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  • Markkinen, Eeva (2021)
    Aims of the study. Actors, singers and other professional voice users are at a high risk of experiencing voice problems during their careers. The biggest reasons for this are heavy vocal load and the voice user’s internal and external factors. Voice professionals’ voice problems are common, even though the awareness of vocal health and the knowledge and the use of voice care are good. This study aims to map self-reported voice problems and the occupation-spesific special features of voice use in adult voice actors working in Finland. The aim of the survey was to find out what kinds of vocal symptoms exist and how they affect the voice actors’ psycho-social well-being. Moreover the prevalence of risk factors and their connection to voice symptoms was searched. Voice actors’ voice care was also mapped. The aim of this study is to create new knowledge of an unresearched occupation. Methods. The research material was collected using an electronic survey. The survey was created for this research. The survey consisted of research-spesific sections and included both validated sections that had been translated to Finnish (Screen11 and Voice Handicap Index) and sections that were created for this research. In the survey there were both open and closed questions. 24 voice actors answered the questionnaire. The analysis of the research material was done with SPSS. In the qualitative analysis the questions were typificated, compiled to statistics and example answers were chosen. The statistic analysis was used to find out the prevalence of certain phenomena. Saphiro-Wilk normality test was conducted and on basis of the results correlations and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U -test were chosen over parametric tests. These tests aimed to find out the connections of dependent and independent variables. Results and conclusions. The participating voice actors didn’t report having voice problems within the 12 month period under consideration. Thus voice problems didn’t affect the participants’ experince of psycho-social competence. Other questions, however, revealed a prevalence of 79,2% voice problems. There was no connection of risk factors, such as using demanding voice qualities, to vocal symptoms or the psycho-social experince. Voice actors had searched for and had reseived help from professionals, such as phoniatrists and speech therapists. The experiences of the benefits varied. Nearly all given voice care means were in use. Because the research material was limited and the survey would need some adjustment, more research is needed. This research offers some guidelines in the study of voice actors’ voice problems, but on basis of this research conclusions or generalisations of the prevalence of voice problems or risk factors can’t be made.
  • Markkinen, Eeva (2021)
    Aims of the study. Actors, singers and other professional voice users are at a high risk of experiencing voice problems during their careers. The biggest reasons for this are heavy vocal load and the voice user’s internal and external factors. Voice professionals’ voice problems are common, even though the awareness of vocal health and the knowledge and the use of voice care are good. This study aims to map self-reported voice problems and the occupation-spesific special features of voice use in adult voice actors working in Finland. The aim of the survey was to find out what kinds of vocal symptoms exist and how they affect the voice actors’ psycho-social well-being. Moreover the prevalence of risk factors and their connection to voice symptoms was searched. Voice actors’ voice care was also mapped. The aim of this study is to create new knowledge of an unresearched occupation. Methods. The research material was collected using an electronic survey. The survey was created for this research. The survey consisted of research-spesific sections and included both validated sections that had been translated to Finnish (Screen11 and Voice Handicap Index) and sections that were created for this research. In the survey there were both open and closed questions. 24 voice actors answered the questionnaire. The analysis of the research material was done with SPSS. In the qualitative analysis the questions were typificated, compiled to statistics and example answers were chosen. The statistic analysis was used to find out the prevalence of certain phenomena. Saphiro-Wilk normality test was conducted and on basis of the results correlations and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U -test were chosen over parametric tests. These tests aimed to find out the connections of dependent and independent variables. Results and conclusions. The participating voice actors didn’t report having voice problems within the 12 month period under consideration. Thus voice problems didn’t affect the participants’ experince of psycho-social competence. Other questions, however, revealed a prevalence of 79,2% voice problems. There was no connection of risk factors, such as using demanding voice qualities, to vocal symptoms or the psycho-social experince. Voice actors had searched for and had reseived help from professionals, such as phoniatrists and speech therapists. The experiences of the benefits varied. Nearly all given voice care means were in use. Because the research material was limited and the survey would need some adjustment, more research is needed. This research offers some guidelines in the study of voice actors’ voice problems, but on basis of this research conclusions or generalisations of the prevalence of voice problems or risk factors can’t be made.
