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  • Lankinen, Emiel (2022)
    Akuutti haimatulehdus on tavallinen sairaus kirurgian päivystyksessä akuutti vatsa -potilailla. Haimatulehduksen etiologian määrittämisellä on tärkeä rooli toisaalta mahdollisesti tarvittavien hoitotoimenpiteiden valitsemisessa, mutta ennen kaikkea uusiutumisen estossa. Yleisimmät etiologiset tekijät akuutin pankreatiitin taustalla ovat alkoholin liiallinen käyttö sekä sappikivitauti. Harvinaisempia aiheuttajia ovat haiman tai haimatiehyen mekaaninen ärsytys toimenpiteen seurauksena, hypertriglyseridemia, autoimmuunitulehdus sekä tietyt lääkeaineet. Osassa tapauksista aiheuttajaa ei löydetä ja nämä jäävät ns. idiopaattisiksi. Teimme retrospektiivisen katsauksen Helsingin Yliopistolliseen sairaalaan kuuluvassa Meilahden sairaalassa vuosina 2016-2018 hoidetuista akuuttiin pankreatiittiin sairastuneista potilaista. Tarkoituksenamme oli selvittää akuutin haimatulehduksen tämänhetkinen ilmaantuvuus sekä mahdolliset muutokset haimatulehdusten etiologiajakaumassa. Lisäksi arvioimme tarkasteltavina olleiden suureiden mahdollista osuutta altistavina tekijöinä akuuttiin haimatulehdukseen sairastumiselle. Arvioitavia suureita olivat potilaiden ikä, sukupuoli, tupakointihistoria, alkoholinkäyttö, BMI sekä veren hyytymistä estävän lääkityksen käyttö. Tarkistimme myös potilaiden elossaolotiedot sekä selvitimme ilmenneet haimasyöpätapaukset akuuttiin pankreatiittiin sairastaneilla potilailla. Akuutin pankreatiitin insidenssi oli matalampi kuin aiemmissa suomalaisissa tutkimuksissa. Alkoholipankreatiittien osuus oli vähentynyt, mutta oli edelleen korkeampi kuin muissa Pohjoismaissa. Sappipankreatiittien osuus oli noussut. Idiopaattisiksi jääneissä ja alkoholin aiheuttamissa tapauksissa tupakointi esittäytyi merkittävänä riskitekijänä. Idiopaattisissa tapauksissa myös antikoagulanttien käyttö oli mahdollinen haimatulehduksen riskitekijä. Obesiteetti vaikutti olevan merkittävä riskitekijä sekä idiopaattiselle että sappikivitaudin aiheuttamalle pankreatiitille.
  • Lankinen, Emiel (2022)
    Akuutti haimatulehdus on tavallinen sairaus kirurgian päivystyksessä akuutti vatsa -potilailla. Haimatulehduksen etiologian määrittämisellä on tärkeä rooli toisaalta mahdollisesti tarvittavien hoitotoimenpiteiden valitsemisessa, mutta ennen kaikkea uusiutumisen estossa. Yleisimmät etiologiset tekijät akuutin pankreatiitin taustalla ovat alkoholin liiallinen käyttö sekä sappikivitauti. Harvinaisempia aiheuttajia ovat haiman tai haimatiehyen mekaaninen ärsytys toimenpiteen seurauksena, hypertriglyseridemia, autoimmuunitulehdus sekä tietyt lääkeaineet. Osassa tapauksista aiheuttajaa ei löydetä ja nämä jäävät ns. idiopaattisiksi. Teimme retrospektiivisen katsauksen Helsingin Yliopistolliseen sairaalaan kuuluvassa Meilahden sairaalassa vuosina 2016-2018 hoidetuista akuuttiin pankreatiittiin sairastuneista potilaista. Tarkoituksenamme oli selvittää akuutin haimatulehduksen tämänhetkinen ilmaantuvuus sekä mahdolliset muutokset haimatulehdusten etiologiajakaumassa. Lisäksi arvioimme tarkasteltavina olleiden suureiden mahdollista osuutta altistavina tekijöinä akuuttiin haimatulehdukseen sairastumiselle. Arvioitavia suureita olivat potilaiden ikä, sukupuoli, tupakointihistoria, alkoholinkäyttö, BMI sekä veren hyytymistä estävän lääkityksen käyttö. Tarkistimme myös potilaiden elossaolotiedot sekä selvitimme ilmenneet haimasyöpätapaukset akuuttiin pankreatiittiin sairastaneilla potilailla. Akuutin pankreatiitin insidenssi oli matalampi kuin aiemmissa suomalaisissa tutkimuksissa. Alkoholipankreatiittien osuus oli vähentynyt, mutta oli edelleen korkeampi kuin muissa Pohjoismaissa. Sappipankreatiittien osuus oli noussut. Idiopaattisiksi jääneissä ja alkoholin aiheuttamissa tapauksissa tupakointi esittäytyi merkittävänä riskitekijänä. Idiopaattisissa tapauksissa myös antikoagulanttien käyttö oli mahdollinen haimatulehduksen riskitekijä. Obesiteetti vaikutti olevan merkittävä riskitekijä sekä idiopaattiselle että sappikivitaudin aiheuttamalle pankreatiitille.
