It is also required in the new Finnish national curriculum that was introduced by the Ministry of Education in 2016. In this interview study, I examine Finnish teachers of the English language, and, more specifically, their ideas and thoughts on differentiation and on themselves as differentiators. I aim to build a better understanding of the means of differentiation used by such teachers, as well as of the challenges they face in their everyday working life, especially in regard to differentiating. I also consider what kinds of solutions could be suggested to overcome these issues. In the thesis, I first examine the nature of differentiation, its strengths and its critique. I use this knowledge as the basis for my interviews – I conducted this study by interviewing six Finnish teachers of English. The interviewees came from three different schools in different towns. I then analyse the interviews in the frame set by my research questions, with the aim of finding similarities and differencies in the teachers' attitudes and experiences towards differentiating. I also consider the challenges and solutions they bring forth. In the concluding part of my study, I present my overall understanding of the teachers' experiences, as well as how they described their strengths and weaknessess. I also discuss the importance of teachers in how well the different parts of the national curriculum are implemented in the classroom.
  • Hirvonen, Ville (2016)
    Tutkielmani käsittelee lukion vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelman perusteita ja sitä miten voimakkaasti taloushistoria dominoi kyseistä tekstiä. Vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelman laatiminen osuu kansalliseen murrokseen, jolloin Opetushallitus siirsi opetussuunnitelmien laatimisen osittain kouluille. Tämä tarkoitti käytännössä sitä, että Opetushallituksen laatima vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelman perusteet oli hyvin joustava dokumentti, joka mahdollisti yksittäisille kouluille paljon valtaa soveltaa ja tulkita kyseistä dokumenttia. Tutkielmani tarkoitus on selvittää minkälaista osaa taloushistoria näytteli vuoden 1994 lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteissa, ja toisaalta mikä oli taloushistorian painoarvo käytännössä. Voidakseni muodostaa kokonaiskuvan nimenomaan siitä mikä opetussuunnitelmauudistuksen vaikutus käytäntöihin oli, tarkastelen tutkielmassani opetussuunnitelman perusteiden mukaan laadittuja oppikirjoja ja vertaan niiden sisältöä edellisen opetussuunnitelman (1985) mukaan laadittuihin teoksiin. Näin kykenen selkeästi analysoimaan taloushistorian näkyvyyttä sekä kansallisessa opetussuunnitelmassa että sen mukaan laadituissa oppikirjoissa, joita ovat olleet työstämässä lähinnä lukion opettajat. Lähdeaineistona käytän lukion opetussuunnitelmia vuosilta 1985 ja1994 sekä vuoden 1985 opetussuunnitelman osalta Gummerus Oy:n Muuttuva maailma –oppikirjasarjaa sekä vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelmaan pohjautuvaa WSOY:n Ajasta aikaan –sarjaa ja Kirjayhtymä Oy:n Kronos –sarjaa. Tutkimusmetodinani toimii diskurssianalyysi, joka mahdollistaa sen todellisuuden ja historianäkemyksen tarkastelun, joka oppikirja- tai opetussuunnitelmatekstissä tuodaan esille. Osoitan tutkimuksessani, että opetussuunnitelmissa tapahtunut murros on johtanut taloushistorian roolin merkityksen kasvamiseen oppikirjoissa. Tämä tulee esille lukuisissa historiaa käsittelevissä kappaleissa, joissa vuoden 1985 opetussuunnitelman mukaan laadituissa teoksissa painotetaan enemmän sosiaali- tai kulttuurihistoriaa, mutta vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelman pohjalle syntyneissä kirjoissa painotus on selkeästi taloudessa. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan myös todeta, että uudemmissa oppikirjoissa tuodaan positiivisessa valossa esille esimerkiksi konservatiivisen taloudenpidon hyveitä. Tällä tarkoitan sitä, että oppikirjoissa annetaan ymmärtää, että oikeanlaisella talouspolitiikalla voi korjata asioita, jotka liittyvät enemmänkin ympäristö- tai kulttuurihistoriaan. Tutkimuksessani käy myös ilmi, että vuoden 1994 opetussuunnitelman mukaan laadittu historian ensimmäinen lukiokurssi painottuu erittäin voimakkaasti taloushistoriaan, vaikka kurssin tulisi olla myös väestö- ja ympäristöhistorian kurssi.
