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Browsing by Subject "tapaustutkimus"

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  • Ahola, Juuso (2020)
    The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyze and interpret the meanings that the administrative representatives of the City of Jämsä Education and Culture Department give to the Music Institute as part of the Education and Cultural Services. The study is a qualitative case study and the data is analyzed according to phenomenographic analysis. The research is motivated not only by the researcher's personal interests in music and musical hobbies, but also by the interest in decision-making and its preparation. The research questions are based on the history of the national music school system and the local music institute, research on folk and music school and their social significance, research on Finnish leisure music hobbies, documents and regulations governing the activities of the city and the Music School, their organization and strategy. Three administrative representatives of the Education and Cultural Services in the City of Jämsä were interviewed for the study. The theme interviews were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the material proceeded according to the phenomenographic analysis. The results of the study show that the Music School has also cultural, service and collaborative responsibilities in addition to its educational duties. The music school’s strengths include competent, long-term and motivated staff, content and collaboration. Weaknesses are related to financial aspects. The life-cycle perspective of the Quality-of-life Services is comprehensively realized in the Music School. According to representatives of the educational administration, the Music School is an actor to prevent inequality and exclusion, although fees and entrance examinations limit the opportunities for participation. From a communal point of view, the Music School creates a community in itself and it has many successful partners. Related to health improving aspect, the Music School first and foremost improves mental health. According to the interviewees, the Music School strengthens both local music culture and cultural activities. Through its activities, the Music School has been a part of the nationwide history of music schools, for example, by training experts in important musical positions. There have been structural, operational, economic, political and cultural changes in the administration and services of the City of Jämsä. In particular, the Music School supports the fields of well-being and vitality of the “Jämsä 2025” strategy. Economic, cultural and operational challenges are mentioned for the future.
  • Ahola, Juuso (2020)
    The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyze and interpret the meanings that the administrative representatives of the City of Jämsä Education and Culture Department give to the Music Institute as part of the Education and Cultural Services. The study is a qualitative case study and the data is analyzed according to phenomenographic analysis. The research is motivated not only by the researcher's personal interests in music and musical hobbies, but also by the interest in decision-making and its preparation. The research questions are based on the history of the national music school system and the local music institute, research on folk and music school and their social significance, research on Finnish leisure music hobbies, documents and regulations governing the activities of the city and the Music School, their organization and strategy. Three administrative representatives of the Education and Cultural Services in the City of Jämsä were interviewed for the study. The theme interviews were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the material proceeded according to the phenomenographic analysis. The results of the study show that the Music School has also cultural, service and collaborative responsibilities in addition to its educational duties. The music school’s strengths include competent, long-term and motivated staff, content and collaboration. Weaknesses are related to financial aspects. The life-cycle perspective of the Quality-of-life Services is comprehensively realized in the Music School. According to representatives of the educational administration, the Music School is an actor to prevent inequality and exclusion, although fees and entrance examinations limit the opportunities for participation. From a communal point of view, the Music School creates a community in itself and it has many successful partners. Related to health improving aspect, the Music School first and foremost improves mental health. According to the interviewees, the Music School strengthens both local music culture and cultural activities. Through its activities, the Music School has been a part of the nationwide history of music schools, for example, by training experts in important musical positions. There have been structural, operational, economic, political and cultural changes in the administration and services of the City of Jämsä. In particular, the Music School supports the fields of well-being and vitality of the “Jämsä 2025” strategy. Economic, cultural and operational challenges are mentioned for the future.
  • Keisala, Ida-Maria (2020)
