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  • Saarimaa, Saku (2022)
    Recent studies on day-care staff have reported on problems in hiring qualified staff, and in increased resignations in existing staff. These problems are connected to an increase in workload and stress, and reduced wellbeing at work. When workload and challenges in day-care work increase, there can even be a risk of diminishing the pedagogical quality of education. The problems seem to occur differently and in different magnitudes in different day-care units, which indicates learning conditions’ possible segregation. In the case of schools, the socioeconomic status of nearby population has been noticed to affect children’s predisposed abilities to learn, and their support requirements in learning. This effect can be assumed to affect early childhood education similarly, which would lead to day-cares in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas to require extra resources and staff to compensate for the children’s increased support requirements. If those extra resources are not available, the staff will experience increased workload and stress, which will cause problems in the long term. The city is known to be somewhat socioeconomically segregated, and if this is mirrored in day-cares so that the backgrounds of children in day-cares get segregated, it may also start to affect the quality of education. In this case the unevenly distributed challenges would cause institutional segregation of learning conditions in early childhood education. The institutional segregation of early childhood education or schools has not been studied much in Finland. Earlier studies on Finnish schools have been able to explain differences between schools through differences in children’s backgrounds, and there has not been a reason to doubt the institutional equality of schools’ quality. The basic principle of the Finnish early childhood education and school system is to provide every child with equal conditions and opportunities to grow and learn. These equal conditions equalise segregation in the population by offering equally high-quality education in both disadvantaged and well-off areas of the city. However, if the segregation of children’s backgrounds is accompanied by the segregation of learning conditions in day-cares, there is a risk of the cumulation of both socioeconomic disadvantage and lower quality of education. In this case, the quality would decrease exactly where it would be most needed. In my thesis I study whether there is differentiation in problems related to hiring or keeping staff in the day-cares in Helsinki, through the numbers of resigned and unqualified staff in each unit. I also look at whether this segregation of day-care units is at all related to the socioeconomic segregation of the city’s population. In the study I utilize HR data from the city of Helsinki and socioeconomic population data from Statistics Finland, which I join onto spatial data of day-cares’ locations. I use this combined dataset to study the segregation of day-cares and its connections to socioeconomic segregation using quantitative statistical methods and spatial analysis methods. The results indicate that there is perceivable segregation in the staff of day-cares in Helsinki, but socioeconomic segregation is able to statistically explain the patterns only slightly. Therefore, mostly other phenomena seem to cause the differentiation in staff related problems, but these phenomena are not yet known. In terms of institutional segregation, the early childhood education system in Helsinki seems to still be quite equal. However, more knowledge about the subject is needed, because both the results in this study, as well as previous studies show some worrying signals pointing to the possibility of institutional segregation. In addition, intense public discourse around the topic of early childhood education, and a wide-ranging worker’s strike, including day-care staff, seem demonstrative of the seriousness of these challenges in day-cares.
  • Kumpuniemi, Suvi (2023)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda monipuolinen katsaus etnisen segregaation yhteydestä Helsingin peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Kokoan yhteen Suomen kontekstissa vielä melko vähäistä ja hajanaista tutkimustietoa etnisestä segregaatiosta ja sen vaikutuksista koulujen oppilaspohjan muotoutumiseen sekä lapsiperheiden muuttopäätöksiin ja kouluvalintoihin. Tutkimuskysymykseni on: Millä tavoin etninen segregaatio on yhteydessä peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen? Etninen segregaatio ja sen yhteys peruskoulun oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen on ajankohtainen aihe, sillä etninen segregaatio ja sen yhteys koulumaailmaan ovat olleet viime aikoina vahvasti esillä suomalaisessa mediassa. Kyseessä on tärkeä aihe tutkia, koska aihe koskettaa koko yhteiskuntaa ja sen ympärille kietoutuu myös kysymykset oppilaiden eriarvoistumisesta sekä mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvosta eli siitä onko oppilaiden taustalla väliä sen kanssa, miten he tulevat kouluttautumaan ja suoriutumaan opinnoistaan. Myös sosioekonominen tausta ja sen vaikutukset liittyvät vahvasti etniseen segregaatioon ja lapsiperheiden muuttopäätöksiin ja kouluvalintoihin, jonka takia käsittelen läheisesti myös sen yhteyttä oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Lasten samanarvoisesta kohtelusta ja yhtäläisistä mahdollisuuksista koulutukseen liittyen tulee huolehtia, koska koulutus ja koulut ovat hyvin merkittävä sosialisaation väline. Toteutin tutkimukseni kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jolle tyypillistä on luoda aiheesta yleiskuvaus tiivistämällä aiempaa tutkimusta. Valitsin aineistooni kolme julkaisua, joista yksi on väitöskirja ja kaksi tieteellistä artikkelia. Valitsin aineiston siten, että saan aiheestani mahdollisimman monipuolista materiaalia, joten valitsemillani julkaisuilla on kaikilla hieman eri painotus. Etnisellä segregaatiolla on Suomenkin kontekstissa alkanut olla yhä enemmän vaikutuksia koulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Koulut ja asuinalueet ovat alkaneet jakautua aiempaa vahvemmin halutumpiin ja välteltyihin ja perheiden taustalla on väliä, saavatko he lapsensa hyvänä pidettyyn kouluun. Tehdyt muuttopäätökset ja kouluvalinnat, jotka eivät mukaile lähikouluperiaatetta, eriyttävät koulujen oppilaspohjaa ja kasvattavat koulujen välisiä eroja.