  • Soini-Bell, Lilja (2017)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how sustainable development will be taken into account in the national criteria is shown. My presumption was that sustainable development is no longer on display in the new core curriculum as clearly as in the previous one. My research is qualitative. I looked at the core curricula in 2004 and 2014 by theory bounded content analysis. I studied my own subject crafts and values, mission and operational culture in the common part of national core curriculum. I took into examination also the thematic entities from 2004 and the wide-range knowledge from 2014 that integrate all the subjects. I looked into the process of drawing up the documents, their contents and their form in order to find out the way they were drawn and what kind of elements had affected the drawing process. After that I analyzed the values, mission, operational culture, learning environments working methods separately in relation to sustainable development. Then I took under observation the thematic entities and the wide-range knowledge. Finally, I examined crafts and the presence of the sustainable development in it. I found out that sustainable development occurs creditably in the new core curriculum in every aspect of it, in social, cultural, ecological and economical aspect with emphasis on the two first ones and more clearly than in the previous core curriculum. This may depend on the fact that the core curriculum is more precise åöp in general guidance and much more extensive. On the contrary in craft the trend was quite the opposite. Sustainable development and consumer education appear in the core curriculum in 2004 through the whole subject. In the new core curriculum, sustainable development is lost in the excess of all goals. There is a fundamental difference in the core curricula. The document in 2004 is restricted in comparison to his successor. As result the instructions in the new core curriculum are more comprehensive, more detailed and more versatile throughout. And it is significantly more normative.
  • Soini-Bell, Lilja (2017)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how sustainable development will be taken into account in the national criteria is shown. My presumption was that sustainable development is no longer on display in the new core curriculum as clearly as in the previous one. My research is qualitative. I looked at the core curricula in 2004 and 2014 by theory bounded content analysis. I studied my own subject crafts and values, mission and operational culture in the common part of national core curriculum. I took into examination also the thematic entities from 2004 and the wide-range knowledge from 2014 that integrate all the subjects. I looked into the process of drawing up the documents, their contents and their form in order to find out the way they were drawn and what kind of elements had affected the drawing process. After that I analyzed the values, mission, operational culture, learning environments working methods separately in relation to sustainable development. Then I took under observation the thematic entities and the wide-range knowledge. Finally, I examined crafts and the presence of the sustainable development in it. I found out that sustainable development occurs creditably in the new core curriculum in every aspect of it, in social, cultural, ecological and economical aspect with emphasis on the two first ones and more clearly than in the previous core curriculum. This may depend on the fact that the core curriculum is more precise in general guidance and much more extensive. On the contrary in craft the trend was quite the opposite. Sustainable development and consumer education appear in the core curriculum in 2004 through the whole subject. In the new core curriculum, sustainable development is lost in the excess of all goals. There is a fundamental difference in the core curricula. The document in 2004 is restricted in comparison to his successor. As result the instructions in the new core curriculum are more comprehensive, more detailed and more versatile throughout. And it is significantly more normative.
  • Ylinen, Vilma (2019)
    Craft skills, their teaching and their importance have changed over time. Handicraft is a constantly changing entity that is always linked to time, place and socio-cultural conditions. In Finland, crafts have a long history both as a leisure activity and as a school subject. My work is a descriptive literature review. My main sources are the fundamentals of the crafts curriculum of 1970, 1985, 1994, 2004 and 2014. In my work, I’ve examined the fundamentals of the crafts studies curriculum and gone through their differences. I investigate the development in the fundamentals of the crafts curriculum during the primary school system. In the literature review, the term development refers to the development of the description of study content and goals in the curriculum regarding crafts studies. The purpose of my research was to examine the development of the curriculum of crafts from the 1970s to the present day. I study, how crafts curriculum and goals are described, and how the descriptions evolve during elementary school. For my research problem, I set the fundamentals of the curriculum in crafts during the elementary school system. I have divided this problem to the following research questions: how the study contents of crafts is described in the primary school curriculum from the 1970s to the present day, and how the description of crafts has evolved in the primary school curriculum. The curriculums differed quite substantially from one another both in number of pages devoted to crafts, as well as in their narrative scope. The description of crafts in the curriculum from the 1970s to the present day has changed dramatically. The curriculum of 1970 and 1985 describes the study contents very carefully, from techniques and materials to the works to be processed. Later printed curriculums lack this exact narrative. The description of the curriculum for basic crafts education has evolved from a very precise and detailed narrative style to a more abstract and loose style.