    Tutkimuskysymykseni on, miten draamamateriaaleja hyödyntävillä perusopetuksen katsomusaineiden oppitunneilla ilmenee ja tuetaan luovuutta sekä leikillisyyttä sekä miten oppitunneille osallistuvat kokevat oppitunnit. Tunneille osallistuvilla tarkoitan oppilaita ja opettajia. Tutkielmani ja sen aineistonkeruu on toteutettu osana Uskallus – Uskonnot, katsomukset ja osallisuus perusopetuksessa -hanketta. Tutkielmassa käytetyt draamamateriaalit on julkaistu hankkeen sivuilla sähköisesti. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppilaiden haastatteluista, opettajan ja oppilaiden palautekyselylomakkeista, havainnoitsijoiden tekemistä luokkahuonemuistiinpanoista sekä kirjallisessa muodossa olevista draamamateriaaleista. Aineisto on kerätty vuoden 2019 lopussa Etelä-Suomessa. Havainnoitavia oppitunteja aineistossa on kaksi, joista toinen on viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten elämänkatsomustiedon oppitunti ja toinen kahdeksasluokkalaisten evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon oppitunti. Aineistonanalyysi on toteutettu teoriaohjaavana sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkimustuloksissa havaitsin, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee katsomusaineiden draamaa hyödyntävillä oppitunneilla. Luovuus esiintyy oppitunneilla erilaisina Luovina ajatuksina ja Luovina tuotoksina sekä näiden kahden luokan alakategorioina. Leikillisyyden osalta tutkimustulokset jakautuvat alakategorioihin Lapsellisuus, Leikkisyys ja leikinomaisuus, Leikillinen tunnelma sekä Rooli sekä edellisten alaluokkiin. Tutkimustulosten kolmas pääluokka Kokemus draamatunnista esittää näkökulmat Vaikeustaso-, Tyypillisestä poikkeava oppitunti - ja Draamaharjoitus ja luovuus -kategorioiden kautta. Oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemukset oppitunneista tuovat esille, että draamaoppitunnit koetaan tyypillisestä poikkeavaksi ja harjoitukset osallistavat myös sellaisia oppilaita, jotka eivät usein luokkien tyypillisillä tunneilla osallistu. Luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee tutkimusaineiston oppitunneilla ja niitä tukevat muun muassa kannustava, myönteinen palaute ja ilmapiiri. Tutkimusaineistossa on kuitenkin nähtävissä myös mahdollisuuksia tukea niiden ilmentymistä enemmänkin. Haasteina tästä näkökulmasta katsottuna vaikuttavat olevan ennen kaikkea oppitunnin ajallinen pituus sekä opettajan halu kontrolloida harjoitusten kulkua. Oppilaat kokevat myös oppitunneilla hämmennyksen tunteita. Ne oppilaat, jotka pääsevät erilaisten oivallusten kautta tunteesta yli, vaikuttavat saavan myönteisiä oppimiskokemuksia ja liittävän luovuuden kokemuksen oppituntiin. Draama vaikuttaa tutkimukseni perusteella sopivan hyvin katsomusaineiden opetusmenetelmäksi, ja sen kautta mahdollistuvat luovempi ja leikillisempi opettaminen sekä oppiminen. Tunnit koetaan aineistossa pääosin myönteisiksi, tiedonhalua ja innostusta lisääviksi. Tutkimustuloksissa näkyy, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä tukeva draamaoppitunti opettaa oppilaille asiasisällön lisäksi laajempaa sekä tulevaisuuteen suuntaavampaa osaamista.
  • Keisala, Ida-Maria (2020)
    Tutkimuskysymykseni on, miten draamamateriaaleja hyödyntävillä perusopetuksen katsomusaineiden oppitunneilla ilmenee ja tuetaan luovuutta sekä leikillisyyttä sekä miten oppitunneille osallistuvat kokevat oppitunnit. Tunneille osallistuvilla tarkoitan oppilaita ja opettajia. Tutkielmani ja sen aineistonkeruu on toteutettu osana Uskallus – Uskonnot, katsomukset ja osallisuus perusopetuksessa -hanketta. Tutkielmassa käytetyt draamamateriaalit on julkaistu hankkeen sivuilla sähköisesti. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppilaiden haastatteluista, opettajan ja oppilaiden palautekyselylomakkeista, havainnoitsijoiden tekemistä luokkahuonemuistiinpanoista sekä kirjallisessa muodossa olevista draamamateriaaleista. Aineisto on kerätty vuoden 2019 lopussa Etelä-Suomessa. Havainnoitavia oppitunteja aineistossa on kaksi, joista toinen on viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten elämänkatsomustiedon oppitunti ja toinen kahdeksasluokkalaisten evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon oppitunti. Aineistonanalyysi on toteutettu teoriaohjaavana sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkimustuloksissa havaitsin, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee katsomusaineiden draamaa hyödyntävillä oppitunneilla. Luovuus esiintyy oppitunneilla erilaisina Luovina ajatuksina ja Luovina tuotoksina sekä näiden kahden luokan alakategorioina. Leikillisyyden osalta tutkimustulokset jakautuvat alakategorioihin Lapsellisuus, Leikkisyys ja leikinomaisuus, Leikillinen tunnelma sekä Rooli sekä edellisten alaluokkiin. Tutkimustulosten kolmas pääluokka Kokemus draamatunnista esittää näkökulmat Vaikeustaso-, Tyypillisestä poikkeava oppitunti - ja Draamaharjoitus ja luovuus -kategorioiden kautta. Oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemukset oppitunneista tuovat esille, että draamaoppitunnit koetaan tyypillisestä poikkeavaksi ja harjoitukset osallistavat myös sellaisia oppilaita, jotka eivät usein luokkien tyypillisillä tunneilla osallistu. Luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee tutkimusaineiston oppitunneilla ja niitä tukevat muun muassa kannustava, myönteinen palaute ja ilmapiiri. Tutkimusaineistossa on kuitenkin nähtävissä myös mahdollisuuksia tukea niiden ilmentymistä enemmänkin. Haasteina tästä näkökulmasta katsottuna vaikuttavat olevan ennen kaikkea oppitunnin ajallinen pituus sekä opettajan halu kontrolloida harjoitusten kulkua. Oppilaat kokevat myös oppitunneilla hämmennyksen tunteita. Ne oppilaat, jotka pääsevät erilaisten oivallusten kautta tunteesta yli, vaikuttavat saavan myönteisiä oppimiskokemuksia ja liittävän luovuuden kokemuksen oppituntiin. Draama vaikuttaa tutkimukseni perusteella sopivan hyvin katsomusaineiden opetusmenetelmäksi, ja sen kautta mahdollistuvat luovempi ja leikillisempi opettaminen sekä oppiminen. Tunnit koetaan aineistossa pääosin myönteisiksi, tiedonhalua ja innostusta lisääviksi. Tutkimustuloksissa näkyy, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä tukeva draamaoppitunti opettaa oppilaille asiasisällön lisäksi laajempaa sekä tulevaisuuteen suuntaavampaa osaamista.