  • Kuronen, Kaisa (2020)
    Objectives. The aim of this research was to address the possible connections between school choice and school segregation. The study covered three countries that were Finland, Sweden and England. The theoretical background of this research was based on the most relevant concepts for this research. These concepts were neoliberalism, New Public Management, school choice, educational markets and segregation. Method. I conducted this research as a systematic literature review which means that the data consisted of other researches. The collection of the material was conducted systematically from three different databases. The final material consists of 17 articles, 7 of them from Sweden and 5 from Finland and 5 from England. After the search I analysed all the articles from the point of my research question. From those results I formed a synthesis about each country. Results and conclusion. According to the results there were segregation between schools and in many cases, it was the result of school choice. In some cases, school segregation was explained to be the cause of residential segregation and the cause of residential segregation and school choice combined. In Finland and Sweden school choice explained school segregation more often than it did in England.
  • Kuronen, Kaisa (2020)
    Objectives. The aim of this research was to address the possible connections between school choice and school segregation. The study covered three countries that were Finland, Sweden and England. The theoretical background of this research was based on the most relevant concepts for this research. These concepts were neoliberalism, New Public Management, school choice, educational markets and segregation. Method. I conducted this research as a systematic literature review which means that the data consisted of other researches. The collection of the material was conducted systematically from three different databases. The final material consists of 17 articles, 7 of them from Sweden and 5 from Finland and 5 from England. After the search I analysed all the articles from the point of my research question. From those results I formed a synthesis about each country. Results and conclusion. According to the results there were segregation between schools and in many cases, it was the result of school choice. In some cases, school segregation was explained to be the cause of residential segregation and the cause of residential segregation and school choice combined. In Finland and Sweden school choice explained school segregation more often than it did in England.
  • Wiitasalo, Magdalena (2018)
    Aims: The aim of this thesis is to study what kind of attitudes Finnish political actors have towards school choice. The purpose is to find out how different attitudes are reasoned and justified. I’m also interested in the societal structure and how school choice affects the Finnish comprehensive school system and the future of our society. School choice has raised a lot of discussion because it has become more common amongst families. Through this literature review I try to find out different ways to approach school choice. It is necessary to study school choice because it is important to provide equal opportunities for everyone. However, we should also take individual freedom into account. Therefore, it is crucial to understand different attitudes towards school choice and what kind of effects they might have on the society. Methods: This Bachelor’s thesis is a literature review. My research material consists of litera-ture concerning school choice, including studies and articles. Before choosing my research ma-terial I defined the research question and the main concepts. This way I cut the research sub-ject into smaller pieces before starting the research process. It also helped me to find key-words. I tried to choose primary sources and be critical when choosing the research material. However, the extent of Bachelor’s Thesis restricted the amount of research material I could choose. The purpose of this literature review is to analyse school choice and find out different ways to approach this subject. Results and conclusions: According to this literature review there are mainly two kinds of ways to approach school choice. The first one is the neoliberal approach that emphasizes freedom of choice and individual rights. The second approach accentuates equality and equal possibilities. Socioeconomic status has an impact on families’ school choice. High-educated parents are typically more aware of the possible negative effects, but they still use the possibility to choose more than parents that are less educated. Parents with lower education are on average more supportive towards school choice yet in practise use the possibility to choose less. The individual right to promote one’s educational path is one way to justify school choice. Some people recommend the public school nearest home because the people there are often familiar and the way to school is shorter. The same people also emphasize equality and uniformity.
