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Browsing by Subject "hydrolyysi"

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  • Isotupa, Minna (2010)
    3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) and its esterified forms are food-borne contaminants. The chemical properties of fatty acid esters of 3-MCPD and their formation in foodstuffs as well as the analytical methods used to detect them were reviewed. The aim of the experimental work was to compare the analytical methods used to detect 3- MCPD esters and to obtain a method for detection of 3-MCPD fatty acid esters in Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA). Synthesised 3-MCPD palmitate esters and palm oil samples were used to detect differences between the methods. Decomposition of 3-MCPD during hydrolysis with sodium methoxide was studied as well as the formation of excess 3- MCPD in palm oil samples during acid hydrolysis. 3-MCPD fatty acid esters were determined as free 3-MCPD by GC-MS after hydrolysis and derivatisation with phenylboronic acid. Free 3-MCPD was cleaved from 3-MCPD esters using acidic hydrolysis with sulphuric acid and methanol or transesterification with sodium methoxide. The amount of 3-MCPD obtained after the hydrolysis of synthesised 3-MCPD esters with sodium methoxide was only 45 % of that obtained after acid hydrolysis. There was a statistical difference between the means at a 95 % level of significance. The formation of excess 3-MCPD during acid hydrolysis was not proven from the results obtained from the palm oil samples. Results showed the opposite, as the amount of 3-MCPD obtained was larger after hydrolysis with sodium methoxide. The precision of the results was poor possibly due to a large systematic error and should be renewed in the future. The results showed there is a significant difference between the two methods of hydrolysis and that the choice between the methods can influence the recovery of the 3-MCPD esters.
  • Nylund, Asta (2012)
    The aim of this work was to collect information about the effects of enzymatic lactose hydrolysis to the structure of yoghurt. The literature part of the study deals with the hydrolysed yoghurt components such as milk, lactic acid bacteria and lactases, lactose intolerance, yoghurt production and the concepts of defining a good structure of yoghurt. The factors influencing the structure of the fat-free and hydrolysed yoghurt is also mentioned. In the experimental part the influences of hydrolysis and the certain lactase to the structure of yoghurt was studied. Purpose of the experimental part of the work was to study on the influence of certain hydrolysis methods and certain lactases on the structure of yoghurt. First of all the optimum solid nonfat content of the hydrolysed and unhydrolysed yoghurt was defined. Three different solid non fat contents in yoghurt were studied and the one showing best viscosity differences between hydrolysed and unhydrolysed yoghurt was chosen for further tests. In the follow-up studies the lactose was hydrolysed using three different methods and four different lactases in a manner, that two methods was made with the same lactase and the third method was made using three different lactases. Both chemical and microbial souring agents were used in the yoghurt production. The samples were examined at the moment of fermenting the yoghurt to seven day old yoghurts. During the acidification of the yoghurts the amounts of lactic acid bacteria, acidification and the titrable acidification rate, tyrosine equivalent-, glucose-, galactose and lactose contents were measured and during the seven days viscosity and whey separation were defined. For the result there was differences in the structure of the hydrolysed and unhydro-lysed yoghurts which could occur because of the lactose hydrolysis. There was also differences in lactases used so both the lactose hydrolysis method and lactase used may affect significantly the structure of the yoghurt.
  • Ruikka, Oona (2020)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa paneuduttiin kauran makromolekyyleihin ja niiden toiminnallisuuteen ja reologisiin mittausmenetelmiin sekä hydrolysoiviin entsyymeihin. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosuudessa perehdyttiin emulsio- ja vaahtorakenteisiin sekä hydrokolloideihin ja niiden merkitykseen elintarvikerakenteissa. Kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli muodostaa kylmäsäilytyksen kestävä täysjyväkaurapohjainen lusikoitava emulsiorakenne. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko täysjyväkauraemulsion makeuttaa luonnollisesti ja muuttaako makeuttaminen emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä. Työssä käytettiin täysjyväkauraa kaurafraktioiden sijaan, jolloin sivuvirtoja ei muodostunut ja prosessointiin käytettävä energia pysyi minimissään. Lisäksi emulsio sisälsi kaikki tunnetut täysjyväkauran ravitsemusta ja terveyttä edistävät tekijät ja toiminnalliset ominaisuudet. Makeus luotiin entsymaattisen hydrolyysin avulla. Emulsion mekaanista pysyvyyttä vahvistettiin hydrokolloidilla ja mikrobiologista säilyvyyttä parannettiin hapon lisäyksellä. Emulsion pysyvyyttä seurattiin kolmen viikon kylmäsäilytyksen aikana aistinvaraisella arvioinnilla ja mittaamalla viskositeettia, pisarakokojakaumaa ja synereesin määrää. Kirjallisuustiedon perusteella kauran lämpökäsittelyn arveltiin heikentävän emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä, mutta tätä ei havaittu tutkimuksessa. Täysjyväkauran tärkkelyksen liisteröinnin ja emulgoinnin avulla täysjyväkauraseoksesta saatiin aikaan miellyttävä lusikoitava emulsiorakenne, jonka pysyvyys parani luontaisen hydrokolloidin lisäyksellä ja happaman pH:n ansiosta. Entsymaattisen hydrolysoinnin ansiosta kauraseos makeutui ja emulsion täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta voitiin suurentaa lähes kaksinkertaiseksi verrattuna entsyymikäsittelemättömään emulsioon. Tässä työssä tutkitulla prosessilla voidaan lisätä välipalatuotteen täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta, joka parantaa välipalatuotteen ravitsemuksellisia ja terveydellisiä etuja.