  • Välimäki, Suvi (2021)
    The goal of the Helsinki City Strategy for years 2017–2021 has been to make Helsinki the most functional city in the world. Strategy of functionality aim to improve economic attractiveness and competitiveness in Helsinki as one of its main objectives. In academic literature, regional competitiveness is connected to a wide range of different factors. However, common for many theories is an underlying idea of companies benefitting from functioning as part of a wider regional system. These benefits may relate a to better availability of labour and other specialized inputs but above all, to companies being able to make use of the knowledge located in the region. Company’s ability to utilize knowledge is linked especially to developing innovations that improve production. For cities, motivation to improve competitiveness lies in questions of employment and welfare. It can be linked to a development in which globalization and post industrialization have together led to a situation, where cities are considered to be competing on resources. This development can also be seen in a change in the role of city governments. In so called entrepreneurial cities, governments function as active agents aiming to mould cities into favourable platforms for entrepreneurship. However, despite the fact that companies are located in regional system they automatically do not have access into the benefits, such as knowledge. This brings importance to the networks of regional actors and to the manner of how they communicate through these networks. Academic literature gives evidence to an idea that besides examining only the dynamics between urban governments and companies, there should be research placed on how public and private actors exchange knowledge and how that interactions is experienced. The aim of this theses is to examine the interaction between a city and its entrepreneurs as one factor of a regional economic system. The knowledge gained is also hoped to benefit the city of Helsinki in developing its services. The research is done by examining the role of cities in entrepreneurship and the interaction between a city and its companies. Methodological perspective of this thesis is a case study. The case comprises the interaction that takes place in the permission and advisory services of the city of Helsinki, between the city of Helsinki and six private companies from the field of tourism and services. Helsinki City Strategy and one more economically profiled document are used to shed light to the role of urban government from the city of Helsinki point of view. Company perspective is gained from semi structured themed interviews with entrepreneurs, that have been clients of previously mentioned services of the city of Helsinki. Both documents and interviews are analysed by performing a theme analysis. From the entrepreneurship point of view, the current situation of the city of Helsinki aligns with the theory of an entrepreneurial city. Knowledge that companies need is mainly related to being able to understand what rules and structures effect their ability to function as a part of urban environment and to plan and implement ideas. Companies and the city of Helsinki share a common goal of building high quality urban environment that benefits all involved. However, there are also some identified challenges caused for example by different operating speed and difficulties in finding relevant information and knowledge. In general, knowledge accessibility appears to be one of the key factors in successful interaction between companies and the city. According to the results, knowledge accessibility is related to the ability to understand the structure of the city’s network of knowledge and actors. In addition to that, the type and quality of interaction is also considered important. How companies experience the interaction is related to how well the network is known and how fast the right people will find each other. Interaction that is defined by discussion and communication is viewed as effective and entrepreneur friendly. Based on the interviews there is evidence that effectivity of interaction might effect companies’ ability to run business and implement new ideas. To sum up, for companies good advising is considered to mean fast and clear answers, promoting to mean conversation, and enabling entrepreneurship to mean that companies are allowed to develop their businesses to meet the needs of their clientele. Hence, it seems important to remember that in addition to supporting the creation of innovation it is also important that efficient governance enables companies to implement their ideas.
  • Toivola, Ossi (2015)
    Previous research has shown that working in a peer group and studying according to principles of Inquiry Learning can offer possibilities for the construction of agency. Research has also shown that success in collaboration has a positive effect on the learning of pupils. The purpose of this study is to build understanding of collaboration among pupils and of the means with which they discursively construct agency in a setting where a teacher is mostly absent. This study examines the construction of agency in the collaboration of a peer group working on an Inquiry Learning project. Agency is defined as the taking and assigning of responsibility in joint action. The study sees interaction from a socio-cultural viewpoint, which emphasizes the shared importance of an individual and his/her surroundings in learning and interaction. Conversations between pupils were approached from the standpoint of discursive psychology, which sees mind and interaction as inseparable and thus demands that they be examined together. The case study centers on two fourth-grade pupils working on a shared project. The data of the study had been collected by videotaping the pupils as part of the research project Learning Bridges. The data consisted of six videotaped lessons. The collaboration of the two pupils was analysed using positioning analysis developed in the field of discursive psychology. It sees persons as forming an image of themselves and others and positioning each other relative to others by discursive means. The main result of the study is that the focus students took and assigned responsibility to each other relative to three positions: as experts, as pupils and as collaborators. These positions formed the dimensions of a pupil’s agency. Another finding was that the agency was constructed both on an individual level and on a collective level. The results are in line with findings from previous research and suggest that working in a peer group is important for the construction of individual and collective agency.