  • Hukkinen, Maria (2010)
    Tupakointitutkimukset keskittyvät perinteisesti säännöllisesti tai runsaasti tupakoiviin. Koska ei ole osoitettu mitään terveyden kannalta haitattoman tupakoinnin rajaa, määrältään vähäisenkin tupakoinnin tutkiminen on tärkeää. Tutkielman tavoitteina oli analysoida päivittäin 1-4 savuketta polttavien ominaispiirteitä, tupakointitottumusten pysyvyyttä sekä tupakointitavan muutosta ennustavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin vuosina 1975, 1981 ja 1990 kerätyn suomalaisen kaksoskohorttitutkimuksen kyselyaineistoa. Vuoden 1975 aineistossa oli 9 940 päivittäistupakoitsijaa, joista 8% poltti alle 5 ja 20% vähintään 20 savuketta päivässä. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin päivittäin vähän ja paljon polttavien ominaispiirteitä. Vähän tupakoivat olivat todennäköisemmin naisia, yksin eläviä, liikunnallisia, korkeammin koulutettuja, elämäänsä tyytyväisiä ja vähemmän stressaantuneita kuin runsaasti polttavat. Pienempi osuus vähemmän tupakoivista käytti runsaasti kahvia ja alkoholia tai tupakoidessaan hengitti savua keuhkoihin. Pitkittäistarkastelussa ikä, koulutusaste, siviilisäädyn muutos ja alkoholin käyttö ennustivat tupakointitapojen muuttumista. Yksilötasolla vähäinen tupakointi oli usein väliaikaista: seuranta-aikana valtaosa lopetti tupakoinnin tai lisäsi savukemäärää. Väestötasolla vähän tupakoivien osuus pysytteli samana: tupakoinnin aloittajia, vähentäjiä sekä aiemmin lopettaneita mutta uudelleen aloittaneita siirtyi tähän ryhmään.
  • Vähäaho, Niina (2018)
    Background and objectives: Currently in Finland, there are over 66 000 women living with breast cancer. The five-year survival rate is 90.6 %. Breast cancer and its treatments are known to impair patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The current study is a part of an open prospective randomized Breast cancer and exercise (BREX) -study in Finland conducted to investigate whether supervised exercise training shortly after the adjuvant treatments of breast cancer patients could prevent osteoporosis and improve patient’s quality of life. This master thesis examines cross-sectional and prospective associations between the sense of coherence (SOC) and the HRQoL of breast cancer survivors. Methods: 537 long-term breast cancer survivors and controls who participated in a prospective randomized physical exercise intervention with twelve months of supervised exercise training were followed up five years. 406 participants who finished the 5-year follow-up and filled the SOC questionnaire were included in the final analyzes. The SOC was measured by 13-item Finnish and Swedish short forms of Orientation to life Questionnaire (SOC-13) at 3 years. Cancer-specific HRQoL was measured by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) version 3 and general HRQoL by the 15D. Associations between the SOC and the HRQoL were studied by logistic regression analyze. Results and conclusion: The SOC was associated with the cancer-specific and the general HRQoL at the 3-year (p < .001) and at the 5-year follow-up (p < .001). The relationship was the most significant for the general HRQoL, global health / quality of life and emotional and cognitive functions. Weak SOC increases the risk of low cancer-specific and low general HRQoL after the adjuvant treatments of breast cancer. Strong SOC as an inner resource may serve as a protective psychological factor in the adaptation process of breast cancer survivors. The SOC-13 questionnaire might be useful in targeting patients vulnerable to decrease in the HRQoL and in planning psychosocial interventions.