  • Valkendorff, Tiina (2020)
    This study is an article-type master's thesis, and its purpose was to describe the discussion about the school choice on a Finnish online discussion forum. The research questions were: How is school choice discussed in an online discussion forum? What kind of reasons for school choice are there on online discussion forums? In this study, school choice refers to choices away from a local school. Previous studies have shown that school choice is associated with educational differentiation. In Finland, research of the school selection has been carried out using interview and questionnaire form, statistical data and official documents. The material in this study complements Finnish school choice research, bringing a new perspective into it. The study contributes to the debate about school choice and the differentiation and specialization of primary schools, and also aims to increase understanding of school choice. The material of the study consists of a discussion of school choice, which took place on a dis-cussion forum called Vauva, produced by Sanoma media Finland. The data was collected by using keywords (school * AND selection OR school selection). The material consists of 79 threads where school choice was discussed. The discussion took place in 2005-2015. Quali-tative content analysis and thematic design were used as research methods. The study showed that the school choice debate is multidimensional. In the forum, the authors sought information and shared views and experiences. The material included talk of schools considered to be good or weak and indications of the importance of the school’s reputation. Ethnic and socio-economic criteria were linked to the choice of school, ie factors related to the students' family background, well-being and safety, as well as criteria related to teaching. The criteria for school choice were combined with a discussion of different residential areas, and the quality of schools was seen to be related to the characteristics of the residential area. In the study, school choice is also linked to housing policy issues. The article was published in 2018 in Finnish Yearbook of Sociology of Education vol. 2: Promises of and Faith in Education. Valkendorff, T. 2018. Discussion of School Choice and the “problem” of local school. In. Silvennoinen, H., Kalalahti, M. & Varjo, J. (eds.) Promises of and Faith in Education. Research in Educational Sciences 79. Jyväskylä: Finnish Educational Research Association FERA. [In Finnish]
  • Valkendorff, Tiina (2020)
    This study is an article-type master's thesis, and its purpose was to describe the discussion about the school choice on a Finnish online discussion forum. The research questions were: How is school choice discussed in an online discussion forum? What kind of reasons for school choice are there on online discussion forums? In this study, school choice refers to choices away from a local school. Previous studies have shown that school choice is associated with educational differentiation. In Finland, research of the school selection has been carried out using interview and questionnaire form, statistical data and official documents. The material in this study complements Finnish school choice research, bringing a new perspective into it. The study contributes to the debate about school choice and the differentiation and specialization of primary schools, and also aims to increase understanding of school choice. The material of the study consists of a discussion of school choice, which took place on a dis-cussion forum called Vauva, produced by Sanoma media Finland. The data was collected by using keywords (school * AND selection OR school selection). The material consists of 79 threads where school choice was discussed. The discussion took place in 2005-2015. Quali-tative content analysis and thematic design were used as research methods. The study showed that the school choice debate is multidimensional. In the forum, the authors sought information and shared views and experiences. The material included talk of schools considered to be good or weak and indications of the importance of the school’s reputation. Ethnic and socio-economic criteria were linked to the choice of school, ie factors related to the students' family background, well-being and safety, as well as criteria related to teaching. The criteria for school choice were combined with a discussion of different residential areas, and the quality of schools was seen to be related to the characteristics of the residential area. In the study, school choice is also linked to housing policy issues. The article was published in 2018 in Finnish Yearbook of Sociology of Education vol. 2: Promises of and Faith in Education. Valkendorff, T. 2018. Discussion of School Choice and the “problem” of local school. In. Silvennoinen, H., Kalalahti, M. & Varjo, J. (eds.) Promises of and Faith in Education. Research in Educational Sciences 79. Jyväskylä: Finnish Educational Research Association FERA. [In Finnish]
  • Norberg, Lilian (2023)
    The purpose of this study is to find out the views of the early childhood education personnel of the city of Helsinki regarding the realization of the quality of early childhood educa- tion. The study examines to what extent there are differences in the quality of early childhood education and to what extent experiences of possible high or low quality have common explana- tions. The aim is to analyze how the early childhood education center, region, and the qualification of the personnel explain possible quality variation, and to examine what other reasons there are for quality variation. The theoretical reference framework of the study consists of the definition of the quality of early childhood education and the review of quality evaluation. The data of the research consist of the answers to the survey carried out by the Education De- partment of the city of Helsinki in the spring of 2023. The survey is part of the early childhood education quality, assessment and management development project and it was sent to all Finn- ish-speaking early childhood education centers in Helsinki. The responses to the multiple-choice questionnaire (Likert) were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and by calculating correlation coefficients. Open answers were analyzed using content analysis methods. When investigating the connection of regional socio-economic factors to the quality of early childhood education, the income and education level of the region according to the postal code of the Statistics Finland's database were used as background variables. According to the research results there are considerable quality differences in Helsinki public early childhood education. Differences in quality were largest between individual ECEC centers and child groups, decreasing when looking at bigger regions. Of the quality factors, the sensitivity related to the interaction between the staff and the children and the identification of the child's needs were the best realized. Shortcomings were seen especially in personnel and space re- sources, in pedagogical leadership structures, and in the implementation of child support. The research results gave indications that the quality of early childhood education in higher-income residential areas is higher than in lower-income areas. The qualification of the staff also had an impact on the quality of early childhood education, but it only explained a small part of the variation in quality.