  • Pesonen, Aino (2021)
    Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jota varten haastattelin neljää monikielistä itäafrikkalaista maahanmuuttajaa. Tutkielmassa tarkastelen aineistosta kumpuavia kielenoppimisen diskursseja kieli-ideologisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkielma tarjoaa esimerkkejä kieli-ideologioiden eli kieleen kytkeytyvien käsitysten ja niiden muodostamien ajatusjärjestelmien rooleista ja monimuotoisuudesta monikielisissä maahanmuuttajayhteisöissä ja erityisesti itäafrikkalaisten maahanmuuttajien keskuudessa. Aineistonkeruussa sovelsin sosiolingvistiikan menetelmiä ja kielielämäkerrallista näkökulmaa, joka korostaa yksilön kieliin liittyviä kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä. Tutkielman keskeiset teoreettiset lähtökohdat nojaavat monitieteiseen tutkimusotteeseen, jossa korostuu kriittisen diskurssintutkimuksen ja kieli-ideologioiden tutkimuksen yhteenliittymä. Aineiston analyysissä sovellan keskeisesti kriittisen diskurssintutkimuksen menetelmiä, joita tuen tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteilla. Analysoin tutkielmassani seitsemää aineistosta noussutta kielenoppimisen diskurssia: kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen uran/työllistymisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen identiteetin välittämisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen kommunikoinnin sujuvuuden näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen matkustelun ja globaalin osallistumisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppiminen uhkana; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen kotoutumisen näkökulmasta; ja kielenoppiminen ja käsitykset korrektiudesta. Tarkastelen tuloksia neljän erilaisen kieli-ideologian valossa ja selvitän, kuinka kieli-ideologioita hyödynnetään kielenoppimisen merkitysten määrittelyssä. Analyysin perusteella aineistossa näkyy yksilötasolla ja tutkimusjoukon tasolla tapahtuva eri kieli- ideologioiden uudelleentuottaminen, haastaminen ja neuvottelu diskurssien välisesti sekä niiden sisäisesti.
  • Pesonen, Aino (2021)
    Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jota varten haastattelin neljää monikielistä itäafrikkalaista maahanmuuttajaa. Tutkielmassa tarkastelen aineistosta kumpuavia kielenoppimisen diskursseja kieli-ideologisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkielma tarjoaa esimerkkejä kieli-ideologioiden eli kieleen kytkeytyvien käsitysten ja niiden muodostamien ajatusjärjestelmien rooleista ja monimuotoisuudesta monikielisissä maahanmuuttajayhteisöissä ja erityisesti itäafrikkalaisten maahanmuuttajien keskuudessa. Aineistonkeruussa sovelsin sosiolingvistiikan menetelmiä ja kielielämäkerrallista näkökulmaa, joka korostaa yksilön kieliin liittyviä kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä. Tutkielman keskeiset teoreettiset lähtökohdat nojaavat monitieteiseen tutkimusotteeseen, jossa korostuu kriittisen diskurssintutkimuksen ja kieli-ideologioiden tutkimuksen yhteenliittymä. Aineiston analyysissä sovellan keskeisesti kriittisen diskurssintutkimuksen menetelmiä, joita tuen tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteilla. Analysoin tutkielmassani seitsemää aineistosta noussutta kielenoppimisen diskurssia: kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen uran/työllistymisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen identiteetin välittämisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen kommunikoinnin sujuvuuden näkökulmasta; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen matkustelun ja globaalin osallistumisen näkökulmasta; kielenoppiminen uhkana; kielenoppimisen merkityksellistäminen kotoutumisen näkökulmasta; ja kielenoppiminen ja käsitykset korrektiudesta. Tarkastelen tuloksia neljän erilaisen kieli-ideologian valossa ja selvitän, kuinka kieli-ideologioita hyödynnetään kielenoppimisen merkitysten määrittelyssä. Analyysin perusteella aineistossa näkyy yksilötasolla ja tutkimusjoukon tasolla tapahtuva eri kieli- ideologioiden uudelleentuottaminen, haastaminen ja neuvottelu diskurssien välisesti sekä niiden sisäisesti.
  • Abdulkarim, Zainab (2020)
    Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan sukupuolten välisen tasa-arvon edistymistä Suomessa vuosina 2014-2019. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena on YK:n tasa-arvojärjestön UN Womenin käynnistämä solidaarisuusliike eli HeForShe-kampanja, jonka pääasiallisena tavoitteena oli sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen eri elämänaloilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada kattava käsitys toistaiseksi vähän tutkitusta kampanjasta sekä sen toteutuksesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vallan ilmenemistä kampanjan toteutuksessa, toimijuuden toteutumista tavoitteissa sekä kampanjan aikaansaamaa edistystä Suomessa tehtävän tasa-arvotyön kentällä. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan Suomessa toteutuva aktiivinen tasa-arvotyö on ollut epälineaarista ja monet yhteiskunnalliset haasteet ovat edelleen epäsuhteisen sukupuolittuneita. Tutkimusmenetelmänä toimi kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimusmenetelmä ja tutkimusstrategiana hyödynsin tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen tieteenfilosofisena lähtökohtana toimi sosiaalinen konstruktionismi. