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Browsing by Subject "itsemääräytymisenteoria"

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  • Bagrova, Julia (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of the dissertation was to study the basic psychological needs and positive mental health of employees in a Finnish financial sector organization. The research task was to examine the current state of the basic psychological needs of the theory of authenticity, benevolence and self-determination among the employees of the target organization and their connection to the perceived positive mental health. The study examined the construction of a new model and its relationship to positive mental health using linear regression analysis. Methods. For the study, I constructed a research questionnaire utilizing several validated measures of positive mental health, authenticity, benevolence, and SDT theory’s basic psychological needs. The questionnaire was administered to the employees of the target group by e-mail. Participation was voluntary and 395 responses were received. Correlation, cluster analysis, and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The study involved using linear regression analysis for modelling relations between basic psychological needs of self-determination theory across authenticity, benevolence and self-determination, and examining its relationship to positive mental health. Results and conclusions. Satisfaction with the basic psychological needs of the employees of the target organization was quite strong. On the other hand, the perceived positive mental health of the employees was somewhat lower than the average of the Finnish population in general. The study revealed that the basic psychological needs of self-determination theory, benevolence, and authenticity are associated with perceived positive mental health. The model called as a Calling and model of Calling obtained in the study explained a total of 49% of the variation in positive mental health. The results show that high satisfaction with the basic psychological needs of workers in the financial sector predicts a higher perceived positive mental health.
  • Bagrova, Julia (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of the dissertation was to study the basic psychological needs and positive mental health of employees in a Finnish financial sector organization. The research task was to examine the current state of the basic psychological needs of the theory of authenticity, benevolence and self-determination among the employees of the target organization and their connection to the perceived positive mental health. The study examined the construction of a new model and its relationship to positive mental health using linear regression analysis. Methods. For the study, I constructed a research questionnaire utilizing several validated measures of positive mental health, authenticity, benevolence, and SDT theory’s basic psychological needs. The questionnaire was administered to the employees of the target group by e-mail. Participation was voluntary and 395 responses were received. Correlation, cluster analysis, and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The study involved using linear regression analysis for modelling relations between basic psychological needs of self-determination theory across authenticity, benevolence and self-determination, and examining its relationship to positive mental health. Results and conclusions. Satisfaction with the basic psychological needs of the employees of the target organization was quite strong. On the other hand, the perceived positive mental health of the employees was somewhat lower than the average of the Finnish population in general. The study revealed that the basic psychological needs of self-determination theory, benevolence, and authenticity are associated with perceived positive mental health. The model called as a Calling and model of Calling obtained in the study explained a total of 49% of the variation in positive mental health. The results show that high satisfaction with the basic psychological needs of workers in the financial sector predicts a higher perceived positive mental health.
  • Bagrova, Julia (2019)
    Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan elämän merkityksellisyyden ja subjektiivisen hyvinvoinnin välistä yhteyttä. Tutkielman menetelmänä on käytetty kuvaileva kirjallisuuskat-saus. Tarkoituksena on tutustua keskeisiin teorioihin elämän mielekkyydestä ja selvittää mahdollisia selittäviä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat rakentavasti ihmisen subjektiiviseen hyvin-vointiin. Tutkielman varsinaisena teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytetään Maslowin tarve-hierarkia- sekä Deci & Ryanin itsemääräytymisenteoriat. Maslowin tarvehierarkiateorian mukaan subjektiivinen hyvinvointi edellyttää yksilön perus-tarpeiden täyttymistä. Lisäksi yhdysvaltalaiset motivaatiotutkijat Deci ja Ryan ovat osoitta-neet, että ihmisen psykologiset perustarpeet, kuten autonomia, osaaminen ja yhteenkuulu-vuuden tunne ovat yhteydessä subjektiiviseen hyvinvointiin. Tässä tutkielmassa molemmat teoriat esitellään ja sen jälkeen pohditaan subjektiivisen hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen tulevaisuu-den perspektiivejä. Tulevaisuuden perspektiivit esitellään hyvätahtoisuuden ja autenttisuuden käsitteiden avulla. Erityisesti suomalainen filosofian tohtori Martela on pohtinut hyvätahtoisuuden käsitettä itse-määräytymisen teorian mahdollisena jatkokehityksenä. Martela on ehdottanut, että hyvänta-hoisuutta voidaan nähdä ihmisen psykologisena perustarpeena, joka autonomian, osaamisen ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen kanssa yhdessä vaikuttaa ihmisen hyvinvointiin. Lopuksi esit-telen autenttisuuden käsitteen: ehdotan, että autenttisuus voidaan nähdä potentiaalisena it-semääräytymisenteorian evoluutiona.