  • Vähäaho, Niina (2018)
    Background and objectives: Currently in Finland, there are over 66 000 women living with breast cancer. The five-year survival rate is 90.6 %. Breast cancer and its treatments are known to impair patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The current study is a part of an open prospective randomized Breast cancer and exercise (BREX) -study in Finland conducted to investigate whether supervised exercise training shortly after the adjuvant treatments of breast cancer patients could prevent osteoporosis and improve patient’s quality of life. This master thesis examines cross-sectional and prospective associations between the sense of coherence (SOC) and the HRQoL of breast cancer survivors. Methods: 537 long-term breast cancer survivors and controls who participated in a prospective randomized physical exercise intervention with twelve months of supervised exercise training were followed up five years. 406 participants who finished the 5-year follow-up and filled the SOC questionnaire were included in the final analyzes. The SOC was measured by 13-item Finnish and Swedish short forms of Orientation to life Questionnaire (SOC-13) at 3 years. Cancer-specific HRQoL was measured by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) version 3 and general HRQoL by the 15D. Associations between the SOC and the HRQoL were studied by logistic regression analyze. Results and conclusion: The SOC was associated with the cancer-specific and the general HRQoL at the 3-year (p < .001) and at the 5-year follow-up (p < .001). The relationship was the most significant for the general HRQoL, global health / quality of life and emotional and cognitive functions. Weak SOC increases the risk of low cancer-specific and low general HRQoL after the adjuvant treatments of breast cancer. Strong SOC as an inner resource may serve as a protective psychological factor in the adaptation process of breast cancer survivors. The SOC-13 questionnaire might be useful in targeting patients vulnerable to decrease in the HRQoL and in planning psychosocial interventions.
  • Lamminen, Markku (2016)
    Formation of second skin under artificial casing is essential when manufacturing of skinless frankfurters. The aim of this study was to study how manufacture skinless frankfurters that have a good and firm bite. In literature part the aim was to study factors what affect the formation of the second skin. Skinless frankfurters were manufactured with 4 different artificial cellulose casing: 23 mm non-CMC (carboxymethylcellulose) casing, 23mm Rapid Peel®-casing, 21 mm Rapid Peel®-casing, 17 mm Rapid Peel®-casing. Frankfurters were prepared with 2 different recipes and thermal treated with 3 different smoking-cooking programs. Commercial and pilot plant prepared natural casing frankfurters were used as a reference. Properties of frankfurters were tested with sensory analysis by making sensory profile of each product (Colour intensity, Flexibility/bendability of skin, Snappiness of the skin (voice), Snappy bite, Gumminess of the skin and Texture of frankfurter). Physical test methods to measure frankfurters were: cooking loss; colour measurements (Minolta); shear force and maximum load of skin with Allo-Kramer device and peak force needed when skin breaks with Texture Analyser. Physical test showed that all product types need to have their own tailored smoking and cooking program to reach the wanted result. Texture analyser and Allo-Kramer-device did not give any logical results so these methods needs more testing for useful results. Sensory evaluation indicated that the properties of a natural casing frankfurter is hard to achieve by manufacturing skinless frankfurter. The differences between artificial casing samples were low in all experiments. But when comparing these results to natural casing had significantly (p<0.05) lower bendability of skin, snappiness and gumminess of the skin was higher as well as the overall texture of frankfurter was harder than skinless frankfurters. In conclusion, skinless frankfurters made with artificial casings could not compete with properties of natural casings. Maybe it is possible to get very close with the right recipe, additives, casing and thermal treatment. But at the moment the natural casing is unbeaten.
  • Kaajakari, Emma (2021)
    Large part of world’s meat products are smoked to achieve desired sensory properties, typical to these products. Many attributes affect the color formation of sausage surface perceived after smoking. Surface color is a substantial part of the quality criteria of the smoked sausage. The aim of this study was to see if fat and frozen meat content of the sausage has effects on the surface color after smoking assessed by sensory evaluation. Assumption was that fat percentage, and the frozen meat content would both affect the color formation and the achieved surface color. The sensory evaluation method that could be applied to production environment was also developed and studied. Sensory study was conducted in three parts with three different semi-trained panels (n=21, n=13 n=13). In the study the color evaluation of sausages was made by using the 6-point color scale and ranking test. The sample sausages had three different frozen meat levels (20 %, 50 % ja 60 %) and four different fat levels (19 %, 21 %, 24 % ja 26 %). The protein, moisture and fat contents and cooking loss of the product were instrumentally measured. Also, the temperature during the cooking was recoded. Sausages with higher fat content were evaluated as lighter than the lower fat level sausages both with the color scale and by the ranking test. The frozen meat content didn’t affect the perceived color of the smoked sausages. The fat content or the frozen meat content did not have an effect to cooking loss. The method of the color evaluation could be used in the production as the result of color evaluation made with the scale gave good results. However, the use of color scale needs to be instructed to all employees doing the color evaluation in the production before using it and is still quite subjective. The main use of the method would have in the reject-accept evaluation to help in t the decision making.