  • Tiitinen, Taina (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Ääniongelmat ovat yleisiä ja ne ovat lisääntyneet. Niiden on havaittu heikentävän yksilöiden elämänlaatua ja niillä on todettu merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia vaikutuksia. Terveydenhuollon resurssit ovat niukentuneet, mikä on lisännyt kansantaloudellisen analyysin tarvetta terveydenhuollon päätöksenteossa. Ääniongelmien taloudellisia vaikutuksia oli toistaiseksi tutkittu niukasti ja kokoavaa analyysiä kustannuksista ei ollut vielä tuotettu. Onkin perusteltua tarkastella ääniongelmien kustannuksia, jotta saataisiin kokonaisnäkemys niiden taloudellisten vaikutusten laajuudesta. Kustannuksia tarkastellaan tässä tutkielmassa CoI-lähestymistavalla (Cost of Illness), joka käsittää terveystaloustieteellisten kustannusarviointimenetelmien tutkimusperinteen. Kustannusten arvioinnin jälkeen voi edetä tutkimaan esimerkiksi ääniongelmien preventiivisten hoitojen hyötyjen ja kustannusten suhdetta. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tiedonhaku tehtiin PubMed-, Ovid Medline- ja Scopus-tietokannoista tammikuussa 2024. Hakulausekkeeseen sisällytettiin taloudelliseen arviointiin ja ääniongelmiin liittyviä termejä. Lopulliseksi tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui tarkastelun jälkeen seitsemän artikkelia ja lisäksi yksi artikkeli otettiin mukaan käsinpoimintana. Artikkelit oli julkaistu vuosina 2012–2022. Aineisto analysoitiin poimimalla artikkeleista tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen kannalta tärkeimmät tiedot ja pohtimalla niitä. Aineisto kuvattiin tarkemmin taulukkoon ja tiedoista luotiin tutkielmaan synteesi. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimusartikkelit edustivat kolmenlaisia tutkimusasetelmia. Aineistot koostuivat terveys- ja korvaustietokannoista äänihäiriöiden taustadiagnooseilla (ICD-9) haetuista tiedoista, yksittäisen klinikan potilastiedoista ja opettajien, ammatillisen äänihäiriön riskiryhmässä olevien, kyselytutkimusvastauksista. Tutkimusartikkeleissa raportoitujen kustannusten välillä oli vaihtelua. Artikkeleissa oli raportoitu suoria ja epäsuoria kustannuksia erilaisista otoksista. Tuloksista ilmeni, että äänihäiriödiagnoosit ovat kasvussa ja siksi myös hoitojen (suorat) kustannukset ovat kasvaneet. Äänihäiriöiden yleistyminen ja niiden kustannusten nousu selittynee osin hoitojen patoutuneella kysynnällä; hoitoon hakeutuvien osuus on edelleen suhteellisen pieni. Leikkaushoidot kasvattavat suoria kustannuksia ja työpoissaoloja (epäsuoria kustannuksia). Hidas hoitoon pääsy nostaa kustannuksia, koska siihen liittyy sairauden pahenemista, vääriä diagnooseja ja hoitoja sekä elämänlaadun ja työn tuottavuuden heikentymistä. Nopea hoitoon pääsy onkin itsessään preventiivinen toimi. Ääniongelmat ovat opettajilla yleisiä ja niistä aiheutuu paljon epäsuoria kustannuksia, erityisesti työn tuottavuus heikkenee äänihäiriöissä. Ääniongelmien hoitojen tutkimiseen kannattaisi jatkossa panostaa yhä enemmän.
  • Kivi, Pauliina (2020)
    Aim. Voice problems are more common with teachers than in any other group of employees and that often complicates working. If voice problems become chronic, that may lead to difficulties with career and cause substantial costs to the society. Still, only less than half of those with voice problems search for professional healthcare. The purpose of the study was to explore what kind of help teachers were looking for their problems, and how the healthcare reacted. Methods. Structured questionnaire, which gathered the following information: the length of teaching experience, number of pupils in class, the experienced handicap of personal voice problem, and if the teachers had searched for and got help from public healthcare providers or somewhere else. The questionnaire was available at a teachers' closed Facebook group. The results were analyzed with the SPSS Statistics using cross-tabulation and Spearman's rank-order correlation. Results and discussion. 43 teachers completed the online questionnaire during a four-week period. The respondents were all around Finland, 46.5% of them had experienced voice problems, which complicated their work during their careers and 61% of them pursued for medical help. The most common reason why help wasn't seeked was that the problem was relieved with rest. The most common consequence of seeking help was sick leave. In general, the teachers felt that they were taken seriously at the healthcare institution but the contact didn't necessarily lead to alleviation of the voice problem. The results are similar as in other studies. Reasons and origin of voice problems are diverse and extended. Teachers' voice problems should be prevented with voice education during their education.