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui pääasiassa kampanjan julkaisemista raporteista ja muutamasta sukupuolten tasa-arvoon liittyvistä uutisartikkeleista kampanjan toteutuksen ajalta. Aineisto löytyi verkosta ja kampanjaa koskeva materiaali oli pääosin kirjallista. Aineiston analysoinnin menetelmänä toimi sisällönanalyysi. Tulosten perusteella HeForShe-kampanjalla oli onnistunut toteutus Suomessa. Sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistyminen oli nähtävissä hallinnon tason muutoksilla ja käytännön tason ratkaisuina. Kampanja keskittyi Suomessa pääosin hallinnon tason muutoksiin eikä tavallisten kansalaisten osallistaminen kampanjaan ollut merkittävässä roolissa kampanjan käytännön toteutuksessa. Kampanja sai aikaan käytännön tason muutosta Suomessa. Kampanjan tuloksena syntyneisiin pyrkimyksiin edistää sukupuolten tasa-arvoa sekä murtaa sitä estäviä epäkohtia kuuluivat muun muassa tunteiden hallintaa ja aggression purkamista käsittelevä koulutus ja sen pohjalta luotu opas, Miehet liittolaisina-seminaari sekä lisääntyneet turvakodit lähisuhde- ja perheväkivallan uhreille. Tuloksista voidaan todeta, että kollektiivinen toiminta on avain asemassa systemaattisen ja rakenteellisen epätasa-arvon murtamisessa sekä tosiasiallisen sukupuolten tasa-arvon saavuttamisessa.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Arponen, Jani (2020)
    Researching the development of transport networks and regional impacts of transport networks have a strong tradition in geography research tradition. Research into conflicts in land use is also an important part of geographical research. Conflicts often occur in designing of large infrastructure projects, especially if projects are planned for urban areas and the built environment. Successful handling and resolution of planning conflicts are often essential factors not only from the point of view of the implementation of projects, but also from the point of view of their perceived legitimacy. Planning conflicts may not be clear and predictable, but also complex and multilateral, and those involved in the conflict may not necessarily play only one role during the conflict. This master's thesis examined the conflicts in planning of a large infrastructure project in Vantaa – the Ring Rail Line. The structure of the study is a case study because it examines one specific phenomenon and the factors associated with this phenomenon. In particular, the aim was to examine how the conflicts originated, what they were like in nature and in their involvement, and how they were resolved. The research perspective was the view of the planners who worked for the City of Vantaa and thus became involved in conflicts that occurred in the design of the Ring Rail Line. The view of the Vantaa-based planners was chosen as a research perspective because they supposedly had the most extensive experience of conflicts in the planning process of the Ring Rail Line at different stages of the project, at local, regional and national level. Simultaneously, the research perspective became a Vantaa-based one. The research material consisted primarily of project planning documents, news and other media material related to the project, and interview material produced by semi-structured thematic interviews targeted at selected planners. The theoretical framework for research consisted in particular of conflict theories related to land use planning and general planning theories. Written research material was processed and analyzed by theoretically controlled content analysis, mirroring the research data into a theoretical framework. The interview material was categorized and analyzed accordingly. This allowed conclusions to be drawn from the material on the basis of a theoretical framework and to form an understanding of the conflicts at different stages of the project and the nature and those involved in the conflicts. The research data was categorized using John Agnew's place theory. The material was categorized according to the perceptions of those involved in the conflicts in relation to the target area, significance and potential of the Ring Rail Line. The categorization was substantially complemented by interview material and direct quotes from interviewees. Through the interview material, the viewpoint of the planners was strongly expressed in accordance with the chosen research perspective. Based on categorization and theory-controlled content analysis, it was found that there were four main or most important conflicts in the planning process of the Ring Rail Line. These were the conflict between the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa over the urban structure, the conflict between the City of Vantaa and other municipalities over the growth machine, the conflict between the City of Vantaa, the Finnish state and Finavia over power and interests, and the conflict between the City of Vantaa and the residents over commitment to a place. The four conflicts were not isolated of each other, but all had some similar characteristics and those involved were also partly the same. The analysis of the data also showed that the parties involved in the conflicts also formed a loose strategic alliance with each other, whose members were in turn cooperating and alternately in conflict with each other. A common feature of the consortium was to get the Ring Rail Line implemented, even though there were occasional disagreements about the objectives and significance of the project.
  • Raittila, Saana (2019)
