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Browsing by Subject "meta-analyysi"

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  • Aaltonen, Kalle (2010)
    Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease with prevalence of 0,8 per cent of Finnish people. Rheumatoid arthritis may lead to immobility and premature death. Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis includes disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and surgery. TNF-blockers are efficacious new drugs, which halt the progression of joint destruction caused by inflammation. The first TNF-blocker to receive permission of the national agency for medicines was Infliximab in 1999. Since then Infliximab has been followed by Etanercept, Adalimumab, Golimumab and Certolizumab. TNF-blockers have been found to be more efficacious than placebo in both clinical trials and register studies. In addition they are considered to be safe enough for clinical use despite the increased risk for tuberculosis and certain cancers. The number of patients annually treated with TNF-blockers in Finland increased threefold between 2004 and 2008. In 2008 the medication costs per patient were 11 669€ for Etanercept and 13 074€ for adalimumab. Systematic literature review is a study, which searches, identifies and combines individual studies. Usually Systematic reviews include a meta-analysis, which uses statistical methods to combine the results of the studies. Meta-analysis aims for increasing power and generalisibility of the studies and reducing the potential bias in individual studies. In order not to introduce bias by itself the systematic review must be done following the methods approved by the scientific community. In addition the process must be documented in detail. Following a predefined search strategy the systematic literature search found 5308 references. After a process involving the evaluation of the patients, intervention, control, outcomes, study design and the risk of bias 27 studies were selected to be included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Of the included studies, nine had adalimumab, six had etanercept, five had infliximab, four had golimumab and three certolizumab as intervention. TNF-blocker was used either alone or in combination with methotrexate whereas control was either placebo or methotrexate. Altogether, there were 11 533 patients in the intervention group and 9027 in the control group. The results of the meta-analysis indicate reveal that the patients treated with TNF-blockers are twice as likely to reach a 20 % increase on ACR criteria compared to control patients. The likelihood to reach improvements of 50 and 70 % was 3 and 3.5 times higher, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in efficacy between individual TNFblockers. Increasing the dosage of a TNF-blocker did not increase efficacy. However, combination of TNF-blocker and methotrexate was superior to monotreatment of TNF-blocker without increasing the likelihood of discontinuation of treatment. There were no statistically significant differences between the efficacy of TNF-blocker monotherapy and methotrexate. Adalimumab, infliximab and certolizumab lead more often to treatment discontinuation compared to etanercept and golimumab, which do not differ from control. This systematic review probably found all studies that investigated the efficacy of TNF-blockers in a randomized controlled trial. Study selection and evaluation were based on widely accepted methods. This study has two weaknesses. Firstly, literature search and study selection and evaluation were done only by a single researcher. Secondly, unpublished studies and study results were not actively obtained outside electronic databases.
  • Talvitie, Emma (2016)
    Study objectives: The efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy based interventions in treating sexually abused children and adolescence is examined in this meta-analysis . Sexual abuse of minors is a serious issue with severe short and long-term consequences on physical and mental health. Previous reviews have shown cognitive behavioural therapy treatments to be effective in treating sexually abused children and adolescence. This meta-analysis adds latitude to this field of study by including more recent studies that have been excluded from earlier reviews. Methods: In all of the studies included all the participants were under 18, they have been sexually abused and they have received cognitive behavioural therapy treatment. Studies were researched through two different databases using different keywords and references of the previous meta-analyses were checked. 18 studies fitting the criteria were found. For each study one effect size, Cohen’s d, were calculated. In the meta-analysis random effects model were used and studies were weighted by variance. Heterogeneity of the studies was examined with Q-test and publication bias with Funnel plot and Fail -safe N-test. Results and conclusions: Cognitive behavioural therapy based interventions are effective. The average effect size was d=0.67 and it was statistically significant. The included studies were heterogeneous and affected by publication bias. The results support the use of these kinds of interventions in treating sexually abused minors.