  • Papadopoulos, Kaisa (2020)
    Objectives. The local Finnish curriculums are renewed in Finland whenever the national core curriculum gets renewed. In her master’s Thesis, Sanni Saarinen has determined that the local curriculums were executed using varied methods. According to Saarinen the renewal process in different parts of Finland was quite diverse. (Saarinen 2016, 37.) The objective of this study is to analyse the local curriculums in craft education and determine which goals and contents are emphasized. Methods. This thesis is a data driven qualitative study that describes, analyses, and interprets the studied phenomenon. 16 local craft education curriculums from different regions in Finland were used as data. Content analysis was used to find relevant concepts, which were categorized into five major themes. The data was also described generally. Results and Conclusions. The study found that the local curriculums vary greatly, some are short, and some extremely broad. Nearly all the curriculums list techniques and working methods used in lessons. Through analysing the content of local curriculums, five themes were found in craft education. The main themes were found to be the Active learner, and Crafting and crafting techniques. The others are the Responsible Citizen, Craft Skills, and Learning Environments and Tasks. The aim of craft education in schools is to strengthen both the student’s craft skills and learning skills through the craft process.
  • Heinonen, Iiristiina (2022)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa käsitys siitä, millaisena suomalainen vuoden 2014 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaa on käsitetty opetussuunnitelmatutkimuksessa. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on selvittää, näkyykö opetussuunnitelmassa piirteitä saksalaisesta Bildung-opetussuunnitelmatraditiosta. Opetussuunnitelmatutkimukselle haastavia piirteitä ovat opetussuunnitelmakäsitteen määrittely, tutkimusmetodien valinta sekä koululaitoksen sidonnaisuus ympäröivään yhteiskuntaan, politiikkaan ja kulttuuriin. Opettajan autonomia ja itsenäinen harkintavalta on ollut keskeisessä roolissa suomalaisessa koulutusjärjestelmässä, ja opetussuunnitelma on antanut opettajalle paljon vapauksia määritellä omaa opetustaan. Suomalainen opetussuunnitelmatutkimus on ollut kiinnostunut opetussuunnitelman laatimiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä, sekä opetussuunnitelman käytännön toimeenpanosta. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on saada käsitys siitä, miten aihepiiriä on aiemmin tutkittu ja millainen tutkittavan aiheen teoreettinen viitekehys on. Tarkoituksena ei ole muodostaa uutta tietoa, vaan selvittää, mitä on aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tarkastelun kohteena olevat tutkimusartikkelit haettiin tietokannoista määriteltyjä haku- ja poissulkumenetelmiä käyttäen. Hakumenetelmien avulla löydettyjä ja tarkempaan analyysiin valittuja artikkeleita tarkasteltiin tutkimuksen teoreettista taustaa vasten. Vuoden 2014 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma käsitettiin eri tavoin. Osa tutkimusartikkeleista käsitti opetussuunnitelman olevan koulun kontrollin väline, kun taas osa näkee opetussuunnitelman tulkinnalle keskeiseksi piirteeksi koulun arjen huomioimisen. Myös opetussuunnitelmakäsitteen epämääräinen luonne nousi keskeiseksi pohdinnan aiheeksi. Kyseiset käsitykset opetussuunnitelmasta ovat olleet keskeisiä näkemyksiä jo pitkään opetussuunnitelmateoreettisessa keskustelussa, joskin samalla on huomioitava kulttuurin ja muun yhteiskunnan vaikutus opetussuunnitelman käsittämisessä opetussuunnitelmatutkimuksen kentällä. Bildung-tradition piirteitä oli havaittavissa opetussuunnitelmaa käsittelevissä tutkimusartikkeleissa. Opettajan autonomian merkitystä korostettiin, ja opettajalla nähtiin olevan merkittävä rooli opetussuunnitelman toteuttajana koulun arjessa. Opettajan katsottiin olevan tärkeässä asemassa opetussuunnitelman toteuttamisessa.
  • Aroranta, Sonja (2019)
    Objectives. In recent years worldview education in early childhood education and pre-school education has turned from religious education into non-confessional worldview education. The aim of this study is to examine what worldview education is like in early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. This study investigated worldview education in national and local curricula of early childhood education and care and pre-school education. In addition, this study explored how worldview education is put into practice in the early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. Methods. The data was collected in spring 2019 by analysing the curricula for early childhood education and care and pre-school education and by a qualitative survey sent to the workers of the early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. The data was analysed by using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2016) emphasized familiarizing oneself with different cultures and worldviews, acting in the diverse Finnish society and enhancing equality. Helsinki’s local Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2017) had the same themes but they were emphasized differently. The themes in worldview education in the National Core Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2014) were uniform with The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Educa-tion and Care. Also, Helsinki’s local Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2016) was the same as the national curricula. In practice, the implementation of worldview education in both early childhood education and pre-school education differed from the legally binding curricula. In early childhood education the worldview education was not predominantly put into practice at all, or it was shown as conversations, as Christian education or as restrictions in the every-day life. In pre-school education the worldview education was most often shown as conversations but also as Christian education, as restrictions in everyday life or was not implemented at all. Therefore, in practice, worldview education meets many, but not all, of the objectives set by the curricula. In pre-school education the worldview education corresponds the curriculum slightly more than in early childhood education. Nonetheless, the practices in both early childhood education and pre-school education need to be developed when the practice is wanted to correspond the legally binding curricula.