  • Ruikka, Oona (2020)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa paneuduttiin kauran makromolekyyleihin ja niiden toiminnallisuuteen ja reologisiin mittausmenetelmiin sekä hydrolysoiviin entsyymeihin. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosuudessa perehdyttiin emulsio- ja vaahtorakenteisiin sekä hydrokolloideihin ja niiden merkitykseen elintarvikerakenteissa. Kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli muodostaa kylmäsäilytyksen kestävä täysjyväkaurapohjainen lusikoitava emulsiorakenne. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko täysjyväkauraemulsion makeuttaa luonnollisesti ja muuttaako makeuttaminen emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä. Työssä käytettiin täysjyväkauraa kaurafraktioiden sijaan, jolloin sivuvirtoja ei muodostunut ja prosessointiin käytettävä energia pysyi minimissään. Lisäksi emulsio sisälsi kaikki tunnetut täysjyväkauran ravitsemusta ja terveyttä edistävät tekijät ja toiminnalliset ominaisuudet. Makeus luotiin entsymaattisen hydrolyysin avulla. Emulsion mekaanista pysyvyyttä vahvistettiin hydrokolloidilla ja mikrobiologista säilyvyyttä parannettiin hapon lisäyksellä. Emulsion pysyvyyttä seurattiin kolmen viikon kylmäsäilytyksen aikana aistinvaraisella arvioinnilla ja mittaamalla viskositeettia, pisarakokojakaumaa ja synereesin määrää. Kirjallisuustiedon perusteella kauran lämpökäsittelyn arveltiin heikentävän emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä, mutta tätä ei havaittu tutkimuksessa. Täysjyväkauran tärkkelyksen liisteröinnin ja emulgoinnin avulla täysjyväkauraseoksesta saatiin aikaan miellyttävä lusikoitava emulsiorakenne, jonka pysyvyys parani luontaisen hydrokolloidin lisäyksellä ja happaman pH:n ansiosta. Entsymaattisen hydrolysoinnin ansiosta kauraseos makeutui ja emulsion täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta voitiin suurentaa lähes kaksinkertaiseksi verrattuna entsyymikäsittelemättömään emulsioon. Tässä työssä tutkitulla prosessilla voidaan lisätä välipalatuotteen täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta, joka parantaa välipalatuotteen ravitsemuksellisia ja terveydellisiä etuja.
  • Salminen, Jenni (2023)
    The use of plastics has increased globally and more and more of it ends up in the environment. Microbes can be used to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a biodegradable plastic substrate. Instead of nonrenewable fossil raw materials, such as renewable sewage sludge can be used as a carbon source for polyhydroxyalkanoates. The aim of this work was to investigate the microbial diversity and metabolism of the first hydrolysis step of the three-step polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production process. In the first step, organic polymers, such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are hydrolyzed into monomers, which are then converted into short-chain volatile fatty acids (VFA). The volatile fatty acids are used in the third step as a substrate in microbial PHA production. In the second step, the polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulating microbes are enriched, and used in the third step for PHA synthesis. In this work, different types of sludges were used as a carbon source. Sludges were sludge for biogas production, sludge after biogas production and sludge after nitrogen removal in stripping. The concentration of volatile fatty acids, cellulose and lignin was determined in the bioreactors. Volatile fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography. Cellulose and lignin were determined after hydrolysis by filtering and drying the samples. The nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene was determined from pure materials. Shotgun metagenome sequencing was performed on bioreactor DNA samples to sequence the entire microbial genomes. Hydrolysis bioreactors were maintained for 12 days. Microbes did not degrade cellulose and lignin well. The best volatile fatty acids yields were obtained from the sludge for biogas production (172 mg/g organic matter ± 6.25). Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were the major phyla in the bioreactors, and microbial genera differed greatly between bioreactors. Microbial genes coding for carbohydrate and protein metabolism were predominant in the bioreactors.