  • Makkonen, Seija (2014)
    There has been demand for enhancing organic production in the dairy. Organic milk is the most popular organic product at the market in Finland. Bovine milk has many valuable nutritious ingredients; protein, fatty acids and vitamins. Still, there are also some nutrients in the milk, which are considered harmful for human health. Milk contains medium chain saturated fatty acids (SFA), which are suspected to increase the risk of cardiovascular dis-eases, obesity and type-2-diabetes in human. The omega-6 fatty acids are appropriated to increase the risk of some cancers. Organic cows have to graze during the grazing season according to the rules of organic production. Grazing increases the content of multiunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the milk and at the same time decreases the amount of SFA. Grazing enhances the vitamin content of the milk from organic cows according to some previous studies. The cows in the conventional production have higher milk yields than cows in the organic production. The aim of the study was to examine if there are some differences in the composition of cow`s milk between organic and conventional production. The study used meta-analysis, a method which uses all the available results from the previous peer reviewed studies. There were small differences between organic milk and conventional milk. Organic milk contained more alfalinoleic acid, conjugated linolic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega fatty acids than conventional milk. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids was greater in organic milk than in conventional milk, which is regarded healthier for hu-mans. On the contrary the content of linoleic acid was greater in organic milk than in con-ventional milk. No difference in the vitamin content was observed. The milk yield per cow was about 3 kg d-1 greater in conventional production than in organic production.
  • Makkonen, Seija (2014)
    There has been demand for enhancing organic production in the dairy. Organic milk is the most popular organic product at the market in Finland. Bovine milk has many valuable nutritious ingredients; protein, fatty acids and vitamins. Still, there are also some nutrients in the milk, which are considered harmful for human health. Milk contains medium chain saturated fatty acids (SFA), which are suspected to increase the risk of cardiovascular dis-eases, obesity and type-2-diabetes in human. The omega-6 fatty acids are appropriated to increase the risk of some cancers. Organic cows have to graze during the grazing season according to the rules of organic production. Grazing increases the content of multiunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the milk and at the same time decreases the amount of SFA. Grazing enhances the vitamin content of the milk from organic cows according to some previous studies. The cows in the conventional production have higher milk yields than cows in the organic production. The aim of the study was to examine if there are some differences in the composition of cow`s milk between organic and conventional production. The study used meta-analysis, a method which uses all the available results from the previous peer reviewed studies. There were small differences between organic milk and conventional milk. Organic milk contained more alfalinoleic acid, conjugated linolic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega fatty acids than conventional milk. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids was greater in organic milk than in conventional milk, which is regarded healthier for hu-mans. On the contrary the content of linoleic acid was greater in organic milk than in con-ventional milk. No difference in the vitamin content was observed. The milk yield per cow was about 3 kg d-1 greater in conventional production than in organic production.