    Terveydenhuollon henkilökunnasta on suuri pula useissa kehitysmaissa, mistä johtuen osa perusterveydenhuollon tehtävistä on siirretty lyhyen formaalin koulutuksen saaneille yhteisöterveystyöntekijöille (community health workers, CHWs). Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden (pt. activistas de saúde) sosiaalista työtä Chamanculon asuinalueella, Maputon kaupungissa, Mosambikissa. Tutkimuksen tehtävä oli tutkia ja ymmärtää mosambikilaista yhteisöterveystyötä. Analyysin kohteena olivat erityisesti Chamanculon paikallisten yhteisöjen sosiaalinen pääoma ja yhteisöllinen tuki ja se, kuinka CHWs hyödyntävät niitä työssään. Yhteisöterveystyötä tarkasteltiin populaarina sosiaalityönä (popular social work) sekä kotoperäisenä sosiaalityönä (indigenous social work), joista jälkimmäisestä on esimerkkinä kehityssosiaalityö (developmental social work). Tutkimuksen teoreettisena taustana oli lisäksi sosiaalisen pääoman teoria. Tutkimusstrategiana oli etnografinen tapaustutkimus. Tarkasteltava tapaus on erään paikallisen järjestön yhteisöterveystyön projekti, jossa CHWs työskentelevät hivin ja aidsin sekä tuberkuloosin, mutta myös lasten aliravitsemuksen sekä naisiin kohdistuvan väkivallan parissa, tehden etsivää työtä, valistustyötä ja kotikäyntejä. Ensisijaisena aineistona käytettiin kenttäpäiväkirjoja, yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden yksilöhaastatteluja (12) ja yhtä ryhmäkeskustelua. Aineiston analyysimenetelmä oli laadullinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Chamanculon asuinalueella paikalliset yhteisöt ovat pääosin tiiviitä ja asuinalueella on sitovaa (bonding) sosiaalista pääomaa. Naapureihin tukeudutaan—kuten paikallinen sanonta toteaa: ”Naapuri on lähin perheenjäsen.” Vastavuoroisuuteen ja läheisiin suhteisiin perustuvan kahdenvälisen tuen lisäksi yhteisöterveystyöntekijät ja paikalliset johtajat voivat mobilisoida koko yhteisön auttamaan jotakin yhteisön jäsentä järjestämällä esimerkiksi ruoka-apua tai osuuden hautajaiskuluista. Hiviin ja aidsiin sekä tuberkuloosiin liittyvä stigma ja syrjintä kuitenkin heikentävät potilaiden pääsyä sosiaaliseen pääomaan perustuviin resursseihin. Potilaat usein piilottelevat sairauksiaan ja välttelevät sairaalaan menemistä, jolloin lääkehoito saattaa keskeytyä. CHWs tarvitaan, kun naapuriapu ja yhteisöllinen tuki eivät ole riittäviä tai kun potilas ei hakeudu itse sairaalaan. Yhteisöterveystyön interventiot hyödyntävät yhdistävää (bridging) ja linkittävää (linking) sosiaalista pääomaa. Tiiviit yhteisöt myös helpottavat monin tavoin yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden työtä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan lisäksi todeta, että Chamanculon yhteisöterveystyö täyttää suurelta osin populaarin sosiaalityön piirteet: esimerkiksi työtä tehdään vapaa-ajalla, omissa yhteisöissä ja ilman ammatillista etäisyyttä sekä ei-patologisoivalla työotteella. Tämä tutkimus on eksploratiivinen tapaustutkimus vähän tutkitusta aiheesta. Toistamalla tutkimusasetelma Mosambikin maaseudulla voitaisiin toteuttaa vertaileva tutkimus maaseudun ja kaupungin yhteisöllisestä tuesta. Jatkotutkimuksena olisi myös kiinnostavaa tutkia, mitä yhteisöperustainen ja populaari sosiaalityö on Suomessa.
  • Raittila, Saana (2019)
    Terveydenhuollon henkilökunnasta on suuri pula useissa kehitysmaissa, mistä johtuen osa perusterveydenhuollon tehtävistä on siirretty lyhyen formaalin koulutuksen saaneille yhteisöterveystyöntekijöille (community health workers, CHWs). Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden (pt. activistas de saúde) sosiaalista työtä Chamanculon asuinalueella, Maputon kaupungissa, Mosambikissa. Tutkimuksen tehtävä oli tutkia ja ymmärtää mosambikilaista yhteisöterveystyötä. Analyysin kohteena olivat erityisesti Chamanculon paikallisten yhteisöjen sosiaalinen pääoma ja yhteisöllinen tuki ja se, kuinka CHWs hyödyntävät niitä työssään. Yhteisöterveystyötä tarkasteltiin populaarina sosiaalityönä (popular social work) sekä kotoperäisenä sosiaalityönä (indigenous social work), joista jälkimmäisestä on esimerkkinä kehityssosiaalityö (developmental social work). Tutkimuksen teoreettisena taustana oli lisäksi sosiaalisen pääoman teoria. Tutkimusstrategiana oli etnografinen tapaustutkimus. Tarkasteltava tapaus on erään paikallisen järjestön yhteisöterveystyön projekti, jossa CHWs työskentelevät hivin ja aidsin sekä tuberkuloosin, mutta myös lasten aliravitsemuksen sekä naisiin kohdistuvan väkivallan parissa, tehden etsivää työtä, valistustyötä ja kotikäyntejä. Ensisijaisena aineistona käytettiin kenttäpäiväkirjoja, yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden yksilöhaastatteluja (12) ja yhtä ryhmäkeskustelua. Aineiston analyysimenetelmä oli laadullinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Chamanculon asuinalueella paikalliset yhteisöt ovat pääosin tiiviitä ja asuinalueella on sitovaa (bonding) sosiaalista pääomaa. Naapureihin tukeudutaan—kuten paikallinen sanonta toteaa: ”Naapuri on lähin perheenjäsen.” Vastavuoroisuuteen ja läheisiin suhteisiin perustuvan kahdenvälisen tuen lisäksi yhteisöterveystyöntekijät ja paikalliset johtajat voivat mobilisoida koko yhteisön auttamaan jotakin yhteisön jäsentä järjestämällä esimerkiksi ruoka-apua tai osuuden hautajaiskuluista. Hiviin ja aidsiin sekä tuberkuloosiin liittyvä stigma ja syrjintä kuitenkin heikentävät potilaiden pääsyä sosiaaliseen pääomaan perustuviin resursseihin. Potilaat usein piilottelevat sairauksiaan ja välttelevät sairaalaan menemistä, jolloin lääkehoito saattaa keskeytyä. CHWs tarvitaan, kun naapuriapu ja yhteisöllinen tuki eivät ole riittäviä tai kun potilas ei hakeudu itse sairaalaan. Yhteisöterveystyön interventiot hyödyntävät yhdistävää (bridging) ja linkittävää (linking) sosiaalista pääomaa. Tiiviit yhteisöt myös helpottavat monin tavoin yhteisöterveystyöntekijöiden työtä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan lisäksi todeta, että Chamanculon yhteisöterveystyö täyttää suurelta osin populaarin sosiaalityön piirteet: esimerkiksi työtä tehdään vapaa-ajalla, omissa yhteisöissä ja ilman ammatillista etäisyyttä sekä ei-patologisoivalla työotteella. Tämä tutkimus on eksploratiivinen tapaustutkimus vähän tutkitusta aiheesta. Toistamalla tutkimusasetelma Mosambikin maaseudulla voitaisiin toteuttaa vertaileva tutkimus maaseudun ja kaupungin yhteisöllisestä tuesta. Jatkotutkimuksena olisi myös kiinnostavaa tutkia, mitä yhteisöperustainen ja populaari sosiaalityö on Suomessa.
