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Browsing by Subject "Taajamametsä"

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  • Elomaa, Satu (2019)
    Nature is important to people. Urban green areas maintain a big role in provision of citizens’ recreation. Due to increasing urbanization, urban green areas are constantly diminishing. This has caused concern and distress among citizens. Various forest management measures can also cause many different reactions. Thus, nature – forests, meadows, grass fields – hold different meanings for every person. Purpose of this study was to examine how the forest management measures made in western half of Keskuspuisto (Central Park) has impacted on users’ opinions about the area. The study was conducted via web-based survey tool Maptionnaire as a half-structured web survey. 341 users took part in the survey. In total, users marked 512 favourite places, and 116 unpleasant places. Results were examined using cross tabulation, Kruskal-Wallis -test and chi-squared test with a 5 % risk. Mapped responses were examined in QGIS-software, with which the thematic maps of social values were created. Results were compared to a 2009 visitor survey. The first point of interest was how, where and how often survey respondents visited the park. In addition, users' favourite places and unpleasant places and the relating social values were examined, and whether the forest management measures have had an impact on the mapped responses. The results can be used in the forthcoming nature- and landscape management plan in the western half of Keskuspuisto. Based on the results, the western half of Keskuspuisto is very important for its users and its use is versatile. Usage of the area has increased in the last 10 years. A statistical link was not found between forest management measures and mapped responses or social values. Opinions about the forest management of the area varied greatly. It can be concluded that the forest management actions in western part of Keskuspuisto have been quite successful. Users were in general satisfied, but many voiced a concern regarding the future of the area. It is hoped that the area is kept out of future construction plans. Due to varying opinions and wishes, it is important to take the citizens' opinions into account in the city planning. The method of mapping social values and mapping favourite places and unpleasant places were useful ways to gain important information regarding the users and which areas are important to them.
  • Henttonen, Tommo (2020)
    Urban forests are part of the urban environment and create the conditions for a sustainable cityscape. Urban forests differ in their characteristics and objectives from commercial forests. The ecosystem services provided by urban forests take precedence over wood production aspects. Diverse objectives of urban forests make their design and management challenging. Urbanization is still a constant phenomenon, making the urban forests playing an increasingly important role. Human activities weaken and create unfavorable living and growing conditions for urban forests. Together with natural disasters, human activities and urbanization expose urban forests to fragmentation and deforestation. This in turn reduces the value of the ecosystem services they provide as well as the vitality of cities. A growing understanding of the value and importance of urban forest ecosystem services requires sustainable management of urban forests. This requires up-to-date and accurate information, for which remote sensing provides several tools and methods. It has become the most important tool for identifying and mapping urban green spaces in effective urban forest management. This thesis maps and classifies existing research on the use of remote sensing in the planning, management and monitoring of urban forests. The purpose of this work is to create a systematic mapping from which opportunities for systematic reviews and possibly the need for future research can be identified. The work follows the methodology and criteria created for systematic evidence syntheses. A total of 536 articles were included in the systematic mapping created in this work after screening the articles. Systematic literature review is usually carried out as a multi-person team, which increases the reliability of the method. As a thesis, this has been done by one person, which reduces the reliability of the results
  • Henttonen, Tommo (2020)
    Taajamametsät ovat osa urbaania ympäristöä ja luovat edellytyksiä kestävään kaupunkikuvaan.Taajamametsät poikkeavat ominaisuuksiltaan sekä tavoitteiltaan talousmetsistä. Taajamametsien tarjoamat ekosysteemipalvelut ovat etusijalla verrattuna puuntuotannollisiin näkökulmiin. Taajamametsien pienipiirteisyys ja moninaiset tavoitteet tekevät niiden suunnittelusta ja hoidosta haastavaa. Kaupungistuminen on edelleen jatkuva ilmiö, minkä seurauksena taajamametsät tulevat entistä tärkeämpään rooliin. Ihmisen toiminta heikentää sekä luo epäsuotuisia elin- ja kasvuolosuhteita taajamametsille. Yhdessä luonnonhäiriöiden kanssa ihmistoiminta ja kaupungistuminen altistaa taajamametsät sirpaloitumiselle ja metsäkadolle. Tämä taas vähentää niiden tuottamien ekosysteemipalvelujen arvoa sekä elinvoimaisuutta kaupungeissa. Kasvava ymmärrys taajamametsien ekosysteemipalveluiden arvosta ja tärkeydestä vaatii taajamametsien kestävää hoitoa. Tämä vaatii ajanmukaista ja tarkkaa tietoa, johon kaukokartoitus tarjoaa useita välineitä ja menetelmiä. Siitä onkin tullut taajamametsien tehokkaan hallinnan tueksi tärkein työkalu, jolla havainnoidaan sekä kartoitetaan kaupunkien viheralueita. Tämä opinnäytetyö kartoittaa ja luokittelee olemassa olevan tutkimuksen kaukokartoituksen käytöstä taajamametsien suunnittelussa, hoidossa ja seurannassa. Tämän työn on tarkoitus luoda systemaattinen kartoitus, josta voi identifioida mahdollisuuksia systemaattisille katsauksille sekä mahdollisesti tarvetta tulevalle tutkimukselle. Työ seuraa systemaattisille kartoituksille luotua metodologiaa ja kriteerejä. Tässä työssä luotuun systemaattiseen kartoitukseen tuli artikkelien seulonnan jälkeen yhteensä 536 artikkelia. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus toteutetaan tavallisesti usean hengen tiiminä, millä lisätään menetelmän luotettavuutta. Opinnäytetyönä tämä on tehty yhden henkilön toteuttamana, mikä vähentää tuloksien luotettavuutta.