  • Kaajakari, Emma (2021)
    Large part of world’s meat products are smoked to achieve desired sensory properties, typical to these products. Many attributes affect the color formation of sausage surface perceived after smoking. Surface color is a substantial part of the quality criteria of the smoked sausage. The aim of this study was to see if fat and frozen meat content of the sausage has effects on the surface color after smoking assessed by sensory evaluation. Assumption was that fat percentage, and the frozen meat content would both affect the color formation and the achieved surface color. The sensory evaluation method that could be applied to production environment was also developed and studied. Sensory study was conducted in three parts with three different semi-trained panels (n=21, n=13 n=13). In the study the color evaluation of sausages was made by using the 6-point color scale and ranking test. The sample sausages had three different frozen meat levels (20 %, 50 % ja 60 %) and four different fat levels (19 %, 21 %, 24 % ja 26 %). The protein, moisture and fat contents and cooking loss of the product were instrumentally measured. Also, the temperature during the cooking was recoded. Sausages with higher fat content were evaluated as lighter than the lower fat level sausages both with the color scale and by the ranking test. The frozen meat content didn’t affect the perceived color of the smoked sausages. The fat content or the frozen meat content did not have an effect to cooking loss. The method of the color evaluation could be used in the production as the result of color evaluation made with the scale gave good results. However, the use of color scale needs to be instructed to all employees doing the color evaluation in the production before using it and is still quite subjective. The main use of the method would have in the reject-accept evaluation to help in t the decision making.
  • Havulinna, Aki; Salomaa, Veikko; Tervahartiala, Taina; Aarabi, Ghazal; Vihervaara, Terhi; Sorsa, Timo; Pussinen, Pirkko; Salminen, Aino; Ranta, Julia (2022)
    Background: Matrix-degrading proteinases and their regulators, such as matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1), may contribute to various pathological events. Elevated serum MMP-8 concentrations have been associated with e.g. cardiovascular diseases and poorer prognosis of certain cancers. However, there is little knowledge on physiological concentrations of these molecules in serum, or the effect of demographic or lifestyle factors on their levels. Design and methods: We investigated the effect of various demographic characteristics and behavioral habits, such as aging, sex, smoking, and BMI, on serum concentrations of MMP-8 and TIMP-1. We used the FINRISK97 cohort (n = 8446), which has comprehensive information on demographic and lifestyle factors, clinical data, laboratory measurements, and register data available. Further, we investigated the concentrations of MMP-8, TIMP-1, and the MMP-8/TIMP-1 ratio in different age groups of healthy and diseased participants. Linear regression was used to evaluate the association between MMP-8 and TIMP-1 and selected diseases and background variables. Results: MMP-8 levels decreased with increasing age in the whole population and for women, while TIMP-1 concentration increased slightly with age for the whole population and both genders separately (p for linear trend <0.001). The concentrations of MMP-8 were lower and TIMP-1 higher in men compared to women (p<0.001). Additionally, significant positive association was found for MMP-8 and smoking, CRP, and inverse association with obesity and fasting time. For TIMP-1, significant positive association was found with smoking, CRP and obesity, and an inverse association with prevalent diabetes. Conclusion: Serum MMP-8 levels decrease significantly with age, potentially reflecting the attenuated immune response in the elderly. In addition, sex, smoking, and obesity are associated with serum MMP-8 and TIMP-1 concentrations. These factors should be considered in epidemiological studies on serum MMP-8 and TIMP-1.
  • Al-Soufi, Omar (2009)
    Dental students at the University of Helsinki answered a 25-item questionnaire during spring 2008 that investigated their alcohol consumption, smoking habits and knowledge about the risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption. This allows one to estimate how well future oral health care professionals would follow the recommendations they give and how hazardous they consider the risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption to be. In addition, their attitudes towards tobacco use cessation and their opinions on who is responsible for education on tobacco use cessation were elicited to determine how anti-tobacco counselling might work in the future. Current smoking was reported by 17% of the participants and current alcohol consumption by 90% of participants. The majority of dental students (92%) considered education on tobacco use cessation to be the responsibility of dentists/doctors. Fairly high number of participants (43%) reported receiving inadequate information on tobacco cessation during their studies. Dental students should be taught and encouraged early on to routinely discuss with smokers the impacts of smoking on health.