  • Wennervirta, Tessa (2017)
    The relationship of school planning and pedagogical visions together with the changing societal meanings of craft set new planning objectives for crafts' facilities and class rooms in schools. The research assignment of this case study is to describe the learning environment of crafts in basic education at present. Also, based on the collected data and the theoretical background, the aim is to help understand what influences positive experiences of learning environments for crafts from both the teacher and pupil point of view. This case study is founded on the theory of five dimensions of the learning environment; physical, technological, didactic, local and social. The data for this qualitative multi-method research was collected in several ways; by observation of the authentic learning environments, by the focused teacher interviews and by contextual interviews conducted on pupils, which all together form a profound picture of the phenomenon. The process of observation included videoing the sample groups, four school craft groups from the Metropolitan region. The research proceeded in stages from hypothetical pre-analysis to more detailed and systematic content analysis. The results revealed differences and great complexity in school craft learning environments, but proved that no specific type of environment is superior to the other. The physical facilities create a base for functional craft teaching, but the other three dimensions of the learning environment, social, didactic and technological, are the ones that support the learning of craft in more versatile levels. The new visions of the national core curriculum (POPS 2014) in craft education as a multi-material subject set challenges to class room planning – placing the two craft facilities in near proximity in school buildings create more possibilities for crucial teacher coalition in the future.
  • Nurmi, Reetta (2013)
    Aim of the study. Educating students to become active citizens has become more and more common in Finnish comprehensive schools. Civic knowledge and skills training is not a separate subject in Finnish primary schools (grades 1-6). In the 2004 national core curriculum for basic education civic knowledge and skills training is integrated within the other subjects. To what extent the civic education is included in everyday teaching depends a lot on the teacher. For this reason the amount of civil education can differ a lot depending on a particular class and school. Teacher's own knowledge, skills and attitude towards civic education has a strong influence on how civic education can be seen in the classroom. The aim of the study is to find out how a class of sixth graders and their teacher from the Helsinki metropolitan area see civic education in their classroom. Methods. 25 sixth graders and their teacher from a school in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area participated in the study. This study is a qualitative case study that includes different types of research data. The research data from the teacher was collected by interview. Students had written earlier essays about democracy that used in the study. The students also answered a questionnaire with open-ended questions that included questions about their possibilities to influence in matters of the classroom. research data was analysed by using qualitative content analysis. Both theory and content based analyses were used in this study. Results and conclusions. The results shows that the teacher and the students both feel that democracy is a relevant and important issue to be considered in the classroom. The students had a very positive view of democracy and how it worked in the classroom. Although the students participation in decision making was usually limited to matters outside teaching, most students felt that they had enough influence in the classroom. Based on the results, it can be said that the teacher has with teaching successfully supported her students to become active citizens.
  • Söyrinki, Siiri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Variable electricity production poses challenges for the electricity grid, where demand and production must be balanced at all times. Transition to variable electricity production requires new solutions for grid flexibility. Electricity consumption has traditionally been an inflexible component in the electricity system but technological development enables demand side flexibility. Demand response (DR) is demand side measure, where energy consumption is shifted due to an external incentive. DR has multiple benefits such as improving reliability with high integration of variable energy production and cutting emissions during peak production. Despite years of modelling and analysing DR, there is lack of experience with commercial end-users in real-life context. In recent years, transmission system operator Fingrid has conducted experiments with stakeholders to find new demand response resources outside the traditional industrial end-users. The market models and services have not yet matured and therefore actors experiment to find solutions to resolve demand response barriers. The difficulty of scaling up sustainable innovations is a well-known challenge in energy transition research. In strategic niche management theory experiments are seen as tools for sustainable transition. This qualitative case study examines how piloting demand response in grocery store promotes energy transition. I chose the case of Virtual Service Environment (VIRPA-B) experiment, where participants tested DR in two grocery stores. The data were gathered in eight interviews with stakeholders and experts and through literature review. With theoretical framework I analysed, how the experiment contributes to implementation of demand response through expectations, learning and the ways pilot was scaled up after the experiment. Thesis sheds light to stakeholders’ role in implementing new technology and business model in real-life context. The results indicate that DR does not disturb the functions of the grocery store. The technology is matured, but the instalment practises have not been standardized. The greatest barrier for upscaling seems to be the regulations of the electricity markets, as they do not encourage end-users to invest in DR. VIRPA-B experiment did not lead to a rapid upscaling. However, lessons scaled up through other projects that support the niche development. For actors experiments are a platform to develop expertise and influence the new business models. To overcome the barriers, more attention should be directed at the synergies between the technologies. In VIRPA-B pilot actors noted benefits with solar panels, energy efficiency and DR. Combining technologies can lead to significant electricity savings. Promoting DR as a part of intelligent building automation system could also help overcome DR barriers. The results of thesis indicate that experiments can produce capabilities that promote energy transition.