  • Aroranta, Sonja (2019)
    Objectives. In recent years worldview education in early childhood education and pre-school education has turned from religious education into non-confessional worldview education. The aim of this study is to examine what worldview education is like in early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. This study investigated worldview education in national and local curricula of early childhood education and care and pre-school education. In addition, this study explored how worldview education is put into practice in the early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. Methods. The data was collected in spring 2019 by analysing the curricula for early childhood education and care and pre-school education and by a qualitative survey sent to the workers of the early childhood education and pre-school education in Helsinki. The data was analysed by using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2016) emphasized familiarizing oneself with different cultures and worldviews, acting in the diverse Finnish society and enhancing equality. Helsinki’s local Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2017) had the same themes but they were emphasized differently. The themes in worldview education in the National Core Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2014) were uniform with The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Educa-tion and Care. Also, Helsinki’s local Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2016) was the same as the national curricula. In practice, the implementation of worldview education in both early childhood education and pre-school education differed from the legally binding curricula. In early childhood education the worldview education was not predominantly put into practice at all, or it was shown as conversations, as Christian education or as restrictions in the every-day life. In pre-school education the worldview education was most often shown as conversations but also as Christian education, as restrictions in everyday life or was not implemented at all. Therefore, in practice, worldview education meets many, but not all, of the objectives set by the curricula. In pre-school education the worldview education corresponds the curriculum slightly more than in early childhood education. Nonetheless, the practices in both early childhood education and pre-school education need to be developed when the practice is wanted to correspond the legally binding curricula.
  • Asp, Nina (2018)
    The good manners and behaviour were an indication of decency and good citizenship at the beginning of elementary schools. When a new millennium approached, the significance of the school began to change. Instead of the teaching of the people, a speech about raising citizenship began. Instead of pursuing good citizenship emphasising and strengthening individuality was raised. In the Finnish curriculum of 2014 the subjects of evaluation are working, learning and behaviour. The curriculum is both administrative and pedagogic document which has been democratically created and the purpose of which is to direct schools and breeders and to create suitable guidelines to their operation. The 2014 curriculum obliges the organiser of the education to draw up the objectives to the evaluation of the behaviour. The aim of the research is to find out how local curricula justify evaluation of the behaviour, what kind of well behaving member of the society the curriculum texts build and how the power appears in the school's everyday life on the basis of them. The material of the qualitative study was objectives of the evaluation of the behaviour of the curricula of the elementary schools from Helsinki and of uniform comprehensive schools. The curricula of schools can be found with the own web pages of schools. The point of view of the study was sociological. The theoretical part covered the development of a Finnish school system, curriculum and evaluation of the behaviour. The material was examined and was encoded at the beginning of the analysis stage with the methods of the content analysis. The final analysis was achieved through the discourse analysis. According to the results, the evaluation of the behaviour was justified by the benefits of the community, the benefits of the individual and the benefits of learning. In the evaluation of the behaviour, attention is paid to the individual's ability to act as an active member of society. The well behaving individual was on the basis of the material the member of the community who is mostly behaving kindly and is responsible and observes rules. Having a good behaviour means a nice pupil who works as an example to others. There is no room for the individuality in spite of the individuality emphasising speech of other parts of the curriculum. The power was manifested in multiform, continuing and reaching one-way network of the power of the evaluation of the behaviour. The techniques of power guide the pupil from the outside to the expected and generally accepted action.