  • Talvensaari, Oona-Marleena (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Näyttelijäopiskelijoille ääni on keskeinen työväline. Näyttelijäntyö vaatii ääneltä sekä kestävyyttä, tiettyjä äänenlaadullisia ominaisuuksia että ilmaisukykyä. Työ voi olla fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti haastavaa, mikä voi lisätä ääneen kohdistuvaa kuormitusta. Stressillä voi olla yhteyttä äänen ongelmiin. Näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireita tai äänenkäytön ongelmia on tutkittu vain vähän eikä stressin yhteyttä niihin ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kerätä tietoa näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireiden esiintyvyydestä ja siitä, miten mahdolliset äänioireet ja ääniongelma ilmenevät heidän arjessaan. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, onko stressillä yhteyttä näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireiden määrään ja laatuun. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin sähköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomake sisälsi esitietolomakkeen, Äänioirekyselyn, Voice Activity and Participation Profile-kyselyn (VAPP) ja Perceived Stress Scale-kyselyn (PSS-10) sekä kaksi avointa kommenttikenttää. Aineisto koostui 24:n korkeakoulussa opiskelevan näyttelijäopiskelijan vastauksista. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin SPSS-ohjelmalla ja siitä laskettiin määriä, prosenttiosuuksia ja tunnuslukuja. Tutkittavat jaettiin äänioirekyselyn vastausten pohjalta kahteen ryhmään sen perusteella, kokivatko he kahta tai useampaa äänioireitta päivittäin tai viikoittain. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Näyttelijäopiskelijoista suurimmalla osalla esiintyi yhtä tai useampaa äänioiretta ja kolmasosalla kahta tai useampaa äänioiretta päivittäin tai viikoittain. Yleisimpiä äänioireita olivat aamuisin painunut tai käheä ääni, äänen rasittuminen tai väsyminen, kipu, jännitys tai palan tunne kurkunpään alueella ja tarve selvittää kurkkua, yskiä tai rykiä puhuessa. Näyttelijäopiskelijoista noin puolet kokivat, että heillä oli jonkinasteinen ääniongelma. Ääniongelmalla oli vaikutusta eniten näyttelijäopiskelijoiden tunteisiin ja työhön. Suurin osa näyttelijäopiskelijoista oli kokenut itsensä stressaantuneeksi tai hermostuneeksi hyvin tai melko usein viimeisen kuukauden aikana. Stressin määrän ei todettu olevan tilastollisesti yhteydessä äänen oireilun kanssa. Avoimissa kommenteissa tuotiin kuitenkin esille äänen hyvinvoinnin ja oireilun vaikutus omaan psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja kokemukseen itsestä.
  • Talvensaari, Oona-Marleena (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Näyttelijäopiskelijoille ääni on keskeinen työväline. Näyttelijäntyö vaatii ääneltä sekä kestävyyttä, tiettyjä äänenlaadullisia ominaisuuksia että ilmaisukykyä. Työ voi olla fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti haastavaa, mikä voi lisätä ääneen kohdistuvaa kuormitusta. Stressillä voi olla yhteyttä äänen ongelmiin. Näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireita tai äänenkäytön ongelmia on tutkittu vain vähän eikä stressin yhteyttä niihin ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kerätä tietoa näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireiden esiintyvyydestä ja siitä, miten mahdolliset äänioireet ja ääniongelma ilmenevät heidän arjessaan. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, onko stressillä yhteyttä näyttelijäopiskelijoiden äänioireiden määrään ja laatuun. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin sähköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomake sisälsi esitietolomakkeen, Äänioirekyselyn, Voice Activity and Participation Profile-kyselyn (VAPP) ja Perceived Stress Scale-kyselyn (PSS-10) sekä kaksi avointa kommenttikenttää. Aineisto koostui 24:n korkeakoulussa opiskelevan näyttelijäopiskelijan vastauksista. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin SPSS-ohjelmalla ja siitä laskettiin määriä, prosenttiosuuksia ja tunnuslukuja. Tutkittavat jaettiin äänioirekyselyn vastausten pohjalta kahteen ryhmään sen perusteella, kokivatko he kahta tai useampaa äänioireitta päivittäin tai viikoittain. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Näyttelijäopiskelijoista suurimmalla osalla esiintyi yhtä tai useampaa äänioiretta ja kolmasosalla kahta tai useampaa äänioiretta päivittäin tai viikoittain. Yleisimpiä äänioireita olivat aamuisin painunut tai käheä ääni, äänen rasittuminen tai väsyminen, kipu, jännitys tai palan tunne kurkunpään alueella ja tarve selvittää kurkkua, yskiä tai rykiä puhuessa. Näyttelijäopiskelijoista noin puolet kokivat, että heillä oli jonkinasteinen ääniongelma. Ääniongelmalla oli vaikutusta eniten näyttelijäopiskelijoiden tunteisiin ja työhön. Suurin osa näyttelijäopiskelijoista oli kokenut itsensä stressaantuneeksi tai hermostuneeksi hyvin tai melko usein viimeisen kuukauden aikana. Stressin määrän ei todettu olevan tilastollisesti yhteydessä äänen oireilun kanssa. Avoimissa kommenteissa tuotiin kuitenkin esille äänen hyvinvoinnin ja oireilun vaikutus omaan psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja kokemukseen itsestä.