  • Söyrinki, Siiri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Variable electricity production poses challenges for the electricity grid, where demand and production must be balanced at all times. Transition to variable electricity production requires new solutions for grid flexibility. Electricity consumption has traditionally been an inflexible component in the electricity system but technological development enables demand side flexibility. Demand response (DR) is demand side measure, where energy consumption is shifted due to an external incentive. DR has multiple benefits such as improving reliability with high integration of variable energy production and cutting emissions during peak production. Despite years of modelling and analysing DR, there is lack of experience with commercial end-users in real-life context. In recent years, transmission system operator Fingrid has conducted experiments with stakeholders to find new demand response resources outside the traditional industrial end-users. The market models and services have not yet matured and therefore actors experiment to find solutions to resolve demand response barriers. The difficulty of scaling up sustainable innovations is a well-known challenge in energy transition research. In strategic niche management theory experiments are seen as tools for sustainable transition. This qualitative case study examines how piloting demand response in grocery store promotes energy transition. I chose the case of Virtual Service Environment (VIRPA-B) experiment, where participants tested DR in two grocery stores. The data were gathered in eight interviews with stakeholders and experts and through literature review. With theoretical framework I analysed, how the experiment contributes to implementation of demand response through expectations, learning and the ways pilot was scaled up after the experiment. Thesis sheds light to stakeholders’ role in implementing new technology and business model in real-life context. The results indicate that DR does not disturb the functions of the grocery store. The technology is matured, but the instalment practises have not been standardized. The greatest barrier for upscaling seems to be the regulations of the electricity markets, as they do not encourage end-users to invest in DR. VIRPA-B experiment did not lead to a rapid upscaling. However, lessons scaled up through other projects that support the niche development. For actors experiments are a platform to develop expertise and influence the new business models. To overcome the barriers, more attention should be directed at the synergies between the technologies. In VIRPA-B pilot actors noted benefits with solar panels, energy efficiency and DR. Combining technologies can lead to significant electricity savings. Promoting DR as a part of intelligent building automation system could also help overcome DR barriers. The results of thesis indicate that experiments can produce capabilities that promote energy transition.
  • Hirvonen, Nina (2017)
    Objectives. Previous studies show that there is need for more cooperation between the preschool education and primary education to ensure the child's smooth start to school. The purpose of this qualitative study was to find out what kinds of views do kindergarten teachers and class teachers have on the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education. Today, there has been a lot of talk about the importance of the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education for the child's smooth transition from preschool to primary education. The research questions helped to identify how useful do kindergarten teachers and class teachers find the cooperation, how frequently cooperation is carried out, which types of cooperation there is, how can the cooperation be developed and whether kindergarten teachers and class teachers have ideas how to develop the current cooperation. Methods. The study material consisted of three kindergarten teachers and four class teachers working in the metropolitan area. The research strategy used in this study was qualitative research in which theme interviews were used. The collected data were analyzed by means of data-driven content analysis. Results and Conclusions. This study showed that kindergarten teachers and class teachers felt the cooperation between the preschool education and primary education important. In addition, responses emphasized the cooperation to encompass the same basic formula but the organization of additional forms of cooperation depends on the year and on the activity of the preschool teachers and primary teachers. The implementation of cooperation between preschool education and primary education was performed weekly, monthly, once every two months or 2-6 times a year. In the autumn preschool teachers and primary school teachers will invest in joint planning of activities in the presence of preschool children in the classroom. In the spring a joint evaluation meeting, the introduction of preschool children to school and primary school teachers and the meeting of a pupil care team for children moving to school. All teachers felt that the current cooperation between the preschool education and primary education is positive and they do not want to make a lot of changes or develop the existing cooperation. Kindergarten teachers and class teachers would like to see closer cooperation between preschool and primary school teacher for example by adding joint debates and common planning time. They also wished that kindergarten and school would be in the same building. Kindergarten teachers and class teachers had different content development suggestions for cooperation between preschool education and primary education. Improvement alternatives included for example adding various events, ensuring data transfer from kindergarten to school, effortless school visits and joint training.
  • Laitinen, Mia (2023)
    With the global migration movement, even more classes have students whose strongest or clearest first language is some other than Finnish. However, only a few studies have been conducted on multilingual interaction practices in the classroom, and most of them have focused on schools in the capital area, although there are multilingual classrooms all over the Finland. In addition, studies have shown reserved attitudes towards multilingual classrooms. In this qualitative case study, the manifestations of translanguaging are investigated as part of the interaction in a multilingual classroom by examining in which activity sequences translanguaging occurs and who participates in the action. The study focuses especially on the person initiating a translanguaging and how the participation framework is determined and examines how multilingual turns are perceived in the classroom. The data for research has been collected from the second grade of an Eastern Finnish primary school. Of the nine students participating in research, most spoke other than Finnish as their heritage language. The data collection for the study was carried out using an ethnographic research method, combining field observations, video- and audio recordings. The study lasted two school days in the classroom, in addition to which a test recording was carried out. Manifestations of translanguaging were examined using conversational analysis. The findings of this study indicate that translanguaging turned out to work as a pedagogical resource, which was used for increasing mutual understanding or show a positive affective attitude towards the topic of speech. In the classroom, translanguaging functioned, among other things, as a demonstration of linguistic expertise and made it possible to hand over the turn to a certain speaker. Both the student and the teacher acted as initiators of multilingual shifts, but the study revealed that it is not always easy to identify the initiator of translanguaging in the context of an institutional discussion. Translanguaging can be seen as a pedagogical resource, which can originate from the students or the teacher, and which works as a creator of positive class spirit.