  • Norberg, Lilian (2023)
    The purpose of this study is to find out the views of the early childhood education personnel of the city of Helsinki regarding the realization of the quality of early childhood educa- tion. The study examines to what extent there are differences in the quality of early childhood education and to what extent experiences of possible high or low quality have common explana- tions. The aim is to analyze how the early childhood education center, region, and the qualification of the personnel explain possible quality variation, and to examine what other reasons there are for quality variation. The theoretical reference framework of the study consists of the definition of the quality of early childhood education and the review of quality evaluation. The data of the research consist of the answers to the survey carried out by the Education De- partment of the city of Helsinki in the spring of 2023. The survey is part of the early childhood education quality, assessment and management development project and it was sent to all Finn- ish-speaking early childhood education centers in Helsinki. The responses to the multiple-choice questionnaire (Likert) were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and by calculating correlation coefficients. Open answers were analyzed using content analysis methods. When investigating the connection of regional socio-economic factors to the quality of early childhood education, the income and education level of the region according to the postal code of the Statistics Finland's database were used as background variables. According to the research results there are considerable quality differences in Helsinki public early childhood education. Differences in quality were largest between individual ECEC centers and child groups, decreasing when looking at bigger regions. Of the quality factors, the sensitivity related to the interaction between the staff and the children and the identification of the child's needs were the best realized. Shortcomings were seen especially in personnel and space re- sources, in pedagogical leadership structures, and in the implementation of child support. The research results gave indications that the quality of early childhood education in higher-income residential areas is higher than in lower-income areas. The qualification of the staff also had an impact on the quality of early childhood education, but it only explained a small part of the variation in quality.
  • Parikka, Tuomas (2017)
    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka alueen sosiaalinen epäjärjestys vaikuttaa yksilön halukkuuteen muuttaa toiselle alueelle. Taustalla on hypoteesi siitä, että epäjärjestys toimii alueen sosioekonomisen koostumuksen naapurustomekanismina, joka vaikuttaa alueelta pois suuntautuvaan muuttohalukkuuteen. Tämä dynamiikka kytkeytyy keskusteluun Helsingin eriytymiskehityksestä, jonka on esitetty syventyneen viimeisen 25 vuoden aikana ja saaneen itseään tuottavia piirteitä muun muassa valikoivan muuttoliikkeen myötä. Tämä kehitys on jatkunut siitäkin huolimatta, että Helsingin kaupunkipolitiikka ja kaavoitus perustuvat pitkälti eriytymisen vastustamiseen tähtääviin toimenpiteisiin, kuten sosiaalisen sekoittamisen politiikkaan. Valikoiva muuttoliike voi heikentää huono-osaisen alueen asemaa entisestään. Tällöin naapuruston negatiiviset piirteet vaikuttavat siten, että alueen parempiosaiset asukkaat haluavat muuttaa pois. Se voi johtaa alueen keskimääräisen sosioekonomisen tason heikkenemiseen, mikä puolestaan voi vaikuttaa myös muun huono-osaisuuden ja sosiaalisten ongelmien alueelliseen keskittymiseen. Tällainen kehityssuunta on havaittu Helsingin sisäisessä eriytymiskehityksessä, mutta alueellisen epäjärjestyksen rooli on jäänyt avoimeksi. Tutkimuksen aineistona on Helsingin kaupunkitutkimuksen tutkimus- ja yhteistyöohjelman (Katumetro) kyselyaineisto vuodelta 2012. Aineistoon on yhdistetty rekisteriaineistoa Tilastokeskuksen ruututietokannasta. Käsittelen alueen sosioekonomisia ominaisuuksia sekä fyysistä rakennetta Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskuksen ylläpitämällä pienaluetasolla, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että ruututason muuttujat on muunnettu vastaamaan kaupunginosamaista pienaluetasoa. Tutkimuksen päämenetelmä on logistinen regressioanalyysi, jonka avulla elaboroidaan sosiaalisen epäjärjestyksen vaikutusta muuttohalukkuuteen vakioimalla muita yhteyteen mahdollisesti vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tulosten perusteella sosiaalinen epäjärjestys selittää yksilön kokemaa muuttohalukkuutta toiselle alueelle erittäin merkitsevästi, kun alueen sosioekonomiset ominaisuudet, fyysinen rakenne, yksilölliset piirteet sekä vastaajan kokemat tekijät on vakioitu. Alueen sosioekonomisen tason selittämä muuttohalukkuus