  • Asp, Nina (2018)
    The good manners and behaviour were an indication of decency and good citizenship at the beginning of elementary schools. When a new millennium approached, the significance of the school began to change. Instead of the teaching of the people, a speech about raising citizenship began. Instead of pursuing good citizenship emphasising and strengthening individuality was raised. In the Finnish curriculum of 2014 the subjects of evaluation are working, learning and behaviour. The curriculum is both administrative and pedagogic document which has been democratically created and the purpose of which is to direct schools and breeders and to create suitable guidelines to their operation. The 2014 curriculum obliges the organiser of the education to draw up the objectives to the evaluation of the behaviour. The aim of the research is to find out how local curricula justify evaluation of the behaviour, what kind of well behaving member of the society the curriculum texts build and how the power appears in the school’s everyday life on the basis of them. The material of the qualitative study was objectives of the evaluation of the behaviour of the curricula of the elementary schools from Helsinki and of uniform comprehensive schools. The curricula of schools can be found with the own web pages of schools. The point of view of the study was sociological. The theoretical part covered the development of a Finnish school system, curriculum and evaluation of the behaviour. The material was examined and was encoded at the beginning of the analysis stage with the methods of the content analysis. The final analysis was achieved through the discourse analysis. According to the results, the evaluation of the behaviour was justified by the benefits of the commu- nity, the benefits of the individual and the benefits of learning. In the evaluation of the behaviour, at- tention is paid to the individual's ability to act as an active member of society. The well behaving in- dividual was on the basis of the material the member of the community who is mostly behaving kind- ly and is responsible and observes rules. Having a good behaviour means a nice pupil who works as an example to others. There is no room for the individuality in spite of the individuality emphasising speech of other parts of the curriculum. The power was manifested in multiform, continuing and reac- hing one-way network of the power of the evaluation of the behaviour. The techniques of power guide the pupil from the outside to the expected and generally accepted action.
  • Luoto, Senni (2021)
    Kalvojännitteen syntyyn ja sen muutoksiin liittyvät prosessit mielletään usein haastaviksi aiheiksi oppia ja opettaa. Aiheen opetuksesta ja oppimisesta lukiossa ei juurikaan ole tehty tutkimusta, mutta aiemmat tutkimukset yliopisto-opiskelijoilla ovat osoittaneet, että haasteita esiintyy erityisesti lepokalvojännitteen muodostumisen ymmärtämisessä. Aihetta käsitellään suomalaisissa lukiossa pääasiassa ihmisen biologian kontekstissa vapaavalintaisella kurssilla 4 (LOPS 2015) tai 5 (LOPS 2019) ja aihe onkin yksi ihmisen biologian kurssin keskeisistä sisällöistä oppia ja ymmärtää. Kalvojännitteen synty ja sen muutokset on kuvattu suomenkielisissä lukion biologian oppikirjoissa usein yksinkertais-tetusti ja ajoittain virheellisesti. Tämä saattaa johtaa virhekäsitysten syntymiseen, jolloin opiskeltavaa aihetta ei opita riittävällä tasolla. Siksi tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten solukalvon sähköistä aktiivisuutta opetetaan suomenkielisissä lukioissa ja millaisia virhekäsityksiä opiskelijoilla aiheesta esiintyy. Näiden tulosten pohjal-ta luodaan kehittämistuotos eli opetusmateriaali biologian aineenopettajien käyttöön, jolla voidaan tukea solukalvon sähköisen aktiivisuuden opetusta ja oppimista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kehittämistutkimusta, jossa yhdisteltiin teoreettisen ja empiirisen ongelma-analyysin periaatteita. Teoreettisen ongelma-analyysin kautta pyrittiin kartoittamaan lukio-opetuksen kannalta solukalvon sähköiseen toimintaan liittyvät keskeisimmät seikat, joihin monet virhekäsitykset liittyvät, sekä tarkastelemaan niitä eri näkökulmista. Tämä toteutettiin aiemman tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla. Empiirisessä ongelma-analyysissä tarkasteltiin sekä lukion biologian oppikirjoja (N=3) että kevään 2021 biologian ylioppilaskoevastauksia (N=400) hermosolun aktiopotentiaalin kulkuun liittyen. Molempia aineistoja analysoitiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä ongelma-analyysistä saatujen tulosten perusteella kehitettiin opetusmateriaalin ensimmäinen versio. Opetusmateriaali luetutettiin läpi maisterintutkielman ohjaajilla ja opetusmateriaalia kehitettiin heiltä saatujen kommenttien perusteella. Jatkokehittämisen tuloksena syntyi opetusmateriaalin toinen ja virallinen versio. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että solukalvon sähköinen aktiivisuus on haastava aihe sekä opetuksen että oppimi-sen näkökulmasta. Lukion biologian oppikirjoissa esiintyi epätarkkoja kohtia solukalvon sähköiseen aktiivisuuteen liit-tyen ja nämä epätarkkuudet näkyivät opiskelijoiden ylioppilaskokeen vastauksissa yleisinä virhekäsityksinä. Erityisesti esiin nousi virheellinen käsitys natrium-kaliumpumpun ioneja ”palauttavasta” vaikutuksesta aktiopotentiaalin jälkeen. Toinen yleinen virhekäsitys oli, että uusi aktiopotentiaali on mahdollinen vasta kun kalvojännite on hyperpolarisaation jälkeen palautunut lepotilaan. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että ainakin osa opiskelijoiden virhekäsityksistä on lähtöisin oppikirjoista eikä näitä virhekäsityksiä ole pystytty korjaamaan opettajan toimesta opetustilanteessa. Ylioppi-laskokeessa tehtävään vastanneista opiskelijoista 11,3 % ei osannut vastata tehtävän ensimmäiseen kysymykseen ollenkaan. Vastauksista, joissa opiskelija oli vähintään välttävällä tasolla onnistunut vastaamaan kysymykseen (N=381), 92,4 % sisälsi yhden tai useamman virhekäsityksen. Virhekäsitysten karsimiseksi paras keino on estää niiden syntyminen. Siksi tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että lukion uuden opetussuunnitelman biologian oppikirjat tulisi päivittää sellaisiksi, että virheellistä käsitystä ei pääse syntymään. Tämä ei kuitenkaan pelkästään riitä, vaan myös lukion biologian opettajien tulisi luopua vanhoista opetusdioistaan ja varmistaa, että he opettavat aihetta nykytiedon valossa oikein. Tässä apuna toimii tämän tutkimuksen osana kehitetty opetusmateriaali solukalvon sähköisestä aktiivisuudesta hermosolun aktiopotentiaalin kontekstissa. Jotta opetusmateriaalin toimivuutta ja opiskelijoiden käsitteellistä muutosta voidaan arvioida, jatkotutkimukset ai-heesta ovat tarpeellisia.
  • Huovari, Sasu (2020)
    Tarkastelen tässä tutkielmassa, miten Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden 2014 mukaisissa kahdeksannen luokan äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppikirjoissa on lähestytty kielitiedon oppimista ja opetusta, ja integroitu kieliopin ja kielitiedon sisältöjä osaksi oppiaineen muita sisältöjä. Kiinnitän tutkielmassani huomiota myös siihen, miten kieliopin oppimisesta on pyritty tekemään motivoivaa ja mielekästä. Tutkielman aineistona on kolmen eri äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus -oppiaineen oppikirjasarjan kahdeksannen luokan oppikirjaa: Kärki 8, Satakieli 8 ja Särmä 8. Aineisto on rajattu kieliopin sisältöjen kannalta keskeisiin lukuihin, ja tarkastelu keskittyy oppikirjojen opetusteksteihin ja tehtäviin. Aineistoa tutkitaan sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä, ja luonteeltaan tutkimus on laadullista. Oppikirjojen sisältöjen analysoimisessa hyödynnän myös perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman kieliopin ja kielitiedon kannalta keskeisiä sisältöjä ja tavoitteita, ja tarkastelen, miten ne on otettu oppikirjoissa huomioon. Tutkimusta on taustoitettu näkemyksillä kieliopin ja kielitiedon opetuksesta sekä käsityksillä pedagogisesta ja funktionaalisesta kieliopista. Tutkimuksen analyysin perusteella voidaan huomata, että oppikirjojen eri osa-alueissa lähestytään ja integroidaan kieliopin ja kielitiedon sisältöjä eri tavoilla. Kielen osa-alueissa korostuu kieliopin prototyyppinen tarkastelu, ja tehtävillä on keskeinen rooli kieliopin sisältöjen yhdistämisessä laajempiin kokonaisuuksiin, vaikka määrällisesti mekaanisia tehtäviä on selvästi enemmän. Kirjoittamisen ja Median osuuksissa kielen ja kieliopin keinot kytketään osaksi tekstilajien tarkastelua. Tutkimieni oppikirjojen yhteisenä teemana on vaikuttaminen, mutta oppikirjojen eri osa-alueiden välille ei luoda kovin vahvaa yhteyttä sen suhteen, miten jo aiemmin opittuja kieliopin sisältöjä voisi niissä hyödyntää. Kieliopin ja kielitiedon käsittelytavoissa onkin nähtävissä opetussuunnitelman tavoitteita ja sisältöjä, mutta samalla niihin vaikuttaa myös äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksen traditio.