  • Kataja, Sara (2018)
    Production of biofuels from non-food-based materials, such as lignocellulose, provides a good alternative for the traditional burning of fossil fuels. Some of the researched and existing biofuel applications are based on the utilization of enzymes. There are multiple cellulolytic enzymes required in the efficient hydrolysis of lignocellulose, and one of the key enzyme group is β-glucosidases. These enzymatic systems are mainly adopted from wood-decaying fungi. The overall enzymatic system consists of different types of cellulases that first degrade the crystalline cellulose to oligosaccharides and cellobiose. In the final step, β-glucosidases hydrolyse the oligosaccharides to glucose (a fermentable sugar). In fact, β-glucosidases are one of the limiting enzyme classes in this process, due to phenomena such as end-product inhibition. β-Glucosidases belong to Glycoside hydrolases (GH), that can be classified into different protein families. In an industrial perspective, the main interest resides in GH1 and GH3 family enzymes. Many industrially relevant extracellular β-glucosidases belong to GH3 family. However, intracellular GH1 β-glucosidases often exhibit higher tolerance to harsh conditions such as high substrate and product concentrations, high temperatures and low pH. The goal of this MSc thesis work was to purify and characterize a novel GH1 β-glucosidase, named NBG. Both GH1 and GH3 family enzymes were used as references for the characterization work. The GH3 reference enzyme was a β-glucosidase from Aspergillus niger (An Cel3A), derived from the commercial enzyme preparation Novozym 188. The used GH1 reference was a β-glucosidase from termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis (Nt GH1). The applicability of NBG β-glucosidase in biomass hydrolysis was also examined, together with possible considerations for applicability by other type of applications. The purification of An Cel3 reference enzyme was performed as described previously in literature. A novel protocol combining thermal treatment and low resolution IEX purification was developed for the NBG enzyme in this study. The enzyme’s activity on various pNP-substrates was determined, followed by pH stability, thermostability and inhibition studies. According to the result, NBG is a potential candidate for industrial use. The enzyme was found to be thermostable and active in a wide pH range when compared to the reference enzymes (stable up to 20 h at +60 ˚C and in pH 3.5 – 6.0). NBG also exhibited wider activity on pNP-substrates than the reference enzymes, highest specific activity being on pNPG, followed by moderate activity on pNPFuc and low activities on pNPGal and pNPXyl. Furthermore, NBG exhibited higher tolerance to inhibitors such as glucose and ethanol. Glucose inhibition was not observed until concentration of 200 mM for NBG, while in the same concentration the reference enzymes were almost completely inhibited. A Clear activation (of +16 %) by 100 mM glucose was observed with NBG. This enzyme also outperformed the An Cel3A-reference in ethanol tolerance, retaining activity better in 15 and 20 % ethanol. Activation by ethanol was also observed for both of the fungal enzymes, the most pronounced effect being observed for NBG in 15 % ethanol (+21 % of initial activity). The hydrolysis of insoluble cellulosic substrate (Avicel) was investigated using a commercial cellulase mixture (Celluclast 1.5L), where a semi-pure β-glucosidase preparation was added: novel β-glucosidase preparation (NBG (2-S2)) or the reference preparation An Cel3A (Nz188). According to the results, the NBG (2S-2) was outperformed by An Cel3A (Nz188) in Avicel 4 – 72 h hydrolysis experiments. The amount of reducing sugars released from Avicel was approximately 18–19 % higher with the commercial Nz188 preparation when compared to the 2S-2 preparation. Further analyses of samples revealed accumulation of cello-oligosacchardes, which may accumulate due to two possible reasons: Either the NBG enzyme does not possess high enough cellobiase activity (needed in biomass hydrolysis to glucose), or accumulation of cellobiose is due to transglycosylation activity of NBG. According to activity (and 3D modelling) data, NBG may not be a true β-glucosidase belonging to the EC (and having cellobiase activity). Further investigation of the possible substrate specificity and transglycosylation activity of the NBG will be needed in assessing its applicability in other types of biotechnical applications.
  • Peltomäki, Katja (2019)
    The literature part of the study dealt with frying methods, frying fats and oils, chemical and physical changes of frying fats and oils during the frying and analyse methods of frying fats and oils. The aim of the experimental part was to study changes in rapeseed oil quality during continuous frying process during three different frying periods. Especially the effect of day without production during the frying period was studied. Samples, frying oils, were taken every day during the different frying periods. In period one and two there was one day without production. Oils were stored in storage tanks during that time. In third period, there was production on every day. All samples were inspected for colour, odour, viscosity and clearness by visual methods. Also viscosity by rotation viscometer, smoking point, free fatty acids by titration method, fatty acid content and water content of samples was analysed. Based on sensory evaluation, the quality of oil deteriorated over thedays of use. Colour was darker, viscosity was higher and off-odours were sensed. Instrumental analyses indicate same kind of changes; viscosity and free fatty acid were increased and smoking point and amount of unsaturated fatty acid were decreased while frying time was increasing. In literature, also same changes were mentioned. There was changes in fatty acid content during the frying periods. More fatty acids characteristic to meat was detected in oils at the end of period than in fresh oils. Based on these results, oil quality remained acceptable in everyday use for a typical frying period of one week. Difference between fresh oil and used oils was clear but still acceptable. The amount of free fatty acids, and the level of viscosity and smoking points were under the limits applied in Finland. The day without production deteriorated oils quality substantially Reducing the amount of oil in process and having shorter frying periods or more efficient filtering of oils can help to keep the quality of frying oil better.