  • Tervo, Johanna (2015)
    Aim: The voice is an important part of group fitness instructors' work. Yet, the working conditions of group fitness instructors are vocally challenging due to acoustics, air conditioning, background noise and physical strain. Voice problems of group fitness instructors are quite briefly researched, but some studies show that these problems are common within this industry. The aim of this study is to find out what kind of voice symptoms occur among group fitness instructors, how often they occur, and also how many instructors have vocal symptoms. In addition it studies how the symptoms are felt to influence on individuals functioning and if there is a connection between the symptoms and the handicap caused by them. Methods: The material was gathered using an electrical survey and formed by answers of 276 group fitness instructors. All the subjects worked as group fitness instructors at least once a week. The survey had three parts: basic knowledge form, vocal symptom survey of seven symptoms and Voice Activity and Participation Profile. The material was analysed using statistical methods on program IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Statistical testing was made using nonparametrical tests. Frequencies, percentages and characteristics were calculated. Subjects were divided in two groups depending on whether they had two or more symptoms daily or weekly, or less than that. Results and conclusions: Almost two out of three of the respondents had at least one voice symptom weekly. About half of the subjects had two or more symptoms weekly or more often, which is considered as a severe amount. Voice getting strained, tired and hoarse were the most common voice symptoms. The effect of the voice problem on functioning were considered mild. However, the amount and rate of symptoms had a linear effect on functioning and wellbeing. Also, the subjects who had two or more symptoms daily or weekly were more restricted on their functioning. Vocal training received by group fitness instructors was thin. It could be beneficial to add aspects of vocal ergonomics on group fitness instructors' training and work.
  • Tervo, Johanna (2015)
    Aim: The voice is an important part of group fitness instructors’ work. Yet, the working conditions of group fitness instructors are vocally challenging due to acoustics, air conditioning, background noise and physical strain. Voice problems of group fitness instructors are quite briefly researched, but some studies show that these problems are common within this industry. The aim of this study is to find out what kind of voice symptoms occur among group fitness instructors, how often they occur, and also how many instructors have vocal symptoms. In addition it studies how the symptoms are felt to influence on individuals functioning and if there is a connection between the symptoms and the handicap caused by them. Methods: The material was gathered using an electrical survey and formed by answers of 276 group fitness instructors. All the subjects worked as group fitness instructors at least once a week. The survey had three parts: basic knowledge form, vocal symptom survey of seven symptoms and Voice Activity and Participation Profile. The material was analysed using statistical methods on program IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Statistical testing was made using nonparametrical tests. Frequencies, percentages and characteristics were calculated. Subjects were divided in two groups depending on whether they had two or more symptoms daily or weekly, or less than that. Results: and conclusions Almost two out of three of the respondents had at least one voice symptom weekly. About half of the subjects had two or more symptoms weekly or more often, which is considered as a severe amount. Voice getting strained, tired and hoarse were the most common voice symptoms. The effect of the voice problem on functioning were considered mild. However, the amount and rate of symptoms had a linear effect on functioning and wellbeing. Also, the subjects who had two or more symptoms daily or weekly were more restricted on their functioning. Vocal training received by group fitness instructors was thin. It could be beneficial to add aspects of vocal ergonomics on group fitness instructors’ training and work.
  • Kiekeben, Julia (2019)
    The aim of this study was to determine which vocal-related factors and characteristics are significant for satisfaction and experience in transmasculine speakers considering their voice. In addition, the goal was to find out what kind of problems transmasculines might encounter with their voice. The research method was an integrative literature review. The research material was collected from two international databases (Pubmed and Web of Science) using a search query (Transsexual OR transgender OR transmasculine OR female-to-male) AND (voice OR voice problems). In accordance with the selection criteria, five research articles on the voice of transmasculine individuals were selected for the thesis. The selection criteria for the articles were: reviewing the voice of transmasculines, in English, peer-reviewed and published after 2000. In addition, the full text had to be available free of charge under license from the University of Helsinki. In all five studies, a significant reduction in the fundamental frequency, ie a lowering of the pitch, had a significant effect on satisfaction. Significant was also compatibility with voice and perceived gender. Problems related to voice were mainly isolated cases and mainly related to the testosterone treatment efficiency and / or the rate of the voice, the lowered pitch, control or other peoples reactions for the detection of sex. Studies 1 and 2 showed that most of the subjects were dissatisfied or not fully satisfied with their current voice. In studies 3 and 4, half or more of the subjects were satisfied with their voices. The study 5 showed that subjects whose voice sounded uniform with the perceived gender, were satisfied with their voices. Low and therefore masculine voice correlates with satisfaction and well-being. Transmasculines satisfaction with their own voice varies. Changes caused by testosterone treatments seem to be sufficient for most transmasculine individuals, but some still report some voice problems.