  • Priha, Emma (2019)
    Crafts was for a long time one of the only school subjects that separated boys and girls to their own groups to study differing contents. Since the foundation of Finnish comprehensive school, technical or textile crafts have not been gender-related on the curriculum level. However various social, cultural, and historical factors have maintained the gender structures in school crafts that guide girls to study mainly textile crafts and boys technical crafts. The division has been especially distinctive among boys, who have almost exclusively studied technical crafts whenever the possibility to choose has been given. It has been considered desirable that students are offered a possibility to choose the crafts that they have interest in and tendencies towards, as it has been stated in the national core curriculum 2004. Studies have however shown that also many other factors have affected the choices and guided the students towards historical gender-specific crafts choices. In this study, fifth-grade boys were interviewed in order to examine the background of their choices between textile and technical crafts. It was also studied how meaningful the interviewees generally consider the possibility to choose and how they think about shared crafts, the way crafts education is arranged since the most recent national core curriculum. The interviews took place in November 2014. The interviewees were eight fifth-grade boys who had made the choice between textile and technical crafts in previous spring at the end of fourth grade. Only boys were researched since the historical gender structures have more distinctively been seen in boys’ choices. The interviews were executed as semi-structured surveys. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. According to this research, there has been a discrepancy between the curriculums and daily life in school when it comes to choosing between textile and technical crafts. The choices were not made only out of boys’ own interests but several social and cultural factors affected the choices, and also guided them towards choosing the historically and socially more accepted technical crafts. The interviewees had differing views when asked about the meaningfulness of the possibility to choose. However most of them stated that they would have preferred to continue studying shared crafts, if given the opportunity. According to this study, the possibility to choose between textile and technical crafts was mostly not considered meaningful, at least not at this point of the interviewees school career.
  • Heiman, Jenna (2018)
    It was studied how the co-operation between home and school is shown in national groundschool curriculum (2014). The goal was to find out how the roles of different actors in co-operation between home and school are shown in curriculum. What kinds of forms of co-operation are risen from the curriculum and is there differences in co-operation between subjects. The material of this study was used the national groundschool curriculum (2014). The study is a content analysis study based on a document. The material was analysed using quality analysis methods, mainly using the theme grouping. Nine different themes were found from the material, with which the study questions were answered. According to the curriculum the parents of a child should be involved into the school activities. One of the most important tasks of parents is seen their involvement in the creation and development of schools culture of operations. However, there are no concrete models of action, but the maintenance and active operations of co-operation is left for schools. The importance of the co-operation between home and school is emhazised when offering support for learning and with studies of languages such as finnish, another native language of a student or a foreign language. Also in pupil councelling and home economics the co-operation between home and school is emhasized. The co-operation between home and school supports the normal growth and development of a child, thus also learning. There are several different modes of action for co-operation between home and school but in ordinary days the co-operation is mainly one directional communication and information.
  • Vitikainen, Eetu (2022)
    Suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen tarkoituksena on kouluttaa itsenäisiä ja kriittisesti ajattelevia opetustyön asiantuntijoita, minkä vuoksi kotitalousopettajia voisi luonnehtia kotitalouden oppiaineen erityisosaajiksi. Perusopetussuunnitelmassa määritellyn kotitalouden oppiaineen ruokaosaamisen ja ruokakulttuurin sisältöalueen pohjalta kotitalousopettajilta odotetaan ruokaan ja ravitsemukseen liittyvien aihepiirien tuntemusta sekä ruoanvalmistus- ja leivontataitojen hallitsemista, mutta mahdolliset erot kotitalousopettajia kouluttavien yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmien välillä voivat antaa erilaisia valmiuksia eri yliopistoista valmistuville opettajille. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella kotitalousopettajan koulutusta järjestävien suomalaisten yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmia sekä analysoida ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaamista kehittävien pakollisten opintojaksojen eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin laadullinen tutkimus ja tutkimusaineistoksi yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmat tai opinto-oppaat. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin koodaamalla opintojaksojen laajuuden, opintokokonaisuussidonnaisuuden ja suositeltujen suoritusajankohtien osalta sekä aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä opintojaksojen sisältöjen osalta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella merkittävimmiksi eroiksi yliopistojen välillä nousivat opintojaksojen kokonaismäärä, yhteenlaskettu laajuus, opintojaksojen sijoittuminen eri opintovuosille, kestävän ruoan ja ruoan yhteiskunnallisuuden yläluokat sekä ruokakasvatuksen, ateriasuunnittelun ja erityisruokavalioiden alaluokat. Opintojaksoja yhdistivät viiden opintopisteen laajuus, opintojaksojen puuttuminen kolmannelta opintovuodelta, kotitaloustieteen opintokokonaisuussidonnaisuus sekä ruoanvalmistustaitojen, ravitsemuksen ja ruokakäyttäytymisen yläluokat. Suurin osa tutkimustuloksista sai tukea teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä esitetyistä teorioista. Tutkimuksen perusteella kotitalousopettajan ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaaminen on välttämätöntä ja siihen panostetaan kaikissa kolmessa yliopistossa, jokseenkin hieman eri tavoin ja erilaisilla painotuksilla. Tulevaisuudessa kotitalousopettajien koulutukseen keskittyvä tutkimus voisi tutkia opetussuunnitelmia laajemmin kuin vain ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaamista kehittävien opintojaksojen osalta.