selittyy epäjärjestyksellä, mikä viittaa epäjärjestyksen olevan alueen sosioekonomisten piirteiden aikaansaama naapurustomekanismi, joka lisää asukkaan halukkuutta muuttaa alueelta pois. Tulos jatkaa teoreettisessa mielessä sosioekonomisen tason, epäjärjestyksen ja turvattomuuden linjaa muuttohalukkuudella. Tällöin alueen rakenteelliset piirteet sisäistyvät asukkaan epäjärjestyksen kokemuksessa ja vaikuttavat halukkuuteen muuttaa pois. Mikäli poismuuton voi aiempaan tutkimukseen tukeutuen olettaa valikoivan etupäässä sosioekonomisesti parempiosaisia asukkaita, voidaan arvioida, että sosiaalinen epäjärjestys toimii yhtenä alueiden eriytymiskehityksen itseään tuottavan kehän mekanismina. Samalla kun eriytymiskehitys syvenee muuttoliikkeen seurauksena, vaikuttaa siltä, että erityisesti huonosti toimeentulevat ovat halukkaita muuttamaan, mutta heillä on siihen vähiten mahdollisuuksia. Lisäksi he kokevat korostuneesti huono-osaisten alueiden lieveilmiöitä, kuten epäjärjestystä. On kuitenkin epäselvää missä määrin tämä on huono-osaisiin painottuva hyvinvointiongelma. Interaktiotarkastelun perusteella turvattomuutta kokevat lapsiperheet ovat erityisen halukkaita muuttamaan, mikä ilmentää alueen sosiaalisten ongelmien työntövaikutuksen vaikuttavan eri tavoin eri elämäntilanteessa oleviin asukkaisiin. Aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella sekä asumisihanteet että muuttomotiivit perustuvat rauhallisuuteen ja asunnon vaihdon tarpeeseen. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan sosiaalinen epäjärjestys selittää alueelta pois suuntautuvaa muuttoa kuitenkin voimakkaammin kuin asunnon piirteisiin liittyvä tyytyväisyys. Helsinki on elänyt jo neljännesvuosisadan eriytymisen aikaa, eivätkä kaikki sen piirteet jäsenny ainoastaan taloudellisilla, hallinnollisilla tai poliittisilla seikoilla. Sosiaalisen epäjärjestyksen vaikutus muuttohalukkuuteen antaa aihetta pohtia myös sosiaalisten mekanismien roolia eriytymiskehityksessä.
  • Luotonen, Ari (2020)
    The aim of this study is to clarify where socio-economic well-being and socio-economic deprivation accumulates on municipal level in the region of Päijät-Häme between years 2000-2016. In addition to this, purpose is also explore accumulation of socioeconomic well-being and disadvantage on detail 250 m x 250 m- areal level in Lahti and Hollola during years 2004, 2009 and 2016. Map-analysis on municipal level are done during years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2016. This study carried out partly as order by the regional council of Päijät-Häme, where the results of this study are used to needs of regional planning. Established theories of segregation and general factors which are influencing on it are providing background for the results of this study. Materials of this study are consisted of statistical data of both Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) and Statistics Finland (StatFin). This study is empirical and methods that have been used are GIS-analysis and statistical principal component analysis. As results this study showed that on municipal level socio-economic disadvantage as form of low incomes accumulated in municipality of Hartola, while socio-economic well-being as form of higher percentage of persons with university degree, higher income level and lower rate of unemployment accumulated in municipality of Hollola. Based on the analysis of 250 m x 250 m- areal level socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti city tended to segregate more than socio-economically well-off, which wasn’t similar with research results from Europe and United States. This study discovered that between 2004-2016 the share of socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti and Hollola increased, and in Lahti this increase was significant. In Lahti the increase of the share of socio-economically well-off people was slight during same time period, while in Hollola the share of socio-economically well-off people decreased a bit. Based on map analysis about Lahti and Hollola, the locations of socio-economically disadvantaged population 250 m x 250 m- neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension were not the same. In Lahti for socio-economically well-off population the locations of neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically well-off population dimension were equal, but in Hollola that was not the case. Observations of the socio-economically well-off and disadvantaged population dimensions, which were analysed by principal component analysis showed up that in Lahti during years 2004 and 2009 the socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension was after all socio-economically priviledged by high percentage of people with university degree education level, which was the case also in Hollola during year 2016.