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  • Kankaanpää, Miia (2015)
    Aim. Approximately 50-60 children are born with severe to profound hearing impairment in Finland every year. Speech therapy for hearing impaired (HI) children consists of many different methods depending on the child's and his/hers family's individual needs. The main emphasis in HI children's speech therapy in Finland is in the auditory-verbal method. There is only a little information to be found in the literature about the contents of speech therapy for HI children (who use cochlear implants (CI) or hearing aids (HA)). The aim of this study was to find out how much Finnish speech and language therapists (SLTs) have experience about the rehabilitation of HI children. In addition the goal was to find out what components are used in HI children's speech therapy and what role does the children's parents have in their child's linguistic rehabilitation. Method. This study was carried out as a survey. An electronic questionnaire was send via the Finnish Association of Speech Therapists to 1154 SLTs in Finland. A total of 85 responses were received so the response rate was 7.4 %. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 -program. Frequencies, percentages and descriptive statistical analysis were computed (for example average and standard deviation). The data was demonstrated graphically. Rank correlation of ordinal variables was measured using Spearman's rho (ρ), Kendall's tau-c (τ) and Goodman and Kruskal's gamma (γ) rank correlations. Results and conclusions. The results show that Finnish SLTs have only little experience about the rehabilitations of HI children. The most common components in HI children's speech therapy were supporting and guiding children's early vocalizations, auditory training and training of vocabulary. The contents of CI- and HA- children's speech therapy seems to be very similar. The most common approach used in speech and language therapy was auditory-verbal method but total communication and pictures were commonly used as well. The results show that parent's role in HI children's rehabilitations varied quite a lot. It was quite common that parents were not present during their child's speech therapy and the SLTs reported that they would ask separately if they wanted the parents to be present in some speech therapy session. However the results show that most of the SLTs and parents were equal partners in HI children's linguistic rehabilitation. More research is needed to discover factors that influence the contents of HI children's speech therapy and the parent's role in their child's linguistic rehabilitation.
  • Kyyrö, Marjukka (2014)
    Aims. Cochlear implant is a device that provides a sense of sound by electric stimulation of the inner ear hair cells and the auditory nerve. This technology enables the acquisition of spoken language to children who are severely hard of hearing, however, there exists a wide range of variation in language outcomes. Language skills can also develop unevenly in different language subdomains. In most cases, the morphosyntactic sub-skills have been shown a delayed development. This can be due to the perceptual problems that continue to be present despite the cochlear implant, because the cochlear implant does not provide normal hearing. Cued Speech allows access to the complete phonological representations of speech and may then improve the learning of morphosyntactic regularities. The aim of this study is to analyze morphosyntactic skills in Finnish children with cochlear implants in cross-sectional setting and discuss the benefits of Cued Speech in the development of these skills. In addition, parents' experiences and attitudes towards Cued Speech are also surveyed. Methods. Four children with severe hearing loss fitted with cochlear implants and exposed to Cued Speech participated. A video material (30 min) was recorded for the study using semi-structured play setting, where the child interacted with his/her parent. The material was analyzed by using the Finnish version of the Index of Productive Syntax (IPSyn), through which the grammatical complexity of spontaneous speech can be assessed. Results were compared with the development of morphosyntax of normally hearing children and with the IPSyn scores of normally hearing children presented in literature. During data collection details of the use of Cued Speech was surveyed from the parent by a paper questionnaire. Results and conclusions. The morphosyntactic abilities of the children using cochlear implants were mainly at the comparative level as that hearing age mates. These results may be explained by the use of Cued Speech but also by many other factors that were not excluded in this study. Nonetheless, the good morphosyntactic abilities of the children along with parent satisfaction with the use of Cued Speech support clinical decision making when different rehabilitation choices to children with hearing impairment are considered.