  • Leppä, Niklas (2018)
    The aim of this thesis is to find out how programming has become part of the core curriculum for basic education in Finland. The thesis focuses on societal change and how it has impacted on education policy and, consequently, the curriculum. The thesis examines the reasons and arguments that have led to the addition of programming to the curriculum. In the thesis, programming is also examined in the context of learning. The thesis was done as a literature review. The background material utilized in this thesis were administrative documents such as the curriculum of basic education (Opetushallitus, 2014) and previous scientific studies related to the subject of the thesis. Based on the research, it is clear that the development of society into an information society has strongly influenced the state's educational needs. In the information society, economic justifications affect the skills that are taught in school. In response to the changing needs of education, the so-called 21st century skills have been developed, but in the Finnish curriculum, they have been shaped into the broad-based competencies. Programming is seen as an important skill to learn. Programming is taught by a small number of teachers in Finnish schools and there are challenges in programming education that should be taken into account when planning the education. The scientific study of the transfer effects of programming has been scarce, and the teachers' belief in their own pedagogical competencies to utilize IT (information technology) is weak, even though the IT utilization is supported. The thesis shows that both the study of programming education and the study of transfer effects of programming are greatly needed. Further training for teachers should also be developed to meet the requirements of programming education.
  • Saastamoinen, Roosa (2018)
    This study views how consumer education is seen in the latest National core curriculum (2014). Consumer’s operational environment has changed due to the need for sustainable consumption and due to diversification of media and digitalization of technology, and this increases the pressure to enhance consumer education. I define my study to cover grades 7–9 and I will specially focus on transversal competences’ goals. The study questions are: 1. How does the latest National core curriculum (2014) boost sustainable consumer education? a. Which subjects include consumer education in upper comprehensive school? b. How is sustainable consumer education seen in the aims of transversal competence? c. How is ecological sustainability seen in home economics’ consumer education? This study is a qualitative document analysis that analyses the latest National core curriculum (2014). I divided my literature in two different themes and for the themes I selected keywords. Based on the keywords I analysed the curriculum and tabulated all sentences that include the keywords. I divided the accumulated literature even more specifically by subjects and the aims of transversal competence. The study suggests that even though there is no own subject for consumer education, the educational and learning aims related to sustainable consumption are very extensively present in the National core curriculum (2014). Even in the curriculum’s foundation of values it is advised to consider the conflicts between consumerism and sustainable lifestyle. The skills of transversal competence are obligatory for all subjects and in those skills consumer and economical education is viewed.
  • Ronkanen, Lauri (2016)
    During past decades, new theories of information have put pressure on Finnish schools to adjust the content of teaching. The Schools have responded by putting more emphasis on developing different skills required to process information. In history teaching this has meant putting historical thinking in the focus. Acquiring knowledge from the past requires analyzing different remains that contain information about past events. That is why students are taught to work like historians. The abilities to interact with historical sources are called historical literacy skills. Previous studies have shown that young students are beginners in analyzing historical sources, but researchers also have agreed that even young students have the capacity to think historically. Historical thinking and understanding the nature of historical knowledge have been made top priorities in the curriculum but the goals and criteria of learning have been criticized for being too demanding. Pessimistic estimations have also been made about their realization in the field. The purpose of this study was to examine 6th graders skills of making interpretations from historical sources. 22 student from the same class took part in the study. The students were given an assignment in which they examined two conflicting sources depicting the same historical events. The student's task was to evaluate the credibility of the sources and distinguish the motives of their writers. Student's answers were analyzed using qualitative methods. VanSledright's and Afferblach's theory of cognitive activities in evaluation of sources was used as a frame of reference. Results were in line with previous studies regarding young student's abilities to analyze historical sources. 14 students ranked in the lowest stage of cognitive activity and eight students in the next stage called identification. The students in the lowest stage regarded all information as knowledge and failed to distinguish the righters motives. While some answers contained glimpses of more advanced thinking, students were ranked in to the stage which their righting expressed the most. The results indicated that the students lacked strategies to interpret historical sources but some students were able to draw conclusions from the sources independently.