  • Blomqvist, Laura (2010)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää muurahaishapon vaikutuksia säilörehun käymislaatuun käyttäen hyödyksi aikaisemmin tehtyjä ja julkaistuja tutkimuksia. Kun aineistoa kerätään monesta eri lähteestä ja analysoidaan käyttäen tilastollisia ohjelmia, kutsutaan tapaa meta-analyysiksi. Jos monesta lähteestä kerätyn aineiston analyysissä ei huomioida kokeen vaikutusta, tulee ennusteista harhaisia. Mixed model proseduurissa otetaan huomioon sekä kiinteät että satunnaiset tekijät ja aineisto analysoidaan käyttäen tehokkaita tietokoneohjelmia. Aineistona käytettiin tieteellisten sarjojen julkaisuja, joita oli 42 sekä Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskuksen (MTT) tutkimusraportteja, joita oli 20. Aineisto jaettiin kolmeen osa-aineistoon. Luokittelevana tekijänä käytettiin raaka-aineen vesiliukoisten hiilihydraattien (sokerit) pitoisuutta tuoreessa kasvimateriaalissa. Ensimmäisessä luokassa (SOK1) säilörehun raaka-aine sisälsi sokeria alle 15 g/kg (tuoreessa materiaalissa), jolloin sen katsotaan olevan vaikeasti säilöttävä. Toisen luokan (SOK2) raaka-aine sisälsi sokeria 15–30 g/kg ja tällöin se on kohtalaisen vaikeasti säilöttävä. Kolmas luokka (SOK3) sisälsi sokeria yli 30 g/kg ja tällöin se on helppo säilöä. Aineisto luokiteltiin lisäksi neljään luokkaan säilöntäaineen perusteella, jotka olivat muurahaishappo, muurahaishappo ja lisäaine, maitohappobakteerit sekä maitohappobakteerit ja lisäaine. Lisäksi mukana oli ilman säilöntäainetta tehty säilörehu eli painorehu. Ensin analysoitiin pelkän muurahaishapon vaikutus säilörehun käymislaatuun verrattuna painorehuun. Tästä aineistosta analysoitiin myös muurahaishapon annostustason vaikutus viiteen käymisparametriin. Lisäksi koko aineistosta analysoitiin kaikkien happopohjaisten ja biologisten säilöntäaineiden vaikutus säilörehun käymislaatuun. Muurahaishapolla käsitellyt rehut olivat laadultaan hyviä jokaisessa sokeriluokassa. Muurahaishapposäilötyissä rehuissa pH-arvo oli kaikissa sokeriluokissa riittävän pieni, sokeripitoisuus oli kohtalainen ja samoin maitohapon pitoisuus. Lisäksi proteiinien liiallinen hajoaminen oli estynyt, mihin viittaa pienet ammoniumtypen pitoisuudet kaikissa rehuissa (alle 60 g/kg N). Muurahaishapon annostustaso vaikutti myös selvästi säilöntätuloksiin. Annostustason nostaminen alensi pH:ta muissa paitsi kohtalaisesti sokeria sisältävässä luokassa. Annostustason nosto myös pienensi maito- ja etikkahapon ja ammoniumtypen pitoisuutta, kun taas jäännössokerin pitoisuus lisääntyi. Maitohappobakteereja sisältävät säilöntäaineet eivät saaneet aikaan laadultaan yhtä hyvää säilörehua kuin happopohjaiset säilöntäaineet, kun raaka-aineen sokeripitoisuus oli pieni. Myös painorehu oli huonoa pH:n ollessa korkea ja etenkin korkeat ammoniumtypen ja voihapon pitoisuudet viittaavat siihen, että osassa painorehuista oli tapahtunut virhekäymistä. Kun sokeripitoisuus raaka-aineessa oli kohtalainen tai suuri, saivat myös biologiset säilöntäaineet aikaan laadultaan hyvää säilörehua. Tutkimuksessa kävi hyvin ilmi ero happosäilöntäaineella säilötyn, -rajoittuneesti käyneen ja maitohappokäyneen säilörehun välillä. Paljon sokeria sisältävässä raaka-aineessa pH ja jäännössokerin pitoisuus säilörehussa olivat suurempia ja vastaavasti maitohappopitoisuus pienempi muurahaishappoa käytettäessä verrattuna pelkkään maitohappobakteeriin. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että raaka-aineen sokeripitoisuus vaikutti eri säilöntäaineiden säilöntätuloksiin. Sokeripitoisuuden lisäksi ero kuiva-ainepitoisuudessa vaikutti osaltaan sokeriluokkien käymislaatuun. Muurahaishapon positiivinen vaikutus rehun laatuun oli selvin, kun raaka-aineen sokeripitoisuus oli pieni, mutta se sai myös suuremmissa sokeripitoisuuksissa aikaan tasaisen laadukasta säilörehua. Myös muurahaishapon annostustason kasvattaminen vaikutti positiivisesti rehun laatuun.