  • Kyyrö, Marjukka (2014)
    Aims. Cochlear implant is a device that provides a sense of sound by electric stimulation of the inner ear hair cells and the auditory nerve. This technology enables the acquisition of spoken language to children who are severely hard of hearing, however, there exists a wide range of variation in language outcomes. Language skills can also develop unevenly in different language subdomains. In most cases, the morphosyntactic sub-skills have been shown a delayed development. This can be due to the perceptual problems that continue to be present despite the cochlear implant, because the cochlear implant does not provide normal hearing. Cued Speech allows access to the complete phonological representations of speech and may then improve the learning of morphosyntactic regularities. The aim of this study is to analyze morphosyntactic skills in Finnish children with cochlear implants in cross-sectional setting and discuss the benefits of Cued Speech in the development of these skills. In addition, parents´ experiences and attitudes towards Cued Speech are also surveyed. Methods. Four children with severe hearing loss fitted with cochlear implants and exposed to Cued Speech participated. A video material (30 min) was recorded for the study using semi-structured play setting, where the child interacted with his/her parent. The material was analyzed by using the Finnish version of the Index of Productive Syntax (IPSyn), through which the grammatical complexity of spontaneous speech can be assessed. Results were compared with the development of morphosyntax of normally hearing children and with the IPSyn scores of normally hearing children presented in literature. During data collection details of the use of Cued Speech was surveyed from the parent by a paper questionnaire. Results and conclusions. The morphosyntactic abilities of the children using cochlear implants were mainly at the comparative level as that hearing age mates. These results may be explained by the use of Cued Speech but also by many other factors that were not excluded in this study. Nonetheless, the good morphosyntactic abilities of the children along with parent satisfaction with the use of Cued Speech support clinical decision making when different rehabilitation choices to children with hearing impairment are considered.
  • Snellman, Katariina (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Kuuloviat ovat yleisiä kommunikaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Vaikeiden ja erittäin vaikeiden kuulovikojen kuntoutuksessa käytettävät apuvälineet, kuten sisäkorvaistute (SI), rajoittavat tiettyjen aivokuvantamismenetelmien käyttöä. Aivokuvantamismenetelmien avulla saadaan tietoa aivojen toiminnasta. Toiminnallinen lähi-infrapunaspektroskopia (fNIRS) on aivokuvantamismenetelmä, jonka avulla voidaan mitata optisesti aivokuoren verenkierrossa ja happeutumisessa tapahtuvia muutoksia vasteena erilaisille ärsykkeille. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisissa tutkimuksissa fNIRS-menetelmällä on tutkittu henkilöitä, joilla on vaikea tai erittäin vaikea kuulovika. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineistohaku suoritettiin Scopus ja Ovid Medline -tietokannoista helmikuussa 2022. Hakulauseke muodos- tettiin yhdistämällä toiminnalliseen lähi-infrapunaspektroskopiaan ja kuulovikoihin liittyviä termejä. Artikkeleiden tuli olla vertaisarvioituja englanninkielisiä alkuperäistutkimuksia, jotka olivat saatavilla Helsingin yliopiston käyttäjätunnuksilla. Tietokantojen hakutuloksista aineistoon valittiin kuusi artikkelia. Lisäksi yksi artikkeli lisättiin aineistoon manuaalisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella fNIRS-menetelmää on toistaiseksi hyödynnetty tutkittavien, joilla on kuulovika, tutkimisessa vähän. Tutkimusala on nuori, eikä menetelmä ole vielä laajassa käytössä: tutkielmassa käsitellyt artikkelit olivat neljän tutkimusryhmän julkaisemia. Erityisesti tutkimuksia, joissa tutkittavat ovat lapsia, joilla on kuulovika, on toistaiseksi julkaistu vähän. Tutkittavat olivat kaikissa tutkimuksissa sisäkorvaistutteen käyttäjiä. Lisää tutkimusta, jossa tutkittavat ovat lapsia tai käyttävät kuulon apuvälineenä kuulokojetta, tarvitaan.